Glossary This glossary is made up of two parts: a comprehensive Persian-English component and a less comprehensive but substantial English-Persian section. The words in each part are arranged according to the alphabets of the respective languages. The items in the Persian-English section include the Persian word, the English equivalent or equivalents, transcription and, where appropriate, the number of the lesson in which the item appears in the textbook for the first time. The suffixes, infinitives, etc., that are used to form compound nouns are also provided. The listing of the compound verbs is somewhat different from the usual. Unlike the common practice, these verbs are not listed under the compounding noun. Instead, they appear as a group under the appropriate formative auxiliary verb. There they are organized alphabetically, according to the first letter of the compounding noun. Thus, rather than under 'telefon', the verb 'telefon kærdæn' (to telephone) must be looked up under the auxiliary verb 'kærdæn'. Under that auxiliary, this verb appears as a member of a long list of kærdæn verbs, all set off by indentation. Furthermore, verbs that include compounding elements like 'bær-', 'va-', etc., are conjugated for the first three persons of their present tense. Persian-English ˜ mirror; looking glass, same as fi∫õ˜ [a'ine(h)] 10 fi∫øú˜ water; juice (fruit); liquid [ab] 3 [˜ habitable; inhabited; as suffix: habitation, e.g., a¢Ñ˜ r≠à [abad] 12 a¢Ñ˜ Abadan, city in SW Iran; flourishing; cultivated [abadan] 9 rZa¢Ñ˜ village, town or any other habitable settlement [abadi] wa¢Ñ˜ Aban, 8th month of the solar year. It has 30 days. [aban] r¢Ñ˜ soft or hard boiled (egg); boiled in water [abpæz] ¨ü [˜ beer [abjo] 9 )ºá + [˜* º¶Ñ˜ waterfall [abÍar] c¢Æј broth; soup [abguÍt] )À㺰 + [˜* À㺅ј water and power (lit., water and electricity) [ab væ bærq] n´Ñ t [˜ climate (lit., water and air); weather [ab væ hæva] 15 Zºò t [˜ blue (color), aquatic, watery [abi] 3 ·Ñ˜ irrigation [abyari] 15 wc¢øј apartment [aparteman] 10 r¢πÖc¢ü˜ fire [atæÍ] 9 —Ö˜ fire temple [atæÍga(h)] 11 )s¢° + —Ö˜* s¢…ÆÖ˜ pl. of ´ÜZ ; (literary) works; traces [asar] 15 c¢Ü˜ brick [ajor] 11 ´á˜ made of bricks [ajori] 11 w´á˜ dried nuts; dried fruits [ajil] 14 €øᘠBashiri 2 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ last; final; the latter part of the day, month, etc.; at last [axær] 14 ´â˜ the last; last one; latest [axærin] 14 ›õ´â˜ chewing gum [adams] –ñZa˜ address (n.) [adres] 8 eca˜ a person; human being; mankind [adæm] qa˜ hair dresser's salon; barber shop [arayeÍga(h)] 11 )s¢° + —õZc˜* s¢…ÆõZc˜ actor; actress; artist [artist] À≠øÖc˜ desire; wish; aspiration; yearning; hope [arezu] tdc˜ free; liberated; independent [azad] aZd˜ liberty; freedom; independence [azadi] waZd˜ easy; facile [asan] 12 r¢ä˜ elevator [asansor] cº≠ó¢ä˜ ease; facility [asani] 12 ·ó¢ä˜ place for rest; rest house; sanatorium [asayeÍgah] )s¢° + —õ¢ä˜* s¢…Æõ¢ä˜ sky; heaven; firmament [asman / aseman] r¢πä˜ cook [aÍpæz] 7 )›§®ü + f˜* ¨∆㘠kitchen [aÍpæzxane(h)] 7 )fió¢â + ¨∆ã˜* fió¢â¨∆㘠wastebasket; garbage can [aÍqaldan] 11 )rZa + p¢¥ã˜* rZ©ï¢¥ã˜ friend; acquaintance; familiar [aÍna / aÍena] 10 ¢∫㘠beginning; outset; debut [aqaz] 11 d¢ë˜ sun; sunlight; sunshine [aftab] 9 [¢§í˜ sunny; fair [aftabi] 9 ·Ñ¢§í˜ bravo; well-done [afærin] 12 ›õ´í˜ gentleman; Mr.; Mister; sir [aqa] ¢ì˜ gentlemen; on washroom doors, "Men" [aqayan] 7 r¢õ¢ì˜ advertisement; notice [agæhi] ·ª°˜ commercials (radio and television) [agæhihaye tejaræti] ·Öc¢¶Ö w¢ªøª°˜ sour cherry [albalu] ºï¢£ï˜ album; collection [albom] qº£ï˜ Germany [alman] 5 r¢Û˜ German language and people [almani] 5 ·ó¢Û˜ prepared; ready; equipped; determined; alert [amade(h)] 14 sa¢ñ˜ ambulance [ambulans] 11 –ó˺£ñ˜ to come; to arrive; to become; to match; to fit; coming [amædæn (a)] 7 )˜* r©ñ˜ to blow (wind) [bad] ( a¢Ñ to rain [baran] 8 ( rZc¢Ñ to boil (lit., to come to a boil) [bejuÍ] 14 ( fº¶Ñ to dislike; to disapprove; to hate [bæd] ( ©Ñ to dislike a particular aspect or trait [æz...bæd] ( ©Ñ /// dZ to be found; to be produced [bedæst] ( Àä©Ñ to be born [bedonia] ( ¢øó©Ñ to come up; rise (the sun) [bær] 13 ( ´Ñ to snow [bærf] 8 ( m´Ñ to come out [birun] 9 ( rt´øÑ to feel sleepy [xab] 12 ( [Zºâ to like something or someone (lit., to come pleasing to) [xoÍ] 9 ( fºâ 3 Main Text __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to like a particular aspect or trait [æz...xoÍ] ( fºâ /// dZ to remember (lit., to come to memory); to recall [yad] 10 ( a¢õ traffic; coming and going [amæd væ ræft] 9 Àíc t ©ñ˜ to teach [amuxtæn (amus) ] 13 ) dºñ˜* ›§âºñ˜ teacher (elementary school); tutor [amuzgar] 2 c¢°dºñ˜ to mix; to blend; to associate [amixtæn (amiz)] 12 )¨øñ˜* ›§®øñ˜ that; moment; instant; property [an] 1 & 11 r˜ pl. of r˜; those; they [anan] r¢ó˜ that place; there [anja] ¢¶ó˜ that time; then [anvæqt] Àìºó˜ those people; they [anha] 4 ¢ªó˜ voice; sound; song; melody; shout [avaz] 6 dZt˜ to bring; to fetch [aværdæn (avær)] 8 )ct˜* ract˜ to account; to recognize; to include [behesab] ( [¢≠ßÑ to earn; to obtain; to achieve [bedæst] 11 ( Àä©Ñ to versify; to compose poetry [beÍe'r dær] ( ca ´≥ÆÑ to create; to bring into existence [bevojud] ( aºáºÑ to bring down [pa'in] 13 ( ›øú¢ü to return something [pæs] 13 ( –ü slow (walking, driving, etc.); low; soft (speaking) [aheste(h)] 14 fi§≠ò˜ iron (metal) [ahæn] ›ò˜ blacksmith [ahængær] 11 ´…∫ò˜ deer; gazelle; stag [ahu] ºò˜ question marker that appears sentence initially [aya] 3 ¢õ˜ coming; future [ayænde(h)] 12 s©∫õ˜ mirror; looking glass, same as fi∫øú˜ [ayene(h)] 10 fi∫õ˜ ZZZZ beginning; start; outset; first; at first, same as YZ©§ÑZ [ebteda] Z©§ÑZ at the beginning; in the beginning [dær ebteda] Z©§ÑZ ca elementary; initial; primitive; preliminary; primary (school) [ebteda'i] ·úZ©§ÑZ cloud; sponge [æbr] 11111111 ´ÑZ eyebrow; the brace [æbru] t´ÑZ cloudy; sponge-like [æbri] w´ÑZ room; compartment; chamber, same as n¢iZ [otaq] 11110000 n¢ÖZ iron (clothes), same as ºiZ [otu] ºÖZ bus; omnibus [otobus] 9999 eºÑºÖZ bus stop; bus station; bus terminal [istgahe otobus] eºÑºÖZ s¢…§≠õZ automobile; car [otomobil] 6666 €ø£ñºÖZ equipment; furniture [æsasiyye(h)] fiNøÜ¢ÜZ rent; payment; charter [ejare(h)] 11111111 sc¢áZ a gathering; assembly; society; a crowd [ejtema'] 11111111 k¢π§áZ social; sociable; gregarious [ejtema'i] ·ê¢π§áZ Bashiri 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ pl. of a≠á ; corpses; bodies [æjsad] 11111111 a¢≠áZ respect; honor; reverence [ehteram] qZ´§àZ need; necessity; want; lack [ehtiaj] 7777 ^¢ø§àZ caution; precaution; prudence; care [ehtiat] 11110000 i¢ø§àZ Ahmad, first name (male); praiseworthy [æhmæd] 9999 ©πàZ pl. of pZà ; conditions; circumstances; events; states [æhval] 12 pZºàZ pl. of c£â ; news; information; stories; reports [æxbar] 9 c¢£âZ difference; dispute; discord; opposition [extelaf] mȧâZ dismissal; expelling; banishment; exile [exraj] 11112222 ^Z´âZ recent; late; new; last [æxir] ´øâZ recently; lately; lastly [æxiræn] ı´øâZ office (building); management; administration; bureau; department [edare(h)] 7777 scZaZ continuation; duration; perpetuity [edame(h)] 11110000 fiñZaZ politeness; courtesy; literature; culture [ædæb] [aZ literary; belletristic [ædæbi] ·ÑaZ literature; letters; belles lettres [ædæbiyyat] \¢øN ÑaZ boss; master; lord; proprietor [ærbab] 11114444 [¢ÑcZ founder of the Sassanian dynasty; son of Papak [ærdeÍir (-e babækan)] )r¢∑Ñ¢Ñ* ´øãacZ Urdu language; army camp [ordu] tacZ Ordibehesht, 2nd month of the solar year; it has 31 days [ordibeheÍt] Àƪ£õacZ cheap; inexpensive [ærzan] 3333 rZdcZ value; worth [ærzeÍ] fdcZ Europe [orupa] 11110000 ¢ütcZ Urmia, lake in NW Iran [orumiye(h)] fiøñtcZ saw (tool) [ærre(h)] scN Z from; than; since; out of; belonging to; among [æz] dZ for this reason [æzinru] 11111111 t´∫õZ dZ [æz...ta] ¢Ö /// dZ from; on the part of; on behalf of [æz janebe] ␣ó¢á dZ including; comprising [æz jomle(h)] fi∏πá dZ marriage; wedding; union [ezdevaj] 11112222 ^ZtadZ since (the time when) [æzvæqtike] fi∑ø§ìt dZ foundation; principle [æsas] e¢äZ horse; (in chess) the knight [æsb] 9999 ␣äZ Spain [espania] ¢øó¢∆äZ Spanish language and people [espania'i] ·ú¢øó¢∆äZ Spanish language and people [espanioli] Òºøó¢∆äZ professor; master; teacher; one skilled in a profession; expert [ostad] 4444 a¢§äZ professorship; mastery; experience [ostadi] wa¢§äZ employment; hiring; placement [estexdam] 11112222 qZ©®§äZ swimming pool; pond; one of the capitals of ancient Iran [estæxr] 9 ´®§äZ rest; tranquility; relaxation [esterahæt] ÀàZ´§äZ Australia [ostoralia] ¢øïZ´§äZ 5 Main Text __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ talent; gift; aptitude; susceptibility [este'dad] 11111111 aZ©≥§äZ resignation; abdication [este'fa'] 11111111 Y¢µ≥§äZ use; usage; application [este'mal] p¢π≥§äZ making use of; taking advantage; profit; benefit; interest [estefade(h)] 11111111 sa¢µ§äZ teacup; glass [estekan] r¢∑§äZ sooner [æsræ'] k´äZ soonest; as soon as possible [dær æsræ'e væqt] ÀìtI k´äZ ca spinach [esfenaj] ^¢∫µäZ Esfand, 12th month of the solar year; it has 28 or 29 days [esfænd] 14 ©∫µäZ Iskandar, first name (male); Alexander [eskændær] 11113333 c©∫∑äZ Alexander the Great of Macedonia [eskændære mæqduni] ·ót©∂ñ c©∫∑äZ ski [eski] ·∑äZ Islam; the Muhammadan religion [eslam] 11111111 qÈäZ Islamic [eslami] 11112222 ·ñÈäZ (in photography) slides [eslaid] ©õÈäZ name; noun; title; nickname [esm] 2222 ‹äZ registration; enrollment [esm nevisi] 11111111 ·≠õºó ‹äZ Ashk, title of Parthian kings of Iran; tear drop [æÍk] ⁄ãZ Ashkanid, the Parthian dynasty [æÍkanian] ·ó¢îãZ pointing; sign; hint; reference [eÍare(h)] 11114444 sc¢ãZ a mistake; an error; oversight [eÍteba(h)] s¢£§ãZ stable; stall; mews [estæbl] 11111111 €£±åZ term; terminology; idiom [estelah] _ȱåZ Isfahan, capital city of the Saljuq and Safavid dynasties [esfæhan] 6666 r¢ªµåZ origin; genuine; foundation; basis [æsl] €åZ basically; fundamentally; in reality [dær æsl] €åZ ca at all (usually used with verb in the negative); essentially [æslæn] 11112222 ÎåZ basic; original; authentic; fundamental [æsli] ÚåZ pl. of €åZ ; essential parts; basics; fundamentals; principles [osul] 11111111 pºåZ of noble birth; genuine; sincere [æsil] €øåZ room; chamber; cabin, same as n¢ÖZ [otaq] 11110000 n¢éZ reception room [otaqe pæzira'i] ·úZ´õ™ü n¢éZ bedroom [otaqe xab] [Zºâ n¢éZ dining room [otaqe qæzaxori] wcºâZ™ë n¢éZ sitting room; living room [otaqe neÍimæn] ›πøÆó n¢éZ pl. of m´é ; sides; suburbs; about [ætraf mZ´éZ pl. of pµé ; children; infants [ætfal] p¢µéZ information; notice; news; communication [ettela'] 