© SociedadEspañola deMalacología /¿É-my, 17 (2): 1-10, 1999 Granulinafernandesi (Gastropoda: Volutacea), a new spe- cies from Cape Verde Islands, and some considerations on the genus Granulina Granulinafernandesi(Gastropoda: Volutacea), una especie nueva de las Islas de Cabo Verde, y algunas consideraciones sobre el género Granulina Franck BOYER* and Emilio ROLAN** Recibidoel28-1-1998.Aceptadoel20-IV-1998 ABSTRACT A new species of Granulina is described from Cape Verde archipelago, West África. The new species, G. fernandesi, is compared with some congeneric ones living in shallow waters of tfie Atlantic ocean. The necessity of deeper investigations into the genus Granu- lina is pointed out. The patterns of micro and macrosculpture of the shell are reported os one ofthe distinctive characters ofthe genus Granulina. RESUME Une nouvelle espéce de Granulina est décrite de l'Archipel du Cap Vert, Afrique de l'Ouest. La nouvelle espéce, G. fernandesi, est comparée avec quelques espéces congé- nériques vivant par petits fonds dans l'Atlantique. La nécessité d'investigations plus pous- sées dans le genre Granulina est affirmée. Les modeles de micro et de macrosculptures de la coquille sont signóles comme l'un des caracteres distinctifs du genre Granulina. RESUMEN Se describe una nueva especie de Granulina del archipiélago de Cabo Verde, África occidental. La nueva especie, G. fernandesi, se compara con otras del mismo género que habitan aguas someras del Atlántico. Se concluye que son necesarias investigacio- nes más profundas sobre el género Granulina. Se señala que los patrones de la micro y macroescultura de la concha son uno de los caracteres diferenciales del género Granu- lina. KEYWORDS: Granulinafernandesi,Cystiscidae, Granulina, Cypraeolina,Marginellopsis,Pugnus,CapeVerde, WestÁfrica. MOTS CLÉS: Granulinafernandesi, Cystiscidae, Granulina, Cypraeolina, Marginellopsis, Pugnus, Cap Vert, Afriqueoccidentale. PALABRAS CLAVE: Granulinafernandesi, Cystiscidae, Granulina, Cypraeolina, Marginellopsis, Pugnus, Cabo Verde,ÁfricaOccidental. 110,CheminduMaraisduSouci, 93270Sevran,France. *CánovasdelCastillo22,36202Vigo,Spain. . Iberus, 17 (2), 1999 INTRODUCTION The marginellid fauna from Cape Severalshallowanddeepwatersam- Verde Islands is waiting for a complete plings madebyboth authors during the revisión, specially on the group Volva- last years from Southern Morocco to rina-Prunum which is particularly well- Ghana brought to light a lot of unstu- represented along the archipelago diedpopulationsbelongingtothe genus through a lot of species showing cióse Granulina, aswellasmanyfieldinforma- affinities with several taxa from the tions on them. The authors have publis- Caribbean área and fromNorthWestern hed some papers on the material collec- Indian Ocean. A study of the species ted inthese samplings, (Pinand Boyer, belonging to the genus Volvarina and 1995 and Rolan and Fernandes, 1997) other related species are in course and they hold several works under (Moreno and burnay, 1999 and pers. study with the purpose to undertake a com.). general revisión of this genus along A single species belonging to the NorthwestAfricancontinentalshelf genus Granulina Jousseaume, 1888 has Moreover, some years ago the been reported from the archipelago as second author obtained several speci- G. ocarina Fernandes, 1987 (Figs. 9-12), mens and shells from Cape Verde archi- an endemic species widely represented pelago. These specimens consist in a in all the islands, from low tide level tiny Granulina which presents very par- (authors collections. Uve specimens and ticular characters compared with the empty shells) down to 120 m and more species of this genus known from the (CANCAP dredgings in NNM-Leiden; Atlanticocean. Consideredbyusasnew emptyshells). species, it is described and named Gofas (1992)revised the genus Gra- hereunder. nulina from the Mediterranean and We will named "specimen" the Eastern