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lanruoJ fo scirtemonocE 06 )4991( .99-56 dnalloH-htroN labolG noitazimitpo fo lacitsitats snoitcnuf htiw detalumis *gnilaenna mailliW .L effoG (/nirersiiy of Southrrn ,ipissisxiM Hattieshurg, MS 39406, USA Gary D. reirreF Unicrrsit? fo Arkansas, ,rllicettw~cF AR 72701, D’SA nhoJ sregoR Memphis Stute Unioersit>~, Memphis. NT 38152, USA devieceR rebmevoN ,0991 lanif noisrev deviecer enuJ 2991 ynaM lacitsitats sdohtem yler no laciremun noitazimitpo ot etamitse a s’ledom .sretemarap -utrofnU ,yletan lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla semitemos .liaf nevE nehw yeht od .egrevnoc ereht si on ecnarussa taht yeht evah dnuof eht ,labolg rehtar naht a ,lacol .mumitpo eW tset a wen noitazimitpo ,mhtirogla detalumis ,gnilaenna no ruof cirtemonoce smelborp dna erapmoc ti ot eerht nommoc lanoitnevnoc .smhtirogla toN ylno nac detalumis gnilaenna dnif eht labolg ,mumitpo ti si osla ssel ylekil ot liaf no tluciffid snoitcnuf esuaceb ti si a yrev tsubor .mhtirogla ehT esimorp fo detalumis gnilaenna si detartsnomed no eht ruof cirtemonoce .smelborp wordys: eK detalumiS ;gnilaenna labolG ;noitazimitpo noitamitsE smhtirogla ecnednopserroC :ot mailliW .L ,effaG tnemtrapeD fo scimonocE dna lanoitanretnI ,ssenisuB -inU ytisrev fo nrehtuoS ,ipississiM ,grubseittaH MS ,60493 .ASU *We dluow ekil ot ,knaht tuohtiw ,gnitacilpmi snaH ,nammA yraG ,niethsniraB divaD ,yelsleB T. Randolph ,draeB namreH ,snereiB leahciM ,ytooB divaD ,grebdloG natS ,rreK divaD ,yveL eissE ,imuosaaM leinaD ,yerffaCcM drahciR ,tdnauQ dna leahciM 1laeV rof lufpleh snoitseggus dna stnemmoc no suoiverp .stfard owT suomynona seerefer dedivorp ynam elbaulav .snoitseggus treblA regnaluoB saw yrev lufpleh htiw eht erutaretil .yevrus roF lanoitatupmoc ,pleh ew dluow ekil ot knaht trA etnomleB dna avA htavroH fo .LSMI miJ llaH dna lliB yentruoC fo IBM yldnik dedivorp a elpmas .noitatskrow haraS ,norraB naJ ,dryB treboR ,ssenkraH rehtuL ,releeK nhoJ ,ssepseR dna soripS salleV fo eht ytisrevinU fo saxeT retneC rof hgiH ecnamrofreP gnitupmoC osla dedivorp elbaulavni .pleh ehT lanoitatupmoc krow rof siht repap saw demrofrep ta eht ytisrevinU fo saxeT retneC rof hgiH ecnamrofreP .gnitupmoC 00.60$/49/6704-4030 )c reiveslE-4991 ecneicS srehsilbuP .V.B llA sthgir devreser 66 W.L. Gaffe et al., Global noitazimitpo of statistical snoitcnuf .1 noitcudortnI ynaM cirtemonoce ,sdohtem hcus as raenilnon tsael ,serauqs the dezilareneg dohtem of ,stnemom dna the mumixam doohilekil ,dohtem yler nopu -azimitpo noit ot etamitse ledom .sretemarap Not ylno do these sdohtem yal the -teroeht laci noitadnuof for ynam ,srotamitse yeht are netfo desu ot yllaciremun etamitse .sledom ,yletanutrofnU siht yam eb tluciffid esuaceb these smhtirogla are -emos semit yhcuot dna yam .liaf roF the mumixam doohilekil ,dohtem remarC (1986, p. 77) stsil a rebmun of tnasaelpnu‘ :’seitilibissop the mhtirogla yam ton -noc egrev ni a elbanosaer rebmun of steps, ti yam head toward yletinifni egral retemarap ,seulav or neve pool hguorht the emas tniop emit dna .niaga ,oslA the mhtirogla yam evah ytluciffid htiw segdir dna .suaetalp nehW faced htiw hcus ,seitluciffid the researcher si netfo decuder ot gniyrt tnereffid gnitrats seulav remarC[ (1986, p. 72) dna hcniF et .la (1989)]. ,yllaniF neve fi the mhtirogla ,segrevnoc there si on ecnarussa that ti lliw evah