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EPJ manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Google matrix analysis of the multiproduct world trade network L.Ermann1 and D.L.Shepelyansky2 1 Departamento de F´ısica Teo´rica, GIyA, CNEA, Av. Libertador 8250, (C1429BNP) Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2 Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique du CNRS, IRSAMC, Universit´e de Toulouse, UPS, F-31062 Toulouse, France Dated: January 14, 2015 5 Abstract. Using the United Nations COMTRADE database [1] we construct the Google matrix G of 1 multiproduct world trade between the UN countries and analyze the properties of trade flows on this 0 network for years 1962 - 2010. This construction, based on Markov chains, treats all countries on equal 2 democraticgroundsindependentlyoftheirrichnessandatthesametimeitconsidersthecontributionsof n tradeproductsproportionallytotheirtradevolume.Weconsiderthetradewith61productsforupto227 a countries.Theobtainedresultsshowthatthetradecontributionofproductsisasymmetric:someofthem J areexportorientedwhileothersareimportorientedeveniftherankingbytheirtradevolumeissymmetric 4 in respect to export and import after averaging over all world countries. The construction of the Google 1 matrix allows to investigate the sensitivity of trade balance in respect to price variations of products, e.g. petroleum and gas, taking into account the world connectivity of trade links. The trade balance based on ] PageRank and CheiRank probabilities highlights the leading role of China and other BRICS countries in T theworldtradeinrecentyears.WealsoshowthattheeigenstatesofGwithlargeeigenvaluesselectspecific S trade communities. . n i PACS. 89.75.Fb Structures and organization in complex systems – 89.65.Gh Econophysics – 89.75.Hc f Networks and genealogical trees – 89.20.Hh World Wide Web, Internet - q [ 1 Introduction tradewherehiddenlinksandinteractionsbetweencertain 1 v countries and products are not taken into account since 1 only a country global import or export are considered. AccordingtothedataofUNCOMTRADE[1]andthein- 7 Thus the statistical analysis of these multiproduct trade 3 ternationaltradestatistics2014oftheWorldTradeOrga- datarequiresautilizationofmoreadvancedmathematical 3 nization(WTO)[2]theinternationalworldtradebetween and numerical methods. 0 world countries demonstrates a spectacular growth with . anincreasingtradevolumeandnumberoftradeproducts. In fact, in the last decade, modern societies developed 1 Itiswellclearthattheworldtradeplaysthefundamental enormous communication and social networks including 0 5 role in the development of world economy [3]. According the World Wide Web (WWW), Wikipedia, Twitter etc. 1 to the WTO Chief Statistician Hubert Escaith “In recent (see e.g. [5]). A necessity of information retrieval from : yearswehaveseengrowingdemandfordataontheworld suchnetworksledtoadevelopmentofefficientalgorithms v economy and on international trade in particular. This for information analysis on such networks appeared in i X demand has grown in particular since the 2008-09 crisis, computer science. One of the most spectacular tools is r whose depth and breadth surprised many experts” [2]. In the PageRank algorithm developed by Brin and Page in a globalthedataoftheworldtradeexchangecanbeviewed 1998 [6], which became a mathematical foundation of the as a large multi-functional directed World Trade Network Googlesearchengine(seee.g.[7]).Thisalgorithmisbased (WTN)whichprovidesimportantinformationaboutmul- ontheconceptofMarkovchainsandaconstructionofthe tiproduct commercial flows between countries for a given Google matrix G of Markov transitions between network year.AtpresenttheCOMTRADEdatabasecontainsdata nodes. The right eigenvector of this matrix G, known as for N = 227 UN countries with up to N ≈ 104 trade PageRank vector, allows to rank all nodes according to c p products. Thus the whole matrix of these directed trade their importance and influence on the network. The stud- flows has a rather large size N = N N ∼ 106. A usual ies of various directed networks showed that it is useful p c approach is to consider the export and import volumes, to analyze also the matrix G∗ constructed for the same expressed in US dollars (USD). An example of the world network but with an inverted direction of links [8,9]. The mapofcountriescharacterizedbytheirimportandexport PageRank vector of G∗ is known as the CheiRank vec- trade volume for year 2008 is shown in Fig. 1. However, tor. The spectral properties of Goggle matrix for various suchanapproachgivesonlyanapproximatedescriptionof networks are described in [10]. 