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HJ. Frank / Government Information Quarterly 22 (2005) 766-771 “Constructing consensus: Homeland security as a F symbol of government politics and administration,” “Fighting terrorism, making war: Critical insights in 152—169(2) (Terrence A. Maxwell) the management of information and intelligence,” 170—186(2) (Bruce W. Dearstyne) D Dearstyne, Bruce W., “Fighting terrorism, making war: G Critical insights in the management of information Gathegi, John N., “Democracy through access to legal and intelligence,” 170—186(2) information for newly democratizing nations: The “Deliberative democracy and the conceptual founda- Kenyan perspective and lessons from the American tions of electronic government,” 702—719(4) (Paul experience,” 108—121(1) T. Jaeger) Gathegi, John N., “Officially mandated disappearing “Democracy through access to legal information for information: The legal depublication phenomenon,” newly democratizing nations: The Kenyan perspec- 423 —439(3) tive and lessons from the American experience,” Gelders, Dave, “Public information problems in the 108—121(1) (John N. Gathegi) implementation of public policy: The long road Desouza, Kevin C., “Restructuring government of the reflecting license plate in Belgium,” intelligence programs: A few good suggestions,” 374—388(3) 342—353(3) Gelders, Dave, “Public information provision about “Distribution Channel Management in e-government: policy intentions: The Dutch and Belgian expe- Addressing federal information policy issues,” rience,” 75—95(1) 685 —701(4) (Stephen Holden) Gemino, Andrew C., see Parent, Michael Gil-Garcia, J. Ramon, “E-government success factors: E Mapping practical tools to theoretical foundations,” “E-government: A global view and an empirical 187—216(2) evaluation of some attributes of citizens,” 239 Gomez-Barroso, José Luis, “Public intervention in the 257(2) (Ibrahim Akman, Ali Yazici, Alok Mishra, access to advanced telecommunication services: and Ali Arifoglu) Assessing its theoretical economic _ basis,” “E-government: An analysis for implementation: 489—504(3) Framework for understanding cultural and social impact,” 354—373(3) (Donna Evans and David C. H Yen) Hernandez, Antonio M. Lopez, see Pérez, Carmen “E-government developments on delivering public Caba services among EU cities,” 217—238(2) (Lourdes Ho, Alfred Tat-Kei , see Ni, Anna Ya Torres, Vicente Pina, and Basilio Acerete) Holden, Stephen, “Distribution Channel Management “E-government implementation: Business contract legal in e-government: Addressing federal information support for Taiwanese businessmen in Mainland policy issues,” 685—701(4) China,” 505—524(3) (Shu-hsien Liao and Huey-pyng Hosein, lan, “Transforming travel and border controls: Jeng) Checkpoints in the open society,” 594—625(4) “E-government in China: Bringing economic develop- Hung, Won-Fu, see Chang, I-Chiu ment through administrative reform,” 20—37(1) Hwang, Hisn-Ginn, see Chang, I-Chiu (Lianjie Ma, Jongpil Chung, and Stuart Thorson) “E-government success factors: Mapping practical tools to theoretical foundations,” 187—216(2) (J. I Ramon Gil-Garcia and Theresa A. Pardo) “In support of innovation management and Roger’s Evans, Donna, “E-government: An analysis for Innovation Diffusion theory,” 411—422(3) (Jarunee implementation: Framework for understanding Wonglimpiyarat and Napaporn Yuberk) cultural and social impact,” 354—373(3) “The information gulag: Rethinking openness in “Executive order no. 13,233: A threat to government times of national danger,” 546—572(4) (Lee S. accountability,” 4—19(1) (Anne N. Barker) Strickland) 768 HJ. Frank / Government Information Quarterly 22 (2005) 766-771 “Information rights and national security,” 663 —-684(4) P (Nadia Caidi and Anthony Ross) Pardo, Theresa A., see Gil-Garcia, J. Ramon