Description:The most important thing we can take from the Old Testament is knowledge of God and His plan. God is holy. When humans sin, God's holy justice and holy jealousy demand that He punish that sin. He disciplines, like a parent punishing a disobedient child, but always patiently and always for the purpose of restoration.The Old Testament provided ways for the sinner to be forgiven, instructed His people how to create a society where sin's social effects could be minimized, and initiated a plan to solve the sin problem finally and forever.
the Old Testament reveals God's love. He created this world and populated it with people because He loves us. When humanity turned against God, He sought for reconciliation.God is complex and hard to understand.The Old Testament also describes God's plan to reconcile the world to himself and restore the harmony that once existed.God sought to restore the fellowship. God revealed His presence through things (like the ark of the covenant and the temple), and through people (like prophets, priests, and kings). God is with us. This is what we celebrate at Christmas: God coming, in Christ, to be with us.When God finally and completely reconciles humanity to himself, we will relate to each other in the harmony and fellowship that Proverbs celebrates as the ideal.