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Gravitational Correction to Vacuum Polarization U. D. Jentschura Department of Physics, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, Missouri 65409, USA and National Institute of Standards and Technology, Physics Division, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA We consider the gravitational correction to (electronic) vacuum polarization in the presence of a gravitational background field. The Dirac propagators for the virtual fermions are modified to include the leading gravitational correction (potential term) which corresponds to a coordinate- dependentfermionmass. Themasstermisassumedtobeuniformoveralengthscalecommensurate withthevirtualelectron-positronpair. Theon-massshellrenormalizationconditionensuresthatthe gravitationalcorrectionvanishesonthemassshellofthephoton,i.e.,thespeedoflightisunaffected by the quantum field theoretical loop correction, in full agreement with the equivalence principle. Nontrivialcorrections are obtained for off-shell, virtualphotons. Wecompare our findingstoother 5 worksongeneralized Lorentztransformations andcombinedquantum-electrodynamicgravitational 1 corrections to thespeed of light which haverecently appeared in theliterature. 0 2 PACSnumbers: 12.20.Ds,03.65.Pm,95.85.Ry,04.25.dg,98.80.-k b e F I. INTRODUCTION Recently, in Ref. [7], it has been claimed thatan addi- 7 tional quantum electrodynamic (QED) correction to the 1 Thespeedoflight,incurvedspace-time,isnotas“con- result (1) exists, which is of the functional form stant”asonewouldotherwiseimagine. Thecurvatureof ] δc Φ (~r) c space-time, according to classical general relativity (see γ =χα G <0, (2) q Appendix A), acts as a refractive medium (without dis- c0 c20 - persion), giving rise to an effective change in the speed r where α is the fine-structure constant, and χ is a con- g of light (as seen from a global, not local, coordinate sys- [ tem), which reads as stant coefficient. For details of the arguments which led Franson to his result given in Eq. (2), we refer the 2 ∆c Φ (~r) Φ (~r) readertoSec.3ofRef.[7]. Essentially,Franson[7]evalu- v =2 G =(1+γ) G <0. (1) ates the vacuum-polarization correction for photons (on 5 c c2 c2 0 0 0 shell) in the gravitational field, using a partially non- 0 3 Here, Φ (~r) is the gravitational potential, normalized covariant formalism [the photon energy E is used as a G 7 to zero for two very distant objects, and the γ pa- noncovariant variable in the propagators; see Eq. (13) 0 rameter is introduced (for Einsteinian gravity, we have ff.ofRef.[7]fordetailsofFranson’sconsiderations]. Itis 1. γ = 1, see Refs. [1, 2]). Throughout this article, we knownfromquantumelectrodynamicbound-statecalcu- 0 set c = 299792458m/s equal to the speed of light as lationsthatevenaslightnoncovarianceintheregulariza- 0 5 consistentwith the Einstein equivalence principle,which tionschemecaninduce spuriousterms[8];somescrutiny 1 states that space-time is locally flat. The speed-of-light should thus be applied. Using his calculational scheme, v: parameter c is canonically set equal to unity in an ap- Franson comes to the conclusion that the speed of pho- 0 i propriate unit system. The time delay formula (1) is tons[hencethesubscriptγinEq.(2)]isalteredduetothe X valid to firstorderin the gravitationalcoupling constant gravitationalcorrectiontotheelectron-positronpropaga- ar (Newton’s constant) G. The concomitant slow-down of torsthatenterthe vacuum-polarizationloopcalculation. light is known as the Shapiro time delay [3–5]. One of For the coefficient χ, the following result has been indi- the most precise tests has been accomplished with the cated in Ref. [7], Cassini spacecraft in superior conjunction on its way to 9 Saturn [6]; it involves Doppler tracking using both X- χ= (according to Ref. [7]). (3) 64 band(7175MHz)aswellasKa-band(34316MHz)radar. At high energy, the dispersion relation for a massive The decisive point of the analysis presented in Ref. [7] particle is not different from that for photons, E = is that the effect described by Eq. (2) is claimed to af- p~2c20+m2c40 ≈ |p~|c0 = ~|~k|c0, where E is the en- fect only photons, not neutrinos, thus slowing the pho- ergy, ~p is the momentum and~k is the wave vector of the tons in comparison to the neutrinos (and other massive p (light or matter) wave. The modification (1) affects the fermions). According to Ref. [7], the propagationof oth- speed of propagation for photons as well as highly ener- erwise massless photons is influenced by the electron- getic neutrinos. For the centralfield of