GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND GEOLOGY From To MnSudhakar, M.Sc., Sri K.Kondala Rao, Deputy Director of Mines and Geology, Iskapalii Village, 1/1, Ramannapeta, Koritipadu Road, Alluru Manda!, Guntur. SPSR Nellore District. Andhra Pradesh. Letter No. 2577/MP/GR/NLR/2017. dated:28-07-2017 Sir, Sub: . Mines & Quarries - Mining Plan for Quarry Lease applied area of Sri K.Kondala Rao, for Gravel, over an extent of extent of 15.59 Acres in Sy.No.398 & 399 of North Amuluru Village, Alluru Mandal I, SPSR Nellore District - Approved - Regarding. Ref: 1. Memo N0.7674/MII (I)/2014, dated 03.02.2016, Industries & commerce M-II(l) Department. 2. Draft Mining Plan submitted on 11.07.2017 of Sri K.Kondala Rao 3. This office Letter No.2577/MP/GR/NLR/2017, dated: 21.07.2017 4. Letter dated 28.07.2017 of Sri K.Kondala Rao, along with six sets of Mining Plan. In exercise of the powers conferred by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, through the reference 1st cited, I hereby approved the Mining Plan, for the period five(5) years from the date of commencement of quarrying operations, in respect of Quarry Lease applied area of Sri K.Kondala Rao for Gravel, over an extent of extent of 15.59 Acres in Sy.No.398 & 399 of North Amuluru Village, Alluru Mandal I, SPSR Nellore District, under Rules 7-A of Andhra Pradesh Minor Mineral Concession Rules, 1966 read with G.O.Ms.No.56, Industries & Commerce (Mines-II) Department, dated:30.04.2016. This approval is subject to the following conditions. 1. This Mining Plan is approved without prejudice to any other laws applicable to the mine area from time to time whether made by the Central Government, State Government or any other authority. 2. Approval of the Mining Plan does not any way imply the approval of the Government in terms of any other provisions of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 or the Mineral Concession Rules 1960 and any other laws including the Forest Conservation Act, 1980. (Contd....Page No.2) //2// 3. The approval authority does not owe the responsibility with regard to Assessment of the reserves, erroneous certification made by the R.Q.P. if any and approval is tentative, subject to Modification on new findings at a later date as per the provisions of (23 B & 23 D) of MCDR, 1988, since the evaluation is done on random basis. End; A.M.P. Yours faithfullyj Deputy Director of Mines & Geology Guntur. Copy submitted to the Director of Mines and Geology, Ibrahimpatnam along with A.M.P. Copy submitted to the Member of Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Visakhapatnam along with AMP for information. Copy to Sri P.Viswam, RQP/BNG/346/2015/A, C/o.R.Sekhar Naidu, Near Sivalayam Temple, Sydapuram (V&M), SPSR Nellore District for information. Copy submitted to the Regional Controller of Mines, IBM, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad along with A.M.P. Copy submitted to the Director of Mines Safety, Gruhakalpa (Block-2), Nampally, Hyderabad for favour of information. Copy to the Asst. Director of Mines and Geology, Nellore along with A.M.P. ^ -T*r MINING PLAN FOR GRAVEL QUARRY TN SV.lVJn. 3q8&39q OV hA EXTENT 15.59 AC. IN NORTH AMULURU VIT.I.AGE. AT.MIRU MANnAF.. SPSR v: ; f NELLORE PISTRtCT. A P Under Amended Rule 7 A and Rule 12(4) of APMMC '1966 ('B'category Manual Mine) GovtLand Appiicant Sri K.Kondala Rao, Iskapaili Village, Alluru Mandal, SPRS Nellore District. PREPARED BY P.Viswam (RQP/BNG/346/2015/rtj C/O R.Sekhar Naidu, Near Sivalayam temple, Sydapuram (V), (PO) & CM)-524407 SPSR Nellore Dist. A.P. DECLARATION This mining plan for Gravel Quarry in Sy.No. 398&399 over an extent 15.59 Ac. in North Amuiuru Village, Alluru Mandal, SPSR Nellore District, and A.P. have been prepared by P. Viswam, (RQP/BNG/346/2015/A) in full consultation with me and I understand its contents and agree to implement the same in accordance with the law. )C Place: Signature of the Applicant Date: CERTIFICATE The provisions of Mines Act, Rules and Regulations made there under have been observed in the mining plan belonging to Sri K.Kondala Rao and wherever specific permissions are required, the applicant will approach the Director General of Mines Safety. Further standards prescribed by the DGMS in respect of Miners Health will be strictly implemented. Place; Signature of Applicant Date: CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the mining plan for Gravel Quarry in Sy.No. 398&399 over an