GGoooodd mmoorrnniinngg aanndd wweellccoommee!! MMyy ttaallkk oonn IImmaaggee QQuuaalliittyy will be pretty basic. Please forgive some repetition for those of you here last year. (hand out questionnaires). 1 WWee’llll ddiissccuussss aa ffeeww ssttaattiicc,, ddyynnaammiicc aanndd sstteerreeoo ffaaccttoorrss,, with one stretch midway through. I am no simulator expert. I have never been to an IMAGE conference or Simulation school. 2 MMyy pphhiilloossoopphhyy iiss ddeeaadd ssiimmppllee – tthhee cclloosseerr oouurr iimmaaggeess approach our perception in the real world, the better the image quality. But don’t take my word for it – test it yourself in your work. So let’s do a little 5 min puzzle experiment to get you warmed up. (Cone experiment – wwhhiittee bbooaarrdd – wwiitthh vvootteess)) 3 OOnnee iiddeeaa II hhooppee yyoouu rreemmeemmbbeerr iiss tthhaatt MMTTFF iiss mmoorree important than Brightness. MTF stands for Modulation Transfer Function, but basically you can think of it simply as resolution to start. What other static metrics are important for Image Quality? 4 HHeerree aarree aa ffeeww.. IIff wwee llooookk aatt aa GGrraayy ssccaallee wwee ccaann rreeaadd the differing brightness of each step from a screen and of course we do care about that luminance. Obviously higher MTF allows us to see finer detail just as higher bit depths and adequate gamma gives us finer colour rreessoolluuttiioonn. WWee nneeeedd eennoouugghh ccoonnttrraasstt ttoo sseeee oobbjjeeccttss ooff interest clearly. We need a wide enough colour gamut to represent our scene. We want images to have sufficient uniformity in brightness and colour to not distract us too much across channels. And we care about image rreeggiissttrraattiioonn iissssuueess lliikkee oobbjjeecctt aalliiggnnmmeenntt aaccrroossss bblleennddss. 5 IInn oouurr CChhrriissttiiee EEGGGG tthhee hhoorriizzoonn iiss tthhee ggrreeeenn lliinnee aanndd tthhee vertical is straight ahead. Each of the red grids is 5 degrees. We don’t want edges to look broken, but instead reasonably smooth, continuous and straight. Geometric accuracy is important for good training. And mmaannyy ttaasskkss rreeqquuiirree aaddeeqquuaattee FFiieelldd ooff VViieeww vveerrttiiccaallllyy aanndd horizontally from the DEP (Design Eye Point). For all simulators we care about Blend zone visibility and colour convergence. If we need Night training we care about how Black and IR light is displayed, and hence need very llooww aammbbiieenntt lliigghhtt. 6 FFoorr hhiigghh qquuaalliittyy iimmaaggeess wwee ddoonn’tt wwaanntt ttoooo mmaannyy blemishes, dead pixels, reflections or glare, and we care about pixel aspect ratio and shape. The light source peaks and valleys in the spectrum may affect how natural scenes look compared to noon sunlight or bluish dusk. FFoorr eexxaammppllee XXeennoonn mmaayy bbee eeaassiieerr ttoo ccoolloouurr mmaattcchh tthhaann mercury or metal halide lamps. Some but not all people care about how warm or cold the white point is. This can be useful for choosing which projectors are adjacent. 7 WWhhoollee bbooookkss hhaavvee bbeeeenn wwrriitttteenn oonn hhooww ttoo mmeeaassuurree these static parameters . But a few tools we recommend for measuring Simulators are a laser total station, a colour meter, a luminance spotmeter, digital camera and laptop with test pattern programs like DisplayMate or ssiimmiillaarr. FFiirrsstt lleett’ss jjuusstt tthhiinnkk aabboouutt hhooww wwee sseeee. 8 WWiitthh rreeaalliittyy aass tthhee uullttiimmaattee mmooddeell oorr ggooaall,, tthhiinnkk aabboouutt wwhhaatt aa young pilot might see looking out a window – simply observing….what does she see? Obviously both her eyes and her brain are the main influences... II aamm ssuurree yyoouu kknnooww tthhee bbaassiicc ssttrruuccttuurree aanndd ccoommppoonneennttss - iitt’ss about 25mm diameter and filled with 2 fluids of refractive index 1.336. The cornea and bi-convex lens with focal length around 20mm focus the light on her retina. Her lens changes shape to focus between infinity and around 100mm to accommodate ffooccuuss oonn hheerr ffoovveeaa. HHeerr iirriiss eexxppaannddss aanndd sshhrriinnkkss ffrroomm aarroouunndd 1-8mm to regulate light.