the Sun, we have positron (light fermion) vacuum-polarization effect at ΦG(~r)=−GM⊙/r whereM⊙ is the Sun’smass. Ingen- one-loop order, that of fermions is not. eral, Φ is negative, implying that light is slowed down A different ansatz for a modification of local Lorentz G duetothebendingofitstrajectorycausedbyspace-time transformations stems from the work of Vachaspati [9], curvature. who claims that in addition to “electromagnetic time”, 2 Source Earth one can define an “absolute time” (on the level of spe- n~ cialrelativity),whichtransformsaccordingtoamodified Lorentz transformation (referred to here as the Vachas- r~e d~ r~⊕ pati transformation), and which, according to Ref. [9], is claimed to be compatible with muon lifetime and Sun Michelson–Morley experiments (see Appendix B). The Vachaspatitransformationalsoleadstoa“speedoflight” FIG. 1: Geometry for Eq. (4). parameter which is dependent on the inertial frame. Here, we aimto investigatethree sets of questions: (i) Is the result given in Eq. (2) compatible with all other light rays propagating from the Large Magellanic Cloud astrophysical observations recorded so far in the litera- is claimedto be inagreement[7]with the observedearly ture? Whatboundscanbesetforthe χparametergiven arrivaltimeofthe(stillsomewhatmysterious)earlyneu- in Eq. (3)? Irrespective of the value of χ, what changes trino burst under the Mont Blanc recorded in temporal would result from a hypothetical quantum modification coincidence with the SN1987A supernova [14]. Essen- ofthe speed oflight,induced accordingto the functional tially, the paper [7] claims that the apparent superlumi- form Eq. (2), for the description of other physical phe- nality of the “early” neutrino burst could be due to a nomena? Inparticular,howwouldwedescribeneutrinos quantum electrodynamic effect which slows down light instronggravitationalfields,whereaccordingtoRef.[7], in comparison to the neutrinos, in strong gravitational they propagate faster than the speed of light, even at potentials, with a delay induced according to Eq. (2). high energy? How would the result given in Eq. (2) af- However,thisresultshouldbecomparedtootherpreci- fect the Schiff conjecture [1, 2, 10]? (ii) The next ques- sion measurements of time delays induced by space-time tion then is whether the modification given in Eq. (2) curvature,suchastheShapirotimedelay[3–5]. Thetime exists at all. In Sec. III, we investigate whether or not delaydue tothe refractiveindexofcurvedspaceleadsto the calculations reported in Ref. [7], which lead to the the following formula for a light ray or radar wave as it quantum effect (2), stand the test of a fully covariant bounces back from an object close to superior conjunc- formulation of the gravitational corrections to vacuum tion [see Eq. (49) of Ref. [1] and Fig. 1], polarization, where the virtual fermions in the loop are subject to gravitational interactions. Our calculation is restrictedto an analysisof the electron-positronloopin- δt=2 (1+γ) GM⊙ ln (r⊕+~r⊕·~n)(re−~re·~n) . c3 d2 sertion into the photon propagator, which is the sub- 0 (cid:18) (cid:19) (4) ject of Ref. [7], and does not treat all possible quantum Here, ~r is the vector from the Sun to the source (e.g., corrections to the photon propagator into account. The e analysisinSec.IIthuscoversamuchmoregeneralscope the Cassini spacecraft), ~r⊕ is the unit vector from the Sun to the Earth, while ~n is the vector from the source and answers general questions regarding a modification to the Earth, and d is the distant of closest approach of of the speed of light in gravitational fields, induced ac- the light ray as it travels from the Earth to the source cording to Eq. (2), while the analysis in Sec. III only and back. The parameter γ is used in order to describe covers the vacuum-polarization loop with fermion prop- potential deviations from the classical prediction. agators subject to gravitationalinteractions. (iii) In the The formula (4) is obtained on the basis of the classi- context of atomic physics, what phenomenological con- cal result (1). For details of the derivation, we refer to sequences will result fromthe gravitationalcorrectionto Chap. 4.4 on page 196 ff. of Ref. [15] and exercise 4.8 of the off-shell (virtual) photon propagator? This is briefly page 161 of Ref. [16]. The quantum “correction” given discussed in Sec. IV. The first set of questions also has in (2) has the same functional form as the classical re- relevanceforthe workofVachaspati[9]. Conclusionsare sult (1) but adds a correction to the prefactor. If we reserved for Sec. V. assume the explicit numerical result given in Eq. (3) to be valid, then this leads to a γ coefficient different from unity, II. QUANTUM EFFECTS AND SPEED OF LIGHT 9α γ−1=χα= =1.03×10−3. (5) 64 A. Quantum correction and Shapiro time delay However, the result of the Cassini observations [6] reads as follows, Because the quantum correction (2) is conjectured to be induced by a virtual loop consisting of electrons and γ−1=(2.1±2.3)×10−5. (6) positrons lifted from the quantum vacuum, its existence isnotexcludedbyclassicaltheory,i.e.,beyondthevalid- Theclaim(3)thusisina44.8σdisagreementwiththeex- ity ofthe original(purely classical)generaltheoryofrel- perimental result (6), which is otherwise consistent with ativity formulated by Einstein and Hilbert [11–13]. The zero. UnlesstheauthorsofRef.[6]haveoverlookedasig- delayinducedbytheconjecturedmodificationEq.(2)for nificantsourceofsystematicerror,theeffectdescribedby 3 Eq. (3) thus is in severe disagreement with experiment. toincludethelocalquantummodificationofthespeedof Finally, we should remark that the γ parameter also en- light,whiletheformalismofclassicalgeneralrelativityis terstheexpressionforthelightdeflectionformulaaround unaltered by the quantum modification. Let us also as- a centralgravitationalcentre. An analysis [17] of almost sume that the “localLorentztransformation”,under the 2 million very-long baseline (VLBI) observations of 541 presence of the quantum correction (2), is formulated to radio sources, made by 87 VLBI sites yields the bound be the transformation which preserves the light element δγ =(−1.7±4.5)×10−4, (7) dxµdx =c2 dt2−d~r2 =0, (10) µ loc whichalsoisindisagreementwiththeclaim(2). Accord- where dxµ = (clocdt,d~r) is a space-time interval, and ingtoRefs.[18,19],allcurrentVLBIdatatogetheryield cloc is the speed of light in the local coordinate system. a value of δγ =(0.8±1.2)×104, compatible with zero. Thecorrection∆cgiveninEq.(1)iscompatiblewiththe Alternatively, we can convert the result (6) into a Einsteinequivalence principle ofa locallyflatspace-time bound for the χ coefficient, and therefore does not change the Dirac equation (with parameterc)intheusualDiracequationforfermionwave χ=(2.9±3.2)×10−3, (8) packets,butthequantumcorrectionδc ,giveninEq.(2), γ leads to the replacement c →c . 0 loc consistent with zero. However, quantum effects of the According to Eq. (2), high-energy fermions are faster functional form (2), but with a numerically small coeffi- than lightrays athigh energy,by anoffset |δc |, making γ cientcompatiblewiththebound(8),cannotbeexcluded them effectively superluminal, thus leading to an expla- at present. nation for the early neutrino burst from the supernova 1978A (see Refs. [7, 14]). The preferred way to describe highly energetic fermions (neutrinos) which travel faster B. Fermion wave equation thanlightisviathetachyonicDiracequation[21],which in the local reference frame reads as Let us analyze the problem of a fermion wave equa- ∂ tion for a local Lorentz frame in which photons prop- i~γµ −γ5mc ψ(t,~r)=0, (11) ∂xµ loc agate slower than high-energy fermions. We remember (cid:18) (cid:19) that the Lorentz violationinduced by Eq. (2) actually is where ψ(t,~r) is the fermion wave function. The projec- quitesubtle;theeffectisnotexcludedbyclassicalphysics tor sums for the tachyonicspinor solutions have recently and vanishes globally in the absence of gravitational in- been investigated in Refs. [22, 23]. The main problem teractions, i.e., it does not perturb the speed of light in here does not lie in the tachyonic equation, but in the globallyflat (Minkowski)space-time. Inorder to write a descriptionofhighly energetic neutrinosbecause oftheir wave equation describing fermions, we have to carefully uniformvelocityoffset|δc |athighenergyfromphotons. distinguish between the flat-space speed of light c (in γ 0 Thisoffsetpreventsthemfromreachingthephotonmass the absence of gravitational interactions), the classical shell in the local coordinate system. To see this, let us “correction” ∆c (which is compatible with the Einstein notetheparticlesdescribedbyEq.