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Preview Gluon- and Quark-Jet Multiplicities with NNNLO and NNLL Accuracy

Gluon and quark jet multiplicities at N3LO+NNLL P. Bolzonia, B. A. Kniehla, A.V. Kotikova,b aII. Institut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Universita¨t Hamburg, Luruper Chaussee 149, 22761 Hamburg, Germany bBogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia Wepresentanewapproachtoconsiderandincludeboththeperturbativeandthenon-perturbative contributions to the multiplicities of gluon and quark jets. Thanks to this new method, we have included for the first time new contributions to these quantities obtaining next-to-next-to-leading- logarithmic(NNLL)resummedformulae. Ouranalyticexpressionsdependontwonon-perturbative parameters with a clear and simple physical interpretation. A global fit of these two quantities shows how our results solve a longstanding discrepancy in thetheoretical description of thedata. 2 1 PACSnumbers: 12.38.Cy,12.39.St,13.66.Bc,13.87.Fh 0 2 Collisions of particles and nuclei at high energies usu- coupledgluon-singletsystemwhoseevolutioninthescale t c ally produce many hadrons. In Quantum Chromody- µ2 is governed in QCD by the DGLAP equations: O namics (QCD) their production is due to the interac- 0 tions of quarks and gluons and to test it as a theory µ2 d Ds = Pqq Pgq Ds . (1) 3 of strong interactions, the transition from a description dµ2 Dg Pqg Pgg Dg (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) based in terms of quarks and gluons to the hadrons ob- ] served in experiments is always needed. The production ThetimelikesplittingfunctionsPij canbecomputedper- h of hadrons is a typical process where non-perturbative turbatively in the strong coupling constant: p - phenomenaareinvolved. However,the hypothesis ofLo- hep cdaisltPriabruttoino-nHsaadrreonsimDupalylitryen(LorPmHaDli)zeadssiunmtehsethhaadtrpoanritzoan- Pij(ω,as)= ∞ aks+1Pi(jk)(ω), as = 4απs, i,j =g,q, k=0 [ tion process without changing their shape [1], allowing X (2) perturbativeQCDtomakepredictions. Thesimplestob- whereω =N 1withN beingtheusualMellinconjugate 2 v servables of this kind are gluon and quark multiplicities variabletothe−fractionoflongitudinalmomentumx. The 4 nh g and nh s which represent the number of hadrons functions P(k)(ω) with k =0,1,2 appearing in Eq.(2) in h i h i ij 1 produced in a gluon and a quark jet respectively. In the MS scheme can be found in Refs. [10–12] through 9 the framework of the generating-functional approach in 5 NNLO and in Refs. [9, 13, 14] through the NNLL. themodifiedleadinglogarithmicapproximation(MLLA) . In general it is not possible to diagonalize Eq.(1) be- 9 [2], several studies of the multiplicities have been per- 0 cause the contributions to the splitting function matrix formed [3–5]. In such studies, the ratio r = n / n 2 h hig h his do not commute at different orders. It is, therefore, con- is at least10%higher than the data orit has a slope too 1 venient(seee.g.Ref.