Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 134 Charles Mockett Werner Haase Dieter Schwamborn Editors Go4Hybrid: Grey Area Mitigation for Hybrid RANS-LES Methods Results of the 7th Framework Research Project Go4Hybrid, Funded by the European Union, 2013–2015 European Commission Research Directorate General Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design Volume 134 Series editors Wolfgang Schröder, Lehrstuhl für Strömungslehre und Aerodynamisches Institut, Aachen, Germany e-mail: offi[email protected] BendiksJanBoersma,DelftUniversityofTechnology,CADelft,TheNetherlands e-mail: [email protected] Kozo Fujii, The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Kanagawa, Japan e-mail: Werner Haase, Neubiberg, Germany e-mail: [email protected] Ernst Heinrich Hirschel, Zorneding, Germany e-mail: [email protected] Michael A. Leschziner, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, London, UK e-mail: [email protected] Jacques Periaux, Paris, France e-mail: [email protected] Sergio Pirozzoli, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Roma, Italy e-mail: [email protected] Arthur Rizzi, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden e-mail: [email protected] Bernard Roux, Technopole de Chateau-Gombert, Marseille Cedex, France e-mail: [email protected] Yurii I. Shokin, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia e-mail: [email protected] About this Series NotesonNumericalFluidMechanicsandMultidisciplinaryDesignpublishesstate- of-art methods (including high performance methods) for numerical fluid mechanics, numerical simulation and multidisciplinary design optimization. The series includes proceedings of specialized conferences and workshops, as well as elevant project reports and monographs. More information about this series at Charles Mockett Werner Haase (cid:129) Dieter Schwamborn Editors Go4Hybrid: Grey Area Mitigation for Hybrid RANS-LES Methods Results of the 7th Framework Research Project Go4Hybrid, Funded by the European – Union, 2013 2015 123 Editors CharlesMockett DieterSchwamborn CFDSoftware E+F GmbH DeutschesZentrumfürLuft-undRaumfahrt Berlin e.V.(DLR) Germany Institut für Aerodynamik und Strömungstechnik WernerHaase Göttingen, Niedersachsen Aeronautics Consultants Germany Neubiberg Germany ISSN 1612-2909 ISSN 1860-0824 (electronic) NotesonNumerical Fluid MechanicsandMultidisciplinary Design ISBN978-3-319-52994-3 ISBN978-3-319-52995-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-52995-0 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2017935819 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingAG2018 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. 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Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Foreword It is observed in many technical applications that RANS models show inherent technology limitations for certain types of flows (for example, flows with large/massive separation, flows with strong mixing zones, flows with strong interactionsofdifferent flowsfeatures).Forthisreason,there isacontinuousdrive within the turbulence community to augment RANS models with Scale-Resolving Simulation (SRS) capabilities. Motivated by the high cost of conventional Large EddySimulation(LES)andWallModeledLES(WMLES)forwallboundarylayer simulations, hybrid RANS-LES models have been developed over the past two decades. From the numerous different hybrid approaches, the Go4Hybrid project was mainly centered around models of the DES family (Spalart 2009), which are the most prominently used hybrid RANS-LES models in industrial simulations today. The original goal in the development of hybrid models was the formulation of methodswhereall(!)attachedandmildlyseparatedboundarylayersarecoveredin RANS-modeandwhereonlydetachedregionsaretreatedbyLES.Agoodexample isanaircraftwiththelandinggearextracted,whereonlythehighlyunstablemixing zonebehindthelandinggearwouldbecoveredbyLESwhereasallboundarylayers around the aircraft are covered by RANS. Even this seemingly simple goal poses significant challenges. The first one isthe ‘shielding’ ofthe RANS boundary layer against any unwanted influences from the LES formulation. In the original DES formulation, this aspect was only partly achieved. This resulted in highly prob- lematic effects on the solution, especially Grid Induced Separation (GIS) (Menter and Kuntz 2003). GIS appeared as a result of the reduction of the eddy-viscosity inside the RANS boundary layers due to the impact of the grid-dependent LES modelformulation.Especiallyingeneralindustrialflowsimulations,safeshielding is a major requirement for a reliable model. Improved shielding has subsequently beenachievedthroughaddingshielingfunctionsasproposedbyMenterandKuntz (2003), finally resulting in Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation (DDES) (Spalart