Accepted to ApJ on January6,2015 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 GLOBAL SIMULATIONS OF THE INTERACTION OF MICROQUASAR JETS WITH A STELLAR WIND IN HIGH-MASS X-RAY BINARIES Yoon, D.1 & Heinz, S.1 Accepted toApJ on January 6, 2015 ABSTRACT 5 Jets powered by high-mass X-ray binaries must traverse the powerful wind of the companion star. 1 We present the first global 3D simulations of jet-wind interaction in high-mass X-ray binaries. We 0 show that the wind momentum flux intercepted by the jet can lead to significant bending of the jet 2 andthatjetspropagatingthroughasphericalwindwillbebenttoanasymptoticangleψ . Wederive ∞ simple expressions for ψ as a function of jet power and wind thrust. For known wind parameters, n ∞ measurements of ψ can be used to constrain the jet power. In the case of Cygnus X-1, the lack of a ∞ J jet precession as a function of orbital phase observed by the VLBA can be used to put a lower limit on the jet power of L & 1036ergss−1. We further discuss the case where the initial jet is inclined 5 jet relativeto the binary orbitalaxis. We alsoanalyzethe caseofCygnusX-3 andshowthat jet bending 1 is likely negligible unless the jet is significantly less powerful or much wider than currently thought. ] Ournumericalinvestigationislimitedtoisotropicstellarwinds. Wediscussthepossibleeffectofwind E clumping on jet-wind interaction, which are likely significant, but argue that our limits on jet power H for Cygnus X-1 are likely unaffected by clumping unless the global wind mass loss rate is orders of magnitude below the commonly assumed range for Cyg X-1. . h Subject headings: x-ray binaries, microquasars,jets p - o 1. INTRODUCTION Freeland & Wilcots 2011; Morsony et al. 2013). r t X-ray binaries consist of a compact object, such as a It has been suggested that a subset of low mass x- s ray binaries (LMXBs) that move through the ISM at a neutron star (e.g., Sco X-1, Hjellming et al. 1990) or a [ black hole (e.g. Cygnus X-1, Orosz et al. 2011; Cygnus high speed due to the kick velocity the LMXB re- ceivedinthesupernovaexplosionshouldalsoexhibitbow X-3, Zdziarski et al. 2013), accreting mass from a com- 1 shocks and trailing neck structures (Heinz et al. 2008; panion. Incertainspectralstates,theaccretionflownear v Wiersema et al. 2009; Yoon et al. 2011), very similar to the compact object generates powerful, collimated jets 7 the case of bent-double AGN sources. (Mirabel & Rodr´ıguez 1999; Gallo et al. 2005). These 2 However, an aspect that makes jet propagation in X- 8 jets appear remarkably similar to the jets produced by raybinariesfundamentallydifferentfromAGNjetsisthe 3 supermassive black holes (SMBH) in active galactic nu- presenceofthe companionstar. Theearlytype compan- 0 clei(AGN)inmorphology,spectralproperties,andener- ion stars of high mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) drive . getics(whensetinrelationtotheoverallenergyreleased 1 powerful winds in the vicinity of the compact object, by accretion). 0 which are often the source of accretion in these objects. Themostlyfeaturelessnon-thermalspectraofrelativis- 5 The wind mass loss rates of the OB-type donor star can tic jets limit quantitative analysis of jet properties to :1 relatively coarse estimates. However, the propagationof be substantial: M˙ wind ∼10−7−10−5M⊙yr−1. The stel- v jets and their interaction with the environment offers a lar wind dominates the HMXBs’ circum-binary environ- i very powerful way to study jet properties that comple- ment compared to any winds launched by the accretion X mentsdirectstudiesofjetsthemselves. Theobservations flow. In this work, we study the dynamics and evolu- r ofcavities in galaxyclusters by the Chandra X-ray Tele- tion of the jets affected by spherical stellar winds from a scope offer an example of how jet-environment interac- OB-typedonorstarsinHMXBs. AsubsetofHMXBsys- tionscanbeusedtoconstrainthepropertiesoflargesam- tems consist of a Wolf-Rayet star in orbit with a black ples of AGN jets (e.g. McNamara & Nulsen 2007, and hole (e.g. Cygnus X-3 Mart´ı et al. 2001; Zdziarski et al. references therein). 2013); the mass-loss rate from Wolf-Rayet stars is even Asub-classinthestudyofjet-environmentinteractions higher than that from OB-type stars. Moreover, the involves cases where the accreting black hole launching Wolf-Rayet star in Cygnus X-3 is tidally locked to the the jets is moving relative to the surrounding medium. 4.8-horbitalperiod,resultinginaconsiderableequatorial InAGN,whentheblackholeismovingwithconsiderable enhancement of the mass-loss rate (van Kerkwijk 1993). speed with respect to the environment, the radio emit- An investigation of non-spherical and highly-flattened ting jets are swept backward by ram pressure, generat- windsisbeyondthescopeofthisstudy. Whilewebriefly ing a bow shock ahead of the moving black hole. AGN discuss the case of Cygnus X-3 under the assumption of jets that show bent morphology are often called “bent a spherical wind, we plan to discuss the effects of non- doubles” or tailed radio sources (Begelman et al. 1979; spherical winds in a future paper. HMXB winds are not simple. For example, they [email protected] are likely clumpy (Owocki et al. 1988; Oskinova et al. 1Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin- 2012), like winds generated by other high-mass stars. Madison,Madison,WI,USA 2 The interaction of a microquasar jet with clumpy evacuation of zones adjacent to the nozzle due to the wind medium has been studied in 3D simulations large velocity divergence along the jet axis. by Perucho & Bosch-Ramon (2012), which we will re- The stellar wind nozzle is modeled as a spherical fer to as P12 hereafter, who show that clumping