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Acta zoológica lilloana 54 (1–2): 3–10, 2010 3 COMENTARIO Global warming from a frog’s perspective: A call for immediate action Seimon, Tracie Ph. D., Global Health Program, Wildlife Conservation Society, 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10460, Email: [email protected] “I f we can discover the meaning in the trilling of a frog, perhaps we may understand why it is for us not merely noise but a song of poetry and emotion”. — ADRIAN FORSYTH — A Natural History of Sex, 1986 We, the frogs, have continuously inhabit- ed climatic shifts resulting in increasing tem- ed and evolved on this planet since the De- perature and changing precipitation patterns vonian period some 350 million years ago. are having large impacts on amphibian as- Our calls announce the beginning of spring, semblages, population numbers, reproduc- we keep insect populations under control, tion, behavior, phenology, and physiology we serve as toxic pollutant indicators for (Blaustein et al., 2010). The climate chang- human health, we are bellwethers for envi- es are resulting in desiccation of ponds and ronmental change, we provide important aquatic breeding habitats, reducing leaf lit- medicine from the chemicals we produce, ter, reducing precipitation in cloud forests, we help forest peoples hunt food with our all culminating in increased stress, disease poisons, we inspire art and poetry, and per- outbreaks, and mortality (Pounds and haps most importantly we inspire peoples to Crump, 1994; Pounds et al., 1999; Whitfield appreciate nature. Once a stronghold of et al., 2007; McMenamin et al., 2008; 6200 species, we are now disappearing rap- Blaustein et al., 2010). This article will idly and scientists predict that nearly one highlight some of the severe climate-related third, or about 2000 species, will disappear threats that amphibians are dealing with within this century. Our population declines around the world. have been attributed to a number of factors such as habitat loss, disease outbreaks, and We are altering our lifestyle environmental pollutants (Stuart et al., and behavior 2004; Blaustein et al., 2010). In particular, the global spread of an emerging infectious In the northern part of the midwest and disease, the pathogenic chytrid fungus Batra- eastern United States, spring peepers (Pseu- chochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), has resulted dacris crucifer) are one of the first amphibi- in population collapses and outright extinc- ans to emerge from hibernation in early tions among many amphibian taxa over the spring. When they emerge they vocalize a past 20 years (Fisher et al., 2009; Blaustein loud mating call that sounds like a high- et al., 2010). pitched reverberating peep, which is how Now, we serve as indicators to humans of their name of “spring peeper” was derived. a more insidious slow-motion catastrophe Based on comparisons of first calling dates playing out on a global scale. Human-creat- between 1900-1912 and 1990-1999 noted by human observers in Ithaca, New York, the spring peepers are emerging on average 15 Recibido: 20/04/10 – Aceptado: 11/06/10 4 T. Seimon: Global warming from a frog’s perspective: A call for inmediate action days earlier to breed (Gibbs and Breisch, related with decreased body condition and 2001). Earlier breeding has been document- survival of the toads. In the report, it was ed in several other species around Ithaca suggested that the increased mortality may such as the wood frog (Rana sylvatica), the be due to depleted energy reserves that are bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), and the grey utilized faster in warmer hibernating months tree frog (Hyla versicolor), as well as am- resulting in animals that are no longer able phibian species found in other countries such to survive hibernation (Reading, 2007). Am- as Britain and Japan (Beebee, 1995; Gibbs phibians that do survive shorter hibernation and Breisch, 2001; Kusano and Inoue, 2008). periods are smaller in size and lay fewer This is in contrast to amphibians in the eggs. Therefore mild winters can lead to de- northwestern and northern midwest United clines in amphibian populations by decreas- States and Ontario Canada that, when mon- ing both survival and fecundity (Reading, itored over a decade ago, did not exhibit 1998; Reading, 2007). earlier breeding patterns (Blaustein et al., 2001). Also, while P. crucifer monitored in Ponds are drying up, and our population the state of Michigan between 1960 and numbers are plummeting 2000 do not appear to be breeding consis- tently earlier, a strong correlation has been In the central part of the United States, observed between years with warmer spring the negative effects of climatic change on temperatures and earlier breeding (Blaustein amphibian communities have been recently et al., 2001). Repeat surveys in these areas documented. Six decades of climate monitor- are vital to determine if these breeding pat- ing and repeated surveys of 49 ponds in Yel- terns are changing, if any trends are associ- lowstone National Park, one of the longest- ated with changes in climate, and if such protected areas on Earth, revealed a clear trends may be related to other factors such as increase in drought and pond desiccation due increased competition or changing food re- to climatic warming. During the