et al. 2006; Gritskevich et al. 2012). But even with DDES, the shielding is not perfectandcanbebrokenunderpracticalconditionsandcarehastobeexercisedby theuser.WhilemanystudiesfocusontheLESsideofhybridRANS-LESmodels, v vi Foreword the importance of maintaining the integrity of attached RANS boundary layers cannot be over-stressed. Experience over the last decades has shown that most industrial users cannot reliably adhere to complex grid generation requirements related to this issue, partly due to a lack of understanding of the details of the methods,partlyduetoalackofsupportfromthemeshingtools,butmostlydueto the shear complexity of the geometry of their application. When dealing with hybrid RANS-LES methods, one is therefore well advised to consider their ability of shielding the boundary layers from unwanted LES influences. Several model formulations within this book address this issue as a central point of their design. The second critical aspect with respect to global hybrid models (meaning the user selects one model formulation for the entire domain and the model itself determines where to act in RANS and where in LES mode) is the fidelity with whichtheyswitchfromRANStoLESmode.‘Switching’doesnotonlymean that the model formulation changes, but that there is a sufficiently rapid appearance of unsteady resolved turbulence structures in the ‘transitional’ zone between RANS andLES.Inglobalhybridmodels,this‘transition’istriggeredbyaninstability.The speedwithwhichresolvedturbulencestructuresappeardependsbothonthetypeof flowandonthemodelformulation.Forhighlyunstableflows,e.g.flowspastbluff bodies,allmodelstendtoswitchswiftlyfromRANStoLESmode.However,many more technical flows are dominated by Separating Shear Layers (SSL). The most prominent example is a backward facing step flow, where the attached boundary layerupstreamofthesteptransitionsintoafreemixinglayerpastthestep.TheSSL does not push the flow very hard into LES mode and the fidelity with which this transfer happens depends strongly on the details of the model formulation (as well asonmeshingandnumericsdetails).TheoriginalDES/DDESmodelfamilyshows a fairly slow RANS-LES transition, due to the relatively high LES eddy-viscosity levels under such conditions. It is interesting to note that this deficiency is linked closely with the desire of achieving reliable shielding of the attached RANS boundary layers. So, to a certain degree, there is a balance between shielding and rapid RANS-LES transition. When using global hybrid models, one should also never forget that the ‘RANS-LES’ transition is an inherently unphysical process. In the real world, the upstream turbulent boundary layer already injects ‘resolved’ turbulence into SSL thereby suppressing the 2D-transitional process observed in global hybrid models. The optimization of global hybrid models reduces the extent of this unphysical ‘transition’ zone. However, there are scenarios where the flow instability is not strongenoughtopushthesimulationfromRANStoLESevenwithoptimalmodel formulations. In such cases, zonal methods need to be developed, where the user selects the RANS and LES zones during pre-processing. More importantly, algo- rithms are employed at the RANS-LES interfaces to convert modeled turbulence intoresolvedturbulence.Thisistypicallyachievedthroughsyntheticallygenerated turbulence based on the upstream RANS solution. This is a much more complex technology, both from the formulation of the methods themselves as well as with regards to the user interaction required. Foreword vii The Go4Hybrid project has addressed all of the above issues by different degrees. The main focus was devoted to global hybrid RANS-LES methods and this is also the area, where the most substantial progress has been achieved. However, numerous interesting aspects of zonal methods have been investigated and those findings will contribute in the longer term to improved model formula- tions for industrial CFD simulations. As an observer and reviewer to the project, I enjoyed being part of this very activeandcooperativegroup.Manyusefuldiscussionstookplaceduringtheproject andmuchusefulworkhasbeenconductedintherelativelyshortprojecttimeframe. The project was managed in a very goal-oriented manner and a good balance between model advancement and solidification of findings through proof-of-concept experiments was achieved. Finally, complex test cases demon- strated that some of the more mature methods are ready for industrial use. To me, as an active turbulence modeler, the findings of the Go4Hybrid project go beyond just a number of ready-to-use new model formulations, but offer a substantial wealth of inspiring ideas and new modeling elements on the subject. Iamconvincedthatevery readerinterestedinthistopicwillsimilarly benefitfrom the book at hand. Florian Menter Senior Fellow, ANSYS Germany GmbH