GrandmaSsetcerre ts: WinninQgu ickly atC hess JohnN unn Firpsutbs lhieidnt hUeK b yG ambPiubtl itciaoLnts2d 0 07 Origiendailtp iuobsnlh ieads1 01B rilClhieaMsnistn ieasti nu1 r999 CopyrigJhothN©nu n1n9 992,0 07 Ther igohfJt o hn Ntuobn ein d entaistfi heaedu thooftr h wiosr hka bse eanse srtienad c cordance wihtt hCeo pyriDgehsti,ag nnPdsa teAnctt1s 89 8. Alrli grhsetesr v.Te hdibso oikss o lsduj bcett ot hceo nditthiaiosttnh anlolbt ,yw ayo ft raodre othweirsbeel, e nrt-e,s ohlidr,oe udot ro thweirsceic rutleaidna nfyo romf binodrc ionvoget rh er thatnh aitnw hicihit ps ubliasnhdwe idt haos uitm ric loandiitnicolnu tdhicinosgn dibteiionng imposoentd h seu sbequpeunrtc hra. se ISBN1-39:7 81--90468090--3 ISB1N0 -:19 -04608091-- (Fierdsiitot: nI SB1N-01:9- 018931--61I;S B1N-39:7 819--019831--66) DISTRIBUTION: Wordlwid(ee xcUeSpAt)C :e ntral B9o9oWk alsl RiLdst, d ,L oEn9d5 oLnNE ,n gland. Te+l4 4( 0)82908 468 5F4a x +(404)8 2503 5382 1E.- ma:oi [email protected] GambPiutb licLattd9i,o9W n alsl RidsL, o ndEo9n5 LNE,n gl.a nd E-miali:n fgoa@m biktsbo.omoc Websit(er eguulpadralt:ywe wdw)g.ambiktsbo.omco EditbeyGd r ahBamur gess TypesbeytJ ohNnu nn Coveirm agbeyW olffM orrow PrinitnGe rde Barti tbayTi hneC romwPerelslTs r,o bwridWgilet,s . 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 GambiPutb licatLitodn s ManagDiinrge cMtuorrrC:ah ya ndGlMe r CheDsiser ctDorrJ :o hn Nunn GM EditoDriiraelcG troarh:aB mur gess FM GermEadni tPoert:Nru an WnF M WebmastDerHr e:l eMni lalniW gFM Contents Sybmols 7 Preface 8 Introduction 9 1 E.P eder-sGeanl lmeDyeenr,m a1r79k1 S,i cilieanncN eaD,je dfVoarrfi ation2 5 2 TalU -hlmanMno,s co1w79 1F,re ncDhefe ncTea,r rasVacrhi ation 26 3 PlaninNca-jdoWrifkj, aZaene1 793S,i ciDleiefanncN ea,j dVoarrfi ation 28 4 Balas-hAonvd erssWoikjna ,a n 1Ze79e3S ,i ciDlefieannc e, SchevenViarnigaetni on 30 5 LombardQyu i-nteMraonsi,1l 79a3 S,i ciDlefieanncN ea,j dVoarrfi ation 31 6 SpasskRya-shkovUsSkSyRC,h M,o sco1w79 3S,i ciDlefieannc e, NajdoVrfar iation 32 7 Velimi-rVoavsiicu kUoSvS,-R Y ugoslamavticaTh bl,ii 1s79i3 S,i cilieannc eD,e f TaimaVnaroiva tion 34 8 Vasiu-kVoevl imirUoSvSi-RcY ,ug oslamavticaTh bl,ii 1s79i3 S,i ciDleiefannc e, RossoVlariimaot ion 35 9 lvk-ovTimmaAnm, setrda(mI BM1)79 4A,l ekhDiefennec Feou,rP awnAst tack3 7 10 QuinterRiobsl-iM,o nitl1l79a4 N,i mzo-IDnefednicaCnel ,a ssViarciaalt ion3 8 11 VaganiaKnu-preicUhSiSkCR,h L,e ning1r79a4Td,r opmowsAkyt tack 40 12 VaganiaPnl-aniHnacs,t i1n79g/4s,5E nglOipesnhi ng 41 13 TalF-.O lafssLoanPs,a lm1a79s5 M,o deDrnef ence 44 14 Ta-lR .B yrneB,ei lI nterz1o79n6Sa,il c iDleiefannc4 e'ik ,x d4 46 15 BrowneR-.B yrneU,S