2 L.Ermann and D.L.Shepelyansky: Google matrix analysis of the multiproduct world trade network tributions to economy are linked with their trade volume. Thus,accordingtoTable2,inyear2008thetradevolume of Petroleum and petroleum products (code 33 in Table 1) is by a factor 300 larger than those of Hides, skins and fur skins (undress.) (code 21 in Table 1). To incorporate these features in our mathematical analysis of multiprod- uct WTN we developed in this work the Google Person- alized Vector Method (GPVM) which allows to keep a democratic treatment of countries and at the same time toconsiderproductsproportionallytotheirtradevolume. As a result we are able to perform analysis of the global multiproduct WTN keeping all interactions between all countriesandallproducts.ThisisanewstepintheWTN analysis since in our previous studies [11] it was possible to consider a trade between countries only in one product or only in all products summed together (all commodi- ties). The new finding of such global WTN analysis is an asymmetric ranking of products: some of them are more orientedtoimportandothersareorientedtoexportwhile therankingofproductsbythetradevolumeisalwayssym- metricaftersummationoverallcountries.Thisresultwith Fig. 1. World map of countries with color showing country asymmetric ranking of products confirms the indications import (top panel) and export (bottom panel) trade volume obtained on the basis ecological ranking [12] which also expressed in millions of USD given by numbers of the color give an asymmetry of products in respect to import and bars.Thedataareshownforyear2008withNc =227countries export.Ourapproachalsoallowstoanalyzethesensitivity fortradeinallN =61products(fromUNCOMTRADE[1]). p of trade network to price variations of a certain product. Names of countries can be find at [4]. WethinkthattheGPVMapproachallowstoperforma most advanced analysis of multiproduct world trade. The previousstudieshavebeenrestrictedtostudiesofstatisti- TheapproachofGooglematrixtotheanalysisofWTN calcharacteristicsofWTNlinks,patternsandtheirtopol- was started in [11]. The striking feature of this approach ogy (see e.g. [13,14,15,16,17,18,19]). The applications of is that it treats all UN countries on equal democratic PageRank algorithm to the WTN was discussed in [20], grounds, independently of richness of a given country, in the approach based on HITS algorithm was used in [21]. agreement with the principles of UN where all countries In comparison to the above studies, the approach devel- areequal.ThispropertyofGmatrixisbasedontheprop- opedhereforthemultiproductWTNhasanadvantageof erty of Markov chains where the total probability is con- analysis of ingoing and outgoing flows, related to PageR- served to be unity since the sum of elements for each col- ank and CheiRank, and of taking into account of multi- umn of G is equal to unity. Even if in this approach all product aspects of the WTN. Even if the importance to countries are treated on equal grounds still the PageR- multiproduct WTN analysis is clearly understood by re- ank and CheiRank analysis recover about 75% of indus- searchers (see e.g. [22]) the Google matrix methods have trially developed countries of G20. However, now these not been efficiently used up to now. We also note that countries appear at the top ranking positions not due to the matrix methods are extensively used for analysis of their richness but due to the efficiency of their trade net- correlations of trade indexes (see e.g. [23,24]) but these work.Anotherimportantaspectfoundin[11]isthatboth matrices are Hermitian being qualitatively different from PageRankandCheiRankvectorsappearverynaturallyin those appearing in the frame of Markov chains. Here we the WTN corresponding to import and export flows. makethestepsinmulti-functionalormultiproductGoogle In this work we extend the Google matrix analysis for matrix analysis of the WTN extending the approach used the multiproduct WTN obtained from COMTRADE [1] in [11]. with up to N = 61 trade products for up to N = 227 p c countries. The global G matrix of such trade flows has a size up to N = N N = 13847 nodes. The names and p c 2 Methods codes of products are given in Table 1 and their trade volumes, expressed in percent of the whole world trade 2.1 Google matrix construction for the WTN volume,aregiveninTable2foryears1998and2008.The main problem of construction of such a matrix is not its size, which is rather modest compared to those studied in Foragivenyear,webuildNp moneymatricesMcp,c(cid:48) ofthe [10],butthenecessitytotreatallcountriesondemocratic WTN from the COMTRADE database [1] (see [11]). grounds and at the same time to treat trade products on the basis of their trade volume. Indeed, the products can- Mp =product p transfer (in USD) from country c(cid:48) to c c,c(cid:48) not be considered on democratic grounds since their con- (1) L.Ermann and D.L.Shepelyansky: Google matrix analysis of the multiproduct world trade network 3 Herethecountryindexesarec,c(cid:48) =1,...,N andaprod- 2.2 PageRank and CheiRank vectors from GPVM c uctindexisp=1,...,N .AccordingtotheCOMTRADE p database the number of UN registered countries is N = PageRank and CheiRank (P and P∗) are defined as the c 227 (in recent years) and the number of products is N = right eigenvectors of G and G∗ matrices respectively at p 10 and N = 61 for 1 and 2 digits respectively from the eigenvalue λ=1: p Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Rev. (cid:88) (cid:88) 1. For convenience of future notation we also define the G ψ =λψ , G∗ ψ∗ =λψ∗ . (6) ij j i ij j j volume of imports and exports for a given country and j j product respectively as For the eigenstate at λ = 1 we use the notation P = i Vcp =(cid:88)Mcp,c(cid:48), Vc∗p =(cid:88)Mcp(cid:48),c. (2) Fψoi,rPo∗th=erψe∗igiewnsitthattehsewneourmseatlhizeantioornm(cid:80)aliPzait=ion(cid:80)(cid:80)iP|∗ψi =|2 =1. c(cid:48) c(cid:48) (cid:80) |ψ∗|2 =1.AccordingtothePerron-Frobeniustiheoirem i i The import and export volumes V = (cid:80) Vp and V∗ = the components of Pi, P∗i are positive and give the prob- (cid:80) V∗p areshownfortheworldmacpofcoupntcriesinFcig.1 abilities to find a random surfer on a given node [7]. The p c PageRank K