degrevnoc ot a ,labolg rather naht a ,lacol mumitpo ecnis lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla tonnac hsiugnitsid -eb neewt the two. nI ,mus there si a poor hctam neewteb the power of these sdohtem dna the laciremun smhtirogla desu ot tnemelpmi .meht A wen dna yrev tnereffid noitazimitpo ,mhtirogla detalumis ,gnilaenna -netop yllait sevorpmi siht .hctam tI serolpxe the s’noitcnuf eritne ecafrus dna seirt ot ezimitpo the noitcnuf elihw gnivom htob llihpu dna .llihnwod ,suhT ti si ylegral tnednepedni of the gnitrats ,seulav netfo a lacitirc tupni ni lanoitnevnoc -ogla .smhtir ,rehtruF ti nac escape morf lacol amitpo dna go no ot dnif the labolg mumitpo yb the llihpu dna llihnwod .sevom detalumiS gnilaenna osla sekam ssel tnegnirts snoitpmussa gnidrager the noitcnuf naht do lanoitnevnoc -ogla smhtir ti( deen ton neve eb .)suounitnoc esuaceB of the dexaler ,snoitpmussa ti nac erom ylisae laed htiw snoitcnuf that evah segdir dna .suaetalp ,yllaniF ti nac ezimitpo snoitcnuf that are ton denifed for emos retemarap .seulav sihT paper tsrif serapmoc the anaroC et .la (1987) noitatnemelpmi of detalumis gnilaenna ot lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla no ruof cirtemonoce .sledom ,suhT these stluser yam pleh ediug other researchers. ehT tsrif ledom si na elpmaxe morf the erutaretil htiw elpitlum aminim [Judge et .la (1985, pp. ,])759-659 dna the dnoces si a lanoitar snoitatcepxe egnahcxe rate .ledom ehT driht ledom si na ycneiciffe yduts of the gniknab yrtsudni gnisu a golsnart cost reitnorf metsys dna the htruof stif a laruen krowten ot a citoahc emit .seires esehT sledom yrav yltaerg ni .ezis ehT Judge ledom has ylno two ,sretemarap the egnahcxe rate ledom has 14, the laruen krowten has 35, dna the cost yduts has 62. llA three elbairavitlum noitazimitpo smhtirogla ni the LSMI yrarbil tneserper the lanoitnevnoc .smhtirogla ecniS yeht are evitisnes ot gnitrats ,seulav 100 tnereffid sets of meht are desu ni lla cases. sihT paper neht secudortni snoisnetxe ot the anaroC .mhtirogla enO -ifidom noitac checks that the labolg mumitpo si deedni ,deveihca elihw rehtona swolla the researcher ot tcirtser noitazimitpo ot a tesbus of the retemarap space .L.W @oG te ,.la labolG noitazimitpo fo snoitcnif,lacitsitats 16 siht( nac eb yrev lufesu for gnidnatsrednu the .)noitcnuf ehT driht noisnetxe swolla the researcher ot enimreted a lacitirc laitini retemarap for the ,mhtirogla elihw the lanif eno stcerid the noitceles of sretemarap that lortnoc the ssentsubor of the .mhtirogla sihT swolla the researcher ot eziminim the noitucexe emit of the .mhtirogla eW dnif detalumis gnilaenna ot eb etiuq .lufrewop nO the Judge ,noitcnuf detalumis gnilaenna syawla sdnif the labolg ,mumitpo elihw the LSMI senituor do .ton roF the lanoitar snoitatcepxe ,ledom the lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla tonnac ezimitpo dna do ton offer yna nosaer for rieht .eruliaf nehW desu as a citsongaid ,loot detalumis gnilaenna senimreted the .melborp nevE nehw siht melborp si ,detanimile the lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla ylno ylerar dnif the -itpo ,mum elihw detalumis gnilaenna does so .ylisae ehT lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla tonnac ezimitpo the golsnart cost reitnorf ledom elihw detalumis gnilaenna does so .ylisae roF the laruen ,krowten detalumis gnilaenna sdnif