AC hM,e nt1o79r7 D,u tDcehfe nc2eftJ ,c 3 47 16 SpasskLya-rseBnug,oj n1o79 8C,a or-KaDnefne nc4e. i.,.f .5 49 17 GulkoS-avoLnv,o Zvo na1l798M,o deBrne noTnaii,m aAntotva ck 50 18 BrowneL-jubojeTviilcb1,u7 9r8gN, i mzo-IDnefednicaRneu ,b inSsytsetienm 52 19 Hug- KorchnSowiiz,et rl1a79n8dC, a taOlpaenn ing 54 20 TalL-arseMno,n tr1e79a9lS,i ciDlefieanncR ei,c h-tRueazreArtt ack 55 21 SpasskTya-lM,o ntr1e79a9lQ,u eeInn'dsiD aeefnn cCel,a ssical 56 22 SosonkHou-bn,eT rilb1u79r9gC, a taOlpaenn ing 58 23 Sax-LjubojeLvoincd,(o Pnh il& lDirpesw1 )89 0S,i cilianc 3D efence6,0 24 Korch-nHouibn,eJ rohanunre1gs 89b1Q,u eeInn'dsiD aefenn ce 61 25 Belia-vsLkayrseTni,l b1u89rg1C ,ao r-KaDnefne nc4.e i.,.f .5 63 26 PsakhiGse-ll,Ee rrevZaonn a1l892Q,u eeGna'msb Dietc lined, TartwaekVroar iation 64 27 Kaspa-roTv.P etrosBiuagno,j1 n89o2 B,o go-IDnefdeinacne 66 28 TalV-ander WMioesl,cw o lnterz1o89n2Ea,nl glOipesnhi ng 68 29 Vand erW ie-lF tacnAirkh,u1 s89 3S,i ciDlefieanncN ea,j dPooirfs onPaewdn 69 30 LjubojeKvaiscp-arNoivk,s 1i89c3 K,i ngI'nsd iAatnt ack 70 31 TimmanP-olugaeTvislkby1u,89r 3gN ,i mzo-IDnefednicaSenii ,m isVacrhi atio7n2 32 Spass-kSyeirawZaunr,i1 c89h4 P,i crD efence 74 4 GRANDMSATERS ECRETWISN:N INQGUI CKYL ACTH ESS 33 Nun-n SosonTkhoe,s lsoanOilkyim dp1 i89a4S,i cilfieannc eD,e VelimoivrAitct ack 76 34 TimmanL-jubojeLviinca,1r 89e5sS ,i ciDleiefanncN ea,j dPooitfs onPaewdn 78 35 YusupoNvo-gueiMroanst,p eClalnideird 1a89t5eQ,su eeGna'msb Dietc lined, ExchaVnargiea tion 79 36 TalK-orchnMooin,t peClalnideird 1a89t5eS,si ciDleiefannc e, RichtuezreA-trRt aack 81 37 KnaakA-dorjSanzr,ia 1k 895N,i mzo-IDnefednicaRenu ,b inSsytsetienm 83 38 KorchnGorie-enfBeielld1 ,89 6E,n glOipesnhi ng 85 39 Chand-leVra ganiDaunb,aO il ymdp 1i89a6F,re ncDhefe ncWei,an weVrar iati8o7n 40 AdorjaKnu-driNne,wY orOkp e1n8 97Q,u eeInn'dsiD aefenn ce 88 41 SeirawBaenl-iavBsrkuys,s( eWolrsCl udp 1)89 8Q,u eeGna'msb it, SlaEvx change 90 42 Ehlv-eAsntd erssBoenol,rf( tW orCludp 1)89 8S,i ciDleiefannc e, TaimaVnaroiva tion 91 43 KudriKni-ngL,o nd(oNnta WesYtou nMga ste1r89s8)C, a or-KaDnenef nce 92 44 EhlveKsats-parRoevyj,kv ai(kW orCludp 1)89 8E,n glOipesnhi ng 94 45 KnaakS-peelmTahne,s salOolnyimkdp1i i 89a8Q,u eePnaw'ns 96 46 I.S okoloTvs-eshkoWviskjka ya,Zn e e1 899E,n glOipesnhi ng 98 47 KasparoSvp-eelmBaarnc,e l(oWnoar Cludp 1)89 9M,o drne Defence 100 48 PolugaevKsukdyr-iNne,wY orkO pe1n8 99G,r iifenldD efence, ExchaVnargiea tion 120 49 IvanchCusko-mE,r ev1a89n9 N,i mzo-IDnefednica4enf3 , 140 50 HodgsoZns-uP.o lg,Ea urropTeeaamnC hH,a ia1 f899T,ro mpowsAkyt tack 150 51 KiG.e orgiZeavi-chPiakl,md aeM allo(rGcMaA 1)89 9S,i