extent 15.59 Ac. in North Amuluru Village, Alluru Mandal, SPSR Nellore District, and A.P has been prepared complying with the provisions of Mines Act 1952, Mines Rules 1955 and Metalliferous Mines Regulations 1961. The applicant will approach the authorities of Directorate General of Mines Safety wherever specific permissions are required under the above statutes. This is further certify that the information furnished in the Mining plan is correct and true to the best of my knowledge. Place: Sydapuram P. Viswam, Date: (RQP/BNG/346/2015/A) 'O O O O o CERTIFICATE o o o This is to certify that the mining plan for Gravel Quarry in Sy.No. 398&399 over an extent 15.59 Ac. in North Amuluru Village, Alluru Mandal, Nellore District and A.P has been prepared complying with the provisions of M.C.D.R, 1988. The applicant will approach the authorities of Indian Bureau of Mines wherever specific permissions are required under the above statutes. o o This is further certify that the information furnished in the Mining plan is o correct and true to the best of my knowledge. o o o Place: Sydapuram ' P.Viswam, o Date: (RQP/BNG/346/2015/A) o o o o o O O CONTENTS 0 1 o S.NO. CONTENTS PAGE NO. o INTRODUCTION 1 I GENERAL 2 o 11 LOCATION & ACCESSIBILITY 3 o III DETAILS OF APPROVED MINING PLAN 4 o PART-A o 1.0 GENERAL DETAILS OF THE APPLIED AREA 5 o 2.0 GEOLOGY AND EXPLORATION 6 o 3.0 MINING 16 o 4.0 MINE DRAINAGE 19 o 5.0 STACKING OF MINERAL REjECT /SUDB GRADE MATERIAL 19 o AND DISPOSAL OF WASTE o 6.0 USE OF MINERAL AND MINERAL REJECT 19 o 7.0 PROCESSING OF ROM MINERAL AND MINERAL REJECT 20 8.0 OTHERS 20 o PART -B o 1.0 ENVIRONMENT BASE LINE INFORMATION 21 o 2.0 ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT 22 o 3.0 PROGRESSIVE RECLAMATION PLAN 25 o 4.0 MINED OUT LAND 25 o 5.0 TOP SOIL MANAGEMENT 26 o 6.0 TAILING DAM MANAGEMENT 26 o 7.0 DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND RISK ASSESSME^C" . 26 c _ ... • o 8.0 CARE AND MAINTENANCE DURING TEMPORAlpr 27 o DISCONTINUANCE /f 5/ \ \ i 3 / I'- a o © o o J \ 4 3 LIST OF ANNEXURES S. NO NAME ANNEXURE NO. 1 RQP CERTIFICATE I 2 NOTICE FROM DDM&G,GUNTUR II LIST OF PLATES PLATE. NO NAME OF PLATE SCALE 1 KEY PLAN & LOCATION PLAN (TOPO SHEET) 1:50000 2 MINING LEASE SKETCH 1:4000 3~ SURFACE PLAN CUM SURFACE GEOLOGICAL PLAN 1:1000 3A SURFACE GEOLOGICAL CROSS SECTION 1:1000 4 MINE LAYOUT PLAN 1:1000 4A MINE LAYOUTCROSS SECTIONS 1:1000 s" "ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN ~~hS000 J This Mining Plan is Approved Subject to O the Conditions Stipulations Indicated in the Mining Plan AoprovaJ Lette J u*.*)Cni I */ir)/s'jDIhf/L o Dated: MINING PLAN FOR GRAVEL QUARRY IN SY.NO. 398&399 OVER AM EXTENT OF 15..q9 AC. IN NORTH AMIILURU VII,T,Ar,E. AT.I.HRIT MANnai, SPSR NELLORE DISTRICT. A.P. o INTRO purTinivj Sri K.Kondala Rao has applied for Quarry lease for Gravel over an extent of 15.59 Acres in Sy. No. 398&399 of North Amuluru Village, Alluru Mandal, SPSR Nellore District. The application of Sri K.Kondala Rao was processed by AsstDirector of Mines and Geology,Nellore, A.P., and recommended for grant of Quarry lease over an extent of 15.59 Acres in Sy. No. 398&399 of North Amuluru Village, Alluru Mandal , SPSR Nellore DistrictAP. The Deputy Director of Mines and Geology,Guntur, Govt. of A.P., has based on the o recommendations of AsstDirector of Mines and Geology,Nellore, A.P., proposed to o grant Quarry lease to Sri K.Kondala Rao for Gravel in an area of 15.59 Acres covered in Sy.No. 398&399 of North Amuluru Village, Alluru Mandal, SPSR Nellore District., A.P. for a period of 5 years The applicant has been asked to submit an Approved Mining Plan within a period of (6) months from the date of issue of this Notice No: 2344/Q5/2017-2, dated: 29.06.2017 by the Deputy Director of Mines &Geology, Guntur, under amended Rule 7A and 12(4) of APMMC Rule, 1966 and also submission of Consent for Establishment, Consent for OD^atron^rom AP Pollution Control Board & Environmental Clearance from Distrife^^^6rEnvlrd|imental Impact Assessment Authorities. Copy enclosed as AnnexupOil forkind: reference it ^ I if' \ o u if Icq ) Sri KKondala Rao has approached Sri P.Viswam, fif ^Veparing Mining Plan for the above Gravel Quarry applied area, 0 m u i ^^21^ ^1'%^ Now the proposal are made for 5 years plan period and submitted to the Deputy Director of Mines & Geology, Guntur, for approval. 3 ; APPROVED ^ 1 i (M. SUDHAKAR) Deputy Director of Mmesh & Geology J GUNTUR., A.P. j