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GLOBALLY GENERATED VECTOR BUNDLES ON THE SEGRE THREEFOLD WITH PICARD NUMBER TWO 5 1 E. BALLICO, S.HUH ANDF. MALASPINA 0 2 n Abstract. We classify globally generated vector bundles on P1 ×P2 a with small first Chern class, i.e. c1 = (a,b), a+b ≤ 3. Our main J method is to investigate the associated smooth curves to globally gen- 2 erated vector bundlesvia theHartshorne-Serreconstruction. 2 ] G A 1. Introduction . h Globally generated vector bundles on projective varieties play an impor- at tant role in classical algebraic geometry. If they are nontrivial they must m have strictly positive first Chern class. The classification of globally gener- [ ated vector bundles with low first Chern class has been done over several rational varieties such as projective spaces [1, 13] and quadric hypersur- 1 v faces [3]. There is also a recent work over complete intersection Calabi-Yau 0 threefolds by the authors [4]. 0 There are three types of Segre varieties of dimension 3: P3, P1 ×P2 and 6 P1×P1×P1. Inthispaperweexaminethesimilarproblemofclassification of 5 0 globally generated vector bundles for the Segre variety P1×P2, the product 1. of a projective line and a projective plane. Note that the classification is 0 already dealt in the case of P3 in [1, 13]. 5 The Hartshorne-Serre correspondence states that the construction of vec- 1 tor bundles of rank r ≥ 2 on a smooth variety X with dimension 3 is closely : v related with the structure of curves in X and it inspires the classification i X of vector bundles on smooth projective threefolds. There have been several r works on the classification of arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay (ACM) bun- a dles on the Segre threefolds [8, 6, 7] and so it is sufficiently timely to classify the globally generated vector bundles on the Segre threefolds. Ourmainresultis toclassify globally generated vector bundleson P1×P2 with low first Chern class c , up to trivial factor. When c = (1,2) or 1 1 c = (2,1), we have the following result (see Theorem 5.12 and Theorem 1 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 14J60; 14J32; 14H25. Key words and phrases. Segre variety, Vector bundles, Globally generated, Curves in projective spaces. ThefirstandthirdauthorsarepartiallysupportedbyMIURandGNSAGAofINDAM (Italy). ThesecondauthorissupportedbyBasicScienceResearchProgram2010-0009195 throughNRFfundedbyMEST.ThethirdauthorissupportedbytheframeworkofPRIN 2010/11 ‘Geometria delle variet`a algebriche’, cofinanced byMIUR. 1 2 E.BALLICO,S.HUHANDF.MALASPINA 4.8 for a more general form in which for some of the invariants (s;f ,f ;r) 1 2 there bundles are described, up to isomorphisms): Theorem 1.1. Let E be a globally generated vector bundle of rank r at least 2 on X = P1 ×P2 with the first Chern class c = (1,2) or c = (2,1) and 1 1 the second Chern class c (E) = (f ,f ). If E has no trivial factor, then the 2 1 2 quadruple (s;f ,f ;r) is one of the following: 1 2 (s is the number of connected components of associated curve.) (1;1,1;2), (1;0,2;2), (1;4,4;3 ≤ r ≤ 11), (1;3,3;3 ≤ r ≤ 7), (1;2,3;3 ≤ r ≤ 8),  (1;c,2;3 ≤ r ≤ c+2) with c∈ {1,2,3,4}  when c = (1,2); and 1 (s;0,s;r) with 1 ≤ s≤ 3 and 2 ≤ r ≤ s+1, (1;1,b;r) with 1 ≤ b ≤ 4,r = 2 if b = 1, and 3 ≤ r ≤2b if b ≥ 2 (cid:26) when c = (2,1). 