ciDleiefannc e, NajdoVtfar iation 160 52 GelleDrr-eeNve,w Y orOkp e1n9 90F,re ncDhefe ncTea,r rasVacrhi ation 180 53 AdamsW-olffL,o nd(oWna tsFoanr,l& e Wyil lia1m99s0)P, i crD efence 101 54 KhalifmNaink-olMioccs,o w( GMA1)99 0F,re ncDhefe ncWei,an weVrar iati1o21n 55 Arenci-bSieairawMaann,i llnat erz1o99n0Ma,ol deDmef ence 141 56 Smag-inS ahovBiieclO, p e1n99 0N,i mzowDietfesncche 161 57 Timma-nKorchnToiil,b 1u99r1gF ,rn ecDhef enc3e. dx,.e 4 181 . 58 Sveshn-iSkcohve rbaUkSoSvR, MCohs,c o1w99 1S,i ciDlefieannc e, RossoVlariimaot ion 191 59 WatsonM-edunPar,a g1u99e2 C,a or-KaDnefne nc4e. .ti:J,.d 7 121 60 TimmanK-asparLoivn,a 1r99e2sK, i ngI'nsd iDaefenn cSeii,m isVacrhi atio1n22 61 BeliavsGkeyl-faLnidn,a 1r99e2sQ, u eeGna'msb SiltaD,ve ef nce 152 62 SeirawSahno-rAtm,s ter(daVmS B1)99 2Q,u eeGna'msb Dietc eldi5,ni. f.4 162 63 GelleCrh-iburdanAirduzb1ea99, 2 O,w enD'efse nce 182 64 KrasenkSovve-shniMkoosvc,o1 w99 2Q,u eeGna'msb Sietm,i -Sleanvc eD e1f03 65 FischSepra-ssMkayt,c (h9 S)v,e Sttiae nf1 992R,u Lyop ezE,x chaVnargiea ti1o2n3 66 G.G eorgadAzdeo-rjEaunr,o pTeeaamnC hD,e bre1c99e2nG, r iifenlDdef ence, ExchaVnargiea tion 143 67 Piket-StEuurruoap,Te eaamnC hD,e bre1c99e2nQ, u eeGna'msb Dietc line1d63 68 Yakov-iBcahl ashSotPv e,t ersZbounra1gl99 3S,i cilfieanncS eoD,ze Aitnt ack1 73 69 Kaspa-roGve lfaLnidn,a 1r99e3sS, i ciDleiefanncN eaj,d oVtfar iation 193 70 ZsuP.o lgaSrp-eelmDaunt,cT eha mC h1 993E,n glDiefsehn ce 141 71 SubaS-axB,ud apeZsotn a1l99 3N,i mzo-IDneedfnicaRenu, b inSsytsetienm 134 72 Lobr-onAzmaiparasGhrvoinliinP,gC eAQn u ali1fi99e3rM, o deDrnef ence 144 CONETNTS 5 73 An.S oko-loSvhirForve, nTceahm C h1 994M,o deDmef ence 164 74 AdamsT-iviaPkoCvAC, a ndid(a2tN)ee,sw Y ork1 994S,i ciDlefieannc e, MoscoVawr iation 184 75 Akopi-aKnh enkTini,l b1u99r4gS, i ciDlefieannc e 105 76 Spangen-bFetragc nMioks,cw oOlymdp 1i9a94S,i ciDleiefannc e, GranPdr iAxt tack 125 77 SmiriAnl-termHaanai,1 f 995P,et roDffeef nce 155 78 J.P olgaSrh-irAomvs, ter(dDaomn nMeerm ori1a99l5S), i ciDlefieannc e, MoscoVawr iation 158 79 KramniBke-liavBseklryga,d 1e99 5R,e tOpie ning 106 80 KramniEkh-lveRsitg(,aT aMle mori1a99l5)Q, u eeGna'msb it, Semi-DSefleanvc e 126 81 deF irmi-aHnii bn,eP rolanZidcrao1j 99 5F,r necDhef encCel,a ssViarciaalt i1o4n6 82 YurtaeSvh-ulmaVnl,a div1o99s5tKo,ik n gI'nsd iDaefenn ce 156 83 IllesScaadsl-,Le irnaZroensa1 l995Q,u eeGna'msb Aictc epted 166 84 Timoshe-nYkuod asSitnP ,e ters1b99u6rS,gi ciDleiefannc e, SchevenViarnigaetni on 176 85 RomanishEihnl-veBseitl1, 99 6Q,u eeGna'msb Dietc liOnretdh,oD defoexn ce 196 86 MileAst-alBiekji,ni g1 996Q,u eePnaw'ns 171 87 Bolog-aTni schbiVeireenkOn,pa