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Granular Filtration of Aerosols and Hydrosols PDF

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BUTTERWORTHS SERIES IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SERIES EDITOR ADVISORY EDITORS HOWARD BRENNER ANDREAS ACRIVOS Massachusetts Institute of Technology The City College of CUNY JAMES E. BAILEY California Institute of Technology MANFRED MORARI California Institute of Technology E. BRUCE NAUMAN Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ROBERT K. PRUD'HOMME Princeton University SERIES TITLES Chemical Process Equipment: Selection and Design Stanley M. Walas Constitutive Equations for Polymer Melts and Solutions Ronald G. Larson Fundamental Process Control David M. Prett and Carlos E. Garcia Gas-Liquid-Solid Fluidization Engineering Liang-Shih Fan Gas Separation by Adsorption Processes Ralph T. Yang Granular Filtration of Aerosols and Hydrosols Chi Tien Heterogeneous Reactor Design Hong H. Lee Molecular Thermodynamics of Nonideal Fluids Lloyd L. Lee Phase Equilibria in Chemical Engineering Stanley M. Walas Physicochemical Hydrodynamics: An Introduction Ronald F. Probstein Transport Processes in Chemically Reacting Flow Systems Daniel E. Rosner Viscous Flows: The Practical Use of Theory Stuart W. Churchill Granular Filtration of Aerosols and Hydrosols Chi Tien Professor of Chemical Engineering Syracuse University Syracuse, New York Butterworths Boston London Singapore Sydney Toronto Wellington Copyright © 1989 by Butterworth Publishers, a division of Reed Publishing (USA) Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tien, Chi, 1930- Granular filtration of aerosols and hydrosols/Chi Tien. p. cm.—(Butterworths series in chemical engineering) Includes bibliographies and index. ISBN 0-409-90043-5 1. Filters and filtration. 2. Aerosols. 3. Liquids. I. Title. II. Series. TP156.F5T54 1989 660.2'84245—dcl9 88-23727 CIP British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Tien, Chi Granular filtration of aerosols and hydrosols. 1. Aerosols & hydrosols. Filtration I. Title 660.2'84245 ISBN 0-409-90043-5 Butterworth Publishers 80 Montvale Avenue Stoneham, MA 02180 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21 Printed in the United States of America To Julia, Anita, and Ellen Preface The information explosion our society is experiencing is, almost by necessity, accompanied by a mushrooming of publications all seeking to document, explore, or clarify our newfound knowledge. In this environment the author of material dealing with what appears to be a familiar subject is often challenged to justify his or her work, to defend against the charges of simply adding another volume to the plethora that already exist on the topic. In preparing this book, I have been spared this requirement. A casual search of the library and of publication catalogues reveals that no publication focusing on granular filtration is presently available. It is interesting to note that this void stands in contrast to the fact that granular filtration is not only an engineering practice of long standing but has also enjoyed resurgent attention of late, evidenced by the numerous recent studies of its research and development. This book is concerned with the fundamental aspects of granular filtration of both liquid and gas suspensions. In writing this book, I have attempted to present systematically the principles underlying the various phenomena associated with granular filtration, especially those which can be used to provide a rational basis for predicting the dynamic behavior of granular filtration in its entirety. I have also tried to demonstrate that by using relatively simple and familiar knowledge from the basic engineering sciences, one can indeed examine the granular filtration process in some detail and it is not always necessary to treat a filter as a magic black box as is often done. Furthermore, in the hope of gaining a wider audience, I have deliberately kept to a minimum the background information necessary to comprehend the material presented. In fact, the level is consistent with what is taught in an accredited B.Sc. degree program in chemical, civil (environmental), or mechanical engineering. Thus, I hope the book will be useful to those beginning research or development work in granular filtration. One could also adopt the book as a text or part of the text for graduate courses dealing with separation technology although it is not strictly written as a textbook. On a phenomenological level, granular filtration involves the transfer of mass (small particles) from a mobile to a stationary phase and is, therefore, a fixed-bed process. On a more detailed level, problems such as particle deposition or filter clogging all arise from the flow of suspension through porous media; their analysis requires combined knowledge in fluid mechanics, particle