11111111 kÈéN Z pl. of [´ê ; Arabs [æ'rab] [Z´êZ majesty; his majesty [æ'lahæzræt] \´∞ßø∏êZ often; most [æqlæb] ␣∏ëZ to fall; to drop; to happen [oftadæn (oft)] 11113333 )ÀíZ* ra¢§íZ to happen [ettefaq] ( n¢µÖN Z to move (about with excitement); to stir; to get busy at [bejonbo juÍ] 11114444 ( fºá t ␣∫¶Ñ Bashiri 6 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to perish [bær] ( ´Ñ to start to go; to start on a journey [berah] 11113333 ( sZ´Ñ to start to work [bekar] ( c¢∑Ñ to start to think [befekr] ( ´∑µÑ to be caught [gir] 11113333 ( ´ø° increase; augmentation; growth [æfzayeÍ] —õZ¨íZ on the increase [ru beæfzayeÍ] ( —õZ¨í¢Ñ tc to increase; to augment; to multiply [æfzudæn (æfza)] 11113333 )Z¨íZ * rat¨íZ fiction; myth; legend [æfsane(h)] 11113333 fió¢≠íZ legendary; mythical [æfsanei] wZ fió¢≠íZ Afghanistan [æfqanestan] 3333 r¢§≠ó¢¥íZ horizon; region [ofoq] ŸíZ economy; economics; thrift; frugality [eqtesad] 11112222 a¢Ø§ìZ pl. of q≠ì ; kinds; varieties; types; sorts [æqsam] 11111111 q¢≠ìZ at least [æqællæn] ÎìZ minority; smaller group; opposition party [æqæliyyæt] 11113333 ÀNø∏ìZ ocean [oqiyanus] eºó¢øìZ most; greater; greatest;majority [æksær] ´•îZ mostly; generally; often [æksæræn] ı´•îZ majority; the greatest part; quorum [æksæriyyæt] Àõ´•îZ oxygen [oksiÛen] r»ø≠îZ now; present time; at present [æknun] rº∫îZ if; in case; same as cZ and ´° […gær] 11113333 ´°Z shortly; presently; right now [æl'an] 11113333 r˘Z donkey; jackass [olaq] 11111111 lËZ of course; surely; certainly; undoubtedly […lbætte(h)] 6666 fi§N £ïZ but of course [ælbætte(h) ke] 11110000 fiî fi§N £ïZ Alborz, mountain range north of Tehran [ælborz] d´£ïZ praise be to God [ælhæmdolela(h)] F©πßïZ electricity; electric [elekterik] ⁄õ´§∑ïZ alcohol [ælkol] €∑ïZ alcoholic; addicted to alcohol [ælkoli] Ú∑ïZ hello! (telephone conversation) [ælo] ºïZ God; Allah; divinity [ællah] FZG but; however; yet […mma] 4444 ¢ñN Z Imam; Muslim saint; a religious leader [emam] q¢ñZ deposit; honesty; trust; parcel [æmanæt] 11113333 Àó¢ñZ Muslim community; followers; sect [ommæt] ÀñN Z test; examination; trial; experiment [emtæhan / emtehan] 1111 r¢ß§ñZ final (end of year) examination [emtæhane næha'i] ·ú¢ªó r¢ß§ñZ entrance examination [emtæhane vorudi] 11111111 watct r¢ß§ñZ command; order; affair; matter; concern [æmr] ´ñZ today; this day [emruz] 7777 dt´ñZ in these days; nowadays [emruze(h)] sdt´ñZ modern; up to date; au courant [emruzi] wdt´ñZ America; the United States [emrika] 3333 ¢∑õ´ñZ 7 Main Text __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ American [emrika'i] ·ú¢∑õ´ñZ this year [emsal] 8888 p¢≠ñZ tonight [emÍæb] 8888 ␣ÆñZ signature [emza'] Y¢∞ñZ signed by [beemzaye] w¢∞ñ¢Ñ possibility; feasibility; likelihood [emkan] r¢∑ñZ possible; probable [emkan pæzir] ´õ™ü r¢∑ñZ impossible [emkan napæzir] ´õ™ü¢ó r¢∑ñZ spelling; dictation; orthography [emla'] YÈñZ omelet [omlet] À∏ñZ hope; expectation [omid] 11111111 ©øñZ it is hoped [omid æst] ÀäZ ©øñZ hopeful; expectant [omidvar] 11111111 cZt©øñZ hopefulness; expectancy [omidvarí] wcZt©øñZ prince; commander; chief; emir [æmir] ´øñZ pomegranate [ænar] 6666 c¢óZ end; limit; conclusion; termination [entæha'] Y¢ª§óZ conclusion; ending; fulfillment [ænjam] 11111111 q¢¶óZ society; association; meeting; council [ænjomæn] ›π¶óZ fig [ænjir] ´ø¶óZ to throw; to toss; to omit; to shoot [ændaxtæn (ændaz)] 11114444 )dZ©óZ* ›§âZ©óZ to make laugh [bexænde(h)] 11112222 ( s©∫®Ñ to overthrow [bær] ( ´Ñ to cause to weep [begerye(h)] 11112222 ( fiõ´…Ñ to imprison [tuye zendan] ( rZ©ód wºÖ size; measure; amount; measurement [ændaze(h)] 9999 sdZ©óZ sufficiently [beændazeye kafi] 9999 ·í¢î sdZ©ó¢Ñ the interior; the inside; inner court [ændærun] 11111111 rtc©óZ energy [enerÛi] 11111111 wÄ´óZ atomic energy [enerÛiye ætomi] 11111111 ·πÖZ wÄ´óZ mankind; individual; a man; a human being [ensan] r¢≠óZ composition [enÍa'] Y¢ÆóZ if God pleases; God willing [enÍaællah] 8888 FZY¢ÆóZ revolution; insurgence; upheaval; riot [enqelab] 11111111 [È∂óZ revolutionary [enqelabi] ·ÑÈ∂óZ denial; disavowal; disclaiming; renunciation [enkar] c¢∑óZ finger [ængoÍt] ÀÆ…óZ a ring (wedding); signet [ængoÍtær] ´§Æ…óZ England [engelestan] r¢§≠∏…óZ English [engelisi] 5555 ·≠ø∏…óZ grapes [ængur] cº…óZ motive; impetus; inspiration; incentive [ængize(h)] s¨ø…óZ pl. of kºó ; kinds; sorts; varieties; species [ænva'] kZºóZ Anvari, Persian poet (1126-1189) [ænværi] wcºóZ Anushiravan (lit., of the immortal soul); Khosrow I [ænuÍirævan] 11112222 rZt´øãºóZ Bashiri 8 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ he; she; same as wt [u] 4444 tZ pl. of ´â˜ ; about the end [ævaxer] ´âZtZ pl. of ‘ät ; around the middle [ævaset] ‘äZtZ pl. of pNtZ ; in the early parts [ævayel] €õZtZ peak; height; zenith [owj] ^tZ the Avesta, the holy book of the Zoroastrians [ævesta] ¢§ätZ pl. of ÷çt ; conditions; circumstances; situations [owza'] 11111111 k¢çtZ pl. of \ìt ; times; hours; days; humor; disposition [owqat] 11111111 \¢ìtZ first; initial; first-rate; outset; beginning [ævvæl] 9999 ptN Z the first; foremost; chief [ævvælin] 11110000 ›øïtN Z pl. of €òZ ; citizens; inhabitants [æhali] Ò¢òZ from; native of; citizen of [æhl(e)] 5555 €òZ importance; significance; import [æhæmiyyæt] 11111111 ÀøN πòZ Ahwaz, city in western Iran [æhvaz] dZºòZ Ahura Mazda, the God of