Preface Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is nowadays applied extensively in all aerodynamics-basedtopicsofaircraftdesign,developmentandoptimization.Since standardCFDapproachesstilllackaccuracyinareasofhighlynonlinear,unsteady flows close to the borders of the flight envelope, the aeronautical industry is increasingly willing to apply more costly scale-resolving methods, if such are able to provide a real predictive alternative for critical situations. While Large Eddy Simulation(LES)maybeaviableoptionincertainareas,itisstillfartoocostly—if notimpossible—toapplyittohighReynoldsnumberflowsaboutevenmoderately complexconfigurations.Thus,thefamilyofHybridRANS-LESMethods(HRLM) currently appears to be the best candidate for the next generation of CFD methods to increase solution fidelity at an industrially feasible expense. HRLM have been proven to perform considerably better than conventional Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS or URANS) approaches in situations with strong flow separation, but they are less effective once they have to deal with weakly unstable1 flows, e.g. thin separation regions or shear layers in general. In such cases, resolved structures develop only very slowly, resulting in areas where thetotalamountofturbulence(bothinmodeledandresolvedterms)isunphysically low.Theseso-called“GreyAreas”oftenleadtoresultsthatareworsethanthoseof RANS simulations. Unfortunately, such grey area situations appear in many of the flows important close to the borders of the flight envelope, e.g. near maximum lift. Accordingly, thereisastrongnecessitytomitigatethegreyareainordertoprovidetheindustry with Hybrid RANS-LES approaches that are trustworthy for relevant flow situa- tions. Precisely this was the primary objective of the Go4Hybrid project, which focusedontwomainaspects:toprovideviableextensionstoHRLMmitigatingthe grey area problem in non-zonal approaches and to improve embedded methods, such that they are applicable to arbitrarily complex geometries. 1Note,thatunstablerefersheretoaneasyswitchingfromanunresolvedtoaresolvedmodelingof turbulence. ix x Preface The improvements derived in the course of the project have been assessed againstbothfundamentalandmorecomplextestcasesandthustheeditorssincerely hopethatthisbookprovidesahelpfulcompendiumforthereaderinterestedinthis kind of method and grey area mitigation in particular. In this respect also the CommonAssessmentPlatform—toourknowledgeanewideaintheframeworkof European projects—may provide interesting insight into the behavior of the dif- ferent approaches. The whole outcome of the Go4Hybrid project described in this book and the goals achieved showcase the excellent cooperation between the partners involved. Theircollaboration—fosteredbythefinancialsupportoftheEuropeanUnion–has not only benefitted the organizations involved, but will also lead to a wide dis- semination of the knowledge acquired both through education of students and the closelinkstotheindustry.Thelatterareparticularlyreflectedinthelonglistoften Industrial Observers and two Associate Partners of Go4Hybrid. This volume compiles all technical work and achievements obtained in the Go4Hybrid project, starting with an overview of the project in Part I “The Go4HybridProject”,followedbethepresentationoftheapproachesusedinPartII “PresentationofApproaches”.InPartIII“ResultsforFundamentalTestCases”and Part IV “Results for Complex Test Cases” all relevant results are presented and discussed. An activity was set up within Go4Hybrid referred to as the “Common Assessment Platform” (CAP) with the goal to implement and assess the most promising partner methods developed in the project using a common CFD code. The major findings of this endeavor can be found in Part V “The Common Assessment Platform”. Last but not least, Part VI contains the “Conclusions” drawn. All references (used in the different parts and chapters) can be found at the end of the book. ThanksandcongratulationsareduetotheGo4Hybridpartners,whoseexpertise and open collaboration made the project both clearly successful as well as highly enjoyable. Special thanks are also due to the Associate Partners and Industrial Observers,someofwhomcontributedactivelytolivelydiscussionsinthemeetings as well as to the final workshop. AdditionalthanksareduetoD.Knörzer,theEuropeanCommission’sScientific Officertotheproject, whowas always verysupportiveoftheprojectandprovided every help necessary. Lastbutnotleast,theeditorsofthisbookwouldliketoexpresstheirgratitudeto W. Schröder, the General Editor of the Springer series ‘Notes on Numerical Fluid MechanicsandMultidisciplinaryDesign’,aswellastoA.Feldhusen-Hoffmannfor their help and editorial advice, and of course to the Springer team around L. di Cecco. Berlin, Germany Charles Mockett München, Germany Werner Haase Göttingen, Germany Dieter Schwamborn November 2016