and CheiRank K∗ indexes are defined from for year 2008. thedecreasingorderingofP andP∗ asP(K)≥P(K+1) InordertocomparelaterwithPageRankandCheiRank and P∗(K)≥P∗(K∗+1) with K,K∗ =1,...,N. probabilities we define volume trade ranks in the whole If we want to compute the reduced PageRank and trade space of dimension N =N ×N . Thus the Impor- p c CheiRank probabilities of countries for all commodities tRank (Pˆ) and ExportRank (Pˆ∗) probabilities are given (or equivalently all products) we trace over the product by the normalized import and export volumes space getting P = (cid:80) P = (cid:80) P (p+(c−1)N ) and c p pc p p P∗ = (cid:80)P∗ = (cid:80) P∗(p+(c−1)N ) with their corre- c pc p p Pˆi =Vcp/V , Pˆi∗ =Vc∗p/V , (3) sponding Kc and Kc∗ indexes. In a similar way we ob- tain the reduced PageRank and CheiRank probabilities where i=p+(c−1)N , i=1,...,N and the total trade for products tracing over all countries and getting p volume is V =(cid:80) Mp =(cid:80) Vp =(cid:80) V∗p. P =(cid:80) P (p+(c−1)N )(cid:80) P and p,c,c(cid:48) c,c(cid:48) p,c c p,c c p c p p pc The Google matrices G and G∗ are defined as N ×N Pp∗ =(cid:80)cP∗(p+(c−1)Np)(cid:80)Pp∗c withtheircorrespond- real matrices with non-negative elements: ing product indexes Kp and Kp∗. InsummarywehaveK ,K∗ =1,...,N andK ,K∗ = p p p c c Gij =αSij+(1−α)viej, G∗ij =αS∗ij+(1−α)vi∗ej, (4) 1,...,Nc. A similar definition of ranks from import and exporttradevolumecanbedoneinastraightforwardway via probabilities Pˆ ,Pˆ∗,Pˆ ,Pˆ∗,Pˆ ,Pˆ∗ and correspond- where N = Np × Nc, α ∈ (0,1] is the damping factor p p c c pc pc (0<α<1),e istherowvectorofunitelements(e =1), ing indexes Kˆ ,Kˆ∗,Kˆ ,Kˆ∗,Kˆ,Kˆ∗. j j p p c c andv isapositivecolumnvectorcalledapersonalization TocomputethePageRankandCheiRankprobabilities i vector with (cid:80) v =1 [7]. We note that the usual Google from G and G∗ keeping democracy in countries and pro- i i matrixisrecoveredforapersonalizationvectorv =e /N portionality of products to their trade volume we use the i i In this work, following [11], we fix α = 0.5. As discussed GPVMapproachwithapersonalizedvectorin(4).Atthe in [7,10,11] a variation of α in a range (0.5,0.9) does not first iteration of Google matrix we take into account the significantlyaffecttheprobabilitydistributionsofPageR- relative product volume per country using the following ank and CheiRank vectors. We specify the choice of the personalization vectors for G and G∗: personalization vector a bit below. The matrices S and S∗ are built from money matrices v = Vcp , v∗ = Vc∗p , (7) Mp as i N (cid:80) Vp(cid:48) i N (cid:80) V∗p(cid:48) cc(cid:48) c p(cid:48) c c p(cid:48) c (cid:26)Mp δ /V∗p if V∗p (cid:54)=0 usingthedefinitions(2)andtherelationi=p+(c−1)N . S = c,c(cid:48) p,p(cid:48) c(cid:48) c(cid:48) p i,i(cid:48) 1/N if V∗p =0 This personalized vector depends both on product and c(cid:48) (cid:26)Mp δ /Vp if Vp (cid:54)=0 countryindexes.Inordertohavethesamevalueofperson- S∗ = c(cid:48),c p,p(cid:48) c(cid:48) c(cid:48) (5) alization vector in countries we can define the second it- i,i(cid:48) 1/N if Vp =0 c(cid:48) eration vector proportional to the reduced PageRank and CheiRank vectors in products obtained from the GPVM wherec,c(cid:48) =1,...,Nc;p,p(cid:48) =1,...,Np;i=p+(c−1)Np; Google matrix of the first iteration: i(cid:48) = p(cid:48) +(c(cid:48) −1)N ; and therefore i,i(cid:48) = 1,...,N. Note p that the sum of each column of S and S∗ are normalized P P∗ tounityandhencethematricesG,G∗,S,S∗ belongtothe v(cid:48)(i)= Np , v(cid:48)∗(i)= Np . (8) c c class of Google matrices and Markov chains. The eigen- values and eigenstates of G,G∗ are obtained by a direct In this way we keep democracy in countries but weighted numerical diagonalization using the standard numerical products. This second iteration personalized vectors are packages. used for the main part of computations and operations 4 L.Ermann and D.L.Shepelyansky: Google matrix analysis of the multiproduct world trade network with G and G∗. This procedure with two iterations forms our GPVM approach. The difference between results ob- tained from the first and second iterations is not very large (see Figs. 2, 3) but a detailed analysis of ranking of countries and products shows that the personalized vec- tor for the second iteration improves the results making them more stable and less fluctuating. In all Figures be- low(exceptFigs.2,3)weshowtheresultsafterthesecond iteration. Fig. 3. ProbabilitydistributionsofPageRankandCheiRank for products P (K ), P∗(K∗) (left panel) and countries p p p p P (K ), P∗(K∗) (right panel) in logarithmic scale for WTN c c c c from Fig. 2. Here the results for the 1st and 2nd GPVM itera- tionsareshownbyred(blue)curvesforPageRank(CheiRank) with dashed and solid curves respectively. The probabilities fromthetradevolumerankingareshownbyblackcurve(left) and dotted red and blue curves (right) for ImportRank and ExportRank respectively. Wealsocharacterizethelocalizationpropertiesofeigen- states of G,G∗ by the inverse participation ration (IPR) defined as ξ = ((cid:80) |ψ |2)2/(cid:80) |ψ |4. This characteristic i i i i determines an effective number of nodes which contribute to a formation of a given eigenstate (see details in [10]). 