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Glossary of Soviet military terminology: English-Russian; Russian-English PDF

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Preview Glossary of Soviet military terminology: English-Russian; Russian-English

DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUAL GLOSSARY OF SOVIET MILITARY TERMINOLOGY ENGLISH-RUSSIAN RUSSIAN-ENGLISH inETURN TO1 EDREIGN UTARY' rSTJUL) ES Leavenavt DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY • MAY 1955 A in ac tr FOREWORD The purpose of this manual is to provide Russian equivalents for American terminology and American equivalents for Russian term­ inology.Emphasishas been placed,sofar as possible,on determining accurate equivalents based on accepted usage rather than on literal translations. For example,-the word upravleniye has no single American equiv­ alent and will appear, according to the context, as "directorate", "administration", or "control". In the case of Soviet military units which have no corresponding American unit, however, the Soviet term should be translated literally into English: e.g., the word aviyapolk is always translated "air regiment". A straight alphabetical sequence has been followed, regardless of whether an entry consists of one word or more,thus: directing vehicle direction direction adjustment directional Where necessary to distinguish between different uses of a word, the part of speech is indicated in parentheses—v, verb; n, noun; adj, adjective; etc. Wherethe-gender or number of certain Russian nouns is in doubt, it is indicated after the noun in parentheses—M,masculine;F,femi: nine; N,neuter; Mpl, masculine plural; Fpl,feminine plural; Npl, neuter plural;etc. To indicate the branch in which certain specific terms are used or the field of military activity to which they refer,explanatory glosses are given in parentheses beside the definition—Cml,chemical; MT, motor transport; Met, meteorological; Ball, ballistics; etc. For the mostpartthese abbreviations have been selected from the authorized lists in SR320-50-1 and FM21-30. Finally, the stress fs indicated in both parts of the dictionary on all Russian words of more than one syllable by an accent mark. Very few abbreviations have been included in this glossary—as a rule onlythose wherethe underlyingcomplete phraseisseldom in use, such as English G-1 or Russian FIYA30.See also TM 30-444. Terms have been selected primarilyfrom the area of Army usage; Air Force and Navy terms have been inchided only sofar as they are likely to occur in joint operations.In addition to military terms,tech­ nical and -engineering terms having a bearing on Army materiel and activities have been included,as well as political and economicterm­ inologyofusein psychologicaloperations.Somescientificterminology, especially relating to atomic energy and its implications, has likewise been added. .• 11 *TM 30-544 TECHNICAL MANUAL DEPARTMENT OFTHEARMY No.30-544 Washington 25,D.C.,16 May1955 GLOSSARY OF SOVIET MILITARY TERMINOLOGY ENGLISH-RUSSIAN, RUSSIAN-ENGLISH Page FOREWORD TRANSLITERATION TABLE FOR THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE iv ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL PART ONE.ENGLISH-RUSSIAN • 1 PART Two.RUSSIAN-ENGLISH 363 APPENDIX I. EXAMPLES OF COMBINATIONS OF MOST FRE­ QUENTLY USED SOVIET MILITARY ABBREVIA­ TIONS LISTED ALPHABETICALLY 757 II. SYMBOLS USED IN BALLISTICS 779 III. ABBREVIATIONS USED ON INTELLIGENCE MAPS TO INDICATE VARIOUS SOURCES OF INFORMA­ TION 786 IV. NUMBERS 787 V. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 789 VI. GOVERNMENTALSTRUCTURE OF U.S.S.R.(INCLUD­ ING CHART OFTOPSOVIETHIERARCHY) 793. --VII. TERRITORIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE OF THE U.S.S.R.