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Preview Government Reports Announcements & Index 1991-01-15: Vol 91 Iss 2

Wiiaet )I mospy PB91-900102 Special notice on first page aii buictk Lf ~~ GOVERNMENT REPORTS Announcements & Index Jan 15, 1991 U.S. Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service GOVERNMENT REPORTS Announcements & Index Published twice monthly by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Annual subscription rates: Government Reports Announcements & Index/North American Continent $475/All Others $640 Foreign air mail charges will be quoted on request. Make remittance payable to NTIS and mail to U.S. Department of Commerce, NTIS, Springfield, VA 22161. Send change of address notice to NTIS. ISSN 0097-9007 at OF fg sd % U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE @ Robert A. Mosbacher, Secretary of Commerce /bs, y NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE @ Joseph F. Caponio, Director staresO F COPYRIGHT WARNING International Copyright®National Technical Information Service, 1991. All portions of this publication are protected against copying or other reproduction outside of the United States under the provisions of Article |l of the Universal Copyright Convention. United States copyright is not asserted under the United States Copyright Law, Title 17, United States Code. The Secretary of Commerce has determined that the publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of the public business required by law of this department. Use of funds for printing this periodical has been approved by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget through 1991 C Si. 1/3 : | SPECIAL NOTICE GOVERNM ENT No Department of Defense reports are included in this issue due to a computer R E PO RTS system conversion at the Defense Technical Information Center. These reports have the "AD" prefix in their Announcements order number and will be included as & index soon as they become available. RATTLE TT TEE Volume 91, Number 2 January15 , 1991 CONTENTS a TT TY oeA PTE TEi i BO I vo verrncdinnaniemangasbtucniec dcesineeseielertsnsQisneeec sinaedse enQAeNCnARgaeah s iii Subject Category & Subcategory Structure « cccceeseeeseeeeceeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees iv DI TIITIIIITiLi1042- 1 cccseeenmenieeronnetecebeneseteameatinamemmanttemnneiainmsamaammmenmenial vi PII ips ccccsicctiserccusidindvesidsinasbersecscosesbadassecsautaanmbiinmaemsi 1 PRIN IID ix sash vnccccerescocrchigghiscickesttenedibasbbliibdadioestellaadeesd ebsisauclietli e KW-1 ee acs SE SS ne OO LE cccsttadedbocapaeentbtinieal PA-1 LLLLALA: LLANE DL AN LM IL CA-1 COGRICRITEGE PIRES WHDOI. ...n.....000ecsscaseisinscnsninenscetiieie tiseteniasthiadiaseiacdaadalisial CG-1 NTIS Order/Report Number Index ................cccccececseeseceeeceseeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenseneees OR-1 tne db A hd she EE RT TT Outside Back Cover NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE (NTIS) KEY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Business hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. TO PLACE AN ORDER Regular service (703) 487-4650 RUSH service (800) 336-4700 in Virginia (703) 487-4700 Subscription orders (703) 487-4630 Fax (703) 321-8547 Telex 89-9405 or 64617 Online ordering: Dialog (Command: Dialorder) ORBIT (Command: Order NTIS) STN (Command: Order NTI) OCLC (Interlibrary Loan Command: Order NTI, NTI) OTHER ASSISTANCE For general information (703) 487-4650 For help in identifying a title for sale (703) 487-4780 For help in tracing an order (703) 487-4660 For help with NTIS Deposit Accounts (703) 487-4064 Licensing Government-owned inventions (703) 487-4732 For a FREE copy of the NTIS Products & Services Catalog, please write or call (703) 487-4650 and ask for catalog number, PR-827. —. PAN= O]E3 EELS) As acornerstone of the technological publishing structure in the Approximately 70,000 information items from U.S. and foreign United States, the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is government sources are added to the NTIS collection annually. a key participant in the development of advanced information These consist of some 55,000 technical reports plus computerized products and services for the achievement of U.S. productivity and datafiles, databases, and software and proceedings, guides, industrial innovation goals in the 90's. manuals, and other items. Anyone seeking the latest technical NTIS, an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the reports or wanting to compile unique subject groups of abstracts central source for the public sale of U.S. Government-sponsored may either subscribe to a current awareness bulletin or search the research, development, and engineering reports and for sales of NTIS Bibliographic Database online using the services of vendors foreign technical reports and other analyses prepared by national or organizations that maintain the NTIS database for