(Glyco)sphingolipids Are Sorted in Sub-Apical Compartments in HepG2 Cells: A Role for Non-Golgi–Related Intracellular Sites in the Polarized Distribution of (Glyco)sphingolipids Sven C.D. van IJzendoorn and Dick Hoekstra Department of Physiological Chemistry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Abstract. In polarized HepG2 cells, the fluorescent GlcCer is transferred to the apical, bile canalicular D o w sphingolipid analogues of glucosylceramide (C6-NBD- membrane. The sorting event is very specific, as the nloa GlcCer) and sphingomyelin (C6-NBD-SM) display a GlcCer epimer C6-NBD-galactosylceramide, like C6- ded preferential localization at the apical and basolateral NBD-SM, is sorted in the SAC and directed to the ba- fro m domain, respectively, which is expressed during apical solateral surface. It is demonstrated that transport of h ttp to basolateral transcytosis of the lipids (van IJzen- the lipids to and from SAC is accomplished by a vesicu- ://ru p doorn, S.C.D., M.M.P. Zegers, J.W. Kok, and D. Hoek- lar mechanism, and is in part microtubule dependent. re stra. 1997. J. Cell Biol. 137:347–457). In the present Furthermore, the SAC in HepG2 bear analogy to the ss.o rg study we have identified a non-Golgi–related, sub-api- apical recycling compartments, previously described in /jcb /a cal compartment (SAC), in which sorting of the lipids MDCK cells. However, in contrast to the latter, the rticle occurs. Thus, in the apical to basolateral transcytotic structural integrity of SAC does not depend on an in- -p d pathway both C -NBD-GlcCer and C -NBD-SM accu- tact microtubule system. Taken together, we have iden- f/1 mulate in SAC a6t 18(cid:56)C. At this tempe6rature, transcy- tified a non-Golgi–related compartment, acting as a 42/3 /6 8 tosing IgA also accumulates, and colocalizes with the “traffic center” in apical to basolateral trafficking and 3/1 lipids. Upon rewarming the cells to 37(cid:56)C, the lipids are vice versa, and directing the polarized distribution of 278 6 transported from the SAC to their preferred membrane sphingolipids in hepatic cells. 61 /9 8 domain. Kinetic evidence is presented that shows in a 0 2 1 direct manner that after leaving SAC, sphingomyelin Key words: sphingolipid • immunoglobulin A • sort- 11 .p disappears from the apical region of the cell, whereas ing • transcytosis • HepG2 cell df b y g u e st o n 2 4 The plasma membrane (PM)1 of polarized cells is di- pathway, in which before apical delivery, newly synthe- Jan u vEiadcehd minetmo bar abnaeso dlaotmeraainl ahnads iatns sappeicciafli cP pMro tdeoinm aanind. sthizee db acsoomlapteornaeln stus rafarece f. irSsut btsreaqnuspeonrtltye,d afpriocmal tchoen sTtiGtuNen ttos ary 20 2 3 lipid composition, an essential feature for the polarized are endocytosed, sorted into transcytotic vesicles, and function of these cells. To generate and maintain such transported to the apical pole of the cell. To add to the unique membrane compositions, proteins and lipids have complexity of trafficking in polarized cells, proteins, and to be sorted and targeted to the appropriate PM domains. lipids from each membrane domain are continuously rein- In polarized cells apical delivery may occur via two routes, ternalized, recycled, or redistributed, reflecting a dynamic including a direct transport from the TGN, and an indirect equilibrium indispensable for maintaining a dynamic membrane composition capable of adapting to different Address all correspondence to Dick Hoekstra, Department of Physiologi- needs. As a consequence, apical (and basolateral) compo- cal Chemistry, University of Groningen, A. Deusinglaan 1, 9713 AV, nents must be sorted into or excluded from vesicles with Groningen, The Netherlands. Tel.: (cid:49)31-50-3632741. Fax: (cid:49)31-50-3632728. preferential targets at various intracellular sites, each site E-mail: [email protected] thus contributing to the polarized distribution of PM com- 1. Abbreviations used in this paper: ARC, apical recycling compartment; ponents. BC, bile canaliculus; BCP, bile canalicular pole; GalCer, galactosylceram- For both proteins and distinct (glyco)sphingolipids, the ide; GlcCer, glucosylceramide; GSL, glycosphingolipid; pIgR, polymeric main intracellular sorting site for polarized transport is be- immunoglobulin receptor; PM, plasma membrane; SAC, sub-apical com- partments; SM, sphingomyelin; TxR, Texas red–labeled. lieved to be the TGN. Specifically, in this compartment, ª The Rockefeller University Press, 0021-9525/98/08/683/14 $2.00 The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, Number 3, August 10, 1998 683–696 http://www.jcb.org 683 several apical proteins appear to associate with glyco- existence of another, yet unidentified subcellular compart- sphingolipid (GSL)-enriched domains (Brown and Rose, ment where sphingolipids are sorted. In the present work 1992), so-called GSL rafts (Simons and Ikonen, 1997). we provide evidence that SAC, similar to ARC as defined Budding of these rafts will give rise to vesicles, with an in MDCK cells, are also operative in HepG2 cells. Specifi- apical destination (Simons and Wandinger-Ness, 1990). cally, it is demonstrated that these SAC represent the ma- Whereas MDCK cells predominantly use the direct path- jor intracellular site in the transcytotic pathway where way for the delivery of apical components (Matlin and Si- GlcCer and SM are sorted and directed to distinct PM do- mons, 1984; Misek et al., 1984; Pfeiffer et al., 1985; Simons mains. and Fuller, 1985), other polarized cells may use a combina- tion of the direct and the indirect, transcytotic pathway Materials and Methods (van’t Hof and van Meer, 1990; Weimbs et al., 1997). He- patic cells are believed to rely mainly on the indirect, trans- Materials cytotic pathway for the apical delivery of newly synthe- sized proteins (Bartles et al., 1987; Cariappa and Kilberg, Sphingosylphosphorylcholine, 1-(cid:98)-glucosylsphingosine, cerebroside type 1992; Schell et al., 1992), although evidence is accumulat- II, asialofetuin type I, and geneticin (G-418) were from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). Albumin (from bovine serum, fraction V) was ing which indicates that direct Golgi to apical transport of bought from Fluka Chemie AG (Buchs, Switzerland). 