1 Note thatwe have c (E) = (f ,f )= (e ,e )where(e ,e )is thebidegree 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 of a curve associated to E via the Hartshorne-Serre correspondence (see Definition 3.4). For cases c ∈ {(1,1),(a,0),(0,b) | a,b ∈ N} we also obtain 1 similar classification of possible quadruples (s;f ,f ;r) in Proposition 3.7, 1 2 Proposition 3.8 and Corollary 2.8. These results give us a complete answer fortheclassificationofgloballygeneratedvectorbundleswiththefirstChern class c with (0,0) ≤ c < (2,2). We also completely describe the globally 1 1 generated vector bundles with respect to quadruple (s;f ,f ;r) in most 1 2 cases. In the rank 2 case the list is so short that we may put it in the introduction. Theorem 1.2. Let E be a globally generated vector bundle of rank 2 on X = P1 × P2 with no trivial factor and the first Chern class c such that 1 (0,0) ≤ c < (2,2). Then E is isomorphic to either 1 (1) a direct sum of two line bundles, or (2) a Ulrich bundle arising from a non-trivial extension 0 −→ O (0,1) −→ E −→ O (2,0) −→ 0, X X (3) a twist of π∗(TP2(−1)). 2 So in the rank 2 case we found no unexpected bundle, finitely many iso- morphism classes of bundles and these isomorphic classes are distinguished by their c and c . The situation is quite different in rank higher than 2, al- 1 2 though sometimes an expected bundleof high rank gives a full classification for lower ranks (see Proposition 5.11). Let us here summarize the structure of this paper. In Section 2, we intro- duce the definitions and main properties that will be used throughout the paper, mainly the Hartshorne-Serre correspondence that relates the glob- ally generated vector bundles with smooth curves contained in the Segre threefolds. In Section 3 we collect several general results when one factor of GLOBALLY GENERATED VECTOR BUNDLES 3 bidegree of associated curve is 1, and deal with the case of c = (1,1). In 1 Section 4 and 5 we keep classifying the globally generated vector bundles with c = (2,1) and c = (1,2) respectively. 1 1 2. Preliminaries In this section we introduce the definitions and main properties of Segre varieties as well as the Hartshorne-Serre construction. Definition 2.1. For n ,...,n ∈ N, let us define the Segre variety X = 1 s Σ to be the product Pn1 ×···×Pns of s projective spaces. n1,...,ns Letting π : Pn1×···×Pns −→ Pni be the projection to the i-th factor, we i denote π1∗OPn1(a1)⊗···⊗πs∗OPns(as) by OX(a1,...,as). For our simplicity letusdenoteO (a,...,a)byO (a), ifthereisnoconfusion. For acoherent X X sheaf E on X, we denote E ⊗O (a ,...,a ) by E(a ,...,a ) and the dual X 1 s 1 s sheaf of it by E∨. The intersection ring A(X) is isomorphic to A(Pn1)⊗···⊗A(Pns) and so we have (1) A(X) ∼= Z[t ,...,t ]/(tn1+1,...,tns+1). 