Zoroaster [æhura mæzda] Za¨ñ cºòZ Oh!; interjection; indication of satisfaction [ey] wZ state; province [iyalæt] Àï¢õZ Italy [italiya] 3333 ¢øõZ Italian (language and people) [italiya'i] 5555 ·ú¢øõZ ideal [ide'al] p˜ s©õZ Iran; Persia [iran] 3333 rZ´õZ Iranian; Persian [irani] ·óZ´õZ Iraj, name of an ancient Iranian king; modern Iranian poet [iræj] ^´õZ to stand; to resist; to stop; to wait [istadæn (ist)] 9999 )À≠õZ* ra¢§≠õZ to remain waiting [montæzer] 9999 ( ´≤§∫ñ to wait for ... [montæzere] ( ///´≤§∫ñ standing; in a standing posture [istade(h)] sa¢§≠õZ station [istga(h)] 11110000 s¢…§≠õZ bus stop; bus depot [istgahe otobus] 11110000 eºÑºÖZ s¢…§≠õZ they; a polite substitution fortZ [iÍan] r¢ÆõZ tribe; clan [il] €õZ pl. of €õZ ; tribes; clans [ilat] \ÈõZ faith; belief; creed; credence [iman] r¢πõZ this; the latter [in] 1111 ›õZ this place; here [inja] ¢¶∫õZ I; the undersigned; me [injaneb] ␣ó¢¶∫õZ pl. of ›õZ ; these [inha] ¢ª∫õZ veranda; portico; porch; balcony [eyvan] rZºõZ [ with; by means of; on (horseback) [ba] 6666 ¢ Ñ valuable [baærzeÍ] 11111111 fdcZ ¢Ñ just; fair; equitable [baensaf] 11111111 m¢ØóZ ¢Ñ important; significant; of importance [baæhæmiyyæt] 11111111 ÀøN πòZ ¢Ñ 9 Main Text __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ dad; daddy; father [baba] 5555 ¢Ñ¢Ñ the grandfather of Ardashir, founder of the Sassanian dynasty [babæk] ⁄Ñ¢Ñ of the house of Babak, see ⁄Ñ¢Ñ [babækan] 15 r¢∑Ñ¢Ñ experienced [batæjrobe(h)] fiÑ´¶Ö ¢Ñ tribute; toll; tax; duty [baj] 11114444 ^¢Ñ ticket counter; booth; ticket office [baje(h)] fiá¢Ñ wearing a chador; covered; veiled [bahejab] 11111111 [¢¶à ¢Ñ wise [baxeræd] 11111111 a´â ¢Ñ wind; air; swelling; pride [bad] 11114444 a¢Ñ eggplant ; same as r¢¶ña¢Ñ [badenjan] r¢¶óa¢Ñ talented; gifted [bazowq] ntb¢Ñ time (as in once, twice); load; burden [bar] 11110000 c¢Ñ rain; rainstorm [baran] 8 rZc¢Ñ Barbad, ancient Sassanian court musician [barbæd] ©Ñc¢Ñ time; on the subject of; regarding (usu. with ca ); concerning [bare(h)] sc¢Ñ to rain; to pour; same as r©ñ˜ rZc¢Ñ [baridæn (bar)] )c¢Ñ* r©õc¢Ñ narrow; thin; delicate; slender [barik] ⁄õc¢Ñ open; again; hawk [baz] 8888 d¢Ñ bazaar; marketplace; fair; shopping center [bazar] 6666 cZd¢Ñ local market; small market [bazarÇe(h)] 11111111 fi†cZd¢Ñ repaying a visit (see, ©õad¢Ñ t ©õa ) ; inspection [bazdid] ©õad¢Ñ merchant; trader; businessman [bazærgan] r¢°cd¢Ñ commerce; trade [bazærgani] ·ó¢°cd¢Ñ restoration; rehabilitation; renovation [bazsazi] wd¢äd¢Ñ return; restitution; home-coming [bazgæÍt] ÀÆ°d¢Ñ to return [bazgæÍtæn (baz gærd)] )a´°d¢Ñ* ›§Æ°d¢Ñ e.g., pres. : aa´°·ñd¢Ñ - wa´°·ñd¢Ñ - qa´°·ñd¢Ñ to lag behind; to be