[15])tointroduceanewbasis,called : small. Good agreement with the data has been achieved v “plus-minus” basis where the LO splitting matrix is di- in Ref. [6] where recoileffects are included. Nevertheless i agonalwith eigenvaluesP(0) andP(0). We define sucha X in Ref. [6] a constantoffset to be fitted to the quark and ++ −− changeofbasisaccordingtothefollowingtransformation r gluon multiplicities has been introduced, while the au- a thors of Ref. [7] suggested that other, better motivated of the gluon and the singlet fragmentation functions in Mellin space: possibilities should be studied. In this Letter, we study such a possibility inspired by D+(ω,µ2) = (1 α )D (ω,µ2) ǫ D (ω,µ2), the new formalism that has recently been proposed in 0 − ω s 0 − ω g 0 Ref. [8]. Thanks to very recent new results in small-x D−(ω,µ20)) = αωDs(ω,µ20)+ǫωDg(ω,µ20), (3) timelikeresummationobtainedinRef.[9],weareableto where reach the NNLL accuracy level. A purely perturbative and analytic prediction has been already attempted in Ref.[7]uptothe thirdorderintheexpansionparameter α = Pq(q0)(ω)−P+(0+)(ω), ǫ = Pg(q0)(ω) . √αs i.e. α3s/2, where paradoxically the quark multiplic- ω P−(0−)(ω)−P+(0+)(ω) ω P−(0−)(ω)−P+(0+)(ω) ity and the ratio are not well described even if the be- (4) havior of the perturbative expansion is very good. Our The general solution to Eq.(1) can be formally written new resummed results that we present here are a gener- as alization of what was obtained in Ref. [7] and represent also a solution to this apparent paradox. D(µ2)=T exp µ2 dµ¯2P(µ¯2) D(µ2), (5) WeconsiderthestandardMellin-spacemomentsofthe µ2( Zµ20 µ¯2 ) 0 2 where T denotes the path ordering with respect to µ2 WenotethatD˜± differfromD± startingathigherorders µ2 a a and [15]. Inthefollowing,wecollecttheresummedformulae. Detailsofthecalculationwillbepresentedelsewhere[16]. D+ D = . (6) After the resummation is perfomed for P in Eq.(8) D− ±± (cid:18) (cid:19) thankstotheresultsobtainedinRefs.[9,17,18],wefind Now making the following ansatz: for the first Mellin moment (ω =0) at NNLL: µ2 dµ¯2 PNNLL(ω =0) = γ (1 K γ +K γ2+O(γ3)), Tµ2(expZµ20 µ¯2 P(µ¯2))= P+N+NLL(ω =0) = 08nf−TRC1F0a +2O(0a2), 0 (16) µ2 dµ¯2 −− − 3CA s s =Z−1(µ2)exp PD(µ¯2) Z(µ2), (7) "Zµ20 µ¯2 # 0 where where γ PLL(ω =0)= 2a C , (17) 0 ≡ ++ s A P (ω) 0 PD(ω)= ++ (8) p 0 P (ω) and −− (cid:18) (cid:19) is the all-order diagonal part of the splitting matrix in 1 nfTR 2CF K = 11+4 1 , 1 the “plus-minus” basis and Z is a matrix in the same 12 C − C (cid:18) A (cid:18) A (cid:19)(cid:19) basis with a perturbative expansion of the form: 1 n T C f R F K = 1193 576ζ 56 5+2 2 2 Z(µ2)=1+as(µ2)Z(1)+O(a2s), (9) 288(cid:18) − − CA (cid:18) CA(cid:19)(cid:19) n2T2 C C2 we obtain that +16 f R 1+4 F 12 F , (18) C2 C − C2 A (cid:18) A A(cid:19) D (ω,µ2) D+(ω,µ2)+D−(ω,µ2); a=s,g, (10) a ≡ a a with ζ = π2/6. Now we can perform the integration in 2 where D+(ω,µ2) evolves like a “plus” component, Eq.