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GPU Accelerated Approach to Numerical Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis with CFD Applications PDF

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Preview GPU Accelerated Approach to Numerical Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis with CFD Applications

GPUACCELERATEDAPPROACHTONUMERICALLINEARALGEBRA ANDMATRIXANALYSISWITHCFDAPPLICATIONS by ADAMD.PHILLIPS Athesissubmittedinpartialfulfilmentoftherequirements fortheHonorsintheMajorPrograminMathematics intheCollegeofSciences andinTheBurnettHonorsCollege attheUniversityofCentralFlorida Orlando,Florida SpringTerm2014 ThesisChair:Dr. BhimsenShivamoggi (cid:13)c 2014AdamD.Phillips AllRightsReserved ii ABSTRACT A GPU accelerated approach to numerical linear algebra and matrix analysis with CFD applica- tionsispresented. Theworksobjectivesareto(1)developstableandefficientalgorithmsutilizing multiple NVIDIA GPUs with CUDA to accelerate common matrix computations, (2) optimize these algorithms through CPU/GPU memory allocation, GPU kernel development, CPU/GPU communication, data transfer and bandwidth control to (3) develop parallel CFD applications for NavierStokesandLatticeBoltzmannanalysismethods. Specialconsiderationwillbegiventoper- forming the linear algebra algorithms under certain matrix types (banded, dense, diagonal, sparse, symmetric and triangular). Benchmarks are performed for all analyses with baseline CPU times beingdeterminedtofindspeed-upfactorsandmeasurecomputationalcapabilityoftheGPUaccel- erated algorithms. The GPU implemented algorithms used in this work along with the optimiza- tiontechniquesperformedaremeasuredagainstpreexistingworkandtestmatricesavailableinthe NISTMatrixMarket. CFDanalysislookedtostrengthentheassessmentofthisworkbyproviding adirectengineeringapplicationtoanalysisthatwouldbenefitfrommatrixoptimizationtechniques and accelerated algorithms. Overall, this work desired to develop optimization for selected linear algebraandmatrixcomputationsperformedwithmodernGPUarchitecturesandCUDAdeveloper whichwereapplieddirectlytomathematicalandengineeringapplicationsthroughCFDanalysis. iii DEDICATION Thisthesiswouldn’thavebeenpossiblewithoutseveralkeyindividualsandsoftwares. Ihavebeen blessed throughout my life with opportunities that have exposed me to new experiences, allowed me to meet and interact with interesting and intelligent people, and directly impact others through mytwopassions: teachingandresearch. Ilooktomentionafewnow. Guidance provided by thesis advisor, Dr. Bhimsen Shivamoggi along with committee members Dr. Zhisheng Shuai and Dr. Alain Kassab served as the backbone throughout my aca- demic career at UCF. Their insight, willingness, and trustworthiness helped instill a confidence in myresearchabilities,apassionforscientificdiscoveryandadesiretoteachacademically. A special thanks goes out to fellow researcher and friend, Kevin Gleason. The challenges in the process of writing an undergraduate thesis, presenting research at conferences, and publish- ing academic work were made easier by having someone to experience it with. My best wishes goes out to him and his masters thesis under Dr. Shawn Putnam. Dr. Shawn Putnam gave my firstexposuremyundergraduateresearchatUCF,andIamgratefulforhiscareerandresearchad- vice. To Alan, Harish, Josh and Mehrdad I wish you the best in your academic careers and future endeavors. IwouldliketothankPeterBradleyandDr. RobertAmaroattheNationalInstituteofStan- dards and Technology for their assistance and guidance during my research internship with the DepartmentofHomelandSecurity. Uponcompletingthisinternship,Ikindledapassionforscien- tificdiscoveryandsawresearchasaviablecareeroption,bothdirectresultsoftheirmentorship. I would like to thank my bosses at Lockheed Martin, Kenneth Flowers and Dr. Paul Zarda alongwithotherLockheedMartinengineersandinternsforthechallengingprojectswhileallowing me to keep my academics first. Similar thanks goes to my bosses at Mitsubishi Power Systems of America, Michael Glover and Alex Martinez for taking a chance on me as a freshman to be a capableengineeringintern. iv I would like to thank Dr. Miao Liu for the opportunity to be an undergraduate teaching assistant. The freedom to create audio solutions for the