last 16 sources, decreased survival rates, disease years, while precipitation has decreased, outbreaks, or other negative impacts. temperature in the warmer months has risen, A good example of potential negative leading to a four-fold increase in the num- impacts that earlier breeding might have on ber of permanently dry ponds. The loss of frogs was demonstrated in a laboratory ponds has been catastrophic to amphibians study of temperate-zone amphibians conduct- such as the blotched tiger salamander (Am- ed over 25 years ago. Researchers found that bystoma tigrinum melanostictum), boreal frogs that were prevented from hibernating chorus frog (Pseudacris triseriata maculata), had decreased growth rates, were smaller, and Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiven- matured faster, and had higher rates of mor- tris), and has led to both decreases in the tality than control groups that underwent number of species that inhabit the remain- hibernation (Jorgensen, 1986). These results ing ponds and the population numbers in- suggested that a warming climate may de- habiting them (McMenamin et al., 2008). crease hibernation time and negatively im- Since the early 1990’s, tiger salamander pop- pact the growth and reproduction of am- ulations have decreased by over 40 %, chorus phibians. This hypothesis was recently tested frogs by 70 %, and spotted frogs by 68 %, in a toad species, Bufo bufo, found near due to the loss of pond habitat (McMenamin South Dorset in the United Kingdom. When et al., 2008). 23 years of daily weather data was ana- lyzed, the results showed a significant up- We are scaling mountains ward trend in both the mean diurnal mini- in search of new habitat mum (0.8°C) and maximum (1.5°C) temper- atures for that period (Reading, 2007). Fur- Madagascar is vulnerable to changes in thermore, the observed thermal increase cor- the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), Acta zoológica lilloana 54 (1–2): 3–10, 2010 5 and global climate change is predicted to strongly challenged, and further analysis has increase the frequency of the ENSO phenom- not supported a direct role of climate change enon leading to changes in the natural envi- in promoting Bd outbreak; rather the key ronment (Ingram and Dawson, 2005). In the driver of disease is more likely through in- Tsaratanana Massif of northern Madagascar, troduction and spreading of the fungus to recent warming trends have been tied to a naïve amphibian populations (Lips et al., 19 to 51 m upslope movement in the eleva- 2008). Interestingly, another study focusing tional midpoint of 30 species of reptiles and on Eleutherodactylus species in Puerto Rico amphibians over a 10-year period (Raxwor- found a correlation between drought and thy et al., 2008). These observations are con- chytrid outbreaks (Burrowes et al., 2004). sistent with climate model predictions of re- How climate change will alter disease dy- gional warming and affirm the expectation namics of Bd is an area under current inves- that amphibians, notably ones that live in tigation. narrow ecological niches and a have a low The South American Andes offer examples range of thermal tolerance, are particularly where climatic warming and deglaciation climate-sensitive taxa (Duellman and Trueb, are driving amphibian communities uphill by 1994). Using an elevational range displace- expanding their habitat. Around Lake Sibi- ment analysis, these researchers also found nacocha in southern Peru, three species of that a temperature increase of 1.7 °C over anurans Telmatobius marmoratus, Rhinella the next century is likely to lead to complete spinulosa (formerly Bufo spinulosus), and habitat loss for the three endemic species, Pleurodema marmorata have expanded their Plethodontohyla sp. Z, Platypelis tsaratanan- ranges and moved to unprecedented eleva- ensis, and Phelsuma lineata punctulata, that tions for amphibians globally (5200-5400 m) live in the uppermost elevations of the mas- to inhabit new terrain and ponds created by sif (Raxworthy et al., 2008). This may be an deglaciation (Seimon et al., 2007). In the ongoing example of the “summit-trap phe- case of P. marmorata, climatic warming has nomenon”, whereby species living close to resulted in an approximate 200 m vertical mountain summits are effectively pushed off increase in its range since the cool period their mountaintops as climate change locally known as the Little Ice Age ended around eliminates their ecological niches causing 1880. As these highest-dwelling species are their native habitat to disappear. adapting to the warming climate by migrat- Central America is also being impacted ing to and spawning in ever-higher terrain, by climatic warming. In the Monteverde they are also being impacted by Bd, which Cloud Forest of Costa Rica, increased dry unfortunately is tracking with the frogs into periods associated with changes in ENSO are the newly created habitat. Since 2003, a causing cloud banks to rise, resulting in re- year after Bd was first detected in this re- duced mist precipitation received in the gion, all three species have been decreasing cloud forest. As a result, amphibians and in number and T. marmoratus has not been reptiles are declining (Pounds et al., 1999). documented in the Sibinacocha watershed The role of climate change-mediated declines since 2005 (Seimon et al., 2007; T. Seimon, in amphibians is further