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Gravitation model for spatial network based on the heterogeneous node ∗ Jiang-Hai Qian and Ding-Ding Han College of Information, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China (Dated: February 5, 2008) Inthispaperweconsidernodesinnetworkareheterogeneousandthelinkbetweennodesiscaused by the potential dynamical demand of the nodes. Such demand can be measured by gravitation which increases with the heterogeneous strength of node and decreases with the geographical dis- tance. Basedonthis,weproposeanewmodelforspatialnetworkfromtheviewofgravitation. The modelistomaximizethepotentialdynamicaldemandofthewholenetwork,indicatingthepossible maximal efficiency of the network and the highest profits that operators may gain. The model can 8 0 vary its topology by changing two parameters. A simulation for the Chinese city airline network is 0 completed. Intheendofthisarticlewediscussthesignificanceandadvantageoftheheterogeneous 2 nodes. n PACSnumbers: 89.75.Hc,89.75.Da,89.40.Dd a J 9 I. INTRODUCTION II. HETEROGENEOUS NODES AND 2 GRAVITATION ] h Inthepreviousstudiesoncomplexnetworks,nodesare p usuallyidentical. Howeverintherealnetwork,situations - Since the initial studies on the small-world phe- c are very different. In the city airline network, each node nomenon were presented by Watts and Strogatz [1] and o (city)hasdifferentpopulationoreconomiclevelandsuch thescale-freepropertybyBarabasiandAlbert[2],alotof s difference can be very obvious. As is shown in Fig. 1, . achievementsoncomplexnetworkhavebeengotten. And s the populationofthe Chinese city followsapproximately c our research group have also studied some features on a two-regime power-law distribution, indicating a large i network [3]. Most previous works focus on the topolog- s variance of the grade of the city. The population can be y ical properties of the network. However many networks considered as the own attribute of node which is distin- h arethoseembeddedintherealspacewhosenodesoccupy guished from others and indicates its own grade. Such p aprecisepositioninEuclideanspaceandwhoselinksare [ phenomenon also exists in the Internet and World Wide constrainedbythegeographicdistance. Sometypicalex- Web-routers with different capacity and webs with het- 1 amples are communication networks [4, 5],electric power erogeneous resources. Thus a node usually has its own v grids [6], transportation systems ranging from river [7] attribute, grade or energy indicating the heterogeneity. 9 to airport [8, 9, 10], street [11], railway and subway 4 We define heterogeneous strength to describe this het- [12]. In these spatial networks, geographical factor is 4 erogeneity,denotedby M.Inaddition, wefound the het- demonstratedtoplayanimportantroleonthenetwork’s 4 erogeneousstrength(i.e.thepopulationofcitynode)have topology. Very recently a few models for the spatial . positive correlation with the degree of city node, as is 1 network have been proposed. Some models consider 0 shown in Fig. 2. both the topological and spatially preferential attach- 8 Now we consider a network is composed of a group of ment [13, 14, 15] while others take some optimal mech- 0 nodes and links. Links connect every node and realize : anism [16, 17, 18]. These works provide some guidelines v the dynamics among them. If two nodes with no dy- in network design. On the other hand, the geographic i namicsbetweenthem, the link ofthe twoverticescanbe X effects on the efficiency or traffic of the network are paid thought unwanted. In a circuit network, for example, a less attention. However traffic on network is very im- r a portant since it represents the efficiency of the network. lead equals to disconnection if its current is 0. In other words, it is the dynamical demand between nodes that Therefore,ifthetrafficbetweennodescanbepredictedin causes the link. Such demand is fulfilled when nodes are someway,itis likelyto constructthe networkefficiently. connectedandcanbemeasuredbythe weight. However, Inspired by this idea and its significance, we proposed a the demand still exists even though the vertices are not new spatial network model. The model is to maximize connected. the whole expected traffic of the network, indicating the highest efficiency that the network may gain. The ex- Consider a network with n nodes and 0 edges. Every pected traffic is measuredby the