(12) up to the NNLL to obtain that a D−(ω,µ2) evolves like a “minus” component, and a TNNLL(Q2) Da±(ω,µ2)=D˜a±(ω,µ20)Tˆ±(ω,µ2,µ20)Ha±(ω,µ2). (11) Tˆ±NNLL(0,Q2,Q20)= T±NNLL(Q2), (19) ± 0 Here Tˆ (ω,µ2,µ2) is a renoramlization group exponent 4C ± 0 TNNLL(Q2)=exp A 1+ which is given by + β γ0(Q2) 0 n h as(µ2) da¯ + b 2C K a (Q2) a (Q2) d+, (20) Tˆ (ω,µ2,µ2)=exp s P (ω,a¯ ) , (12) 1− A 2 s s ± 0 "Zas(µ20) β(a¯s) ±± s # TNN(cid:16)LL(Q2)= a(cid:17)(Q2) di−o,(cid:16) (cid:17) (21) − s with (cid:16) (cid:17) ∂ where β(a (µ2)) µ2 a (µ2) s ≡ ∂µ2 s 8n T C 2C K f R F A 1 = β a2(µ2) β a3(µ2)+O(a4). (13) b1 =β1/β0, d− = , d+ = . (22) − 0 s − 1 s s 3CAβ0 β0 We recall that We are now ready to define the avarage multiplicities 11 4 in our formalism: β = C n T , 0 A f R 3 − 3 34 20 n (Q2) D (0,Q2)=D+(0,Q2)+D−(0,Q2), (23) β1 = 3 CA2 − 3 CAnfTR−4CFnfTR, (14) h h ia ≡ a a a with a = s,g for the quark and gluon multiplicities re- where C =3, C =4/3 and T =1/2 in QCD and n A F R f spectively. From Eqs.(11,15) we have that isthenumberofactiveflavors. InEq.(11)H±(ω,µ2)are a perturbativefunctionscontainingoff-diagonaltermsofP D+(0,Q2) α H+(ω,Q2) beyond the LO and the normalizationfactors D˜±(ω,µ2) g = lim ω g r (Q2), (24) satisfy the following conditions: a 0 Ds+(0,Q2) −ω→0 ǫω Hs+(ω,Q2) ≡ + D˜+(ω,µ2) = αω D˜+(ω,µ2); and g 0 −ǫ s 0 ω D˜g−(ω,µ20) = 1−ǫωαω D˜s−(ω,µ20). (15) DDsg−−((00,,QQ22)) =ωli→m01−ǫωαω HHsg−−((ωω,,QQ22)) ≡r−(Q2). (25) 3 Using these definitions, it is convenient to write for the 35 gluon and quark multiplicities in general: 30 à hhnnhh(+(QQD2˜2)s−)iis+(g0=D=,˜Q−DD˜20˜(r)g+0g++r,(−((Q00Q(,,2QQ2Q))T220ˆ20)))rTˆTTeˆˆ−sr++rr(eee0sss(,((0Q00,,,2QQQ,2Q22,,,2QQQ)H202020)))H−HH(s−gg0++(,((0Q00,,,2QQQ).222)()),26) <nh> 11220505 àìàæìàæàææàìôææìæææáàççæìæòòìôæàææìæìôæææíæíæíííòòííí õõáææàààóóó æõóàõ çìæíáôòà AMTTTODJæàAMPOAPEADSCAPLYRESPLAKOHZ-æàII æàæà æ s 0 − 0 s ó ALEPH For the coefficients of the renormalization group expo- 5 ààà æàõ CHL3LRESO nents, we clearly have the following simple relations at 0 0 50 100 150 200 the lowest order in a s Q2 r (Q2)=C /C ; r (Q2)=0; + A F − FIG.1: Gluonandquarkmultiplicitiesfitscomparedtothedata. H±(0,Q2)=1; D˜±(0,Q2)=D±(0,Q2),(27) ThegraydashedlineistheLO+NNLLresult,theorangesolidline s a 0 a 0 istheN3LOapprox+NNLLresultandthereddottedlineisthefit witha=s,g. Onewouldliketoincludehigher-ordercor- withfourconstantcoefficients. Theorangebandcorrespondstothe rections to Eq.(27). However, this is highly non-trivial estimatederrorofthefittedparametersintheN3LOapprox+NNLL case. because the general perturbative structures of the func- tions H± and Z , whose knowledge is required for a ±∓,a theresummation,arenotknown. Fortunatly,generalas- sumptions and approximations can be made to improve 1.8 them. Firstly,itisawellknownfactthatthe“plus”com- á áá á ponents by themselves represent the dominant contribu- 1.6 á tionsforboththe gluonandthe quarkmultiplicities (see á æææ æ æ æààæ æ æ ææææ e.g. Refs. [19,20]). Secondly, Eq.