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Quarter 3 – 2016 / VOLUME 69 TTThhheee TTThhhiiinnnkkkeeerrr A P A N - A F R I C A N Q U A R T E R L Y F O R T H O U G H T L E A D E R S Ademola Araoye on GRAND EPHEMERAL PURSUITS SOUTH AFRICA R29.90 16069 Michael Prior Nicoletta Fagiolo Mongane Wally Serote Chris Landsberg Lebohang Liepollo Pheko Reneva Fourie Mammo Muchie Samuel Freddy Khunou Gaopalelwe Mathiba Mohamed N Eisa Rajesh Gopalakrishnan Nair Thabo Israel Pudi Vuyisile Theophilus Msila Christopher D Mlosy 9 772075245006 Thembile Ndabeni Zintle Groepe Moeketsi Nkhahle Parks Tau 69 thinker cover v2.indd 1 2016/06/23 9:43 AM CONTENTS In This Issue TTThhheee TTThhhiiinnnkkkQuarteeeer 3 – 2016 r/rr VOLUME 69 A PAN-AFRICAN QUARTERLY FOR THOUGHT LEADERS 2 Letter from the Editor Ademola Araoye on GRAND EPHEMERAL PURSUITS 6 Contributors to this Edition SOUTH AFRICA R29.90 16069 Michael Prior Nicoletta Fagiolo Mongane Wally Serote Chris Landsberg Lebohang Liepollo Pheko Reneva Fourie Mammo Muchie Samuel Freddy Khunou Gaopalelwe Mathiba Mohamed N Eisa 8 Nigeria/South Africa: In Great Abdications and Grand Ephemeral Pursuits 9772075245006 Rajesh Gopalakrishnan Nair ThabThoe Imsrbaielel PNuddaib eVnuiy Zisiniletl eT hGeroopehpielu Ms oMeskileat sCi hNrikshtaohplhee Pr aDr kMsl oTasuy Ademola Araoye 69 thinker cover v2.indd 1 2016/06/23 9:43 AM On the Cover: Europe Now 18 Michael Prior Working together Nigeria / South Africa can be a powerful 24 The dangerous idea of non-violence in the history of Côte d’Ivoire force for peace and security Nicoletta Fagiolo in Africa Reflections on “the RDP of the Soul” 32 © Shutterstock.com Mongane Wally Serote Pan-African internationalism through partnership, not neo-paternalism 38 52 Chris Landsberg The CFTA and TFTA: Are they the future of Afrikan Regionalism and 42 Unity? Lebohang Liepollo Pheko Is South Africa facing regime change? 48 Reneva Fourie The Great Adwa Victory: Relevance for Global South 52 Mammo Muchie Some Lessons from the Constitutional Court Rulings in two important 56 cases 70 Samuel Freddy Khunou and Gaopalelwe Mathiba The Diamond Resource Curse in Sierra Leone: An Analysis from a 62 Political Economy Perspective Rajesh Gopalakrishnan Nair Science and technology can be the answer to South Africa’s youth 68 challenges Department of Science and Technology Lahle Legezi: A Service Delivery Protest 70 Thabo Israel Pudi and Vuyisile Theophilus Msila 86 The “ONE United Nations” Approach Working in KZN Province 76 Mohamed N Eisa and Christopher D Mlosy After 22 Years of Democracy Give This Government a Bell’s 82 Thembile Ndabeni Through a Creative Lens 84 Poetry by Zintle Groepe and Moeketsi Nkhahle Diversity and culture in the post-apartheid South Africa 86 Parks Tau © TNA / Shutterstock.com Volume 69 / 2016 11 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR ISRaEL The Depths of Barbarism Israel has the unconditional right command centers – expose the nature to exist in safe and secure borders of IDF operations in various combat guaranteed by international law zones. The testimonies in this collection and institutions. The citizens of close the yawning gaps between what Israel, Jewish, Palestinian and others, the IDF (Israeli Defence Force) and must have the right to live in peace government spokespersons told the without fear of violence, brutality or public about the combat scenarios and intimidation. the reality described by the soldiers But the state of Israel has the that took part in the operation…” responsibility and duty to protect all “The operation, which was the territories it controls, including conducted under a policy determined those living in occupied Palestine, the by the most senior commanding “What were they shooting at? West Bank and Gaza. ranks who instructed the soldiers’ “I got the impression that every More and more evidence is conduct, casts grave doubt on the IDF’s house we passed on our way got hit emerging that Israel is in many ways ethics. As IDF soldiers and officers, in by a shell – and houses farther away even more brutal, violent and inhuman mandatory and reserve service, we too. It was methodical. There was no than the apartheid regime which was feel it is our civil obligation to publicly threat. It’s possible we were being shot shunned and isolated by the world expose these testimonies. at, but I truly wouldn’t have heard it for its crimes. This is demonstrated by “The findings that arise from the if we were because that whole