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GPU-Accelerated Optical Coherence Tomography Signal Processing and Visualization PDF

152 Pages·2016·18.52 MB·English
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GPU-Accelerated Optical Coherence Tomography Signal Processing and Visualization Seyed Hamid Hosseiny Darbrazi Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Porto This thesis is submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Porto 2016 Dedicated to my family Preface This thesis is the result of the work undertaken at the Center for Applied Photonics (CAP) GroupofINESCTEC,situatedattheDepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomyoftheFaculty ofScienceoftheUniversityofPorto,Porto,Portugal,andtheResearchLaboratoryofElec- tronics (RLE) Laser Medicine and Medical Imaging Group, located at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),Cambridge,USA. Exceptwherespecificreferenceismadetotheworkofothers,thecontentsofthisthesis are original and have not been submitted in whole or in part for consideration for any other degreeorqualificationinthis,oranyotherUniversity. HamidHosseiny Advisors: Dr. Carla Carmelo Rosa, Assistant Professor, advisor at the University of Porto and the thesisadvisor Prof. James G. Fujimoto, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, advisorattheMassachusettsInstituteofTechnology Dr. ZhaoWang,PostdoctoralAssociate,co-advisorattheMassachusettsInstituteofTech- nology Acknowledgements This thesis would have not been possible without the support, time and dedication of many people with whom I had the pleasure of working throughout my PhD journey. Therefore, I wouldherebyliketoexpressmysinceregratitudetoallofthem. Foremost,IwouldliketothankmyadvisorsDr. CarlaCarmeloRosa,Prof. JamesFuji- moto, and Dr. Zhao Wang for sharing their knowledge, and for their guidance and support duringmyPhDstudyattheirsites. Ithasbeenatrueprivilegetoconductmyresearchattwo international institutes of Portugal and USA, where I had access to outstanding resources andtheopportunitytoworkintheworld-classlaboratories. I am deeply grateful to all my caring colleagues and friends at the Center for Applied Photonics(CAP)GroupandtheResearchLaboratoryofElectronics(RLE)LaserMedicine andMedicalImagingGroup. Allscientificdiscussionsduringtheweeklymeetings,journal clubs and lab work are greatly appreciated. Not only did these scientific gatherings play an importantroleforthesuccessofmywork,butalsotheoccasionalsocialgroupgatheringin Porto,PortugalandtheseasonalsocialgroupmeetingsinCambridge,USA. I would like to acknowledge the financial support of the national Portuguese funding agency,FoundationforScienceandTechnology(FCT),throughthegrantSFRH/BD/72801/ 2010fortheentirePhDstudy. Iwouldalsoacknowledgetheexternalsupplementsupportof theNationalInstituteofHealthandAirForceOfficeofScientificResearchduringmystudy at the RLE Laser Medicine and Medical Imaging Group of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). Last, but not least, I am deeply thankful to my family to whom I dedicate this thesis. My most heartfelt thanks to my wife Parisa for her understanding, unending support, and unwaveringlove. WordscannotexpresshowthankfulIamtomyfatherandmotherfortheir allsacrifices,endlessaffectionandunconditionallove. Abstract Opticalcoherencetomography(OCT)hasbeencontinuouslyevolvingoverthepast25years since its advent in early 1990’s. Despite the advances in the development of ultrahigh- resolution and -speed OCT imaging systems, real-time processing and 2D/3D/4D visual- ization of acquired OCT volumes are required. The emergence of graphics processing unit (GPU) and its highly optimization advantage for massive parallel processing have tremen- dously assisted OCT technology to meet the aforementioned need. This thesis presents highly optimized GPU-based signal processing algorithms to significantly shorten process- ing time of spectral domain (SD) and swept source (SS) optical coherence tomography imagingsystems. TheoptimizationtechniquesforefficientOCTdataprocessingand2D/3D visualizationareexplainedindetail. Areal-timevideoratevolumetric4DSS-OCTimaging system is developed. The potential applications of such a powerful optical imaging tool are introduced. Thus far, high speed GPU-based OCT data processing approaches have been shown for processing and display of small OCT volumes because of GPU memory latency and some other hardware limitations. Conversely, this thesis demonstrates the feasibility of real-time processing and visualization of large OCT volumes (1024 A-scans×1024 B-scans) with highefficiency(81%)byusingonlyasinglecommercial-gradeGPU. The spectrometer design and optimization steps for SD-OCT imaging systems are de- scribed. Some important considerations to choose appropriate spectrometer components to improve the overall performance are explained. A spectral calibration method that can be used for calibration of SD-OCT and SS-OCT imaging systems is proposed, and it is nu- merically implemented. A real-time video rate SD-OCT imaging system is developed for sensing and imaging applications. Such a developed system is employed for quantitative evaluationofpolyethyleneterephthalate(PET)bottlepreformsinrealtime. Keywords: OpticalCoherenceTomography,OCTSignalProcessing,SpectrometerDesign andOptimization,SpectralCalibration,OpticalThicknessMeasurement,Intra- operativeOpticalCoherenceTomography,GraphicsProcessingUnit

Thus far, high speed GPU-based OCT data processing approaches have processing and display of small OCT volumes because of GPU memory .. 6.8 A snapshot of the user interface designed for visualization of the processed.
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