boundarywithinflowboundaryconditionsmatching the can significantly increase jet disruption. Moreover, desiredwind parameters. We evolvethe simulationwith even on average, they are not spherically symmetric only the stellar wind present for one full orbital period due to the gravitational focusing by the compact ob- to establish a stable, self-consistent wind profile before ject and Coriolis and centrifugal effects due to or- switching on the jet nozzle. bital motion (Friend & Castor 1982; Miller et al. 2005; Theequationofstateisassumedtobeadiabatic,track- Hadrava & Cˇechura 2012). In addition, the wind can be ingtwoseparatephasesofthe fluid(eachrepresentedby ionized by X-rays from the accretion flow, reducing or aseparatepassivetracerfluidtodistinguishwindandjet eliminatinglinedrivingandstallingthewind(Gies et al. fluids during the computation and in post-processing). 2008). IftheX-rayfluxishighenoughtoexcitetheouter The wind gas is assumed to be a monatomic ideal gas layerofthestar,athermallydrivenwindmayreplacethe with an adiabatic index of γ = 5/3. The internal com- quenched radiatively driven wind. At the current time, position of jets is currently unknown, however, it is rea- it is not clear whether the illuminated side of the wind sonabletoassumethattheyarestronglymagnetizedand would suffer from the same line-driving instability that thata sizeablefractionoftheir internalenergyis carried generates clumps in regular massive star winds. by relativistic electrons, given the observed synchrotron In this pilot paper, we will neglect some of the more radiation. We investigate jets composed of fluids both poorlyunderstoodcomplicationslikelypresentinbinary withrelativisticequationofstatewith γ =4/3andwith winds and instead treat the wind as a radiatively driven a cold-gas equation of state with γ = 5/3 and present wind that is isotropic at the surface of the companion results in terms of an unspecified value of γ wherever (following, e.g. Castor et al. 1975). This will allow us possible. to isolate the fundamental differences in jet propagation Most simulations were performed using γ = 4/3, rep- in the presence of a wind compared to jets propagating resenting the equation of state for a gas with relativistic intouniformmedium. Wewilldiscusstheeffectsofsome internal pressure, either from a fully tangled magnetic of the likely complications in 4.7. The likely most im- field (Heinz & Begelman 2000) or a relativistic compo- portantcaveatisthepotential§clumpinessofthewind;in nentofthegas;sinceoursimulationsaresub-relativistic, thatsense,theglobalsimulationspresentedbelowshould a relativistic equation of state implies that the inertial be consideredacomplementaryapproachtothe detailed density is dominated by cold particles (e.g., protons). A 3D jet-clump simulations presented in P12. non-relativistic equation of state represents a jet with In 2,wepresentthenumericalsetupandthecodeused internal pressure dominated by non-relativistic thermal in ou§r parameter study of jet-wind interaction. In 3 we plasma. Aswewillshow,ourresultsareonlymoderately discuss the results of the simulations. In 4, we com§pare sensitive to the actual value of γ. the numerical results with analytic expr§essions derived The gravitationalfields ofthe black hole andthe com- for the limiting case of smalldeflection angles andapply panion are modeled as point source potentials. our model to the HMXBs Cygnus X-1 and Cygnus X-3. To allow for direct comparison with the analytic for- In 5 we summarize our results. mulae we derive in 4.2, most of the simulations pre- § sented in this paper §do not include wind driving by ra- 2. TECHNICALDESCRIPTION diation pressure. Instead, we assumed an asymptotic 2.1. The FLASH Code wind at the injection at the stellar surface, i.e., a wind with terminal velocity v and at fixed mass flux of ∞ Simulations were performed with the FLASH 3.3 M˙ 10−5M yr−1, which is typical for OB stars hydrodynamics code (Fryxell et al. 2000), which is a wind ∼ ⊙ (Puls et al. 2008). Message Passing Interface(MPI)-parallelized, modular, Winddrivingwasincorporatedinasub-setofthesim- block-structured adaptive mesh refinement code. We ulations presentedin this paper to test the sensitivity of employ the non-relativistic unsplit mesh solver, which our results against the assumption of an asymptotic ra- solves the Riemann problem using an unsplit staggered dial wind. (See 4.3). For the radiatively driven wind, mesh scheme on a three dimensional Cartesian grid § the initial velocity field follows the so-called β-law (Lee & Deane 2009). v(r)=v (1 r /r)β, (1) 2.2. The Wind and Jet Nozzles ∞ − 0 Both the jet and the wind injection are modeled as where v = 2,500kms−1 is the wind terminal speed ∞ inflow-boundary conditions on an interior portion of the [chosentomatchthewindparametersoftypicalOB-type grid(wewillrefertotheregionsexcludedfromthehydro- stars (Puls et al. 2008)] and r = R x, where R is the 0 ∗ ∗ dynamic integration and instead treated as an interior radius of the star and x is applied to avoid zero velocity boundary as “nozzles” following Heinz et al. 2006). and infinite density on the surface of the star. We set The jet nozzle has a cylindrical shape with inflow the stellar radius R = 1.4 1012cm. The value of x ∗ boundary conditions at the surface, injecting a bipolar canbe expressedas x= 1 ×(v /v )1/β =0.99,where outflow with a prescribed energy, mass, and momentum − ∗ ∞ flux to match the parameters we choose for the jet. For thewindsurfacevelocity,hv ,isoftheordeirof106cms−1, ∗ reasons of numerical stability, we inject a slow lateral whichisthesoundspeedwithT 30,000K. However, eff ≈ outflow from the side walls of the cylinder with