a hcum retteb mumitpo naht yna of the lanoitnevnoc .smhtirogla ,revewoH ti si nwohs that the erutan of siht noitcnuf sekam ti yllautriv elbissopmi for yna dohtem ot dnif the labolg .mumitpo ,yllaitnessE detalumis gnilaenna sedivorp erom serutaef at the cost of na esaercni ni noitucexe emit for a elgnis nur of the .mhtirogla ,revewoH nehw derapmoc ot the elpitlum snur netfo desu htiw lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla ot test tnereffid gnitrats ,seulav ti si .evititepmoc nI emos cases, detalumis gnilaenna si neve evititepmoc htiw a elgnis nur of a lanoitnevnoc .mhtirogla sA nwohs ni xidneppa ,A retupmoc power si gnisaercni yldipar dna the secruoser dedeen for detalumis gnilaenna lliw ,noos fi ton ,ydaerla eb elbaliava ot tsom researchers for neve the tsom tluciffid .smelborp sihT paper si dezinagro as .swollof noitceS 2 sebircsed detalumis gnilaenna ni liated dna serapmoc ti ot lanoitnevnoc ,smhtirogla elihw noitces 3 serapmoc sti ecnamrofrep no the ruof test smelborp ot the LSMI .smhtirogla sihT noitces osla secudortni ynam snoisnetxe ot detalumis .gnilaenna noitceS 4 ylfeirb sweiver these snoisnetxe dna secudortni .rehtona A noisulcnoc sezirammus the shtgnerts dna sessenkaew of detalumis .gnilaenna nA xidneppa senimaxe -na other labolg noitazimitpo ,mhtirogla the citeneg ,mhtirogla dna sdnif that detalumis gnilaenna si .roirepus 2. ehT smhtirogla 2.1. Conventional algorithms and their snoitatimil lanoitnevnoC noitazimitpo ,smhtirogla hcus as noshpaR-notweN dna ,llewoP-rehctelF-nodivaD yrt ot evom llihpu noitazimixam( si demussa ni the lareneg noissucsid of the )smhtirogla ni na evitareti .rennam nI yrev lareneg ,smret gnitrats morf a ,tniop yeht enimreted the tseb noitcerid dna step htgnel ot 68 .L.W Goffe et ,.la Global optimization of statistical functions head .llihpu retfA gnivom there, siht process si repeated litnu emos gnippots airetirc si .deveihca lacitsitatS packages hcus as ,SAS ,PST dna STAR esu these .smhtirogla lareneG sweiver no meht nac eb dnuof ni rehtie Judge et .la (1985) Press et .la (1986), or tdnauQ (1983), dna a erom suorogir sisylana si ni sinneD dna .)389l(lebanhcS riehT noitarepo si ralimis ot a dnilb nam gniklaw pu a ,llih whose ylno egdelwonk of the llih semoc morf what passes rednu sih feet. fI the llih si elbatciderp ni emos ,noihsaf he lliw reach the top, tub ti si ysae ot enigami gnidnuofnoc .niarret ynaM lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla ekam the noitcnuf -tciderp elba yb gnimussa the noitcnuf si yletamixorppa .citardauq ,yletanutrofnU -ats lacitsit snoitcnuf yam ton eb yletamixorppa .citardauq ticilpmI here si rehtona noitpmussa nommoc ot lanoitnevnoc :smhtirogla the noitcnuf has eno -itpo ,mum so that yna lacol mumitpo si osla the labolg .mumitpo elihW lladneK dna trautS (1978, p. 44) show yllacitotpmysa that doohilekil snoitcnuf evah eno ,mumitpo the llams elpmas seitreporp are .nwonknu nekaT together, ti si ysae ot see yhw lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla yam evah ytluciffid gnidnif the labolg .mumixam sA the txen noitces shows, detalumis gnilaenna takes a yrev tnereffid approach ot gnizimitpo snoitcnuf that sevlovni yltnacifingis fewer .snoitatimil 2.2. Simulated annearing rof continuous variable problems detalumiS s’gnilaenna roots are ni ,scimanydomreht where eno seiduts a -sys s’met lamreht .ygrene A noitpircsed