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AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier 32JamestownRoad,LondonNW17BY,UK Radarweg29,POBox211,1000AEAmsterdam,TheNetherlands LinacreHouse,JordanHill,OxfordOX28DP,UK 30 CorporateDrive,Suite400,Burlington,MA01803,USA 525BStreet,Suite1900,SanDiego,CA92101-4495,USA Firstedition2009 Copyright#2009ElsevierInc. Allrightsreserved Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem ortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeanselectronic,mechanical,photocopying, recordingorotherwisewithoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher PermissionsmaybesoughtdirectlyfromElsevier’sScience&TechnologyRights DepartmentinOxford,UK:phone(+44)(0)1865843830;fax(+44)(0)1865853333; email:permissions@elsevier.com.Alternativelyyoucansubmityourrequestonline byvisitingtheElsevierwebsiteathttp://elsevier.com/locate/permissions,andselecting ObtainingpermissiontouseElseviermaterial Notice Noresponsibilityisassumedbythepublisherforanyinjuryand/ordamagetopersons orpropertyasamatterofproductsliability,negligenceorotherwise,orfromanyuse oroperationofanymethods,products,instructionsorideascontainedinthematerial herein.Becauseofrapidadvancesinthemedicalsciences,inparticular,independent verificationofdiagnosesanddrugdosagesshouldbemade ISBN:978-0-12-374963-5 ISSN:1874-6047 ForinformationonallAcademicPresspublications visitourwebsiteatelsevierdirect.com PrintedandboundinUSA 09 10 11 12 13 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface Thisvolumeisthethirdpublicationinthisseriesdealingwithposttrans- lational modification of proteins. Volume 21 dealt with protein lipidation, specifically protein prenylation, S-acylation, and N-myristoylation, while the topic of volume 24 was protein methyltransferases. The topic of this volume is ‘‘Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring of cell surface proteins.’’GPIanchorsareglycolipidscomposedofaphosphatidylinositol whose headgroup is extended by a glucosamine and mannose-containing glycan bearing one or more phosphoethanolamine moieties. The distal phosphoethanolamine links the GPI structure to the C-terminal amino acid of a mature protein via an amide bond. The GPI’s hydrophobic lipid moiety serves to anchor the protein to the membrane. GPI-anchored pro- teins exhibit a variety of functions. They play critical roles in receptor- mediated signal transduction pathways. They are markers of specialized plasmamembranedomainsandareimportantinapicalproteinpositioning andincellwallconstructioninfungi. WestartwithanoverviewofGPIbiosynthesisinChapter1.Chapters2–8 discussdetailsofthestepsinvolvedinthisseriesofbiosynthesisreactions. Enzymes, substrates, and enzymatic mechanisms involved in these reac- tionsarediscussed.Chapter9hasspecialemphasisontheGPIsofprotozoa. Chapters10and11discusschemicalsynthesisofGPIanchorsandtheiruse in vaccine development. Chapter12 dealswith chemical inhibitors of GPI biosynthesis. Chapters 13–15 discuss aspects of the cell biology of GPI- anchored proteins, including their transport, polarized sorting, and their involvementincellwallsynthesis.Finally,Chapter16discusseshemostatic andneurologicalproblemsduetoGPIdeficiency. Theideaforthisvolumewasconceivedatthe2006FASEBmeetingon Protein Lipidation, Signaling, and Membrane Domains in Indian Wells, California, where we had a long discussion about the content. We would like to thank the contributors for preparing their chapters in a timely xi xii PREFACE fashion. We also thank Lisa Tickner for her expert help in organizing