Parent, Michael, “Building citizen trust through J e-government,” 720~-—736(4) Jaeger, Paul T., “Deliberative democracy and the Pérez, Carmen Caba, “Citizens’ access to on-line conceptual foundations of electronic government,” governmental financial information: Practices in 702-7194) the European Union countries,” 258—276(2) Jeng, Huey-pyng, see Liao, Shu-hsien Pérez-Martinez, Jorge, see GOmez-Barroso, José Luis Pina, Vicente, see Torres, Lourdes K “Public information problems in the implementation Karniel, Yuval, “Balancing the protection of civil of pubiic policy: The long road of the reflecting liberties during wartime: How the Israeli’s Supreme license plate in Belgium,” 374—388(3) (Dave Court shaped freedom of expression during the Gelders) Second Intifada,” 626—643(4) “Public information provision about policy intentions: The Dutch and Belgian experience,” 75—95(1) (Dave Gelders) L “Public intervention in the access to advanced tele- Lambert, Frank, “Assessing the authoritativeness of communication services: Assessing its theoretical Canadian and American health documents: A com- economic basis,” 489—504(3) (José Luis Gomez- parative analysis using informetric methodologies,” Barroso and Jorge Pérez-Martinez) 277—296(2) Li, Yi-Chang, see Chang, I-Chiu R Liao, Shu-hsien, “E-government implementation: Reddick, Christopher G., “Citizen interaction with e- Business contract legal support for Taiwanese government: From the streets to servers?” 38—57(1) businessmen in Mainland China,” 505—524(3) “Restructuring government intelligence programs: A few good suggestions,” 342—353(3) (Kevin C. M Desouza) Ma, Lianjie, “E-government in China: Bringing Ross, Anthony, see Caidi, Nadia economic development through administrative reform,” 20—37(1) S Martin, Nigel, “Why Australia needs a SAGE: A Strickland, Lee S., “The information gulag: Rethinking security architecture for the Australian govern- openness in times of national danger,” 546—572(4) ment environment,” 96—107(1) Maxwell, Terrence A., “Constructing consensus: T Homeland security as a symbol of government Thorson, Stuart, see Ma, Lianjie politics and administration,” 152—169(2) Torres, Lourdes, “E-government develoments on Mishra, Alok, see Akman, Ibrahim delivering public services among EU cities,” 217—238(2) N “Transforming travel and border controls: Check- “The nature of geospatial information and security,” points in the open society,” 594—625(4) (lan 644—662(4) (James Boxall) Hosein) Ni, Anna Ya, “Challenges in e-government develop- ment: Lessons from two information kiosk Vv projects,” 58—74(1) Vandebeek, Christine A., see Parent, Michael O Ww “Officially mandated disappearing information: The Warwick, Shelly, “Will the Academy survive 9/11? legal depublication phenomenon,” 423—439(3) Scholarship, security and United States government (John N. Gathegi) policy,” 573 —593(4) H.J. Frank / Government Information Quarterly 22 (2005) 766-771 769 Weiner, Jr., Robert J., see Bernholz, Charles D. Butz, William P., Terrence K. Kelly, David M. “Why Australia needs a SAGE: A security architec- Adamson, Gabrielle A. Bloom, Donna Fossum, ture for the Australian government environment,” and Mihal E. Gross 96—107(1) (Nigel Martin) “Will the Academy survive 9/11? Scholarship, Cc security and United States government policy,” Clements, Kendrick A., and Eric A. Cheezum (Wood- 573-—593(4) (Shelly Warwick) row Wilson—American Presidents Reference Ser- Wonglimpiyarat, Jarunee, “In support of innovation ies) (reviewed by Faye Couture), 751—754(4) management and Roger’s Innovation Diffusion theory,” 411 — 422(3) D xX Djupe, Paul A., and Laura R. Olson, Eds. (reviewed by Xue, Susan, “China’s legislative system and infor- Mardi Mahaffy), 137—138(1) mation: An overview,” 322—341(3) Department of Economic and Social Affairs (reviewed by Charles D. Bernholz), 525—527(3) The