(25) tells us thatDg− is r 1.4 ææ ææ ææ ææàææ æ æ DELPHI suppressed with respect to Ds−, because αω ∼1+O(ω). ææôôææææ òòæàà à OPAL These twofacts suggestus that to keepr−(Q2)=0 even 1.2 ææ ì TASSO at higher orders should still represent a good approxi- ç à ò ALEPH mation. Then we notice that higher-order corrections to 1.0 ç ìì à çô CHLRESO D˜±(0,Q2)andH±(0,Q2)justrepresentaredefinitionof á CDF a 0 a Da±(0,Q20) apart from running coupling effects starting 0.80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 at order a2. Therefore we assume that these corrections Q2 s canbeneglected. Nowwecanfinallydiscusshigher-order corrections to r (Q2), which represents the ratio of the FIG.2: Glun-quarkmultiplicityratiopredictioncomparedtodata. + The gray solid upper line is the prediction of Ref. [7], the others pure “plus” components. Accordingly, we can intepret areasinFig.1 theresultinEq.(5)ofRef.[7]ashigher-ordercorrections to Eq.(24). This interpretation is explicitly confirmed up to order a in Chapter 7 of Ref. [2], where also the s for the multiplicities and samesetofequationsusedinthe computationofRef.[7] are obtained. Further arguments to support it and its n (Q2) scheme dependence will be discussed in Ref. [16]. We r(Q2) h h ig (30) denote the approximation in which Eqs.(19,27) are used ≡ nh(Q2) s h i as LO+NNLL and the one in which r+(Q2) in Eq.(27) r+(Q2) = , is replaced by the result of Eq.(5) in Ref. [7] up to order aal3sl/y2aagsoNo3dLaOpapprporxoxim+aNtioNnLwLi.llTbheasthtohwisnlbaesltoown.e iIsnabcottuh- (cid:20)1+ rr++((QQ220))(cid:16)Ds(D0,gQ(200),Qr+20()Q20) −1(cid:17)TTˆˆ+−rreess((00,,QQ22,,QQ2020))(cid:21) approximations considered we can summarize the main for the gluon-quark multiplicity ratio. Eqs.(28,29) de- theoretical result of this Letter in the following way pend only on two parameters, D (0,Q2) and D (0,Q2), g 0 s 0 n (Q2) =D (0,Q2)Tˆres(0,Q2,Q2), (28) with a simple physical interpretation: they are just the h h ig g 0 + 0 gluon and the quark multiplicities at the arbitrary scale n (Q2) =D (0,Q2)Tˆ+res(0,Q2,Q20) Q0. h h is g 0 r+(Q2) Wehaveperformedaglobalfitofourresummedformu- D (0,Q2) lae, Eqs.(28,29), to the experimental data to extract the + D (0,Q2) g 0 Tˆres(0,Q2,Q2), (29) (cid:20) s 0 − r+(Q20) (cid:21) − 0 values of Dg(0,Q20) and Ds(0,Q20). With Q0 = 50GeV, 4 the result of the fit is given by a fit and have a simple physical meaning because they just represent the gluon and the quark multiplicity at a D (0,Q2) = 24.31 0.85; 90% C.L. g 0 ± certainarbitraryscaleQ0. Wehopethatadditionalmea- Ds(0,Q20) = 15.49±0.90; 90% C.L., (31) surements of these observables will come from the LHC to test our results on a much wider energy range. in the LO+NNLL case and by We kindly thank A. Vogt and G. Kramer for valu- Dg(0,Q20) = 24.02±0.36; 90% C.L. able discussions. The work of A.V.K. was supported D (0,Q2) = 15.83 0.37; 90% C.L., (32) in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research s 0 ± RFBR through Grant No. 11–02–01454–a. This work in the N3LO +NNLL case in agreement with the approx was supported in part by the German Federal Ministry experimentalvalueswithintheerrors. 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