gravitation. Especially, two nodes have their demand for some information ex- we propose the heterogeneity of nodes and argue its sig- change. What we care is which of these demands are nificance on the network’s topology and dynamics. the most exigent. If such information is obtained in advance, the network will be constructed efficiently by preferentially investing those pairs of nodes with great demand. To measure such demand, some of its proper- ∗Correspondingauthor. E-Mail: [email protected] ties should be discussed first: (1) In a spatial network, 2 can be described by the following equation, MαMα G =K i j , (1) ij Dγ ij Equation (1) reminds us of the Newton’s gravitation equation. From the gravitation view, the dynamical de- mands is considered to make the nodes magnetize with each other and get the link when the gravitation G is ij great enough. However such demand is potential, it is a measurementoftheexpectedtrafficwhichisaprediction of the real traffic. III. GRAVITATION MODEL FOR SPATIAL NETWORK FIG. 1: TheZipf-typeplotdistributionofthe population ofChi- nesecities. Itapproximatelyfollowsatwo-regimepower-lawdistri- We use the gravitation equation (1) to measure the butionindicatingthelargevarianceoftheheterogeneousstrength. ThepopulationinformationisobtainedfromRef. [23] potential dynamical demand. Rewrite equation (1), MαMα G =K i j , (2) ij Dγ ij where K is a constant coefficient. M , M are the het- i j erogeneous strength of node i and node j. Exponents α, γ determine the impact of D and M on the gravita- ij tion. If γ takes great value, the network is expected to be strongly constrained by the geographic distance. On the other hand, larger value of α means the dominant impact of the heterogeneous strength on the topology of the network. The topology of the simulated network is changed by varying parameters α and γ. The cost of constructing the network is defined as the total number of the network’s edges. It is reasonable for the airline networks whose cost and expense are related to the to- tal hops. But for road network whose expense depends on the Euclidean distance, such definition seems uncon- vinced. However, later discussion will be revealed that FIG. 2: The correlation of the degree and the population of the such definition is still reasonable. Now suppose there city in Chinese city airline network. It shows the heterogeneous are n nodes distributed on a two-dimension plane. The strength has apositivecorrelationwiththenode’s degree.The de- heterogeneousstrengthandcoordinatesofeachnode are greeinformationisobtainedfromURL:http://www.caac.gov.cn. known. By equation (2), the gravitation G of any two ij nodes can be calculated. We connected preferentially those pairs of nodes with greater gravitation G and ij links are constrained by the geographic factors and the completedsuchprocesswhenthe linkcomestothevalue travel cost among the nodes increases with the distance we preset (namely the cost). Such process can be de- [18]. So for the spatial network, the demand of nodes scribed as an optimal model, is assumed to decrease with the distance between them. (2)Since such demand can be measured by weight after MαMα nodesareconnected,wehopeithassomesimilarfeatures Max:G=XGijkij =XK Di γ j kij, with the real weight. In some kinds of network, such as i<j i<j ij the airline network, the weight has the form as follows, s.t.:Xkij =ǫ, (3) < w >∼ x (k k )α [19, 20], where k and k are the ij ij i j i j i<j degree of node i and j. Since degreek has a positive cor- relation to heterogeneous strength M as we mentioned where k is adjacency matrix element of the network. ij above, it is reasonable to suppose such demand is pro- The upper part of the equation means to take the maxi- portional to (M M )α. The above two points indicate mum and the bottom part means the maximum process i j thatthepotentialdynamicaldemandbetweentwonodes with that constraint. However, the above process may 3 FIG. 4: The geographic distribution of the cities with airports. Eachcitydenotes anode. Therearetotally121nodes inoursim- FIG. 3: Four networks with different topology are shown which ulation. is controlled by the parameters α and γ. (a) α takes any value andwhileγ=0. Thenetworkisdominatedbytwolargehubswhen γ=0; (b) α = 1 and γ = 1. With the increasing of γ, the hubs still earn the cost and gain profit in short order as long become muchsmaller than figure (a); (c) α = 1and γ = 2; (d) α as the traffic within the link is large enough. Thus such =0,γ takes anyvalue. Thetopologiesarestronglyreminiscentof airlinesandroads,respectively. a link will be constructed all the time. In summary, the costisaminorfactorcomparedtothedynamicaldemand and that is the reason we simplify the cost. cause some isolated nodes. So two more restrictions are introduced to ensure each node is connected, IV. SIMULATION FOR THE CHINESE CITY Xkij ≥1(j =1,2,3,...,n) AIRLINE NETWORK i Xkij ≥1(i=1,2,3,...,n) (4) The gravitation model we proposed is used to simu- late the Chinese airline network [21]. The cities are con- j sidered as the nodes of the network while the edges re- Followingthemethodabove,anetworkofthirtynodes flect the airlines. To reproduce the real network better, issimulated. Thethirtynodesaredistributedonthetwo- we set the number of nodes n=121 and number of links dimension plane randomly and each node is assigned a E=689. The position of each node is sited on the two- heterogeneous strength. Set the cost ǫ = 39 and the dimensionalplane,asitisshowninFig.4. Theheteroge- coefficient K = 1 (actually K makes no difference to the neous strength M and the distance D are, respectively, ij model). By varying the value of α and/orγ, we got four defined as the population of the city and the Euclidean networks with different topology as is seen in Fig. 3. distance of city i and j. Selecting α=1 and γ ∈[1,2] [22], For Fig.3(a), the value of γ = 0 makes the network they are to describe the interactions of cities. Here we only rely on the heterogeneous strength of nodes, This set γ = 1.5. causes the topology is dominated by two hubs since the Fig. 5 shows the simulated network. Obviously, the nodes of great heterogeneous strength is easy to magne- hubs in the real network such as Beijing, Shanghai, tize others. Whereas with the γ increasing, more effect Guangzhou,HarbinandUrumchiexhibitthesimilarhub- of the geographic factor makes the node tend to con- and-spoke phenomenon in our simulation. In real con- nect to the closer ones and weaken the hub-and -spoke dition, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are the three effect. When α=1 and γ=2 (Fig.3(c)), the network ex- citieswiththehighestdegreewhileinourmodeltheyare, hibitssomefeaturessimilartotheairlinenetwork. When respectively, Shanghai, Beijing and Wuhan (Guangzhou α=0 (Fig.3(d)), the topology is entirely constrained by is the fourth). The reason for such difference may be the geography, which forms a two-dimensional network that using the population to denote the heterogeneous strongly reminiscent of roads. As we have defined in the strength of city is intuitive but not be exact because the section II, the gravitation G describes some dynamical economy and the administration factors are also impor- ij demands or expected traffic. From the view of opera- tant indexes for the grade of city. In spite of this dif- tor, the significance of the equation (3) is to maximize ference, we still succeed in reproducing the every hub the whole expected traffic of the network which reflects and their hub-and-spoken phenomenon existing in the the efficiency of the network. In other words, our model real network. The average shortest-path length L and provides a possible way for operatorsto gainthe highest degree-degree correlation exponent r of the model net- profit. Eventhoughalinkcostsmuch,the operatorswill work are calculated, where L = 2.302, r = -0.401 while 4 FIG.5: ThesimulationfortheChineseairlinenetwork. Eachlink oftwonodesreflectsanairlinebetweenthem. Thereistotally689 links. The cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Harbin andUrumchi,exhibithub-and-spokephenomenoninoursimulation justastheydointherealnetwork. FIG. 7: The degree distribution of the simulation. It presents a behavior of two-regime power-law degree distribution with the exponentγ1 = -0.46 for the first power laws and γ2 = -2.3for the second. Theturningpointhappens atdegreek=22. Incompari- son,γ1 =-0.53,γ2 =-2.05andtheturningpointatdegreek=20 inthe Chinese City Airlinenetwork. Both the exponents and the turningpointfittherealnetworkwell. strength of our simulation. Considering the gravitation is an effective prediction of the real traffic, we let the gravitation of the two nodes represent the weight of the link between them and the node strength is the sum of suchgravitationamongallthelinkstoit. As