Digital Person: Technology and Privacy in the Y Information Age (reviewed by Robert Gellman), Yazici, Ali, see Akman, Ibrahim 530—532(3) Yen, David C., see Evans, Donna Dismantling the Public Sphere: Situating and Sus- Yuberk, Napaporn, see Wonglimpiyarat, Jarunee taining Librarianship in the Age of the New Public Philosophy (reviewed by Henry Owen III), 532—534(3) REVIEWS Di Nunzio, Mario R. (Theodore Roosevelt— American Presidents Reference Series) (reviewed by Faye A Couture), 751—754(4) Almanac of American Education 2004 (reviewed by Susan Kendall), 312—314(2) E The Almanac of the Unelected: Staff of the U.S. Encyclopedia of American Religion and Politics xiv, Congress (reviewed by Mae N. Schreiber), Facts on File (reviewed by Mardi Mahaffy), 314—315(2) 137—138(1) An Integrated Approach to Rural Development Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence, and Security (reviewed by Charles D. Bernholz), 525—527(3) (reviewed by Ben Amata), 304—305(2) American Presidents Reference Series (reviewed by The Ever-Shifting Internet Population: A New Look Faye Couture), 751—754(4) at Internet Access and the Digital Divide, The Pew Internet & American Life Project (reviewed by Marcy M. Allen), 307—308(2) B Encyclopedia of American Military History (Facts on Broadening Asia’s Security Discourse and Agenda: File, Library of American History) (reviewed by Faye Political, Social, and Environmental Perspectives Couture), 528—529(3) (reviewed by Bert Chapman), 126—128(1) Ellis, Richard E. (Andrew Jackson— American Presi- Bennett, Colin, J., and Charles D. Raab, Eds. (reviewed dents Reference Series) (reviewed by Faye Couture), by John A. Shuler), 305—306(2) 751—754(4) Bjerga, Alan, Ed. (reviewed by Mae N. Schreiber), Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public 314-315(2) Policy. (reviewed by Ben Amata), 754—755(4) Buschman, John E. (reviewed by Henry Owen IIl), 532-534(3) Baker, John C., Beth E. Lachman, David R. Frelinger, F Kevin M. O’Connell, Alexander C. Hou, Michael Ferrell, Robert H. (Harry S. Truman— American S. Tseng, David Orletsky, and Charles Yost, Eds. Presidents Reference Series) (reviewed by Faye (reviewed by David A. Cobb), 536—537(3) Couture), 751—754(4) 770 H.J. Frank / Government Information Quarterly 22 (2005) 766-771 Federal Regulatory Research: Selected Agency P Knowledge Paths (reviewed by Bill Kenz), Primary Source Media’s World Government Docu- 755—756(4) ments Archive. Declassified Documents Reference System: The United States (reviewed by Jeffrey G M. Wilhite), 122—124(1) The Governance of Privacy: Policy Instruments in Population and Development Report: Water Scarcity in Global Perspective (reviewed by John A. Shuler), the Arab World (reviewed by Charles D. Bern- 305 —306(2) holz), 134—136(1) Gaquin, Deirdre A., and Katherine A. Debrandt, Eds. Politics and Science in Census Taking (reviewed by (reviewed by Susan Kendall), 312—314(2) Julie Linden), 310—312(2) Gordon, Rachel Singer (reviewed by Leslie Haas), Prewitt, Kenneth (reviewed by Julie Linden), 756—757(4) 310—312(2) J Population Size and Distribution: Results of the All- Jones, Rachel, Ed. (reviewed by Bill Kenz), Russia Census for the Year 2002 (Chislennost’ i 755—756(4) razmeshchenie naselenija: itogi vserossijskoj pere- pisi naselenija 2002 goda). Working group for the L preparation of the results of the All-Russia census of Lerner, K. Lee, and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, Eds. the population for the year 2002 for official pub- (reviewed by Ben Amata), 304—305(2) lication. Moscow: IITs “Statistics of Russia,” 2004 Lenhart, Amanda, Ed. (reviewed by Marcy M. (reviewed by John Hamilton Davis), 529—530(3} Allen), 307—308(2) Pinsker, Matthew (Abraham Lincoln— American Pres- Langston, Thomas, and Michael G. Sherman (George idents Reference Series) (reviewed by Faye