public use. and local government agencies and their contractors or grantees. The entire database in machine processable form may be leased NTIS is the central source for: directly from NTIS. ¢ Federally-generated computerized datafiles, databases, Bibliographies containing summaries of current research from and software. worldwide information sources are available as NTIS Published e Licensing U.S. Government-owned patents. Searches® and cover over 3,000 topical subject areas. NTIS also manages: Customers with well defined continuing interests may subscribe * the Federal Computer Products Center which provides to a standing order microfiche service (SRIM) which enables them access to software, datafiles, and databases produced by to automatically receive the full texts of only those documents Federal agencies. relating to their individual requirements. ¢ the Center for the Utilization of Federal Technology Foreign reports from worldwide sources including Canada, (CUFT), which prepares a variety of directories, catalogs, England, Japan, Germany and Eastern Europe now make up over and other information products linking U.S. firms to key 20 percent of the NTIS collection. and selected U.S. Government technologies, inventions NTIS sells its technical information products and services under available for licensing, and laboratory contacts. the provisions of Title 15 of the U.S. Code. The law established a Consequently, NTIS is one of the world's leading processors of clearinghouse for scientific, technical, and engineering information speciality information. within the Department of Commerce and directed that it be self- Full summaries of current U.S. and foreign research reports and supporting. other specialized information, in hundreds of subject categories, NTIS, therefore, is a unique Government agency sustained are published regularly by NTIS in a wide variety of newsletters, only by sales revenue. The costs of NTIS salaries, marketing, journals, and indexes and in a variety of subscription formats for postage, and all other operating costs are paid for from the sales of other Federalagencies. The complete texts of the technical reports its products. Costs are not covered by tax-supported cited are sold in paper and microform. Congressional appropriations. Eo HOW TO ORDER ordering instructions such as "paper copy available from ERIC Document Reproduction Service.” When NTIS can supply specific ordering instructions, it does so. However, when such information Availability is not available to NTIS, contact your local librarian, who may be NTIS announces reports supplied from many sources; copies able to help you. of most items, but not all, are available from NTIS. Some reports must be obtained from other sources and those are noted. Paper and Microfiche Copies, Tapes and Diskettes In the Reports Announcements section (the first section of If the primary availability statement is a price code entry such as GRA&|), each bibliographic entry shows where the document may "PC A01", youcan place your order directly with NTIS. Areport may be obtained. NTIS shows such information in two places in its be available in paper copy (PC) or microfiche (MF) or both; if both citations—a short, primary entry on the first line of the citation to the forms are available, price codes will be given for both PC and MF. right of the NTIS order number, and a secondary entry that Software programs and datafiles are available as tapes (T) or immediately precedes the abstract. diskettes (D). To determine the current price, consult the price- Reports available from NTIS have various price codes, actual code table printed on the outside back cover of the most current prices, or the word “Subscription” or "Standing Order” printed in the issue of GRA&l. Then, please use the order form bound into primary availability statement. Reports not available from NTIS GRA&l,o r a copy, to place your order. Be sure to include the NTIS have the words “not Available NTIS" printed there. order number, the quantity, form, and the order fulfillment options you want—e.g., magnetic tape mode. Not Available NTIS To find where to order reports listed as "Not Available NTIS” look Media Code at the entry just before the abstract for the secondary availability GAR, the three letters at the end of the NTIS order numbers, is statement. There are a variety of statements on availability varying a media code which has been assigned to help NTIS' marketing from an entry that tells where the report was published to specific efforts. Please include this code when ordering. NTIS DELIVERY AND ORDERING OPTIONS Sales Desk Business Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time Delivery Class of NTIS In-house Service Options Delivery Processing Phone Numbers Charge Express Overnight’ Guaranteed? (800) 336-4700 $22 per item Courier 24 hours VA (703) 487-4650 Only available in U.S. Rush First Class Guaranteed? (800) 336-4700 $12 per item or equivalent 24 hours