e 1n99 6A,l ekhDieefnnec e 127 88 Smir-iRni carEdrie,v Oalny mdp1 i99a6S,c andinDaefevnicaen 147 89 Kaspa-roHvr aceEkr,e vOalny mp1i9a96dS, i ciDlefieannc e, RichtaeurzA-etRrt ack 167 90 Khuzm-anM inasiEaunr,o pTeeaamnC h, P1u99l7Sa, c hmBiedn io n 187 91 VaganiaFne-dorEouvr,o pTeeaamnC hP,u l1a99 7M,o deDmef ence 181 92 Spangen-bTekragc heVvi,l Mlaar te1l99l7Fi,ou rK nigOhpetns ing 138 93 Hell-eCrus.H anseMna,l m1o99 7F,r necDhef encWein,a weVarr iation 148 94 Emms- SummerscLaolned,(o Dnr uLrayn e1)99 7P,h ilDiefdeonrc e 168 95 Shaba-lSotve fansWsionnn,i 1p99e7gN, i mzo-IDnefednicaen , RubinSsytsetienm 188 96 Onishc-hHuekr tneBceikl1, 99 7F,re ncDhefe nce 198 97 LeitaBoa-burEiunr,o vpsAe m eircaBse,r mu1d99a8 Q,u eeGna'msb Aictc ept1e09d 98 TimmanV-anW elyM,a tc(h6 B)r,e d1a99 8S,i ciDleiefannc e, SchevenViarnigaetni on 129 99 Kramn-iLka ut,iT eirlb1u99r8gQ, u eeGna'msb Sietm,i -Sleanvc eD ef 149 100 ShiroHvr-aceMka,t c(h2 O)s,rt av1a99 8C,a or-KaDnefne nce, AdvanVacrei ation 159 101T opalolvv-anchLuikn,a 1r99e9sE, n glOipesnhi ng 179 120 KasparoVva-nW elyW,ik j aZaene2 00S0i, ciDlefieanncE en,g lAitstha ck 189 130 FedoroSvh-irPoov,l anZidcrjao 20K0i0n,gG 'asm bit 201 140 Mitk-oRvu blevEsukryo, pCelaunCb usp N,e um 2S0i00c,iD lefieannc e, PaulsVearni ation 203 150 J.P olgaSrm-iriIns,t aOnlbmyupli a2d0 0P0i,c rD efencAeu,s trAittaanc k 205 160 Shir-oTvopalWoivkj,a aZne e2 001S,i cilieanncP eerDe,en fAytit ack 207 170 KramniSka-dvakaAssotva,2n 00a1 Q,u een's Gambit Accept2e1d0 180 MorozeviVcahnW- elyW,ik ja aZne e2 00,F2 rencDhee fnc3e dx,e 4 211 ... 190 RiazantNseevvo-strRuuesvs,i an Ch,2 00K2rK,ai snngIo'ndsda irD aeefnn ce, 4.1i. g5 213 101 VanW el-yA csH,o ogev2e0e0nN2 i,m zo-IDnefednicaRneu ,b inSsytsetienm 216 6 GRANDMASETRS ECRETWISN:N INQGUI CKYLA TC HESS 111S hir-oVvanW elyB,un desl2i0g0/2a,3S icilfieannc0. ecD,3e 218 121 J.P olgaMra-medyarBolveO,dl ymdp2 i00a2R,u Lyop ezOp,e n 221 131 SutovsSkmyi-riIns,r aCehl,i A Tveil2v 00 2S,i ciDlefieannc0. ec,3 223 141 J.P olgaBre-rkeBsud,a pe2s00t3 F,re ncDhefe nc4.e dx.,e. 4 226 151 GelfanSdh-abalBoevr,m u2d0a0 Q4u, eeGna'msb Sietm,i -DSefleanvc e 228 161 Gelfa-nKid. G eorgiCeavl,vO ilay mdp i2a0C0a4t,a Olpaenn ing 230 171 SvidlVearn-W elyW,ik ja an 2Z0e0e5S ,i ciDlefieannc0. ec,3 232 181 Lek-oBruzoWni,kja aZne e2 005,R uLyop ezC,h igoDrefeinnc e 234 191 LandaS-haposhnRiuksonsvT i,eaa mC hS,o c2h0i0 ,C5 aor-KaDnenef nce, 4. i..f..5 237 102 Motylev- ParEluirgorpaCesha,W,n a rsaw2 00,S5 iciDleiefannc0. ec,3 239 121D reevM-inasiEaunr,o pCehaW,na rsa2w00 5P,i crD efenc4ei. ,g. 5 241 122 GelfanMda-cieSjpaa,n TieasmhC h, Me2r00i5dQ,au eeInn'dsiD