Atlantic. However, in this material collected alive and "shell" paperwere principally considered data those which were collected as empty from Mediterranean and Ibero-Mo- shells. roccan Gulf, with particular references to Straight of Gibraltar and to Central Abbreviations: Mediterranean área (Corsica to Tunisia). Few more localities were AMNH American Museum of Natural quoted: shallow water of Madeira, History, NewYork Canary Islands [both for G. guancha BMNH The Natural History Museum, n(ida'O(rfboirgGn.y,ma1u8r4e0t)an]i,cNaorGotfhaesr,n1M9a9u2r)iatnad- MNLCoNndoMnuseo Nacional de Ciencias some deep water dredgings from Naturales, Madrid Senegal to Ivory Coast [for G. africana MNHN Museum National d'Histoire Gofas, 1992 and G. cf. occulta (Montero- Naturelle, Paris sato, 1869) ]. Thus, many áreas and NNM National Natuurhistbrisch habitats remaintobe checked inNorth- Museum,Leiden westÁfrica for a general review of the CERcoUectionofE. Rolan, Vigo genus Granulina. CFB collectionofF. Boyer, Sevran RESULTS Genus Granulina Jousseaume, 1888 Typespeciesbymonotypy:MarginellapygmaeaIssel, 1869, non Sowerby, 1846 (=Marginellaisseli G.andH.Nevill, 1875).RedSea.IllustratedinFig.13. BOYERAND ROLÁN: Granulinafemandesin. sp. from Cape Verde Figures 1-4: Granulinafernandesisp. nov. 1:holotype (MNCN),TeodoraBay, BoaVista;2:paraty- pe 4, Rabo deJunco Bay, Sal Island (CER); 3: detall ofthe sculpture from paratype 4; 4: eroded emptyshell, fromsediments, Rabo deJunco, Sal (CER). Figuras 1-4: Granulinafernandesisp. nov. 1:hobtipo (MNCN), Bahía Teodora, Boa Vista;2:parati- po 4, Rabo dejunco Bay, isladeSal(CER);3: detalledela esculturadelparatipo 4; 4: concha erosio- nada, recolectada vaciaensedimentos. RabodeJunco, Sal(CER). Iberus, 17 (2), 1999 Granulinafemandesi sp. nov. (Figs. 1-6) T5^ematerial:Holotype:AdultspecimencoatedwithametallicfilmforSEMphotography(Fig. 1) (L = 1.13 mm, W=0.74mm). DepositedinMNCN (n° 15.05/310W11). Paratype 1: Adultshell, coated with a metallicfilm forSEM photography (L = 1.25 mm, = 0.80mm); deposited in MNHN. Paratype 2: Young adult shWell (L = 1.10 mm, W = 0.63 mm); deposited in AMNH. Paratype3:Adultshell(L= 1.20mm, =0.72mm);depositedinCFB.AUtheabovementioned specimensfromthetypelocality,sediment,at4-6m.Paratype4:Adultshell(Fig.2),coatedwitha metallicfilmforSEMphotography;obtainedinRabodeJuncoBay,SalIsland,sedimentat4-6m W (L= 1.14 mm, = 0.72mm); deposited inCER. Paratypes5 and 6:Juvenileshells, obtainedin RegonaBay,SalIsland, sandsediment, at10m; [L= 1.20mm(brokenshell),L=0.90mm(intact shell)]; depositedinCER. Paratypes7,8and9:Adultshells,fWromSal-Rei,BoaVista, sandWysedi- mentat6m,twooWfthemwithrestofsoftparts;(L=1.4mm, =0.84mm;L=1.4mm, =0.9 mm; L = 1.3 mm, = 0.82, respectively); deposited inCER. Paratype 10: Adultshells, fromSal Rei,BoaVista,sandysedimentat6m,twoofthemwithremainsofsoftparts;depositedinNNM. IOstlhaendrs,maitnersiaanldeaxta1m0inmed(L(a=ll1i.n12CEmRm),: 1Wad=ul0t.6s7pmecmi)m;en3 s(Fhieglsl.s5f,r6o)mcRolalbeocteddeiJnunRceog,oSnaalBIasyl,anSdasl; oneofthemrepresented inFigure4 (L= 1.30mm); 2 adultshells collected inMordeiraBay, Sal Island, oneinbad condition; 14shells fromPau Seco, MaioIsland, 30m; 6 shellsfromPortoda Cruz, Sal Rei, Boa Vista, 3 m; 1 shell from llheus Rombos, 10 m; 1 shell from Praia, Santiago Island,5m. Typelocality:TeodoraBay,BoaVista,CapeVerdeIslands. Etymology: The new species is named after Francisco Fernandes "Xico", keen collector and student fromLuanda, Angola, died onJanuary 1996, who devoted to WestAfricanmalacology andbroughtaspecialinteresttoCapeVerdianmarginellids. Description: Small, subcylindric, whi- This microsculpture pattern covers a tish-grey shell (Figs. 1, 2, 4-6). Length: ground sculpture of fine axial ribs 1.10 to 1.40 mm; width: 0.63 to 0.90 mm. running along the shell, and possibly Labrum moderately thickened; lip cur- constitutedbygrowinglines. ved into the aperture, no labial denti- The animal was not fully