of the gnilooc of netlom latem setavitom siht .mhtirogla retfA wols gnilooc ,)gnilaenna( the latem sevirra at a wol ygrene state. tnerehnI modnar snoitautculf ni ygrene swolla the gnilaenna metsys ot escape lacol ygrene aminim ot eveihca the labolg .muminim tuB fi delooc yrev ylkciuq (or ,)’dehcneuq‘ ti thgim ton escape lacol ygrene aminim dna nehw ylluf delooc ti yam niatnoc erom ygrene naht delaenna .latem detalumiS gnilaenna stpmetta ot eziminim emos eugolana of ygrene ni a rennam ralimis ot gnilaenna ot dnif the labolg .muminim sliateD nac eb dnuof ni Press et .la (1986, pp. .)433-623 ylraE detalumis gnilaenna smhtirogla deredisnoc lairotanibmoc ,smetsys where the s’metsys state sdneped no the noitarugifnoc of .selbairav Perhaps the tseb nwonk si the gnilevart namselas ,melborp ni hcihw eno seirt ot dnif the muminim pirt ecnatsid gnitcennoc a rebmun of .seitic lairotanibmoC detalumis gnilaenna has neeb desu yllufsseccus ni retupmoc dna tiucric ngised -kriK[ kcirtap et .la (1983) dna gnoW et .la (1988)], noitullop lortnoc tnewreD[ (1988)], a laiceps case of l-O gnimmargorp lxerD[ (1988)], laruen skrowten namressaW[ dna Schwartz (1988)], noitcurtsnocer of enillatsyrcyllop serutcurts ylleT[ et .la (1987)], dna egami gnissecorp ilavenraC[ et .la (1985)]. Other labolg noitazimitpo smhtirogla evah neeb decudortni ni tnecer .sraey yehT edulcni evitpada modnar search otaznorP[ et .la (1984)], citeneg -ogla smhtir grebdloG[ (1989)], the dellif noitcnuf dohtem upneR[ (1990)], -itlum level sdohtem naK[ et .la (1987)], dna a dohtem gnisu citsahcots laitnereffid .L.W Gofe et ,.la Global optimization ‘fo statistical functions 69 snoitauqe initneP-iffulA[ et .la (1988)]. htoB tlibrednaV dna eiuoL (1984) dna yksvehcahoB et .la (1986) evah deifidom detalumis gnilaenna for suounitnoc elbairav .smelborp ,revewoH the anaroC et .la noitatnemelpmi of detalumis gnilaenna for -noc suounit elbairav smelborp appears ot offer the tseb noitanibmoc of ease of esu dna ,ssentsubor so ti si desu ni siht yduts na[ ylrae dna yrev etelpmocni test nac eb dnuof ni effoG et .la (1992)]. elihW a etelpmoc noitpircsed nac eb dnuof there, a yrammus swollof dna the mhtirogla ni retupmoc-oduesp code si dedivorp ni xidneppa .B ehT nartroF code of the mhtirogla si elbaliava morf the srohtua dna ni drahciR s’tdnauQ 6TPOQG lacitsitats noitazimitpo package. ehT laitnesse gnitrats sretemarap ot ezimixam the noitcnuf f(X) are r,, the laitini -repmet ;eruta X, the gnitrats rotcev of ;sretemarap dna V, the step htgnel for X. Note that X dna V are htob srotcev of htgnel ,n the rebmun of sretemarap of the .ledom reppU case refers ot srotcev dna rewol case ot sralacs htiw( the noitpecxe of ,erutarepmet .)T A noitcnuf noitaulave si edam at the gnitrats tniop X dna sti eulav f si recorded. Next, a wen X, X’, si nesohc yb gniyrav tnemele i of X, Xi = Xi + r ’ ,iV (1) where r si a ylmrofinu detubirtsid modnar rebmun morf [ - 1, 1 1 dna iU si tnemele of V. ehT noitcnuf ’feulav si neht .detupmoc ’ffI si greater ;fnaht X’ si i accepted, X si set ot X’, dna the mhtirogla sevom .llihpu fI siht si the ,ftsegral ti dna X are recorded ecnis siht si the tseb tnerruc eulav of the .mumitpo ’”jfI si ssel naht or lauqe ot f, the siloporteM noiretirc sediced no ecnatpecca scimanydomreht( setavitom siht .)noiretirc ehT eulav p = e(S’-f)/T (2) si detupmoc dna derapmoc ot p’, a ylmrofinu detubirtsid