2.3 Correlators of PageRank and CheiRank vectors Fig. 2. Dependence of probabilities of PageRank P(K), Followingpreviousworks[8,9,11]thecorrelatorofPageR- CheiRank P∗(K∗), ImportRank Pˆ(Kˆ) and ExportRank ank and CheiRank vectors is defined as: Pˆ∗(Kˆ∗) as a function of their indexes in logarithmic scale for N WTN in 2008 with α=0.5 at Nc =227, Np =1, N =13847. κ=N(cid:88)P(i)P∗(i)−1. (9) Here the results for GPVM after 1st and 2nd iterations are shown for PageRank (CheiRank) in red (blue) with dashed i=1 and solid curves respectively. ImportRank and ExportRank The typical values of κ are given in [10] for various net- (trade volume) are shown by red and blue thin curves re- works. spectively. The fit exponents for PageRank and CheiRank are ForglobalPageRankandCheiRanktheproduct-product β =0.61,0.7forthefirstiteration,β =0.59,0.65forthesecond correlator matrix is defined as: iteration,andβ =0.94,1.04forImportRankandExportRank (for the range K ∈[10,2000]). κpp(cid:48) =Nc(cid:88)Nc (cid:20)(cid:80) PP(p(p++(c((cid:48)c−−11))NNp))(cid:80)P∗(pP(cid:48)+∗((pc(cid:48)+−(1c)(cid:48)N(cid:48)−p)1)N )(cid:21)−1 c=1 c(cid:48) p c(cid:48)(cid:48) p (10) The obtained results show the distribution of nodes on the PageRank-CheiRank plane (K,K∗). In addition Then the correlator for a given product is obtained to two ranking indexes K,K∗ we use also 2DRank in- from (10) as: κ =κ δ , (11) dex K which combines the contribution of these indexes p pp(cid:48) p,p(cid:48) 2 as described in [9]. The ranking list K2(i) is constructed where δp,p(cid:48) is the Kronecker delta. by increasing K → K + 1 and increasing 2DRank in- We also use the correlators obtained from the proba- odfexfirKst2(Ki)∗b<y KoneenitfriaesnoefwCehnetiRryanisk,ptrheesnentthienotnheeulnisitt bilitiestrace(cid:80)doverproducts(Pc =(cid:80)pPpc)andovercoun- tries (P = P ) which are defined as step is done in K∗ and K is increased by one if the new p c pc 2 entry is present in the list of first K < K∗ entries of (cid:88)Nc (cid:88)Np CheiRank. More formally, 2DRank K2(i) gives the order- κ(c)=Nc PcPc∗−1, κ(p)=Np PpPp∗−1. (12) ing of the sequence of sites, that appear inside the c=1 p=1 squares [1,1; K =k,K∗ =k; ...]whenonerunsprogres- sively from k =1 to N. Additionally, we analyze the dis- Intheaboveequations(9)-(12)thecorrelatorsarecom- tributionofnodesforreducedindexes(K ,K∗),(K ,K∗). puted for PageRank and CheiRank probabilities. We can p p c c L.Ermann and D.L.Shepelyansky: Google matrix analysis of the multiproduct world trade network 5 alsocomputethesamecorrelatorsusingprobabilitiesfrom PageRank and CheiRank probabilities while there is no the trade volume in ImportRank Pˆ and ExportRank Pˆ∗ difference between ImportRank and ExportRank proba- defined by (3). bilities since they are equal after tracing over countries. WediscussthevaluesofthesecorrelatorsinSection4. After tracing over products we obtain probability dis- tributionsP (K ),P∗(K∗)overcountriesshowninFig.3. c c c c We see that the probability of volume ranking varies ap- 3 Data description proximately by a factor 1000 while for PageRank and CheiRank such a factor is only approximate 10. Thus the All data are obtained from the COMTRADE database democracyincountriesinducedbytheGooglematrixcon- [1]. We used products from COMTRADE SITC Rev. 1 struction reduces significantly the variations of probabili- classification with number of products N = 10 and 61. ties among countries and inequality between countries. p We choose SITC Rev.1 since it covers the longest time Both panels of Fig. 3 show relatively small variations interval. The main results are presented for N =61 with between1stand2ndGPVMiterationsconfirmingthesta- p up to N = 227 countries. The names of products are bility of this approach. In next sections we present the c given in Table 1, their ImportRank index K and their results only for 2nd GPVM iteration. This choice is con- fraction (in percent) of global trade volume in years 1998 firmed by consideration of ranking positions of various and 2008 are given in Table 2. The data are collected nodes of global matrices G,G∗ which show less fluctua- and presented for the years 1962 - 2010. Our data and tions compared to the results of the 1st GPVM iteration. resultsareavailableat[25],thedataforthematricesMp From the global ranking of countries and products we c,c(cid:48) are available at COMTRADE [1] with the rules of their canselect agivenproductand thendeterminelocalrank- distributionpolicy.Following[11]weuseforcountriesISO ing of countries in a given product to see how strong is 3166-1 alpha-3 code available at Wikipedia. their trade for this product. The results for three selected products are discussed below for year 2008. For compar- ison we also present comparison with the export-import 4 Results ranking from the trade volume. Weapplytheabovemethodstothedescribeddatasetsof COMTRADE and present the obtained results below. 