negli- duetothesteepvariationofdensityandpressurearound gible mass and energy flux in order to avoid complete the surface, there is a limit in performing a numerical 3 calculationwithsuchahighvalueofx. Alternatively,we the mass of the black hole and the star to be 10 and 20 set the value of x = 0.95, which was chosen to be high M ,respectively,andtheseparationbetweenthemisset ⊙ enoughtomaintaintheinitialwindprofilefromatypical to be 3 1012cm, which gives an orbital period of 5.8 × OB-typestarbyiterative1Dsimulations. Themassflux days for Cygnus X-1, compared to the observed value of of the wind was fixed at the surface of the star (where 5.6 days (Brocksopp et al. 1999; Pooley et al. 1999) density and velocity of the injected wind determine M˙ Asweshowbelow,thejetpropagationtime acrossone uniquely)andlinedrivingwasmodeledusingtheSobolev binary separation (1.7 minutes) and the time required approximation (Castor 1974), such that the total line for a quasi-stationarybent jet solution to be established αCAK (approximately 10 hours) is much shorter than the or- acceleration results in g 1dvr , where α rad ∝ ρ dr CAK bital time. For numerical simplicity and to allow direct is the parameterofthe CAK m(cid:16)odel ((cid:17)Castor et al.1975), comparisonwiththeanalyticformulaepresentedin 4.2, § typically depending on the effective temperature of the we neglected orbital rotationin most of our simulations, star. We choose a value of α = 0.64 in our model keeping the two nozzles stationary in our cartesian grid. CAK corresponding to a typical OB-type star. As a first order approximation, this is justified because Our simulations are adiabatic and scale-free. In phys- the orbital velocity is only of order 20% of the wind ve- ical units chosen to approximately match the wind locity, and thus orbital effects on the wind ram pressure and binary properties of Cygnus X-1 and allow simu- introduce corrections of the order of only 5%. lations to be completed within the available computa- In order to verify that the effects of orbital motion on tional resources, the jet velocity was set to be v = the gross dynamics of jet propagation are small, we ran jet 3 109cms−1, with an initial internal Mach number of a sub-set of the simulations including orbital rotation, × = 30 at the base of the jet (the “nozzle”). To presentedin 4.2. In this case, the nozzles (star and jet) Mexpjelot,r0e the dependence on Mach number, we ran a sim- movealongth§eirorbitaltrajectoriesinthex-yplane(i.e., ulation at = 10 and otherwise identical param- we simulated the orbit in a fixed, non-rotating frame, jet,0 eters compMared to our fiducial run with a jet power of whicheliminatestheneedtointroducetermsforCoriolis L = 1036ergss−1. Note that the Mach number and centrifugal forces into the solver). The coordinate jet jet varies along the jet given the adiabatic behavior oMf the origin was set to be at the center of mass. fluid. In the rotating case, we assumed that the star is co- In order to resolvethe hydrodynamics at the injection rotatingwith the orbit,suchthatthe outflowvelocityat scale with at least 10 cells across the nozzle, we forced the stellar surface is given by the jet nozzle to be at maximum refinement, resulting in an effective resolution of 4.7 109cm=1.6 10−3a, ~vwind,rot(~x)=~ω ~x+~vwind,∗ ~x R~∗ , (2) comparedto anorbitalseparati×onof a 3 10×12cm for × − ≈ × (cid:16) (cid:17) Cygnus X-1 (Gies & Bolton1982). The radius of the jet where ~ω is the orbital angular velocity, ~v the wind wind,∗ nozzle is about 2.5 1010cm and the full box size of the velocityatthestellarsurfacecalculatedfromeq.(1),and simulation is about×4 1013cm, centered on the center R~ the position of the star. × ∗ of mass of the binary. We ran the simulations for one orbital period before We varied the jet power to span the range Ljet switching on the jet in order to allow the flow to estab- ≈ 1035, 1036, 1037ergss−1, comparable to the range of un- lish a converged velocity and density profile. After the certainty in the jet power of Cygnus X-1, 9 1035 jet launches, the simulations were carriedout for several 1037ergss−1 (Gallo et al. 2005; Russell et al. 20×07). − hoursinrealtimeunits,longenoughtoestablishthebow Forthe bulk ofoursimulations,the jet wasinjected in shock and the jet in a quasi-steady state (see 2.4). § adirectionperpendicularto the orbitalplane, i.e., along Finally,weperformedacomparisonsimulationofajet the z-axis of our grid. We also investigated off-axis jets propagatingintoauniformwindwithparametersmatch- withanglesof30◦,60◦, 75◦ relativetothe orbitalaxisof ing those of our fiducial run at the position of the com- the system, inclined towards the binary companion (in- pact object (referred to below as UniWind E36). clination angles perpendicular to the orbital separation vector would not result in any change in the simulation, 2.4. Measurement of the Jet Thickness and Propagation given that simulations only cover a small fraction of the Direction binary period once the jet is switched on). The detailed Akeyvariabledeterminingthestrengthofthejet-wind model parameters of our different runs are described in interaction is the thickness h of the jet as seen by the table 1. wind (i.e., the size of the jet perpendicular to both jet Note also that in cases where the jet is oriented per- and wind velocities). We measured h as follows. pendicular to the binary separation vector ~a, the sim- In post-processing, we identified matter inside a com- ulations have mirror-symmetry about ~a; in these cases, putational cell as jet material if the value of ζ in order to reduce the need for computational resources, ≡ (v /v )J exceeded a fixed threshold, where (v /v ) weonlysimulatetheupperhemisphereatfullresolution, z jet z jet is the flow velocity normalized by the initial jet speed, but include both hemispheres to avoid spurious bound- whichis 3 109cms−1 in ourstandardparametrization, ary effects near the orbital plane. Results in those cases × andJ is the fractionaldensity of jet tracerfluid injected arequoted for the high-resolutionhalf of the simulation. atthe nozzle. We foundthat achoiceofζ =0.1success- fullyidentifiedthejetmaterialinallcases(seeFigure7). 