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General Practice Extraction Service (GPES) Appointment Business Case (published) Version No: 2.0 - Published Appointment Business Case Issue Date: March 2012 Authors: GPES Team General Practice Extraction Service Appointment Business Case (published) Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 6 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 15 1.1 Introduction to the Project ....................................................................................... 15 1.2 Summary Of Document ............................................................................................ 16 1.3 Approvals & Support................................................................................................. 16 2. STRATEGIC CASE ................................................................................................. 18 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 18 2.2 National Strategic Drivers for GPES........................................................................ 18 2.3 Overview of Organisational Changes ..................................................................... 20 2.4 The Case for Change ................................................................................................ 26 2.5 Service Requirements ............................................................................................... 31 2.6 GPES Funding ........................................................................................................... 40 2.7 GPES Strategic Risks ............................................................................................... 40 2.8 GPES Key Constraints and Dependencies ............................................................. 41 3. ECONOMIC CASE - OPTIONS APPRAISAL .......................................................... 43 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 43 3.2 Updating the Outline Business Case ...................................................................... 43 3.3 Options analysed in the Outline Business Case .................................................... 44 3.4 Changes Since the Outline Business Case ............................................................ 45 3.5 Appointment Business Case Option Appraisal ..................................................... 46 3.6 Shortlist ...................................................................................................................... 52 3.7 Option Appraisal ........................................................................................................ 53 3.8 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 60 4. COMMERCIAL CASE ............................................................................................. 61 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 61 4.2 Changes since the Outline and draft Appointment Business Case ..................... 61 4.3 Overview of Contract Relationships and Implementation .................................... 62 4.4 GPET-Q Services: Process and Outcomes ............................................................ 63 4.5 GPET-E Services: Process and Outcomes ............................................................. 66 4.6 Memorandum of Understanding .............................................................................. 70 4.7 Risk allocation and Risk Transfer ............................................................................ 71 5. FINANCIAL CASE – AFFORDABILITY .................................................................. 74 5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 74 5.2 Changes since the OBC and draft Appointment Business Case ......................... 74 5.3 Summary of Scheme Affordability ........................................................................... 75 5.4 Funding ...................................................................................................................... 77 5.5 Impact on Income and Expenditure Account ......................................................... 79 5.6 Impact on cash Flow ................................................................................................. 80 5.7 Impact on Balance Sheet .......................................................................................... 80 6. MANAGEMENT CASE ............................................................................................ 81 6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 81 6.2 Project Capability and Capacity ............................................................................... 81 6.3 Project Management and Governance .................................................................... 82 6.4 Project Timetable..................................................................................................... 101 6.5 Training .................................................................................................................... 101 6.6 Communications Plan ............................................................................................. 103 6.7 Supporting the Operational Service - Organisation and Cultural Change ........ 103 6.8 Security and Confidentiality ................................................................................... 105 Version No: 2.0 - Published ABC Page 2 of 114 Date: March 2012 Copyright © 2011, The Information Centre. All rights reserved. General Practice Extraction Service Appointment Business Case (published) 6.9 Benefits Management ............................................................................................. 106 6.10 Stakeholder Management ....................................................................................... 108 6.11 Risk & Contingency Management ......................................................................... 