6-(N-[7-nitrobenz- proteins and lipids also occurs (Ali and Evans, 1990; Zaal 2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl]amino) hexanoic acid (C-NBD) was obtained from 6 et al., 1993; Zegers and Hoekstra, 1997). The overall Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR). DME was purchased from GIBCO- mechanism involved in the apical flow of proteins and lip- BRL (Paisley, Scotland). FCS was bought from BioWhittaker (Verviers, ids via the indirect, transcytotic route is still largely un- Belgium), and Na2S2O4 was from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Nocoda- Do clear. For example, whether GSL-rafting plays a role in zPoSlCe w83a3s oabntda iMneKd f5r7o1m w Beoree hgriifntgs efrr oMma nDnrh. eEim. V(Melalennnghae i(mU, nGiveerrmsiatyn yo)f. wnloa this route remains to be determined. Groningen, The Netherlands). Texas red–labeled IgA was kindly pro- ded To study transcytosis, the polymeric immunoglobulin re- vided by Dr. K. Dunn (Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, fro m ceptor (pIgR) and its ligand IgA is often used as a marker IN). pIgR cDNA and an mAb against pIgR was kindly provided by Dr. K. h Mostov (University of California, San Francisco, CA). All other chemicals ttp of this pathway (Mostov and Deitcher, 1986; Apodaca et were of analytical grade. ://ru al., 1991; Mostov et al., 1995). It has thus been demon- pre strated that transcytosis proceeds along routes, which con- Cell Culture ss.o smtiotuletceu pleasr.t poIfg oRt-hIegrA p actohmwpalyesx euss,e de nbdyo cnyotno-sterda nfsrcoymto stihneg HepG2 cells were grown at 37(cid:56)C under a 5% CO2-containing, humidified rg/jcb/a bscooammsoeplsaa treatmrnadel nrsteus,ar fcahtce ervm, iaea drte r aandpseiclciyavtleo rserisde c sytucobl i-nbagap sicocaloal mteeprnaadlro tmseonemdnoats-l FacuitsCnme.Sd o,M s32p e dhmd eiaMurfemt eli rn-w g pDalluasM ttarineEmgp,i. ln asAuec,ept dp1th 0lee0ismv IeteUirmny/t meeo dltt hh pweeer inct hdeic lail1yls0l .ih %nFa, o dahr nre edeaax t1-cpi0hne0era dic(cid:109)m taigevn/nam ttoselp ,d stct ir(meeallapts lt 5 owr6ma(cid:56)etCryioe)- rticle-pdf/142 (ARC) in MDCK cells, before their delivery to the apical of polarity versus density, i.e., No. of bile canalicular spaces (BCs) versus /3/6 PM (Apodaca et al., 1994; Barroso and Sztul, 1994). Other No. of cells. 83/1 2 apical proteins such as dipeptidyl peptidase IV and the 78 glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein 5(cid:57) nucleoti- Synthesis of C6-NBD–labeled Sphingolipids 661/9 dpaasthe whaayv ea s bpeIegnR –suIggAge s(tBeadr rt oe tu asle., t1h9e9 5s)a. mAes trreavnesaclyetdo tiinc 1C-6(cid:98)-N-gBluDco-GsyllcsCpheirn gaonsdi nCe 6-aNnBd Ds-pShMin gwoesryelp shyonstphheosrizyelcdh ofrloinme, Cr6e-sNpBecDti vaenlyd, 80211 1 MDCK cells, the sub-apical compartments (SAC) are not as described elsewhere (Kishimoto, 1975; Babia et al., 1994). 1-(cid:98)-d-galac- .pd ocanlliyz aatciocens. sAibllseo tao cpornostiedienrsa wblieth p ao rptrioenfe oref nthcee fboars oalpaitcearla lloly- t1o9s8y7l)c.e Trahme iCd6e- NwBaDs -plirpeipdas rweder ef rsotmor ecde aret b(cid:50)r2o0si(cid:56)dCe a n(tdy proeu tIiIn)e l(yG cohdeac keetd faol.r, f by gue endocytosed transferrin receptor was found to be trans- purity. st o n ported to the apical recycling compartment. However, in 24 contrast to the apically targeted pIgR-IgA, the transferrin Cell Labeling and Lipid Transport Assays Jan u r1e9c9e4p)t. oHr erentcuer, ntsh teos et hdea btaa ssoulgagteersat la s urorflaec feo (rA thpeo dsaucba- aept iacla.l, Fanoar lymsiisc rcoeslclso pwye, rcee lclus lwtuerreed pinla t2e5d- comn2t oc uglltausrse cfolavsekrss l(ipCso. sFtaorr, bCioamchbermidigcael, ary 202 UK). After 3 d, cells were washed three times with a PBS solution. C- 3 compartment in the generation and/or maintenance of the 6 NBD-GlcCer or C-NBD-SM were dried under nitrogen, redissolved in polarized distribution of PM components. absolute ethanol, a6nd then injected into HBSS under vigorous vortexing. Previous studies in MDCK (van Genderen and van The final concentration of ethanol was kept below 0.5% (vol/vol). Cells Meer, 1995) and the human hepatoma–derived cell line, were incubated with 4 (cid:109)M of either lipid analogue at 37(cid:56)C for 30 min (see Fig. 1, step 1). To monitor transport of apical membrane–associated lipid HepG2 (van IJzendoorn et al., 1997; Zegers and Hoekstra, analogues, the basolateral pool of fluorescent lipid analogues was de- 1997) revealed that sphingolipids such as glucosylceramide pleted by incubating the cells in HBSS, supplemented with 5% (wt/vol) (GlcCer) and sphingomyelin (SM) also use the transcy- BSA at 4(cid:56)C twice for 30 min (back exchange, Fig. 1, step 2). Then, cells totic pathway to traverse the cell in either direction. How- were washed three times with ice-cold PBS, rewarmed to the desired tem- ever, very little is known of the mechanisms involved in perature, and then incubated in HBSS, with 5% (wt/vol) BSA (Fig. 1, step 3). The 18(cid:56)C temperature block was dictated by previous observations in transcytotic transport of lipids. In a recent study, we dem- MDCK cells showing that an incubation at this temperature causes a se- onstrated that in well-polarized HepG2 cells fluorescent lective inhibition of transcytotic transport, as revealed by the accumula- acyl chain–labeled analogues of glucosylceramide (C- tion of the transcytotic marker pIgA-R (Apodaca et al., 1994; Barosso and 6 NBD-GlcCer) and sphingomyelin (C -NBD-SM) are seg- Sztul, 1994). In some experiments, NBD fluorescence associated with BC 6 was eliminated by incubating the cells with 30 mM sodiumdithionite (di- regated in the apical to basolateral transcytotic pathway luted from a stock solution of 1 M NaSO in 1 M Tris, pH 10) at 4(cid:56)C for 7 (van IJzendoorn et al., 1997). The observed segregation 2 2 4 min (Fig. 1, step 4). As described previously, sodiumdithionite is able to event did not involve the Golgi apparatus, hinting at the pass the tight junctional complexes in HepG2 cells (van IJzendoorn et al., The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 684 vigorous shaking in 1% (vol/vol) Triton X-100 in HO for 60 min to re- 2 move the lipids from the silica. Silica particles were then spun down and NBD fluorescence was measured spectrophotometrically in an SLM fluo- rometer at excitation and emission wavelengths of 465 nm and 530 nm, re- spectively. Transfection of HepG2 Cells with the pIgR HepG2 cells were plated at low density ((cid:54)20% confluency) in medium, containing 20% FCS. Cells were allowed to attach and spread for 24 h. Figure 1. Schematic representation of the various steps of the The cells were then transfected with the cDNA encoding wild-type rabbit lipid transport assays. Cells are incubated with C-NBD-lipids at 6 pIgR, inserted into a pCB6 expression vector, which contained a neomy- 37(cid:56)C for 30 min, causing labeling of both apical (BC) and basolat- cin resistance marker. The synthetic pyridinium-based amphiphile eral membranes (step 1). Subsequently, the fraction of the fluo- SAINT-2 (a gift from Saint BV, Groningen, The Netherlands) was used as rescent lipid analogue residing at the basolateral PM is depleted DNA carrier. Preparation of small unilamellar SAINT-2/dioleylphos- by BSA at 4(cid:56)C twice for 30 min (step 2). The BC-associated lipid phatidyl ethanolamine (DOPE) vesicles and transfection was performed analogue is then chased into sub-apical compartments (see Re- as described by van der Woude et al. (1997). Cells were selected in culture sults) at 18(cid:56)C for 1 h in BSA-containing medium (step 3). The media, supplemented with 600 (cid:109)g/ml geneticin (G-418). Successful trans- presence of BSA in the medium during this step will prevent re- fection of HepG2 cells was