GOLDEN ARROW PATROL LEADER TRAINING FIRSTEDITION 1960 Published by THE CANADIAN GENERAL COUNCIL OF THE BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION, OTTAWA Canadian Sea Scouts Homeport page 1 CONTENTS Page Introduction.................................................................1 Part I — Patrol Leadership..........................................6 Part II — Patrol Meetings.........................................14 Part III — The Court of Honour................................24 Part IV — Hiking......................................................32 Part V — Camping....................................................40 Guide to Help Assess Golden Arrow........................48 Further Suggested Reading.......................................51 Canadian Sea Scouts Homeport page 2 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE This Golden Arrow training book is written directly to you, the Scoutmaster. Its purpose is to provide a guide which you may use to train your Patrol Leaders, irrespective of their individual experiences or the experience of the Troop. ROLE OF THE SCOUTMASTER In the Patrol System the Scoutmaster’s most important role in the Troop is training Patrol Leaders. This training establishes the operational standards of Patrols, the Court of Honour, and consequently the quality of the Scouting enjoyed by every boy in the Troop. CONDITIONS Patrol Leaders and Seconds must have been appointed as recommended in The Troop Scouters Handbook p. 37. They must be aware of the requirements for the Golden Arrow. ARROW PATROL For training experiences, the Patrol Leaders (and possibly Patrol Seconds) will form a Patrol with you as their Patrol Leader. This Patrol is called the Arrow Patrol. Thus you train your Patrol Leaders in a similar setting to that in which they will train their Patrols. In this way, they not only learn skills, but how to instruct in them and how to conduct Patrol meetings. CONDUCT OF TRAINING The most important thing to understand is that the training and developing of Patrol Leaders is a continuing process and not the result of a formal training course. The training given to a Patrol Leader must be adapted: (i) to his age, personality and experience in Scouting; (ii) to the standing and experience of the Troop; (iii) to the activities in which the Troop is currently participating. For this reason there is no set syllabus but an indication of the guidance the Scout needs from you to help him perform his duties as a Patrol Leader. His training must begin as soon as he is elected and must fit in with the current activities of the Troop. It is expected that a Patrol Leader or Second should be able to fulfil the requirements for the Golden Arrow within six months of being elected. The notes in this booklet should be adapted to suit the circumstances, be expressed in your own words and spiced with examples and personal anecdotes. DO NOT READ THESE NOTES TO YOUR PATROL LEADERS. While it may be necessary to conduct yarns on some of the subjects, do not attempt to cover too much at any one time. Probably the best learning results when discussion arises natur- ally from an incident or question. For example, a Patrol Leader bothered with lack of Canadian Sea Scouts Homeport page 3 discipline may ask at a Court of Honour meeting what action he should take. This would provide an excellent opportunity to cover this aspect of Patrol Leader training and discussion should be encouraged so that all may contribute their thoughts and experiences. A great deal will also be learned incidentally through participation in the normal training programme of the Arrow Patrol. Patrol Leaders receive training and guidance through three main avenues. 1. The Court of Honour. While Court of Honour meetings have their own specific purpose in the Troop, a Patrol Leader will learn a great deal about his responsibilities, understanding human nature and developing a sense of values, through the discussions which take place. When you attend meetings of the Court of Honour, you will seize opportunities as they occur, to provide learning experiences, but beware of preaching or of abusing your privilege. 2. The Arrow Patrol. The meetings of the Arrow Patrol will provide opportunities for the members to learn and develop new skills, to progress with their personal advancement, to prepare for forthcoming activities and to learn by personal experience and from example, how to resolve some of the problems of leadership. 3. Personal attention. Much of the guidance a Patrol Leader will receive will be through discussion with you and it is important to realize that the possibilities of developing his potential as a leader will be realized only if his education is the result of mutual learning. Assistant Scoutmasters and others may be enlisted to assist when necessary, but the responsibility and the lead must always remain with you. TRUST Patrol Leader is a position of responsibility. Each boy has his own capacity which should develop as he grows — the responsibility entrusted to him must remain a challenge but not go beyond his capacity. Patrol Leaders will make mistakes but, properly handled, they can be valuable learning experiences. Help him to profit by his mistakes, avoid criticism of him in front of his Patrol and don’t assume his responsibility for him unless absolutely necessary. Demonstrate faith in each Patrol Leader and his Patrol by trusting him to do the job for which they have elected him. NOTES TO SCOUTMASTER Throughout the book there appear “special notes” to Scoutmasters which require extra emphasis in putting across this course. As these notes relate to the subject being treated, they have been left in the body of the book, but they have been separated with a heading and indented from the regular type. Canadian Sea Scouts Homeport page 4 Canadian Sea Scouts Homeport page 5 GOLDEN ARROW REQUIREMENTS In order to qualify to wear the Golden Arrow, a Patrol Leader or Second must: 1. Have received instructions from his Scoutmaster in all essential aspects of Patrol Leadership, mentioned in the Golden Arrow Patrol Leaders’ Training Booklet. 