111 6.12 Project Evaluation ................................................................................................... 114 APPENDICES (PROVIDED IN A SEPARATE APPENDICES DOCUMENT) Appendix A: ICT Moratorium Letter from John Suffolk Appendix B: Customer Demand Profile Appendix C: GPES Economic and Financial Model Appendix D: Optimism Bias (now included within Appendix C) Appendix E: Risk Workshop Attendee List Appendix F: Quantified Risk Appraisal (now included within Appendix C) Appendix G: GPES EPM RAID Log – Project Risk Register Appendix H: Cost changes/apportionments between OBC and ABC Appendix I: GET-Q Final Contract Appendix J: Procurement Documentation (provided with draft ABC) Appendix K: GET-E Contracts Appendix L: GPET-E VALUE FOR MONEY APPROACH (amended during redaction) Appendix M: GPES Project Timetable Appendix N: GPES Communications Plan Appendix O: Benefits Management Strategy Appendix P: Benefits Management Document Appendix Q: GPES OGC Risk Profile Assessment (RPA) Appendix R: GPES ABC - PICD and Cabinet Office Approvals Version No: 2.0 - Published ABC Page 3 of 114 Date: March 2012 Copyright © 2011, The Information Centre. All rights reserved. General Practice Extraction Service Appointment Business Case (published) Glossary of Terms ID Acronym Definition to Abbreviation 1 ABC Appointment Business Case 2 ALB Arm‟s Length Body 3 BAU Business As Usual 4 BMA British Medical Association 5 BT British Telecommunications plc 6 BU Business Unit 7 CAP Common Assurance Process 8 CCG Clinical Commissioning Group 9 CfH NHS Connecting for Health 10 CM Contract Manager 11 COF Commissioning Outcomes Framework 12 CRI Customer Requirement for Information 13 CQC Care Quality Commission (formerly known as the Healthcare Commission) 14 CQRS Calculating Quality Reporting Service (formerly known as GPPCS) 15 DES Direct Enhanced Service 16 DH Department of Health also referred to as “the customer” 17 DHID Department of Health Informatics Directorate 18 DME Data Management Environment (Hosted by The NHS Information Centre) 19 DTS Data Transfer Service 20 ECC Ethics and Confidentiality Committee (see also NIGB) 21 EPM Enterprise Project Management 22 FBC Full Business Case 23 FCBC Full Confirming Business Case 24 FTEs Full Time Equivalent (employees) 25 GMC General Medial Council 26 GMS General Medical Services 27 GP General Practice 28 GPCG General Practice Manager (and Patient) Consultation Groups 29 GPES General Practice Extraction Service 30 GPES-I General Practice Extraction Interoperability (Standard) 31 GPET-E General Practice Extraction Tool - Extraction 32 GPET-Q General Practice Extraction Tool - Query 33 GPPCS General Practice Payments Calculation Service (now known as CQRS) 34 GPSoC General Practice Systems of Choice 35 GPSS General Practice System Suppliers 36 HES Hospital Episode Statistics 37 HQL Health Query Language 38 IAG Independent Advisory Group 39 ICT Information and Communication Technology 40 IFR Interim Formal Response 41 IG Information Governance 42 ISB (NHS) Information Standards Board 43 ITPD Invitation To Participate in Dialogue 44 LES Local Enhanced Service 45 MCU Medical Defence Union 46 MIQUEST Morbidity Information Query and Extract Syntax 47 MoU Memorandum of Understanding 48 NARS NHS Analysis and Reporting Services (replaces HES and Clinical Indicators) 49 NDPB Non-Departmental Public Body Version No: 2.0 - Published ABC Page 4 of 114 Date: March 2012 Copyright © 2011, The Information Centre. All rights reserved. General Practice Extraction Service Appointment Business Case (published) ID Acronym Definition to Abbreviation 50 NHS National Health Service 51 NHS IC The NHS Information Centre for health and social care 52 NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 53 NIGB National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care (see also ECC) 54 NIRS NHS Information Reporting Service 55 NOF NHS Outcomes Framework 56 NPfIT National Programme for Information Technology 57 NPV Net Present Value 58 OCG Office of Government Commerce 59 OJEC Official Journal of the European Community 60 OJEU Official Journal of the European Union 61 OMF Operating Model Framework 62 OBC Outline Business Case 63 PH Public Health 64 PICD Procurement, Investment and Commercial Division (DH) 65 PMCG GPES Practice Manager Consultation Group 66 PMCS Primary Medical Care Services 67 PCT Primary Care Trust 68 PQQ Pre-Qualification Questionnaire 69 PHOF Public Health Outcomes Framework 70 QIPP Quality, Innovation, Productivity & Prevention 71 QMAS Quality Management and Analysis System (Supplied by BT) 72 QOF Quality and Outcomes Framework 73 QS Quality Standard (set by Quality Information Committee, National Quality Board) 74 RCGP Royal College of General Practitioners 75 RfI Request for Information 76 RfO Readiness for Operations 77 SfTP Secure file Transfer Protocol 78 SHA Strategic Health Authority 79 SNOMED-CT Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (referred to version 3) 80 SOC Strategic Outline (Business) Case 81 SRO Senior Responsible Owner 82 SUS Secondary Uses Service 83 SQL Simple Query Language 84 TBC To Be Confirmed 85 ToR Terms of Reference 86 TUPE Transfer of Undertakings - Protection of Employment (Regulations) 87 UK United Kingdom 88 UKNSC UK National Screening Committee (also referred to as the English NSC) 89 VfM Value for Money Version No: 2.0 - Published ABC Page 5 of 114 Date: March 2012 Copyright © 2011, The Information Centre. All rights reserved. General Practice Extraction Service Appointment Business Case (published) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction The General Practice Extraction Service (GPES) is a centrally managed primary care data service that will obtain information from all GP practices in England for approved, Department of Health (DH) sponsored customers who can demonstrate how the data can be used to benefit patient care and support the functions of the NHS. The development of GPES is essential to deliver the information