evidenced by indirect immunofluorescence mi- croscopy using a mAb against pIgR, and by the ability of the cells to inter- entry of any lipid analogue that might arrive basolaterally during nalize Texas red–labeled IgA (TxR-IgA) in the presence of a 100-fold the chase. Next, the NBD-labeled lipid remaining at the BC is excess asialofetuin (see Results). The polarity of the transfected cells was quenched by sodiumdithonite (step 4), after which transport of verified by determination of the ratio BC/cells (Zegers and Hoekstra, the sub-apically derived lipid analogue can be monitored upon 1997). Do rewarming and incubating the cells at 37(cid:56)C (step 5). The vertical wn bar in between each step represents wash steps. Internalization of Texas Red–labeled IgA load e d Cells transfected with the pIgR as described above were washed and asia- fro 1997), whereas BSA does not affect the labeling of BC (see Results; com- loglycoprotein receptors were saturated with excess asialofetuin at 37(cid:56)C m h pare with van IJzendoorn et al., 1997). Sodiumdithionite-treated cells for 30 min to prevent uptake of IgA via these receptors (see Results). ttp were then washed extensively ((cid:46)10 times) with ice-cold HBSS, after Cells were incubated with TxR-IgA (50 (cid:109)g/ml) at 4(cid:56)C for 30 min. Cells ://ru which transport was re-activated by rewarming and further incubating the were then washed to remove non-bound TxR-IgA and further incubated pre cells in HBSS at 37(cid:56)C (Fig. 1, step 5). BSA (5% wt/vol) was included in the at 18(cid:56), 37(cid:56)C, or a combination of both for various time intervals, depend- ss.o msoeladtieurmal tsou prfraecvee.n At tfhteer l iaplild f ainnaall oingcuuebs afrtioomns r, ec-eelnlste wrienrge t hwea cshelelds awt itthhe ibcae-- ing on the experiment. rg/jcb colTd oH sBtuSdSy a tnhde k ienpvto olvne micee nutn otifl umsiec r(owtiuthbiunl e3s0 omni ntr)a.nsport of BC-associ- Microscopical Analysis and Image Processing /article aatdedde dli pdiudrsi, nngo sctoedpa z2o olef t(h3e3 (cid:109)inMcu,b daitliuotne ds cfhroemm ea d1e0p micMted s tionc kF isgo. l1u taionnd) k weapst Cvies llAs Xw7e0re f leuxoarmesinceendc me imcriocrsocoscpoicpael.l yP uhsoitnogm ai ccroongvreanpthiso nwael rOe ltyamkepnu su Psirnog- -pdf/14 2 pwriethse 3n3t i(cid:109)nM al ln soucbosdeaqzuoelen ta stt e4p(cid:56)Cs. fIonr p 1a rha laleftle erx tpheer i1m8(cid:56)eCn tcs,h caesell so wf eBrCe -tarsesaotceid- Iclolfpoyr da HTCPS5- pLleuisc af i(lmHse iadnedlb escragn, nGeedr.m Faonry )c oanpfpoacraalt ulass eerq usicpapnendin wg itmhi car oars-- /3/683 ated lipid analogues (Fig. 1, step 3). Indirect immunofluorescence, using a gon/krypton laser coupled to a Leitz DM IRB-inverted microscope was /12 mAb directed against fl-tubulin (Sigma Chemical Co.), was performed to used. All images were converted to tagged-information-file format before 786 verify the microtubule-disrupting potency of nocodazole in HepG2 cells printing on a Fujix P3000 printer. 61 (not shown). /98 0 To study the effect of PSC 833 and MK 571, which are specific inhibi- 21 tors of the multi-drug resistance proteins MDR1/P-glycoprotein and Results 11.p MwiRthP M1, Kre 5sp71e c(t2iv5e (cid:109)lyM, o)n o trh PeS dCif f8e3r3e n(5t t(cid:109)ragn/mspl)o rbte sftoerpes ,s tceepll s1 ,w weirteh ienictuhbear tiend- Apical Membrane–derived C -NBD-GlcCer and df by g hibitor between steps 2 and 3, or between steps 4 and 5. The concentration 6 ue of PSC 833 was sufficient to completely block the excretion of rhodamine C6-NBD-SM Are Delivered to SAC st o 123 into BC of HepG2 cells by MDR1/P-glycoprotein activity (not In a previous study we demonstrated that C -NBD-GlcCer n 24 shown). and C -NBD-SM display a preferential apic6al and basolat- Jan 6 u a Quantification of Fluorescent BC Labeling eral localization, respectively, in HepG2 cells. This prefer- ry 2 ential localization was established during apical to basolat- 02 As a measure for transport of the lipid analogues to and from the BC 3 eral transcytosis, a novel pathway in hepatic cells. A membranes, the percentage of NBD-positive BC membranes was deter- mined as described elsewhere (van IJzendoorn et al., 1997). In brief, BC tentative role for non-Golgi–related SAC in the apical re- were first identified by phase contrast illumination, and then classified as cycling of C -NBD-GlcCer was proposed (van IJzendoorn 6 NBD-positive or NBD-negative under epifluorescence illumination. Fur- et al., 1997). However, neither the identity of these com- thermore, distinct pools of fluorescence are discerned, present in vesicular partments nor their functional involvement in the apical to structures adjacent to BC, which in this work are defined as SAC. To- basolateral transcytotic pathway of either lipid was estab- gether, BC and SAC thus constitute the apical, bile canalicular pole (BCP) in HepG2 cells. Therefore, within the BCP region the localization lished. To address these issues, the following experiments of the fluorescent lipid analogues will be defined as being derived from were performed. BC, SAC, or both. For this kind of quantification, at least 50 BCP were Cells were labeled with 4 (cid:109)M C -NBD-SM or C -NBD- analyzed per coverslip. All data are expressed as the mean (cid:54) SD of four GlcCer at 37(cid:56)C for 30 min. In this6 way, (cid:46)70% of t6he BC, independent experiments, carried out in duplicate. identified by phase-contrast microscopy, became labeled, Lipid Extraction and Quantification the lipid analogues thus becoming inserted into the canali- cular membrane. In addition, fluorescently labeled vesicu- Lipids were extracted according to the method of Bligh and Dyer (1959) lar structures are observed in the cytoplasm, presumably and analyzed by thin layer chromatography using CHCl/methanol/ 3 representing compartments of the endocytic internaliza- NHOH/HO (35:15:2:0.5, vol/vol/vol/vol) as running solvent. For quanti- 4 2 fication, fluorescent lipids were scraped from the TLC plates, followed by tion pathway and transport vesicles still en route to their van IJzendoorn and Hoekstra Sphingolipid Sorting in Sub-Apical Compartments 685 HBSS, supplemented with 5% BSA at 4(cid:56)C twice for 30 min (back exchange). The cells were then washed, re- warmed to either 18(cid:56) (see Materials and Methods) or 37(cid:56)C, and further incubated in HBSS, supplemented with 5% BSA, for 60 min. At 18(cid:56)C, basolateral delivery of the lipid analogues, relative to that at 37(cid:56)C, was inhibited by (cid:122)70%, as calculated from the amount of C-NBD-SM and 6 C -NBD-GlcCer that could be retrieved in the BSA-con- 6 taining medium. Fluorescence microscopical analysis re- vealed that upon chasing BC-associated lipid analogues at 18(cid:56)C, a major part of both C -NBD-GlcCer and C - 6 6 NBD-SM remained localized at the BCP of the cells, i.e., in BC and/or sub-apically located vesicular structures (Fig. 2, d and f: thin arrows, BC; arrowheads, SAC). To reveal a net directional movement of the lipid analogues in the apical bile canalicular