mechanics, solution chemistry, and the surface sciences. From any of these perspectives, there is no fundamental difference between aerosol and hydrosol filtration. For this reason, this book takes a unifying approach in its treatment of the topic. Chapters 2 through 6 provide material which is equally applicable to both systems. Even in Chapter 9, where individual case studies are presented, the methods developed are in most situations useful to both aerosols and hydrosols. XI xii Preface It is well recognized that a unified approach to the treatment of granular filtration of aerosols and hydrosols does not necessarily conform to current practice. Investigators of granular filtration are invariably identified as either deep-bed people (hydrosols) or aerosol scientists (aerosols). Admittedly, the difference between certain relevant physical properties of water and air may indeed become significant under certain circumstances. I have recognized and acknowledged these differences, for example, by handling separately the discussions on collection efficiency for aerosols (Chapter 6) and hydrosols (Chapter 7). Furthermore, because of the tradition of treating aerosols and hydrosols separately, different termi- nologies have been developed to describe essentially the same phenomena; for example, both the concept of filter coefficient and that of collector efficiency are used to describe filtration rate. To avoid further confusion, however, I have adhered to this tradition as much as possible throughout the text. This book is really an outgrowth of the lecture notes I have assembled during the past fifteen years of my graduate teaching at Syracuse University. Some of these notes were also used for two special courses I taught at the University of Leeds, England, in the fall of 1976 and at Karlsruhe University, West Germany, in the summer of 1982. In this connection, I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Colin McGreavy (Leeds) and Professor Heinrich Sontheimer (Karlsruhe) for inviting me to lecture in their respective institutions. A substantial part of the material presented here is the result of various research investigations on granular filtration carried out at Syracuse since 1968. Both Professors C.S. Wang and R.M. Turian collaborated with me during parts of this period and I am indebted to them for their contributions and their friendships. I must, of course, acknowledge my former coworkers, particularly professors A.C. Payatakes (University of Patras), R. Rajagopalan (University of Houston), H. Pendse (University of Maine), H. Emi (University of Kanazawa), H. Yoshida (University of Hiroshima), K. Ushiki (Kyushu Institute of Technology), T. Takahashi (University of Nagoya), J. Tsubaki (University of Nagoya), S. Vigneswaran (Asian Institute of Technology), B.V. Ramarao (SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry), Drs. R. Gimbel (Engler-Bunte Institute, Karlsruhe), M. Beizaie (University of California, San Diego), F.J. Onorato (Celanese Research Company), R.C. Tsiang (E.I. DuPont), H.W. Chiang (Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd.), and my present graduate students, R. Vaidyanathan, Y. Jung, S. Yiacoumi, C. Choo, and C. Yao, who as is customary, have carried out or are conducting the brunt of these research activities. Finally, I would like to thank Anne Coffey Fazekas, of Word-Wrights, Inc., for her invaluable editorial help; S. Yiacoumi and C. Yao for their proofreading; and Kathleen J. Datthyn-Madigan, who with her fine keyboard skills and unusual ability to decipher difficult material and nearly unintelligible handwriting, typed and retyped the entire manuscript. Chi Tien Syracuse, New York Chapter 1 Introduction Granular filtration is a fluid-solid separation process commonly applied to remove minute quantities of small particles from various kinds of fluids. This engineering practice is interesting historically as well as contemporarily. Both Sanskrit medical lore and Egyptian inscriptions give clear evidence that granular filtration was used for water treatment (as early as 200 B.C.), as detailed in Baker's book, The Quest for Pure Water (1949). At the same time, there is hardly a segment of the process and chemical industries that does not use granular filtration today. The significant number of patents granted in recent years to gas-cleaning processes based on granular filtration attests to its enduring utility. The versatility of granular filtration is evident from its scope of application as well as from the manner in which it is carried out. Either liquid or gas fluid streams can be treated. Besides water or air, systems that may be treated by granular filtration include such diverse substances as flue gas, combustion products, molten metal, petrochemical feedstocks, polymers, and alcoholic or nonalcoholic bev- erages. (For convenience, whenever