requirements outlined in the 2010 Health White Paper and the Health and Social Care Bill 2011. A GPES Outline Business Case (OBC) was developed and received approval from the Procurement, Investment and Commercial Division (PICD) of the DH in April 2009. Further reviews were undertaken of all government funded IT capital developments during 2010 and in October 2010 the NHS Information Centre (NHS IC) received confirmation that the GPES project had been given the approval to proceed following this review. The NHS IC then submitted a draft Appointment Business Case (ABC) to the PICD which was approved in June 2011. Funding of approximately £40 million has been earmarked by the DH for the implementation and operation of the GPES service for the next four years which covers the current Comprehensive Spending Review period to March 2015. The first year of funding was released following the approval of the draft ABC. The NHS IC received PICD, Treasury and Cabinet Office approval for the Final ABC leading to the approval of the Final Confirming Business Case (FCBC), allowing supplier contracts to be signed and the GPES project to move into the implementation phase. Please note this redacted version for publication purposes has been edited to remove confidential information but only where this is thought to be strictly necessary. Where this has been necessary suitable annotations have been made. Strategic Case There have been considerable strategic changes since the OBC was approved in April 2009. The key changes to the strategic direction of the NHS that will have an impact on the delivery of GPES are: The policies and business strategies for the NHS outlined in the Liberating the NHS Health White Paper and detailed in the Health and Social Care Bill create the statutory requirement for a centrally managed service to provide primary care data to appropriate central agencies for legitimate and required purposes. Changes in the responsibilities and roles of existing NHS organisations including the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the National institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE) and the Advisory Committee for Resource Allocation (ACRA) significantly increase their requirements for primary care data Development of new NHS organisations including NHS Commissioning Board (NHS CB), Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and Public Health England (PHE) to take over the responsibilities and roles of existing NHS commissioners. These organisations will require detailed primary care information to enable them to undertake their duties. The changing role of the NHS IC proposed in the Health & Social Care Bill to become an Executive Non-Departmental Public Body and have increased responsibility for information collection and dissemination for the NHS. The NHS IC will not be able to undertake these statutory functions without GPES Version No: 2.0 - Published ABC Page 6 of 114 Date: March 2012 Copyright © 2011, The Information Centre. All rights reserved. General Practice Extraction Service Appointment Business Case (published) The impact of these changes to the need for GPES is that primary care information will be essential to support an increasing number of national requirements. These are described below: Outcomes Frameworks Under the new strategic arrangements, information will be required to support a number of outcomes frameworks and the measurements that underpin them. These outcomes frameworks will include: NHS Outcomes Framework (newly established from 2010/11). The NHS Outcomes Framework will include a set of outcome goals that the Secretary of State will use to hold the NHS Commissioning Board to account;1 Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) that is currently used to reward General Practice for the delivery of quality services based on a series of indicators; Commissioning Outcomes Framework (COF) which will look to define a series of outcome indicators based on quality standards produced by NICE and the NHS Outcomes Framework. These measures will be used to compare and hold to account the performance of CCGs for their contribution to improvements in the outcomes of patients. It may become the basis of a scheme designed to reward CCGs that use their resources to achieve high quality outcomes to patients; Public Health Outcomes Framework (newly established and being developed). It is clear that many of the national organisations and functions outlined above will require the provision of primary care data that is only available from GP clinical systems. These include: Requirements with a basis in legislation from CQC and Monitor. Requirements for producing and monitoring the impact of NICE quality standards. Requirements for any changes to the funding of practices or the resource allocation formula for the NHS. Other Primary Care Data Requirements In addition to the emerging statutory requirements, information from GP practices could be used to support a diverse set of local, regional and national level activities, such as clinical information to support local public health requirements, disease surveillance and the monitoring of population health such as obesity and smoking. Case for Change This section sets out in summary the case for change demonstrating the need to develop GPES. The limitations of the existing service models are as follows: There are several methods of data extraction and system suppliers providing data extraction and analysis services of primary care data throughout the NHS. This increases the risk of: - Potential information governance issues; - Inconsistency of data and data interpretation; - Inefficiencies where information requests are repeated; - Confusion for customers as to information sources; 1 The Operating Framework for the NHS in England 2011/12, paragraph 1.11, page 7 Version No: 2.0 - Published ABC Page 7 of 114 Date: March 2012 Copyright © 2011, The Information