2.3. Orbital Motion The thickness of the jet was measured in the direction The binary parameters were set loosely approximate perpendicular to the separation vector and the jet axis, the parametersfor of Cygnus X-1. For simplicity, we set since it is the dimension of the jet in that direction that 4 Table 1 ModelParameters Model Ljet(ergss−1) Mjet,0 inclination(degree) h1b(cms−1) SphWind E35 1035 30 0a 3×1010 SphWind E36 1036 30 0 8×1010 SphWind E36 M10 1036 10 0 1×1011 SphWind E36 rot 1036 30 0 8×1010 SphWind E36 acc 1036 30 0 8×1010 SphWind E36 30deg 1036 30 30 8×1010 SphWind E36 60deg 1036 30 60 8×1010 SphWind E36 75deg 1036 30 75 8×1010 SphWind E37 1037 30 0 1.5×1011 SphWind E37 gam166 1037 30 0 1.5×1011 UniWind E36 1036 30 0 8×1010 a 0◦ indicatesthatthedirectionofthejetisperpendiculartothelinebetweenthestarand theBlackhole. b The jet thickness at the re-collimation shock, h1, is measured naively by checking the variationofthejetthicknessalongthejetfromsimulationresults. determines the amount of wind momentum flux inter- reachesthepressurebehindthebowshockofthewind,at cepted by the jet. which point the jet goes through a re-collimation shock When the jet first turns on, it propagates in its initial and reaches a stable equilibrium thickness h . Thus, h 1 1 direction, following the standard evolution of jet propa- isnotdirectlysetasasimulationparameter,butinstead gationuntil the expansion of the cocoon becomes slower determined by the initial Mach number of the jet. thanthewindvelocity. Astheheadofthejetpropagates, However, since neither the re-collimation region nor theaccumulatedperpendicularmomentumfluxbeginsto theinitialMachnumberofthejetareobservable,wewill bend it away from its initial propagation direction. We carryoutmostof the analysisin this paper using the jet then traced the propagation direction of the jet fluid to thickness h beyond the re-collimation shock, relating it determine the jet trajectory and bending angle. wherepossibletoobservableslikethelargescaleopening angle of the jet α . We will describe the details of the 3. RESULTS obs re-collimation region, which is very close to the black 3.1. Jet Bending in Spherical Winds hole compared to the size of the simulation box, in 3.2. § Our simulations confirm the general expectation that The approaching stellar wind material goes through a a powerful wind from a companion star can affect the stationarybow shock asit is forcedto propagatearound propagation of the jet, and that the ultimate trajectory the jet. Beyond the re-collimation shock, the transverse of the jet depends on the relative momentum flux in the pressure gradient imparted on the jet by the lateral mo- wind and the jet, as well as the geometry of the system. mentum flux of the stellar wind then gradually bends We briefly describe the morphologyofthe jet-wind in- the jetfluidawayfromthe companionstar,while the jet teractionandcompareittosimulationsofjetbendingob- thickness h is set by lateral pressure balance with the servedin the interactionofa jet with a uniform medium wind bow shock pressure. (Yoon et al.2011). Figure1showssnapshotsofourfidu- The effects of the radially declining wind density and cial run at a jet power of L =1036ergss−1. thechangingvelocityofthewindasafunctionofdistance jet alongthejetimprintaqualitativelydifferentasymptotic Upon injection into the grid, the jet fluid is generally behavior of the jet compared to interaction with a uni- over-pressuredcomparedtotheexternalpressureandthe form medium. Because the density declines roughly as rampressureofthe stellar wind (the pressureis fixedby r−2, where r is the distance from the center of the star, our choice of the jet power, the jet velocity, the Mach the effect of bending declines with distance, and most of number, and the cross sectional area of the jet nozzle). the bending occurs within about a binary orbital sepa- We chosethis setup to allow the jet to establisha self- ration from the jet nozzle. consistent, stable structure by letting the jet reachpres- Moreimportantly,jetbendingiscausedonlybytrans- sureequilibrium withthe bow shock. During this phase, verse momentum flux, which depends on the angle ϑ = the jet does not experience any bending, given that it is stronglyover-pressuredwithrespectto the rampressure sin−1 ~vˆ ~vˆ between the local jet velocity and jet wind inthe stellar wind. We showa typicalsetupin Figure 1, × windv(cid:16)e(cid:12)locitythrou(cid:12)g(cid:17)hsin2(ϑ). Becauseϑdecreaseswith which displays a density slice through the simulation. (cid:12) (cid:12) increasi(cid:12)ng r, the am(cid:12) ount of transverse momentum flux Generally, the lack of external confinement leads to free alsodecreaseswith r. Asymptotically, anyinitially large lateral expansion of the jet with a half-opening angle of ϑ will tend to zero (even in the absence of any jet bend- orderα 1/ . Thewindisgravitationallyfocused 0 ∼ Mjet,0 ing)andtheamountoflateralmomentumfluxacrossthe by the black hole in the down stream region, generating jet decreases strongly with distance. At infinity, jet and the density enhancement along the equatorial plane vis- windtravelparalleltoeachotheratsomeasymptotican- ible to the left of the black hole in Figure 1. Here and gleψ relativetotheinitialjetdirection. Incontrast,in in the following, we place the x-axis along the orbital ∞ a uniform wind, ϑ does not decrease with distance from separationvectoratt=0 andthe z-axisalongthe orbital the nozzle, and both jets must eventually be bent such angular momentum vector. that the jet plasma asymptotically flows parallel to the Thefreeexpansionofthejetproceedsuntilitspressure 5 wind direction. From the numerical experiment, the initial half- We ran simulations with jet powers of L = opening angle α of the jet is roughly jet 0 1035, 1036, 1037ergss−1, and the results are shown in 3 Figure 2. The dashed lines indicate the converged α (4) 0 ∼ asymptotic lines towards which the jet is bent by the Mjet,0 wind, showing that the ψ∞ is a strong function of jet slightly larger than the simplistic estimate α0 power. In the case of Ljet =1035ergss−1, the ram pres- 1/ jet,0. ∼ sureby the stellarwind is sufficiently strongto bend the OMnce the conical expansion has been established, the jetbyalmost90◦,similartothecaseoftheUniWind E36 lateral ram pressure P of the jet jet,ram,⊥ uniform wind model. On the other hand, for the highest jetpowercaseinoursimulation,Ljet =1037ergss−1,the P =ρ sin2α v2 =ρ z0 2sin2α v2 (5) bending angle is small. We will discuss the relationship jet,ram,⊥ jet 0 jet 0 z 0 jet between the jet kinetic power and the inclination angle (cid:16) (cid:17) is alwayslargerthanthe internalpressure(since the lat- in 4.2. § eral expansion is supersonic). We generally find that the jet is bent towards its In terms of the kinetic jet power asymptotic bending angle within a time scale of τ bend 0.05τorbit, where τorbit is the orbital period; this ∼is Ljet,kin =πρjetvj3eth2/4=πρjetvj3etz2sin2α0 (6) roughly the time for the geometry of the inner jet to reach a steady state. We measured the propagation di- the lateral ram pressure is rection and asymptotic bending angle of the jet after it L jet,kin settledintoitssteadystate. Notethattheshortbending P = (7) jet,ram,⊥ πz2v time scale τ <<τ implies that the jet reacts in- jet bend orbit stantaneously to changes in binary orbit, which further independent of sinα and . 0 jet,0 implies that the jets must be precessing on the orbital Lateral expansion will pMroceed until P drops jet,ram,⊥ period of the system if bent by jet-wind interaction. below the pressure in the wind bow shock that forms Figure 3 explores the dependence of our simulations aroundthe jet, P . At this point, a re-collimation wind,ram on the initial internal Mach number of the jets, with shockmustforminthejetandbringtheinternalpressure jet,0 set to one third of our fiducial value. With oth- of the jet into equilibrium with the bow shock. We will M erwise identical parameters,a smaller Mach number im- denote the locationofthe re-collimationshock alongthe plieslargerthermalenergyrelativetothetotalenergyof jet as z . For parameters considered in this paper, z is 1 1 jet. The increased thermal pressure leads to a larger alwaysmuchsmallerthanthe binaryseparationa, sowe initial opening angle of the jet, which in turn results willassumethatrampressureofthewindisconstantfor in an increase in transverse momentum transfer and jet the discussion of z and h , so the wind ram pressure is 1 1 bending. TheincreasedsurfaceareaanddecreasedMach givenby its value in the equatorialplane at the location number also increase the incidence of Kelvin-Helmholtz of the black hole. instability and earlier onset of jet disruption. In terms of the mass loss rate of the wind2, M˙ = wind 4πr2v ρ = 4πa2v ρ , the wind ram pres- wind wind wind wind,0 3.2. The Re-collimation Shock sure at the jet nozzle is then Inorderto investigatethe physics ofjet re-collimation M˙ v by the wind, we carried out a set of test simulations P =ρ v2 = wind wind (8) wind,ram,0 wind,0 wind 4πa2 with significantly increased resolution, restricted to a shorter duration. We performed the tests with two jet where, ρ is the wind density atthe footpointof the wind,0 Mach numbers, = 10,30. Snapshots of the re- jet and v is the velocity of the stellar wind, assumed jet,0 wind M collimation region are shown in Figure 4. We measured to be constant. the jet thickness alongthe y-axis(y-z slice)for the anal- The location of the re-collimationshock z is given by 1 ysisbelow becausethe effective crosssectionofthe wind equating P =P : jet,ram,⊥ wind,ram,0 momentumflux capturedbythe jetdepends onlyonthe width of the jet in y-direction. Jet bending is facilitated 4L jet z =a (9) bleyadthinegperdegsseuorfetghreajdeitenistsiunbtjhecetxt-oztphleaninec,rweahseerdeponrelysstuhree 1 sM˙ windvwindvjet behind the bow shock. again independent of and α . jet,0 0 Inoursimulations,the jetisinitially freelyexpanding. This simple pictureMis qualitatively confirmed by the Acceleration of the lateral expansion will become ineffi- high-resolution simulations of the re-collimation shock: cient once the lateral motion itself becomes supersonic. Figure5showsthere-collimationshockatz 7 1011cm Thissetsthecharacteristicsemi-openingangleα0ofsuch regardless of the jet Mach number, consi≈sten×t within a supersonic “fan” simply as an error range of 20% with the analytic solution z 1 9 1011cm from eq. (9) for the simulation param≈e- × α 1 = cs,0 = γP0 1 . (3) ters (Ljet = 1037ergss−1, M˙ =10−5M⊙yr−1, vwind = 0 ∼ Mjet,0 vjet s ρ0 vjet 2.5×108cm, vjet =0.1c, a=3×1012cm). In Figure 5 we plot the measured jet thickness h as a 2GiventypicalpropertiesofOB-typestars,themasslossrateis function of height z. As expected, the jet with the ini- oforderM˙OB∼10−7∼10−5M⊙yr−1 withaterminalvelocityof tiallyhigherMachnumberhasanarroweropeningangle. vwind≈2000−3000kms−1 (Castor etal.1975;Pulsetal.2008). 