Description:This is a summary of the Grand Jury Investigations conducted by Reiner Fuellmich et. al. into the Corona Pandemic and Covid Vaxx unleashed on the humans by the criminal elite of the world.The purpose of this Grand Jury Summary is to make the most important information revealed bythe expert witnesses accessible to as many people as possible. We have focused on those factsthat reveal what is really going on in our world, to help the public understand the graveness ofthe current world crisis. Those who want to get the full spectrum of details, please watch the full video sessions here:
This document is part one of five Grand Jury Summaries. It contains critical information from Day 2, titled The General Historic and Geopolitical Backdrop to All of This. This may well be the most important session of the entire Grand Jury proceeding, as it exposes how a masterplan has been created to achieve total world domination under the guise of health emergencies. The Opening Statements are not included, as they are not too lengthy and can easily be viewed on our website: