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GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH Socio Economic Survey 2014-15 PDF

370 Pages·2015·11.58 MB·English
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GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH Socio Economic Survey 2014-15 PLANNING DEPARTMENT The State Government publishes 'Socio-Economic Survey' report every year along with the budget documents placed in both the Houses of the State Legislature. Post bifurca�on, the present Socio-Economic Survey-2014-15 report presents informa�on pertaining to the financial year of 2014-15 and covers 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh. The report essen�ally a�empts to present the growth performance of the state economy by capturing the progress under key macro-economic aggregates and physical indicators as a result of implementa�on of various programmes/schemes during the year 2014-15. The Socio-Economic Survey Report, as a unique volume that encapsulates the socio-economic changes taken place in a year, will con�nue to be found useful by various users including policy makers, public representa�ves, research scholars, students and general public. The Socio Economic Survey is a collec�ve effort, prepared with the help of dis�lled inputs from the government departments, consulta�ons made with experts from various research bodies and those interested readers who have given valuable advice. CONTENTS Sl. Chapter Pages No. 1. General Review 1-13 2. Macro Economic Aggregates 14-21 3. Public Finance 22-25 4. Prices, Wages and Public Distribution 26-32 5. Agriculture and Allied Activities 33-86 6. Industries 87-101 7. Economic Infrastructure 102-138 8. Social Infrastructure 139-232 9. Poverty, Employment and Unemployment 233-236 10. The Vision and Way Forward 237-244 Annexures 01-111 1 GENERAL REVIEW Chapter Post bifurcation period – swimming against Centre has been rather tepid. Financial support of tide: Rs. 650 crore for the affected districts under Hudhud cyclone was released to the State as against the The last 9 months, post State re-organisation, has announcement of relief of Rs. 1,000 crore by the been quite eventful. Exploring all possible financial Hon'ble Prime Minister during his visit to the resources on one hand and planning for the new cyclone affected areas. Similarly, Rs.350 crore under State on the other hand have been the prime activities the Special Development Package for the seven relentlessly pursued during this period. The backward districts in the State and an adhoc financial provisions made in the A.P. Re-organization Act support of Rs. 500 crore towards non-plan revenue 2014 for the development of the State of Andhra deficit were also on not commensurate. Pradesh in regard to income generation, employment opportunities, health and educational Even the recommendations of the 14th Finance institutions, R & D and training facilities and the Commission were not very encouraging. No special social infrastructure are not adequate to compensate preference was given to the State despite requests for the opportunities lost by the people of Andhra handholding support, excepting the usual allocations Pradesh. The decision to bifurcate the State without made to other States, as per their eligibility. Union even finalizing the capital city was an epitome of the Budget 2015-16 also did not make any special manner in which bifurcation was done. The post allocations to the State. bifurcation issues, especially the huge financial The State Government, currently running financial deficits continue to bother the new State of Andhra deficits and planning to build a world class Pradesh. infrastructure in the proposed capital city, is waiting Having inherited various kinds of deficits, for a big support from the Centre. maintaining a balance between the development and Geographic and Socio-Economic Profile of welfare, has been a major challenge. Adding to the Andhra Pradesh problems, the twin effect of Hudhud cyclone and drought compounded the agony. All measures Andhra Pradesh lies between 12°41' and 22°N humanly possible have been taken, not only to latitude and 77° and 84°40'E longitude and is overcome the difficulties but to convert the crisis bordered by Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Telangana into opportunity and also lay solid foundation for and Orissa in the North, the Bay of Bengal in the “Sunrise Andhra Pradesh”. East, Tamil Nadu to the South and Karnataka to the West. Two major rivers, the Godavari and the The Union Government had assured the State of Krishna run across the State. A small enclave of 12 sq Andhra Pradesh in the A.P. Reorganisation Act,2014 