6 Figure 1. TimesequenceofdensitymapsforourfiducialsimulationSphWind E36. Theblackcircleindicatesthesurfaceofthecompanion star. Theenhanced densityinthedownstreamofequatorial planetotheleftoftheblackholeisduetothegravitationallyfocusedwind. Thebowshockstructurealongthejetreachessteadystateapproximatelyin12hoursafteritlaunches. Themagentaareaintheright-most imageindicatesthejetmaterials(markedonlyinthelowerhalfoftheimage),identifiedbyacertainthreshold(see§4.1). Thecyandashed lines in the right-most panel indicate asymptotic lines along which the jets converge, showing that the jet is bent by approximately 30◦ from the initial direction. In the down-stream region, the bow-shocked wind passes around the jet and re-collimates inan expansion fan and a (weak) re-collimationshock, as expected for super-sonic flow around an object, leaving the post-shock region filled with wind gas, visibleintheright-mosttwopanels. Figure 2. DensitymapsforthecaseofSphWind E35(leftpanel) and SphWind E37 (right panel) after the steady state bow shock structurehas beenestablished. WhilethejetforSphWind E35is Figure 3. DensitymapinthecaseoflowerMachnumber,Mjet,0 disruptedwithinashortdistancefromitsinjection,thejetforSph- =10(SphWind E36 M10). Wind 37 is steadily maintained (marked in magenta color). The cyandashedlinesindicatethatthejetbendinganglesare65◦ and yond the scope of this paper. Therefore, for the follow- 8◦ forSphWind E35andSphWind E37,respectively. Thevertical ing analysis, we make the assumption that the bending black thin trajectory in right panel is the low density area gener- atedbytheshearlayerbetweenthejetandthebowshock. angle ψ of the jet is small (implying relatively weak in- teraction). At the re-collimation shock, the jet will have a thick- Becausenon-lineareffects(likedynamicalinstabilities) ness h1 and will be in pressure equilibrium. Beyond z1, tend to increase the cross section of the jet, they will the jet will thus adjust its thickness h to maintain pres- tend to increase the bending angle due to the large net sureequilibriumwiththewind. Wewilldiscusstheprop- transverse momentum intercepted by the jet. In that agationof the jet in this phase, and the interactionwith sense, the relations derived below will be lower limits the wind that occurs beyond z1, in the next section. on the actual bending angle. This is borne out by our simulations (See Figure 9 below). 4. DISCUSSION We will further assume that the wind is asymptotic, Asdescribedabove,the developmentofanasymptotic i.e.,hasreachedconstantvelocitybeforeinteractingwith bendingangleψ isexpectedfromsimpleconsiderations the jet andthus follows a simple r−2 density profile. We ∞ ofthe geometryofthe interactionbetweenjet andwind. will also neglect effects of orbital motion in the analytic A full analytic description of the detailed dynamical approximationsbelow(justifiedbythefactthattheycan evolution of the jet (including the onset of dynamical be expected to be about an order of magnitude smaller instabilities such as Kelvin-Helmholtz instability) is be- than the dominant effects, as argued above). 7 Generally,h willnotbemeasurable. However,wecan 1 useq.(12)torelateameasuredjetthickness(oranupper limit)atlargez tothejetthicknessatanyotherz,given values for γ and a. Stirling et al. (2001) reported that the VLBA jet of Cygnus X-1 has a semi-opening angle of α = VLBA h/2z . 2◦, where z is the scale length of the VLBA VLBA extendedjetonwhichtheopeningangleismeasured;the orbital separation and the length of the jet are 0.1 mas and15mas,respectively. Byusingeq.(12)withγ =4/3, the jet thickness at the re-collimation shock can be esti- mated as h . 5.7 10−3a. For a value of γ = 5/3, we 1 × findavalue ofh .1.3 10−2a. We willfurtherdiscuss 1 × the constraints on the initial half-opening angle in the case of the Cygnus X-1 jet in 4.4. § 4.2. Jet Bending and the Asymptotic Bending Angle Withanexpressionforthejetthicknesshfromeq.(12), we can now discuss the amount of bending experienced Figure 4. Density map for re-collimating jets in Mjet,0 = 10 (upper panels), and Mjet,0 = 30 (lower panels). The jet is re- by the jet. Technically, jet bending occurs because a collimatedinthey-zplanewhilebendingoccursinthex-zplane. transversepressuregradientexistsbehindthebowshock that the wind drives around the jet, such that the ex- 4.1. The Evolution of the Jet Thickness Beyond the ternal pressure at the leading edge is P P and Re-Collimation Shock 1 ∼ bow the pressure on the trailing edge of the jet is P P . 2 1 We will assume that the jet is in pressure equilibrium Thus, a transversepressure gradientexists inside t≪he jet with the ram pressure of the wind, aswell,actingtoaccelerate/bendthejetfluidawayfrom the star. P =ρ (θ) v cos2θ 2 jet,ram,⊥ wind wind In deriving an estimate for ψ∞, we will make the sim- =ρwind,0vw2(cid:0)indcos4θ (cid:1) plifying assumptionthat the bending angleis small, i.e., thattheaccumulatedtransversemomentumfluxissmall a2 2 comparedto the lateral momentum flux. The reasonfor =ρ v2 (10) wind,0 wind a2+z2 this assumption is that the jet will be dynamically dis- (cid:18) (cid:19) rupted if the bending angle is large, as the jet-boundary where we have used cosθ = a/√a2+z2, where θ is the interaction must be significant in this case. Our simula- anglebetweenthe orbitalseparationvector~a connecting tions bear out the validity of this assumption at least in thestarandtheblackhole,andthevector~rfromthestar the hydrodynamic case studied here. Similarly, we ne- to a given position along the jet. The jet has an initial glectthe momentumtransferfromthe windto the jet in jet thickness h , as discussed above, which we take as a the longitudinal direction, which would lead to accelera- 1 parameter in the following. tion or deceleration