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Snlpturtt•. 1kferno mt heH olyB iblNeE,W INTERNATIONAVLE RSION® � 19713.9 7189,84 I nternatiBoinbalSoclei etyA.l lri ghtrsese rved throughtohuetw orldU.se d byp ermissoifoI nn ternatioBniabllSoc ei ety. NEW INTERNATIONAVLE RSION® andN IV®a rer egistered trademaorfkI sn ternatiBoinbalSoclei ety. Useo fe ithtreard emarfko trh eo fferoifng go odosr se rvicesr equirethse prior writtceonn senotf t heI nternatioBniabllSoc ei ety. Originalll lustraotfti hoeZn osd iascy mbols@2 007b yD anH odgkin Originmaalp ( p.l07)© 2007 byS tuaMrto rton A catalogue froecrthiso rdbo ok is available fromt heB ritishLi brary ISBN9 78-0-n56-36(9U1K-)6 ISBN 978-1-59020-(0U3S)7 -7 Printeandd boundi nG reaBtri taibny CromwelPlr essL tdT,r owbridgWei,l tshire Contents Listo fI llustrations vi Acknowledgements vii Introduction 1 Who ist heM anw itahJ aro fW ater? 6 TheF orgottLeann guagoeft heS tars 28 A Noteo nSo urces 49 Arie'sT:a kuep Y ourB eda ndW alk!' 53 T.lUrSouwsi:n g,R eapinagn,dS hining 71 Cemini:' MyN ameis Legion.' 85 Cance'rB:eT houO pen!' 100 l.cWhoo: Am I? 115 VirgBoe:g inneMri'nsd 130 LibrMaa:i ntaintihneBg a lance 144 ScorpioP:a thosfG lory 157 SagittaZreiauflso :tr h yH ouse 167 CapricornC:a lNlo ManF ather 187 AquariTuhse:M an Carrying a Jaro fW ater 189 PiscesT:h eE nda ndt heB eginning 204 Appendi1x:T heG ospeolf M ark 221 Appendi2x:T h eS ignosft heZ odiac 253 Bibliography 258 GenerIanld ex 263 Indetxo A ppendi1x 277 v LiosftI llustrations 1. Zo'dsieacctaiilno nMsaG'ro ks'pse l 21-23 2.D etoafi lrt ohsee winLdaouws aCanatnt eh eSdwriaetlrz,l and (c.1d2e3p0i)c,tt hiIenm gaM gou nd(miIa goeft hWeo rld) 30 3.' hCriisnMt a jes(tc2y.2'10D )e.s ifgrnoa mp salatnepdrr ayer boocka rryiansgt rtohlseoy gmibcooafltl shf eo uErv angel3i7s ts. 4. 'MboyMs iecsh'e la(nSgaPenil eoitr noV incRoolmie,) 41 5.C hrwisitt htihVnee siPcias fcriosTm,h eB eneidoincoatfl StE thel(wc9o.0l 8d- 984) 43 6.T heA dotriaoofnt hLea m(bG heAnltta rpiJeavcnea E)ny, c k 60 7.Z odiaMcaanl 66 8.C assiopeia 68 9.TI 1Nee bDrias c (dact.i01n0Bg6 C Ef)r.o m 79 10A.r go',t sihll'i wph iccohn eqruetdhw ea ters' 108 .IlIu.d aPera oviinntc hFeei rCsetn tury 111 1.2l lyd'rta,fh leeei nsge rpent' 121 11'.T iTwra ngsufriatbiyRo anp'h,a el 125 14I.s ainsd Horus 131 IST.h eA ssumpotfMi aornby y,T itian 133 Ih .' jesaunsdt hCehi lednrb'y,H einrHiocfhm ann 137 17B.o oi'LT'ShC,eo miOnnge t,h Seh epherd' 142 JH.J suitccea rrtyhiLeni gb rSacna albeostv heOe l Bda iley inL ondon 146 19T.h Cer oss 153 20T.h Cer own 154 21.D ecaonfts h e three ceonfMt arrakGl'o sss paeencltdt hi eoinrs correspownidtlehaen rttc hee mes 156 22O.p hiuchus 165 23R.o maCno isnh owiAnugg usatnuCdsa pricorn 148 24'.S atDuernvu oriHnigs SonG'o,y ab y 149 25T.h 'eW aiWlainlgJl e'r,u salem 197 26C.e phetuhKise,n g 213 27A.n dromeda 215 28. W'aTshheio nftg hF ee ebtyG' ,i otto 219 vi