aeefnn ce, 4 gi.3a. 6 243 132 M.C arl-seBneliavWsikkjya ,aZ ne e2 00R6u,L yop ezA,rk hangelsk 246 142 IvanchSuvki-dlMeorr,e lira/Lei2sn0 a0G6r,ii neflDdef enc4ei. ,g. 5 248 152 IvanchVuakl-lPeojnoMs ,o relia/Li2n0a0rQ6eu,s e eGna'msb it, ViennVaar iation 250 IndoefxP layers 253 IndoefxO penings 254 Symbols + check ++ doubclhee ck # checkmate X capture !! birlnltmi oave goomdo ve !? interemsotvien g ?! dubimoouvse ? bamdo ve ?? blunder Ch championship corrc.o rrespognadmeen ce 10- thgea me einnadw si fno Wrh ite lf2-lth hgea me einnadd sr aw 0-1 thgea me einnad sw inB lcfako r (n) nthm atcgha me (D) senee xdti agram Preface Thibso oiksa nu pdavteedr soif1o 0nB 1r illCihaeMsnistn iatwuhriecwsha, sfi rsptu bslhieidn 1999A.l thotuhgoehr ig'i0n11 a w'la mso derastueclscyufe lsIr, e altihztaehtdbe o ocko ubledi m provTehdre.i gfiodr mdaitnd o lte nidt spealirtfc urllwaye ll ctoon tteohnfett hbseo owki,t thhr ee sulthta tth lea yoauptp eadreendsa ned i ntimiindgWa.hte nt hied eoafa n ewe ditairoonsI e , immedidaetceiltdyoue sde n eawl ayofuotrth beo owkh,i cwhou lmda kiemt u ceha stioef rol low thgea measn ndo etsI.h avael stoa ktehnoe p porttuoun pidtayst oem oeft hoep enniontgae nstd o makaec onesriadbnluem boefar n alyctoircraelct toti honeno sto eftsh fier s1t0g 1a emsT.h earree als2o4n ewg aemsp,l aybeedt we1e99n9a nd2 00;7t akiandgv antoaftg hene e wl ayotuhte,s e gamehsa vbee eann notianst oemde wghraeta dteeprtt hha tnho er igcionlalle .Tc hteiiroeasn l sao newi ntroduwchtiiiconhnc ,l suedveesar dadli tliihogtnalanyln otmaitnaeitdu graeem sA.l together, thnee we diti1o02n% l iasr tgheartn h 1e99 9v ersaisom ne,a subryet do ttaelxa tr ea. Thei ntenotfti hobinos o ikst oi nofrma nde ducianta ene ntaeirntiwnagyE .v erybhoadasyt timseuseff retdhh eu mitliiooanfa q uilcsoks W.h y dtohehisas p paennd hcoawwne a voiihtda p peniinnog u orw ng aemsC?o nverhsoewcl aywn,e r ecoganniedzx ep leorirtbo yrts h oep ponteon t scoarq eu ick wibno?oa kiT mhtsiot s a ctkhleeqs uee stbiypo rness eanc toilnlge ocfat titorna ctive gaemsR.e adserhso unlodtt eh atth eirsneo l iosf'tm i portapnoti 'na ttts heen odf e acgha mTeh.e reasiosn tthhseaa tm peo ionfttse n oscecvuegrra amilena s ni dht a rdmlayk esse ntsore e peaagta in anadg aini ittus hs auta alg loyoi dd enaot tog eyto ukri ng isntt hucece kn tre.I h Ianvset ewardi tten al engitnhtyr odwuhciticcohon l laelctlth isem porptoainnttto sg etihnoe nrpe laRceea.d earres stronagdlvyit sore eda tdh iinst rodbuecftoiprolena yoivnetgrh gea metsh emseesl.v Theirneso g enerallyd-eaficncieotpfaitm oeindna itugraem aen fdo trh bioso kd eIc itdome adk e thlei m2i5mt o vewsh,i