area, BCP labeling was distin- guished into labeling of only BC, only SAC or labeling of both BC and SAC. (See Materials and Methods, and Figs. 2, a [BC] and f [BC (cid:49) SAC]; 4 b [SAC].) Such semi-quan- D titative analysis of labeling of the apical region revealed o w that before the chase, (cid:46)90% of the label detected in the nlo a BCP region, was found to be solely associated with BC de d (Fig. 3 A; see also the labeling pattern in Fig. 2, a and b). fro m Thus, the prominent labeling of sub-apical structures, as h ttp roebvseearlveedd bbye faocrceu mthuel acthiaosne oaft t1h8e(cid:56) Cli pwida sa sntaalrotegdu e(sa, lswoa sc onmo-t ://rupre pare with van IJzendoorn et al., 1997). After the 18(cid:56)C ss.o llFoaipritg eiCud ir6 ne-p N oS2BoA.lDC Bin -CaS t-tM dh1ee8 ra (cid:56)ibCtv ae3. sd7Co(cid:56) leCCallt 6sfe-o NrwraB el3 rD0Pe M-mlGa bilnwce.Cal eSsedu rr bweasminethdqo uv4Cee (cid:109)dn6-M tNblyyB ,C Dtb6h-a-NeSc kBMfl uDe oxa-rcGcechlsuaccmnCegneuert- (cid:122)NSchAB1a5CDs%e -,a S tnwMhdea sBmp dCraue jes(oeF rtniiogtt y .t hi3(ne(cid:54) B te8h,x5 eBc% lCuB)s Ci(cid:49)ovPfe S t lhwAaebaC eCs la6ian-nsNgds oB oScDfAi aB-CtGCe)dl ,co wCnwhleiytir hl (eo F rboi goCn.tl 6hy3- rg/jcb/article-pd (a, C-NBD-SM; b, C-NBD-GlcCer; arrows point to BC). Alter- B, BC). Also note that, for either lipid analogue, the per- f/14 6 6 2 natively, the cells were subsequently washed and further incubated centage of labeled BCP did not change during the chase. /3/6 at 18(cid:56)C for 60 min. C6-NBD-SM (c and d) and C6-NBD-GlcCer (e In conjunction with the fact that the presence of BSA in 83/1 and f) labeled the BCP of the cells, i.e., BC (thin arrows) and vesicu- the incubation medium prevented potential re-internaliza- 278 lar structures located near the BC membranes (arrowheads). In tion of the lipid analogues from the basolateral surface 661 cells that did not participate in the formation of BC some accumula- /9 tion of the fluorescent lipid analogue in juxtanuclear compart- and subsequent transport to the SAC, the data thus indi- 802 ments was often seen (f, wide arrows) (c and e, phase contrast to d cate that the lipid analogues were transported via a direct 111 and f, respectively). Bar, 10 (cid:109)m. (toi. eS.,A bCa.solateral membrane–independent) route from BC .pdf by g Not all cells participate in the formation of BC (Zegers ue target membranes. (Fig. 2, a and b; compare with Fig. 2 in and Hoekstra, 1997). Remarkably, however, also in cells st o n van IJzendoorn et al., 1997). To subsequently monitor the lacking a distinct apical PM domain a significant part of 24 fate of the apical membrane–associated lipid analogues, the intracellular C -NBD-GlcCer and C -NBD-SM frac- Jan 6 6 u the basolateral pool was depleted by incubating the cells in tions accumulated in juxtanuclear compartments after a ary 2 0 2 3 Figure 3. Semi-quantitative analysis of BCP labeling: accumulation of C-NBD-lipid analogues in SAC. 6 Cells were labeled and treated as depicted in Fig. 1. A represents the distribution of NBD lipid in BC and SAC after step 1 (30 min at 37(cid:56)C) while the distribution indicated in B was obtained after a subsequent back exchange and chase from BC at 18(cid:56)C for 60 min (Fig. 1, step 2 and 3). In both cases, the percent- age C-NBD-GlcCer- and C-NBD- 6 6 SM-labeled BCP was (cid:122)85%. Label- ing of BCP was distinguished in either NBD-positive BC only, a cellular BCP fraction in which both BC and SAC were labeled (BC (cid:49) SAC), or NBD-positive SAC. Data are expressed as percentage of the total number of C-NBD-GlcCer– (white bars) and C-NBD-SM–positive (hatched bars) BCP 6 6 (minimum of 50/coverslip; mean (cid:54) SEM) of at least four independent experiments carried out in duplicate. The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 686 Figure 4. Sodiumdithionite reduces BC-associated fluorescence without getting access to SAC. Cells were la- beled with 4 (cid:109)M C-NBD-GlcCer or 6 C-NBD-SM at 37(cid:56)C for 30 min. The 6 fluorescent lipid analogues present in the basolateral PM were then depleted by incubating the cells twice for 30 min in HBBS, supplemented with 5% BSA at 4(cid:56)C. Cells were subsequently washed with PBS, rewarmed, and then incu- bated at 18(cid:56)C in HBSS (cid:49) BSA for 1 h. When the cells were subsequently treated with 30 mM sodiumdithionite in HBSS (diluted from a 1 M stock solution in 1 M Tris/HCl, pH 10) at 4(cid:56)C for 7 min, C-NBD- 6 GlcCer (b; a, phase contrast to b) and C-NBD-SM (d; c, phase contrast to d) were absent from BC, while leaving the fluorescence in 6 sub-apical structures unaltered (arrows). Bar, 10 (cid:109)m. 60-min incubation at 18(cid:56)C (Fig. 2 f, wide arrows), but not lipid analogues was predominantly in SAC alone (Fig. 4), at 37(cid:56)C (data not shown). representing (cid:46)80% of the NBD-positive BCP fraction Finally, it is important to note that in the experiments at (Fig. 5, B and C, SAC). D both 18(cid:56) and 37(cid:56)C, the only fluorescent lipid analogue The virtually exclusive labeling of SAC in the BCP re- ow n identified in the incubation media and cell fractions was gion, as accomplished by this treatment thus allowed us, loa d e the one that was exogenously administered, indicating that after extensive washing of the cells to remove the dithion- d no metabolism of either lipid had occurred during the time ite, to investigate the subsequent fate of C-NBD-GlcCer from 6 h sthpea nd oatfa t hcele eaxrplye rdiemmeonntss t(rdaattea tnhoatt slhooww tne)m. Tpearkaetnu rteo g(e1t8h(cid:56)eCr), atrnadn sCpo6-rNt BwDas- SreM-a catsisvoacteiadt ebdy wreiwtha rtmhein SgA anCd. fTuor ththeirs inencud-, ttp://ru can selectively impede apical to basolateral transcytosis of bating the cells in HBSS at 37(cid:56)C for various time intervals. pre both C -NBD-GlcCer and C -NBD-SM. The observed BSA was included in the medium to prevent re-internal- ss.o 6 6 rg accumulation of the analogues in the same subcellular ization of the lipid analogues from the basolateral PM and /jcb cboramnpea, ritnmdeicnattse s( SthAaCt )a tl olecaastet de aardlyja icne ntht et otr athffeic kBiCng mpaetmh-- smuibns etqimueen stp baans, otlhaete rpaelr ctoen atapgicea lo tfr aBnCscPy tloasbies.l eOd vwerit ha C30-- /article 6 -p way during apical to basolateral transcytosis, both C6- NBD-GlcCer remained fairly constant at (cid:122)90%, whereas df/1 4 NBD-GlcCer and C -NBD-SM pass through the same the percentage of C -NBD-SM–labeled BCP decreased to 2 6 6 /3 compartments, while before their arrival in SAC, signifi- (cid:54)55% after 30 min (Fig. 5 A). Thus, after re-activation of /68 3 cant sorting, proceeding their preferential rerouting to apical transport, C6-NBD-SM, in contrast to C6-NBD-GlcCer, /127 and basolateral region, respectively, has not yet occurred. disappeared from the apical membrane region. Indeed, 86 6 The latter is supported by the striking similarity in semi- while after a 30-min time interval the localization of the 1/9 8 quantitative distribution of the two analogues (Fig. 3 B). remaining fraction of C6-NBD-GlcCer in the BCP com- 021 partments was about equally distributed between BC and 11 .p C6-NBD-SM and C6-NBD-GlcCer Flow from SAC to SAC (Fig. 5 B), (cid:44)25% of the remaining fraction of the C6- df b Distinct PM Domains NBD-SM fluorescence at the BCP was associated with y g u Since GlcCer and SM display a distinct preferential local- BC. Rather, nearly 80% was found to be associated with est o ization within the cell, we next examined the possibility as SAC over the entire 30-min time interval (Fig. 5 C). From n 24 to whether the compartments identified as SAC by accu- these data we conclude that after re-activation of transport Ja n of the lipid analogues from the SAC, C -NBD-SM traffick- u mvoulvlaetdio inn oref deiirtehcetrin gli ptihde iar ntarlaofgfiucek,i nwg.e rHe efnucnec, titoon aadlldyr einss- ing prefers a sub-apical to basolateral 6direction, while C6- ary 20 NBD-GlcCer recycles from the SAC to BC thus remaining 23 the issue of SAC acting as a sorting compartment, the cells in the apical region of the cell. Hence, the results suggest were labeled with C -NBD-GlcCer or C -NBD-SM, simi- 6 6 that in the sub-apical vesicular structures C -NBD-GlcCer larly as described above. After chasing the lipid analogues 6 into SAC at 18(cid:56)C, NBD fluorescence still present in the and C6-NBD-SM are sorted and flow preferentially to the apical and basolateral membrane domains, respectively. BC was irreversibly abolished by incubating the cells with 30 mM sodiumdithionite at 4(cid:56)C for 10 min (Fig. 4; see Ma- Sorting of Glycosphingolipid in SAC Is Highly Specific terials and Methods). After treatment, (cid:122)80–90% of the identified BCP was still fluorescently labeled (Fig. 5 A), To further determine the specificity of the sorting event in but (cid:44)10% of the total fluorescence (C -NBD-GlcCer or the SAC, the trafficking of C -NBD-GalCer was exam- 6 6 C -NBD-SM) located in the bile canalicular area after ined. Whereas C -NBD-GlcCer and C -NBD-SM have en- 6 6 6 dithionite quenching, was due to labeling of BC (Fig. 5, tirely different head groups (glucose versus phosphocho- B and C, 0 min; for fluorescence images compare Fig. 4, line, respectively), C -NBD-GlcCer and C -NBD-GalCer 6 6 b/d vs. Fig. 2, b/d). Indeed, dithionite effectively abolishes are epimers (i.e., they differ in the spatial orientation of NBD fluorescence appearing at the luminal surface of the only one hydroxyl moiety in the carbohydrate head bile canalicular space, while it does not gain access to in- group). To label the bile canalicular membrane, the cells tracellular sites at the conditions of the treatment (van were labeled with C -NBD-GalCer at 37(cid:56)C for 30 min and 6 IJzendoorn et al., 1997). Consequently, labeling with the back exchanged (according to Fig. 1, step 1 and 2). C - 6 van IJzendoorn and Hoekstra Sphingolipid Sorting in Sub-Apical Compartments 687 D o w n lo a d e d fro m h ttp ://ru p re Figure 6. Semi-quantitative kinetic analysis of C-NBD-GalCer, ss.o 6 rg eloxwitsin. gC ferlolsm w SeAreC la. bTehlee da nwailtohg 4u e(cid:109) wMa sC ac-NcuBmDu-lGataeldC ienr SaAt C37 a(cid:56)Cs ffoolr- /jcb/a 30 min to label BC. After depletion of 6fluorescent lipids from the rticle basolateral PM, the cells were subsequently incubated in HBSS (cid:49) -pd BSA at 18(cid:56)C for 60 min. Cells were then treated with 30 mM sodi- f/14 umdithionite at 4(cid:56)C for 7 min to eliminate BC-associated fluores- 2/3 /6 cence. After removal of the sodiumdithionite by extensive wash- 83 ing, the temperature was shifted to 37(cid:56)C to reactivate transport /12 7 8 from SAC. In A, the percentage of BCP labeled with C-NBD- 6 6 61 GalCer after a 0, 10, 20 and 30 min chase is presented. In B, the /9 8 distribution of the BCP-associated C6-NBD-GalCer is shown. In 021 A and B, data are expressed as percentage of total (i.e., NBD- 11 positive (cid:49) NBD-negative) BCP (mean (cid:54) SEM) and of total .pd Figure 5. Semi-quantitative kinetic analysis of C6-NBD-GlcCer NBD-positive BCP of at least four independent experiments car- f by g wanedre Cac6-cNumBuDla-SteMd ,i ne SxiAtiCng. Tforo tmhi s SeAndC, .c eFllisr swt,e rteh ela bliepliedd awnitahl o4g (cid:109)uMes ried out in duplicate, respectively. uest o C6-NBD-GlcCer or C6-NBD-SM at 37(cid:56)C for 30 min. After deple- n 24 tc1ih8oa(cid:56)nCn o gffeo ,tr ht h6ee0 f lcmueoilnlrse. wsTceoer neet l silumipbiisndeasq tfuer eoBnmCtl yt-ha isens cobucabisaoattleaedtde NirnaB lH DPBM fSl uSbo y(cid:49)r be BasccSekAn ec axet-, NsuBbDse-qpuoesnittilvye c hBaCsePd waat s1 8d(cid:56)uCe fotor 6la0b meliinn gin o Bf SoAnl-yc oBnCta)i nwinags January 2 cells were then treated with 30 mM sodiumdithionite at 4(cid:56)C for 7 HBSS (Fig. 1, step 3). Similar to C6-NBD-GlcCer and -SM, 023 min. After removal of the sodiumdithionite by extensive washing, C6-NBD-GalCer was found to accumulate in SAC (not the temperature was shifted to 37(cid:56)C to reactivate transport from shown). Cells were then subjected to steps 4 and 5 of the SAC. In A, the percentage of BCP labeled with either lipid ana- incubation scheme (Fig. 1) to examine the exiting of the logue after a 0- (i.e., before the chase), 10-, 20-, and 30-min chase lipid analogue from the SAC. Over a 30-min time inter- is presented. In B, the distribution of the BCP-associated C6- val, the percentage of C6-NBD-GalCer–labeled BCP de- NBD-GlcCer is shown, and in C, that of C6-NBD-SM fluorescence, creased from 85% to 65% (Fig. 6 A). Compared with the as determined after the indicated incubation time at 37(cid:56)C. In A, trafficking of C -NBD-GlcCer and C -NBD-SM (compare data are expressed as percentage of total (i.e., NBD-positive (cid:49) 6 6 with Fig. 5), C -NBD-GalCer thus appeared to disappear NBD-negative) BCP (mean (cid:54) SEM) of at least four independent 6 from the BCP, similarly as observed in the case of C- experiments carried out in duplicate. In B and C, data are ex- 6 pressed as percentage of total NBD-positive BCP (mean (cid:54) SEM) NBD-SM. Consistently, as reported previously for the latter of at least four independent experiments, carried out in duplicate. analogue, GalCer also preferentially locates to the baso- lateral membrane, as revealed by fluorescence microscopy (not shown; compare with Fig. 3 in van IJzendoorn et al., NBD-GalCer was found to be transcytosed to the BC with 1997). Examination of the distribution of the remaining similar kinetics as those of the short chain analogues of fraction of C -NBD-GalCer in the apical area revealed, 6 GlcCer and SM (not shown), implying bulk membrane that the vast majority (60–70%) of this fraction resided ex- transport. BC-associated C -NBD-GalCer ((cid:54)85% of the clusively in SAC (Fig. 6 B), indicative of a lack of a sub- 6 The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 688 stantial movement of C -NBD-GalCer toward BC, simi- 6 larly as observed for the SM analogue, and emphasizing that like C-NBD-SM, the glycolipid, after exiting SAC, dis- 6 appeared from the apical region of the cell. Hence, the data indicate that C -NBD-GalCer, like C -NBD-SM, is 6 6 preferentially targeted from the SAC to the basolateral PM domain and, thus, appears to be sorted in this com- partment from C -NBD-GlcCer. 