modnar rebmun morf [0, 11. fI p si greater naht p’, the wen tniop si accepted, X si detadpu htiw X’, dna the mhtirogla sevom .llihnwod ,esiwrehtO X’ si .detcejer owT factors decrease the ytilibaborp of a llihnwod :evom rewol serutarepmet dna regral secnereffid ni the s’noitcnuf .eulav oslA eton that the noisiced no llihnwod sevom sniatnoc a modnar .tnemele retfA N, steps hguorht lla stnemele of X lla( hcus ‘N’ sretemarap are set yb the ,)resu the step htgnel rotcev V si detsujda so that 50% of lla sevom are accepted. ehT laog here si ot elpmas the noitcnuf .ylediw fI a greater egatnecrep of stniop are accepted for ,iX neht the tnaveler tnemele of V si .degralne roF a nevig ,erutarepmet siht sesaercni the rebmun of snoitcejer dna decreases the -tnecrep age of .secnatpecca retfA TN semit hguorht the evoba ,spool the ,erutarepmet T, si .decuder ehT wen erutarepmet si nevig yb T’=r,.T, . (3) 70 .L.W Gofi et ,.la Global optimization of statisticalfunctions where Tr si neewteb 0 dna 1. A rewol erutarepmet sekam a nevig llihnwod evom ssel ,ylekil so the rebmun of snoitcejer esaercni dna the step shtgnel .enilced nI ,noitidda the tsrif tniop deirt at the wen erutarepmet si the tnerruc .mumitpo ehT rellams steps dna gnitrats at the tnerruc mumitpo sesucof noitnetta no the tsom gnisimorp area. ehT mhtirogla sdne yb gnirapmoc the tsal N, seulav of the tsegral noitcnuf seulav morf the dne of each erutarepmet noitcuder htiw the tsom tnecer eno dna the mumitpo noitcnuf .eulav fI lla these secnereffid are ssel naht E, the mhtirogla .setanimret sihT noiretirc spleh erusne that the labolg mumixam si reached. Note that detalumis gnilaenna tsrif sdliub pu a hguor weiv of the ecafrus yb gnivom htiw egral step .shtgnel sA the erutarepmet sllaf dna the step htgnel decreases, ti ylwols sesucof no the tsom gnisimorp area. llA the ,elihw the mhtirogla nac escape morf lacol amixam hguorht llihnwod .sevom ,yllautnevE the mhtirogla dluohs egrevnoc ot the s’noitcnuf labolg .mumixam detalumiS gnilaenna has lareves laitnetop segatnavda revo lanoitnevnoc -ogla .smhtir ,tsriF ti nac escape morf lacol .amixam nI cimanydomreht ,smret elihw lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla hcneuq yb ylpmis gnidaeh pu the tnerruc llih tuohtiw regard ot others, detalumis gnilaenna sevom htob llihpu dna .llihnwod ,oslA the noitcnuf deen ton eb yletamixorppa .citardauq nI fact, ti deen ton neve eb elbaitnereffid anaroC[ et .la (1987) yllufsseccus etartsnomed detalumis gnilaenna no a cilobarap noitcnuf derutcnup htiw .]seloh rehtonA tifeneb si that the step htgnel sevig the researcher elbaulav noitamrofni tuoba the .noitcnuf fI na tnemele of V si yrev ,egral the noitcnuf si yrev talf ni that .retemarap ecniS ti si denimreted yb noitcnuf snoitaulave at ynam ,stniop ti si a retteb llarevo erusaem of ssentalf naht a tneidarg noitaulave at a elgnis .tniop ,yllaniF detalumis gnilaenna nac yfitnedi renroc snoitulos esuaceb ti nac ’elgguns‘ pu ot a renroc for snoitcnuf that t’nod tsixe ni emos .noiger ehT tsom tnatropmi egatnavda of detalumis gnilaenna si that ti nac ezimixam snoitcnuf that are esiwrehto tluciffid or elbissopmi ot .ezimitpo sihT si detartsnomed ni the txen noitces htiw the test .smelborp ehT elos kcabward ot detalumis gnilaenna si the deriuqer lanoitatupmoc power, tub siht melborp si gniraeppasid or has .deraeppasid xidneppA A -ed sebircs the