Acknowledgements Numerpoeuospo lveem ra nyye ahrasvh ee lpmeedd e vemlyoi pd eoants h e zodiasctarlu cotfu rMea Groks'pse lI,a mb uitn deesbptieeacdlt loy the following. To DHaond gkwihno,ss ep lenddriadw ionftg hsce o nsteplaltatteirnso n havaed deidm emasurtaotb hlbeyo ok's aanpidpn etaeillb illiigty. ToP addayn dK atSey monMsi,c haEedlw arEdisl,e Hearnr gitnon, Michael BarRkeevCr.a- tChCaaov!ue rnt,Rn eevArty. ,L estaenrtd,h l ea te MichYaoeul,n w gitahlo lfw homo,v ecru posfc offpeieno,tfG s u innoers s, �lasosfwe isn Ieh ,a vbee eenn courtaocga leridfa yn dde femnydt heories. MarlTehnoam pswohnoh, a s beceanj omleif noygre atrops u t these ideas inbtooo fko rmd,e sersvpeescm ieanlti on. Tom embeorfts h Deu blUinni tacroinagrne gawthioho anvl ei stteon ed me exprmeysm sa veroipnciiko onvse trhp ea setl evyeena wrist,sh p ecial thantkoBs e t(aR,e vB.r)gie dtC,h riDsa,v iDde,n nDiosr,e nPea,t rick, PameKleav,i n,M iLcehiaRleualt,a,h n ,Td i taonnwi hao,m It estthezedo di actahle oirndy e tdauirli ng tohf2e 00 6w-ia7nn,tfd er row mh ocma mmea ny useful suagbgoseustttya ilnoecdn o sn tent. ToN icWke babn dC arolMicnAer tohfuD ru ckwowrhtohh a vmea de theoiwrns igniafnivdca aulnetcd o ntritbotu htbeio oonkf 'iasnls h ape. Tom yw ifMeo,r ag, uwnhfloaisisneug p rptpo,a tieanncuden ,d erstand inhga veen abmleet dos eteh pirso jtehcrto tuoagc ho nclusion. Appearainntc haeeb olvieis nnt ow ayi mipelrse sponsfiobri oltpihiteny ionesx preisnts hebidos o okr,e veenn dorseomfte hnetAm n.y solecisms, ancahroniosrwm esi,r d offlf iagnfhcotyus in ndt h epsaeg aersee n tirely my respoinlsiitby. FinaIlm luys,str t estsh aatlh,to ugIh am am inisitentr h Uen itarian ChruchIa, m n oetx pressspieinccigaf Ulnliyt aorpiiannit ohntishs:e oorfy the oarnidsg truicnt uorfe onCeh irsotfyi a'pnsri itmdaorcyu mewnitlsl probabbeal suy n settUlniintga artsiio wat in clsel r taitnoml eym bbeoerf s moroer thocdhouxr ches. Rev.B ill Darlison Dubl1i3nJt,u/ lJ20y 0,7 vii ForM orag Uxora micaque vili Introduction ';{o adg ainmsatn .M an againGsotd .M an againnsatt urNea.t uraeg ainst llllNlaltlu.r aeg ainGsotd .G oda gainnsatt ur-ev erfyu nnyr eligiSounc.h', ,,n·ordtoiJ nogs epCha mpbellw,a st hev erdiocftt heB uddhissatg eD,r .D . l.S uzukoin,t her eligioofnst h eW estChr,i stianiitnpy a rticuTlhaers .a me poihnatsb eenm adem orer ecentblyyt heA mericacno mediEamno P hillips, Inw hath asbe en votetdh ebe str eligijoouksoe f al lt ime. 1J m·ts•a twIh giusoy n ab riadobguett jo u mIps .a i'dD,'od tnoi t!' II t,-.;'aioNdb,o dym el.ov'e s Is md, 'lGoodvy eosDu o.y obue liineGv o?ed' ·y..� .. Is ai'd.Ae yr oauC hritsioaranJ ew?' 