4.1 PageRank and CheiRank probabilities The dependence of probabilities of PageRank P(K) and CheiRankP∗(K∗)vectorsontheirindexesK,K∗areshown in Fig. 2 for a selected year 2008. The results can be ap- proximately described by an algebraic dependence P ∝ 1/Kβ with the exponent values given in the caption. It is interesting to note that we find approximately the same β ≈ 0.6 both for PageRank and CheiRank in contrast to the WWW, universities and Wikipedia networks where usually one finds β ≈ 1 for PageRank and β ≈ 0.6 for CheiRank[7,10].Weattributethistoanintrinsicproperty ofWTNwherethecountriestrytokeepeconomybalance Fig. 4. Country positions on PageRank-CheiRank plane oftheirtrade.Thedatashowthattherangeofprobability (Kc,Kc∗) obtained by the GPVM analysis (left panels), ImportRank-ExportRankoftradevolume(centerpanels),and variation is reduced for the Google ranking compared to forPageRank-CheiRankofallcommodities (rightpanels,data the volume ranking. This results from a democratic rank- from [11]). Top panels show global scale (K ,K∗ ∈ [1,200]) ing of countries used in the Google matrix analysis that c c andbottompanelsshowzoomontopranks(K ,K∗ ∈[1,40]). givesareductionofrichnessdispersionbetweencountries. c c Eachcountryisshownbycirclewithitsownflag(forabetter The results also show that the variation of probabilities visibility the circle center is slightly displaced from its integer for 1st and 2nd GPVM results are not very large that position (K ,K∗) along direction angle π/4). Data are shown demonstrates the convergence of this approach. c c for year 2008. After tracing probabilities over countries we obtain probability distributions P (K ), P∗(K∗) over products p p p p shown in Fig. 3. The variation range of probabilities is the same as for the case of volume ranking. This shows that the GPVM approach correctly treats products keep- 4.2 Ranking of countries and products ing their contributions proportional to their volume. The difference between 1st and 2nd iterations is rather small After tracing the probabilities P(K),P∗(K∗) over prod- and is practically not visible on this plot. The impor- ucts we obtain the distribution of world countries on the tant result well visible here is a visible difference between PageRank-CheiRank plane (K ,K∗) presented in Fig. 4 c c 6 L.Ermann and D.L.Shepelyansky: Google matrix analysis of the multiproduct world trade network foratestyear2008.Inthesamefigurewepresenttherank distributionsobtainedfromImportRank-ExportRankprob- abilities of trade volume and the results obtained in [11] for trade in all commodities. For the GPVM data we see theglobal featuresalready discussedin [11]: thecountries are distributed in a vicinity of diagonal K = K∗ since c c each country aims to keep its trade balanced. The top 20 list of top K countries recover 15 of 19 countries of G20 2 major world economies (EU is the number 20) thus ob- taining 79% of the whole list. This is close to the percent obtained in [11] for trade in all commodities. TheglobaldistributionsoftopcountrieswithK ≤40, c K∗ ≤ 40 for the three ranking methods, shown in Fig. 4, c aresimilaronaverage.Butsomemodificationsintroduced by the GPVM analysis are visible. Thus China (CHN) moves on 2nd position of CheiRank while it is in the 1st position for trade volume ranking and CheiRank of all commodities. Also e.g. Saudi Arabia (SAU) and Rus- Fig. 5. Two dimensional ranking of products on the sia (RUS) move from the CheiRank positions K∗c = 21 PageRank-CheiRank plane (Kp,Kp∗). Each product is repre- and K∗ = 7 in all commodities [11] to K∗ = 29 and sented by its specific combination of color and symbol: color c c K∗ = 6 in the GPVM ranking, respectively. Other ex- illustrates the first digit of COMTRADE SITC Rev. 1 code c ample is a significant displacement of Nigeria (NGA). We withthecorrespondingnameshowninthelegendontheright; explain such differences as the result of larger connectiv- symbols correspond to product names listed in Table 1 with their code numbers; the order of names on the right panel of ity required for getting high ranking in the multiproduct this Fig. is the same as in Table 1. The trade volume ranking WTN. Indeed, China is more specialized in specific prod- viaImportRank-ExportRankisshownbysmallsymbolsatthe uctscomparedtoUSA(e.g.nopetroleumproductionand diagonal Kˆ =Kˆ∗, after tracing over countries this ranking is export) that leads to its displacement in K∗ . We note p p c symmetric in products. Top left and right panels show years that the ecological ranking gives also worse ranking po- 1963 and 1978, while bottom left and right panels show years sitions for China comparing to the trade volume ranking 1993 and 2008 respectively. [12].InasimilarwaythetradeofSaudiArabiaisstrongly dominatedbypetroleumandmoreoveritspetroleumtrade is strongly oriented on USA that makes its trade network tions, 64 Paper, paperboard and manuf., 65 Textile yarn, concentrated on a few links while Russia is improving its fabrics, etc., 86 Scientific & control instrum, photogr gds, positioninK∗ duetosignificanttradelinkswithEUand c clocks). Asia. It is interesting to note that the machinery products In global, the comparison of three ranks of countries 71,72.73arelocatedonleadingimportorientedpositions shown in Fig. 4 confirms that the GPVM analysis gives a in 1963, 1978, 1993 but they become more close to sym- reliable ranking of multiproduct WTN. Thus we now try metricpositionsin2008.Weattributethistodevelopment to obtain new features of multiproduct WTN using the ofChinathatmakesthetradeintheseproductsmoresym- GPVM approach. metric in import-export. It is interesting to note that in The main new feature obtained within the GPVM ap- 1993 the product 33 Petroleum and petroleum products proach is shown in Fig. 5 which gives the distribution of loses its first trade volume position due to low petroleum products on the PageRank-CheiRank plane (K ,K∗) af- prices but still it keeps the first CheiRank position show- p p ter tracing of global probabilities P(K),P∗(K∗) over all ingitstradenetworkimportanceforexport.Eachproduct world countries. The data clearly show that the distribu- moveson(K ,K∗)withtime.However,apartoftheabove