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Google Web Toolkit : GWT Java AJAX programming : a practical guide to Google Web Toolkit for creating AJAX applications with Java PDF

245 Pages·2007·5.51 MB·English
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Preview Google Web Toolkit : GWT Java AJAX programming : a practical guide to Google Web Toolkit for creating AJAX applications with Java

G o o g Google Web Toolkit l e W e b Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open-source Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers who T don’t speak browser quirks as a second language. o o It concentrates on the serious side of AJAX: creating powerful, productive applications l for browser platforms. Google Web Toolkit shows you how to create reliable user inter- k faces that enhance the user experience. i t What you will learn from this book • Set up a GWT development environment in Eclipse • Create, test, debug, and deploy GWT applications • Develop custom widgets—examples include a calendar and a weather forecast widget F r o m T e c h n o l o g i e s t o S o l u t i o n s • Internationalize your GWT applications • Create complex interfaces using grids, moveable elements, and more • Integrate GWT with Rico, Moo.fx, and Script.aculo.us to create even more Google Web Toolkit attractive UIs using JSNI Who this book is written for P r a The book is aimed at programmers who want to use GWT to create interfaces for b their professional web applications. Readers will need experience writing non-trivial h applications using Java. Experience with developing web interfaces is useful, but a GWT Java AJAX Programming k knowledge of JavaScript and DHTML is not required… GWT takes care of that! a r C h a g A practical guide to Google Web Toolkit for creating a n AJAX applications with Java $ 44.99 US Packt Publishing t i £ 27.99 UK Birmingham - Mumbai www.packtpub.com Prices do not include local sales tax or VAT where applicable Prabhakar Chaganti

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