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GLOBAL WELL-POSEDNESS FOR KDV IN SOBOLEV SPACES OF NEGATIVE INDEX 1 0 0 J. COLLIANDER, M. KEEL, G. STAFFILANI, H. TAKAOKA, AND T. TAO 2 n Abstract. The initial value problem for the Korteweg-deVries equation on a the line is shown to be globally well-posed for rough data. In particular, we J showglobalwell-posednessforinitialdatainHs(R)for−130 <s. 1 3 ] P 1. Introduction A . Consider the initial value problem for the Korteweg-deVries (KdV) equation h t ∂ u+∂3u+ 1∂ (u2)=0, x∈R, a (1.1) t x 2 x m (cid:26) u(0)=φ, [ for rough initial data φ ∈ Hs(R), s < 0. This problem is known [9] to be locally well-posed provided −3 <s. For s≥0, the local result and L2 norm conservation 1 4 v imply(1.1)isgloballywell-posed[1]. Recently,adirectadaptation[7]ofBourgain’s 1 high-low frequency technique [3], [2] showed (1.1) is globally well-posed for φ ∈ 6 Hs∩H˙a for certain s,a < 0. A modification of the high-low frequency technique, 2 first used in [8], is presented in this paper which establishes global well-posedness 1 0 of (1.1) in Hs(R), −130 <s. 1 A subsequent paper [6] will establish that (1.1) is globally well-posed in Hs(R) 0 for −3 <s.The simplicity ofthe argumentpresentedhere may extend moreeasily 4 h/ toothersituations,suchasinourtreatment[5]ofcubicNLS onR2 andNLS with t derivative in R [4]. a m The Multiplier operator I Let s<0 and N ≫1 be fixed. Define the Fourier multiplier operator : v 1, |ξ|<N, Xi (1.2) Iu(ξ)=m(ξ)u(ξ), m(ξ)=(cid:26)N−s|ξ|s, |ξ|≥10N ar with m smoothcand monotonbe. The operator I (barely) maps Hs(R) 7−→ L2(R). Observe that on low frequencies {ξ : |ξ| < N}, I is the identity operator. Note also that I commutes with differential operators. The operator I−1 is the Fourier multiplier operator with multiplier 1 . m(ξ) An almost L2 conservation property of (1.1) 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35Q53,42B35,37K10. Key words and phrases. Korteweg-de Vries equation, nonlinear dispersiveequations, bilinear estimates. J.E.C.issupportedinpartbyanN.S.F.Postdoctoral ResearchFellowship. M.K.issupportedinpartbyN.S.F.GrantDMS9801558. G.S.issupportedinpartbyN.S.F.GrantDMS9800879andbyaTermanAward. T.T. is a Clay Prize Fellow and is supported in part by grants from the Packard and Sloan Foundations. 1 2 J. COLLIANDER, M. KEEL, G. STAFFILANI, H. TAKAOKA, AND T. TAO Let φ ∈ Hs(R), −3 < s < 0 in (1.1). There is a δ = δ(kφk ) > 0 such that 4 Hs (1.1) is well-posed for t ∈ [0,δ]. We observe using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, the equation, and integration by parts that δ d kIu(δ)k2 = kIu(0)k2 + (Iu(τ),Iu(τ))dτ, L2 L2 Z dτ 0 δ = kIu(0)k2 +2 (Iu˙(τ),Iu(τ))dτ, L2 Z 0 δ 1 = kIu(0)k2 +2 (I(−u − ∂ [u2])(τ),Iu(τ))dτ L2 Z xxx 2 x 0 δ = kIu(0)k2 + (I(−∂ [u2]),Iu)dτ. L2 Z x 0 Finally, we add 0= δ ∂ (I(u)2)I(u)dτ to observe 0 x R R δ (1.3) kIu(δ)k2 =kIu(0)k2 + ∂ (I(u))2−I(u2) Iu dxdτ. L2 L2 Z0 Z xn o Thislaststepenablesustotakeadvantageofsomeinternalcancellation. Weapply Cauchy-Schwarzas in [10] and bound the integral above by (1.4) ∂ {(I(u))2−I(u2)} kIuk . x Xδ (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13)X0δ,−12− 0,12+ (cid:13) (cid:13) Remark 1. Anefforttofindatermprovidingmorecancellationthan δ ∂ (I(u)2)I(u)dτ 0 x used above led to the general procedure described in [6]. R R Proposition 1. (A variant of local well-posedness) The initial value problem (1.1) is locally well-posed in the Banach space I−1L2 = {φ ∈ Hs with norm kIφk }. L2 with existence lifetime δ satisfying (1.5) δ &kIφk−α, for some α>0, L2 and moreover (1.6) kIuk ≤CkIφk . Xδ L2 0,12+ This proposition is not difficult to prove using the argument in [9]. Using Duhamel’s formula and X space properties reduces matters to proving the bi- s,b linear estimate (1.7) k∂ I(uv)k ≤CkIuk kIvk x X0,−21+ X0,21+ X0,21+ to obtain the contraction. The space-time norm bound is then implied by the contractionestimate. The estimate (1.7)followsfromthe nextpropositionandthe bilinear estimate of Kenig, Ponce and Vega [9]. Proposition 2. (Extra smoothing) The bilinear estimate (1.8) k∂x{I(u)I(v)−I(uv)}kXδ ≤CN−34+kIukXδ kIvkXδ . 0,−12− 0,21+ 0,12+ holds. GLOBAL WELL-POSEDNESS FOR KDV IN SOBOLEV SPACES OF NEGATIVE INDEX 3 Recall the bilinear estimate k∂ (uv)k ≤ Ckuk kvk from [9]. x X0,−12+ X0,12+ X0,21+ Proposition2revealsasmoothingbeyondtherecoveryofthefirstderivativeforthe particular quadratic expression encountered above in (1.3). We prove Proposition 2 in the next section. The required pieces are now in place for us to give the proof of global well- posedness of (1.1) in Hs(R), − 3 <s. Global well-posedness of (1.1) will follow if 10 we show well-posedness on [0,T] for arbitrary T >0. We renormalize things a bit via scaling. If u solves (1.1) then u (x,t) = (1)2u(x, t ) solves (1.1) with initial λ λ λ λ3 data φ (x,t) = (1)2φ(x). Note that u exists on [0,T] if and only if u exists on λ λ λ λ [0,λ3T]. A calculation shows that (1.9) kIφλkL2 ≤Cλ−23−sN−skφkHs. Here N = N(T) will be selected later but we choose λ = λ(N) right now by requiring (1.10) Cλ−32−sN−skφk ∼1 =⇒ λ∼N−3+2s2s. Hs We now drop the λ subscript on φ by assuming that (1.11) kIφk =ǫ ≪1 L2 0 and our goal is to construct the solution of (1.1) on the time interval [0,λ3T]. The local well-posedness result of Proposition 1 shows we can construct the solution for t ∈ [0,1] if we choose ǫ small enough. The almost L2 conservation 0 property shows kIu(1)k22 ≤ kIu(0)k22 +N−43+kIuk3X0,21+. Using (1.6) and (1.11) gives kIu(1)k2 ≤ǫ2+N−34+. 2 0 We can iterate this process N43− times before doubling kIu(t)kL2. Therefore, we advance the solution by taking N43− time steps of size O(1). We now restrict s by demanding that (1.12) N34− &λ3T =N3−+62ssT is ensured for large enough N, so s>− 3 . 10 2. Proof of the bilinear smoothing estimate This section establishes Proposition 2. We distinguish the very low frequen- cies {ξ : |ξ| . 1}, the low frequencies {ξ : 1 . |ξ| . 1N} and the high 2 frequencies {ξ : 1N . |ξ|}. Decompose the factor u in the bilinear estimate by 2 writing u = u +u +u with u supported on the low frequencies and similarly vl l h l for the very low and high frequency pieces. We decompose v the same way. Since I is the identity operator on theblow and very low frequencies, we can assume one of the factors u,v in the estimate to be shown has its Fourier transform supported in the high frequencies. Symmetry allows us to assume u = u and we need to h consider the three possible interactions of u with v , v and v . Finally, since we h vl l h areconsidering(weighted)L2 norms,wecanreplaceuandvby|u|and|v|. Assume therefore that u,v ≥0. Very low/high interaction b b b b b b 4 J. COLLIANDER, M. KEEL, G. STAFFILANI, H. TAKAOKA, AND T. TAO An explicit calculation shows that (2.1) F(∂ {I(u v )−I(u )v })(ξ)= iξ[m(ξ)−m(ξ )]u (ξ )v (ξ ), x h vl h vl 1 h 1 vl 2 Z ξ=ξ1+ξ2 c c where F denotes the Fourier transform. The mean value theorem gives |m(ξ)−m(ξ )|≤|m′(ξ˜)||ξ |, 1 1 2 which may be interpolated with the trivial estimate to give (2.2) |m(ξ)−m(ξ )|≤CN−s|ξ |s|ξ |−θ|ξ |θ 1 1 1 2 for 0≤θ ≤1. Recall that m was defined to be smooth and monotone in (1.2). Therefore, upon defining F(∇θf)(ξ)=|ξ|θf(ξ), we can write |F(∂ {I(u v )−I(u )v })(ξ)|≤b|F(∂ (∇−θI(u )(∇θv ))(ξ)|. x h vl h vl x h vl We now estimate the left side of the bilinear estimate in this interaction by (2.3) ∂ (∇−θI(u ))(∇θv ) (cid:13) x h vl (cid:13)X0,12+ (cid:13) (cid:13) and by the bilinear estimate of Kenig, Ponce and Vega (2.4) ≤C ∇−θI(u ) ∇θv . (cid:13) h (cid:13)X0,21+(cid:13) vl(cid:13)X0,12+ (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) The frequency support of v shows that ∇θv . kv k . A moments vl (cid:13) vl(cid:13)X0,21+ vl X0,12+ thought shows (cid:13) (cid:13) (2.5) ∇−θI(u ) ≤N−θkI(u )k (cid:13) h (cid:13)X0,21+ h X0,21+ (cid:13) (cid:13) and the claim of the Proposition follows for the (very low)(high) interaction by choosing θ > 3. 4 Low/high interaction The preceding calculations reduce matters to controlling (2.6) ∂ ∇−θI(u )∇θv (cid:13) x h l(cid:13)X0,21+ (cid:13) (cid:13) and we know that u and v are supported outside the very low frequencies. h l Lemma 1. Assumce u andbv are supported outside {|ξ|<1}. Then (2.7) k∂ (uv)k ≤Ckuk kvk bx bXα,−21+ X−γ1,12+ X−γ2,21+ provided 3 α−(γ +γ ) < , 1 2 4 1 α−γ < , i=1,2. i 2 We will apply the lemma momentarily with α=0,γ =γ =−3+. 1 2 8 The proof of the lemma is containedin the proofof Theorem2 in [7]. In partic- ular, the support properties on u, v reduce matters to considering Cases A.3, A.4, A.6, B.3, B.4, B.5 and B.6 in [7]. The restriction α−(γ +γ )< 3 arises in Case 1 2 4 A.4.c.ii of [7] which is the regionbcobntaining the counterexample of [9]. Case B.4.b of [7] requires the other condition α−γ < 1. i 2 GLOBAL WELL-POSEDNESS FOR KDV IN SOBOLEV SPACES OF NEGATIVE INDEX 5 The lemma applied to (2.6) gives ≤C ∇−θI(u ) ∇θv . (cid:13) h (cid:13)X−83+,21+(cid:13) l(cid:13)X−38+,21+ Setting θ = 3− leaves (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) 8 C(cid:13)(cid:13)∇−43+I(uh)(cid:13)(cid:13)X0,12+kvlkX0,12+ ≤CN−43+kI(uh)kX0,12+kvlkX0,12+ which was to(cid:13)be shown. (cid:13) High/high interaction In this region of the interaction, we do not take advantage of any cancellation and estimate the difference with the triangle inequality k∂ {I(u )I(v )}k +k∂ {I(u v )}k . x h h X0,−12+ x h h X0,−21+ For the first contribution we use the lemma to get (2.8) kI(uh)kX−38+,21+kI(vh)kX−38+,21+ ≤N−43+kI(uh)kX0,12+kI(vh)kX0,21+. The second contribution is bounded by throwing away I and applying the lemma, k∂ {u v }k ≤ ku k ku k x h h X0,−21+ h X−38+,21+ h X−38+,21+ ≤ N−83+s+kuhkXs,12+N−38+s+kvhkXs,21+ ≤ N−43+kuhkX0,21+kvhkX0,12+. References [1] J.Bourgain.Fouriertransformrestrictionphenomenaforcertainlatticesubsetsandapplica- tionstononlinearevolutionequations I,II.Geom. Funct. Anal.,3:107–156, 209–262, 1993. [2] J. Bourgain. Refinements of Strichartz’ inequality and applications to 2D-NLS with critical nonlinearity.International Mathematical Research Notices,5:253–283, 1998. [3] J. Bourgain. Global solutions of nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations. American Mathematical Society,Providence, RI,1999. [4] J. Colliander, M. Keel, G. Staffilani, H. Takaoka, and T. Tao. Global well-posedness for Schro¨dingerequations withderivative.(preprint),2001. [5] J. Colliander, M. Keel, G. Staffilani, H. Takaoka, and T. Tao. Global well-posedness of 2d NLS.(inpreparation),2001. [6] J. Colliander, M. Keel, G. Staffilani, H. 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