mi (30 km²) - the Yanam district of Puducherry, lies and in the speech of the then Prime Minister in Rajya in the Godavari Delta in the north east of the State. Sabha to support the State on several fronts that The State includes eastern part of Deccan plateau include: 1) bridging revenue deficit, 2) industry and a considerable part of Eastern Ghats. incentives, 3) special development package for the backward areas in seven districts, 4) assistance to The State is richly endowed with natural and human State capital development, 5) railway zone for the resources with competitive socio economic State and 6) special category status. advantages. Its geographical area of 1,60,205 sq km makes it the 8th largest State in the country. Andhra During these few months, the support from the 1 Pradesh situated in a tropical region, has the 2nd The density of population for Andhra Pradesh is 304 longest coastline in the country with a length of 974 persons per square kilometer, as against 368 persons km. The State has a forest area of 34,572 Sq.Kms as per square kilometer at all India level in 2011. Among per the forest records, which accounts for 21.58% the districts, the density of population of Krishna is the total geographical area. The State has a variety of the highest at 518 while Y.S.R and Prakasam districts physiographic features ranging from high hills, have the lowest population density with less than undulating plains to coastal and deltaic environment. 200. Population Sex Ratio The population of 4.95 Crore which accounts for The Sex Ratio in the State, up from 983 in 2001 to 4.10% of the country's population makes it the 10th 997 in 2011, is higher than All India ratio of 943 in most populous State in the country. The Growth 2011 and reflects the sustained efforts of the Rate of population, as per 2011 Census, has come Government in educating the people, especially down to 9.21 percent compared to 11.89 percent in those in rural areas. It is heartening that the 2001. While 70.53% of the total population lives in favourable trend in sex ratio registered for the first rural areas 29.47% live in urban areas of the State. Of time in the State in 2001 continued in Census 2011 the total population, 2.48 crore (50.08%) are males also. However, the Child Sex Ratio (CSR) remains a and 2.47 Crore (49.92%) females. East Godavari point of concern as the State has registered a decline district with 52.85 Lakh population is the most by 20 points in CSR to 944 in the 2011 Census from populous district in the State while Vizianagaram 964 in 2001 Census. The Districts of ranks at the bottom with 23.44 Lakh. There are Visakhapatnam, East Godavari, West Godavari, and 127.19 Lakh households in the State and the average Guntur have registered a progressive sex ratio size of the household is 4. moving from less than 1000 category to more than 1000 from 2001 to 2011. The SCs and STs have Of the total population of the State, SCs constitute registered a sex ratio of 1007 and 1012 respectively. 17.08 percent and STs 5.53 percent. East Godavari and Guntur are at the top with 9.57 Lakh SC Literacy population and Vizianagaram is at the lowest with Literacy Rate in Andhra Pradesh has witnessed 2.47 Lakh SC population. While Visakhapatnam upward trend and is 67.4 percent as per 2011 stands first with 22.57 percent of total ST population population census. While the literacy rate in rural area of the State and YSR with 2.77 percent has the least is 62.4 percent, in urban areas it is 79.2 percent. Male among the districts. literacy stands at 74.8 percent while female literacy is Andhra Pradesh is the tenth largest State in the at 60.0 percent. Among the districts West Godavari is Country, in terms of population. As per the Census at the top with 74.32 percent in 2011, and 2011, the State accounts for 4.10% of the total Vizianagaram is at the lowest with 58.89 percent. population of the country. The population of Urbanization Andhra Pradesh is more than doubled in the last half century from 23.27 million in 1961 to 49.58 million in The percentage of urban population to total 2011. Of this, 24.83 million are males and 24.75 population was 29.47 percent in 2011 compared to million are females. The decadal growth of 24.23 percent in 2001 in the State. Among all population rose from 18.88 percent during 1961-71 districts, Visakhapatnam ranks first with 47.45 to 21.13 percent during 1981-91. Subsequently a percent urban population followed by Krishna significant decline was observed in the rate of district with 40.81 percent. Srikakulam district with growth of population which was only 11.89 percent 16.16 percent of urban population followed by during 1991-2001 