by a small amount. The geometry of the jet and the re-collimation shock Based on the properties of observed astrophysical jets and the definitions of the relevant angles andcoordinate (the presence of shocks, the inferred large kinetic power axes are sketched in Figure 6. compared to the minimum internal energy based on Beyond the re-collimation shock, the jet thickness h the observed synchrotron intensity), we further assume follows from pressure equilibrium between the jet and the jet to be supersonic (large internal Mach number) the bow shock: andballistic(nofurtheraccelerationbeyondthenozzle). a2 2 This reflects the setup of our simulations. P =ρ v2 Under the assumption of constant longitudinal jet ve- jet,ram,⊥ wind,0 wind a2+z2 locity and 2 1, the longitudinal jet momentum (cid:18) (cid:19) Mjet,0 ≫ h(z) −2γ per unit jet length is conserved and given by =P =P (11) jet eq,1 h (cid:20) 1 (cid:21) wherePeq,1 andh1 arethepressureandthejetthickness Φm,jet= dA⊥ρjetvjet at the re-collimation shock. This sets the jet thickness Z h: =πrj2et,0ρjet,0vjet a2 −1/γ L h(z)=h (12) = jet,kin, (13) 1 a2+z2 v2 (cid:18) (cid:19) jet Figure7showsthe measuredjetthickness has afunc- tion of z for simulation SphWind E37, compared to the where dA is the area element perpendicular to the ini- ⊥ valuecalculatedfromeq.(12),fordifferentchoicesofthe tial jet direction, r and ρ are the radius and the jet,0 jet,0 jet threshold (see 2.4). The figures show good agree- density of the jet at the nozzle. § ment between the model and the simulation. Thetransversemomentumperunitjetlengthaccumu- 8 Figure 5. Leftpanel: Identified jetsfromsimulationforthecaseofMjet,0=10,30. Rightpanel: Measuredjetthicknessalongjet. The dottedlinesindicatethelocationofre-collimationshock. lated by the jet can be derived as a function of z: t(z) h/2 X(y)/2 ∆Φ = dt dy dx P m,wind x bow ∇ Z0 Z−h/2 Z−X(y)/2 z dz′ h/2 = dyP bow v Z0 jet Z−h/2 z dz′ = h(z′)P bow v Z0 jet z dz′ a2 2−1/γ = ρ v2 h Z0 vjet wind,0 wind 1(cid:18)a2+z′2(cid:19) h ρ v2 = 1 wind,0 windaf(z,γ) v jet h M˙ v 1 wind wind = f(z,γ) (14) 4πav jet Figure 6. Schematic figure. αisajetsemi-openingangle, aisa separation,θisaninclinationanglefromtheorbitalplane,andh1 where isthejetthickness atthecollimationshock. z/a 1 2−1/γ f(z,γ) dy (15) ≡ 1+y2 Z0 (cid:18) (cid:19) whichcanbeexpressedasacombinationofhypergeomet- ric functions, but is most easily evaluated numerically. Inthe firstorder (smallbending angle)approximation we are making here, the ratio of transverse to longitu- dinal momentum is equal to the bending angle (i.e., the angle between the local andthe initial velocity vector or tangent vector of the jet as a function of z): v ∆Φ ⊥ m,wind ψ(z,γ)= = v Φ k m,jet M˙ v v h wind wind jet 1 = f(z,γ) (16) 4πaL jet,kin The asymptotic value for z can then be evalu- −→ ∞ ated in terms of elementary Gamma functions by taking the appropriate limit of f(z,γ): Figure 7. Thethickness of thejetinSphWind E37 model. The solidblacklinerepresentstheanalyticsolutionfromeq.(12)with M˙ windvwindvjeth1 ψ = lim ψ(z,γ)= lim f(z,γ) the parameters appropriate for the model of SphWind E37, and ∞ dashedanddot-dashedlinesindicatethenumericalresultsfordif- z→∞ 4πaLjet,kin z→∞ ferent choices of the threshold used to determine whether a com- M˙ v v h √πΓ(3/2 1/γ) putational cellbelongs tothejet. = wind wind jet 1 − (17) 4πaL 2 Γ(2 1/γ) jet,kin − 9 where In the small bending angle regime, our analytic ex- pressions are consistent with the simulation results, as √πΓ(3/2 1/γ) f(γ) lim f(z,γ)= − (18) shown in Figure 9. In the figure, the solid curves were ≡z→∞ 2 Γ(2 1/γ) constructed by integrating the jet trajectory along z, − given the analytic expression for the transverse velocity with f(4/3) = 1.2 and f(5/3) = 1.07 for a relativistic v ψv fromeq.(16)inthesmallangleapproxima- andnon-relativisticmonatomicgas,respectively. Hence, jet,⊥ jet tion [i≈.e., d(x x )/dz =tanψ where x is the location forotherwiseidenticalparameters,thejetshouldbebent 0 0 − of the black hole]. For small bending angles, the figure about 10% less in the case of γ = 5/3 compared to the shows excellent agreement between the model and the caseofγ =4/3,showingthattheeffectofadiabaticindex simulations. on ψ is moderate. Figure 8 shows the dependence of ∞ As expected, for the case of stronger jet power, L = thef(γ)ontheadiabaticindexfromγ =4/3toγ =5/3. jet While h cannot be measured observationally, we can 1037ergss−1, the jet is only moderately bent from the 1 express eq. (17) in terms of the observable jet width initialdirection,whilelowerpowerjetsaremorestrongly on VLBA scales, h measured at distance z a, affected by the winds, resulting in a higher degree of obs obs or alternatively, the observed opening angle α ≫ = deflection. Inthefigure,thesolidlinesrepresentanalytic obs h /(2z ): trajectoriescalculatedbyeqs.(13)-(14)anddashedlines obs obs indicate the asymptotic direction estimated in eq. (17). hobs a2 1/γ M˙ windvwindvjet Inthe case ofour fiducialsimulation(jet power Ljet = ψ∞= a a2+z2 4πL f(γ) 1036ergss−1), the jet becomes dynamically unstable (cid:18) obs(cid:19) jet,kin around z = 2.5 1012cm, which leads to significant zobs 1−2/γ M˙ windvwindvjet broadeningofthe×jetandenhancedbending,and,asare- α f(γ) (19) ≈ obs a 2πL sult,thejetbeginstodeviatefromtheanalyticestimate. jet,kin (cid:16) (cid:17) Further quantitative analysis of the turbulent structures where zobs = zVLBA/sin(θLOS) and αobs are assumed and their effect to the evolution of the jet is beyond this to be corrected for foreshortening given the line-of-sight work. It is, however,clear fromthe simulations that jet- inclination angle θLOS of the jet. instability will only increase ∆Φm,wind/Φm,jet and ψ∞. We