6 Sorting at the Luminal Leaflet of SAC; Transcytotic Trafficking of C -NBD-SM and 6 C -NBD-GlcCer Occurs by Vesicular Means 6 To further define the exclusiveness and specificity of SAC in lipid sorting in the reverse transcytotic pathway in HepG2 cells, it is important to establish the mechanism of trafficking of both sphingolipids in HepG2 cells. This mecha- nism could involve monomeric flow or vesicle-mediated transport or both. Monomeric flow could entail flip-flop mechanisms across basolateral and apical membranes, me- Do w diated by the translocating activities (in outward direction) nlo a of MRP1 and MDR1, respectively (van Helvoort et al., de d 1996; Roelofsen et al., 1997). The evidence indicates that fro m the lipid pool, derived from the apical membrane and h arriving in SAC is derived from the exoplasmic leaflet of Fnoigtu areff e7c.t MCu-lNti-BdDru-gli prieds isatrarnivcael parto ttheein sP, MM DdoRm1a ainnsd. IMn RAP, 1c, edllos ttp://ru tinhceu abpaictiaol nm wemithb rtahnee l.i pTihdu asn, tarleoagtumeesn (tF oigf .t h1e, scteeplls 1 b) ewfoitrhe tthhee fwoerree s pterpe i1n c(us6ebea tFeidg .w 1i)t.h I Pn StChe 8 p3r3e (s5e n(cid:109)cge/ mofl )t haet 3d7ru(cid:56)Cg, ftohre 3 c0e mllsi nw beree- press.o MpRlheDtoeRdlya1 m biinnloheci b1ki2et3od,r dtPihdSe n Coe tx8 pa3fu3fl,es ciuot nndd eeloirvf ecrtohyn eod fi MteioiDtnhsRe r t hlsiuaptbi dsc taronamtae-- twahneedrne t hlsauebb epsleeeqrdcu eewnnitttahlgy e lsi upobifd jeN acBnteaDdlo -tpgoou asei stb iavacetk 3B e7Cx(cid:56)Cc wh afaonsr g de3e 0(ts etmrempin i2.n eTodfh Fe(w igche. il1tle)s rg/jcb/article logue to the lumenal leaflet of BC as judged by the ability bars). Alternatively, cells were subsequently treated with 30 mM -pd of sodiumdithionite to reduce the entire pool of BC-asso- dithionite and the percentage of NBD-positive BC was deter- f/14 2 ciated NBD fluorescence (Fig. 7 A; compare with van mined (hatched bars). In B, cells were incubated with either lipid /3/6 IrJezaecnhdeodo trhne eatp aicl.a, l 1m99e7m).b Trahnies ibmy pvlieessi ctuhlaatr tthraen aspnoalrot,g uthees a3n0 amloingu. eT haet n3,7 c(cid:56)Cel lfso wr e3r0e m reinw aanrmd ebda ctko e3x7c(cid:56)Cha anngde din actu 4b(cid:56)aCte tdw fiocer 1fo hr 83/127 8 NBD-tagged lipids residing in the inner leaflet of the ve- in back exchange medium. Lipids were extracted from the back 661 exchange media and cell fractions to determine the percentage /9 sicular membrane. Note that NBD fluorescence, had it 8 back exchangeable C-NBD-lipid. Data are expressed as mean (cid:54) 02 been located in the cytoplasmic leaflet of the BC mem- SEM of at least two in6dependent experiments. 111 branes, in contrast to that with a lumenal orientation, .pd would not be accessible to quenching by sodiumdithionite f by g under the experimental conditions (see Materials and ue Methods; compare with Fig. 4). Therefore, the presence of lowing experiments. Monomeric trafficking from SAC st o n asunlyt inNgB fDro fmlu oimrepscaeirnecde tinra nthselo ccayttoorp laascmtivicit yB Cw oleualdfl eht arvee- GwolcuClde rh taov et hree scuylttoedp lians ma ipcr leefaefrleent toiaf l tdheel iavpeircya lo mf Ce6m-NbrBaDne- 24 Jan u prompted us to classify such BC as NBD-positive. Identi- and of C6-NBD-SM to the corresponding leaflet of the ba- ary 2 cal results were obtained when the cells had been preincu- solateral membrane. The subsequent appearance at the 0 2 3 bated with MK 571 (compare with Fig. 7 A), a specific in- exoplasmic leaflet would then require translocation via hibitor of the function of basolaterally located MRP1, MDR1 and MRP1, respectively. To investigate whether which has been shown to partly overlap with the exclu- any fraction of the lipid analogues that had left the apical sively at the BC membrane localized MDR1 (Roelofsen membrane could reach the inner leaflet of the basolateral et al., 1997). Thus neither MDR1 nor MRP1 were involved PM, and thus become susceptible to translocation by in the delivery of C -NBD-GlcCer and C -NBD-SM to the MRP1, cells were first incubated according to steps 1 and 2 6 6 lumenal leaflet of BC. (see Fig. 1). MK 571 was added during step 2. The cells It is then reasonable to assume that subsequent trans- were then rewarmed to 37(cid:56)C and further incubated in port from apical membrane to SAC is vesicle mediated, HBSS, supplemented with BSA and MK 571 for 1 h. As delivering the exoplasmic lipids to the inner leaflet of the shown in Fig. 7 B, the fraction of lipid analogues that could SAC. Indeed, given the capacity of the analogues to be back exchanged from the basolateral surface was simi- readily engage in monomeric transfer and yet, their spe- lar to that of non-treated cells. Subsequently, we examined cific retainment in SAC at 18(cid:56)C, the data are entirely con- transport of SAC-accumulated lipids. Thus, the cells were sistent with a localization that is restricted to the inner treated subsequent to step 4 (i.e., before chasing the lipid leaflet of SAC membranes. Subsequent transport after analogues from the SAC), with either PSC 833 or MK 571. sorting in this compartment most likely occurred by a vesi- However, in neither case did the treatment affect the pref- cle-mediated mechanism. This was inferred from the fol- erential trafficking of C -NBD-GlcCer and C -NBD-SM 6 6 van IJzendoorn and Hoekstra Sphingolipid Sorting in Sub-Apical Compartments 689 to the apical or basolateral PM domain, respectively (com- 37(cid:56)C for short time intervals only (20 min or less), a sub- pare with Fig. 5). Taken together, the results indicate that stantial fraction of the intracellular fluorescence could al- C -NBD-SM and C -NBD-GlcCer were not used as a sub- ready be detected in SAC (Fig. 8 a). Prolonged incuba- 6 6 strate for the multi-drug resistance proteins at either PM tions at 37(cid:56)C (Fig. 8 b), but not 18(cid:56)C (Fig. 8 c), resulted in a domain and therefore must have been residing in the lu- pronounced labeling of BC, indicating that pIgR-IgA trav- menal leaflet of vesicular compartments during all trans- eled through SAC before being delivered to BC. More- port steps. Hence, the observed sorting of C -NBD-SM over, the delivery of sub-apically located pIgR-IgA to BC 6 and C -NBD-GlcCer must have been restricted to the lu- was impaired at 18(cid:56)C. To determine whether the TxR- 6 menal leaflet of the SAC. IgA–labeled SAC were the same as those in which apically derived lipid analogues were found to accumulate (i.e., SAC [see Fig. 2, d and f]), cells were incubated with TxR- Transcytosing pIgR-IgA Colocalizes with Apically IgA at 4(cid:56)C for 30 min, washed, and then incubated with Derived C -NBD-Sphingolipids in the SAC 6 C -NBD-SM at 37(cid:56)C, allowing both compounds to enter 6 In MDCK cells, SAC (also referred to as ARC) have been the cells. After