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Preview Global Political Economy: Contemporary Theories (Routledge Ripe Studies in Global Political Economy)

GlobaPlo litical Econoym. Contempotrhaeroyr ies Editebdy R onenP alan Londoann dN ewY ork Firsptu blis2h0e0d0 byR outled� IINe wF ellLearn eL,o ndoEnC 4P4 EE Simultaneopuusbllyi sihnted h UeS Aa ndC anada byR outledge 29W est3 5tShlr eet, YNoerwkNY , 100I0 Reprin2t0e0d2 lWutkdge isan imprinJ 'If tk Taylor Fr&cisan Group © 200S0e lectanidon e ditomraitaelr Rioanle Pna lainn;d ividcuhaalp ters thceo ntributors TypesetB aisnk CIViblylT ea yl&o rF ranciBoso ksL td Printaenddbo undi nG reaBtr itbayi n StE dmundsbPreussry Ltd,B uryS tE dmundSsu,ff olk AU righresetsJVed . Nop arotft hiboso km aybe reprinotrre edp roduced oru tilinis aendyf ormo rb ya nye lectromnecihca,n icoarol t,h emre ans, nowkn owno rh ereaifntveern tiendc,l udpihnogt ocopyainndrg e cording, ori na nyi nformatsitoonra ogrer etriesvyaslt ewmi,t hopuetrm issinio n writinfgro mt hpeu blishers. British library CaJn/oguing inPu blicalionDaItl A cataloregcuoerf do rt hibsoo ki sa vailafbrolmet hBer itLiisbhr ary library 'If Co.ngmCsaJn/o ging inPu blicalionDaItl Globpoalli tieccaoln omcyo:n tempotrahrye or/i eedsi tbeydR onePna lan. p.c m. (Routledge/sRtIuPdEii neg sl obpaoll itical economy) Inclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecraeanlndc iensd ex. II.n ternatioencaoln omriecl ati2o.Ecn osn.o mipocl icIyP..a laRno,n cn. IIS.e ries HF1411.G64692000 337-di:21 00-020054 ISBN0 -41-52 04878( hbk) ISBN0 --4210548-9-(5P bk) ToS usanS trange- teachaenrd fri end Contents Listoj illustrations ix Noteosnc ontributors x Series edi'pto rrifsace Xlll Acknowledgements xv Listoj abebvriations XV] 1 Newtr endins g lobpalo litieccaoln omy 1 RONEN PALAN PART I Keyc atoeriges ing tlohbepa olli ticeaClO DOm.y 19 2 Structuring thep olitiarceanlap :u blgioco dsst,a tes and governanicnea gl obalizinwgo rld 21 PHILIPG . CERNY 3 Approa�ct hihnoer ganisaotifeo cno noanUccti vity int haeg oe fc ross-balolirandceecr a pitalism 36 RICHARD PHILLIPS 4 The usaned misuseo fp oweanra lysiins internatitohnealo ry 53 STEFANO GUZZINI 5 Capiatcalc umuloantib:r eakithnegd ualismo f 'economanid c'sp'o litics' 67 JONATHAN NITZ AN AND SHIMSHON BICHLER 6 Laboanurd IPE:r ediscovheumrinang agency 89 ROBERT O'BRIEN Contents V1l1 7 GloalblsatiotDenn:d o rp roject? 