examined. cles; posterior part of the labrum ItsprevailingcoloursareyeUowandviolet. slightly elevated above the top of the Habitat: Live specimens were collec- body whorl; no apparent spire neither ted in sediment of soft bottoms and apex; the first whorls seeming to be among algae on rocks, from 3 to 30 m. overlaped and absorbed by the last G. femandesi seems to be restricted to whorl. Narrow aperture, slightly ope- modérate depths. None specimens was ned towards the top, and more widely found in CANCAP dredgings (NNM- opened towards the base. The central Leiden) by first author. We however part of the smooth inner lip is straight note that CANCAP dredgings obtained and vertical. Modérate anteriorbreak of few results in Cape Verde Islands along the outline, at the level of the siphonal this group, and that most of the sam- canal. Four columellar plaits occuping plings were carried out in somewhat the anterior third part of the parietal deepwater (circalittoralandbathyal). side, decreasinginsizefromthebase. Geographic distribution: Known from Even in live collected specimens, the southern and eastern islands of the general appearance of the surface is not Cape Verde archipelago. The occurrence shinning but presents a satin look. ofthespeciesinnorthernislandsshould Underhigh magnification (Fig. 3), a fine beverified. sculpture is revealed, constituted by The species was not found in the axial alignments of microscopic many samples which were obtained in rounded granules, looking like a silky recent times from Northwest African veil on the shell, spangled with larger coast and otherMacaronesian archipela- grainy pustules, irregularly dispersed gos, evenwhena diversificated fauna of on the body whorl and on the labrum. Granulinawasnoted. BOYERAND ROLÁN: Granulinafemandesin. sp. from CapeVerde m Figures 5,6: Granulinafemandesisp. nov.,adultspecimen,collectedaliveinRegonaBay, Sal, 10 (CER); 5: ventral view (two more columellar plaits are present into the aperture); 6: dorsal view. Figures7,8: Granulinavanhareni.Adultshell,Algeciras,Spain(CFB);7:ventralview;8:dorsalv'itw. Figuras5, 6: Granulina femandesi sp. nov., ejemplaradulto, recolectado vivo en laBahíadeRegona, Sal, 10m (CER);5: visión ventral(dosplieguescolumelaresmásestánpresentesdentrodelaabertura); 6:visióndorsal Figuras7, 8:Granulinavanhareni. Conchaadulta,Algeciras, España(CFB); 7: visión ventral;8: visióndorsal Discussion: Granulinafemandesi sp. more or less heart-shaped shell (instead nov. is clearly distinct from the sympa- ofsubq^lindricalasinG.femandesi),bea- tric Granulina ocarina Fernandes, 1987 ring strong denticles on the inner lip (Figs. 9-11). This late species, widers- (sometimes absent in gerontic speci- pread in Cape Verde Islands, presents a mens), a parietal sulcus and it shows a stouter, largar (length about 2 mm) and tendancy to a fifth columellar plait. Un- Iberus, 17 (2), 1999 der high magnification (Fig. 12), G. oca- On the other hand, Marginellopsis rina shows a fine microsculpture cove- serrei, type species ofthe genusMargine- ring the shell, made of an unorganized llopsisBavay, 1911 (Figs. 14-16),described distribution of pustules of irregular fromthe CaribbeanSea and widespread shape, very different from the pattern inthisárea(Bavay,1911),bearsastronger presented in G. fernandesi. These two macrosculpture organized according a species donotseemtobecióserelatives, pattern of wavy axial (growing?) lines, and they probably belong to two diffe- interwinedwiththickspiralribs, someti- rentlineageswithinthegenusGranulina. mes more marked onthe top and onthe G.fernandesiapparentlydoesnothave baseofthelastwhorl.Underhighmagni- cióserelativesinAtlanticoceanneitherin fication, the silky look of the surface Indo-Pacific área, but two Atlantic tiny reveáis a squared to grained structure sized species {Cypraeolina vanharenivan (Fig. 17), sometimes clouded when Aartsen, Menkhorst and Gittenberger, winding axial lines