VA (703) 487-4650 $14.50 outside U.S., Canada, and Mexico Customer Pickup Guaranteed? (800) 336-4700 $12 per item 8:30-5:00 24 hours VA (703) 487-4650 Regular First Class Stocked Reports* (703) 487-4650 $3 handling fee or equivalent 2-3 days per order $4 outside U.S., Canada, and Mexico ‘Express Order Service guarantees overnight delivery to most U.S. cities. Express orders received by 1 p.m. (EST) on any working day are in your hands by 3 p.m. (local time) the following working day for reports in stock. ?Express and Rush Order Services guarantee same day processing on reports in stock and 24-hour processing on reports requiring printing. Toll free ordering is available for express and rush orders. All express and rush orders require NTIS Deposit Account, American Express, VISA, or MasterCard. Standard $3.00 handling fee is waived on all express and rush orders, QuikService, or pickup at NTIS. *Regular handling for reports not in stock (requiring reproduction) normally takes 2 to 8 days to process. Ordering Options Available 24 Hours a Day Telex: 89-9405 (Domestic) or 64617 (International) NTIS/QuikSERVICE Fax: (703) 321-8547 Call (703) 487-4650 and ask for PR-846/827. Online: DIALOG (Command: DialOrder) ORBIT (Command: Order NTIS) STN International (Command: Order NTI) OCLC (Interlibrary Loan Command NTI, NTI) NOTE: Whether you request Express Order, Rush Order, or Regular service, your orders always receive our best attention. NTIS is required by law to recover costs, and every order is important to us. OW TO USE GOVERNMENT REPORTS NNOUNCEMENTS & INDEXES Arrangement of Citations ries are listed on pages iv and v. Also, subject category and subcategory titles are used as running heads on each page of Bibliographic entries in this journal are arranged by NTIS sub- the Reports Announcements section of the journal. In the body ject classification. This scheme uses .38 broad subject catego- of the journal, each entry is assigned a six digit abstract number ries which are further separated into over 350 subcategories. which appears in italics above the report accession number. The full bibliographic citation is given only once in the report The digit on the extreme left indicates the year that the item is announcements section under its primary NTIS category. There announced (for example 100,001 will be the first one for 1991). are no cross references except in the indexes. Within a sub- The abstract numbers run consecutively from the first issue category, entries are listed alphanumerically by the NTIS order each year through the last. Specific citations can be located by number. searching the indexes by keyword, personal author name, Access Points corporate author, contract or grant number, organization report number, or NTIS order number. The abstract number of There are several ways to determine where a particular topic the main entry in the Reports Announcement section is given or citation is in GRA&I. The titles of the broad subject catego- with each index entry. NTIS SUBJECT CATEGORY AND SUBCATEGORY STRUCTURE Administration & Management Computers, Control & Information Theory Subcategories: Inventory Control; Management Information Systems; Subcategories: Computer Hardware; Computer Software; Control Systems & Management Practice; Personnel Management, Labor Relations & Man- Control Theory; Information Processing Standards; Information Theory; power Studies; Productivity; Public Administration & Government; Research Pattern Recognition & Image Processing; General. Program Administration & Technology Transfer; General. Aeronautics & Aerodynamics Detection & Countermeasures Subcategories: Aerodynamics; Aeronautics; Aircraft; Avionics; Parachytes & Subcategories: Acoustic Detection; Electromagnetic & Acoustic Counter- Decelerators; Test Facilities & Equipment; General. measures; Infrared & Ultraviolet Detection; Magnetic Detection; Nuclear Explosion Detection; Optical Detection; Personnel Detection; Radiofrequency Detection; Seismic Detection; General. Agriculture & Food Subcategories: Agricultural Chemistry; Agricultural Economics; Agricultural Equipment, Facilities & Operations; Agriculture Resource Surveys; ema Electrotechnology omy, Horticulture & Plant Pathology; Animal Husbandry & Veterinary:'Medi- cine; Fisheries & Aquaculture; Food Technology; General. Subcategories: Antennas; Circuits; Electromechanical Devices; Electron Tubes; Optoelectronic Devices & Systems; Power & Signal Transmission Deyices; Resistive, Capacitive, & Inductive Components; Semiconductor Astronomy & Astrophysics Devices; General. Subcategories: Astrogeology; Astronomy & Celestial Mechanics; Astrophys- ics; Cosmic Ray Research; General. 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Subcategories: Air Pollution & Control; Environmental Health & Safety; Environmental Impact Statements; Noise Pollution & Control; Pesticides Biomedical Technology & Human Factors Engineering Pollution & Control; Radiation Pollution & Control; Solid Wastes Pollution & Subcategories: Biomedical Instrumentation & Bioengineering; Biqnics & Control; Water Pollution & Control; General. Artificial Intelligence; Human Factors Engineering; Life Support Systems; Protective Equipment; Prosthetics & Mechanical Organs; Tissue Preserva- tion & Storage; General. 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Subcategories: Banking & Finance; Consumer Affairs; Domestic Commerce, Marketing, & Economics; Foreign Industry Development & Economics; Interna- tional Commerce, Marketing, & Economics; Minority Enterprises; General. Industrial & Mechanical Engineering Chemistry Subcategories: Environmental Engineering; Hydraulic & Pneumatic Equip- ment; Industrial Safety Engineering; Job Environment; Laboratory & Test Subcategories: Analytical Chemistry; Basic & Synthetic Chemistry; Indus- Facility Design & Operation; Manufacturing Processes & Materials Handling; trial Chemistry & Chemical Process Engineering; Photo & Radiation Chem- Nondestructive Testing; Plant Design & Maintenance; Production Planning & istry; Physical & Theoretical Chemistry; Polymer Chemistry; General. Process Controls; Quality Control & Reliability; Tooling, Machinery, & Tools; General. Civil Engineering Subcategories: Civil Engineering; Construction Equipment, Materials, & Supplies; Highway Engineering; Soil & Rock Mechanics; General. Library & Information Sciences Subcategories: information Systems; Marketing & User Services; Operations & Combustion, Engines, & Propellants Planning; Personnel; Reference Materials; General. Subcategories: Combustion & Ignition; Electric & lon Propulsion; Fuel & Propellant Tanks; Jet & Gas Turbine Engines; Nuclear Propulsion; Recipro- cation & Rotating Combustion Engines; Rocket Engines & Motors; Rocket Manufacturing Technology Propeliants; General. Subcategories: Computer Aided Design (CAD); Computer Aided Manufac- turing (CAM); Computer Software; Domestic Commerce, Marketing, & Eco- nomics; Engineering Materials; Job Environment; Joining; Manufacturing, Communication Planning, Processing & Control; Optics & Lasers; Plant Design & Mainte- Subcategories: Common Carrier & Satellite; Communication & Information nance; Productivity; Quality Control & Reliability; Research Program Adminis- Theory; Graphics; Policies, Regulations, & Studies; Radio & Television Equip- tration & Technology Transfer; Robotics/ Robots; Tooling, Machinery, & ment; Sociopolitical; Verbal; General. Tools; Tribology; General. Materials Sciences Ocean Technology & Engineering Subcategories: Ablative Materials & Ablation; Adhesives & Sealants; Car- Subcategories: Biological Oceanography; Dynamic Oceanography; Hydrogra- = bon & Graphite; Ceramics, Refractories, & Glass; Coatings, Colorants, & phy; Marine Engineering; Marine Geophysics & Geology; Oceanographic Finishes; Composite Materials; Corrosion & Corrosion Inhibition; Elasto- Vessels, Instruments, & Platforms; Physical & Chemical Oceanography; mers; Fibers & Textiles; Iron & Iron Alloys; Lubricants & Hydraulic Fluids; Underwater Construction & Habitats; General. Materials Degradation & Fouling; Miscellaneous Materials; Nonferrous Metals & Alloys; Plastics; Refractory Metals & Alloys; Solvents, Cleaners, & Abra- sives; Wood & Paper Products; General. Ordnance Mathematical Sciences Subcategories: Ammunition, Explosives, & Pyrotechnics; Armor; Bombs; Combat Vehicles; Detonations, Explosion Effects, & Ballistics; Fire Control Subcategories: Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, & Mathematical Logic; Operations & Bombing Systems; Guns; Rockets; Underwater Ordnance; General. Research; Statistical Analysis; General. Medicine & Biology Photography & Recording Devices Subcategories: Anatomy; Biochemistry; Botany; Clinical Chemistry; Clini- Subcategories: Holography; Photographic Techniques & Equipment; Record- cal Medicine; Cytology, Genetics, & Molecular Biology; Dentistry; Ecology; ing Devices; General. Electrophysiology; Immunology; Microbiology; Nutrition; Occupational Thera- py, Physical Therapy, & Rehabilitation; Parasitology; Pathology; Pest Con- trol; Pharmacology & Pharmacological Chemistry; Physiology; Psychiatry; Public Health & Industrial Medicine; Radiobiology; Stress Physiology; Physics Surgery; Toxicology; Zoology; General. Subcategories: Acoustics; Fluid Mechanics; Optics & Lasers; Piasma Physics; Radiofrequency Waves; Solid State Physics; Structural Mechanics; General. Military Sciences Subcategories: Antiaircraft Defense Sytems; Antimissile Defense Sys- tems; Antisubmarine Warfare; Chemical, Biological, & Radiological War- Problem-Solving Information For State & Local fare; Logistics, Military Facilities, & Supplies; Military Intelligence; Military Operations, Strategy, & Tactics; Nuclear Warfare; Passive Defense Sys- Governments tems; General. Subcategories: Economic & Community Development; Energy; Environment; Finance; Human Resources; Police, Fire, & Emergency Services; Transpor- tation; General. Missile Technology Subcategories: Air & Space-Launched Missiles; Missile Guidance & Con- trol Systems; Missile Launching & Support Systems; Missile Tracking Sys- Space Technology tems; Missile Trajectories & Reentry Dynamics; Missile Warheads & Fuses; Surface-Launched Missiles; Underwater-Launched Missiles; General. Subcategories: Astronautics; Extraterrestial Exploration; Manned Space- craft; Space Launch Vehicles & Support Equipment; Space Safety; Space- craft Trajectories & Flight Mechanics; Unmanned Spacecraft; General. Natural Resources & Earth Sciences Subcategories: Cartography; Forestry; Geology & Geophysics; Hydrology & Limnology; Mineral Industries; Natural Resource Management; Natural Resource Surveys; Snow, Ice, & Permafrost; Soil Sciences; General. Transportation Subcategories: Air Transportation; Global Navigation Systems; Marine & Waterway Transportation; Metropolitan Rail Transportation; Pipeline Navigation, Guidance, & Control Transportation; Railroad Transportation; Road Transportation; Transpor- Subcategories: Control Devices & Equipment; Guidance Systems; Naviga- tation Safety; General. tion & Guidance System Components; Navigation Systems; General. Nuclear Science & Technology Urban & Regional Technology & Development Subcategories: Fusion Device (Thermonuclear); Isotopes; Nuclear Auxillary Subcategories: Communications; Economic Studies; Emergency Services Power Systems; Nuclear Explosions & Devices; Nuclear instrumentation; & Planning, Environmental Management & Planning; Fire Services, Law Radiation Shielding. Protection, & Safety; Radioactive Wastes & Radioactivity; Enforcement, & Criminal Justice; Health Services; Housing; Recreation; Reactor Enginering & Nuclear Power Plants; Reactor Fuels & Fuel Processing; Regional Administration & Planning; Social Services; Transportation & Traffic Reactor Materials; Reactor Physics; General. Planning; Urban Administration & Planning; General. The above 38 subject categories can be used in online searching of the NTIS Bibliographic Database. These categories allow the quick creation of online subject subsets. In addition, special categories are available for the online searching of Government Inventions for Licensing and Foreign Technology. Either alphanumeric category codes or the titles can be used in creating subsets. For further information, request the free NTIS Subject Category Descriptions, PR-832. NG ED. PRODUCTS ABOUT Abstract Newsletters announce in 26 subject categories summaries of federally funded research as it is completed and made available to the public. Abstracts of reports appear in the ABSTRACT appropriate categories and do so within a few weeks of their receipt from the originating NEWSLETTERS agencies. An annual subject index is also available. The titles of newsletters available on subscription are: * Administration & Management * Foreign Technology * Agriculture & Food * Government Inventions for Licensing * Behavior & Society * Health Care * Biomedical Technology & * Library & Information Sciences Human Factors Engineering * Manufacturing Technology * Building Industry Technology * Materials Sciences * Business & Economics * Medicine & Biology ¢ Chemistry ¢ Natural Resources & Earth Sciences * Civil Engineering * Ocean Technology & Engineering * Communication * Physics ¢ Computers, Control & * Problem-Solving Information for Information Theory State & Local Governments ¢ Electrotechnology * Transportation * Energy * Urban & Regional Technology + Environmental Pollution & Control & Development All are weekly publications. For a price list and sample copies please write to Subscriptions, NTIS, Springfield, VA 22161 or call (703) 487-4630. ABOUT SRIM (Selected Research in Microfiche) is an automatic service shipped twice a month from NTIS to help you expand your coverage of U.S. Governmentresearch and development ata cost SRIM within reach of a modest information budget. You limit your expense by receiving complete research reports (not just abstracts) in microfiche, and only in the subject areas you select. You automatically receive the reports in microfiche without having to track down a specific report and order it. For full control of your SRIM collection, you can order the quarterly index service (cumulated annually). For further details, ask for the free information brochure, PR-271/GAR. ABOUT Published Searches® are bibliographies with full abstracts on topics prepared in anticipation of users' needs. These literature searches, created by searching the NTIS PUBLISHED Bibliographic Database and international databases, cover a variety of subjects from food SEARCHES sciences to pollution to management and so on. To get a copy of the Master Catalog of Published Searches? listing the more than 3,000 bibliographies available, ask for PR-186/GAR. ABOUT Products listed in GRA&I are available in a variety of formats. Paper copy (PC)—copies or reprints of the original report. PRODUCT Microfiche (MF)—105 x 148.75 mm microfiche