100 PHILIPM CMICHAEL PART II Theoreticalo vinantioannd contempodreabrayt es1 15 8 Gamet heoiryn:t ernatitroandale c,o nfliancdt c oopera1ti1o7 n LISAJ .C ARLSON 9 Newi nstitutionaanldl isnIDt ernatiroenlala tioDs 130 HENDRIK SPRUYT 10 GlobalizatianodD t heorioefrs e gulatioD 143 MICHAEL DUNFORD 11T ransnatiohDiaslt oIDriactale riallthseIDo:ri eosf transDatioDcall afsorsID atioanDd worlodr der 168 HENK OVERBEEK 12A D ebbipsrhe seunDdceerv:a luceOdD tribuotifo Ds sociolinosgtiitcualDti alolStIDoIP E 184 ANNA LEANDER 13 Trenidnds e veloptIDheeDotry 197 JAN NEDERVEEN PIETERSE 14 Thec onstrucuntidvisetr pinnionftg hsne e wi nternatioDal politicealc onOIDY 215 RONEN PALAN IS Historsioccali oanldo ggyl obtralan sforIDatioD 229 MARTIN SHAW 16G lobpala ssiwiothinn sg lobialn terreasctgese,:n danedr , cultiunro eur p ostcolonial order 242 L. H. M. LING Bilbiograph,y 256 Index 283 Illustrations Tables 10.T1r enidnUs Si neqyuc:aum luliattigvreo wotfah v eraangneu al reianlc obmyqe ui ntiilnte hU eS 1,9 47-92 151 10.2O utpeumtp,l oyamnepdnr to ducgtriovwiitntth hGy e7 , USAE,U 1a5n dJaapvaenr:aa ngneup aelr cernattoaefggs er owt1h5 3 10.3C omparaeticvoen odmeivce loariptmhemnetati:vc e rraegale GDPp ehre aadtp urchpaoswisentrga ndaarsad s perceonfUt SaAg e 164 10.D4e termoifng arnotwistnE h as At sia 165 13.1De velotphmeeonirtnri eelsat tiogo lno hbeagle mony 201 13.2A ctiondr esv elofipeml(ed1n 9t9d 0ifsf)e:sr teakneth olders, differednetv elopment 202 13.3C urretrnetn idnds e velotphmeeonrty 210 Figur es 4.1K eohane's raaptipornoaalc ha ctor 58 5.1B usianneidsn sd ustry 79 5.2B usianneidsn sd uisnttr hyUe S A 80 8.1G ames 118 8.2T wo-lgeavmeel 127 10.W1al rasanidand ecentralizmeadr kets 146 10.T2 renidnps r ofittahFberi elncicastyhe: 150 Contributors S1WnshonB ichlteera cphoelsi eticcoanloi mnuy n ivearnsdci otilleesig ne s IsrHaiersle .s efacorucishsc apitdaelvisetl oapcmceunmtu,anl daeti liotne dnyamiHceis cs.u rrweonrtkloiynn bgao ooknth eg lopboalli eticcoanlo my ofI srtaoegle wtihJteohrn atNhiatnz an. LisaJ.C arlsoinas n A ssocPiraotfeeo sfPs oolri Sticciaelan ttc heUe ni versity ofI dahHoe.rr eseanardcp hu blicaraetii ontn hsare e aosfg amteh eory, interncartiieossnicasall a antidot nr,aa dnecd o nfliSchtce.ur erntsleyrvo ens thEex ecuCtiovueno cfti hlPe a cific NoProtlihtiwceaslt A Sscsioceinactieo n (1996a-n9wild9l b) e t hAes sociPartieosniin'd 2se0 n0St1h .ie as l rseos earch co-coorwidtinhta htUeon ri veorfsI idtya hMoa'rstinI nstiftrouP teea ce StudaineCdso nfliRcets olution. Philip G.C ernyi Psr ofeosfGs oovre rnmaettn htUe n iveorfMs aintcyh ester. Hei st haeu thoofTher Politqfic Grsa ndeuIrdeo:gln icaAlps ecqfts D eG aulle's ForPeiolgyin( c CambridUgnei vePrrsei1st9sy8,a 0 n)Thed ChangingA rchiqfte cture PoliticsS:tru ctAguenr€Jl,e a, nd Ftheut qfu rtheeS tate( Sa1g9e9,a0 n)ed,di t/co or­ authoofrF inaanncdWOe r ldP olitMiacrske:Rt esg,i amnesdS tateisn th e Pos-tHelfTgoTlnEicr (aE l1g9a9rH3,i) as.r tichlaevasep peainr ewadi drea nge of journals. MichaDeunflo rdi sP reosfsoofrE conoGmeiocg raipnth hySe c hooofl EuropSetaunda itte hsUe n iveorfSs uistsanyed xE diotfoR re gionSatlu dies. Hipsu blicianticolTnuhesdA erena qf Cpaita(lM