complicated by the A. Seimon, and P. Sowell, unpublished presence of an emerging pathogenic chytrid data). Telmatobius are an endemic genus to fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). the Andes, but because of the concurrent im- Climate change has recently been suggested pacts of disease, food trade, and habitat to contribute to the ongoing amphibian ex- change, they are rapidly disappearing in tinctions in Central and South America by many countries (Merino-Viteri and Coloma, increasing nighttime temperature to optimal 2005; Seimon et al., 2005; Barrionuevo and ranges that promote growth and outbreaks Mangione, 2006; Angulo, 2008; Barrionuevo of Bd (Pounds et al., 2006). However, this and Ponssa, 2008; von May et al., 2008). chytrid-thermal-optimum hypothesis has been 6 T. Seimon: Global warming from a frog’s perspective: A call for inmediate action The glaciers in which we depend change simulations, they mapped the areas will soon be gone that were consistently projected to have warmer temperatures and reduced precipita- Melt water from glaciers have long been tion over the next century. In their study they known to increase both wetlands and sup- found a wide range of responses to climate port high mountain lakes. However, what change. As an example, several species in- happens when the glaciers disappear alto- cluding the northern leopard frog (Rana pip- gether? Recent evidence now reveals that iens) are projected to exhibit poleward and ongoing deglaciation is now threatening elevational shifts in their distributions as a major water sources for 30 million people function of temperature changes. Overall, living in Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia, and model projections showed that species were many of the lower altitude glaciers in the expected to experience larger range contrac- Andes are expected to disappear in the next tions than expansions. Approximately 85 % 1-2 decades (Vergara et al., 2007). As gla- of all species were projected to experience a ciers disappear, abrupt changes occur in sur- net loss in habitat range under the more con- face hydrology upon which not only humans servative low B1 emissions scenario whereby but also high-dwelling amphibian popula- greenhouse gases are projected to be under tions depend (Fig. 1). The drop in water ta- control by mid-century. The B1 scenario, as ble may change the hydrology of the pond, compared to the higher A2 scenario, results alter the types of vegetation that grows, kill in an estimated global temperature increase off existing vegetation causing increased of 2 °C versus 3-4 °C, respectively, by the end eutrophication, and subsequently change of the 21st century (IPCC, 2007). Species plant, microbial, and amphibian assemblag- turnover rates are projected to be the highest es. Shrinking pond size or desiccation in- in Mexico, Central America, and the Andes creases population density within existing of South America. In addition, some of these species leading to clustering of amphibian and other areas such as northeastern Brazil, communities. The higher density of frogs in- Peruvian and Atacaman deserts, and Valdiv- creases the potential for disease exposure ian mountains in the Southern Andes are con- and transmission making them more suscep- sistently projected to experience reduced pre- tible to disease outbreak, for example by Bd; cipitation and increasing dryness within this larvae become more exposed to UV irradia- century (Lawler et al., 2009). tion and fungal infection, and weakened Southeast Asia is another area where immunity caused by stress. Shrinking pond amphibians are projected to be at risk. To size can also convert a permanent pond to predict where the largest changes in amphib- one that is ephemeral thereby reducing the ian habitat will likely occur, a recent study amount of time for a tadpole to develop, or mapped biodiversity hotspots and compared result in the loss of spawning grounds all these regions with areas projected to be im- together (Pounds et al., 2006; Gervasi and pacted by climate change between 2000 and Foufopoulos, 2008; Blaustein et al., 2010). 2050. Both Indo-Burma and Sundaland are biodiversity hotspots with over 200 amphib- Our future prospects… ian species recorded for each region. Unfor- tunately, these two regions were also pre- Bioclimatic modeling approaches have dicted to have the highest precipitation and been utilized to predict future outcomes of temperature anomalies in this part of the climate change-mediated impacts on am- world over the next several decades (Bick- phibians. Lawler et al. (2009) assessed the ford et al., 2010). These changes are there- geographic vulnerability of amphibians to fore predicted to cause major alterations in climate change in the western hemisphere by ecosystem functions and will likely lead to mapping projected changes in amphibian catastrophic declines of amphibians (Bick- assemblages. Using a variety of climate- ford et al., 2010). Acta zoológica lilloana 54 (1–2): 3–10, 2010 7 Climate change driven by greenhouse gas of the world’s terrestrial surface will experi- emissions is now well recognized to be truly ence a disappearance of current climatic global in scope, and no area is likely to re- conditions or regimes within this century, main unaffected. For taxa such as amphibi- while 12-19 % will experience the develop- ans that tend to