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Author Index Agnew, R.E. & Carson, M.T. The effect of a silage Chamberlain, D.G. see Kim, C.-H. additive and level of concentrate supplementation on Chiy, P.C. & Phillips, C.J.C. Sodium fertilizer application silage intake, animal performance and carcass char- to pasture. 10. A comparison of the responses of dairy acteristics of finishing beef cattle 114 cows with high and low milk yield potential 343 Allen, D.K. see Wilkins, P.W. Choung, J.-J. see Kim, C.-H. Apori, S.O., Long, R.J., Castro, F.B. & Orskov, E.R. Concha, M.A. & Nicol, A.M. Selection by sheep and Chemical composition and nutritrive value of leaves goats for perennial ryegrass and white clover offered and stems of tropical weed Chromolaena odorata 77 over a range of sward height contrasts 47 Cookson, W.R., Rowarth, J.S. & Cameron, K.C. The Bahmani, I., Varlet-Grancher, C., Hazard, L., Matthew, response of a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) C., Betin, M., Langlais, A., Lemaire, G. & Thom, E.R. seed crop to nitrogen fertilizer application in the Post-flowering tillering in contrasting light environ- absence of moisture stress 314 ments of two New Zealand perennial ryegrass culti- Cruz, P. see Boval, M. vars with different perennation strategies 367 Bai, Y. & Qu, R. An evaluation of callus induction and Dalley, D. see Roche, J.R. plant regeneration in twenty-five turf-type tall fescue Dumont, B., Maillard, J.F. & Petit, M. The effect of the (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) cultivars 326 spatial distribution of plant species within the sward Baker, J.E. see Callow, M.N. on the searching success of sheep when grazing 138 Barker, G.M. see Byers, R.A. Barthram, G.T., Elston, D.A. & Bolton, G.R. A compar- Easson, D.L. & Fearnehough, W. Effects of plastic ison of three methods for measuring the vertical mulch, sowing date and cultivar on the yield and distribution of herbage mass in grassland 193 maturity of forage maize grown under marginal Berentsen, P.B.M., Giesen, G.W.J. & Renkema, J.A. climatic conditions in Northern Ireland 221 Introduction of seasonal and spatial specification to Elmi, A.A., West, C.P., Robbins, R.T. & Kirkpatrick, T.L. grass production and grassland use in a dairy farm Endophyte effects on reproduction of a root-knot model 125 nematode (Meloidogyne marylandi) and osmotic Betin, M. see Bahmani, I. adjustment in tall fescue 166 Bolton, G.R. see Barthram, G.T. Elston, D.A. see Barthram, G.T. Boval, M., Cruz, P., Peyraud, J.L. & Penning, P.D. The effect of herbage allowance on daily intake by Falkner, L.K. & Casler, M.D. Genetic shifts in smooth Creole heifers tethered on natural Dichanthium spp. bromegrass under grazing: changes in nutritional pasture 201 value and preference for surviving vs. original geno- Byers, R.A. & Barker, G.M. Soil dwelling macro- types 351 invertebrates in intensively grazed dairy pastures in Fearnehough, W. see Easson, D.L. Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont 253 Fengrui, Li. The effects of frequency of cutting and cultivar on the period of leaf expansion in white Callow, M.N., Michell, P., Baker, J.E. & Hough, G.M. clover grown in mixed swards 280 The effect of defoliation practice in Western Australia Ferris, C.P. see Gordon, F.J. on tiller development of annual ryegrass (Lolium Ferris, C.P., Patterson, D.C., Gordon, F.J. & Kilpatrick, rigidum) and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and D.J. The effects of incorporating small quantities of its association with forage quality 432 straw in grass/grass silage-based diets for dairy Cameron, K.C. see Cookson, W.R. COWS 146 Carson, M.T. see Agnew, R.E. Fraser, M.D., Fychan, R. & Jones, R. Voluntary intake, Casler, M.D. see Falkner, L.K. digestibility and nitrogen utilization by sheep fed Castro, F.B. see Apori, S.O. ensiled forage legumes 271 Celaya, R. see Osoro, K. Frost, J.P. see Wright, D.A. Chalmers, A.G. see Withers, P.J.A. Fychan, R. see Fraser, M.D. © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd. Grass and Forage Science, 55, 379-381 Ba Author index Garcia-Ciudad, A. see Vazquez-de-Aldana, B.R. Mayne, C.S. see Gordon, F.J. Garcia-Criado, B. see Vazquez-de-Aldana, B.R. Mayne, C.S. see Laidlaw, A.S. Giesen, G.W.J. see Berentsen, P.B.M. Michell, P. see Callow, M.N. Gordon, F.J. see Ferris, C.P. Moate, P. see Roche, J.R. Gordon, F.J. see Wright, D.A. Muto, P.J. & Martin, R.C. Effects of pre-treatment, Gordon, F.J., Ferris, C.P., Patterson, D.C. & Mayne, C.S. renovation procedure and cultivar on the growth of A comparison of two grassland-based systems for white clover sown into a permanent pasture under autumn-calving dairy cows of high genetic merit 83 both grazing and mowing regimes 