icpshe rhtahpmeso scto mmo-nulsyfie gdu elecotfti ho1en52 g ames wamsa daec cortdovi anorgui csr itIenor ridate.oar v oriedp eamtainnoygv er-iflaiemaxra mples, the gameasra el rle lativehlayv irbneegcep enln atya,eft de1 r79 0T.h ev asmtaj oroiftg ya mefsae ture clasbheetsw epelna yweirtashn E lo roafta itln ega st 2t5h00me o r(reie nc ent Irg aaimsteesh di s cu-to lffi mtiort e fletchiten crenausmibneogrf s hiagthepldly a-syr)eT.rh ree asiotsnh Iaw ta nted to presgeenntu cionnet ensocttrs ,u sbheetsw epelna yoefwr isd edliyff ersetnrte sn.Mgo tshptl ayers findi eta styob eamtu cwhe akoeprp on-etnhtpesr obloenmlssyt atroat r iwshee yno fuca eo ppo nenatpsp rhoianycgo uorw ns trenSgnitchte.h itsh seic se nawrhiioic hosf m osvta ltuore e adIe rs, decitdheatdth g ea mes shoulsdi mriseliflateruc atIt iaaot lnrs.iot e ocd h oogsaem ecso ntaian ing widvea rioefmt oyt isfoys o,wu o n'fitn dal onsge riett:Jsd 5s oafc riifintc heSesci inl.i a Thea nlaysoifts h egsaem erse veamlaendy e irenstptoiitnnsgW .h eonn teh inokfams i ntiuare gamoen,te e ntdois m agiang ea mienw hiocnhse i dgeere ldyig rambast ea,lrn ieglhecidtses vl e opmeanntid st o uncdurlsyh eAdn.n otaotfso urcgsha mes aosftseuntm heaa q tu ilcokms uss itn voelt vhwei nneprl aygionogmd o vetsh rgohuouwth,it lhele o ser hamvuceso tm mtietads eires ofe rorrHso.w evtehrre,e aliirsta yt hdeifrfer enatn d moaftn hyfe ol lowgianmged so' nfitt t his stereoptaytpt.eOe dfrn tne,t hsetu rgghlaen ignts h e balance unbteicla tunhseleeao rrs' etsh e end stratweagsny o ftun damelnytu anlsoubnudrt,e quiarcecadut rfeol lowp-luyapw hicwha sn ot fohrctomi.P nsgychollfo agtciocrasar e impioncr hteaasnssat w holaen,dm anqyu ick defeats cabne t racbeadcn ko t otnoe lryr oornt sh ceh essrbdbo,ua atsl ot of ualtcyh etshski innIgs .h all have mtoosr aey atbhoiiunstt h ien tdruoction. JohNnu nn Chert2s0ey0,7 Introduction Theb aspiircn ciopflo epse niplnagay r qeu itceo mpromyiosupero sitbiuoitn tv, e royf ten welnlo-wk-nt od eveyloouppr i ecgeesct,a shapptehnaasp t l ayweirgl olt o glreenagttt oh s tleadntd r tyoc ontrol rte-h seoh ocwie sint t wianp awonn,l tyor uinp ohsiisit nti hopenr o that pmlaanyy,ee vresgnr andmalsotsieern s c,es sP.a wsna crifiicnte hsoe p enincga lalreed und2e5rm oevs? gambiatntsdh, ce o mpensfaottrih poean w onf Theraerme a npyo sbslriee asfoonarsq uickt elni iensa l eaidnd evelopTmheitnsyt p.e of defeoaftw ,h icthh se ipmleissat n o utrigphatws na criirfise cset rtiotc htoeep de npihnags e, bludenBrl. undaernreos rt e strtiotc htoeep de nbecauosnecb eo tshi dheasv dee veloapleld inagn cda onc cautar n syt aogfte h gea maen,d thepiire ctehsey