the publication. We are also grateful to Gloria Lee who helped edit chapters atUCLA. FuyuhikoTamanoi AnantK.Menon TarohKinoshita PeterOrlean May11,2009 1 Overview of GPI Biosynthesis TAROHKINOSHITA (cid:1) MORIHISAFUJITA ResearchInstituteforMicrobialDiseases OsakaUniversity 3-1Yamada-okaSuita 565-0871Osaka Japan I. Abstract Glycosylphosphatidylinositol(GPI)anchorisaformofposttranslational modification of many cell surface proteins common to all phyla of eukar- yotes. GPI acts to anchor proteins on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. The lipid part is either phosphatidylinositol (PI) or inositol phosphoceramide. Due to saturated fatty chains in the lipid part of GPI, GPI-anchoredproteins(GPI-APs)aremainlypresentinmembranemicro- domains of mammalian and yeast plasma membranes. The glycan part consists of a conserved core backbone and variable side branches. Some of the functions of the glycan part have been characterized in yeast and protozoanparasitetrypanosome,whiletheyarelargelyunclearinmamma- liancells.Thecorebackbonestructure,EtNP-6Mana1–2Mana1–6Mana1– 4GlcNa1–6myoInositol-phospholipid (where EtNP is ethanolamine phos- phate; Man is mannose; and GlcN is glucosamine), is common to all of them. The terminal EtNP is linked to the C-terminus of protein via an amidebond.PrecursorsofGPI-anchoraresynthesizedintheendoplasmic reticulum(ER)fromPIthroughatleastninesequentialreactionsteps.The complete GPI precursor is attached to proteins bearing a C-terminal GPI attachment signal peptide by GPI transamidase (GPI-TA). Nascent GPI- APs are then transported via the secretory pathway through the Golgi to THEENZYMES,Vol.XXVI 1 ISSNNO:1874-6047 #2009ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. DOI:10.1016/S1874-6047(09)26001-X 2 TAROHKINOSHITAANDMORIHISAFUJITA theplasmamembrane.Onthewayoftransportation,thelipidpartofGPIis remodeled and the glycan part is modified. At least 23 gene products are involvedinbiosynthesisandattachmenttoproteinsofGPI-anchorprecur- sors.Severalgenesinvolvedinlipidremodelinghavebeenidentified. II. IntroductionofGPI-AnchoredProteins Glycosylphosphatidylinositol(GPI)anchorisaformofposttranslational modification of many cell surface proteins common to all phyla of eukar- yotes [1–5].GPI actsto anchorproteinson the outerleaflet oftheplasma membrane. Whereas two other major posttranslational modifications for membrane anchoring of proteins, namely acylation and prenylation, includeonlylipids, GPIconsistsoflipidandglycanparts.Thelipidpartis either phosphatidylinositol (PI) or inositol phosphoceramide. Due to saturated fatty chains in the lipid part of GPI, GPI-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) are mainly present in membrane microdomains (membrane rafts or lipid rafts) in mammalian and yeast plasma membranes [6]. The glycan part consists of the conserved core backbone and the variable side branches.Someofthefunctionsoftheglycanparthavebeencharacterized inyeastandprotozoanparasitetrypanosome,whiletheyarelargelyunclear inmammaliancells. About 150 human proteins with various functions are GPI anchored. GPI-APs include hydrolytic and other enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, 50- nucleotidase/CD73, erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase, renal dipeptidase, and mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase ART), adhesion molecules (neural cell adhesion molecule 120, TAG1, and isoform of CD58), receptors (folate receptor, CD14, CD16b, uPA receptor/CD87, ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor a subunit, and glial-cell-derived neurotrophic factor receptor a subunit),complementregulatoryproteins(CD55andCD59),immunologi- callyimportantproteins(CD24,CD48,CD52,andCD90/Thy-1),andother proteins(prionproteinandglypicans).CompletedeficiencyofGPIcauses early embryonic lethality due to malformation of the brain as shown by knockout mice with defective GPI biosynthesis [7]. Inherited partial defi- ciency causes inherited GPI deficiency, a disease characterized by hepatic and/or portal vein thromboses and seizures [8]. Acquired GPI deficiency duetoasomaticmutationinthehematopoieticstemcellcausesparoxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria characterized by complement-mediated hemo- lyticanemia,venousthrombosis,andbonemarrowfailure[9,10]. Itisestimatedthatabout60outof6000proteinsofyeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae are GPI anchored, based on the presence of GPI-attachment 1. GPIBIOSYNTHESISOVERVIEW 3 signal peptide at the C-terminus of the protein sequence predicted from genomedata[2,11].Many,perhapsmajority,oftheGPI-APsarecellwall proteins rather than plasma membrane proteins. Cell wall localization of GPI-APs is achieved by a transglycosidation reaction between the glycan partofGPIandcellwallb-1,6glucan[12].GPIbiosynthesisisessentialfor thegrowthofS.cerevisiae[2]. The plant Arabidopsis mayhave248 GPI-APs aspredicted ina similar way [4]. They include various enzymes and receptors. GPI-APs are required for root development, cell wall synthesis, pollen germination, andtubegrowth[13,14]. GPI-APsarebyfarthemostpopulartypeofthecellsurfaceproteinsin protozoa, such as trypanosomes and malaria parasites [15, 16]. African trypanosome, Trypanosoma brucei, has two proliferative stages, a blood- stream form that grows in the blood plasma of mammalian hosts and a procyclic form that grows in the midgut of tsetse fly vector. Bloodstream form parasites have a dense cell surface coat consisting of 10 million molecules of a single GPI-AP, variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) [15]. GPI biosynthesis is essential for growth of the bloodstream form, being exploited as a target of antitrypanosomal drug development [17–20]. The surface of procyclic form parasites is coated by one million molecules of procyclins, GPI-AP with a large side branch of GPI-containing terminal sialic acids. GPI biosynthesis is not essential for growth of the procyclic form in in vitro culture [17], whereas it is critical for survival in tsetse fly [21,22]. Major cell surface proteins of sporozoites and merozoites of malaria parasites are also GPI anchored. Sporozoites that invade hepatocytes after injection by mosquitos are covered by GPI-anchored circumsporo- zoite proteins [23]. Merozoites that invade erythrocytes have major GPI- APs,suchasMSP1andMSP2[24]. GlycanandlipidstructureshavebeendeterminedforvariousGPI-APs frommammaliancells[5,25–27],yeast(S.cerevisiae)[28],protozoanpara- sites (T. brucei and Plasmodium falciparum) [24, 29], and plant (Pyrus communis) [30] (Figure 1.1). The core backbone structure, EtNP- 6Mana1–2Mana1–6Mana1–4GlcNa1–6myoInositol-phospholipid (where EtNP is ethanolamine phosphate; Man is mannose; and GlcN is glucos- amine),iscommontoallofthem[1–3,5].Theterminal‘‘bridging’’EtNPis linked to the C-terminus of the protein via an amide bond. Various side branchesdecoratethecorebackboneofGPI[1–3]. PrecursorsoftheGPIanchoraresynthesizedintheERfromPIthrough sequentialreactionsteps,suchasadditionofmonosaccharides,EtNP,and fatty acid, and removal of acetyl group from