1 s 1 s ThenX isembeddedintoPN withN = s (n +1)−1bythecompletelin- i=1 i earsystem|O (1)|. NotethatA1(X) ∼= Z⊕sbya t +···a t 7→ (a ,...,a ). X 1 1 s s 1 s Q Let E be a globally generated vector bundle of rank r on X with the first Chern class c (E) = (a ,...,a ). Then it fits into the exact sequence 1 1 s ⊕(r−1) (2) 0−→ O −→ E −→ I (a ,...,a ) −→ 0, X C 1 s whereC isalocallycompleteintersection ofcodimension2onX by[11,Sec- ⊕(r−1) tion 2. G]. If C is empty, then E is isomorphic to O ⊕O (a ,...,a ). X X 1 s In this article we will mainly work on X = P1 × P2 and so the locally complete intersection C would be a curve in X. Proposition 2.2. [12] If E is a globally generated vector bundle of rank r on X with the first Chern class c such that H0(E(−c )) 6=0, then we have 1 1 ⊕(r−1) E ≃ O ⊕O (c ). X X 1 In particular, in the classification of globally generated vector bundles on X, we may assume that C is not empty and H0(E(−c )) =0. 1 Let πˆ : X −→ Pn1 ×···Pni ×···×Pns denote the natural projection. i Proposition 2.3. Let c = (a ,...,a ) ∈ Z⊕s with a = 0. Then there is 1 c 1 s ≥0 s a bijection given by E 7→ πˆ∗(E) between the set of spanned vector bundles E s of rank r on Pn1 ×···×Pns−1 with c (E) = (a ,...,,a ) and the spanned 1 1 s−1 vector bundles of rank r on X with the first Chern class c . Moreover we 1 have (1) hi(Pn1 ×···×Pns−1,E) = hi(X,π∗(E)) for all i ≥ 0; s (2) for any spanned bundle G on X with c (G) = 0, we have G ∼= 1 πˆ∗(πˆ (G)) with πˆ (G) a spanned bundle on Pn1 ×···×Pns−1. s s∗ s∗ 4 E.BALLICO,S.HUHANDF.MALASPINA Proof. Thelaststatement follows fromtheprojection formulaandtheLeray spectralsequenceofπˆs,becauseπˆs∗(OX) ∼= OPn1×···×Pns−1 andRiπs∗(OX) = 0for all i ≥ 0. Fix a spannedvector bundleG of rankr on X with c (G) = 0 1 and let ϕ : X −→ G(r,m) be the associated morphism to a Grassmannian with m = h0(G). To prove the first assertion it is sufficient to prove that ϕ is constant on every fiber of πˆ . Let L ∼= Pns be any fiber of πˆ and then the s s vector bundleG is spanned with trivial determinant. Therefore G ∼= O⊕r |L |L L and so ϕ(L) is a point. Since G ∼= πˆ (E) for some E on Pn1 ×···×Pns−1, s∗ the projection formula gives E ∼= πˆ (G). (cid:3) s∗ Let us say that a line bundle R on X has property ⋄ if the following conditions are satisfied: (1) R is globally generated; (2) R 6= O ; X (3) If A is a globally generated line bundle with H0(R⊗A∨)6= 0, then we have either A∼= O or A ∼= R. X When we have dim(X) = 3, the Hartshorne-Serre correspondence can be stated as follows: Theorem 2.4. [2, Theorem 1] Let R be a line bundle on X with ⋄. (i) There is a bijection between the set of pairs (E,j), where E is a spanned vector bundle of rank 2 on X with det(E) ∼= R and j : K −→ H0(E) is non-zero map, up to linear automorphisms of K, and the smooth curves C ⊂ X with I ⊗R spanned and ω ∼= R , C C |C except that C = ∅ corresponds to O ⊕R with a section s nowhere X vanishing. (ii) Fix an integer r ≥ 3. There is a bijection between the set of triples (E,V,j), where E is a spanned vector bundle of rank r on X with det(E) ∼= R, V is an (r−1)-dimensional vector space and j : V −→ H0(E) is a linear map, up to a linear automorphism of V, with dependency locus of codimension 2, and the smooth curves C ⊂ X with I ⊗R spanned and ω ⊗O ⊗R∨ spanned, except that C = ∅ C C X corresponds to O⊕(r−1)⊕R with V = H0(O⊕(r−1)). E has no trivial X X factors if and only if j is injective. (iii) There is a bijection between the set of all pairs (F,s), where F is a spanned reflexive sheaf of rank 2 on X with det(E) ∼= R and 0 6= s ∈ H0(E), and reduced curves C ⊂ X with I ⊗ R spanned