time the anonymous testimonies of Israeli testimonies call for an honest and the tanks’ Raphael OWS (machine soldiers recorded in a document: thorough investigation into how guns operated from within the tanks) Breaking the Silence. IDF forces were activated during were being fired constantly. They were The courageous Israeli Human ‘Operation Protective Edge’. Such spraying every house with machine Rights NGO that collected and an investigation will only be effective gun fire the whole time. And once in a published the testimonies is now and meaningful if carried out by an while blasting a shell into each house. threatened with legal sanctions. external and independent entity, There isn’t a single moment that you As part of this editorial we publish by actors that can examine conduct don’t hear the rumble of the tank next a few extracts from Breaking the at the highest ranks in the security and to you, or the next one up….” Silence. These harrowing testimonies political establishments. Anything less, Unit: Mechanized Infantry – Rank: should give even greater impetus to as we have seen in past experience, First Sergeant – Location: Deir al-Balah the international campaign in solidarity will lead to placing the responsibility “Uprooted olive trees everywhere. with the embattled Palestinians and for the acts on more junior and lower The houses themselves were broken, for the isolation of the racist, colonial, ranks, thereby precluding the ability scattered about, a mound where a occupying power – Israel. to bring about fundamental change that building once stood, houses simply can prevent a recurrence of the harsh scattered around. We didn’t actually Breaking the Silence reality we witnessed in the summer of get an operational order stating that “This booklet is a collection of 2014…” that was the objective – but ultimately, testimonies from over 60 soldiers in Unit: Engineering – Rank: First no house was supposed to be left mandatory and reserve service that Sergeant – Location: GazaCity standing. A 500 – meter radius where took part in Operation ‘Protective “We entered [the Gaza Strip] in two not a single house is left standing…” Edge’ in the Gaza Strip. About a quarter files, the entire battalion, with tanks Unit: Infantry – Rank: not for of the testifiers are officers that go all accompanying us the whole way, right publication – Location: Gaza City the way up to the rank of major. The alongside us. One thing that struck “But the more time that passed testimonies underwent a meticulous me as something we had never seen [since the operation started], the more investigative process to ensure their before was that the tanks were firing immediate authorizations became. veracity. The testifiers who served in shells while we were [walking] just The rules of engagement for soldiers various units – from ground, to naval, a few meters from them. A flash of advancing on the ground were: open to air forces, and in headquarters and light, boom. fire, open fire everywhere, first thing 2 THE THINKER LETTER FROM THE EDITOR om razing there – it was havoc, mostly: ock.c wrecked houses, collapsed balconies, erst exposed living rooms, destroyed hutt stores. That’s what we saw. I never saw dis / S anything like it, not even in Lebanon. mi There was destruction there, too – but Grigoris Sia ntheivs.er in my life did I see anything like © “And were tunnel shafts found in the coops? “No. There were no shafts in the coops…” Unit: Armored Corps – Rank: First Sergeant “They started saying that some guys were injured, some guys maybe killed, seriously injured, and the game of where and who-knows-what- happened got going. The company commander came over to us and told us that one guy was killed due to such-and-such, and he said, ‘Guys, get ready, get in your tanks, and we’ll fire a barrage in memory of our comrade.’