(11)fulfillthe disper- equivalenceprincipleanddoesnotprecludetheexistence sion relation of the local Minkowskian frame of reference), and the quantum correction δc given in Eq. (2), which changes γ E = p~2c2 −(mc2 )2, (12a) the speed of light in a “local” reference frame to loc loc q mc2 c =c +δc =c −|δc |. (9) E = loc , (12b) loc 0 γ 0 γ v2/c2 −1 loc We recallthat, physically, the speed of light is the speed mv which describes the propagation of the transverse com- |p~|= p , (12c) v2/c2 −1 ponents of the electromagnetic field, which enter the loc Maxwellequations. (Thenecessityofacarefulseparation where v ≈ c > c pis the propagation speed of highly 0 loc of transverse and longitudinal components has recently energetic neutrinos, required for the explanation of the been highlighted in a consideration of the photon wave early arrival time of the neutrinos according to Ref. [7]. functions, given in Ref. [20].) The energy can thus be expressed as As already stated in Sec. I, according to Ref. [7], the modification (2) is supposed to slow down photons in mc2 mc5/2 stronggravitationalfields,notneutrinosorelectrons. Let E = loc ≈ loc , (13a) v2/c2 −1 2|δc | usthereforeinvestigatethequestionofacorrectequation loc γ to describe fundamental fermions in strong gravitational v =cp +|δc |≈c .p (13b) loc γ 0 fields (deep potentials), on the basis of a (possibly gen- eralized) Dirac equation. One possibility is to postulate Wearenowinadilemma: Ontheonehand,theenergyof thatthe localLorentztransformationhasto be modified a highly energetic neutrino is not bounded from above, 4 but even for a neutrino traveling exactly at the speed is valid, (ii) the outcome of any local non-gravitational of light v = c , the right-hand side of Eq. (13a) only experiment is independent of the velocity of the freely- 0 contains the fixed parameters c and |δc |. Hence, the falling reference frame in which it is performed (local loc γ only way to make Eq. (13a) compatible with Eq. (11) is Lorentz invariance, LLI), (iii) the outcome of any lo- to assume a universal mass “running” of the tachyonic calnon-gravitationalexperimentisindependentofwhere massparameterinEq.(11),linearwiththe energyscale, and when in the universe it is performed (local position of the functional form invariance, LPI). Itisobvioustorealizethattheexistenceofalocalmod- 2|δc | γ m→m(E)∝E = E. (14) ificationofthespeedoflightindeepgravitationalpoten- pc5lo/c2 tials according to (2) would lead to a (very slight, but noticeable) violation of point (iii) of the EEP. Namely, It thus becomes clear that the mere existence of a “lo- because the shift δc affects only photons, not neutrinos cal” gravitational quantum correction of the functional γ orelectrons(accordingtoRef.[7]),onecouldmeasurethe form (2) would induce severe problems in the descrip- local propagation velocity of high-energy fermion versus tion of high-energy fermions in local reference frames in photon wave packets. The former propagate at veloc- strong gravitational fields (“deep potentials”). In other ity c in a local reference frame, whereas the latter are scenarios of Lorentz breaking mechanisms in local ref- 0 affected by the correction δc ∝ Φ . The potential Φ erence frames [24–26], the Lorentz-breaking terms are γ G G dependsonthepositionintheUniversewheretheexper- not required to run with the energy scale. The same imentisperformed(forreferencevaluesofΦ indifferent is true for small Lorentz-violating admixture terms to G regions, see Table 1 of Ref. [7]). Dirac equations in free space [27–29]. Asafinalremark,letusnotethataccordingtoRef.[7], According to Sec. 2.2.1 of Ref. [10], the Schiff con- high-energy neutrinos would be traveling faster than jecture states that for self-consistent theories of gravity, light, but not faster than electrons. Hence, the analogue WEP necessarily embodies EEP; the validity of WEP of Cerenkov radiation emitted by neutrinos, namely, the alone guarantees the validity of local Lorentz and po- reaction ν → ν + e+ + e− cannot occur; according to sition invariance, and thereby of EEP. The question of Ref. [30], this process constitutes the main decay chan- whether the correctionδcγ violatesthe WEP is amatter nel of tachyonic neutrinos. Genuine Cerenkov radiation of interpretation because δcγ affects only massless ob- ν →ν +γ is suppressed for the electrically neutral neu- jects, namely, photons; it is, as already emphasized, a trinos and must proceed via a W loop. The slow-down quantum effect which goes beyond the scope of classical of light in comparison to high-energy fermions accord- mechanics in which the weak equivalence principle was ing to Eq.(2),though, wouldleadto Cerenkovradiation first formulated (in its original form by Newton). from highly energetic charged leptons [e.g., synchrotron One could perform a thought experiment and enter a losses at the Large Electron–Positron Collider (LEP)]. region of deep gravitational potential with three freely Within the models studied in Refs. [31–33], rather strin- falling, propagating wave packets, one describing a pho- gent bounds have been obtained for certain Lorentz- ton, the others describing a very highly energetic neu- violating parameters. All of these results, though, are trino and a very highly energetic electron, respectively. model dependent. E.g., the dispersionrelationE =pvν, The latter two propagate at a velocity (infinitesimally assumedinRef.