2. Have satisfactorily participated in a Patrol Leaders’ training hike as outlined in the Golden Arrow Patrol Leaders’ Training Booklet. 3. Have satisfactorily participated in a Patrol Leaders’ training camp as outlined in the Golden Arrow Patrol Leaders’ Training Booklet. 4. Have knowledge and ability above the general standard of his Patrol in any three Scouting skills and demonstrate his ability to instruct in these subjects. 5. Satisfy his Scoutmaster that Patrol meetings of not less than thirty minutes each are being held regularly, to the benefit of the Patrol. 6. Satisfy his Scoutmaster that he has led his Patrol in camp for at least a period of twenty-four hours, to the benefit of the Patrol. 7. Be recommended for the Patrol Leader Golden Arrow Badge by the Court of Honour and his Scoutmaster. The Golden Arrow Badge is worn on the flap of the left pocket. The Golden Arrow is available to Patrol Leaders and Patrol Seconds only. Canadian Sea Scouts Homeport page 6 PART I. PATROL LEADERSHIP “The best progress is made in those Troops when power and responsibility are really put into the hands of the Patrol Leaders.” Baden-Powell. BEING A LEADER Patrol Leaders are the key personnel in Troops. Leadership is the ability to attract a following, to deserve support and to inspire confidence in ability to make right decisions. The Patrol Leader, elected by his Patrol, has already fulfilled the first condition. The Patrol has demonstrated that he is the one it is most prepared to follow, which would seem to indicate that he has some inherent leadership ability. The fact that he has been elected is an encouragement and a challenge to him to do his best. Having gained a following, he must now maintain it. It is your job to strengthen his natural ability and to help confirm him in his position. This is much easier to achieve by “doing” than by “talking” and the first step is recognition. He is the leader of a Patrol, he speaks for them — they take their lead from him. NOTES TO SCOUTMASTER Be sure that his position is respected and nothing is done to undermine his authority. Pass instructions for the Patrol through him — avoid embarrassing him in front of his Patrol. To deserve support he has to work harder than any of those serving under him. This does not mean that he has to do all the jobs, but rather that he has to work harder than anyone else to help to make his Patrol the best and to see that every member has equal opportunity for advancement, fun and adventure. His ability to make right decisions will grow with experience, knowing his Patrol and obtaining their views. Canadian Sea Scouts Homeport page 7 Canadian Sea Scouts Homeport page 8 effort. The choice of jobs will be decided by the Patrol-in-Council — each member stating which he alone is responsible. It must be a job of value to the Patrol and call for regular important to that Patrol. One way to achieve this is to see that each member has a job for It is important that every member of a Patrol feel that, in some way or another, he is PATROL ORGANIZATION Your ability to lead will be reflected in your Patrol Leaders. improve. reasons for their behaviour and to decide what approaches might be taken to help them him to discuss the values of each boy with you in private. Help him to understand the Patrol Leader may be helped to understand the members of his Patrol by encouraging those things which need attention and what he may do to improve them. Similarly, a from time to time, praising those things at which he is good and trying to point out A great deal can be done to help a Patrol Leader by discussing his ability with him N O T E S T O S C O U T M A S T E R — must at all times do his best — especially in trying to keep the Scout Promise. himself through his Patrol and to subdue those habits which they find annoying. — tries hard to control his emotions, especially his temper. He must try to discover — stands by his Patrol through fair or foul, collectively or individually. not prepared to back up. inconvenient. Consequently, it is important that he not promise anything which he is must do everything within his power to keep that promise, even though it may be — must keep his word. If he promises something, whether it be favour or threat, he — must be fair and not play favourites. important what it is, so long as it is known and valued by the other members. — must be able to do some things better than anyone else in the Patrol. It is not too — is not bossy. He does not go around complaining but cheerfully tries to encourage. cannot. Once his bluff is found out respect and trust fade. — does not try to bluff his followers by pretending he can do things he knows he — delegates authority to those best suited to assume it for any specific occasion. accordingly. to accept their views but he will be guided by them and may adjust his own decisions — will always discuss plans with his Patrol and listen to their counsel. He does not have The wise leader: Canadian Sea Scouts Homeport page 9 creation of group interest. If boys are interested, they will want to participate and achieve Perhaps the most essential requirement for the maintenance of good discipline is the PATROL DISCIPLINE the Law has particular implications here. There is no substitute for doing things together to build Patrol spirit, and the second part of will do much to build Patrol spirit and to develop Patrol history and tradition. foul. The Patrol slogan, yell or song, especially one developed as the result of an incident, membership in the Patrol and the Patrol flag