a back exchange of the fluorescent lipid described that are part of the transcytotic pathway, as re- pool associated with the basolateral PM (see Fig. 1, step 2), vealed by the trafficking of the pIgR-IgA receptor–ligand C -NBD-SM was found to label intracellular vesicular 6 complex, an established transcytotic marker (Apodaca structures and BC (compare with Fig. 2, c and d; van et al., 1994; Barosso and Sztul, 1994). To further define the IJzendoorn et al., 1997). Note that pretreatment with ex- identity of the SAC through which both C-NBD-SM and cess asialofetuin did not affect uptake and intracellular lo- 6 D C -NBD-GlcCer pass, the intracellular trafficking of fluo- calization of the lipid analogue (not shown). In the same o 6 w rescently labeled IgA in HepG2 was examined, and re- cells, TxR-IgA was detected in both BC and vesicular nlo a lated to that of the lipid analogues. HepG2 cells do not en- structures located near the BC (Fig. 8 a). The cells, thus de d dogenously express the pIgR. Consistently, we were unable containing intracellular pools of IgA and sphingolipid, fro m to detect pIgR by indirect immunofluorescence using an were subsequently incubated at 18(cid:56)C for 1 h to allow api- h ttp anti-pIgR mAb (not shown). However, some internaliza- cally derived lipid analogues to accumulate in SAC as de- ://ru tion of TxR-IgA was observed. Yet, this uptake could be scribed above. Interestingly, as evidenced by confocal la- pre completely abolished by adding excess asialofetuin (not ser scanning microscopy, TxR-IgA distribution displayed a ss.o sarhebcoleywp nato)ls,r o,i ncbdoeinccsaoitsmitneegn titn hwtaeitrt hnin ap liHrzeeevdpi oGbuy2s octhebelsl es arIvsgiaaAtlioo cgnalsyn c( oTpproremosutaemnina- sGdu–lbgcsC, taaernrr toaiawnlds o) .Cv Se6ir-mNlaiBpla Dwr -irGtehsa uClClt6s-e Nrw B(enrDeo- toS sbMhtao iiwnn netd)h. e wN SiotAhte CC t 6h(-FNaitBg t.D h8e-, rg/jcb/article et al., 1988). We therefore stably transfected HepG2 cells data in Fig. 8 demonstrate a colocalization of lipid and -pd with the pIgR (see Materials and Methods), which at IgA, particularly in the prominently present SAC. Some f/14 2 steady-state was distributed throughout the cytoplasm differences in localization of lipid analogue and IgA can /3/6 8 with a preference for the apical region of the cell, and be readily explained by the notion that the lipid is trans- 3/1 2 monitored the internalization of IgA in the presence of ex- ported from BC to SAC, whereas IgA enters SAC, arriv- 78 cess asialofetuin. When cells were incubated with 50 (cid:109)g/ml ing from the basolateral membrane. Also, the fate of the 661 TxR-IgA at 4(cid:56)C for 30 min, washed, and then incubated at subsequent flow differs, SM traveling to the basolateral /980 2 1 1 1 .p d f b y g u e st o n 2 4 Ja n u a ry 2 0 2 Figure 8. Transcytosing IgA and NBD- 3 labeled sphingolipids colocalize in SAC in HepG2 cells. Asialofetuin-pretreated cells were labeled with 50 (cid:109)g/ml TxR-IgA at 4(cid:56)C for 30 min, washed, and then incu- bated at 37(cid:56)C for 20 min in HBSS (a). The cells were further incubated at 37(cid:56)C for another 30 min (b) or alternatively, cooled to 18(cid:56)C and further incubated at this temperature for 60 min (c). In d–g, confocal images of the BC area, labeled with C-NBD-lipid (d and f) or TxR-IgA 6 (e and g) are shown (f and g, x-z sections of d and e, respectively). Note the similar- ity in the shape of the fluorescence pat- tern obtained for accumulating protein and lipid, adjacent to the BC (arrows). Bar, 5 (cid:109)m. The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 690 Figure 9. Nocodazole prevents accumula- tion of C-NBD-lipids in the SAC. Cells 6 were labeled and treated according to steps 1 and 2 of Fig. 1. During step 2, 33 (cid:109)M nocodazole was included to disrupt the cell its microtubules. In the presence of nocodazole, the cells were then incu- bated at 18(cid:56)C for 1 h in back exchange medium, washed, and then photographed. Note the absence of accumulation of C- 6 NBD-SM (b; a, phase contrast to b) and C-NBD-GlcCer (e; d, phase contrast to e) 6 in the sub-apical area (for control, see Fig. 2). Sub-apical labeling reappeared after a prolonged incubation in back exchange medium at 37(cid:56)C for 60 min, in the absence of nocodazole (arrows: c, C-NBD-SM; f, 6 C-NBD-GlcCer). Bar, 10 (cid:109)m. 6 D o membrane, whereas IgA travels to the apical membrane scribed above) revealed that intact microtubules reap- wn lo (see also Discussion). In conclusion, the results indicate peared during this prolonged incubation (not shown). ad e that the sorting compartment for simple monohexoyl- Previously, it was demonstrated that the organization of d fro sphingolipids in the reverse transcytotic pathway in the sub-apical compartments (ARC) as described in m h HepG2 cells, SAC, displays the same identity as pIgR-IgA– MDCK cells requires an intact microtubule network. ttp accumulating compartments identified in MDCK as ARC. Thus, whereas the SAC in control cells were concentrated ://ru p Transport of Apically Derived C6-NBD-GlcCer itnh roa ucgehnoturat ltihzee da psipcaolt ,c ytthoepyl awsmer ein ftohuen ndo ctood abzeo ldei-stpreearsteedd ress.org and -SM to SAC, but Not Apical cells (Apodaca et al., 1994). To investigate whether the or- /jcb AEnffdeoccteydto bsyis N ofo cCo6d-NazBolDe-GlcCer and -SM Is wgaansi zaalstoio dne opfe tnhdee nStA oCn, ianst aschto mwinc riont Fubigusl.e 2s ,( SdA aCnd w fe) raen fdir 4st, /article-p d Tofh esp ahfionrgeomlipenidt iotrnaeffdi crkeisnugl tbs eitnwdeiceant ea ptihcaatl tmheem mbercahnaen aisnmd pcqiruaeet-enldoc ahdliinepgdi d ow fai ttlh a b1e8ei(cid:56)tl Chien r f oBlirpC i 1dw ahitn haa lsdo igtdhueieso cbnryiitb ece hd(aF saiignb.go 1 vB,e Cs. te-Aapsf st4eo)r-, f/142/3/68 SAC, is accomplished by vesicular transport. Many vesicu- the cells were incubated in nocodazole-containing HBSS 3/12 lar transport events appear to require an intact microtu- 7 at 4(cid:56)C or 18(cid:56)C for 1 h. Although the microtubule organiza- 86 bule network. To investigate the involvement of microtu- 61 tion was effectively disrupted at either condition (see /9 bules in transport between the apical PM and the SAC, 8 0 cfoerll s3 0w emrein i,n acfutbera twedh iwchit hth Ce 6-pNoBolD o-fS Mflu oorre -sGcelcnCt elirp aidt 3a7n(cid:56)aC- abbeolevde )S, AnoCc, oidmapzolylien gd idth anto tt hcehiar nagpep tehaer aanpcpee awraasn cined oisft ilna-- 2111.pd l1o, gstueeps 1 i na nthd e2 )b. aDsoulraintegr tahl iPs Mba cwka esx dcehpanlegtee dp rwoictehd BurSeA 3 3( F(cid:109)iMg. gHuoiswheavbelre, fruonmde trh aitd einn tnicoanl- terexapteerdim ceenlltsa (lF cigo.n 1d0i,t iao nasn,d nbo)-. f by gue nocodazole was included, a concentration sufficient to dis- codazole was found to be effective in disrupting C6-NBD- st o rupt microtubules as revealed by immunofluorescence us- Cer–preloaded Golgi apparatus (Fig. 10, c and d; Turner n 24 ing a mAb directed against (cid:98)-tubulin (not shown). After and Tartakoff, 1989). The results thus