sheets (about 4 x 6 inches), 24X. FORMATS Microfilm—16 mm and 35 mm. Magnetic tape—9 track recording modes. Floppy Diskette—for IBM-PC and compatible microcomputers. Compact Disc— Audio (CD-Audio) Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) Multimedia (CD-XA, CD-I, DVI) Laser Disc vi REPORTS ANNOUNCEMENTS NTIS D. S ed he The full bibliographic citations appear in this section; they are arranged by subject category and ng subcategory. Within each subcategory the reports are arranged alphanumerically by NTIS order on number; the Ebcdic character set sort is used. DO NOT USE THE ABSTRACT NUMBER TO ORDER A DOCUMENT SAMPLE ENTRY | | Subject Category CHEMISTRY | | Subcategory Physical & Theoretical Chemistry | Abstract number | 036,027 | NTIS order number/Media code Availability/Price codes PB90-205196/GAR PC A06/MF A01 | Corporate/Performing organization | SRI International, Menlo Park, CA Report title Electrochemical Oxidation of Methane at Metal 1S, and Metal Oxide Electrodes. Final Report | December 1, 1986-December 1, 1989. | Personal authors Report date Page count K. W. Frese, and B. G. Pound. 20 Mar 90, a | Report number(s) SRI-PYU-2970, GRI-90-0026 ym Contract or grant number(s) | Contract GRI-5086-260-1424 st | te Abstract An objective of the research was to gain insight into | ou the role of surface geometry, heat of reaction, force nd | constants and adsorption site in the activated . . . | | theory of geometric management of mixtures. The in concept of a convex set of mixtures, as a zono- 102,240 Is ttuorpees, iasr eu secdo.n siTdheer epd.r odTuhecotrietoioncf al s evaenrd alp rkacntoiwcanl miasx-- N90-27325(/O1rd/eGrA Ra s N90-27275/8/GAR, PC — od ADMINISTRATION & pects of this problem are analyzed. of Alabama Univ. in Huntsville. MANAGEMENT Documentation and Knowledge Acquisition. D. Rochando W.w Mosieleya. Mkay ,90, 10p Contract NAS8-36955 In NASA, MarshaSlpalce Flight CentFiefthr Co,nfe r- Management Information Systems “ne Space Applications p Inventory Control 239 Noe- RoyoeL id, DotyE ng PC A02/MF A01 is-Royce Lt y la 102,238 Prototyping an ien-eHo ushee y a Intelligence Da- N90-27379/8/GAR PC A04/MF AO1 Grenoble-1 Univ., Saint-Martin d’Heres (France). Inst. R. J. Self. c23 Mar 90, 10p PNR90665, ETN-90- + espana et Mathematiques Appliquees de Greno- 97151 Presented at the Library Association industrial Group, (Study de la Faisabilite de Piusieurs Melanges Portsmouth, England, 23-25 Mar. 1990. ‘Study of the Feasibiolf iSetveyra l Mixtures 77. 6L-aMc,o llEeT, N-a9nd0 -9P.7 2V2a2le ntin. May 89, 62p IMAG-RR- Satoimoens oafn dt heth ekier yi mipssaucets oonf tbhues indeefsisn itiinotne l of a aoopner- PB91-106609/GAR PC$19.25 In French; English Summary. I Labour Switzerland). ccuurrreenntt, ra pidd evelopmentsi n compain«g2 t bs caianto iogy eS ete An approacht o stock managpreoblmem eisn stutdie d. on the choices available for prays b K. Wiig. c1990, ie A. 92-2-106446-8, The aim of the work is to produce a mixture whose considered. A short overview of the proltyang Aanps MANAG NT LOPMENT SERIES-28 composition i ing given basic mixtures. proach to system development is given. The current Mexico sales only. All others refer to eee eae Te coe natn dat ee Rolls-Royce approach to developing an in-house pro- Publications Department, in an oil refinery. mixing procedures yield to the totype system is summarized. ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT Management Information Systems uide is written to assist managers who plan to Personnel Management, Labor ations. Difficulty was varied by changing the predict- introduce and use knowledge-based systems and ability of the gauges. The second task was mental expert systems within their firms. Since systems are Relations & Manpower Studies arithmetic. Difficulty was varied by requiring subjects to quite different from most other management tools, the perform operations on either two or three columns of guide includes general material on artificial intelligence 102,245 numbers. Two conditions that could easily be distin- and expert systems technology, and on experiences DE90015596/GAR PC A06/MF A01 guished on the basis of performance measures were with these systems, as well as specific material on how Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA. selected for the real-time evaluation of ERPs. A boot- to plan and manage the introduction of expert systems Chinese-American Workforce. Career satisfaction strapping approach was adopted in which one thou- in an organization. The artificial intelligence terminolo- of Chinese-American professionals in a scientific sand samples of n trials (n = 1, 3, 5 ...65) were classi- gy used in the guide is explained in the Glossary. The laboratory in the San Francisco Bay Area. fied using several measures of P300 and Slow Wave guide provides insights into: how to implement sys- Thesis (M.A). amplitude. Classification accuracies of 85 percent tems that automate expert domain knowledge and S. H. Nissen. May 90, 107p UCRL-LR-104227 were achieved with 25 trials. Results are discussed in expert reasoning in the form of expert systems; the Contract W-7405-ENG-48 terms of potential enhancements for real-time record- use of automated knowledge and the resulting com- Sponsored by Department of Energy, Washington, DC. ing. mercial benefits to the organization; and the nature of Portions of this document are illegible in microfiche tkhneoirw lceoddgief,ic artieoans onasi ngth eayn d relsautbej etcot ievxep ejrut dgseymsetnetmss., Tahned products. 