and C ω ⊗ R∨ spanned outside finitely many points, except that C = ∅ C corresponds to O ⊕R with s nowhere vanishing. X Example 2.5. On a smooth and connected projective threefold X, let us fixa globally generated line bundleLwith h0(L) ≥ 2and setr := h0(L)−1. SinceLisglobally generated, sotheevaluation mapψ : H0(L)⊗O −→ Lis X surjective and ker(ψ) is a vector bundle of rank r on X. The vector bundle GLOBALLY GENERATED VECTOR BUNDLES 5 F := ker(ψ)∨ fits in an exact sequence (3) 0 −→ L∨ −→ O⊕(r+1) −→ F −→ 0 X and it determines the Chern classes of F. If h1(L∨) = 0, e.g. L is ample, then the sequence (3) gives h0(F) = r + 1. If Y ⊂ X is the complete intersection of two elements of |L|, then we get Y as the dependency locus of a certain (r−1)-dimensional linear subspace of H0(F). Remark 2.6. Assume that C is a curve with ω ∼= O (c −c (X)). If C C C 1 1 has s connected components, then we have h0(ω (c (X)−c )) = s and so C 1 1 the Hartshorne-Serre correspondence shows that C gives a vector bundle E with c (E) = c of rank r with no trivial factor if and only if 2≤ r ≤ s+1. 1 1 Remark 2.7. On a smooth threefold X, let us fix a very ample line bundle L and a smooth curve C ⊂ X. Assume that I ⊗L is globally generated C and take two general divisors M ,M ∈ |I ⊗L|. Set Y := M ∩M . By 1 2 C 1 2 the Bertini theorem we have Y = C ∪D with either D = ∅ or D a reduced curve containing no component of C and smooth outside C ∩D. FromnowonletusfixX tobetheSegrethreefoldP1×P2,theproductofa projective line anda projective plane. LetV andV be2 and3-dimensional 1 2 vector spaces with the coordinates [x ,x ] and [y ,y ,y ], respectively. Let 0 1 0 1 2 X ∼= P(V )×P(V ) and then it is embedded into P5 ∼= P(V) by the Segre 1 2 map where V = V ⊗V . 1 2 Theintersection ringA(X)isisomorphictoA(P1)⊗A(P2)andsowehave A(X) ∼= Z[t ,t ]/(t2,t3). 1 2 1 2 We may identify A1(X) ∼= Z⊕2 by a t +a t 7→ (a ,a ). Similarly we have 1 1 2 2 1 2 A2(X) ∼= Z⊕2 by b t t +b t2 7→ (b ,b ) and A3(X) ∼=Z by ct t2 7→ c. Then 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 X is embedded into P5 as a subvariety of degree 3 by the complete linear system |O (1,1)|, because (t +t )3 = 3t t2. X 1 2 1 2 IfE isacoherentsheafofrankronX withtheChernclassesc = (a ,a ), 1 1 2 c = (b ,b ) and c we have: 2 1 2 3 c (E(s ,s )) = (a +rs ,a +rs ) 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 c (E(s ,s )) = c +c (s ,s )+(s ,s )2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 χ(E) = r+ 2a +(a +1)a (a +3) 1 1 2 2 2 h −(a +2,a +3)(b ,b )+c 1 2 1 2 3 for (b ,b ) ∈ Z⊕2. i 1 2 Now Proposition 2.3 implies the following when X = P1×P2. Corollary 2.8. We have the following one-to-one correspondences: (1) There is a bijection F 7→ π∗(F) between the spanned vector bundles 1 of rank r on P1 with degree a and the spanned vector bundles of rank r on X with c = (a,0). 1 6 E.BALLICO,S.HUHANDF.MALASPINA (2) There is a bijection F 7→ π∗(F) between the spanned vector bundles 2 of rank r on P2 with c = b and the spanned vector bundles of rank 1 r on X with c = (0,b). 1 In particular we have a full classification of globally generated vector bundles on X with c = (1,0) or (0,b) with b ≤ 2, since we have a full list of 1 globally generated vector bundles on P2 with c ≤ 2 in [13]. Thus we may 1 assume c = (a,b) with a,b > 0. We will mainly work on all the cases with 1 a+b ≤ 3. 