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Grammar A Practical English Grammar Exercises PDF

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Preview Grammar A Practical English Grammar Exercises

A Practical English Grammar Exercises 1 Thomson Martinet Contents Articles PRG chances AoGelen.alan 1F keen the 2 Actles. an, the 15 Aristes 32¢ possesion atuateas 17 fan atone 2 Awniliacy verbs PEG ctapters 19-16 & Autry carbo 1 Ruslizres eoguyatat vib dadecstid 20 8 Aula verbs 2 5 ually vorbn 23 10: AKL bw eek, esky susifary vere 24 IL Agetersenes st rons th “ems ung anil waite 0 12 ueesiot aes afer negative stamens 27 35 Queen aie ater ateative slatenen> 28 V4 Question agp: mixed 29 1 Agsiiaressllowed a tll ba ifincine 9 5 Acpubariers ied 2 VF have: possevese 22 TR hove, eae es 3 10 The hare + nee» pe mitisete conscraton a5 2 be ie 21 itdathere 2 22 cam and beable 4 2h ay 22 BL must a4 have in 49 2 mut at aed need ns 2 28 eed noe and dwt Rave ca ete. 45 27 ust, can't aod aca with the pert! inline #6 Gatecte 3 Present und past Lenses, 22 The sire pest sone 29 29 The shark resend ceiae 0 1 The rose coat os sere 11 The stpe_areat aod ene preset coaiagous 5 12 he simple present and eae presem coalsuous 96 1X6 The sinple past tose 55 H The shuple pat toose 95 XE The past contin toms 57 {6 The snp pate the pes wort 38 FV ctle stad pase COENEN 1 Ve proven! perfec Wet 02 19 Tae great percel vid lieu past 4 0 Tae rece perce! sa he ple past 65 21 Tye greet ples sr he shnple pat E:T reveal pevlesl eslisunue eee | 28 The present pertect andthe prevex: parse eootiataue 77 2 fe ned sage 12 4 Future forms PED ebapsor 19 he present comin ease 8 faire fr 28 1S he ging te fons. 73 ‘Ene presen comings the Te ing 4 Frm 76 Tie fre see 7 ‘The yrere fontins an the futore stepte 4 sri catia the he going eo fore 2) 8M! snlaiive aye the e goa fore 6 "The Gear connor eave 2 will = Iufsiive axl thelulwe seariasoue 84 tlre and tha furs continaous nepacie 8S ‘Ecc pereoniscvostice wl you to chet donate #7 abel sad wil Time clacsen “Ue fare perce tense Tine vlanees 22 ‘woold ar stonld 82 ould ai should 8 5 Conditionals Pets camer 21 ‘3 Custiene sentences “ype 1 9F 65 Coxdtionel sentences: ype 2 86 Fi Conk senene (ype 3 28 i Gavel iaiel eomiencrae xed ye 12 BP Moved tenses ard sora bow Mad 6 Infinitive PEG elages 23 8 Pom ae be iniatioe 108 EN Fall bare katate 11 nits wesc ine Hg to 2S 7 comenoughiso a eine 107 1 are antes comers 108 Fh Mertel snaniive veel wih aria rothe Se? 74 Petoelinfinve ace wil adstiiss al ele Gerund, infinitive ara vr participles The greunl #1 Geral srl iiliee 224 Gerual sed rtieg 179 Ground fed fselise 20 Ineritie, ger, ese yoetvihe 189 Using aaiiples 20 in senesaes 4 Mirolted particles 12 8 Passive EG chaaner 96 ist Anco to passive 19 eh Atos to parse Ted so Paovoe to aetioe 13 vale 121 9 Indirect epeech, PG eapter 81 indies wotock: satemescé £27 i trates soeeels sttemeres 129 1? 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Pay Thad eight hoaid yt haw each... effet on your work, Lien ‘awe ves tnd nigh secession, live in rr ole eseee hanger. 6 2 Auxiliary verbs Ausitiary verbs Li PRG 206-7 A volumes Here are uses buh abe ad 2 ast fein Ieuse Fev fe ethcing (n Une azgative ib inthe iatevonga ice These silence raced at 1g 12 Sou ae Be Wa er stb {ay enc ear Faerie 13) ite 1 ay or pussitite arte ers a stereo: Latent oe wed youthiak tina + yesentlame wis + suber ~ Use ine “Tain ty Ke, Tn eu rn as dog enc Te Tin Fels ro? 2 Use needn't a the negalive af mus act snet £190. 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Titty $0, he ote = 8 SE ae ie tres yh hanya 1 Beth wen Dnt? 2 Duswunow the wee? 5 Ga tou swt 4 Deg soe ever dav? Fania Vor ovee tare: G See gou Tom's browne? 4 there Meni

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