nPRIN COUNTY FREE LIBRARY 31111015542341 t ^^^M :^i4 A>K" ARC^lTECtORt £' 4AND INTERIORS ^ ''^' FROMTHE 4 i^NTH CENTURY r"^ PRESENT 9 -t^ r'Hfc -' n Vr<,-^ 1 1 1 fm ' 1 >%frr^V ' fi A ">; MA KATHLEEN PRINCIPAL PHOTOGRAPHY BY (.•jV MICHAEL DUNNE li — THE GOTHIC REVIVAL in architecture and design emerged in the early eighteenth cen- tury as a release from the aesthetic restraints of classicism. Lavishly illustrated, Gothic Style: Architecture and Interiors from the Eighteenth Century to the Present celebrates this flamboyant and often whimsical revival of the medieval Gothic, revealing the lyrical romanticism of an 800-year-old style that still looks vibrant today. From mock ruins and other fanciful garden follies to extravagant manor houses and cas- tles, from simple cottages to Hudson River villas and the mansions ofPalm Beach, author Kathleen Mahoney examines Gothic's inven- tive and exuberant design heritage over the last three centuries. S—ome 30 structures many opento the public in the United States and Great Britain are explored inside and out in beautiful full-color photographs and histor- ic engravings. In addition, the author weaves an intriguing social history that conveys the romantic spirit with which tastemakers, archi- tects, and designers have captured the medi- eval past. After decades ofneglect, the Gothic style is now enjoying a period ofrenewed interest and its return to favor promises an adventure into an imaginative world. Designers, decorators, architects, and collectors are increasingly turning to the Gothic legacy for inspiration and designs reminiscent of the style are appearing in buildings and in a wide assort- ment of home furnishings, including furni- ture, decorative objects, fabrics, and wall coverings. This book is sure to delight and inspire. 289 illustrations, including 258 plates in ^f ' \->r ^ / CWIC CENTER }^\ '^ €# DATE DUE "OCT 7 199! 0CLULM31 m I.8l99( ISOFTT^'^ 1 ? 4 1996 2-8-mt RHv a^ rc rnwir FFRQ fl1997 APR 0? iqpT «Jlit5(J7a 1117 on T ») L r ,^^ (iotl7i(;3tyl? J^rckiUcluu and Interiors from th Qmtury Siaktanth th to Present KATHLEEN MAHONEY PRINCIPAL PHOTOGRAPHY BY MICHAEL DUNNE ADDITIONAI PHOTOGRAPHS BY JOHN MAHONEY AND NIGEL HUDSON HARRY ABRAMS, PUBLISHERS N. INC., — Vo the memory ofour dearand treasuredfriend ]ac]<^JAacurdy — K.M. and M. D. ' • Frontispiece; VheroundroomatStrawhcrryHill,withitsstained'alasshaywindow anddecorativedado, can heseen heyond thedoorwayat thefarend ofthe lonaaallery. m A^t eachcornerofthedoorframearegildedquatrefoilswithshields theircenters. &ndfapers: Ji 1763 engravingofKing Alfred's Hall hyVhomas'^hins, helieved to hethefrstQothicsham rum in6>nglandaswellasoneofthe hest. Itwasheaun in 1721 ontheestateofLord^athurstat (^irencester^ar\. Editors: Beverly Fazio Herter and Elisa Urbanelli Designers: Dirk Luykx and Amy Hill LibraryofCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Mahoney, Kathleen. Gothicstyle architectureandinteriorsfromthe eighteenthcenturytothepresent : / Kathleen Mahoney principalphotographybyMichael Dunne additional ; ; photographsbyJohnMahoneyand Nigel Hudson, p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferences(p. 261 62). ISBN0-8109-3381-0 — —1. Gothicrevival (Architecture) —England. 2. Decorationandornament, Gothic England. 3. Interiordecoration England. 4. G—othicrevival (Architecture) United Stat—es. 5. Decorationandornament, Gothic UnitedStates. 6. Interior decoration UnitedStates. I. Title. NA966.5.G66M326 1995 724'.3~dc20 94-32731 , © Copyright 1995 KathleenMahoney i. Publishedin 1995 byHarryN. Abrams, Incorporated, NewYork ATimesMirror Company Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthe contentsofthisbookmaybereproducedwithout thewrittenpermissionofthepublisher PrintedandboundinJapan It 15 that strancjc disquietude oj the Qothic .spirit tdat 15 it5 Cjreatncss; that restlessness oftke dreaming mind, that wanders hitherand tkitker amona the niches, andflic]<^rsfeverishlyaround thepnnacles, andfrets andfades in lahwinthine knots and shadowsalona wall and roof, andyet isnot satisjiei, norshall hesatisfied. — JOHN RUSKIN, THE STO\ES OF VEMCE 1 Introduction 9 Parti Part III c/ke Snojlish Cjothic]<,^^anor Houses of Landscape Qardcn 17 the &icj}iUcnth Qcntury ss Hagley Park: Sham Ruin 25 St. Michael's Mount 95 Enville Summer House 29 Strawberry Hill 101 Painshill Park: Gothick Temple and Arbury Hall 111 Sham Ruin 33 Alscot Park 2 1 Painswick: Rococo Garden 37 St. John the Evangelist 131 Exton Park: Fort Henry and Dovecote 41 Part IV l^mUmth-^ Qcntury Part II & Qastlcs df a Qo\kic Qardm Qjttagcs transformation ^wdlmas 135 47 Birr Castle 145 Houghton Lodge 55 Eastnor Castle 153 Clytha Castle 59 Cardiff Castle 157 Frampton Court Orangery 63 The Ring 69 Inwardleigh Cottage 73 Chandos Lodge 79