(AS OF 1955) 795 -• VIII. PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE U.S 801 *Thus manual supersedes TRI.30-544,15 January 1945. ifi TRANSLITERATION TABLE FOR THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE The Russian alphabet has 33letters, which are here listed together with their transliteration as adopted by the BCo-a)r d on Geographic Names. ft fc, a P e tin i T T c3/ y cl) 9b ye,e1 X x kh ts zh Li eh ?a /At 3 sh ttis LUuj shell b b 6 12 bl hi Y 1,3 1 13 09 a 3 3 10 yu (90 00 0 5151 ya CAfj' ri n eft tz., ye initially, after vowels, and after'b, b;e elsewhere. When written as e in Russian,transliterate as ye or 6. Use of diacritical marks is preferred, but such marks may be omitted when expediency dictates. 2• (apostrophe), palatalizes a preceding consonant, giving a sound resembling the consonant plus somewhat as in English meet you, did you. 3 The symbol"(double apostrophe), not a repetition of the line above. No sound; used only after certain prefixes before the vowel letters e, e, H, 10. iv ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL AA antiaircraft Mar marine AAA antiaircraft artillery Math mathematical,mathematics Acft aircraft Mech mechanical Admin administrative,administration Med medical AE atomic energy,atomic physics Met meteorological,meteorology AF Air Force MG machine gun AfId airfield Mil military Ammo ammunition Mort mortar Amph amphibian, amphibious MT motor transport Ana anatomy Mtr motor Anl animal Nay naval,navy Armd armored Obs obstacle Arty artillery Obsn observation Ash airship Obsol obsolete AT antitank Opn operation Autmv automotive Ord ordnance Auto automatic Photo photography Avn aviation Pita political Ball ballistic,ballistics PW prisoner of war Bin balloon Prcht parachute Brg bridge Psywar psychological warfare Biowar biological warfare rifle CA coast artillery Bad radio Cam camouflage Rd road Carr carrier RR railroad Cav -cavalry SA smallarms Civ civil,civilian Sit searchlight C/o clothing SMG submachinegun Cmdr commander SR sound ranging Cm/ chemical Sup supply,supplies Cm/C ChemicalCorps Surv survey,surveying Comm communication Tao tactical,tactics Cons construction Tech technical Crypto cryptography Tfc traffic Elea electric,electricity Tg telegram,telegraph Engr engineers,engineering Tk tank Eqp equipment Topo topographical,topography Fin finance,financial Tp telephone Ftn . fortifications Trans transportation gun TT teletypewriter Geol geologic,geology UN United Nations Gli glider USA United States Army, horse United States of America inf infantry USMC U.S. Marine Corps Inst instrument Vet veterinary Intel intelligence Wpn weapon V GRAMMATICAL ABBREVIATIONS adi adjective n noun adv adverb pf perfective F Feminine noun p1 plural indecl indeclinable ' 8 singular intr intransitive tr transitive M Masculine noun v verb N Neuter noun PART ONE ENGLISH-RUSSIAN AA machinegun (adj) 3emiTHo-n3ne­ abrasive dust a6pa31BHbill nopoup5it. METHbiti. abrasion a6pa3tia. abandon OCTaBanTb, 110K114Tb, 6pocaTb. abrasives a6pa3Asbi (Mpl). abandonment noicuamie, ocTasneHlle. abreast plutom (side by side); ronosa abandonment of post ocTaaaeHlle B ronosy (equally advanced); 6opr o _..CTA. 6opT. abandonment of post before the enemy abscissa a6cuAcca. ocTassieHme nocia s 6oesa o6cTaH6s­ absence withoutleave camosonbHaa or- JISrtiKa. abatement cmgrtialle Han3aHHH, absence without permission HeAo3so­ USA). ymeHbwelille. Hatca3aHim (Law, netwoe onTpariemie. Sep also employmentabatement;good absent OTCS7TCTB3710uutti. ___ conduct abatement. absentee OTCS'ICTBy10111,I1ii. abatis 3acexa (obstacle). absent without leave Haxojuiumilcg A-battery 6aTapeRKaaa (Rad). CaM0B6J1bHOR OTASTLIKe, CaMOB6.11bH0 OT­ abbreviation coxpauleHHe. nytifiBunificg. abdomen 6plownast HOJIOCTb, >KIMOT. acceleration pump ycKopfireabnbal Ha­ abdominal 6plowHoti. c6c. abeam Ha Tpanep3e (Mar). abscess aficuecc, Hapgis, m0th-111K aberration afiepaulia, ontaoHeme. (Med). aberration of the needle oricaoHeme absolute a6con6THIAtt. marmiTHO absolute altitude a6combnian sucoTa: ability cnocO6HocTB, ymeHbe (know­ absolute atmosphere a6conthman aT­ how). moccbepa. able