EncyclopaediaofMathematicalSciences Volume141 Low-DimensionalTopologyII SubseriesEditors: R.V.Gamkrelidze V.A.Vassiliev Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH Sergei K. Lando Alexander K. Zvonkin Graphs on Surfaces and Their Applications Appendix by Don B. Zagier 1 3 SergeiK.Lando IndependentUniversityofMoscow HigherCollegeofMathematics BolshoiVlassievskiiper.11 121002Moscow,Russia,and InstituteforSystemResearch RussianAcademyofSciences e-mail:[email protected] AlexanderK.Zvonkin LaBRI UniversitéBordeauxI 351,coursdelaLibération 33405TalenceCedex,France e-mail:[email protected] DonB.Zagier Max-Planck-InstitutfürMathematik Vivatsgasse7 53111Bonn,Germany e-mail:[email protected] FoundingeditoroftheEncyclopaediaofMathematicalSciences: R.V.Gamkrelidze MathematicsSubjectClassification(2000):05C10,05C30,12-XX,14-XX,14Hxx, 15A52,20Bxx,20F36,30Fxx,32G15,57Mxx,57M12,57M27,81T18,81T40 ISSN 0938-0396 ISBN 978-3-642-05523-2 ISBN 978-3-540-38361-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-38361-1 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialisconcerned, specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproductionon microfilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublicationorpartsthereofis permittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965,initscurrentversion,and permissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer-Verlag.Violationsareliableforprosecutionunderthe GermanCopyrightLaw. springeronline.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2004 Originally published bySpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York in2004 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2004 Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply,evenin theabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantpro- tectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. CoverDesign:E.Kirchner,Heidelberg,Germany Printedonacid-freepaper 46/3142db 543210 Alors que dans mes recherches d’avant 1970, mon attention syst´e- matiquement ´etait dirig´ee vers les objets de g´en´eralit´e maximale, afin de d´egager un language d’ensemble ad´equat pour le monde de la g´eom´etrie alg´ebrique, et que je ne m’attardais sur les courbes alg´ebrique que dans la stricte mesure ou` cela s’av´erait indispensable (notamment en cohomologie ´etale) pour d´evelopper des techniques et ´enonc´es “pass–partout” valables en toutes dimensions et en tous lieux(j’entends,surtoussch´emasdebase,voiretoustoposannel´esde base...),mevoicidoncramen´e,parletruchementd’objetssisimples qu’un enfant peut les connaˆıtre en jouant, aux d´ebuts et origines de la g´eometrie alg´ebrique,familiers a` Riemann et `a ses´emules ! A. Grothendieck, Esquisse d’un programme ([129], page 8) Whereasin myresearchbefore1970,myattentionwassystematically directed towards objects of maximal generality, in order to uncover a general language adequate for the world of algebraic geometry, and Ineverrestrictedmyselftoalgebraiccurvesexceptwhenstrictlyneces- sary (notably in etale cohomology), preferring to develop “pass-key” techniques and statements valid in all dimensions and every place (I mean, over all base scheme, or even based ringed topoi...), here I was brought back, via objects so simple that a child learns them while playing, to the beginnings and origins of algebraic geometry, familiar to Riemann and his followers! A. Grothendieck, Sketch of a programme ([129], page 246) Preface Russian scientists have a long-standing tradition of working with high school students.Theworktakesmanyforms:incircles,specialmathematicalschools, olympiads, “scientifically oriented” summer camps. The subjects to discuss with students are usually chosen with great care. They must be elementary enough to be accessible to a beginner but at the same time sufficiently rich to provide a kind of an opening to the world of real research. They are often related to the researcher’sfield of interest. During one such summer camp, near the ancient city of Pereslavl not far from Moscow, in the summer of 1989, we discussed in a company of friends theprogramsofourrespectivecircles.Toourgreatamazementwediscovered that,whileworkingondifferentsubjects,westudiedthesameobjects,namely, embedded graphs. These objects were indeed elementary, and they were a naturalsubjectofinterestforcombinatorialists.Butamongustherewerealso physicists,aswellasspecialistsinalgebraicnumbertheory,andinsingularity theory. Thus began our cooperation; we tried to understand one another’s works and language, which, at least for the two of us, has culminated in this book. Luckily, at the beginning we largelyunderestimated the width and the depth of the sea we intended to cross, otherwise we would not have dared to start. But the world we discoveredis really full of wonders. While working on the book we encountered two main difficulties which probably encounters every author trying to cover a quickly developing field. First,the domainturnedout to bevaster thanweinitially supposed.Second, the progress of science was sometimes faster than we were able to follow it. In the course of the last decade some entirely new branches of the subject appeared “out of nowhere”. Sometimes we were compelled to stop writing