homework, help grade and administer exams and understand the procedural background of teaching at a university gave me appreci- ated teaching experience. Similar thanks goes to Mrs. Kim Small for the opportunity to teach freshman engineering students. My exposure gained through experiences and knowledge gained through mentorships, blended perfectly with my passion to help and teach other students. These experiencesvalidatedmychoicetocontinuegraduatestudiestopursueresearchandteaching. To all my friends, colleagues and acquaintances I thank you dearly. I will not attempt to list names, as there have been too many individuals who fall under this category who have been helpfulatcertaintimesinmylife. Mostimportantly,thiswouldhavepossiblewithoutmyfamily: Mom,Dad,Breanna,Noah, Grandma and Grandpa. To my brother Noah, you are the inspiration to my life and will be who I will always live through. To my grandpa, I did what has to be done. The lessons I have learned fromeachofthemhas leadtothecreationofauniqueindividual whowillalwaysdowhatisright atallcostandlivestohelpotherssucceed. Thanks goes out to NVIDIA for providing its free parallel computing platform in CUDA equipped with the CUDA Toolkit which included programming guides, user manuals, and API reference. WithoutNVIDIACUDA,programmingGPUswouldhavebeenaconvolutedandstren- uoustask. ThanksgoesouttoLATEX foritseleganttypesettingsystem,TeXMAKERforitseffec- tive editor in writing this thesis in LATEXand MiKTeX for compiling this thesis. Without LATEX, I wouldhavebeenenslavedtowritethisthesisinMicrosoftWord. Thanks goes out to the Burnett Honors College for the Honors in the Major program that allows undergraduates to work on thesis projects, and the Office of Undergraduate Research for encouraging research. And to the University of Central Florida, I thank you for the best years of mylife. Theaccomplishments,experiencesandimpactsmadeduringmytimeasanundergraduate issomethingthatwillalwaysmakemeaKnight. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ThisworkwaspartiallyfundedbytheUCFUndergraduateResearchGrantandtheBurnettHonors CollegeHIMScholarship. vi NOMENCLATURE Engineering Symbols A Area n (x ,t) BooleanParticleNumber α i C ({n }) CollisionOperator α β ρ Density α DiscreteVelocity β DiscreteVelocity B ExtensiveProperty feq EquilibriumFunction f(x,v,t) FluidParticleDistributionFunction (cid:15) FluidParameter ∇ Gradient g Gravity b IntensiveProperty l Length m Mass n NormalVector t Time v ParticleVelocity α p Pressure τ RelaxationTime v Velocity V VelocityTensor µ Viscosity vii V Volume ω Weight Mathematical Symbols (x,y) 2DCartesianCoordinate (x,y,z) 3DCartesianCoordinate + AdditionOperator j ColumnIndex δ ChangeinQuantity(Small) ∆ ChangeinQuantity(Large) ··· Ellipses q Exponent ∈ ContainedIn ∀ ForAll =⇒ Implies i,j Indices ∞ Infinity (cid:82) IntegralNotation m¯ Minus · MultiplicationOperator O( ) OrderofMagnitude ∂ 1stOrderPartialDerivativeNotation ∂t ∂2 2ndOrderPartialDerivativeNotation ∂t2 p¯ Plus ± Plus-Minus (cid:81) ProductNotation viii d RegularDerivativeNotation dt a ≤ x ≤ b RangingIndexxfromatob i RowIndex A ScalarA s Sign c Significand (cid:80) SummationNotation ∃ ThereExists (cid:126) A VectorA Matrix Symbols |A| CardinalityofsetA n ColumnDimensionofMatrix M ConjugateMatrix det(M) DeterminantofMatrix ∩ IntersectionofSets M−1 InverseMatrix M |M PartitionedMatrix m RowDimensionofMatrix A SetA |M|= m×n SizeofMatrix M StandardMatrix ⊂ Subset MT TransposeofMatrix ∪ UnionofSets ix Matrices and Vectors M AlgebraicMultiplicityofλ λ E BandedMatrix A BaseMatrix B BaseMatrix D(λ) CharacteristicEquation CP CharacteristicPolynomial C(cid:48) CofactorMatrix C ComplexNumbersSet y DecompositionVector z DecompositionVector ∆λ Defectofλ F DenseMatrix G DiagonalMatrix λ Eigenvalue ξ Eigenvector E ElementaryMatrix k ∅ EmptySet m GeometricMultiplicityofλ λ I IdentityMatrix Z IntegerNumbersSet I IrrationalNumbersSet k ,k Left-Half/Right-HalfBandwidth 1 2 L LowerMatrix x

Without NVIDIA CUDA, programming GPUs would have been a convoluted and stren- .. does not consistently offer a GPU computing course (sparingly a parallel Chapter 3 then outlines the prior research and results for each topic composed of a historical overview coupled with mathematical and
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