cnoc66Hbal. absolute calibration oupeitenelme pa3­ able-bodied Kpemaitl,3,goposbill;roxibin MEIN memuy AeticTBATeAbHotl natthab- (for military service); Tpyjlocuoco6­ Hon CK6pOCTb10 cHapiila opSriatisi H Ta6­ .T11ltumfl (Ball). able-bodied seaman maTp6c nepBott cTa- absolute ceiling TeopenlgecKilfl 11om­ TO;ciimullft KpacHocimoTeu (Obsol). a6canibTfibrit 110TOJI6K (AV/1). able seaman NtaTp6c nepBoll CTATblf. absolute deviation OTKR011eMile TO4KH abnormal spin HenpapimbHbal ulTonop 11011UAIIIIST OT LteHTpa uéin (Arty). (Avn). absolute error OTIMOHellile nonaAamig aboard Ha Kopa6ae, Ha 6opTSr (Mar, OT uenTpa paccensamm (of impact, Avn);B saroHe(Rrcar). (Arty); noaHan TIOrpellIHOCTb npligena aboutface nosopOT..Kpyrom. (of sight, Arty). above the water Ha,E(Bol(HbItt. absolute humidity a6conibmaR B.1164K­ abrade a6pajuipoBan. HOCTb. abrasion a6pa3ig, iicnipaHne. absolute inclinometer ropH3OHTaabHbitl abrasive belt • a6pa3ilimaci aeHia. IIHKJ111/16MeTp, asHaropH3OHT (Avn). 1 absolute quarantine accountability absolutequarantine I1ÔJIHbIi xapanrcm. accessories HpHHaAJleIKHOCTH (Fp1); absolute temperature a6cosinbTxasi Tem­ arperanl(Mpl)(Mtr). nepaTSrpa. accessory no6CrunAti. absolute zero a6combnibiti Hy.m. accessory after the fact 110056HHK absorb a6cop6ipoBan, 1101-.7101.14aTb. (Law). absorbent nomau.'oloutee Beutecno, accessory before the fact noAcTpexa­ Bncymmaxnuee Beatecno. nab (Law). absorbent (adj) noraoutaionma, accessory drive Bcnomorareammal npu­ B6A, BcnomoraTenbnag CHROBAH nepe- absorbent charcoal aKTABHbItt Srronb, Aatia. awrinApoBannbiti STOAT., BlIfiTblBa10111.0 access road nolubewasi Aopora. accident. nectiacmbiti c.Tthati; noannta, absorbent cotton mrpootonkedcag BA- aBapna (Mech). Ta. accidental caytiathimil. absorbent unit nomaulamanti KOHTyp accidental cover yxpLITHe npe,gocTaBmi­ (Rad). emoe mecinocnio. absorption a6c6p6unst, nomou'enne, accidental error caplatinag ou1I6Ka,He­ Brarmanne. npeABAennasi mufioxa. abutment onopa, ynop; ycToti (Brg). accidental line of operations nenpejt­ abutment balk 6eperoBoti Remtem, ycmorpennag onepannonnasi JIAHHH. (Brg). accidental objective nenpe.rxycmoTpex- abutment bay 6eperoBott nponeT(Brg). HbIti 06'beKT JLCIICTBHIII caytiatinall nem, abutment span OeperoBoll nponET accident of terrain oulamca MeCTHOCTH. (Brg). accident report panopr o gpe3Butlaft­ abysmal 6e3Aoimuft. HOM nponcwecninn, panopT o 411. academy of artillery sciences alcue­ MH51 aprimepilticxxx HaSTK (USSR). acclimatization aKILTIHMaTH3aLtHfl. accomodation ladder npncTaixag nem. accelerate (v) ycxopsin. 3a6opmbiti Tpan (Nay). accelerating force cana yutopernig. accompany conpoBoxaan. accelerating pump yocopkendibiti 'la­ accompanying conpoBoxu'iloulna. coc, nacen-yucopilTenb (Mtr). accompanying artillery apTtinnepim co acceleration ycitopetnie. ripoBow.Aennsl. /acceleration of gravity yompenne C11­ accompanying fire orxeBoe conpoBoxi­ .T1b1 TimeCTH. ,geHne. accelerator pin OCb yucopliTeng (MG). accompanying weapons orxeBbie cpeA­ accelerator rod noBoxix axceaepaTopa; cTBa conpoBoxcAennsl. APOcceabliaa accelerograph axceneporpacb. accompanying tanks Tam'(Mpl) co­ npoBoHyleinisi. accelerometer axcenepomeTp, yxa3aTenb yocopemti. accomplice coO6ntimx, COBH11613Hblft. accept npnimman; command', accomplish coBepwaTb, 3aBeptuan, Bb1­ (agree). , 110JIMITb. acceptance commission npuemotmaR ito- accomplishment Bb1110,11HeHHe; AOCTIDIC-­ MICCHSI. sue (achievement); licno.rnienne pa­ acceptance test npuemHoe HCHbITLHHC, 66T. npllemotmag noBepxa. according to establishment Ta6e.uxbal. accept combat (v) nplimin accordion action See accordion effect. access A6cTyn, no,u6A. accordion effect pacTimanne H Ha6e­ accessible AocTSrnithill. rime noxeumoti KOJI6HHbl (Mt). accessible to tanks TaxKo,RocTSTImblit. account ctieT (record); oTtleT (state­ accessorial services BcnomoraTenHoe ment). 06CJI3T)KHBaHlie. accountability nolzonemocn. 2

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