p p tion of products over this plane is asymmetric while the points, we can say that the global distribution does not ranking of products from the trade volume produces the manifest drastic changes. Indeed, e.g. the green symbols symmetric ranking of products located directly on diago- offirstdigit2remainexportorientedforthewholeperiod nal K = K∗. Thus the functions of products are asym- 1963 - 2008. We note that the established asymmetry of p p metric: some of them are more oriented to export (e.g. products orientation for the world trade is in agreement 03 Fish and fish preparations, 05 Fruit and vegetables, 26 with the similar indications obtained on the basis of eco- Textile fibers, not manuf. etc., 28 Metalliferous ores and logicalrankingin[12].However,theGPVMapproachused metalscrap,84Clothing);inlastyears(e.g.2008)34Gas, herehavemoresolidmathematicalandstatisticalfounda- natural and manufactured also takes well pronounced ex- tionswithareducedsignificanceoffluctuationscomparing portorientedfeaturecharacterizedbylocationinthelower to the ecological ranking. righttriangle(K∗ <K )ofthesquareplane(K ,K∗).In The comparison between the GPVM and trade vol- p p p p contrasttothattheproductslocatedintheupperlefttri- ume ranking methods provides interesting information. angle(K∗ >K )representimportorientedproducts(e.g. Thus in petroleum code 33 we have on top positions Rus- p p 02Dairyproductsandeggs,04Cerealsandcerealprepara- sia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates while from the L.Ermann and D.L.Shepelyansky: Google matrix analysis of the multiproduct world trade network 7 in PageRank-CheiRank positions comparing to their po- sitions in the trade volume ranking. This reflects their strong commercial relations in the world trade. In the trade volume ranking the top positions are taken by 33 petroleum and digit 7 of machinery products. This re- mains mainly true for PageRank-CheiRank positions but we see the spectacular improvement of positions of 84 Clothing for China (K∗ = 2) and 93 Special transact. for USA (K = 4) showing thus these two products have strongcommercialexchangeallovertheworldeveniftheir trade volume is not so dominant. Fig. 6. ToppanelsshowresultsoftheGPVMdataforcoun- trypositionsonPageRank-CheiRankplaneoflocalrankvalues K,K∗ orderedby(K ,K∗ )forspecificproductswithp=33 cp cp (left panel), p = 72 (center panel) and p = 03 (right panel). Bottom panels show the ImportRank-ExportRank planes re- spectively for comparison. Data are given for year 2008. Each country is shown by circle with its own flag as in Fig. 4. CheiRank order of this product we find Russia, USA, In- Fig. 7. Global plane of rank indexes (K,K∗) for PageRank- dia(seeFig.6andTable3).Thismarkstheimportanceof CheiRank (left panel) and ImportRank-ExportRank (right the role of USA and India played in the WTN and in the panel) for N = 13847 nodes in year 2008. Each country and product pair is represented by a gray circle. Some countries redistribution of petroleum over nearby region countries, are highlighted in colors: USA with black, South Korea with e.g. around India. Also Singapore is on a local petroleum red,Chinawithgreen,Russiawithred,Francewithyellowand position just behind India and just before Saudi Arabia, Brazil with orange. see Table 3. This happens due to strong involvement of India and Singapore in the trade redistribution flows of petroleum while Saudi Arabia has rather restricted trade We show the plane (K,K∗) for the global world rank- connections strongly oriented on USA and nearby coun- ing in logarithmic scale in 2008 in Fig. 7. The positions tries. of trade nodes of certain selected countries are shown by Forelectricalmachinery72therearelessmodifications color. We observe that the trade volume gives a higher inthetopexportorCheiRankpositions(seeFig.6)butwe concentration of nodes around diagonal comparing to the observe significant broadening of positions on PageRank- GPVM ranking. We attribute this to the symmetry of CheiRank plane comparing to ImportRank-ExportRank. trade volume in products. Thus, Asian countries (China, Japan, S. Korea, Singa- In Fig. 8 we show the distributions of top 200 ranks pore) are located on the PageRank-CheiRank plane well of the PageRank-CheiRank plane (zoom of left panel of below the diagonal K = K∗ showing a significant trade Fig. 7). Among the top 30 positions of K∗ there are 8 advantages of these countries in product 72 comparing to products of USA, 6 of China, 3 of Germany and other Western countries (USA, Germany, France, UK). countries with less number of products. The top position Another product, shown in Fig. 6, is 03 Fish and fish atK∗ =1correspondstoproduct33ofRussiawhileSaudi preparations. According to the trade volume export rank- Arabia is only at K∗ = 12 for this product. The lists of ing the top three positions are attributed to China, Nor- all N =13847 network nodes with their K,K ,K∗ values 2 way,Thailand.However,fromCheiRankofproduct03we are available at [25]. findanotherorderwithThailand,USA,China.Thisresult stresses again the broadness and robustness of the trade connectionsofThailandandUSA.Asanotherexamplewe 4.3 Time evolution of ranking note a significant improvement of Spain CheiRank posi- tion showing its strong commercial relations for product ThetimeevolutionofindexesofproductsK ,K∗isshown p p 03. On the other side Russia has relatively good position in Fig. 9. To obtain