3. Warm-up and case of c = (1,1) 1 Let E be a globally generated vector bundle of rank r ≥ 2 on X with the first Chern class c = (a ,a ), a ≥ a > 0. Then it fits into the exact 1 1 2 1 2 sequence ⊕(r−1) (4) 0 −→ O −→ E −→ I (c ) −→ 0 X C 1 for a general r −1 sections of E, where C is a smooth curve. Write C = C ⊔···⊔C with each C connected. 1 s i If the rank is r = 2, we have E∨ ∼= E(−c ) and ω ∼= O (c −(2,3)). In 1 C C 1 this case we have h1(E∨) = h1(I ) since h1(O (−c )) = 0 by the Ku¨nneth C X 1 formula. Since s is the number of the connected components of C, we have h1(E∨) = s−1. If r ≥ 3, then we have c (E) = deg(ω ((2,3) −c )) and 3 C 1 ω ((2,3)−c ) is spanned. C 1 Remark 3.1. The intersection theory on X is given by two variables t ,t 1 2 with the relations t2 = 0, t3 = 0 and t t2 = 1. Thus we have 1 2 1 (at +bt )(at +bt )(t +t ) = (2abt t +b2t2)(t +t )= 2ab+b2. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 Remark 3.2. Let Y ⊂ X be the complete intersection of two divisors of type |O (a,b)| containing C. By Remark 3.1 we have deg(Y) = 2ab+b2, X where deg(Y) is the degree of Y as a curve in P5. By the Bertini theorem Y is a curve containing C and smooth outside C. Note that C occurs with multiplicity one in Y, because I (a,b) is spanned and so, affixing P ∈ C , C i i 1 ≤ i ≤ s, we may find a divisor T ∈ |I (a,b)| not containing the tangent C lineofC atP . AKoszulcomplexstandardexactsequencegivesh0(O ) = 1 i i Y andsoY isconnected. Theadjunctionformulagivesω ∼= O (2a−2,2b−3) Y Y and so we have 2p (Y)−2= (at +bt )(at +bt )((2a−2)t +(2b−3)t ) a 1 2 1 2 1 2 = (−3+2b)2ab+b2(−2+2a) = 2b(3ab−3a−b). Example 3.3. Let Y ⊂ X be any complete intersection of two elements of |O (a,b)| with (a,b) ∈ N2 \{(0,0)}. We have ω ∼= O (2a−2,2b−3) X Y Y and hence ω (2−a,3−b) ∼= O (a,b). Therefore Y is not the zero-locus Y Y of a section of a bundle of rank 2. Note that h0(ω (2 − a,3 − 2b)) = Y GLOBALLY GENERATED VECTOR BUNDLES 7 (a+1) b+2 −2. As in Example 2.5 we see that Y gives a globally generated 2 bundle with c = (a,b) and Y is a dependency locus for a bundle of rank r 1 (cid:0) (cid:1) if and only if 3 ≤ r ≤ (a+1) b+2 −1. If r = (a+1) b+2 −1, there is a 2 2 unique bundle E associated to some complete intersection curve. Since E is unique, we have g∗(E) ∼= E for(cid:0)eac(cid:1)h g ∈ Aut(X) = Aut(cid:0)(P1)(cid:1)×Aut(P2), i.e. E is homogeneous. Let T be an integral projective curve. By the universal property of the projective spaces, there is abijection between theset of morphismsu: T −→ X and the set of pairs (u ,u ) of morphisms u : T −→ P1 and u :T −→ P2. 1 2 1 2 If u is an embedding, then we have deg(O (a,b)) = adeg(u )+bdeg(u )deg(u (T)) u(T) 1 2 2 with the convention that deg(u ) = deg(u (T)) = 0 if u (T) is a point. 2 2 2 Now assume that u (T) is a curve and T is smooth. Let u′′ :J −→ u (T) 2 2 denote the normalization map and then there is a unique morphism u′ : T −→ J such that u = u′◦u′′. We have deg(u ) = deg(u′). 2 2 Now take as T a connected component C of C. Write i e[i] := deg(u ) and e[i] = deg(u )deg(u (C )). 1 1 2 2 2 i If e[i] 6= 0, set e′ := deg(u′) and e′′ := deg(u (T)). If e[i] = 0, set 2 2 2 2 2 e′ = e′′ = 0. 