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Google Power Tools Bible PDF

743 Pages·2007·15.511 MB·English
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GGooooggllee PPoowweerr TToooollss BBiibbllee bbyyTTeedd CCoooommbbssaannddRRooddeerriiccoo DDeeLLeeoonn JJoohhnn WWiilleeyy && SSoonnss 22000077 ((661144 ppaaggeess)) IISSBBNN::99778800447700009977112200 WWiitthh tthhoorroouugghh ccoovveerraaggee,, sstteepp--bbyy--sstteepp iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss,, aanndd ttoonnss ooff ttiippss aanndd wwoorrkkaarroouunnddss,, tthhiiss ccoommpprreehheennssiivvee gguuiiddee sshhoowwss hhooww ttoo aacccceessss aanndd aappppllyy GGooooggllee''ss ffeeaattuurreess,, hhooww ttoo pprrooggrraamm GGooooggllee,, bbeeccoommee aa FFrrooooggllee mmeerrcchhaanntt,, aanndd mmoorree.. TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss GGooooggllee PPoowweerr TToooollss BBiibbllee PPrreeffaaccee IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn PPaarrtt II -- NNaavviiggaattiinngg GGooooggllee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn CChhaapptteerr 11 -- SSeeaarrcchhiinngg tthhee WWeebb CChhaapptteerr 22 -- FFooccuussiinngg YYoouurr WWeebb SSeeaarrcchh CChhaapptteerr 33 -- TTooppiicc SSeeaarrcchhiinngg CChhaapptteerr 44 -- DDiissccoovveerriinngg IImmaaggeess oonn tthhee WWeebb CChhaapptteerr 55 -- HHuunnttiinngg ffoorr VViiddeeooss CChhaapptteerr 66 -- SSeeaarrcchhiinngg TThhrroouugghh BBooookkss CChhaapptteerr 77 -- SSeeaarrcchhiinngg GGooooggllee CCaattaallooggss CChhaapptteerr 88 -- SShhooppppiinngg aass aa SSppoorrtt CChhaapptteerr 99 -- MMaakkiinngg UUssee ooff DDiirreeccttoorriieess CChhaapptteerr 1100 -- KKeeeeppiinngg iinn TToouucchh wwiitthh EE--MMaaiill AAlleerrttss CChhaapptteerr 1111 -- PPeerrssoonnaalliizziinngg GGooooggllee DDeesskkttoopp CChhaapptteerr 1122 -- EExxpplloorriinngg GGooooggllee MMaappss CChhaapptteerr 1133 -- EExxpplloorriinngg tthhee WWoorrlldd wwiitthh GGooooggllee EEaarrtthh CChhaapptteerr 1144 -- SSttaayyiinngg CCuurrrreenntt wwiitthh GGooooggllee NNeewwss CChhaapptteerr 1155 -- RReesseeaarrcchhiinngg wwiitthh GGooooggllee SScchhoollaarr CChhaapptteerr 1166 -- MMaannaaggiinngg YYoouurr PPoorrttffoolliioo wwiitthh GGooooggllee FFiinnaannccee CChhaapptteerr 1177 -- GGooooggllee BBaassee CChhaapptteerr 1188 -- UUssiinngg GGooooggllee ““OOffffiiccee”” PPaarrtt IIII -- CCoommmmuunniiccaattiinngg GGooooggllee--SSttyyllee CChhaapptteerr 1199 -- SSttaayyiinngg iinn TToouucchh wwiitthh GGmmaaiill CChhaapptteerr 2200 -- CChhaattttiinngg wwiitthh GGooooggllee TTaallkk CChhaapptteerr 2211 -- EEddiittiinngg aanndd SShhaarriinngg PPhhoottooss wwiitthh PPiiccaassaa22 CChhaapptteerr 2222 -- PPaarrttiicciippaattiinngg iinn GGooooggllee GGrroouuppss CChhaapptteerr 2233 -- CCrreeaattiinngg WWeebb PPaaggeess wwiitthh PPaaggee CCrreeaattoorr CChhaapptteerr 2244 -- IInnttrroodduucciinngg BBllooggss CChhaapptteerr 2255 -- CCoommmmuunniiccaattiinngg wwiitthh BBllooggggeerr CChhaapptteerr 2266 -- OOrrggaanniizziinngg YYoouurr DDaayy wwiitthh GGooooggllee CCaalleennddaarr PPaarrtt IIIIII -- GGooiinngg MMoobbiillee CChhaapptteerr 2277 -- FFiinnddiinngg YYoouurr WWaayy wwiitthh GGooooggllee CChhaapptteerr 2288 -- UUssiinngg GGooooggllee MMoobbiillee PPaarrtt IIVV -- GGooooggllee--iizziinngg YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr CChhaapptteerr 2299 -- MMeessssaaggiinngg wwiitthh GGooooggllee CChhaapptteerr 3300 -- GGeettttiinngg ttoo KKnnooww tthhee GGooooggllee PPaacckk CChhaapptteerr 3311 -- MMaannaaggiinngg tthhee GGooooggllee TToooollbbaarr CChhaapptteerr 3322 -- CCrreeaattiinngg 33--DD MMooddeellss wwiitthh SSkkeettcchhUUpp CChhaapptteerr 3333 -- UUssiinngg 33--DD MMooddeellss PPaarrtt VV -- GGooooggllee aanndd tthhee EEnntteerrpprriissee CChhaapptteerr 3344 -- IInnccrreeaassiinngg WWeebb TTrraaffffiicc wwiitthh AAddWWoorrddss Chapter 35 - Making Cents with AdSense Chapter 36 - Making Decisions with Google Analytics Chapter 37 - Creating a Google Enterprise Chapter 38 - Introducing Enterprise Hardware Part VI - Exploring Google Innovation Chapter 39 - Exploring the Future of Google Chapter 40 - Graduating from the Product Labs Index List of Figures List of Tables List of Sidebars Back Cover The most thorough and comprehensive guide to Google Expand your world with the dozens of Google tools, applications, and services you'll find in this comprehensive book. Going well beyond the basics of search, this