[30],isdifferentfromthedispersionrela- close to) c . If a correction of the form δc exists, 0 γ tionthatisgenerallyassumedfortachyonicneutrinos[see then photons will have been decelerated to a velocity Eq.(12a)hereinthe paperandindependently Ref.[21]]. c −|δc |withinthedeepgravitationalpotential,whereas 0 γ The Lorentz violation induced by the slow-downof light bothfermionswillhaveretainedavelocity(infinitesimally due to a radiativecorrectionproposedin Ref.[7]is quite close to) c . If we regard the photons as particles (the 0 subtle; however, the functional form (2) allows for a di- photonbeing a conceptintroducedinto physics after the rectmodel-independentcomparisonwithboundsontheγ WEP was first introduced by Newton), then we could parameterintroducedinEq.(1),asdiscussedinSec.IIA. argue that a “force” must have acted onto the photon, causing deceleration, even though the particles were in freefall. Thismightindicateaviolationofthe WEPbut C. Equivalence principle and Schiff conjecture only if the photon were regarded as a normal “particle” in the sense of Newton’s idea (which is not fully appli- The Schiff conjecture (see Sec. 2.2.1 of Ref. [10]) is cable because of the vanishing rest mass of the photon). connected with two different forms of the equivalence Alternatively,wecouldinterpretanychangeinvelocities principle, namely, the weak equivalence principle and relative to the local speed of light as an “acceleration” the Einstein equivalence principle. Originally, Newton andthusinterpretthefasterpropagationoftheelectrons stated that the property of a body called “mass” (“iner- and neutrinos in comparison to the photon within the tialmass”)is proportionalto the “weight”(whichenters region of deep gravitational potential as the result of a the gravitationalforce law), a principle otherwise known force which must have acted on the fermions. Both neu- as the “weak equivalence principle” (WEP). The Ein- trinosandelectronsretainavelocityveryclosetoc and 0 stein equivalence principle (EEP) states that (i) WEP have thus been accelerated by the same velocity |δc |; γ 5 because of their different rest mass, the force acting on field). We use the vector of Dirac α~ matrices, and the β them must have been different, thus violating the WEP. matrix, in the standard representation [39]. Today, one canonically understands the WEP as not AfteraFoldy–Wouthuysentransformation,theHamil- being tied to “massive” objects, stating that free-fall at tonian (15) takes the form (in the leading order in the a given point in space-time is the same for all physical relativistic expansion) systems, and that photons, electrons, and neutrinos in a gravitational potential all act as if they are in the same p~2 rs ~p2 H ≈β m+ − =β m+ +Φ . (17) accelerated coordinate frame. In that sense, if a theory 2m 2r 2m G (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) predictsthatgravitationalpotentialsmakethelocalpho- ton velocity different from the local limiting velocity of Here, the β matrix describes the particle-antiparticle high-energy massive particles, then that theory violates symmetry[35],whilethelatterformshowsthatthegrav- the WEP. itational potential can be inserted into the Schr¨odinger Thus,depending ontheinterpretation,onemightcon- equation “by hand” in the leading order (the some- cludethatSchiff’sconjectureholdstrue,inthesensethat what nontrivial relativistic corrections involve the gravi- the correction (2) violates both the WEP as well as the tationalZitterbewegungterm,andthe gravitationalspin- EEP. The caveat must be stated because strictly speak- orbit coupling [35]). ing,photonsdonothavearestmass,andthus,theWEP The leading gravitational term in Eq. (15), in the in the original formulation is not fully applicable. One fully relativistic formalism, corresponds to a position- should also bear in mind that slight violations of funda- dependentmodificationoftheDiracmassoftheelectron, mentallawsandsymmetriesofnaturearebeingdiscussed whichispresentonlyifonedepartsfromthelocalLorentz andallwecandoisestablishboundsforviolatingparam- frame (locally flat space-time) and aims to describe the eters[24–29]. ForthescenariostudiedbyVachaspati(see Dirac particle globally, in the curved space-time. Defin- Appendix B and Ref. [9]), the violations ofthe EEP and ing the effective mass mG of the electron as the WEP would be of order unity; the “light speed mea- m =mw(r)≈m(1+Φ ) , (18) sured in absolute time” can be different from the “light G G speed measured in electromagnetic time”, depending on onecancarryoutthecalculationofthevacuumpolariza- the relative velocity of the moving frames v . A tioninsertionasdescribedintheliterature. Onepossibil- ityistousethecovariantformalismdescribedinChap.7 of Ref. [39], which relies on a Feynman parameter inte- III. DIRAC EQUATION AND GRAVITATIONAL COUPLING gral. A recent, particularly clear formulation given in Sec.5ofRef.