Couture), Washington— American Presidents Reference Ser- 751—754(4) ies) (reviewed by Faye Couture), 751—754(4) Langston, Thomas (Lyndon Baines Johnson— Amer- R ican Presidents Reference Series) (reviewed by Review Essay—Department of Defense (DoD) and Faye Couture), 751—754(4) Center for Defense Information (CDI) Web Sites The Librarian’s Guide to Writing for Publication (reviewed by Roger Anderson), 128—134(1) (reviewed by Leslie Haas), 756—757(4) Riche, Martha Fransworth, and Deirdre A. Gaquin, Eds. Library Anxiety: Theory, Research, and* Applications. (reviewed by Ben Amata), 309—310(2) (reviewed by Melissa Koenig), 757—758(4) Russian Federation’s Federal Service for State Statistics (reviewed by John Hamilton Davis), 529—530(3) M Mapping the Risks: Assessing the Homeland Security S Implications of Publicly Available Geospatial Infor- The September 11 Digital Archive (reviewed by Bill mation (reviewed by David A. Cobb), 536—537(3) Sleeman), 124—126(1) McElvaine, Robert S. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt— Solove, Daniel J. (reviewed by Robert Gellman), American Presidents Reference Series) (reviewed by 530—532(3) Faye Couture), 751—754(4) Schultz, David, Ed. (reviewed by Ben Amata), 754—755(4) N Social Capital and Poverty Reduction in Latin America The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the and the Caribbean: Towards a New Paradigm National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon (reviewed by Charles Bernholz), 760—762(4) the United States. Authorized Edition. (Reviewed by Beth Clausen), 748—751(4) T Thakur, Ramesh, and Edward Newman, Eds. (reviewed O by Bert Chapman), 126—128(1) Onwuegbuzie, Anthony J., Qun G. Jiao, and Sharon L. Tucker, Spencer C., Ed. (reviewed by Faye Couture), Bostick 528—529(3) H.J. Frank / Government Information Quarterly 22 (2005) 766-771 U D United Nations Economic and Social Commission Digital Serial Set products comparison. LexisNexis U.S. for Western Asia (reviewed by Charles D. Bernholz), Serial Set Digital Collection. LexisNexis Academic 134—136(1) & Library Solutions: Web Services (reviewed by United States Department of Justice home page Beth Clausen) and U.S. Congressional Serial Set, (reviewed by Claudene Sproles), 308—309(2) 1817-1980 with the American State Papers United States Department of Treasury home page (1789-1838). Readex, a Division of Newsbank. (reviewed by Claudene Sproles), 535—536(3) (reviewed by Marcia Meister), 737—747(4) Ww M Meister, Marcia, Digital Serial Set products compar- Who, What, and Where of America: Understanding the ison. LexisNexis U.S. Serial Set Digital Collec- Census Results xxxvi (reviewed by Ben Amata), tion. LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions: 309—310(2) Web Services (reviewed by Beth Clausen) and Will the Scientific and Technology Workforce Meet U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1980 with the Requirements of the Federal Government? the American State Papers (1789-1838). Readex, (reviewed by Suzanne Holcombe), 758—759(4) a Division of Newsbank. (reviewed by Marcia Meister), 737—747(4) ESSAY REVIEWS DISCUSSION C P Clausen, Beth, Digital Serial Set products compar- “The positive benefits of electronic records manage- ison. LexisNexis U.S. Serial Set Digital Collec- ment in the context of enterprise content man- tion. LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions: agement,” 297—303(2) (J. Timothy Sprehe) Web Services (reviewed by Beth Clausen) and U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1980 with S the American State Papers (1789-1838). Readex, Sprehe, J. Timothy, “The positive benefits of elec- a Division of Newsbank. (reviewed by Marcia tronic records management in the context of Meister), 737—747(4) enterprise content management,” 297—303(2)

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