these data we trace PageRank and inthetradevolumeexportof03productbutitsCheiRank CheiRank probabilities over countries and show the time index becomes worse due to absence of broad commercial evolution of rank indexes of products K ,K∗ for top 15 p p links for this product. rank products of year 2010. The product 33 Petroleum Theglobaltop20positionsofindexesK,K∗,K ,Kˆ,Kˆ∗ and petroleum products remains at the top CheiRank po- 2 are given in Table 3 for year 2008. We note a signif- sition K∗ = 1 for the whole period while in PageRank p icant improvement of positions of Singapore and India it shows significant variations from K = 1 to 4 being p 8 L.Ermann and D.L.Shepelyansky: Google matrix analysis of the multiproduct world trade network Fig. 9. Time evolution of PageRank K and CheiRank K∗ p p indexesforyears1962to2010forcertainproductsmarkedon the right panel side by their codes from Table 1. Top panels Fig. 8. Top 200 global PageRank-CheiRank indexes (K,K∗) show top 5 ranks of 2010, middle and bottom panels show distributions for year 2008. Each country (for different prod- ranks 6 to 10 and 11 to 15 for 2010 respectively. Colors of ucts) is represented by its flag. curvescorrespondtothecolorsofFig.5markingthefirstcode digit. at K = 4 at 1986 - 1999 when the petroleum had a low p price.Productswithfirstdigit7havehighranksofK but p especially strong variation is observed for K∗ of 72 Elec- p trical machinery moving from position 26 in 1962 to 4 in 2010.Amongotherindexeswithstrongvariationswenote 58 Plastic materials, 84 Clothing, 93 Special transact., 34 Gas, natural and manufactured. Thetimeevolutionofproducts33and72ontheglobal index plane (K,K∗) is shown in Fig. 10 for 6 countries from Fig. 7. Thus for product 72 we see a striking im- provementofK∗ forChinaandS.Koreathatisattheori- ginoftheglobalimportanceimprovementofK∗ inFig.9. p Fortheproduct33inFig.10Russiaimprovessignificantly its rank positions taking the top rank K∗ = 1 (see also Table 3). Fig. 10. Time evolution of ranking of two products 72 and ThevariationofglobalranksK,K∗withtimeisshown 33 for 6 countries of Fig. 7 shown on the global PageRank- CheiRankplane(K,K∗).Leftandrightpanelsshowthecases for 4 products and 10 countries in Fig. 11. For products of 72 Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances and 33 72,73onascaleof50yearsweseeaspectacularimprove- petroleum and petroleum products respectively. The evolution ment of K∗ for China, Japan, S.Korea. For the product in time starts in 1962 (marked by cross) and ends in 2010 33 we see strong improvement of K∗ for Russia in last 15 (marked by square). years.Itisinterestingtonotethatattheperiod1986-1992 ofcheappetroleum33USAtakesthetoppositionK∗ =1 with a significant increase of its corresponding K value. Wethinkthatthisisaresultofpoliticaldecisiontomake aneconomicalpressureonUSSRsincesuchanincreaseof ciency of trade network is also at the origin of significant export of cheap price petroleum is not justified from the improvementofPageRankandCheiRankpositionsofSin- economical view point. For the product 33 we also note gapore comparing to the trade volume ranking. Thus the a notable improvement of K∗ of India which is visible in development of trade connections of certain countries sig- CheiRank but not in ExportRank (see Table 3). We at- nificantly improves their Google rank positions. For the tribute this not to a large amount of trade volume but to product 03 we note the improvement of K∗ positions of a significant structural improvements of trade network of ChinaandArgentinawhileRussiashowsnoimprovements India in this product. We note that the strength and effi- in this product trade for this time period. L.Ermann and D.L.Shepelyansky: Google matrix analysis of the multiproduct world trade network 9 Fig. 12. PageRank-CheiRank correlators κ (11) from the p GPVM are shown as a function of the product index p with the corresponding symbol from Fig. 5. PageRank-CheiRank and ImportRank-ExportRank correlators are shown by solid and dashed lines respectively, where the global correlator κ (9) is shown in black, the correlator for countries κ(c) (12) is shown by red lines, the correlator for products κ(p) (12) is shownbybluelines.Hereproductnumberpiscountedinorder Fig. 11. Time evolution of global ranking of PageRank and ofappearanceinTable1.Thedataaregivenforyear2008with CheiRankindexesK,K∗ forselected10countriesand4prod- N =61,N =227,N =13847. p c ucts. Left and right panels show K and K∗ as a function of yearsforproducts:03Fishandfishpreparations;33Petroleum and petroleum products; 72, Electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances;and73Transport equipment (fromtoptobot- tom).Inallpanelstheranksareshowninlogarithmicscalefor 10givencountries:USA,SouthKorea,China,Russia,France, Brazil,GreatBritain,Japan,GermanyandArgentinamarked by curve colors. 