occupy specific ecological ment of unknown “novel” climatic regimes. niches largely determined by climate, their Using a more conservative B1 scenario, the prospects are extremely daunting. Under the projected effect was reduced to 4-20 % of A2 IPCC emissions scenario, Williams et al. terrestrial surface for both disappearance (2007) predict that approximately 10-48 % and novel climates. Regions where present- Figure 1. Creation and destruction of amphibian habitat by climate change at the extreme upper limit of amphibian range on Earth. A once permanent amphibian pond at 5348 m near Lake Sibinacocha Peru, that developed around 1970 from glacier meltwater, is now desiccated and no longer supports the surroun- ding vegetation and amphibians that once inhabited it. Top left image was taken in 1970 by John Ricker, and the bottom left is a repeat image taken in August of 2003 (Seimon et al., 2007). Both images were taken in the dry season (August) and show water in the pond. Top right is an image taken at the same pond in March of 2005 where Pleurodema marmorata and pathogenic chytrids were found. Bottom right is a similar image taken in August 2009. No amphibians have been observed at this site since 2005. Note the dead vegetation, dry pond bed, and receding glacier in the background. Observations of a reduction in water table may indicate a broader phenomenon and set of landscape changes whereby glacier melt ini- tially contributes to new pond development, but continued ice recession eventually causes a reduction in melt water that no longer sustains ponds or the amphibian communities inhabiting them. 8 T. Seimon: Global warming from a frog’s perspective: A call for inmediate action day climatic regimes are predicted to disap- in catastrophic losses that will contribute to pear include the Colombian and Peruvian the largest mass extinction of amphibians Andes, Central America, the African Rift along with numerous species from other tax- Mountains, Zambian and Angolan high- onomic groups in 65 million years. lands, parts of South Africa, southeast Aus- tralia, parts of the Himalayas, and the Indo- Our future prospects… nesian and Philippine Archipelago. Novel depend on the actions of humans climatic regimes are predicted to develop in the Amazonian and Indonesian rainforest, In order to survive climate change, am- western Sahara, lowlands of east Africa, phibians urgently need your help. Immediate Arabian Peninsula, southeast United States, action is necessary to safeguard amphibians eastern India, southeast Asia, and northwest from the effects of climate change, disease, Australia (Williams et al., 2007). In other and other threats through expansion of ongo- words, every continent will be impacted by ing and new captive breeding programs, ad- our changing climate. ditional private and public funding for re- What do all these changes mean for am- search and monitoring, increased disease phibians? Global warming will change mi- surveillance, and implementation of long croclimates, create novel climates, and af- term management plans for species on the fect hydrological patterns that will affect brink of extinction. In 2005, scientists gath- species ranges, disease dynamics, physiology, ered together at the IUCN/SSC Amphibian behavior, and reproduction, all culminating Conservation Summit to create the Amphibi- Figure 2. Acta zoológica lilloana 54 (1–2): 3–10, 2010 9 an Conservation Action Plan, a critical doc- LITERATURE CITED ument that outlines important steps to be taken in order to save amphibians from ex- Angulo, A. 2008. Conservation needs of Batrachophry- tinction (IUCN, 2005). Since 2008, the Year nus and Telmatobius frogs of the Andes of Peru. Conservation and Society, 6: 328-333. of the Frog, much public awareness and ad- Barrionuevo, S. and Mangione, S. 2006. Chytridiomyco- ditional funding has filtered into amphibian sis in two species of Telmatobius (Anura: Lepto- conservation. However, these ongoing efforts dactylidae) from Argentina. Dis Aquat Organ, represent only a small portion of what really 73: 171-174. needs to be done in order to truly save frogs Barrionuevo, S. and Ponssa, M. L. 2008. Decline of three species of the genus Telmatobius (Anura: from extinction. Therefore, in order to Leptodactylidae) from Tucumán province, Argen- achieve the greatest impact and preserve tina. Herpetologica, 64: 47-62. biodiversity, the plight of amphibians must Beebee, T. J. C. 1995. Amphibian breeding and clima- be thoroughly integrated into the public con- te. Nature, 374: 219-220. sciousness and prioritized through collabora- Bickford, D., Howard, S. D., Ng, D. J. J. and Sheri- dan, J. A. 2010. Impacts of climate change on tions between governments, scientists, con- the amphibians and reptiles of Southeast Asia. servation organizations, educators, schools Biodiversity Conservation, 19: 1043-1062. systems, donors, and the media. More people Blaustein, A. R., Belden, L. K., Olson, D. H., Green, need to become aggressively involved by vol- D. M., Root, T. L. and Kiesecker, J. M. 2001. unteering, building careers in amphibian Amphibian breeding and climate change. Conser- vation Biology, 15: 1804-1809. conservation and scientific research, and Blaustein, A., Walls, S., Bancroft, B., Lawler, J., actively donating to amphibian conservation Searle, C. and Gervasi, S. 2010. 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