N-acetylGlcN (GlcNAc) and fattyacid[1–3,5](Figure1.2).ThecompleteGPIprecursoristhenattached 4 TAROHKINOSHITAANDMORIHISAFUJITA A B Protein Protein Protein Protein EtN EtN P P EtN EtN 6 ±a2 6 ±a2 P P a2 a2 ± b4±aa626±±2a6P2PEtENtN b4±aa6622±6PPEtNEtN aaa462±±62PPEEttNN±a3 aaa462±±26PPEEttNN±a3 a4 a4 a6 a6 a6 a6 P P 2 Inositol N P P acylated 1-alkyl-2-acyl 1-alkyl-2-acyl Diacyl Ceramide or C26:0 or diacyl C26:0-OH C18:0/C18:0 C18:0/C22:4 C16:0/C26:0 Nucleated cells Human erythrocytes Mammal Yeast C a3 a3 a3 b4 b4 b4 b3 b3 b6 b3 Protein PI Protein b4 b4 b4 b3 b3 b6 Acyl chain E6PtN±a2 E6PtN b4 b4 PEtN EtNP b3±aa26a3a6±±aa22 aa26a3 b3b3 b6 MGlacnN a4 a4 GalNAc a6 a6 P P 2 aIncyolsaitteodl Gal GlcNAc Diacyl Lyso Neu5Ac C14:0/C14:0 Bloodstream form Procyclic form T. brucei FIG.1.1. StructuresofGPI-APsinmammaliancells(A),yeast(B),andtrypanosome(C). (A) Left, GPI-APfrom nucleated cells; right, GPI-AP from humanerythrocytes.(B) Left, diacylglycerol-type GPI-AP; right, ceramide-type GPI-AP in budding yeast, S. cerevisiae. (C)Left,GPI-APfrombloodstreamformofT.brucei;right,GPI-APfromprocyclicform ofT.brucei[5].SymbolrepresentationsofmonosaccharidesareaccordingtoRef.[148]. to proteins bearing a C-terminal GPI attachment signal peptide on the luminal side of the ER membrane [1]. The GPI attachment is mediated byatransamidasethatcleavestheC-terminalsignalpeptideandreplacesit 1. GPIBIOSYNTHESISOVERVIEW 5 A P P (9(cid:2)) P P (TA) (M4) P P P P P P P P P (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (TA) Lumen P P P P P P P P P Diacyl C18:0/C20:4 ER 1-alkyl-2-acyl or diacyl d d d (3) (TA) (1) (2) Cytoplasm B P P P P P P P P P P P (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (M4) (9) (10) (TA) Lumen P P P P P P P P P P Diacyl C16:0/C18:1 ER d d d (3) Procyclin (1) (2) Cytoplasm P P P P C (6) (8) (9) (P2) (TA) P P P P P P P Procyclic form VSG (4) (P1) P P P P P P (5) (6) (8) (P2) (P3) (P4) (P5) (TA) Lumen P P P P P P P P P P Diacyl C18:0/C20:4 Bloodstream form d d d (3) Diacyl C14:0/C14:0 Cytoplasm (1) (2) FIG.1.2. BiosynthesisofGPIontheERmembraneinmammaliancells(A),yeast(B),and trypanosome(C).Steps1-TAcorrespondtothoseinTables1.1and1.2.InC,reactionsarenot numberedin order, but those equivalent to mammalian steps (A) are given with the same numbers. 6 TAROHKINOSHITAANDMORIHISAFUJITA with GPI [1, 2]. Nascent GPI-APs are then transported via the secretory pathway through the Golgi to the plasma membrane. On the way of transportation,GPIisstructurallyremodeledandmodified[1–3,31]. III. StructureofGPI-APs A. MAMMALIANGPI-APS All mammalian GPI-APs have an EtNP side branch linked to the 2-position of the first a1–4 linked Man (Man-1) of the core backbone [1, 3] (Figure 1.1A). Occasionally, the third EtNP is on the 6-position of thesecondMan(Man-2)[32,33].InsomemammalianGPI-APs,thefourth Man is linked via an a1–2 bond to the third Man (Man-3) [34]. These modificationsoccurduringbiosynthesisoftheGPIprecursorbeforeattach- menttoproteins[1,3](Figure1.2A).Heterogeneityintheglycanside-chain is found even in one GPI-AP. N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc) is linked via b1–4 bond to Man-1 in all rat brain Thy-1 and in a fraction of human erythrocyte CD59 [27, 29, 33] (Figure 1.1A). The GalNAc is occasionally modified by galactose with or without sialic acid. This GalNAc modifica- tion has never been found in GPI precursors, suggesting that it is added after attachment to proteins. There is a report that GPI-APs contain bGlcNAcphosphatelinkedtoMan-2[35]. The lipid part of mammalian GPI-AP is always PI that