isshownin Fig. 8, the node strength increases with the degree, but does quicker than linearly, as 1.45 power, namely satis- fies S(k) ∼ k1.45. This result reflected the real network well. In the Austrian airline network [24]and in the Chi- nese city airline network it indicates that node strength increases with the degree in a non-linearly manner. FIG. 6: Theclustering-degreedistributionofthesimulation. The distribution satisfies a linear decreasing feature with slope -1 in log-log coordinate, which indicates that the result of simulation reproducesthehierarchy. V. MORE DISCUSSIONS ABOUT THE HETEROGENEOUS NODES in the real network L = 2.263, r = -0.408. Fig. 6 shows As we have discussed in section II, the nodes of many the clustering-degree distribution. It meets C(k) ∼ k−1 real networks are usually heterogeneous. But one may which indicates the model network exhibits the same hi- askifitisnecessaryormeaningfultotakethisfactorinto erarchy as the real network does. consideration. We argue the heterogeneity of nodes may Fig.7isthedegreedistributionofthemodelnetwork.It be the keyreasoncausing the topologythat we observed satisfies the two-regime power-law distribution. This is inmanynetworks. SomecluesaregottenfromFig.1.The aninterestingresultnotonlytoverifytherealdegreedis- populationofthe city obeysa two-regimepower-lawdis- tribution but also to produce the power-lawdistribution tribution which is similar to the degree distribution of withoutany preferentialattachmentmechanism. We are the city airline network. This reminds us if it is the notsureifitisacoincidenceorcausedbysomeotherin- heterogeneous nodes that cause the heterogeneous net- ternalreasons,butwewillstilltrytoofferanexplanation works whose degree distribution has a large variance or in the following discussion. in other words, homogeneous nodes will hardly produce Fig. 8 shows the correlation of the degree and node the hubs or scale-freeproperties. An indirect evidence is 5 work’s evolvement. Now it may be understood why our model can produce the power-law distribution without the preferential attachment mechanism. Because such mechanismhasbeenproducedbygravitationalthoughit is not introduced designedly. Constrained by the geog- raphy, nodes with small heterogeneous strength usually connecttothelargeonesnearbywhilethe latterareable to link with other nodes of even larger heterogeneous strength far away and so on. It can be imagined that the network will exhibit the hierarchy by such organi- zational manner. Besides heterogeneity of nodes is also related to the dynamics – the traffic. As equation (2) shows, the heterogeneous strength influences the gravi- tation G which is considered as the expected traffic of ij node i and j. Although it is only a prediction of the real traffic, Fig. 8 shows that suchprediction verifies the real condition. This point indicates that the heterogeneous strengthofthenodeispossibleabridgebywhichwecan associate the topology with the dynamics. FIG. 8: The correlation of the degree and node strength follows VI. CONCLUSION S(k)∼k1.45,indicatingthenon-linearlycorrelation. thathubsintherealnetworkareusuallythosewithlarge Inthispaper,linkiscausedbythepotentialdynamical heterogeneousstrength. Ifadmittingtheheterogeneityof demand among nodes which makes the nodes magnetize nodes,somephenomenasuchashubsandpreferentialat- witheachotheranditsvaluecanbeestimatedbygravita- tachment can be explained from the view of gravitation. tion. Basedonthis, a new modelfor the spatialnetwork Considering a node with large heterogeneousstrength in is proposed. It can generate the topology of airline and aspatialnetwork,itproducesalargergravitationfieldac- road network and can behave well in simulating the real cording to the gravitationview. For its extensive areaof Chinese airline network. The gravitation model has its influence, many nodes are magnetized and connected to practical meaning that follows a principle of maximiz- it. So the nodes with large heterogeneous strength usu- ing some expected benefit to construct and optimize the allyhavelargerdegree,whichindicatesthe emergenceof network. We argue that cost is a minor factor despite hubs. When a new vertex emerges, it is more possible its impact of restriction compared with the dynamical to be magnetized by the nodes with large heterogeneous demand of nodes. 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