102,248 aim of the guide is to help managers plan to take ad- The current study focused on a group of Chinese- PB91-107011/GAR PC A05/MF A05 vantage of expert systems technology and start man- American professionals working in a scientific environ- Office of Technology Assessment, Washington, DC. aging knowledge within their organizations, to do so ment in the San Francisco Bay area. One of the goals Use of Integrity Tests for Pre-Employment Screen- with confidence and decisiveness and to avoid waste- of the present study is to determine to what extent do ing. ful pitfalls on the way. the Chinese cultural values impact job performance, Sep 90, 88p OTA-SET-442 interpersonal relationships and perception of job satis- Also available from Supt. of Docs. faction. This was carried out by identifying the impor- tant motivational factors and optimal working condi- An estimated 5,000 to 6,000 business establishments tions which provided career satisfaction for the Chi- in the United States use honesty and integrity tests in nese-American professionals. Comparisons were the process of screening and —- job applicants Management Practice menatdse tob edtewteeernm inteh e dUiSf febroernnc esa,n d iff oarneyi, gni-nb otrheni r repseprocnedp-- floire vee mtphle otyemsetns ta.r e Apnrailncyisptasl lyf aumisleida r tow isthc retehne aipspsluiec anbtes- tions relative to career satisfaction due to varying ac- for nonmanagerial, less-skilled jobs, such as conven- 102,242 culturation levels. In addition, this study identified bar- ience store employees and retail clerks. The report N90-26695/8/GAR PC A02/MF A01 riers to career advancement and compared these bar- has defined honesty and integrity tests as written tests Rolls-Royce Ltd., Derby —- on riers with the results of another survey on the Chinese- designed to identify individuals applying for work in Making It Happen: Project American professionals Syn in government, indus- such jobs who have relatively high propensities to G. Collis. c21 Jun 89, 9Pp NAOOCIS. eTN-90-07134 try and private sector in the Bay area. A structured steal pragng Ae property on the job, or who are likely to Presented at the Lucas Seminar, Shirley, England, 21 survey questionnaire was designed by the investigator engage in behavior of a more generally ‘counterpro- Jun. 1989. and sent to 167 Chinese-American professionals, ductive’ nature. Counterproductivity in this context Ospbejceicftiicv etso tahned Roolrlgsan-iRzoaytcieo n coomf pparnoyg raarme mouatnliangeed.m eTnhte c12o mfpiaos.s,e 8d taobfs .b oth US-born and foreign-born. 41 refs., oqlfuetaeevsnet iafnbrcuolsmue d,et sh eat nydHp eosua sboesfe n‘Cttoeimemeim sitmth.etf et’e,I n e.orgne. ,s pEtodanurscdeain teistoson, a sainrcedk- concept as a master program is described. Central Labor, OTA examined available evidence on integrity program management interfaces, culture and style are 102,246 tests, with emphasis on two basic questions: Has the depicted. The program culture is based on the func- N90-25539/9/GAR research on integrity tests produced data that clearly tions managing and achieving their commitments on (Order as N90-25503/5/GAR, PC a supports or dismisses the assertion that these tests time. A small central team works with the customer A ) can predict dishonest behavior; What public policy and across all internal functions on a by exception Harry G. Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research issues are raised by the use of integrity tests for pre- basis to ensure that master program and engine deliv- Lab., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH employment screening and selection. ery contracts are achieved on time. Performance-Based Workload Assessment: Allo- cation rey and Added Task Sensitivity. N19020,-224636 96/6/GAR PC A03/MF A01 MIn. NA.A SVAid,u licLhy. ndonM ar B9.0 , J7oph nson Space Center, Third P1B029,12-419 11690/GAR PC A03/MF A03 Rolls-Royce Ltd., Derby (England). Annual Workshop on Space Operations Automation Northeast-Midwest Inst., Washington, DC. Value of Real Experience. and Robotics (Soar 1989) p 329-335. Labor Market Information: Book 2. An Agenda for e9Pn0rce-Bes9. e7 n11Lt3.9e 68Wd9 i ,l sa1to 0nt .hO ec ct.1C 0o 1m9Op8cu9tt. e8r9s, 1in9 pM aPnNufRa9c0t6u1r9i,n g ECToNn-f er- rTgoehaaaetdp i pnrpagarrie telsh iaerml ei uvnsioaefer wytoe hfde r.a e sdtuTrdlahetdedsi tifotoofan csaaulk ss r setoesofce oetavnhraedc lahuf riayrpts ter