4.4 Correlation properties of PageRank and CheiRank ThepropertiesofκcorrelatorofPageRankandCheiRank vectors for various networks are reported in [8,10]. There are directed networks with small or even slightly negative values of κ, e.g. Linux Kernel or Physical Review citation networks, or with κ∼4 for Wikipedia networks and even larger values κ≈116 for the Twitter network. The values of correlators defined by Eqs. (9)-(12) are showninFigs.12,13foratypicalyear2008.Fortheglobal Fig. 13. Product PageRank-CheiRank correlation matrix PageRank-CheiRank correlator we find κ ≈ 5.7 (9) while κp,p(cid:48) (10) for year 2008 with correlator values shown by color. forImport-Exportprobabilitiesthecorrespondingvalueis The code indexes p and p(cid:48) of all N =61 products are shown p significantly larger with κ≈33.7. Thus the trade volume onxandyaxesbytheircorrespondingfirstdigit(seeTable1). ranking with its symmetry in products gives an artificial increase of κ by a significant factor. A similar enhance- ment factor of Import-Export remains for correlators in uparticles,etc.and83Travelgoods,handbagsandsimilar products κ(p) and countries κ(c) from Eq. (12) while for articles that all are related with transportation of prod- PageRank-CheiRankweobtainamoderatecorrelatorval- ucts. ues around unity (see Fig. 12). The PageRank-CheiRank correlatorκ (11)forspecificproductshaverelativelylow p valueswithκ <1forpracticallyallproductswithp≤45 4.5 Spectrum and eigenstates of WTN Google matrix p (we remind that here p counts the products in the order of their appearance in the Table 1, it is different from Above we analyzed the properties of eigenstates of G and COMTRADE code number). G∗ atthelargesteigenvalueλ=1.However,intotalthere The correlation matrix of products κ (10) is shown are N eigenvalues and eigenstates. The results obtained pp(cid:48) in Fig. 13. This matrix is asymmetric and demonstrates for the Wikipedia network [26] demonstrated that eigen- theexistenceofrelativelyhighcorrelationsbetweenprod- states with large modulus of λ correspond to certain spe- ucts73Transportequipment,65Textileyarn,fabrics,made cific communities of the network. Thus it is interesting to 10 L.Ermann and D.L.Shepelyansky: Google matrix analysis of the multiproduct world trade network study the spectral properties of G for the multiproduct WTN. The spectra of G and G∗ are shown in Fig. 14 for year2008.ItisinterestingtonotethatforGthespectrum showssomesimilaritieswiththoseofWikipedia(seeFig.1 in [26]). At α=1 there are 12 and 7 degenerate eigenval- ues λ = 1 for G and G∗ respectively. Thus the spectral gap appears only for α < 1. The dependence of IPR ξ of eigenstates of G on Reλ is shown in Fig. 15. The results showthatξ (cid:28)N sothattheeigenstatesarewelllocalized on a certain group on nodes. Fig. 15. Inverseparticipationratio(IPR)ξ ofalleigenstates of G as a function of the real part of the corresponding eigen- valueλfromthespectrumofFig.14.Theeigenvaluesmarked by color circles are those from Fig. 14 Fig. 14. Spectrum of Google matrices G (left panel) and G∗ (right panel) represented in the complex plane of λ. The data are for year 2008 with α = 1, and N = 13847, N = 227, c N =61. Four eigenvalues marked by colored circles are used p for illustration of eigenstates in Figs. 15,16. The eigenstates ψ can be ordered by their decreas- i ingamplitude|ψ |givingtheeigenstateindexK withthe i i largest amplitude at K =1. The examples of four eigen- i states are shown in Fig. 16. We see that the amplitude is mainlylocalizedonafewtopnodesinagreementofsmall values of ξ ∼4 shown in Fig. 15. The top ten amplitudes of these four eigenstates are shown in Table 4 with cor- responding names of countries and products. We see that for a given eigenstate these top ten nodes correspond to one product clearly indicating strong links of trade be- tween certain countries. Thus for 06 Sugar we see strong Fig. 16. Eigenstate amplitudes |ψ | ordered by its own de- link between geographically close Mali and Guinea with i creasing amplitude order with index K for 4 different eigen- furtherlinkstoUSA,Germanyetc.Inasimilarwayfor56 i (cid:80) values of Fig. 14 (states are normalized as |ψ | = 1). Top Fertilizers there is a groups of Latin American countries i i panel shows two example of real eigenvalues with λ = 0.9548 Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay linked to Argentina, Uruguay and λ = 0.9345 while bottom panel shows two eigenval- etc. We see a similar situation for products 57 and 52. ues with large imaginary part with λ = 0.452+i0.775 and These results confirm the observation established in [26] λ=0.424+i0.467.Nodenames(country,product)fortopten forWikipediathattheeigenstateswithlargemodulusofλ largest amplitudes of these eigenvectors are shown in Table 4. select interesting specific network communities. We think that it would be interesting to investigate the properties of eigenstates in further studies. task to which we hope to return in our further investiga- tions. However, the knowledge of the global WTN struc- tureisanessentialbuildingblockofthistaskandwethink 4.6 Sensitivity to price variations that the presented results demonstrate that this block is available now. Above we established the global mathematical structure Using the knowledge of WTN structure, we illustrate ofmultiproductWTNandpresentedresultsonitsranking herethatitallowstoobtainnontrivialresultsonsensitiv- andspectralproperties.Suchrankingpropertiesbringnew itytopricevariationsforcertainproducts.Weconsideras interesting and important information about the WTN. an example year 2008 and assume that the price of prod- However, from the view point of economy it is more im- uct 33 Petroleum and petroleum products is increased by portant to analyze the effects of crisis contamination and a relative fraction δ going from its unit value 1 to 1+δ price variations. Such an analysis represents a complex (or δ = δ ). Then we compute the derivatives of proba- 33

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