Centre. All rights reserved. General Practice Extraction Service Appointment Business Case (published) - Confusion for General Practitioners about the status of organisations requesting data from the patient‟s health records; The national drive for improved, consistent primary care data to support performance and accountability across the NHS requires improved information process and outputs. The existing fragmented system will not support this requirement in a sustainable or efficient way. Customer requirements for improved extraction, interpretation and presentation of primary care information in support of decision making and patient care are likely to change as a result of national strategic drivers and the existing service model does not support these requirements. The changing role of the NHS IC requires the organisation to provide central extraction, analysis and interpretation of primary care data. The NHS IC cannot obtain data efficiently and securely from all practices in England for the purposes outlined above. The NHS IC is, therefore, currently unable to carry out the statutory functions outlined in the Health and Social Care Bill. The NHS IC will not be able to supply other identified customers with the information they require. As set out above the existing systems of primary care data extraction and analysis do not support the current requirements of the NHS and the national strategic direction of the White Paper and Health and Social Care Bill and as such there is a significant need for a comprehensive primary care data extraction service to the NHS. The NHS IC will have a statutory function to provide national NHS organisations with the primary care information that they require. It is, therefore, vital that the NHS IC develops this capability and that investment is provided to enable the organisation to carry out this key function. This will be delivered through the GPES service. Service Model Customers of the service will be able to request an extract of data from GP clinical systems and the GPES Business Unit will manage this on their behalf. There is an end to end process that will be followed in order to satisfy requests for data. There are a number of separate stages, some of which include more than one business process, and where necessary, some stages or processes may need to be repeated. The extraction process can be broken down into the steps illustrated below: Version No: 2.0 - Published ABC Page 8 of 114 Date: March 2012 Copyright © 2011, The Information Centre. All rights reserved. General Practice Extraction Service Appointment Business Case (published) The GPES Business Unit will manage the end to end process of requests, extraction and dissemination of primary care data for customers and will deliver this in whole, part or in partnership with existing providers. GPES will be delivered using both manual effort and specific technical support tools. A simplified picture of the technical components is illustrated below. GPES will be provided by the NHS IC as an end to end service that utilises a range of contracted and in-house services and components, these are summarised below: Version No: 2.0 - Published ABC Page 9 of 114 Date: March 2012 Copyright © 2011, The Information Centre. All rights reserved. General Practice Extraction Service Appointment Business Case (published) a) NHS IC Customer Relationship Management: b) NHS IC Post Extraction Analysis and Data Provision to Customer c) GPET-Q – Query Definition (and maintenance) and Query Execution/Data Extraction Management: d) GPES-I – Interoperability Standard e) GPET-E – Data Extraction f) Department of Health Informatics Directorate - Access Management and National Reference Data: Further details on the people, functions and technology requirements of each of these services and components can be found in the main document. Economic Case The following Critical Success Factors (CSFs) were utilised for the OBC but have been amended to take account of changes in strategy for the development of options for the ABC: CSF 1: Strategic Fit CSF 2: Investment Objectives and Investment Scope CSF 3: Supplier Feasibility CSF 4: Potential Affordability CSF 5: Organisational Achievability A more detailed description of each CSF and what the options will be evaluated against is provided in section 3.2.1. The OBC assessed four options and concluded with a preferred option. As a result of the significant changes in national policy and requirements since OBC approval, the primary care data extraction landscape in technology and commercial terms has moved on to the extent that the investment scope and objectives for GPES required updating. This has resulted in a reduction of the available options for the GPES project. As a result, whilst retaining the fundamental functional requirements of the OBC the re-appraisal of options provides a greater level of detail of each sub- component. A number of delivery methods were assessed as a long-list for each of the components described above against the CSF‟s as per the table above and as such the best methods of delivery were identified to create options to be appraised within the economic case The two options considered were: Option 1 – Fully integrated technology used to support the service Option 2 - Integrated technology used to support the service (except in the area of query definition and maintenance) For a detailed description of the key components of each option please refer to section 3. A detailed economic appraisal of each option was undertaken including risk quantification and the results are set out in the table below: Version No: 2.0 - Published ABC Page 10 of 114 Date: March 2012 Copyright © 2011, The Information Centre. All rights reserved.

SNOMED-CT. Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (referred to version 3). 80. SOC. Strategic Outline (Business) Case. 81. SRO.
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