becomes a banner to follow through fair and they can discover a common bond. Patrol colours become a symbol of ownership and their Patrol name, they should change to one which has more meaning to them and in which spirit, but they must have real meaning to the boys in the Patrol. If they are not interested in Such things as Patrol name, Patrol colours and Patrol call are aids towards developing Patrol together. quality that must be developed by the members of the team in the course of working — esprit de corps — is Patrol spirit is that intangible quality which unites a team. It a PATROL SPIRIT delegate some specific responsibilities to his Second. his Second is in complete charge. The Patrol Leader, by mutual arrangement, should also Patrol on occasions and it must certainly be understood that in the Patrol Leader’s absence each other’s efforts. The Patrol Leader must provide opportunities for his Second to lead the Patrol. The Patrol Leader and Patrol Second must work closely together and complement about Patrol plans and get his reaction to ideas, possibly before they are placed before the the full confidence of the Patrol Leader. The Patrol Leader will consult with his Second The Patrol Second is in a special category. He is the assistant Patrol Leader and should have Pioneer. advice and when a decision has been reached, he may well turn the operation over to the decide how it is to set about the job. The Patrol Leader will depend on the Patrol Pioneer for Patrol finds it has to build a bridge across a gully, the Patrol will have a Patrol-in-Council to will delegate leadership to other boys for certain activities. For example, if on a journey the specialists in certain fields. The wise Patrol Leader will be aware of this and on occasions Under this system, it is often found that boys develop definite preferences and become or the one to whom the Patrol Leader delegates the preparation of menus for camp. the Patrol Cook. The Patrol Cook may be the instructor on Second and First Class cooking, the Patrol goes to camp. Each boy will take his turn at cooking but may seek advice from is not his exclusive privilege. For instance, the Patrol Cook does not cook every meal when the individual. It should also be understood that while a job may be a boy’s responsibility, it his life in the Patrol. Jobs may be changed or rotated at any intervals that suit the Patrol and responsibility. However, the appointment to any job is not binding on a boy for the rest of his personal preferences. In some instances, some boys may have more than one their objective. Interest can be more easily achieved in the Patrol if all members participate in planning (see Patrol-in-Council). Before this can be effected, the Patrol Leader must understand that he is a leader and not a driver or dictator. There is an obvious tendency for Scouts elected as Patrol Leaders to feel they are “the boss” — but boys soon get tired of being bossed around. Most boys respond to reason and will follow a positive lead if wisdom dictates its necessity or if it represents the wishes of the majority. A weak lead by a hesitant Patrol Leader who can’t make up his mind is likely to cause internal conflict, a falling off in morale and eventually the complete breakdown of Patrol discipline. The Patrol Leader must see that there is a fair division of work and pleasure within the Patrol and that everyone gets his share of chores. When a Patrol Leader delegates authority to a member of his Patrol, he should leave him alone to get on with the job and not interfere with the way it is being done. If more speed or effort is required, it should be suggested by way of encouragement and not by needling or grumbling. This is sometimes a very difficult lesson to learn, especially as boys seldom do a job in exactly the same way. Although a job may be delegated, the responsibility for it still rests with the Patrol Leader, just as a Captain is always responsible for his ship, no matter who is on the bridge. When delegating authority, the Patrol Leader should be reasonably sure that the person delegated is competent to fulfil the task requested of him and that instructions for carrying it out are clear. NOTES TO SCOUTMASTER it is particularly important to impress Patrol Leaders with the need to think out instructions clearly and methodically before issuing them. Lack of clear direction causes mistakes and creates confusion. Scouts are still boys learning self-control and they must be expected to kick over the traces occasionally. It is very important for a Patrol Leader to understand that encouragement is often much more effective than punishment, when dealing with someone who has been disobedient. He should always ask himself how much of an effort the culprit is making to “do his best”. When a boy is continually disobedient, or causing trouble in the Patrol, try to find the cause. Where it is necessary for a Patrol Leader to discipline a member of his Patrol, the punishment preferably should take the form of loss of privilege. Avoid physical punishment and delegation to do additional chores. Occasionally, feeling may run high between two boys and develop into a fight. In such a situation, provided the boys are fairly matched, it may be best to let them fight it out in a supervised wrestling or boxing match. If the pair are not fairly matched, then some other contest may be devised. While this may release tension, it may not solve the problem which caused the fight in the first place — and this must be resolved if further outbursts are to be avoided. Do not allow bullying or display of spite. The Patrol Leader must be prepared to follow through with any disciplinary action he has threatened if necessary. He must be careful, therefore, not to threaten anything he might not wish or be able to carry out. Canadian Sea Scouts Homeport page 10