certainpartsofthebookonlybecauseatsomemomentonemuststopanyway. Thereaderwillnoticethateverychapterstartsasaplaywithaveryintriguing plot;but itsendisoftenratherabrupt,andthereisno epilogue.Well, finally, it is only natural. AnoverviewofthecontentisgivenintheIntroduction.Theauthorsshare full responsibility for everything written in the book. All the chapters were VIII Preface discussed by both authors. However, we had to share the work in some way. Chapters 4 and 6 are mainly written by Sergei Lando; Chapters 1 and 2, by AlexanderZvonkin;inChapters3and5eachofuswrotecertainsectionsand we find it unnecessary to specify this in detail. Acknowledgments Firstofallour gratitudeisdue to Vladimir IgorevichArnoldandto Izrail Moisseevich Gelfand: it is their inspiring influence that pushed us to work in combinatorics. Allthetopicspresentedinthisbookwerediscussed,sometimesbriefly,and sometimes at great length, with our friends and colleagues (who quite often becameourteachersforcertainsubjects).Itwouldbetoolongtoindicatethe particularreasonsandtheexactmeasureofourgratitudetoeveryone.There- fore we decided to limit ourselvesto giving just a list of names: we are grate- ful to N. Adrianov, J. B´etr´ema, B. Birch, M. Bousquet-M´elou, S. Chmutov, R. Cori, J.-M. Couveignes, H. Crapo, M. Delest, P. Di Francesco, A. Dimca, S. Dulucq, S. Duzhin, T. Ekedahl, S. Gelfand, V. Goryunov, L. Granboulan, L.Habsieger,C.Itzykson,G.Jones,M.Kapranov,V.Kazakov,M.Kazaryan, S.Kerov,A.Khovanskii,Yu.Kochetkov,R.Ko¨ck,M.Kontsevich,G.Labelle, P. Leroux,V. Liskovets,A. Mach`ı,Yu. Matiyasevich,A. Mednykh,S. Natan- zon,S.Orevkov,F.Pakovitch,G.Schaeffer,L.Schneps,G.Shabat,B.Shapiro, M. Shapiro, A. Shen, M. Shubin, D. Singerman, A. Sossinsky, A. Vainshtein, V. Vassiliev, X. Viennot, J. Wolfart, M. Zaidenberg, S. Zdravkovska, J.-B. Zuber. (It is possible we have forgotten certain people but we a grateful to them nevertheless.) Nextcomeourstudents:D.Bouya,M.ElMarraki,N.Hanusse,N.Magot, P. Moreau,D. P´er´e,E.Soboleva,J. Zipperer.The necessityto explain things to others always promotes a better understanding. Finally,therearetwopersonstowhomweowespecialthanks:DonZagier andDimitriZvonkine.Dimitricarefullyreadpreliminaryversionsofthebook and helped a lot in working through a number of difficult points. Professor Zagiersupplieduswithanenormousnumberofextremelyusefulremarksand comments at the final stage of the editing. He became almost a co-author by writing an Appendix at the end of the book. We were happy to have such collaborators. At various stages of writing the book we had several possibilities to meet and worktogether.We aregratefulto LaboratoireBordelaisde Rechercheen Informatique (LaBRI) of the University Bordeaux I, The Independent Uni- versityof Moscow(IUM), Max-Planck-Institutfu¨r Mathematik atBonn, and MathematischesForschungsinstitutOberwolfachfortheirhospitality.Partsof thetextwereusedinlecturecoursesgivenbythefirstauthorattheIUMand by the second author at LaBRI. Through these years, the first author enjoyed support from RFBR, IN- TAS,andNWOresearchgrants,currentlyRFBR01-01-00660,INTAS00-259, Preface IX NWO-RFBR 047.008.005.The second author was partially supported by the EuropeanCommunityIHRPProgram,withintheResearchTrainingNetwork “Algebraic Combinatorics in Europe”, grant HPRN-CT-2001-00272, and by the French program “GDR Tresses”2105 CNRS. Moscow and Bordeaux, Sergei Lando August 31, 2003 Alexander Zvonkin Contents 0 Introduction: What is This Book About ................... 1 0.1 New Life of an Old Theory ............................... 1 0.2 Plan of the Book ........................................ 2 0.3 What You Will Not Find in this Book ..................... 4 1 Constellations, Coverings, and Maps....................... 7 1.1 Constellations........................................... 7 1.2 Ramified Coveringsof the Sphere.......................... 13 1.2.1 First Definitions................................... 13 1.2.2 Coveringsand Fundamental Groups ................. 15 1.2.3 Ramified Coveringsof the Sphere and Constellations... 18 1.2.4 Surfaces.......................................... 22 1.3 Maps .................................................. 26 1.3.1 Graphs Versus Maps............................... 26 1.3.2 Maps: Topological Definition........................ 28 1.3.3 Maps: Permutational Model ........................ 33 1.4 CartographicGroups..................................... 39 1.5 Hypermaps ............................................. 43 1.5.1 Hypermaps and Bipartite Maps ..................... 43 1.5.2 Trees ............................................ 45 1.5.3 Appendix: Finite Linear Groups..................... 49 1.5.4 Canonical Triangulation............................ 50 1.6 More Than Three Permutations ........................... 55 1.6.1 Preimages of a Star or of a Polygon.................. 56 1.6.2 Cacti ............................................ 57 1.6.3 Preimages of a Jordan Curve ....................... 61 1.7 Further Discussion....................................... 63 1.7.1 Coveringsof Surfaces of Higher Genera............... 63 1.7.2 Ritt’s Theorem.................................... 65 1.7.3 Symmetric and Regular Constellations ............... 68 1.8 Review of Riemann Surfaces .............................. 70