and further come down to 9.21 Prakasam with 19.56 percent are the least urbanized percent during 2001-11, which was lower than the districts. As per Census 2011, there are 112 statutory All-India's growth rate of 17.69 percent. towns and 83 census towns in the State. Greater Visakhapatnam Municpal Corporation (GVMC) is Population Density 2 the largest city with a population of 17.28 Lakh Bovine and small ruminants rearing are an integral followed by Vijayawada Municipal Corporation part of agricultural production system in the State (VMC) with 10.34 Lakh. Other important cities and contribute significantly to the livelihood of include Kakinada, Rajahmandry, Eluru, Guntur, farmers especially women headed, landless and small Ongole, SPS Nellore, Tirupathi & Kurnool. The farmers. Both large ruminant rearing of cattle and State is an important tourist hub both for national buffaloes and small ruminant rearing of goat and and international travellers with several holy pilgrim sheep are being practiced in the State. Although centres, ports, rivers, beaches and hill stations. significant proportion of livestock is of low productivity, the role of animals as a coping Land Utilisation mechanism, especially during the drought years is Of the total geographical area of the State, 40.96% is well recognized in the State. AP has a rich livestock under Net Area Sown (65.61 lakh hectares), 21.80 % population, and is a major producer of hides and under Forest (34.93 lakh hectares), 6.79 % under skins. current fallow lands(10.87 lakh hectares), 12.37% As per the estimates (2013-2014) of Government of under Land put Non-Agricultural uses (19.82 lakh India, Andra Pradesh state with an annual output of hectares), 8.37 % under barren and uncultivable land 1272.69 crore eggs stands 2nd in egg production in the (13.41 lakh hectares) and remaining 9.71% is under country. With annual meat production of 4.89 lakh other fallow land, cultivable waste., lands like MTs. Andhra Pradesh stands 4th in the country in permanent pastures and other grazing lands and land meat production. With an annual production of under miscellaneous tree crops and groves are not 90.83 lakh MTs of milk, Andhra Pradesh occupies included in the Net Area Sown. 7th position in the country in milk production. Having Soils a long coastline, AP is also a leading producer of marine food products, besides the major producer of Sand, silt, and clay are the basic types of soil. Most inland fish and prawn. soils are made up of a combination of these three. The texture of the soil, how it looks and feels, Ground Water Status depends upon the amount of each one in that The State has been divided into four categories of particular soil. There are various types of soils and watersheds, which are also called ground water the formation of soil is primarily influenced by major basins or assessment units, such as safe, semi critical, factors such as climate, altitude and composition of critical and over exploited for estimation of ground bedrock etc. Disproportion in the annual water resources. Out of 662 mandals in the State, 572 distribution of rainfall in the country and excessive mandals are classified under safe category, 42 semi heat contribute special characters to the soils. critical, 7 critical and 41 over exploited. Crop Production Rainfall Agriculture which is mostly rainfed has been the The State has arid, semi-arid and sub-humid climatic main livelihood occupation of the farmers in the conditions. The average maximum and minimum State. As per the second advance estimates, the area temperatures are 39.00C and 15.70C respectively. The as well as production of food grains for the year average annual rainfall of the State is 911 mm, two- 2014-15 are expected to show decrease over the thirds of it is received during southwest monsoon previous year's achievement. The area under food period. The distribution of rainfall is erratic, grains is estimated to be 39.80 lakh hectares in 2014- resulting in frequent droughts. Coastal Andhra 15 as against 42.81 lakh hectares in 2013-14, showing receives rains mainly through southwest monsoon a decrease of 8.7%. The total production of food (80%), while Rayalaseema to a large extent during the grains in 2014-15 is estimated 111.43 lakh tonnes northeast monsoon. while it was 116.98 lakh tonnes in 2013-14 showing a decrease of 4.7%. In Andhra Pradesh about 50% of the area falls under dry land agriculture and rest is irrigated. The total Livestock 3

con nue to be found useful by various users including policy makers, public representa ves, research scholars, students and general public. The Socio
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