are dominant, with 1984andMarginellopsisserreiBavay, 1911) one isolated granule on each relief or showhoweversomesimilaritiestoG.fer- intersection. The shell presents a subcy- nandesiintheirshell features. lindric to square outline, an aperture C. vanhareni (Figs. 7-8)was described narrowed in its central partby an infle- fromAlgecirasBay, SouthernSpain, and xión ofthe labrum, faintlabial teeth (but it is only known from both sides of a smooth inner lip in young adult or Straigth of Gibraltar (Aartsen, Menk- gerontic specimens), two strong and horst AND Gittenberger, 1984), bears sharp anterior columellarplaits and two overits shellafinemicrosculpturemade very small and packed posterior ones. of axial lines of microscopic pustules Thelengthoftheshellisabout1 mm. superposed to a system of cióse and M. serrei presents some similarities faint axial ribs. A ground structure of with G. fernandesi for the tendancy to packed growing lines is more visible subcylindrical outlines, shape of the betweentheribscontributingtogivethe aperture, structure of the labrum and silky appearance of the surface of the organization of the columellar plaits. body whorl. This pattern of pustulose However, M. serrei presents a deeply microsculpture covering an axially different pattern of micro and macros- ribbed macrosculpture is similar of that culpture. This late feature could have presented in G.fernandesi. However, the phyletical meaning as discussed later general outlines and structural building on. Therefore, we provisionally consider ofthe shellofC. vanhareniaresignificati- thatM. serrei and G.fernandesibelong to vely different from that ones of G.fer- different supraspecific taxa within the nandesi. C. vanhareni is also larger, sizing genusGranulina "sensulato". mm 1.4 to 1.8 in length. Its general M. serrei clearly belongs to a homo- shape is more similarto that one of Gra- geneous group well-represented in the nulina isseli, type species of the genus Indo-Pacific área and composed by se- Granulina and endemic to the Red Sea veral species with very cióse similari- andGulfofAden. ties,bothfortheirshell structure andfor (Right page) Figures 9-12: Granulina ocarina. 9: adult specimen, in algae on boulders, Calheta Fonda, Sal (CFB); 10: shell coUected alive, from BoaVista Island; 11: emptyshell, collected from BoaVista Island; 12: detall ofthesculpture from thespecimenofFigure 10. Figure 13: Granulina isseli, adultspecimen, in seaweeds, 1-2 m, Safaga, Egypt, Red Sea (CFB). (Página derecha) Figuras 9-12: Granulina ocarina. 9: ejemplar adulto, en matas de algas, Calheta Fonda, Sal(CFB); 10: ejemplarrecolectado vivo, en la isladeBoa Vista; 11:concha vacía, recolectada en la isladeBoa Vista; 12: detalledela esculturadelejemplardelaFigura 10. Figure 13: Granulina isseli, ejemplaradulto, enpraderasdefanerógamasmarinas, 1-2m, Safaga, Egipto, MarRojo (CFB). BOYERAND ROLÁN: Granulinafernandesin. sp. from Cape Verde Iberus, 17 (2), 1999 the micro and macrosculpture. These This systematic character is hereby pro- species are: Pugnus parvus Hedley, 1896 posed for taxonomic and phylogenetic (type-species of the genus Pugnus Hed- analysis within the genus Granulina, ley, 1896), from South-East Australia; besideothercharacterscurrentlyused. Pugnus maesae Roth, 1972, from Cocos- Further researchs will tentatively Keeling Islands; and Granula atomella explain (if explainable) the biological Bavay, 1917, fromMascareneIslands. origin and adaptative meaning of such In the present state, the generaMar- micro and macrosculpture, which are ginellopsis Bavay, 1911 mustbe conside- not present in other marginellid genera, redasjiiniorsynonymofPugnusHedley, even in those associated to Granulinaby 1896. CoovERT and Coovert (1995) to erect We note that, in the revisión under- thefamilyCystiscidae. takedbyGofas (1992), the authorconsi- In the present state, we feel appro- dered Granulina as a whole, that means