59 Grainger, C. see Roche, J.R. Mytton, L.R. see Wilkins, P.W. Hannah, M. see Roche, J.R. Nicol, A.M. see Concha, M.A. Harvey, A., Parsons, A.J., Rook, A.J., Penning, P.D. & Nijland, G.O. A variant of the dry-weight rank method Orr, R.J. Dietary preference of sheep for perennial for botanical analysis of grassland with dominance- ryegrass and white clover at contrasting sward surface based multipliers 309 heights 242 Hazard, L. see Bahmani, I. Herrnandez Garay, A., Matthew, C. & Hodgson, J. The O’Mara, F. see Roche, J.R. influence of defoliation height on dry-matter parti- Olivan, M. see Osoro, K. tioning and CO, exchange of perennial ryegrass Orr, R.J. see Harvey, A. miniature swards 372 Orskov, E.R. see Apori, S.O. Hodgson, J. see Herrnandez Garay, A. Osoro, K., Olivan, M., Celaya, R. & Martinez, A. The Homola, P. see Stencl, J. effect of Calluna vulgaris cover on the performance Hough, G.M. see Callow, M.N. and intake of ewes grazing hill pastures in northern Spain 300 Jones, R. see Fraser, M.D. Parsons, A.J. see Harvey, A. Kane, R. see Withers, P.J.A. Patterson, D.C. see Ferris, C.P. Kilpatrick, D.J. see Ferris, C.P. Patterson, D.C. see Gordon, F.J. Kilpatrick, D.J. see Wright, D.A. Patterson, D.C. see Wright, D.A. Kim, C.-H., Choung, J.-J. & Chamberlain, D.G. The Peel, S. see Withers, P.J.A. effects of intravenous administration of amino acids Penning, P.D. see Boval, M. and glucose on the milk production of dairy cows Penning, P.D. see Harvey, A. consuming diets based on grass silage 173 Pérez-Corona, M.E. see Vazquez-de-Aldana, B.R. Kirkpatrick, T.L. see Elmi, A.A. Petit, M. see Dumont, B. Laca, E.A. & Wallis De Vries, M.F. Acoustic measure- Peyraud, J.L. see Boval, M. ment of intake and grazing behaviour of cattle 97 Phillips, C.J.C. see Chiy, P.C. Laidlaw, A.S. & Mayne, C.S. Setting management limits Phillips, J.D.P. see Todd, P.A. for the production and utilization of herbage for out- Putwain, P.D. see Todd, P.A. of-season grazing 14 Laidlaw, A.S., Watson, C.J. & Mayne, C.S. Implications Qu, R. see Bai, Y. of nitrogen fertilizer applications and extended graz- ing for the N economy of grassland 37 Randby, A.T. The effect of some acid-based additives Lane, S.J. see Withers, P.J.A. applied to wet grass crops under various ensiling Langlais, A. see Bahmani, I. conditions 289 Lemaire, G. see Bahmani, I. Rath, M. see Roche, J.R. Long, R.J. see Apori, S.O. Renkema, J.A. see Berentsen, P.B.M. Robbins, R.T. see Elmi, A.A. Maillard, J.F. see Dumont, B. Roche, J.R., Dalley, D., Moate, P., Grainger, C., Han- Marriott, C.A. see Thanopoulos, R. nah, M., O'Mara, F. & Rath, M. Variations in the Marrs, R.H. see Todd, P.A. dietary cation-anion difference and the acid-base Martin, R.C. see Muto, P.J. balance of dairy cows on a pasture-based diet in Martinez, A. see Osoro, K. south-eastern Australia 26 Matthew, C. see Bahmani, I. Rook, A.J. see Harvey, A. Matthew, C. see Herrnandez Garay, A. Rowarth, J.S. see Cookson, W.R. © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Grass and Forage Science, 55, 379-381 Author index bss] Sidiras, N. see Thanopoulos, R. Wallis De Vries, M.F. see Laca, E.A. Steen, R.W.J. see Wright, D.A. Watson, C.J. see Laidlaw, A.S. Stencl, J. & Homola, P. Water sorption isotherms of West, C.P. see Elmi, A.A. leaves and stems of Trifolium pratense L. 159 Wilkins, P.W., Allen, D.K. & Mytton, L.R. Differences in the nitrogen-use efficiency of perennial ryegrass Thanopoulos, R., Marriott, C.A. & Sidiras, N. Dynamics varieties under simulated rotational grazing and their of perennial ryegrass and white clover in sown effects on nitrogen recovery and herbage nitrogen swards in NW Greece 361 content 69 Thom, E.R. see Bahmani, I. Withers, P.J.A., Peel, S., Chalmers, A.G., Lane, S.J. & Todd, P.A., Phillips, J.D.P., Putwain, P.D. & Marrs, R.H. Kane, R. The response of manured forage maize to Controi of Molinia caerulea on moorland 181 starter phosphorus fertilizer on chalkland soils in southern England 105 Varlet-Grancher, C. see Bahmani, I. Wright, D.A, Gordon, F.J., Steen, R.W.J. & Patterson, Vazquez-de-Aldana, B.R., Garcia-Ciudad, A., Pérez- D.C. Factors influencing the response in intake of Corona, M.E. & Garcia-Criado, B. Nutritional quality silaage and animal performance following wilting of of semi-arid grassland in western Spain over a 10- grass prior to ensiling: a review ] year period: changes in chemical composition of Wright, D.A., Frost, J.P. & Kilpatrick, D.J. The influence grasses, legumes and forbs 209 of weather factors on the drying rate of cut perennial ryegrass herbage under controlled conditions 331 © 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd, Grass and Forage Science, 55, 379-381

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