2 2 Definition 3.4. For a curve C ⊂ X, the bidegree of C is defined to be the pair of integers (e ,e ) with 1 2 s s (e ,e ) := e[i] , e[i] . 1 2 1 2 ! i=1 i=1 X X Indeed, we have e = deg(O (1,0)) and e = deg(O (0,1)). 1 C 2 C Lemma 3.5. Assume c = (a,1) with a ≥ 0. 1 (i) We have e[i] ∈ {0,1} for each i∈ {1,...,s}. 1 (ii) If e[i] = 0, then e[i] = 1 and there are P ∈ P1 and a line L ⊂ P2 1 2 i i such that C = {P }×L . i i i (iii) If e[i] = 1 for some i, then s = 1 and C is rational. 1 Proof. If e[i]1 = 0, then there are Pi ∈ P1 and Li ∈ |OP2(e[i]2)| such that C = {P }×L . Since I (a,1) is globally generated, we get e[i] = 1. i i i C 2 Assume e[i] 6= 0 and then π (C ) = P1. For a fixed point P ∈ P1, the 1 1 i degreeofO (a,1) is1. SinceI (a,1)isglobally generated, soweget X |{P}×P2 C deg(C ∩π−1(P)) = 1, i.e. e[i] = 1. We also see that π : C −→ P1 has 1 1 1|Ci i degree 1 and so C is rational. If e 6= 0, we get deg(π ) = 1 and so there i 1 1|C is a unique index i with e[i] = 1. Assume s≥ 2 and fix j ∈{1,...,s}\{i}. 1 Since e[j] = 0, there is P ∈ P1 and a line L ⊂ P2 with C = {P }×L . 1 j j j j j Set {P ,O} := C ∩{P }×P2. Since C ∩C = ∅, we have O ∈/ L and so j i j i j j {P }×P2 is in the base locus of I (1,1). (cid:3) j C 8 E.BALLICO,S.HUHANDF.MALASPINA Lemma 3.6. Assume c = (1,b) with b ≥ 0. 1 (i) π :C −→ P2 is an embedding. 2|C (ii) e > 0 and C is isomorphic to a smooth plane curve of degree e . 1 2 Proof. Let us fix a point P ∈ P2 and set T := P1 ×{P}. Since O (1,3− T b) ∼= O (1,0) has degree 1, so ω (1,3 − b) has negative degree and in T T particular it is not spanned. Thus T is not a connected component of C. Since I (1,b) is globally generated, we get deg(T ∩C) ≤ 1 for all P ∈ P2 C andsoπ : C −→ P2 is an embedding. Sinceeach planecurveis connected, 2|C we get s = 1. Since π is an embedding, we also get that C is isomorphic 2|C to a smooth plane curve of degree e . (cid:3) 2 Proposition 3.7. Let E be a globally generated vector bundle of rank 2 with c1(E) = (1,1) and no trivial factor. Then we have E ∼= OX(1,0)⊕OX(0,1). Proof. Thezero-locusofageneralsectionofO (1,0)⊕O (0,1)hasbidegree X X (0,1), because c (O (1,0) ⊕ O (0,1)) = t t . Since I (1,1) is spanned, 2 X X 1 2 C so C is contained in the complete intersection Y of two hypersurfaces in |I (1,1)|. Note that we have deg(Y) = 3 and ω ∼= O (0,−1); we have C Y Y 2p (Y)−2 = (t +t )(t +t )(−t ) = −2 and so p (Y) = 0. Thus we have a 1 2 1 2 2 a deg(C) ≤ 3 with the equality if and only if C = Y is a linear section of codimension 2. The case of deg(C) = 3 is not possible since ω ∼= O (−1,−2). Now C C assume deg(C) ≤ 2. Since c (O (1,0)⊕O (0,1)) = t t , the curves asso- 2 X X 1 2 ciated to O (1,0)⊕O (0,1) have bidegree (0,1). Since ω ∼= O (−1,−2) X X C C and O (1,2) is ample, each C is rational and e[i] +2e[i] = −deg(ω ) = X i 1 2 Ci 2. Thus each connected component C of C is a curve of bidegree (0,1). i Lemma 3.6 gives s = 1. Since h0(O (0,1)) = 2 < h0(O (0,1)), we C X have h0(I (0,1)) > 0 and so any associated bundle E has a non-zero map C f : O (1,0) −→ E because of h1(O (−1,0)) = 0. Since h0(I (−1,1)) = X X C h0(I (0,0)) = 0, so coker(f) is torsion-free, i.e. coker(f) ∼= I (0,1) with C T either T = ∅ or T a locally complete intersection curve. Since c (O (1,0)⊕ 2 X O (0,1)) = t t and C has bidegree (0,1), so we have T = ∅. It implies X 1 2 E ∼= O (1,0)⊕O (0,1), since h1(O (1,−1)) = 0. (cid:3) X X X Proposition 3.8. Let E be a globally generated vector bundle of rank r ≥ 3 on X with c = (1,1) and no trivial factor. Then we have r ∈ {3,4,5} and 1 E is one of the following: ⊕(r+1) (i) 0 −→ O (−1,−1) −→ O −→ E −→ 0 with r ∈ {3,4,5}, X X the associated curve is the complete intersection Y of two hypersur- faces in |O (1,1)|; X (ii) E ∼= O (1,0)⊕π∗(TP2(−1)). X 2 Proof. If the associated curve is the complete intersection Y of two hyper- surfaces in |O (1,1)| we are in the case (i) by Example 3.3 and so we may X assume that the associated curve C is not a complete intersection. GLOBALLY GENERATED VECTOR BUNDLES 9 Since in the case r = 2 no bundle has a section with s > 1 by Proposition 3.7, we only need to check the smooth curves C with I (1,1) globally gen- C erated and with ω (1,1) globally generated, butnot trivial. It only remains C to check the cases with s = 1 and deg(C) = 2. C cannot have bidegree (2,0), because it is irreducible. Nowtakeaconicwithbidegree(0,2). ThereareP ∈P1 andC′ ∈ |OP2(2)| with C = {P}×C′. Then {P}×P2 is in the base locus of I (1,1). C Hence the only bundles not associated to the complete intersection curve may come from a connected C with bidegree (1,1). For any such a curve C we have deg(ω (1,2)) = 1 and h0(ω (1,2)) = 2. Thus it gives a bundle if C C and only if r = 3. Any connected curve C with bidegree (1,1) is associated to a pair (u ,u ) with u : P1 −→ P1 an isomorphism and u : P1 −→ P2 1 2 1 2 an embedding as a line. Hence for any two such curves C and C′, there is f ∈ Aut(X) with f∗(C) = C′. The bundle E := O (1,0)⊕π∗(TP2(−1)) 0 X 2 has the Chern polynomial (1+t )(1+t +t2) = 1+t +t +t t +t2+t t2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 and so it is associated to a connected curve with bidegree (1,1). For any f ∈ Aut(X) we have f∗E ∼= E and so E is the only bundle associated to a 0 0 0 curve of bidegree (1,1). (cid:3) Remark 3.9. If r = 5 and C = Y, then we have E ∼= TP5(−1) , be- |X cause Remark 2.5 gives the uniqueness of such a bundle. We denote by S the family of bundles obtained from (i). We may compute dim(S ) = r r h0(O⊕(r+1)(1,1))−(r+1)2 and so we get X dim(S ) = 0 , dim(S ) = 5 , dim(S ) = 8. 5 4 3 InfactS is given bythepull-backs of TP4(−1) byaprojection fromapoint 4 of P5\X and S is given by the pull-backs of TP3(−1) by a projection from 3 a line of P5 not meeting X. 4. Case of c = (2,1) 1 Let Y be any complete intersection of two hypersurfaces in |O (2,1)|. X Since (2t + t )(2t + t )t = 1 and (2t + t )(2t + t )t = 4, we have 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 deg(O (1,0)) = 1 and deg(O (0,1)) = 4. In particular the connected curve Y Y Y ⊂ P5 has degree 5. We have ω ∼= O (2,−1). Since (2t + t )(2t + Y Y 1 2 1 t )(2t −t ) = −2, we have p (Y) = 0. It implies that the sectional genus 2 1 2 a of O (2,1) is zero. Notice ω 6∼= O (0,−2), because deg(O (0,−2)) = −4. X Y Y Y Example 3.3 shows that Y gives a globally generated vector bundle of rank r if and only if 3 ≤ r ≤ 8. Lemma 4.1. Assume that I (2,1) is globally generated. Then one of the C following cases occurs: (i) (s;e ,e )= (1;1,b) with 1≤ b ≤ 4. 