no cua nnsoatc riapfi acwein n for rtehaiswsoe sn h anlolat d dsrste hseu jbectr etufornar l eaidnd evelop(maelntthy oouug h ofb lundeirnti hnbigos o Ikna. n cya steh,pe s ymay sdoot om islpaceen empyi esc)Te.a kae chologaiscpaeolcf tb sl undaerrceso veriend l ooaktt hfeol lowgianmg.e sIh awlilht hold myb ooSke croefPt rasc tiCchael(s esn rlgaedt hnea meosft hpeal yefrostr h meo menta;s editGiaomnb,2i 0t0,)7 . youp lyai otv etrr,ty og uestsh e yewaars it Anothreera siostn h aatp layfealrlsi ntao plyae.d knowonp eningH etrraaeg pa.ti hne irnse'm tu ch tos ya;i f yhoauvp er epayroeudor pe nings1 e 4e 52 f 4e xf34lb f3g 54 h 4g 45 lbe5 weltlh,ey no suh oublead w aroeft hpeo tentiTahle K.i eseriGtazmkbyi otn,eo ft hmeo st piatllfsP.l ayais nhga orppe ning rweiathvoeunte rlaibnlieents h Kien g'Gsa mbit. sonapbrleep ariantvioolcnvo enses riadbrlies k 5 h5?! ••• andi sb esatv oidIefyd rien teriens teTdh is lipnlea yqweuadiso t ftee innt h1et9 h opentrianpgts h,ei mnta yb ew ortsht udy10i1n gc entubruiytit, s hardlyt oedvaBeylr.a cske en CheOspse niTnragp sb yS teGvied dins (dGeafmehnidasst tacgk4e-dp aawnndb ,yc ontrol bi1t99,8 ). lingg4a nfd3, h opteosf ortcheee 5- knitgoh t Int hceu rrebnoto kh,o wevweers ,h ablel retrteoaa nit n convesnqiueaTnrhteep . r oblem concernweihdtt hmeo st coamnmdio mnp orist haitit s v ersyl oswic,n ei nto otn lcyo sat s tancta snea,m etlhyai tnw hicaph l ayleors etse mpioot,b liBgleastc osk p eanndo ttheemrp o quilcywk ithdoouitan ngy thiinansngtt fltaya. l onh inse xmto vien o rdteord efefn7.dT he You calnonsqoeut i ckly mwaiktihnmogiu sta mailni nteosd aary5e . lD.f.66 .i. c4d 57 e xd5 takbeu,at sw es hall esrreoeir os tf htneeo nat an5d. d.6. lb 6x glD4f 6i;nb otcha sBelsa rcek sinmgolveeb ,ua tm isconcpeliabvnae sdoe nd turnhsi esx tpraaw inn o rdteorc atucphw ith am ajrom isjudgIeimtpse on st.sti obl leearnt o his deve(lfooaprnme exnatm polfe the latter avotihdsti ypoefe rraonrtd,h aitsp artwlhya tl inseeG,ea me1 30). thbioso iksa b out. Wdee awslih tahl lt he s6e.i. vce4lbn h 6 moscto mmoenr r(orssum mariaztet dhe en odf Smiilpalra ayrs ieasf t6e. r�. h.77 d 4d 68 thiisn trodubcutatis to hnea)yr e olfitnekne lbdd 3f 39 g xf.i.3e7 1.i. e30. togetohueerrx ,a mples wfiaeltlum roeor fet e7nd 4'i i'f6? thaonn teh eme. Blafcolkl ouwpsh isst raotfeh gayn goinn g toh is epxatwbrnya d eefnditnhgae t tacfk4e-d Matergiraealen dpd o odre velopamroeefn tp awnb,utt h eiasr dleyv elopomfe nqtthu ee en tebno untdo getThheerr.e n oitsh iwnrgon gi asg aignesntep rrailn cainptdlu ernsos u bta dly. witgha inmiantge riifya olud on otth erebTyh em ain l7i. dn.6e.8 lb ids3f 39 g xf.i.3e ?1 0