…” Unit: Infantry – Rank: Sergeant – Location: Khan Younis “There was this one house we when you go in. The assumption being a whole lot at the little house with entered. We entered it ‘wet,’ (using live that the moment we went in [to the machine guns and also one shell fire) and suddenly we hear screaming Gaza Strip], anyone who dared poke his to make sure there was no threat from inside the house and this father head out was a terrorist. And it pretty inside. And suddenly I see the whole came out of a room with his hands in the much stayed that way throughout the neighborhood in front of me, and then air. They stopped shooting, and within operation…” there’s stress, and confusion over the seconds the battalion’s field interrogator Unit: Infantry – Rank: First Sergeant radio, and the commander was really runs in and goes to talk to him. They – Location: Gaza Strip improvising, and suddenly he tells me: were in the house. A family: father, “We asked him: “I see someone “You see that house? Fire there…” mother and three kids. They were asked walking in the street, do I shoot him?” “We went in [to the Gaza Strip] why they were still there, why they had He said yes. “Why do I shoot him?” through the Nahal Oz entrance, we stayed. And they said, “Because this is “Because he isn’t supposed to be drove a bit north and then continued our home, because we have nowhere there. Nobody, no sane civilian who west. The houses were already in ruins to escape to.” In the end the platoon isn’t a terrorist, has any business being by the time we got there. The D9 stayed in that house for like three days. within 200 meters of a tank. And if he (armored bulldozer) used the rubble That entire time, the family was in one places himself in such a situation, he’s from the houses to form a rampart room, they were told, ‘We are staying apparently up to something”…” compound for us. in this house in the meantime, you stay Unit: Infantry – Rank: Lieutenant “There were chicken coops that in that room.’ A guard was assigned to “One of the high-ranking weren’t destroyed by the aerial strikes, them, and they were given Israeli food. commanders, he really liked the D9s. and the D9 simply came and peeled After three days the platoon moved to He was a real proponent of flattening them apart. There was concern about another house. The family either stayed things. He put them to good use. tunnels there, so the coops were just or left, I don’t know…” Let's just say that after every time he crushed. The D9 comes over, lowers was somewhere, all the infrastructure its blade on those houses and within As we celebrate the life and times around the buildings was totally an hour and a half everything is of Muhammed Ali – The Greatest – let destroyed. Almost every house had wrapped up into itself. Chickens in us recall that he refused to fight in the gotten a shell through it. He was very metal panels, in all those cages they US imperialist war in Vietnam, was a much in favour of that…” have there, really big and pretty staunch anti-apartheid freedom fighter Unit: Armoured Corps – Rank: First and it smells like roses. It was total and openly declared his support for the Sergeant – Location: Deir Al-Balah destruction in there – the photos online struggle of the Palestinians. “Each [tank] aimed at whichever are child’s play compared to what we Now is the Time: Isolate Israel direction it chose, and then we fired saw there in reality. It wasn’t so much Now! ■ Volume 69 / 2016 3 CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS EDITION All contributing analysts write in their personal capacity Dr Ademola Araoye is a former Rajesh Gopalakrishnan Nair, is a Studies and a Doctorate in Business Nigerian diplomat and author of Doctoral student at the Gandhigram Administration: Development Cote d’Ivoire, The Conundrum of Rural Institute Deemed University, Economics. He has worked in the a Still Wretched of the Earth. He Madurai, India. He has an MPhil Ministry of Planning and Economic is an international policy analyst in Applied Economics from the Affairs in the Tanzanian Government with a special interest in conflict Jawaharlal Nehru University (Centre and as a university lecturer and Head of analysis and management. Araoye for Development Studies). His Labour Studies. Dr Mlosy also worked has significant lived experience of primary research focus is agricultural as the CEO of the Small Business post-conflict societies. Currently he innovations and their diffusion. He also Development Foundation, and with the is visiting Professor associated with writes on contemporary Africa as well CSIR on Research and Development SARC Chair for African Diplomacy and as on Pan-Africanism. Strategic Management: Africa, NEPAD International Relations at the University and International Institutions. of Johannesburg. Dr Samuel Freddy Khunou is an Associate Professor at the School of Professor Mammo Muchie is a Dr Mohamed N Eisa has a BSc, an Postgraduate Studies and Research fellow of the South African Academy of MSc, a PhD and a DSc in Chemical in the Law Faculty of the North West Sciences and the African Academy of