'AC lrristian.' I..; ai'd,M teo Por!os attneotrC atl?w'l ic 'f'rotcstant.' I... a id',M teoo W!h afrta nc?h'is e 'lltlf'tist.' I.. ;a'idM,te o Noo!r thBearnp toirSs ottuh eBrna pstti?' ·N nrtlwBran pti's t. I. �1'1iMdte,o o! NCoorntsheervrna tiovrNe o rBtaLhpietbrienBs ratpas tilt ?' ·NorthCerno nservBaapttsiit'v. e Is 11i'dM,te o Noo!r thCerno nservBaatpitGvireste Lt aa kRegesi oonrN, or thern t· mlstB•anpmtEtiaissvtteR ern e g?io'n ·N ortlwCrno nservBaatpitGviretesL ata kReesog ni'. Is 11'idM,te o Noo!r thern CBoanpstiGesrrvteLaa attkiR eveseg iCoounn dofl1 897, NortChoenrns ervBaapttiiGvrsetet L a akReesg iCoonnud olf1 9?1'2 or ·NorthCerno nsteirvBvaaep tiGsrtetL a akReesig oConu nicolf1 912.' Is 11'idD,i ee thiaecnrI!dp ' u shheiodmv er. l·:mo'jso keb rilliacnatpltyu rtesh eu nfortuniartoen y which strikmeu st l'vcrywohnoec astesv ena cursogrlya ncaett her eligiwooursl dfr:o m the hlnodMyi ddlEea stecrno nflbeitcwte enM uslianmd Jewt ot hei nternecine squabblwehsi cshe ton eC hristigarno uapg ainasnto therre,l igiwohni,c ihs meante,t ymologicaatl lelayst tob, i ndu st ogethseeerm,s t o be pae rpetual sourcoefd ivision. 1 17rGc osap1et1li1Z rioe d iac Itw ouldbe am istatkoes uggetshta tth eo rigoifnal l thisco nfliispc utr ely theologiTchaelr.ea res ociologhiicsatlo,r igceaolgr,a phicpaoll,i tiacnadl , evene thnfiacc totrocs o nsidbeurtt, h ercea nbe nod oubtth atth eolopglya ys itpsa rbty p rovidisnogm ei ntellewcetaupaoln bsy m eanso fw hicthh eb at tlecsa nb ec onductTheedo.l ogiys a bouwto rdsa,n dw ordsa ren otoriously slippeWrryi.t tdeonc umenwthsi caht temtpote liminaamtbei gu-itiynsur ancpeo licifeoser,x ampl-ea rev irtuaulnlrye adabwlhei,ln ea rratwihviec,h strivteose ngagteh ei maginatainodnw ,h ichi sp erenniaalplpye aliinsg , nevefrr efer omi t. Unfortunaftoertl hyo sweh oc ravcel arimtuyc,ho ft her eligiloiutse rature oft hew orldu,p onw hicmho stt heoloigsby a sedi,sp resentiennd a rrative forma,n ds incteh eraer en oh ard-and-ruflaessf to r itnhtee rpretoafsti toonri es, disagreemgeonetsw itht het erritWohrayt.i so net om akeo ft hosBei ble stories wchoincthaa icnc ounotfst alkisnnga ketsh,ep artionfgs eaw ater, thes uns tandisntgi al tla,l kiansgsa ,n dc ountloetshse irn cidewnhtisc hi,n anothceorn tewxotu,l db ec onsidefraendc iifnut lh ee xtremeT?h er ational responwsoeu ldb et os ayt hastu chs torimeuss th avea s ymbolmieca ning ift hehya vea nym eaninagta l-landt ryt oi nvestiwghaattte h es ymbolism mighbte ,b uti tw oulds eemt hasto mer eligipoeuosp ltee ndt of innda rra tivaen dm etaphovre ryd iffictoua lptp roaicnht hiwsa y.F ors omer eason, histoirsdy e emeds uperitoomr y tha,n dt hef actuiaspl r efertroet dh ef ig uratiavned,a sa r esumlutc ho ft hei ntelleaccttuiavloi ftr ye ligigoruosu ps particulCahrrliys tgiraon up-sh asb eenc oncernewdi tht ranslatthien g obliqluaen guaogfes p iritumaelt aphionrt toh eu nivocalla nguagoefhs i story ands cienTchee.r esulhtasv eb eend isastrobuesc ausaesJ, o seph Campbell saysw,h ena r elig'igoents st ucikni tosw nm etaphors, inttehrpermae st ing facttsh,e ny oua rei nt roubl(eC'a mpbe1ll89,8 p,a ge6 7).E videnocfes uch 'troubilsne o'td iffitcouf