ailcalmn1,9 8w3r)i twittehn DiaPneer raonnCdspa ,i tthaeSl tate, a nd ReDgioenvealnlp( mpei1no9tn8 H8e)i .s co-auotfIhd nours tCrhaingaande l R gieonDaelvp emlneThen tTr:a fonsrmatofiN eown IdnustrialSp ace(sB elha1v9e9na1 n)dC i taineRdsge ioinsnth eN ew EuropeThe: GolbLaolcI atenplryla aSnpadt Dieavlpe mlneSnttr a(teBgeiesl h1a9v9eA2nt)p .r esent hei sd oicnogm parartievsee oanrr cehg ieocnoanlo pmeiorcrf manicne Euroapneod n t hdee termoinfina enqtusa alintsdyo ceixacll usion. Staneof Guzzini isA ssocPiraotfeei snPs oolirti cal SIcniteenrcnea,t ional RelatiaonndEs u ropSetaund aitet sh eC entrEalu ropUenainv ersity, BudapCeosltlH eegh eap.su bliosnth heedo orfii netse rnraetiloanantiadol n s listr!f conutritosbr xi internatiopnoalli ticealc onomays,w ella so n thec omparativaen alyosfi s WesEtu ropewaenl fasrtea tes. AnnaL eandeirsA ssistParnotf esosfo Pro litiSccaile nacett heC entral EuropeaUnn iversBiuty,d apeCsotl legHee.rp ublicatiocnosv etrh eoretical issu(etsh eoorfty h es tatfee,min isma nde thiinc sin)t ernatiroenlala tiaonnds internatiopnoalli ticeaclo nomays w elals w orko nt hep olitieccaoln omoyf thEeU ando fT urkey. L.H.MLing. isc urrenday S enioLre cturoefrI nternatiSotnuadli aetst he InstituotfeS ociSalt uditehse,H aguet,h eN etherlaannddsa nA ssociate Editorw itthh eI tenrnnaatFliem oniiJosutr nr!fa Plol i.tH iecrb sookC,on quaensdt DesirPose:tc oloLenairanlbi engtw eAensi aanthe d Wesitsf orthcom(iMnagc millan Press/MSartitn.' sP ress). Philip McMichaiseP lro fesasnodrC hairo f RuralS ocioloCgy,o rnell UniversiNteyw,Y orkH.i sr esearcfho cusoenst hep olitihciaslt oorfwy o rld capitaliswmi,t ahn e mphasoinss tataensd f oorde gimeHsi.sb ooksi nclude Setatlentherd sA griraaQnue stionF:o undra!ftC aiipotansl iismnA ustr(a1l9i8a4The) , Glboa&ls trucr!ft Agurroi-ngFSy osotemsd ( edit1o9r9,4 a)n,d D eveplomeanntSd co ial ChangAeG :lo bPaerplse c(tiv2e0 020n,d e ditiHoen i)s.c urrenPdrye sidoefnt th e ResearCcohm mittoefeA gricultaunrdeF oodI,n ternatiSooncailo logical Association. JonathanN itzani sa nA ssociPartoef esastot rh eD epartmenotf P olitical SciencYeo,r kU niversini ty,T orontoa,n df ormeSre nioErd itoorf the Emerging MarkeStst rgaiatstetth e BankC rediAtn alysRte searGcrho upH.i s researfcohc usoensa ccumulationc,a pitadleivsetl opmaenndtp owerH.e is presenwdoyr kintgo,g ethweirtS hh imshBoinc hleorn,a booko nt heg lobal politiceaclo nomoyfI srael. RoberOt' BriiseA sns istParnotf esins tohre D epartmenotfP olitiSccaile nce andt heI nstituotnGe l obalizatainodnt heH umanC onditiaotMn c Master UniversiinCt ayn adaH.i sp resernets earfcohc usoenst hee mergenocfea globalla boumro vemenHte. isc o-authoofr C ontesGtloibngGoa vlern ance: MultillE acotenroaImnsict itutioannsd GSlocobiaMalol v emen(tCsam brid2g0e0,0 ) anda uthoofrS