Engineering. He worked with UNIDO University, Mafikeng Campus. He has Sciences. He is a Professor at Tshwane at its HQ in Vienna, providing a B Juris from Unibo and LLB, LLM University of Technology, adjunct professional and technical expertise for and LLD degrees from NWU. Khunou professor at the Adama Science and the administration of programmes for has also published a number of articles Technology University in Ethiopia promoting cleaner and more resource- in both national and international and a senior research associate at the efficient production, de-coupling accredited journals. He is a qualified Technology and Management Centre economic growth from environmental Advocate of the High Court of South for Development at Oxford University. degradation and promoting sustainable Africa and has successfully completed Since 1985 he has produced 365 industrial development worldwide. his pupillage at the Pretoria Bar. publications in the form of books, Dr Eisa is a UNIDO Representative chapters in books and articles. and Director of the Regional Office in Professor Chris Landsberg is Southern Africa. Head of the NRF Chair in African Professor Vuyisile Msila is the Diplomacy and Foreign Policy based head of Unisa's Institute for African Nicoletta Fagiolo has a degree at the University of Johannesburg. He Renaissance Studies. He has a PhD in Contemporary History from La holds MPhil and DPhil International from the University of Cape Town and Sapienza University of Rome and a Relations Degrees from Oxford his main research interests include the Master’s in History of International University, and is a life-time member Africanisation of the knowledge, Public Relations from the London School of of Christ Church College. In 2009, Policy and Politics of Education. His Economics. She worked for the UN he became the National Higher Institute is leading a USAID-sponsored High Commission for Refugees from Education champion for the India- programme called the Management 1999 to 2003. In 2009 she shot and Brazil-South Africa forum (IBSA). He of Democratic Elections in Africa directed the film Résistants du 9ème Art has been widely published regarding (MDEA) and is currently involved in (Rebels of the 9th Art), a documentary history, governance and foreign policy team research into the management of on African editorial cartooning and analysis in South Africa and Africa. He elections in Africa. Msila is a National freedom of expression. Fagiolo works is the author of The Quiet Diplomacy Research Foundation-rated researcher for national and international TV of Liberation: International Politics and and has published widely in academic writing and producing reportage and South Africa’s Transition . journals and is a regular contributor to documentaries. local newspapers. Gaopalelwe Mathiba is currently a Reneva Fourie served as the second year law student at North West Thembile Cyprian Ndabeni former Acting Secretary of Police and University (Mafikeng Campus). He graduated from the University of the is currently a full-time member of is also an active member of Students Western Cape with a BA in History, the Central Committee of the South for Law and Social Justice (SLSJ). He Sociology and Political Science, a African Communist Party. Previously is currently a Student Instruction Higher Diploma in Education and BA she was a senior public servant in Facilitator (SIF) where he offers (Hons) in History. He obtained an South Africa’s Department of supplementary lessons to first year MPhil from Nelson Mandela Cooperative Governance. Reneva students in the law module ‘Historical Metropolitan University. He was holds a Master’s Degree in Public Foundations of South African Law’. Research Assistant at the Mayibuye Administration and is currently doing Centre. Thembile is currently working her doctorate in decentralisation Dr Christopher D Mlosy holds for the Western Cape Archives and models in Africa. BSc (Hons,) an MSc in Development Records Service. 