gniunitnoc stnemevorpmi gnirrucco ni hgih ecnamrofrep .gnitupmoc ,ylfeirB the power of the tsrif yarC retupmocrepus nac won ylisae eb tup no a desktop, dna siht dnert shows on ngis of .gniwols ,suhT detalumis gnilaenna si na evitcartta noitpo for tluciffid .snoitcnuf 3. detalumiS gnilaenna derapmoc to lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla 3.1. Comparison krowemarf ehT suoiverp noitces detartsnomed that detalumis gnilaenna has esimorp for gnizimitpo lacitsitats .snoitcnuf oT see fi siht esimorp ,sdloh detalumis gnilaenna W.L. Gaffe et ,.la Global noitazimitpo fo lacitsitats functions 71 was derapmoc ot three lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla no ruof tnereffid lacitsitats .smelborp ehT esoprup here si ot see fi detalumis gnilaenna works no these ,smelborp elihw noitces 4 sessucsid gnivorpmi the .mhtirogla llA three etairavitlum noitazimitpo smhtirogla morf the LSMI yrarbiL/htaM noitidE 10 were nesohc for nosirapmoc htiw detalumis .gnilaenna sihT yrarbil was nesohc esuaceb of sti ytilauq dna .ytilibaliava ehT senituor are ,LOPMU a xelpmis ,mhtirogla ,FGCMU a etagujnoc tneidarg mhtirogla htiw laciremun ,sevitavired dna ,FNIMU a notweN-isauq mhtirogla htiw laciremun .sevitavired ehT laciremun evitavired snoisrev of FGCMU dna FNIMU were nesohc esuaceb gnitupmoc the lacitylana sevitavired si yrev tluciffid ecnis two of the ruof snoitcnuf were etiuq xelpmoc (the xelpmis mhtirogla does ton esu .)sevitavired ecniS lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla are evitisnes ot gnitrats ,seulav each elgnis test desu 100 tnereffid ylmodnar detceles gnitrats .seulav sihT rebmun sevig the mhtirogla a good ecnahc of gnidnif the .mumitpo ,sulP the lacipyt researcher si ylekilnu ot esu .erom ehT egnar desu ot tceles meht dluohs ton eb ylbirret lacitirc ecnis so ynam are .desu htiW detalumis ,gnilaenna 100 gnitrats seulav were desu ni eno ,melborp tub retupmoc emit stniartsnoc detneverp gnisu siht approach for the other three. nI these cases, the stluser were deifirev ni rehtona .yaw 3.2. Test functions Judge et .la (1985, pp. )759-659 edivorp the tsrif test .noitcnuf sihT raenilnon tsael serauqs melborp si nettirw ni noitaziminim mrof dna has two lacol .aminim tI has two sretemarap dna ytnewt .snoitavresbo elihW llams dna ,laicifitra ti sevres as a tneinevnoc test morf the erutaretil for noitazimitpo smhtirogla esuaceb of the two lacol .aminim sA lliw eb ,nees lanoitnevnoc smhtirogla tonnac yb sevlesmeht hsiugnitsid neewteb the two, elihw detalumis gnilaenna has on .ytluciffid Note that ti si dezimitpo ni noitaziminim .mrof ehT dnoces noitcnuf sevired morf the lanoitar snoitatcepxe noisrev of the yratenom yroeht of egnahcxe rate noitanimreted as detneserp yb ooW (1985). ehT ledom stsisnoc of the gniwollof larutcurts :spihsnoitaler h - m:) - (PC - ?+iP = ’1 + (CPY, - cp*Y:) + 4Wl - @- )1 - IR(r, - ):r a, - 4Pt - 1 - -+iP 1) + tE( - r: + rt = W,+ 4 I ,l,I 1 - 12 W.L. Gaffe et al., Global noitazimitpo of statistical snoitcnuf where m, ,p e, dna y are the gol slevel of the yenom stock, ecirp ,level egnahcxe rate, dna ,tuptuo ,ylevitcepser dna where star stpircsrepus etoned selbairav ni the citsemod .ymonoce esehT snoitauqe tneserper the dradnats -tsujda-kcots tnem yenom dnamed snoitauqe nehw the tseretni rate seiticitsale dna -tsujda tnem stneiciffeoc are the emas ni htob .seirtnuoc gnisahcruP