ubys& giudlaatniSdot naTr taefon rsmat(Miaocnilmla n,1 997). Henk OverbeiesSk e nioLre cturienr InternatioRnealla tionVsr,i je UniversAimtsetietr,d (aNme therlaHnidsis n)t.e raerseit nsi nternatipoonlailt ­ icaelc onomayn dE uropeainn tegratiHoinsp. u blicatiinocnlsu dGe lobal CpaitalainNsdamt ioDneacll( 1i9n9e0R )e,s trucHteugriemngoi 7!JInthe GlobPaolli tical Econo(77!JIe dit1o9r9,3N )e,o i-bleHreagolemyn a nthde P oliticEaclo yn or!fEmu ropean Restru(ccot-ueridngi1t 9o9r8,H) ,eg emonuien idn ternatioAnrableei ts(tefiorlutngh ­ coming)an,d The PoliticaElc nooym r!fE upreoaUnnem ployment(e ditor, forthcomiHnegn)kO. v erbeeiksc o-ediotfo trh eR IPEs eriiensG lobal Political Ec(oRnooumdye dge). xii· Listof contributors RonePnal an isS eniLeocrt urienrI nternatiRoenlaalti oantts h eU niverosfi ty Susseanxd, c o-ediotfto hre R evieofw I ternnationPaolli tEciocrayul.nH en has beena visitipnrgo fesastoY ro rkU niversTiotry,o ntanod theH ebrew UniversJietruy,s aleHmi.sp ublicatioinnsc luTrdae nscenthed Singta te-Global Diuide, co-ediwtietBdha rrGyil l(s9 194an)dS tateSrt ateigiesnthe GlobPaolli tical Ecoonym,w itJhas onA bbot(t91 99H)e .is c urrenrdeys earcthhieon ffgs hore economy. Richard Phillipissa doctocraaln didiantt eh ed epartmeonftI nternational RelatioannsdP olitiactS su ssUexn iversity. Jan NedervePeine teirssa ett heI nstitouftS eo ciSalt udiienTs h e Hague. Heh ast augihntG hananad thUen iteSdt ataensdh as beevni sitipnrgo fessor inJ apaann dI ndonesHiea i.sc o-ediotfoR re vieofw I ternnatiPoolniatlic al Econyoa mnda dvisoerdiyt oorf s evejroaulr naHisl sb.o okisn cluWhdiete o n Black:I mageofs A fricaan Bdlac ksin Western PpoulaCru l(tYuarUlenei verPsrietsys , 1992E)m;pi andre E manpcait(iopnr aeg1e89r9,w )h,i crhe ceitvheed1 990J C RuigrAowka rdo ft heN etherlaSnodcsi eotfyS ciencaensd;D evelopment­ Deconst/rR uecctoionsnstr (uScatg2ie0,o 0ns0 ). Martin ShaiwsP rofesosfIo nrt ernatiRoenlaalti oansn dP olitiacnsdc onvenor oft heg raduaptreo anungr e inC ontemporWaarray n dP eacSet udiaetts h e UniverosfiS tuys sexHis. bookisn cluDialedcet icofs War( 9188P)os,t -Military Soc(i1e9ry91, G) lboaSlo candie ryI tenrnatiRoenlaat(li91 o9n4asn) d C ivSiolc ainedry MediinGa lo bCarisle (1s9- 96). Hendrik SpruyitsA ssociPartoef esosfoP ro litical SactA ireinzcoeSn taa te UniverPsriittoy.o rt hahte t augahttC olumbUinivae rsiHtey. i st hea uthoofr The SoverSetaigtena nIdts C opmeti(tproirnsc eUtnoinv ersPirteys1 s9,9 4a)n d moret hana dozeanr ticlaensdc haptine resdi tevdo lumesH_e isc urrendy workionnga booakn alystihneig n teracotifdo onm estipco litiacnsdi nterna­ tionalc hangiencs a seofst erritdoirsisaoll uAtdidointi_o nahleil say c ,o -editor oft hRe evoiefwIten rnatPoilointEcaicolaon lym .

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