in-depth resource shows you how to access and apply every one of Google's features-things like Gmail, Google Maps, and SketchUp-while also explaining how to program Google, become a Froogle merchant, and much more. With thorough coverage, step-by-step instructions, and hundreds of tips and workarounds, it's what you need to succeed with Google. Review the basics of keywords, queries, and PageRank technology Delve into search features such as the I'm Feeling Lucky button Find your way with Google Maps and mobile GMaps Check financial news, get quotes, and manage your portfolio Import, view, and fix photos with Picasa Google-ize your computer with Google gadgets and plug-ins Use Google Analytics to evaluate Web site traffic Explore Google's future with a sneak peak at R&D About the Authors Ted Coombs has written many books on computer programming, networking, and Internet applications, including Setting Up an Internet Site For Dummies. He works in the area of computer forensics. He also heads the effort of documenting world history at wikihistory.org. He lives and works in both Hawaii and the Netherlands. Roderico DeLeon has authored several books on computer technology, networking and Internet applications, and a video game guide. He presently works as a computer applications and forensics consultant in Mexico City. His passion is tourism. When not in Mexico City, he travels the world while running the xtremetours.com travel site. Google Power Tools Bible Ted Coombs Roderico DeLeon Wiley Publishing, Inc. Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com © 2007 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana 0470097124 Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-09712-0 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646- 8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4355, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions. LIMIT OF LIABILITY/DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: THE PUBLISHER AND THE AUTHOR MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS WORK AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY MAY BE CREATED OR EXTENDED BY SALES OR PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS. THE ADVICE AND STRATEGIES CONTAINED HEREIN MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR EVERY SITUATION. THIS WORK IS SOLD WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PUBLISHER IS NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING LEGAL, ACCOUNTING, OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. IF PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE IS REQUIRED, THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT PROFESSIONAL PERSON SHOULD BE SOUGHT. NEITHER THE PUBLISHER NOR THE AUTHOR SHALL BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES ARISING HEREFROM. THE FACT THAT AN ORGANIZATION OR WEBSITE IS REFERRED TO IN THIS WORK AS A CITATION AND/OR A POTENTIAL SOURCE OF FURTHER INFORMATION DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE AUTHOR OR THE PUBLISHER ENDORSES THE INFORMATION THE ORGANIZATION OR WEBSITE MAY PROVIDE OR RECOMMENDATIONS IT MAY MAKE. FURTHER, READERS SHOULD BE AWARE THAT INTERNET WEBSITES LISTED IN THIS WORK MAY HAVE CHANGED OR DISAPPEARED BETWEEN WHEN THIS WORK WAS WRITTEN AND WHEN IT IS READ. For general information on our other products and services or to obtain technical support, please contact our Customer Care Department within the U.S. at (800) 762-2974, outside the U.S. at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572-4002. Library of Congress Control Number: 2006939604 Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley logo, and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/or its affiliates, in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without written permission. Google is a registered trademark of Google, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Wiley Publishing, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. Dedication To Ocean, Sebastian, Diego and Ana Paula; may Google help you toward a better future. About the Authors Ted Coombs has written many books on computer programming, networking, and Internet applications, including Setting Up an Internet Site For Dummies. He works in the area of computer forensics. He also heads the effort of documenting world history at wikihistory.org. He lives and works in both Hawaii and the Netherlands. Roderico DeLeon has authored several books on computer technology, networking and Internet applications, and a video game guide. He presently works as a computer applications and forensics consultant in Mexico City. His passion is tourism. When not in Mexico City, he travels the world while running the xtremetours.com travel site. Acknowledgements We would first like to thank authors Donna Baker, Craig Long, and Adrian Solomon for their invaluable assistance in completing this book. This was truly a global effort with Roderico in Mexico, Ted in the Netherlands, Donna in Canada, Craig in Hawaii, and Adrian in Romania. Thanks also to Tim Borek and Courtney Allen at Wiley for your support in the creation of this book. A big thanks to Matt Wagner at Fresh Books for managing the whole process, and congratulations on your new baby. Thanks to the entire van den Berg family in Utrecht, Netherlands, Thijs and Lorenzo for putting up with us while writing this book. Finally, thanks to all the wonderful developers at Google who have created some great products and services. Credits Acquisitions Editor Courtney Allen Project Editors Tim Borek Gwenette Gaddis Goshert Technical Editor Lee Musick Copy Editor Kim Heusel Editorial Manager Robyn Siesky Business Manager Amy Knies Vice President and Executive Group Publisher Richard Swadley Vice President and Executive Publisher Bob Ipsen Vice President and Publisher Barry Pruett Project Coordinator Adrienne Martinez Graphics and Production Specialists Claudia Bell Denny Hager Barbara Moore Heather Pope Amanda Spagnuolo Quality Control Technicians John Greenough Christine Pingleton Proofreading and Indexing Techbooks Wiley Bicentennial Logo Richard J. Pacifico Preface Google Power Tools Bible gives everyone - whether a computer guru trying to figure out how Google can help with their business, or the average person at home who uses Google to do Web searches but would like to know more about what other things Google provides - an in-depth look at the products and services Google offers to date. Learn about services like Gmail, Google Talk, Google Desktop, or how to make money with Google AdSense. This book helps business owners by guiding them through the many services Google offers business, whether it’s advertising on the Web, or integrating satellite images of the Earth into business processes. More than anything, this book helps you discover things about Google that will entertain you, simplify your life, and make your Internet experience more efficient. How To Use This Book The book is divided into the following parts: Part I: Navigating Google Information - Finding things on the Internet is what Google does best. The chapters in this part help you navigate the many services Google offers for finding Web pages, images, videos, news, scholarly articles, maps, and products. In addition to Web searching, this part covers Google Earth, configuring Google Desktop, portfolio management with Google Finance, and selling just about anything through Google Base. Part II: Communicating Google Style - Google provides a number of great programs for communicating and sharing information. This part shows you how to setup and use Gmail for your e- mail, Google Talk for instant messaging, and Picasa for editing and sharing pictures. Learn to communicate with others using Google Groups and Blogger, or share your daily schedule using Google Calendar. Part III: Going Mobile - You’re not stuck to your desk with Google. When you’re on the go, find out where it is you’re going using Google Mobile Maps. Chapters in this part also help you get the most from your mobile Web surfing experience and find just about any information you need using SMS text messaging. You also learn about creating mobile Web resources. Part IV: Google-izing Your Computer - Installing and using the Google Pack applications help you get the most out of your computer. This part also covers the efficiency-increasing Google Toolbar and Firefox extensions as well as creating 3D models using Google’s SketchUp. Part V: Google and the Enterprise - The chapters in this part help businesses of all sizes, from sole proprietorships to large corporations learn how to market themselves using Google AdWords. Also learn how to make money by hosting Google ads on your Web pages and blogs. Make good business decisions regarding online resources by using Google Analytics and Google Trends. Use Google enterprise