power ytirap dna derevocnu tseretni ytirap .dloh ehT citsahcots noitacificeps of the ledom si detelpmoc yb gnimussa that the suonegoxe selbairav of the ,metsys M, = m, - m:, yr, dna :y evlove gnidrocca ot a elbats )l(RA noitatneserper nevig yb ,x = v,, 1-,XB + where X, E [M, y, ’]:y dna where B si a 3 x 3 retemarap xirtam hcus that the roots of Z(ted - BL) eil nihtiw the tinu .elcric ehT noitulos dna noitamitse erudecorp swollof that deniltuo yb imelaS (1986), hcihw syolpme the elbats rotcev AMRA noitatneserper for the selbairav of the metsys deilpmi yb the ledom .evoba oT evired siht ,noitatneserper tel ,Z = ,‘];X,e[ dna etirw the ledom evoba as ,1 + ,ZlZ + 1-Z.zC + ],II,+,Z[EO = ,,U where CO, z‘, , ,2C dna 0 are 5 x 4 retemarap secirtam gniniatnoc the larutcurts sretemarap M, /3, ,y q, dna cp*, as llew as the enin stnemele of ,B dna where ,U si the rotcev of larutcurts .secnabrutsid A noitulos of the mrof 2, = Cc, + A(L)U, = oC + [A, + LIA + AzL2 +. . .]U, neht stluser ni the elbats AMRA noitatneserper nevig yb oC + [O + GIL + Z,L*]Z, = [A&J + ZL]U,, where the stnemele of 0A evah neeb detcirtser so as ot yllacitylana lecnac the elbatsnu root of the RA .laimonylop sA detacidni yb ,imelaS the setamitse of the sretemarap of siht ledom yam neht eb deniatbo yb noitaziminim of htiw respect ot the evif metsys sretemarap (c(, ,I/ ,y p, cp*) dna the enin RA sretemarap ,b( 1, . , bj3), tcejbus ot the xelpmoc raenilnon snoitcirtser desopmi across these sretemarap ni the stnemele of ,& [the noitisnart morf a mumixam .L.W effaG et al., labolG noitazimitpo snoitcnuflacitsitatsfo 37 ledom ot a ledom desab nopu the noitaziminim of a mus of serauqs si debircsed yb nosliW-effilcinnuT (1973)]. ehT driht melborp si morf a yduts of mrif noitcudorp ycneiciffe desab no a metsys of a reitnorf cost noitcnuf dna sti tupni share snoitauqe [see reirreF dna 11evoL (1990)]. eerhT error smret no the cost noitauqe erutpac the effects of two sepyt of ycneiciffeni dna modnar error. ehT error smret no the share snoitauqe are deknil ot eno of the error smret no the cost noitauqe (errors ni tupni share noitceles tluser ni ,ycneiciffeni suht gnisiar costs). retfA gnikam snoitpmussa gninrecnoc the suoirav ecnabrutsid ,smret noitamitse of the metsys si deirrac tuo yb gniziminim a noitcnuf devired morf the doohilekil .noitcnuf ehT noitamitse si deirrac tuo no laer dlrow data no .S.U yrotisoped snoitutitsni dna sevlovni 62 sretemarap dna 575 .snoitavresbo ehT htruof test noitcnuf semoc morf the laruen krowten .erutaretil elihW laruen sten evah ynam cimonoce snoitacilppa [see muaB (1988) dna nauK dna etihW (1991) for ,]syevrus the esu here swollof tnallaG dna etihW (1989). yehT esu a laruen ten ot etamixorppa na nwonknu ,noitcnuf g(x), nevig yb . SKtxlB9 Y) = i: Pj’G i xi’Yi,j + YO,j j=l ( i=l > larueN skrowten are dezinagro ni ,sreyal morf the tupni reyal ot the tuptuo .reyal nI siht laruen ,ten the x rotcev of htgnel r si the tupni .reyal ehT jY ,srotcev =j ,...,l ,K are sthgiew ot the txen reyal eton( the tpecretni or saib mret ni each .)rotcev sihT reyal si -’neddih‘ ylno the tupni dna tuptuo sreyal are .’nees‘ ecniS there si ylno eno neddih ,reyal siht si a elgnis neddih reyal laruen .krowten ehT noitcnuf G si the neddih tinu noitavitca noitcnuf (a citsigol ni tnallaG dna )etihW dna 0, a rotcev of htgnel K, si the neddih ot tuptuo reyal .sthgiew tnallaG dna etihW propose ot esu the laruen ten ot etamixorppa the -nu nwonk noitcnuf that setareneg a citoahc .seires oT test siht approach, a citoahc seires of htgnel n si detareneg yb a etercsid noisrev of the ssalG-yekcaM :noitauqe . 