litn dG.a lilfeoou nhdi mseelmlb roilienid t i nt he sixteecnetnht urwyh,en i tw asb elievtehdaJ to shuac'osm mandt ot hes unt o stansdt iwlals s uffictioern etf utteh eh eliocentthreiocr ayn;d s incteh e middloef t hen ineteecnetnht urDya,r wint'hse oroyf e volutihoansb een attackbeydt hosweh o holda liteirnatle rpretoaftt ihoenn a rratiivnte hse earlpya rotf t heB ooko fG enesis. So troubleshoamveet hesree ligimoeutsa phobrese nt hroughtohuetc en turietsh,am ta nyp eoploefa more' rationdailsipsots'i htaivoens uggested thaitt m ighbte b estto d iscatrhde ma ltogetohre,ar t t hev eryl eastto, relegate thecma tteog ootrfhhy ei storaincda ll itceurarriwyoh se rteh ecya n dol ittdlamea ge. Inotdruction JefrfseonB'isb le Thomas Jefftehrets hoinr,pd r esidoefnt th eU niteSdt atewsa,so ft hiosp in ionJ.e fferscoonn siderheidm seltfo b e a rationalai cshti,l odf t he EnlightenmHeen wta.s a frienodft hes cientainsdtU nitariamni nister, JosepPhr iestwlheoyh ,a dt akehni osw nb ranodf r eligiroautsi onalism from BritationA merician t hec losiynega rosf t hee ighteecnetnht urayn,d Jeffersionnt'esl lehcetruoaewlse ret heB ritiesmhp iricist phiJloohsno phers Lockaen dD avidH ume andt heF renchmAaung ustCeo mptew,h o,i nt he wakeo ft heF rencRhe volutihoand,a ttemptteodd evisae ' religoifo n humanitfyr'e,fe r omd ogmas,u pernaturalimsimr,a clper,o phecayn,dr ev datioan r:e ligdieodni catteord e asoann di nformbeydr eason. Unlikmea nyo fh isme ntorhso,w eveJre,f fercsloani mteodb ea Christian ofs ort-sa tt het imae strancglea itmo m akei nt hel ighotfh isr epudiation ofa ltlh ingssu pernaturAaflt.ea rl lw,a sn'tth eN ew Testametnhte,v ery foundatdioocnu menotfC hristianjiutsyat,s f ulolf t roublesnoamrer atives ast heO ld:t heb irtohfJ esufsr oma virgifno,re xamploer,t hen umerous miracloersm,,o sts tupendoaunsdi ncrediobfal lelt ,h er esurrecotfJi eosnu s fromp hysicdaela thB?u tf orJ efferasnodnf ort hosweh ot houglhti khei m, sucht hingwse ren ote ssenttioaC lh ristianintoyr,w eret heyp articularly usefmuelt aphotrhse;wy e rea ccretiwohnisch ha da ccumulatreadt,hp earr a siticaalrloyu,n tdh ee levateetdh icsayls tepmr opoundbeyd J esuTsh.e y weret hep roducotfsi gnoranacneds uperstiatnidot nh,et asokf s cholars now,t houghJte fferswoanst, o s eparaotuett hew heatf romt hec haftfo, removteh ef anciffruolmt hef actuatlo,s triapw ayt he' mutilamtiesds,t ated ando fteunn intellibgiitboslf te h'e C hristsicarni ptutrheebs i,t tsh ahta d causesdo m ucht roublaned,s or evea'lt hmeo sts ublimaen db enevolent codeo fm oralwsh ichha se vebre eno fferteodm an'. Ands incneo o nee lssee emekde ent ot akoen t het askJ,e fferdseocni ded tod oi th imsealnfd,i n1 280a,tt hea geo f77 , het oohki sB iblaen da paiorf scissaonrdss nippeodu ta scriptfuorrhe i mseThlef .t aswka se asyh,e s aid. Thed iffere(nbceet weeesns entainadl non-essaeuntthieanlat,ni dcs purious) 'iosb viotuost