distinction is necessary, granular filtration will henceforth be referred to as hydrosol filtration or aerosol filtration, depending on whether liquid or gas suspension is involved.) Although granular filtration is frequently carried out in the fixed-bed mode, it may also be conducted in moving- bed or fluidized-bed mode so that the operation is continuous. The basic principle of granular filtration remains the same regardless of the system being treated or the manner in which filtration is conducted. The suspension is made to pass through a medium composed of granular substances (granular medium). As the suspension flows through the medium, some of the particles present in the suspension, because of the various forces acting on them, move toward and become deposited on the surface of the granules of which the medium is composed. Although the extent of deposition throughout the medium cannot be made uni- form, the entire medium is to be used for particle collection. The purpose of this monograph is to present a systematic and rational treatment of deposition and other problems arising from the flow of fluid-particle suspensions through granular media. Whenever possible, both aerosol and hydrosol systems are considered as a single entity. Although the problems considered in this text by no means constitute granular filtration research in its entirety, their studies represent an important segment of this research field. This knowledge is essential to the modeling, design, optimization, and control of granular filtration systems. 1 2 Introduction 1.1 GRANULAR FILTRATION AS A FLUID-PARTICLE SEPARATION TECHNOLOGY Fluid-particle separation technology refers to a collection of processes for removing (as contaminants or impurities), separating (one type of particle from a mixture of particles), concentrating, and recovering (as products) particles from fluid-particle suspensions. As a technology, its age is probably second only to that of crushing and grinding of solids (Purchas 1971). Although the processes classified as fluid-particle separation are too numerous to be cited individually, it is generally accepted that fluid-particle separation encompasses cake filtration, granular and fibrous filtration, cartridge and membrane filtration, cycloning, thickening, flocculation, dewatering and expression, scrubbing, and electrostatic precipitation. The technology is basic to many manufacturing industries (chemical, mineral, and food and beverages) as well as to pollution abatement and environment control (for example, clean rooms). It is difficult to find any important engineering enterprise in which fluid-particle separation is not involved. The relationship among the various fluid-particle separation processes can be seen from the classification scheme suggested by Tiller (1974) for liquid-solid separation. This scheme, shown in Figure 1-1, is based on Tiller's idea that solid- liquid separation should be viewed as a system consisting of one or more stages: (1) pretreatment, to facilitate the operation of subsequent stages; (2) solids con- centration, to increase the solids content of suspensions; (3) solids separation, to separate solids and the suspending liquid; and (4) posttreatment, to improve the quality of the recovered products (either solid or liquid). Figure 1-1 is useful for delineating the function and field of application of granular filtration; that is, the process is used primarily for clarifying dilute suspensions by using the granular media as collecting bodies for particles present in the suspension. In contrast, cake filtration is used to recover solid products from relatively concentrated slurries. The difference between cake filtration (a subject often included in basic engineering texts) and granular filtration is the manner in which they operate. In the former case, the medium (or the bulk of it) through which the treated suspension flows is composed of the solids to be recovered. The re- sistence (that is, pressure drop) to suspension flow increases with time as a direct result of the increase in filter-cake thickness. For granular filtration, deposition occurs throughout the entire medium, and the pressure drop increase results when the medium is clogged. The differences between cake and granular filtrations and the mechanisms they use to separate solids from liquid do not imply that the two processes embody totally separate and distinct physical phenomena. Because particles present in a slurry to be treated by cake filtration invariably cover a wide size range, the finer particles are, to a large extent, removed by mechanisms like those operating in granular filtration. Similarly, even though the purpose of conducting granular filtration is to ensure that particle collection takes place throughout the entire filter medium, the extent of deposition within a granular filter cannot be made uniform. Excessive pressure drop often results from the formation and presence of filter cakes near the entrance of a granular filter. Thus, understanding the conditions leading to filter-cake formation is important to properly designing granular filtration systems. 