tosagmtsreukadn itmlea oslg i inwcwv aeotssrth kia--ta 9SCFDi.2pon 9onaW0ngl. 6sr 1oer-Serspt1este2d..v- e8n bsy, Eamnpdl oPy. mDeungtg ana.n d c1T9r8a8in,i n 37pA dImSiBnNi-s0tr-a - An interpretation of Computer Integrated Management encouraged the use of low-priority instructions for the tion, Washington, DC. Office of Researc and Devel- (CIM) is presented. Techniques of computer engineer- added task. It was believed that such low-priority tasks opment. ing and control systems engineering, embodying prin- would encourage subjects to split their available re- ciples of topdown understanding and planning of the sources onare the two tasks. The primary task would The report evaluates the adequacy of current labor business processes and their shared data needs, and be assigneda ll the resources it needed, and any re- market information (LMI) for planning and policymak- bottom up implementation of simplified procedures maining reserve capacity would be assigned to the ing, discusses difficulties of providing timely data for within the integration plan, were adopted. The need to secondary task. If the model were correct, this ap- current labor market problems and suggests reasons understand the real overall business needs of the en- proach was expected to combine sensitivity to primary and methods for improving LMI sources to make them terprise, and the understanding and integration of task difficulty with unintrusiveness to primary task per- more timely and responsive to current issues. Ideally, a shared data as the vital technical element are pro- formance. The first studies of the current project dem- minimal increase of new data collection can be com- posed approaches to CIM. onstrated that a high-priority added task, although in- bined with preservation of useful existing data sources, trusive, could be more sensitive than the traditional with added costs to be justified by optimal utilization of low-priority secondary task. These results suggested both new and existing data. 102,244 that a more appropriate model of the attentional ef- NAl9a0b-a2m7a2 7U8n(/iOv2r./d eGirnA RHau sn tsNv9il0l-e2. 7275/8/GAR, PC ss ) fbtieeoc ntabsl a saoespdst iomcoainla tceaaldpl aoccwaiitttiyho nas wdmidotedcdehl i.nt ga,s kr aptheerrf otrhmaann cteh e mtiragdhit- TD1eI0uB2t,/s2Bc59h00e -8G1e9se4l4l/y scGhAaRf t fuer Luft- und RaumfahrPtC eE.V1.4, — Allocation Using Constraint Propaga- Bonn (Germany, F.R.). tion. 102,247 Rechnergestuetzte Ausiese und _ rechnerges- J. S. Rogers. May 90, 6p N90-25540/7/GAR tuetztes Training von Personen fuer komplexe In NASA, Marshall Spano Flight Center, Fifth Confer- (Order as N90-25503/5/GAR, PC —— Fahr (Computer-aided ence on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications p 04) selection and computer-aided oe of person- 19-24. Ilinois Univ. at Urbana-Champaign. nel for complex aircraft control task: 4 Real-Time Measurement of Mental Workload: A 1989, 168p Rept nos. DGLR-89-03, ISBN 3-922010- The concept of constraint propagation was discussed. Feasibility Study. 46-6 Performance increases are possible with careful appli- A. Kramer, D. Humphrey, E. Sirevaag, and A. In German. 31. DGLR expert committee meeting on cation of these constraint mechanisms. The degree of Mecklinger. Mar 90, 7p computer-aided selection and computer-aided training performance increase is related to the interdepend- Contracts NAG2-308, N00014-89-J-1493 of personne! for complex aircraft control tasks, Fuer- ence of the different activities resource usage. Al- In NASA, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Third stenfeldbruck (Germany, F.R.), 23-24 Nov 1988. though this method of applying constraints to activities Annual Workshop on Space Operations Automation and resources is often beneficial, it is obvious that this and Robotics (Soar 1989) p 339-345. This volume contains the presentations delivered at is no panacea cure for the computational woes that the 31st meeting of the specialists committee on the are experienced by dynamic resource allocation and The primary goal of the study was to explore the utility subject of ‘computer-aided selection and computer- scheduling problems. A combined effort for execution of event-related brain potentials (ERP) as real-time aided training of personnel for complex aircraft control optimization in all areas of the system during develop- measures of workload. To this end, subjects per- duties’. The presentations covered the following ment and the selection of the appropriate develop- formed two different tasks both separately and togeth- topics: Research and work projects in military aviation ment environment is still the best method of producing er. One task required that subjects monitor a bank of psychology, computer-aided aviation psychology se- an efficient system. constantly changing gauges and detect critical devi- lection and training methodology for future flying per- 2 VOL. 91, No. 2

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