[40]clarifiesthattheadditionalmassterms introduced in Pauli–Villars regularization do not affect The far-reaching consequences of any correction of the calculationof the vacuum-polarizationtensor, which the form (2) to the speed of light in deep gravita- depends only onthe physical,local, effective mass of the tional potentials together with the bound formulated in electron. An alternativepossibility is giveninChap. 113 Eq. (8) for the χ coefficient stimulate a recalculation ofRef.[41],whereasubtracteddispersionrelationisused of the leading gravitational correction to vacuum po- in order to circumvent parts of the problems associated larization, supplementing the analysis of Ref. [7]. Re- with regularization and renormalization, and leads to a cently, the gravitationally coupled Dirac equation has dispersion integral which starts at the pair production been investigated [34–37], with particular emphasis on threshold (2m )2. The result of all these approaches in- theDirac–Schwarzschildproblem,whichistheequivalent G variantly reads as follows, in terms of a modification of of the Dirac–Coulomb problem for electrostatic interac- the photon propagator D =g /k2, tions and describes a particle bound to a central grav- µν µν itational field. From now on, for the remainder of this g g article, we revert to natural units with ~ = c0 = ǫ0 = 1, kµ2ν → k2[1+µωνR(k2)] , k2 =ω2−~k2. (19) because we no longer consider a conceivable “correc- tion” of the form (2). In leading order, the Hamiltonian Astraightforwardapplicationofthe formalismofcovari- which governs the gravitational interaction is given by ant quantum electrodynamics then leads to the renor- [see Eq. (12) of Ref. [34]] malized (superscript R) vacuum-polarization insertion, writtenintermsoftheeffectivemassm oftheelectron, H =α~ ·p~+βmw(r), (15) G w≈1− 2rsr =1− GrM =1+ΦG, (16) ωR(k2)= αk2 ∞ dk′2 1+2m2G/k′2 1− 4m2G . 3π k′2 k′2−k2 k′2 where rs = 2GM is the Schwarzschild radius. Here, r is 4mZ2G r the Eddington coordinate in the Eddington form [38] of (20) the Schwarzschild metric, which however is equal to the We note that ωR(k2) vanishes for k2 = ω2 −~k2 = 0, radial coordinate in the original Schwarzschild metric in thus leavingthe speedoflightofon-shellphotonsinvari- thelimitr →∞(i.e.,inthelimitofaweakgravitational ant. For k2 6= 0 (off-shell, virtual photons), we note the 6 asymptotic behavior as much as the leading Schr¨odinger term and thus does not shift atomic transitions with respect to each other. α k2 Thegravitationalcorrectiontobound-stateenergylev- ωR(k2)= +O(k4), k2 →0, (21a) 15πm2 elsduetofluctuationsoftheelectronpositioninthegrav- G itationalfieldoftheEarthcaneasilybeestimatedasfol- α k2 5α ln(−k2) lows. Namely, the atomic electron coordinate fluctuates ωR(k2)= − ln − + +O , 3π m2 3π k2 overadistanceofaBohrradiusaboutthepositioninthe (cid:18) G(cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) gravitationalfield. If we denote by R~ =~r +~r the elec- k2 →∞. (21b) N tro coordinate from the Earth’s centre (with the Earth These are in principle familiar formulas (see Chap. 7 of mass being denoted as M⊕), where rN is the proton co- ordinate, then the fluctuations of the electron about the Ref.[39]),andweidentifytheleadinggravitationaleffect gravitationalcentre of the atom cause an energy shift of onvacuumpolarizationtobegivenbythegravitationally the order of corrected mass. The conclusions of Ref. [7], and the re- sult(2),canthus be tracedto aninconsistentevaluation −GmeM⊕ +GmeM⊕ ∼ GmeM⊕a0 =2.9×10−21eV. ofthevacuumpolarizationintegral,whichreliesonarel- |~rN +~r| |~rN| R~2 ativistically noncovariantformulation[see the discussion (24) surrounding Eq. (6) of Ref. [7]], and bears an analogy This effect influences typical atomic transitions (with with similar problems encountered in bound-state quan- transitionfrequenciesontheorderofoneeV)atthelevel tum electrodynamics [8]. of one part in 1021. V. CONCLUSIONS IV. BOUND–STATE ENERGIES The main results of the current investigation can be Afinalwordonbound-stateenergiesisinorder. With summarizedasfollows: Boththe Vachaspatitransforma- the mass of the electron assuming the value m → m , G tion(seeAppendixAandRef.