1.2 Granular Filtration Versus Fibrous Filtration 3 Chemical Flocculatlon Coagulation PRETREATMENT -A Ptiysical Crystal growth Freezing and other physical changes Rlter aid addition Thickening Hydrocycloning SOLIDS CONCENTRATION ~1 I— Clartfication r- Batch PRESS, VACUUM, -\ Recovery of Solid GRAVITY FILTERS Particles I— Continuous CAKE FORMATION SOLIDS FILTERING SEPARATION Solid bowl L- CENTRIFUGES- SEDIMENTING Perforated bowl Clartflcation No cake formed Deep granular beds Cartridges Filtrate — Polishing Membranes Ultrafiltration POST-TREATMENT »— Cake — Washing Deliquoring Displacement Drainage Reslurry Mechanical Hydraulic FIGURE 1 -1 Stages of solid-liquid separation by Tiller {1974). {Reprinted with permission.) 1.2 GRANULAR FILTRATION VERSUS FIBROUS FILTRATION Fibrous filtration, generally speaking, refers to the process in which the removal of particles from gas streams is effected by passing the streams through fibrous media of various kinds. Depending on the manner with which the filter media are 4 Introduction constituted, particle retention takes place either at the media surface, in the form of filter cakes, or throughout the media. In the former case, the fibers (natural or chemical fibers, cellulose, metal or glass fibers) are pressed together in felt or spun or woven into cloth (fabric) such that the filter media pores are relatively small (as compared with the size of the particles to be removed). Most of the particles are separated in the form of filter cakes at the surface of the media, which are then removed intermittently when the pressure drop becomes excessive. This type of fi- brous filtration, in a sense, is similar to cake filtration used to separate particles from solid-liquid slurries. Baghouse filters used in power utilities are a typical ex- ample of this type of operation. If the fibrous media are formed by packing fibers loosely, such as in ventilation and air-conditioning applications, particle retention takes place mostly within the interior of the media. This second type of fibrous filtration is very similar to granular filtration. Because the physical laws governing the flow through either type of media are the same, the methodologies used to describe either type of filtration become almost interchangeable. This strong similarity does not imply that the method- ologies are identical. In addition to the obvious difference in the geometries of the entities constituting the filter media (e.g., granules or spheres in granular media versus fibers or cylinders in fibrous media), there are also significant differences in packing densities (or porosity), collector sizes, and mechanical strength. Because of their small collector size (i.e., fiber diameter) and high porosity, fibrous filters enjoy the advantages of higher single- (or unit-) collector efficiency and lower pressure drop. Granular filters, on the other hand, can be easily regenerated, in contrast to the difficulty of removing deposited particles for individual fibers. Furthermore, because of the relative abundance of granular substances that are temperature and corrosion resistant, granular filtration is more suitable for treating high-temperature and/or corrosive gaseous streams. 1.3 GRANULAR FILTRATION VERSUS FIXED-BED ADSORPTION By common understanding and usage, adsorption is referred to as the process in which certain components in a fluid phase are removed by transferring these components from the fluid to the surface of a solid adsorbent. Usually the small granules of adsorbent are placed in a fixed bed, and fluid is passed through the bed until the effluent concentration reaches a certain critical value (when breakthrough occurs) or until the adsorbent granules become nearly saturated. Thus, the operation of fixed-bed adsorption is very similar to that of granular filtration. Furthermore, there is reason to believe that the same types of interaction forces (such as the London-van der Waals and double-layer forces) are responsible for both adsorption and desorption and for deposition and reentrainment rates. Thus, many similarities exist between adsorption and granular filtration processes in terms of equipment configuration, mode of operation, and the respective underlying phenomena. Because of these similarities, the words adsorption and filtration have become interchangeable. The removal of colloidal particles from a fluid phase to a solid phase can be described as either adsorption or filtration (Hirtzel and Rajagopalan 1985). In engineering practice, granular carbon columns used to remove soluble

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