priatedtoplacethenewlydescribedspe- amorphologicallyhomogeneous, phyle- cies within the genus Granulina sensu tically united and undifferentiated lato, considered (Gofas, 1992) as a mo- group, and he did not propose taxono- nophyletic and undifferentiated group. micsubdivisionsatsupraspecificlevel. This provisional placement foUows the The presence of micro and macros- approach adopted by the last reviewers culpture on the shells of marginelliform (Gofas, 1992, Coovert and Coovert, species gathered within the genus Gra- 1995).However,itcouldbereconsidered nulina sensulatoisgenerallynotquoted in the course of a more general revisión by modern authors and not used by workonthegenusGranulina. them as a morphologically and/or phy- In his revisión of fossil and recent letically significant feature. In fact, most Granulina from Mediterranean, la ofthe recently described species of Gra- Perna (1999) explains why "the move nulina have illustrated only by simpli- to Cystiscidae (by Coovert and fied drawings ofthe shells and notSEM Coovert, 1995) seems not well suppor- photograph of the microsculpture (Fer- ted" and he better finds reasons for NANDES, 1987, Gofas and Fernandes, maintaining the allocation of Granulina 1988, Gofas, 1992, PinandBoyer, 1995, inMarginellidae. WefoUowLaPernaon RolanandFernandes, 1997). both points, but we think that the com- This feature is however unique and plete study of the systematics of Granu- constantineachspecies, and well-repre- linaremainstodo. sented in the whole genus, even in the A better knowledge of the wide type species G. isseli, which presents diversity within the genus Granulina itself a faint "leopard-patterned" and adeeper studyofits distinctive fea- microsculptureonasmoothground. tures could lead to propose a reorgani- Several distinctive groups seem to zation ofthis group and a possible revi- be distinguishable on the basis of the sión of its taxonomic placement within patterns of micro and macrosculpture. themarginelliformgastropods. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acknowledgements are due to Phi- dad de Vigo, for the SEM photograp- lippeBouchetandSergeGofas (MNHN- hies; to Colin Redfern for the use of Paris) for their constant support; to photographs from his coUection; to José Edmund Gittenberger and Jeroen Goud Templado and Ángel Guerra for the cri- (NNM-Leiden) for consultation of tical reading of the manuscript and to CANCAP collections; toJacques Pelorce MargaritaMosqueraforherhelpsorting (Le Grau du Roi, France) for the loan of shellsfromsediments. its material and precious field notes; to This work was partially supported Jesús Méndez, of the CACTI, Universi- bytheprojectXUGA30114A96. BOYERAND ROLÁN: Granulinafemandesin. sp. from CapeVerde BMNH Figures 14-17: Marginellopsis serrei. 14: adult shell, one of the 4 cotypes in (reg. n° 1911.10.18.1-4), Cuba. Thecotypes aremountedon apaper; thatoneherepicturedis thesecond from the left; 15-16: shells fromAbaco, Bahamas (C. Redfern collection); 17: detail ofthe sculp- ture (fromtheshell ofthe Figure 16). Figuras 14-17: Marginellopsis serrei. 14: concha adulta, uno de los 4cotipos en elBMNH(reg. N" 1911.10.18.1-4), Cuba. Loscotiposestánmontadossobreunpapel, elaquírepresentadoeselsegundode la izquierda; 15-16: conchasdeAbaco, Bahamas (colección de C. Redfern); 17: detalledela escultura (delaconchadelaFigura 16). Iberus, 17 (2), 1999 BIBLIOGRAPHY Aartsen,J.J.Van,Menkhorst,H.P.andGit- Gofas, S. andFernandes, F., 1988.Themar- TENBERGER,F.,1984.ThemarineMolluscaof ginellidsofSaoTomé,WestÁfrica.Journalof theBayofAlgesiras,Spain. Basteria, suppl. Conchology,33(1): 1-30. 2: 1-135,24pls. Moreno,D.andBurnay,L.P., 1999.Thege- Bavay,a.,1911.UnemargineUidéenouvellede nus Volvarina (Gastropoda: Marginellidae) Cuba. Bulletin du Muséum Nationale d'His- in the Cape Verde Islands. Journal ofCon- toireNaturelle,Paris, 17(4):240-243. chology,36(5):83-124. 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