[9])aswellastheFranson the vacuum polarization potential (Uehling, one loop), time delay [see Eq. (2) and Ref. [7]] are in disagreement derived from the virtual exchange of space-like Coulomb photons (k2 = −~k2), is easily derived as (in units with withtheEinsteinequivalenceprinciple(EEP,seethedis- ~=c =ǫ =1) cussioninSec.IIC).TheFransontimedelayaffectsonly 0 0 photons,notfermions,isasubtleeffect,andtheviolation of the EEP due to the Franson time delay would be at 4αZα Vvp(~r)=−15 m2 δ(3)(~r), (22) the quantum level (hence a small correction)as opposed G totheVachaspatitransformation. Hence,itiswarranted to establish an astrophysical bound on the magnitude where Z is the nuclear charge number. However, the of the χ parameter introduced in Eq. (2). This is done gravitationally corrected mass also enters the Dirac– is Sec. IIA. Furthermore, the description of fermions in CoulombHamiltonianH =α~·p~+βm −Zα/r,wherethe G deep gravitational potentials, under the assumption of a Dirac matrices are used in the standard representation, timedelayδc forphotonsaccordingtoEq.(2),isstudied and r denotes the electron-protondistance [39]. By con- γ in Sec. IIB. It is shown that the description of fermions sequence,afteraFoldy–Wouthuysentransformation,the insuchadeepgravitationalpotentialwillrequireamass gravitationallycorrectedmass parameterm alsoenters G termthat“runs”withthe energyandthusis moreprob- the Schr¨odinger wave function, and the probability den- lematic than a superficial look at the “small” correction sity of S states with orbital angular momentum ℓ = 0 at the origin becomes proportional to (Zαm )3. The term (2) would otherwise suggest. G In Sec. III, we analyze the leading gravitational cor- gravitationally corrected energy shift reads as rection to vacuum polarization using a fully covariant 4α (Zα)4m formalismandfindthat,withon-mass-shellrenormaliza- G hVvp(~r)i=−15π n3 δℓ0. (23) tion, the effect can be described by a mass term modi- fication which depends on the value of the gravitational The energy shift is proportional to the effective mass of potential in the vicinity of the virtual electron-positron the electron,whichalsoenters the Schr¨odingerspectrum pair. It vanishes on shell and thus does not lead to a E = −(Zα)2m /(2n2), where n is the principal quan- nonvanishing χ coefficient in the sense of Eq. (2). Fi- n G tumnumber. [WerecallthattheDirac-δpotentialδ(3)(~r) nally,inSec.IV,weanalyzeconceivableshiftsforatomic isformulatedwithrespecttothecentralelectrostaticpo- bound-state levels, caused by off-shell virtual photons in tentialgeneratedbythenucleusofchargenumberZ,not the vacuum-polarization loops. We find that the effect, the gravitational centre, while n and ℓ denote the prin- at least within the approximations employed in Sec. IV, cipal and orbital angular momentum quantum numbers does not shift spectral lines with respect to each other of the state.] The scaling with the effective mass of the becauseitcanbe absorbedina prefactorofthe vacuum- electronthusaffectsthevacuumpolarizationenergyshift polarization term which is also present in the leading 7 Schr¨odinger binding energy. Finally, we estimate the Appendix B: Vachaspati Transformation leading gravitational correction to atomic energy levels, whichdependsonthequantumnumbers,intermsoffluc- Vachaspati [9] distinguishes between “absolute time” tuations of the electron and nucleus coordinates in the t and “electromagnetic time” t . The Lorentz– A E gravitationalfield of the Earth, and come to the conclu- Vachaspati transformation resembles the Lorentz trans- sionthattheterminducedbythecoordinatefluctuations formation,butwithavariable“speed-of-lightparameter” withinthe binding Coulombpotentialisofrelativeorder u , which, in the primed system, transforms into u′. 10−21. 