1 2 (ii) (s;e ,e )= (s;0,s) with 1 ≤ s ≤ 3. 1 2 In particular there are s distinct points P ∈ P1 and lines L ⊂ P2 i i such that C = {P }×L for each i; in this case ω ∼= O (0,−2). i i i C C 10 E.BALLICO,S.HUHANDF.MALASPINA Proof. Since Y has bidegree (1,4), we have e ≤ 1 and e ≤ 4. If e > 0, we 1 2 1 have s = 1 and 1≤ e ≤ 4 by Lemma 3.5. 2 Now assume e = 0. By Lemma 3.5 we have s = e and there are P ∈P1 1 2 i and a line L ⊂ P2 such that C = {P } × L . If (e ,e ) = (0,4), then i i i i 1 2 Y = C ∪D with D a line of type (1,0) since Y has bidegree (1,4). Since h0(O )= 1 (see Remark 3.2), we get deg(D∩C)≥ 4. Therefore I (2,1) is Y C not globally generated. (cid:3) Remark 4.2. Wedonotclaimthateach C listedinLemma4.1hasI (2,1) C globally generated. The case (e ,e ) = (1,4) corresponds to the complete 1 2 intersection curve Y. We check in Example 4.7 that the case e ∈ {2,3} is 2 realized. Since in both cases C is connected with arithmetic genus zero, we have h0(ω (0,2)) = 2e −1 and ω (0,2) is spanned (and trivial if e = 1). C 2 C 2 Hence the existence part for the case (s;e ,e ) = (1;1,1) gives globally 1 2 generated bundles with s = 1 and bidegree (1,1) if and only if r = 2, while the existence part for (s;e ,e ) = (1;1,b) with 2 ≤ b ≤ 4, gives bundles if 1 2 and only if 3 ≤ r ≤ 2b. Lemma 4.3. Consider a curve C with (s;e ,e ) = (2;0,2). Then the asso- 1 2 ciated bundle of rank r with no trivial factor is one of the following: (i) an extension of O (2,0) by O (0,1) if r = 2; either O (2,0) ⊕ X X X O (0,1) or one of the bundles in the 2-dimensional family of Ulrich X bundles in [8, Theorem 4.1]; (ii) O (0,1)⊕O (1,0)⊕2 if r = 3. X X In particular such a curve C does not give bundles of rank higher than 3 without trivial factors. Proof. Each connected component of C is a line of bidegree (0,1). Since ω ∼= O (0,−2) and s = 2, the associated bundles have rank r ∈ {2,3} by C C Remark 2.6. In all cases we have c (E) = 0. 3 (a) First assume r = 2. Since (s;e ,e ) = (2;0,2), so there are P ,P ∈ 1 2 1 2 P1 andlines L ,L ⊂ P2 suchthat C = {P }×L ∪{P }×L . In particular, 1 2 1 1 2 2 we have h0(I (2,0)) > 0 and so there is a non-zero map f : O (0,1) −→ C X E. Since L ∩ L 6= ∅, we have P 6= P and so h0(I (1,0)) = 0. Since 1 2 1 2 C h0(I (2,−1)) = 0, so coker(f) is torsion-free, i.e. coker(f) = I (2,0) with C T either T = ∅ or T a locally complete intersection curve. Since c (O (2,0))· 1 X c (O (0,1)) = 2t t and C has bidegree (0,2), we have T = ∅. Since 1 X 1 2 h1(O (−2,1)) = 3, we get non-trivial extensions of O (2,0) by O (0,1). X X X Since the two line bundles are both Ulrich, any extension of them is again Ulrich (see [8, Theorem 4.1]). (b) Assumer = 3. Let F bethe cokernel of a general map u: O −→ E X and v : E −→ F denote the quotient map. Since c (E) = 0, so F is locally 3 free and it is as described in (i). In particular O (0,1) is a subbundle of X F with O (2,0) as its cokernel. Set G := v−1(O (0,1)). Since G is an X X extension of O (0,1) by O , we have G ∼= O ⊕ O (0,1). Therefore E X X X X is an extension of O (2,0) by O ⊕O (0,1). In particular O (0,1) is a X X X X

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