carried out one test simulation, Sph- Thus, our small jet bending angle approximation can Wind E37 gam166, with γ = 5/3 for the jet fluid, beconsideredarobustlowerlimitoftheactualjetbend- and the resulting jet appears more straight, consistent ingangle. Figure10showsthefractionaldeviationofthe with analytic expression (see Figure 9). Note that the numericalresultfromtheanalyticestimateasafunction ratioisindependent ofthe orbitalseparation,a, because of jet bending angle. Our analytic formula is very ac- of the relationship h1 = 2z1sinα0, where z1 can be curate for bending angles smaller than 20◦. For larger calculated from eq. (9). bending angles, the approximation breaks down. 4.3. The Effects of Orbital Motion and Wind Acceleration We carriedouttwosimulationsincluding the effects of orbitalmotion(SphWind E36 rot)andradiativelydriven winds (SphWind E36 acc) in order to evaluate the im- portance of both effects by comparing to our standard model. Figure 9 shows that, for small bending angles, the effects are small and the results with and without or- bital motion and wind acceleration are consistent with each other. This is not surprising, since the centrifugal forcefromthe orbitalmotionisabout3ordersofmagni- tude lessthanradiativeforce,andthe Coriolisforceacts purely in the transverse direction. Therefore, our setup withfixedblackholeandstarpositionsissufficiently ac- curate in the context of this analysis. We reach a similar conclusion about the effect of ra- diativeacceleration. Themodelwitharadiativelydriven Figure 8. Theasymptoticjetbendingangleasafunctionofadi- abaticindex,γ. Theangleisnormalizedbytheoneforthecaseof wind has a negligibly small difference in the momentum γ=4/3. fluxofthestellarwindatthebinaryseparationcompared to our standard model. It implies that our assumption While these expressions are strictly non-relativistic, it that the wind reaches terminal velocity before encoun- is straight forward to show that in the ultra-relativistic tering the jet is valid. case,theestimateforthebendingangleψisincreasedby Forlargebendingangles,wheredynamicalinstabilities a factor of √2 over the non-relativistic case (where the lead to rapid jet disruption and increased bending, the velocity is simply set to v = c). Thus, the lower limits deviationbetweenindividualsimulationsisnoticeable,as we derive below on L from observational upper limit expected given the time variability of the jet trajectory jet on ψ becomes stronger in the relativistic case. on those scales. 10 4.4. Jet Bending as a Diagnostic of Jet Power: The froma completely independent, likely more robustargu- case of Cygnus X-1 ment. In the limit that ∆Φ > Φ , bending in the m,wind m,jet simulation is so strong that the jet is dynamically dis- rupted, rather than simply bent. The interaction dis- perses the jet into a broad, no longer collimated flow at much lower velocity than the jet velocity. We would not expect such a strongly bent jet to survive as an observ- able radio jet. This suggests a simple diagnostic: If a stable compact jet is observed intact in an HMXB, one canconcludethatthebendingangleshouldbemoderate. For example, the compact VLBA jet of Cyg X-1 is extended, with a scale length z of approximately VLBA 15 mas (compared to the angular scale of the orbital separation a of 0.1 mas), with an upper limit to the half-opening angle of α <2◦ where the viewing an- VLBA gle, θ , is approximated to 40◦ (Stirling et al. 2001). LOS Combined with the other fiducial parameters of Cyg X-1, a robust limit can be derived from the observed stable compact jet by taking the bending angle to be ψ =∆Φ /Φ π/2, which gives ∞ m,wind m,jet ≪ L sinθ −2/γ α −1 jet LOS VLBA 1037ergss−1 sin40◦ 2◦ (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) f(γ =4/3) z 2/γ−1 (150)2/γ−1 VLBA /150 × f(γ) a (150)1/2 (cid:20) (cid:21)h(cid:16) (cid:17) i (cid:20) (cid:21) v −1 v −1 wind jet × 1.6 108cms−1 0.6c (cid:18) × (cid:19) (cid:16) (cid:17) M˙ −1 Figure 9. Comparison of numerical results with analytic esti- wind 8.5 10−3 (20) mates. Each symbol represents the numerical result, and solid × 2.6 10−6M⊙yr−1! ≫ × lines indicate the analytic jet trajectories. Dashed lines indicate × theasymptotictowardswhichthejetisexpectedtoconvergeana- lytically. where γ = 4/3 in our standard model. For the case of γ =5/3,thelimitincreasesto3.9 10−2duetorelatively × shallow increase in jet thickness along the jet, which re- quires a larger initial opening angle α and thus a wider 0 initial jet to give the same observed α .2◦. VLBA This limit can be made more specific by the fact that the jet appears to be oriented in the same direction in separateVLBAradioobservations,takenduringdifferent orbital phases (Stirling et al. 2001). The data suggest a possible moderate bending on the jet of less then 10◦ on VLBA scales. Given the stability of the jet, we consider this an upper limit on the jet bending angle, i.e., ψ . ∞ 10◦, which translates to L & 7.6 1035ergss−1 jet × M˙ v wind wind × 2.6×10−6M⊙yr−1!(cid:18)1.6×108cms−1(cid:19) v α sinθ 2/γ f(γ) jet VLBA LOS 0.6c 2◦ sin40◦ f(γ =4/3) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:20) (cid:21) zVLBA 1−2/γ (150)1−2/γ Figure 10. Fractionaldeviationofthejettrajectorybetweennu- /150 , (21) merical result and analytic formula as a function of jet bending a (150)−1/2 h(cid:16) (cid:17) i (cid:20) (cid:21) angle. where for γ = 5/3, this limit increases to 3.5 × 1036ergss−1. 4.5. Off-axis Jets This lower limit on the jet power is consistent with the range of jet powers quoted in Gallo et al. (2005), WhentheprogenitorofthecompactobjectinanX-ray Russell et al. (2007), and Sell et al. (2015), but derived binary undergoes a supernova explosion in its last stage