applications to expand business desktops and discover how you can use Google Maps in your business processes. When you need extra Google power, you can always add Google hardware. Part VI: Exploring Google Innovation - Find out about what’s coming next at Google. See what is developing in the Google labs and try the newest Google applications while they are being developed. Using the Book’s Icons The following margin icons are used to help you get the most out of this book: Note Notes highlight useful information that you should take into consideration. Tip Tips provide an additional bit of advice that will make a particular feature quicker or easier to use. Caution Cautions warn you of a potential problem before you make a mistake. Cross-Ref Watch for the Cross-Reference icon to learn where in another chapter you can go to find more information on a particular feature. On the Web Watch for the Web Reference icon to learn where on the Internet you can go to find more information on a particular feature. Introduction This book is a “bible,” which, if you use Google’s glossary, you find out comes from the ancient Greek word byblos, or “papyrus.” Ancient Greek and Egyptian papyrus texts provide information to us even today, and using Google you can find that information written thousands of years ago. But Google is about more than simply searching the Web. See the world in a different way using Google Earth, or find your way throughout the world using Google Maps. Tell others how you feel about the world using Blogger or how you feel about them using Google Talk. While chatting with friends, look up movie times, find information about your favorite books, go shopping with Froogle, and entertain yourself watching Google Video. In a time when our lives are filled with sound bites, it’s difficult to know if the information the media blasts at us minute by minute is fair and balanced. Google News aggregates media in an impartial and apolitical manner. The stories themselves may be biased, but when you can read all the stories, you can create that balance for yourself and form your own opinion. Google News is also a great feature to install on your Google Desktop, which creates a great environment for hosting information applications, reading your Gmail, and adding “gadgets” for fun and profit. Google Finance provides access to financial information and helps you manage your financial portfolio. On the way to making your first, second, or tenth million? Let people know about your business by showing up in searches relevant to your business. With Google AdWords, you can advertise to people in Google searches and on partner Web sites. Need a little help on your way to that first million? Become part of the Google network and host Google ads on your Web page and earn money. It’s gratifying to wake up in the morning and see how many people visited your Web pages each night while you slept, and how many people clicked ads, sending money your way. Google isn’t just about enhancing your personal life. There are business software and hardware solutions that can give your enterprise a competitive information edge. Gain an even greater edge through Google’s Open software development, which allows for easy access to Google services through the use of application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs). What’s more, Google is fun. Last night I left my brother-in-law’s house after showing him Google Trends. All I heard as he waved, never taking his eyes off the screen, was “Oh wow! Look at this!” That’s exactly how I feel about all of the Google services, tools, and technologies. “Oh wow! Look at this!” Part I: Navigating Google Information Chapter List Chapter 1: Searching the Web Chapter 2: Focusing Your Web Search Chapter 3: Topic Searching Chapter 4: Discovering Images on the Web Chapter 5: Hunting for Videos Chapter 6: Searching through Books Chapter 7: Searching Google Catalogs Chapter 8: Shopping as a Sport Chapter 9: Making Use of Directories Chapter 10: Keeping in Touch with E-Mail Alerts Chapter 11: Personalizing Google Desktop Chapter 12: Exploring Google Maps Chapter 13: Exploring the World with Google Earth Chapter 14: Staying Current with Google News Chapter 15: Researching with Google Scholar Chapter 16: Managing Your Portfolio with Google Finance Chapter 17: Google Base Chapter 18: Using Google “Office”

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