10.2.x,_, + ( xt-#O1 -rx,s-,x(g 1) = 1-tX + (10.5). r-,x.1.0- [ sihT si a lufesu rotareneg of data for the yduts of citoahc cimonoce dna laicnanif seires as ti setareneg data ralimis ot those dnuof ni laicnanif .stekram ehT I/ dna the iy srotcev are nesohc ot eziminim 47 .L.W eSfoG te ,.la labolG noitazimitpo fo snoitcnuflacitsitats ,suhT the laruen ten sretemarap are nesohc so that ti setamixorppa the noitcnuf that setareneg x, nevig x,_ ,1 . . , ,x _ .5 sihT si a tluciffid noitazimitpo melborp esuaceb lanoitnevnoc modsiw has ti that siht noitcnuf has ynam lacol aminim siht( noitressa si deifitnauq .)retal nI siht ,sisylana Y = 5 siht( sdleiy xis stnemele for each jy rotcev ecnis the tpecretni mret si ton dedulcni ni the ,)noitammus K = 5, dna n = 1000. esehT seulav of Y dna K dleiy 35 sretemarap ot ’niart‘ or tif the laruen ten ot the .noitcnuf esehT seulav were nesohc esuaceb tnallaG dna etihW dnuof yeht mrofrep llew ni gnittif the noitcnuf ot siht seires htgnel dna ti si a melborp of etaredom .ezis 3.3. Computing environment llA gnitupmoc was enod at the ytisrevinU of saxeT retneC for hgiH -rofreP ecnam gnitupmoC ni nitsuA no yarC 42/PM-X dna yarC 468/PM-Y -mocrepus sretup lla( gnitupmoc was enod at eno etis neve hguoht siht level of ecnamrofrep was ton syawla .)dedeen llA smargorp were nettirw ni nartroF 77 htiw emos nartroF 90 hcihw( sedulcni ynam serutaef that yfilpmis gnitirw smargorp htiw )syarra snoisnetxe gnisu the 77TFC ,relipmoc snoisrev 2.0, 3.0, dna 4.0. A tib-46 noitatneserper was desu for lla gnitaolf tniop ;srebmun elihw elgnis noisicerp no a ,yarC siht stneserper elbuod noisicerp ni the Vax, MBI ,emarfniam dna CP .sdlrow ehT yarC detneserp eno .ytluciffid nehW a gnitaolf tniop error srucco no ,ti the margorp .setanimret sihT si tnereffid morf the MBI emarfniam dlrow where a software noitcerroc netfo takes ecalp dna noitucexe .seunitnoc ,suhT ti dluow appear that stluser detareneg no a yarC yam ton yrrac revo ot other .sretupmoc ,revewoH the yarC seldnah na yllausunu ediw egnar of ,srebmun morf 1O2466 ot 6642-O1 ,suhT gnitaolf tniop errors are ylno ylekil ot rucco fi the mhtirogla si dnoyeb the ylekil noiger of a .noitulos nI these ,snoitautis a -moc retup htiw a puxif for gnitaolf tniop errors si ylekilnu ot do .retteb ,suhT the s’yarC kcal of a puxif for gnitaolf tniop errors dluohs ton timil the snossel denrael here. 3.4. Results htiw Judge’s function elbaT 1 shows the stluser of lla smhtirogla for the Judge .ledom llA smhtirogla were nur 100 semit htiw tnereffid gnitrats seulav for the ledom sretemarap (the emas seno were desu yb lla .)smhtirogla A ylmrofinu detubirtsid modnar rebmun rotareneg detceles meht morf - 100 ot 100 ot etalumis the researcher’s ytniatrecnu tuoba the tseb gnitrats .eulav roF the LSMI ,senituor rieht -seggus snoit for mhtirogla stupni were desu where ,nevig except the mumixam rebmun of noitcnuf snoitaulave was set ot a yrev egral eulav ot diova ylrae .noitanimret

The promise of simulated annealing is demonstrated on the four econometric problems. Key words: Simulated annealing; Global optimization;.
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