detained [bazmandæn (baz man)] )r¢ñd¢Ñ* r©ó¢ñd¢Ñ e.g., pres. : aó¢ñ·ñd¢Ñ - ·ó¢ñ·ñd¢Ñ - qó¢ñ·ñd¢Ñ retired [bazneÍæste(h)] fi§≠Æód¢Ñ arm [bazu] td¢Ñ game; jest; play [bazi] 8888 wd¢Ñ toy; plaything [baziÇe(h)] fi«õd¢Ñ actor; actress; buffoon; player [bazigær] ´…õd¢Ñ ancient [bastan] r¢§ä¢Ñ archaeologist [bastanÍenas] e¢∫Æó¢§ä¢Ñ archaeology [bastanÍenasi] ·ä¢∫Æó¢§ä¢Ñ ancient; of yore [bastani] ·ó¢§ä¢Ñ with the exception of; save [beestesnaye] w¢∫•§ä¢Ñ having a good taste (fashion); tasteful [basæliqe(h)] fi∂ø∏ä¢Ñ lettered; literate; educated [basævad] aZºä¢Ñ grand; splendid; magnificent [baÍokuh] 11111111 sº∑ã¢Ñ club (meeting place) [baÍga(h)] s¢…ã¢Ñ pleasant; agreeable [basæfa] 11111111 ¢µå¢Ñ swamp; marsh [batlaq] nÈé¢Ñ Bashiri 10 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ heart; mind; conscience [baten] ›é¢Ñ cause; reason; motive [ba'es] 11113333 Ãê¢Ñ garden [baq] 7777 l¢Ñ zoo; zoological garden [baqvæhÍ] —àt l¢Ñ gardener [baqban] 11110000 r¢£ë¢Ñ small garden; flower-bed [baqÇe(h)] 8888 fi«ë¢Ñ to knit; to weave; to braid [baftæn (baf)] )m¢Ñ* ›§í¢Ñ textile; what is woven or knit [baftæni] ·∫§í¢Ñ baklava; a kind of pastry [baqlæva] Zº∏ì¢Ñ remainder; balance; rest; residue [baqi] ·ì¢Ñ rest; leftover; what has remained [baqimande(h)] s©ó¢πøì¢Ñ wing [bal] p¢Ñ above; high; superior; up; height [bala] 7777 袄 at last; eventually; finally [belæxære(h)] 11115555 s´â袄 roof [bam] 11113333 q¢Ñ kind; loving; affectionate [bamæhæbbæt] À£Nßñ¢Ñ tasty; palatable [bamæzze(h)] 11111111 s¨N ñ¢Ñ measuring; as much as [beændaze(h)] 9999 sdZ©ó¢Ñ sufficient(ly) [beændazeye kafi] 9999 ·í¢î sdZ©ó¢Ñ bank [bank] 1111 ⁄ó¢Ñ banker [bankdar] 11111111 cZ©∑ó¢Ñ in spite of [bavojude inke] fi∑∫õZ aºát ¢Ñ belief; believing; accepting [bavær] ct¢Ñ loyal; faithful [bavæfa] 11111111 ¢ít¢Ñ together [bahæm] 7777 ‹ò¢Ñ skilled in an art [bahonær] ´∫ò¢Ñ intelligent; clever; gifted; astute [bahuÍ] 11111111 fºò¢Ñ must (takes the subjunctive form of the verb) [bayæd] 9999 ©õ¢Ñ thus; in this manner [bein tærtib] ␣øÖ´Ö ›õ¢Ñ excuse me! pardon me! [bebæxÍid] 2222 ©øÆ®£Ñ idol [bot] ÀÑ idolater [botpæræst] Àä´ü ÀÑ idolatry ; worship of idols [botpæræsti] ·§ä´ü ÀÑ bush; shrub [botte(h)] fi§N Ñ proper; timely; suitable [beja] ¢¶Ñ in place of; instead of [bejaye] 11114444 w¢¶Ñ except; besides; same as dZ ´ø¥Ñ [bejoz] ¨¶Ñ childish [bæÇÇegane(h)] fió¢…«N Ñ childhood [bæÇÇegi] ·…«N Ñ child; baby; infant [bæÇÇe(h)] fi«N Ñ pregnant [bæÇÇe(h)dar] 11113333 )›§ãZa + fi«N Ñ* cZa fi«N Ñ sea [bæhr] ´ßÑ Caspian Sea; same as c¨â w¢õca [bæhre xæzær] c¨â ´ßÑ luck; fortune; chance [bæxt] ÀâÑ to excuse; to pardon [bæxÍidæn (bæxÍ)] )—®Ñ* r©øÆ®Ñ to kiss [buse] ( fiäºÑ