6 THE THINKER CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS EDITION TTThhheee TTThhhiiinnnkkkeeerrr a P aN aF R I CaN Q UaR T E R LY F O R T H O U G H T L EaD E R S Liepollo Lebohang Pheko is an activist scholar, The Journal for Advisory Council public intellectual, senior strategist and development Progressive Thought practitioner. Her research interests lie in African political Dr Ademola Araoye economy, states and nationhood, international trade www.thethinker.co.za (Nigeria), Professor Puleng and global financial governance, feminist economics, Lenka Bula (South Africa), Publisher regional integration and the impacts of globalisation on Dr. Faisal Devji (Tanzania), Vusizwe Media labour migration. Pheko is Senior Research Fellow at Professor Chris Landsberg the research and policy advocacy think tank. She has Editor (South Africa), Professor contributed to, and written, several conference and Dr Essop Pahad Tshilidzi Marwala (South academic papers. [email protected] Africa), Professor Sabelo J Managing Editor Ndlovu-Gatsheni (Zimbabwe), Michael Prior is a British economist with over Meg Pahad Dr. Morley Nkosi (South 30 years’ experience as an international consultant [email protected] Africa), Professor Eghosa E. specialising in energy and environment projects Osaghae (Nigeria), Dr Mzulcisi Editorial Assistant & and policy development. He has worked in several Qobo (South Africa), Dr. PA to Dr Pahad African countries including Angola, Ethiopia, Uganda Garth le Pere (South Africa), Zain Dindar and Sudan. Michael was previously Director of the Professor Alioune Sall (Senegal), Stockholm Environment Institute at York University. Advertising, Distribution & Addai Sebo (Ghana), Dr Wally He has written extensively on a number of countries in Subscriptions Serote (South Africa), Professor Africa including South Africa. Zain Dindar Mammo Muchie (Ethiopia). [email protected] Professor Thabo Israel Pudi obtained his DEd Tel: +27 82 369 7422 qualifications through UNISA in 2002, his MEd All Correspondence To degree in Critical Thinking and Technological Vusizwe Media development at the University of Johannesburg in 3 Kruger Drive 1999. He is presently Campus Director at Tshwane Craighall Park University of Technology and runs his own private 2196 Education Institution, Pudi Educational Development Tel:+27 11 325 4305 and Youth Development. Pudi is widely published in Fax: +27 86 608 4799 a number of international and local journals. He has [email protected] written a number of books, the latest being Stories of the Liberation Struggles in South Africa, and a poetry Design & Art Direction book with his students called the coal city poems and Liesel van der Schyf rhyme. [email protected] Tel:+27 82 336 7537 Dr Mongane Wally Serote is a South African Accountants poet and writer. In 1973 he won the Ingrid Jonker Poetry prize. As a Fulbright Scholar, he obtained Karolia Jeena inc. Le Penseur by a Fine Arts Degree at Columbia University in 1979. +27 11 537 3700 Auguste Rodin [email protected] In 1993, he won the Noma Award for publishing in © iStockphoto.com Africa. He served as Chair of the Parliamentary Select Committee for Arts and Culture and was formerly the CEO of Freedom Park, a national heritage site. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Requests should be made in writing to the Editor. Views and opinions expressed in His written works include several acclaimed novels, The Thinker are not necessarily those of Vusizwe Media. They can accept no liability of volumes of poetry and a collection of essays. In August whatsoever nature arising out of or in connection with the contents of the publication. 2012, he was awarded the prestigious Golden Wreath © 2016 Vusizwe Media Award. Printed by Paarl Media, Paarl, Cape Town, South Africa www.thethinker.co.za Parks Tau is the second democratically elected Executive Mayor of Johannesburg, which is the city with the highest population of about 4.8 million in the Republic of South Africa. He is also the current Regional Chairperson of the ANC in the Johannesburg Region. Mayor Tau has served as a Member of the Johannesburg Mayoral Committee since the year 2000 – when he began driving a spatial and socio-economic transformation agenda in the City. ■ UJ Collaborates with Vusizwe Media in publishing The Thinker aRICa m NIGERIa/SOUTH aFRICa o ock.c erst hutt In Great Abdications and © S Grand Ephemeral Pursuits The direction of Nigeria/South Africa relations can be better understood in terms of an evolved but nuanced struggle for preponderant influence on the continent by these two major pivots of the emerged post-Cold War constellation of forces in Africa. By Ademola Araoye 8 THE THINKER

Nigeria/South Africa: In Great Abdications and Grand Ephemeral Pursuits. Ademola .. of divergent internal conjunctions expressed in political and military personalities charged with political action at all levels by the federal.
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