indicate that rather Jan extensive washing, the cells were incubated at 18(cid:56)C and than (early) apical endocytosis or the organization of the uary 2 BC-associated lipid analogues were chased in back ex- 0 2 change medium (HBSS (cid:49) 5% BSA), supplemented with 3 nocodazole for 1 h. Internalization of either lipid analogue Table I. Effect of Nocodazole on the Disappearance of C -NBD-SM and C -NBD-GlcCer from BC from the apical PM was not inhibited by nocodazole, as 6 6 judged by the similarities in the decrease of the percentage Percent of NBD-positive BC of NBD-labeled BC, when compared with non-treated C-NBD-GlcCer C-NBD-SM cells (Table I). However, whereas in non-treated cells, in- 6 6 tensely labeled SAC was observed after a 1-h chase at Before chase 100 100 18(cid:56)C (Fig. 2, d and f), in nocodazole-treated cells the label- After chase control 61 (cid:54) 5 59 (cid:54) 4 ing of SAC was conspicuously absent. Rather, numerous nocodazole 58 (cid:54) 2 57 (cid:54) 3 small vesicular structures, labeled with either C-NBD-SM 6 or -GlcCer, were seen, distributed throughout the cyto- Cells were incubated with C-NBD-GlcCer or -SM at 37(cid:56)C for 30 min. The fluo- 6 plasm (Fig. 9, a–d). The effect of nocodazole was revers- rescent pool of C6-NBD-lipids in the basolateral PM was then back exchanged in the absence or presence of nocodazole. Cells were then rewarmed to and fur- ible, and C6-NBD-GlcCer– and -SM–labeled SAC ap- ther incubated in back exchange medium with or without nocodazole at 18(cid:56)C peared after a prolonged incubation in nocodazole-free for 1 h. The percentage of NBD-positive BC (i.e., BC alone and BC (cid:49) SAC) medium (Fig. 9, c and f, arrows). Concomitantly, immu- was determined as described in Materials and Methods. The percentage of NBD-positive BC before the chase was set at 100%. Data are expressed as nofluorescence experiments to visualize (cid:98)-tubulin (as de- mean (cid:54) SEM of at least two independent experiments. van IJzendoorn and Hoekstra Sphingolipid Sorting in Sub-Apical Compartments 691 Figure 11. The role of SAC in the trafficking/sorting of sphingolipids in the apical to basolateral transcytotic path- way in HepG2 cells. C-NBD- 6 sphingolipids are endocytosed from the apical, bile canalicu- lar plasma membrane (step 1) and transported to SAC via a route of which at least part is microtubule depen- dent (step 2). Exit from the SAC (step 3) appears to be temperature dependent as it can be blocked at 18(cid:56)C. Note that the spatial organization of SAC does not require an intact microtubule network (see text). In the SAC, presumably within its lumenal leaflet, the sphingolipids are sorted, followed by vesicular transport of C-NBD-GlcCer, pref- 6 erentially to the apical plasma membrane domain, and of C- 6 NBD-SM and C-NBD-GalCer, preferentially to the basolateral 6 plasma membrane domain (step 3). SAC, sub-apical compart- D ments; BC, bile canalicular plasma membrane; N, nucleus; G, ow n Golgi apparatus; TJ, tight junctional complex. lo a d e d fro m h proposed. In the present study, we have established the ttp://ru identity of these compartments and their functional in- p re volvement in determining the distinct fate of several sphin- ss.o golipids in the apical to basolateral pathway. Furthermore, rg Gthlec Cdeart aa ndde mC6o-nNsBtrDat-eS Mth aint Htheep Gpr2o cceelslssi nisg aocfc oCm6p-NlisBhDed- /jcb/article Figure 10. Nocodazole does not affect the spatial organization of by vesicular transport and that the preferential localiza- -pd SAC but perturbs the organization of the Golgi apparatus. In a tion in either plasma membrane domain is not mediated f/14 1a–n4d bo,f cFeilgls. w1,e troe llaabbeelle SdA wCit.h ICn6 -bN, BceDll-sG wlceCree rs uacbcsoerqduienngt ltyo sintecpus- by interference of multi-drug resistance proteins, which 2/3/68 bated with 33 (cid:109)M nocodazole at 4(cid:56)C for 60 min. Note that no- have been reported to display the ability to translocate 3/1 2 lipid analogues from inner to outer leaflet across plasma 7 codazole does not affect the appearance of the NBD lipid–labeled 8 6 SAC. This was also the case when the nocodazole-treatment was membranes (van Helvoort et al., 1997). Rather, after hav- 61 /9 done at elevated temperatures (van IJzendoorn, S.C.D., and D. ing reached the apical membrane by transcytosis, after ini- 80 2 Hoekstra, unpublished observations). In c and d, cells were la- tial insertion in the basolateral membrane, the lipid ana- 11 1 btfhoeerl en2d 0i n wmciutihbn a. 4tAe (cid:109)d tMyinp iCbcaa6-lcN kGB eoDxlgc-hiC aaenprg paeat r ma4t(cid:56)euCds i ufloambr ea3lt0i n rgmo opinma,t twteeramnsh pweedara,s tauonrbde- lttohegmeuyp eeasr cwactueumrreeu -tlsraeatnness ipatitov rleto ewsdt ef(pr1o 8mi(cid:56)nC t)thh etee BmeCxpi ett rooawtfu atrrhede, S rlAeipfClied,c swt ifnhrgeo rmae .pdf by gue tained (c). In parallel, such Golgi-labeled cells were subsequently this compartment. In Fig. 11, a model depicting the central st o treated with 33 (cid:109)M nocodazole at 4(cid:56)C for 60 min (d). Note the involvement of SAC in apical to basolateral transcytosis of n 24 ccleelalsr.l yB adri,f f5e (cid:109)remnt. fluorescence pattern in the nocodazole-treated sphingolipids in HepG2 cells is presented. In this figure, Janu transport of the sphingolipids from BC to SAC is repre- ary 2 sented by steps 1 and 2. Transport to the SAC is microtu- 0 2 3 bule dependent (Fig. 11, step 2) and represents a direct SAC, (a) distinct transport step(s) after endocytic internal- pathway, i.e., it does not involve trafficking via the baso- ization, but before the delivery to SAC, is dependent on lateral PM, as the presence of BSA in the incubation me- intact microtubules. dium precludes any re-uptake and subsequent trafficking of the lipids back to the apical pole. The results indicate that SAC constitute an intrinsic part of the apical to basolateral Discussion transcytotic pathway through which (glyco)sphingolipids In polarized HepG2 cells, the sphingolipid analogues traverse the cells, bearing reminiscence of a sub-apical C -NBD-GlcCer and C -NBD-SM display a preferential compartment, previously identified as ARC in polarized 6 6 plasma membrane localization, the GlcCer derivative ac- protein transport in MDCK cells (Apodaca et al., 1994; cumulating primarily at the apical membrane, while the Barosso and Sztul, 1994). However, an important distinc- SM derivative prefers the basolateral membrane (van tion between both compartments is that the structural or- IJzendoorn et al., 1997). The mechanism underlying this ganization of ARC depends on an intact microtubule sys- preferential distribution involves their internalization tem, in marked contrast to SAC, the integrity of which from the apical, BC surface. For the trafficking of GlcCer, does not depend on microtubules. In this Golgi-unrelated a tentative role for a non-Golgi–related compartment was compartment, lipid sorting occurs, implying that GlcCer is The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 142, 1998 692