has two char- acteristics. First, most mammalian GPI-APs on nucleated cells have two saturatedfattychainsintheirPImoiety[36,37](Figure1.1A).Thisunique fattychainstructureofGPI-APsiselaboratedbyfattyacidremodeling(see SectionV.Aformoredetail).Second,inmanyGPI-APs,PIisamixtureof diacyand1-alkyl,2-acylPI,thelatterbeingusuallyamajorform[36].The biologicalsignificanceofthealkylchainisyettobedetermined. GPI-APs on human erythrocytes have an exceptional lipid structure [27,38].Theyhaveunsaturatedfattyacidsatthesn-2positionlikeendoge- nousfreePI,suggestingthattheyarenotsubjectedtofattyacidremodeling. In addition, they have a palmitoyl chain linked to the 2-position of the inositolring,whichisusuallyremovedsoonaftertheattachmentofGPIto proteins(Figure1.1A)[27,38].Therefore,GPI-APsonhumanerythrocytes havethreefattychains. B. YEASTGPI-APS GPI-APsofS.cerevisiae,likemammalianGPI-APs,haveanEtNPside branch linked to Man-1 [39] (Figure 1.1B). Man-2 in yeast GPI-anchor precursors has an EtNP side branch [40] (Section IV.B); however, it is 1. GPIBIOSYNTHESISOVERVIEW 7 unclear whether GPI-APs have it [39]. Yeast GPI-APs always have the a1–2 linked to the fourth Man (Man-4) [28]. These components are incorporated during biosynthesis of the GPI precursor (Figure 1.2B). Yeast GPI-APs may have more mannoses linked to Man-4, occurring afterattachmentofGPItoprotein[41]. ThelipidpartofyeastGPI-APiseitherPIorinositolphosphoceramide [28,42–44](Figure1.1B).DiacylglycerolinthePImoietycontainspalmitic acid (C16:0) in the sn-1 position and C26:0 fatty acid in the sn-2 position. Ceramide in the inositol phosphoceramide moiety has phytosphingosine and a C26:0 or a hydroxy-C26:0 fatty acid. The ceramide-type GPI-APs are generated from the diacylglycerol-type GPI-APs by lipid remodeling [1,2,31](seeSectionV.A.4). C. GPI-APSFROMTRYPANOSOMABRUCEI GPI-APsfromT.bruceidonothaveanEtNPsidebranch[29].VSGhas side branches consisting of only galactoses and has strictly di-myristoyl PI [29,45](Figure1.1C).Thedi-myristoylPImoietyisgeneratedbyfattyacid remodeling occurring before attachment to proteins [46] (Section V.B.1). ProcyclinshaveaMan-2-linkedbigsidebranchconsistingofrepeatedand branched lactosamines. Sialicacidsarelinkedtosome ofthegalactosesin thesidebranch(Figure1.1C).Thelipidpartofprocyclinsisunusualinthat ithaslysoPIwithpalmitoylchainlinkedtotheinositolring[47]. IV. BiosynthesisofGPIandAttachmenttoProteins A. MAMMALIANGPIBIOSYNTHETICPATHWAY TheGPI-anchorprecursorsaresynthesizedintheERfromPIthroughat least nine sequential reaction steps [1, 3] (Figure 1.2A). The biosynthetic pathway is initiated on the cytoplasmic side of the ER membrane [48] by the transfer of GlcNAc to PI from UDP-GlcNAc, generating GlcNAc-PI (step 1). GlcNAc-PI is de-N-acetylated to generate GlcN-PI (step 2). It is most likely that GlcN-PI is flipped across the ER membrane into the luminal side (step 3). An acyl (usually palmitoyl) chain is added to the inositol ring from acyl-CoA to form GlcN-(acyl)PI (step 4) [49]. There is stillanargumentastowhetherGlcN-(acyl)PIorGlcN-PIisflippedintothe luminal side [50, 51]. The membrane orientations of GlcN-PI and the catalytic site of the acyltransferase should be definitively determined to resolvethisissue.

This volume of The Enzymes features high-caliber thematic articles on the topic of glycosylphopshatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring of proteins. * Contributions from leading authorities * Informs and updates on all the latest developments in the field
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