0 0 u′ t′ =γ (u t +β x), (B1a) 0 A A 0 A A Acknowledgments x′ =γ (x+β u t ). (B1b) A A 0 A The author acknowledges helpful conversations with The backtransformation formally carries a resemblance Professor P. J. Mohr and thank A. Migdall for directing to the Lorentz transformation, our attention to the phenomenological consequences of the paper by J. D. Franson [7]. This research has been u t =γ (u′ t′ −β x′), (B2a) 0 A A 0 A A supported by the National Science Foundation (Grants PHY–1068547and PHY–1403973). x=γ (x′−β u′ t′ ). (B2b) A A 0 A The relativistic factors carry a different functional form, Appendix A: Global Reference Frame and Speed of Light v 2 v v 2 A A A γ = 1+ , β = 1+ . A A Let us motivate the Shapirotime delay onthe basisof s (cid:18)c0(cid:19) c0 s (cid:18)c0(cid:19) (B3) the Schwarzschild metric [42], in isotropic form (Sec. 43 One verifies that of Chap. 3 of Ref. [38]), ds2 = 1−rs/(4r) 2 dt2 (A1) x′2−u′02t2A =x2−u02t2A. (B4) 1+r /(4r) (cid:18) s (cid:19) For the absence of time dilation, one considers events 1 − 1+ rs 4 dr2+r2dθ2+r2 sin2θdϕ2 . and 2, with coordinates 4r Weuseunits(cid:16)with~(cid:17)=c(cid:0) =ǫ fortheentireAppend(cid:1)ixA. x′1 =0, t′A,1 =0, x1 =0, tA,1 =0, (B5a) 0 0 Light travels on a null geodesic, with ds2 =0, and so x′ =v t , t′ =t , x =0, t =τ. 1 A A A,2 A 2 A,2 1−r /(4r) 2 r 4 (B5b) s dt2− 1+ s d~r2 =0. (A2) 1+r /(4r) 4r (cid:18) s (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) One obtains One obtains u′ v2 dd~rt 2 = [[11+−rrs//((44rr))]]62 = 1−2rrs +O r12 . tA,2 =τ =(cid:18)γA u00 − c0Au0(cid:19) tA (B6) (cid:18) (cid:19) s (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) (A3) Thereisnotimedilationifonechoosestheparameteru′ 0 to read as We now consider the limit of large distance r. Using the relationrs =2GM, the local speed of light, expressedin c u +v2 terms of the global coordinates, is u′ = 0 0 A . (B7) 0 c γ 0 A d~r 2GM dt =1− r =1+2ΦG(~r), (A4) If u0 =c0, then u′0 =(1+vA2/c20)1/2u0 =γAu0. (cid:12) (cid:12) For comparison (we briefly recall textbook material), (cid:12) (cid:12) where we id(cid:12)(cid:12)ent(cid:12)(cid:12)ity ΦG(~r) = −GM/r with the gravita- let us consider the Lorentz transformation, tionalpotential. Onecaneasilygeneralizethe derivation [see Chap. 4.4 on page 196 ff. of Ref. [15], Eq. (4.43) of c t′ =γ (c t +β x), (B8a) 0 E E 0 E E Ref. [16],andSec.4.5.2as wellas the discussiononpage 160, and exercise 4.8 on p. 161 of Ref. [16], as well as x′ =γ (x+β c t ), (B8b) E E 0 E Ref. [43]]. The effect is known as the Shapiro time de- lay [3–5]. The application to the travel time of particles where the subscript E stands for the “electromagnetic” stemming from the SN1987A supernova is discussed in events according to Vachaspati [9]. The backtransfor- Refs. [44, 45]. mation reads as c t = γ (c t′ − β x′) and x = 0 E E 0 E E 8 γ (x′ −β c t′ ). The relativistic factors have the fa- (claimed)reconciliationoftheVachaspatitransformation E E 0 E miliar functional form, with the Michelson–Morley experiment are discussed in Ref. [9]. The Vachaspati transformation reproduces the 2 −1/2 Galilei transformation in the limit v → 0 and consti- v v A E γE = 1− , βE = , (B9) tutes an alternative to the Lorentz transformation, with c c (cid:18) 0(cid:19) ! 0 avariable“speed-of-light”parameter. Intheprimedsys- tem, the parameter u′ can be larger than c . One verifies that dx′2 −c2dt′ 2 = x2 −c2dt2. For the 0 0 0 E 0 E derivation of time dilation, we consider events 1 and 2, The muon lifetime measurement [46], which demon- strates that fast-moving muons live longer, is “recon- x′1 =0, t′E,1 =0, x1 =0, tE,1 =0, ciled” in Ref. [9] with the concept of “absolute time” (B10a) by pointing out that the lifetime of muons is deter- mined by the “electromagnetic time”, or “electroweak x′ =vt, t′ =t, x =0, t =τ, time” t , which need to be equal to the “absolute time” 1 E,2 2 E,2 E (B10b) tA. It is doubtful if the concept of an “absolute time” has any physical interpretation beyond its occurrence in One immediately obtains the familiar time dilation for- the Lorentz-like transformation law (B1). However, the mula, t =τ =t/γ . Vachaspati transformation is indicated here in order to E,2 E Vachaspati’s formalism identifies the “absolute time” demonstrate that a Lorentz-like transformations with a t as a formally different parameter from the “electro- variablespeedoflightparameteru ,whosevaluedepends A 0 magnetic time” t = t . Furthermore, the “speed-of- on the inertial frame, have been discussed in the litera- E light” parameter u has to be adjusted for the relative ture. The Vachaspati transformation is different from 0 speed of the primed and unprimed coordinate systems. the modification of the speed of light proposed by Fran- The relationship of the u and u′ to the observed,phys- son[7]inthat the variationofthe speed is introducedat 0 0 ical speed of light in both coordinate systems and the the classical as opposed to the quantum level. [1] C. M. Will, Living Rev.Relativity 9, 3 (2006). gory, Phys. Rev.Lett. 92, 121101 (2004). [2] C. M. Will, Living Rev.Relativity 17, 4 (2014). [18] S. B. Lambert and C. 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