hee yea ndt heu nderstan.d.ia.nn gd I w ilvle ntutroea ffirm thahte w ho,a sI h aved onew,i luln dertatkowe i nnowt higsr aifnr omt his chafwfi,l fli nidt n ott or equiar meo ment'cso nsideraTthieop na.r tfsa ll asundeorf t hemselvaessw ,o uldt hosoef a n imageo fm etaaln dc lay' Uefferspoang,e3 0). Ther esuwlats ' ThJee fferBsiobnl Iet'ts.i tslheo ulrde albley' ThJee fferson Gospeblt'' e<tlhuesreie sn othiinngi tf romt heH ebreScwr ipturneosrf, r om thwer itinatgrsti bteudto t hef ollowoefrJs e sussu chas S tP aulo rS tP eter. 1 11uG·o spaenltd h Zeo diac Jeffewrosuolmndo scte rtahianvalegy r eweidtJ ho hLne nnwohno w ast o procl1a5iy0me ,al rast tehra',tJ ewsausos k abyu hti dsi sciwpelraeeb s u nch oft hicbku ggers.' ConsequJeenftfleyrB,si obinles'e xs t retmheilInyni. tsr ecenptulbyl ished formi bta realmyo untto1s 1 s0m aplalg epsr,o balbeltsyhs a hna tlhfle e ngth ofth ef ouGro spaeslw seh avteh eImct.o ntasionmnsea rratainvaldle t sh,e grepaatr abbluettsh ,be u lokfi ti sd evotteotd h eet hitceaalc hoiftn hge GospeIlbtse .g iwnistt hh e boifJr etshbu ustt,h earrene o w ismee nn,os tar, noa ngenlovs i,r gina;n dth 'eG ospeenldw'si tthh weo rds Nowi nt hpel awchee rheew asc rucitfhieweradesa, g ardaennid;n t he gardaen ne ws epulwchherer,ew iansn evmearn y elta iTdh.e lraei d theJye suAnsd.r ollage rde satto tnote h deo oorft hsee pulchre, and departed. So,t herneoa' csc ooufnJ te sruess'u rreicnft aicnoton,at;s ingmlier acle stoarpyp eianrt shw eh olveo lume. The 'CinderGeolslpae'l Jeffetrosomokon s otfhis materfiraotlmh Geo spoeflsM atthaenwdL uke, botohfw hicihna, d dittioto hnme i racolfJe ess cuosn,t laeinng stehcyt ions devotteoJd e seutsh'i tceaalc hVienrlgyi. tt ilnJe e ffervsoolnuis'm tsea ken frotmh Geo spoeflM arkp,ri ncipnaold loyu bbte cauMsaer iks a lmost enticroemlpyo osfet dhk ei nodfn arratwihviecJshe ffefrosuonsnodt roub linIgnn. e glectMianrgkJ ,e ffewrassmo enr ecloyn tinauc ienngt uries-old tradition. Foerx ampSltAe u,g usti(n3e5 4-43C0Ec )o nsidMearretkdo be thlee ast valuaGbolsepbe ecla ushees, a iidtw, a sm erealnay b brevvieartseoidfo n Matthaenwd LIunak ded.i tiitsoson m,e wrhoautg h-ansdt-yrflereae,dn ye t icp aceep,i soqduiacl ciotlyl,o lqaunigaulaa ngdue n,s ophisstyinctaatxe d contritbotu htieen dd iffweirtwehhn icciewht a sv iewTehde.ir asel saona ir ofd isrespseocmtoe f tf hosert ory's main prowtoauglnodon ti sts which haveen deairtteo td h lee adoeftr hsee a rclhyu rch. Givetnh ecshea ractieitrsp i osstsiitcbhsla,tet he ea rtlrya diatsisoonc iat intgh Geo spweilt thh aep osPteltewe arst hoen lrye asiotwn a sa ccepted inttohC eh risctainaoonfns cripBtuuttrh e'i.ts r adittoioios,bn a's,me odr e ona pologtehtaoinnce sv ideanncdied t,l •vdninpo rlde�rtd o l enadp ostolic authotroai nta yc cowurinttt beyno m •w how asno ta na postle. Althoduugrihnth gee ighttcm,.tmutry!lh· l holb.tl·r.;� mqtunt 'StAiungnus tei'sn