Global Generalized Bianchi Identities for Invariant Variational Problems on Gauge-natural Bundles∗ † M. Palese and E. Winterroth 5 0 DepartmentofMathematics,UniversityofTorino 0 ViaC.Alberto10,10123Torino,Italy 2 e–mails: [email protected], [email protected] n a J 2 Abstract 5 Wederivebothlocalandglobalgeneralized Bianchi identitiesforclas- v sical Lagrangian field theories on gauge-natural bundles. We show that 3 globally defined generalized Bianchi identities can be found without the 0 a priori introduction of a connection. The proof is based on a global 0 decomposition of the variational Lie derivative of the generalized Euler– 1 1 Lagrange morphism andtherepresentation ofthecorresponding general- 3 ized Jacobi morphism on gauge-natural bundles. In particular, we show 0 that within a gauge-natural invariant Lagrangian variational principle, / the gauge-natural lift of infinitesimal principal automorphism is not in- h trinsically arbitrary. As a consequence the existence of canonical global p - superpotentials for gauge-natural Noether conserved currents is proved h without resorting to additional structures. t a 2000 MSC:58A20,58A32,58E30,58E40,58J10,58J70. m Keywords: jets,gauge-naturalbundles,variationalprinciples,generalized : Bianchi identities, Jacobi morphisms, invariance and symmetry proper- v ties. i X r a 1 Introduction Local generalized Bianchi identities for geometric field theories were introduced [3, 5, 6, 19, 35] to get (after an integration by part procedure) a consistent equationbetweenlocaldivergenceswithinthefirstvariationformula. Itwasalso stressedthatinthegeneraltheoryofrelativitytheseidentitiescoincidewiththe contractedBianchiidentitiesforthecurvaturetensorofthepseudo-Riemannian metric. We recall that in the classical Lagrangian formulation of field theories thedescriptionofsymmetriesamountstodefinesuitable(vector)densitieswhich generate the conserved currents; in all relevant physical theories this densities are found to be the divergence of skew–symmetric (tensor) densities, which are called superpotentials for the conserved currents. It is also well known that the ∗Dedicated to Hartwig inoccasion of his first birthday. †BothofthemsupportedbyGNFMofINdAMandUniversityofTorino. 1 importance of superpotentials relies on the fact that they can be integrated to provide conserved quantities associated with the conserved currents via the Stokes theorem (see e.g. [11] and references quoted therein). Subsequently, many attempts to “covariantize”such a derivation of Bianchi identities and superpotentials have been made (see e.g. [4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 25, 26] and the wide literature quoted therein) by resorting to background metrics or (fibered) connections used to perform covariant integration by parts to get covariant (variations of) currents and superpotentials. In particular, in [10] such a covariant derivation was implicitly assumed to hold true for any choice of gauge-natural prolongations of principal connections equal to prolongations of principal connections with respect to a linear symmetric connection on the basis manifold in the sense of [27, 28, 33]. Inthepresentpaper,wederivebothlocalandglobalgeneralizedBianchiiden- tities for classical field theories by resorting to the gauge-natural invariance of theLagrangianandviathe applicationoftheNoether Theorems [39]. Inpartic- ularweshowthatinvariantgeneralizedBianchiidentitiescanbe found without the a priori introduction of a connection. The proof is based on a global de- compositionofthe variational Lie derivative of the generalizedEuler–Lagrange morphisminvolvingthe definition-anditsrepresentation-ofanewmorphism, the generalized gauge-natural Jacobi morphisms. It is in fact known that the second variation of a Lagrangian can be formulated in terms of Lie derivative ofthe correspondingEuler–Lagrangemorphism[13,14,17,20,40]. As aconse- quence the existence of canonical, i.e. completely determined by the variational problem and its invariance properties, global superpotentials for gauge-natural Noetherconservedcurrentsisprovedwithoutresortingtoadditionalstructures. Our general framework is the calculus of variations on finite order jet of fibered bundles. Fibered bundles will be assumed to be gauge-natural bundles (i.e. jet prolongationsoffiber bundles associatedto somegauge-naturalprolon- gation of a principal bundle P [8, 22, 23, 27, 28, 32]) and variations of sections are (vertical) vector fields given by Lie derivatives of sections with respect to gauge-naturalliftsofinfinitesimalprincipalautomorphisms(seee.g.[8,24,32]). In this general geometric framework we shall in particular consider finite order variational sequences on gauge-natural bundles. The variationalsequence onfinite orderjet prolongationsoffibered manifolds wasintroducedby Krupka as the quotient of the de Rham sequence of differential forms (defined on the prolongation of the fibered manifold) with respect to a natural exact contact subsequence, chosen in such a way that the generalized Euler-Lagrange and Helmholtz-Sonin mappings can be recognizedas some of its quotient mappings [36, 37]. The representation of the quotient sheaves of the variational sequence as sheaves of sections of tensor bundles given in [46] and previous results on variational LiederivativesandNoetherTheorems[10,15]willbeused. Further- more,werelatethegeneralizedBianchimorphismtothesecondvariationofthe Lagrangian. A very fundamental abstractresult due to Kol´aˇrconcerning global decompositionformulaeofverticalmorphisms,involvedwiththe integrationby parts procedure [21, 29, 30], will be a key tool. In order to apply this results, we stress linearity properties of the Lie derivative operator acting on sections 2 of the gauge-natural bundle, which rely on properties of the gauge-natural lift of infinitesimal principal automorphisms. The gauge-naturallift enables one to define the generalizedgauge-naturalJacobimorphism(i.e. a generalizedJacobi morphism where the variation vector fields – instead of general deformations – are Lie derivatives of sections of the gauge-natural bundle with respect to gauge-natural lifts of infinitesimal automorphisms of the underlying principal bundle), the kernel of which plays a very fundamental role. The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we state the geometric framework by defining the variational sequence on gauge natural-bundles and by representingthe Lie derivative offibered morphisms onits quotient sheaves; Section3isdedicatedtothedefinitionandtherepresentationofthegeneralized gauge-naturalJacobimorphismassociatedwithageneralizedgauge-naturalLa- grangian. Westresssomelinearitypropertiesofthismorphismasaconsequence of the properties of the gauge-natural lift of infinitesimal right-invariant auto- morphismsofthe underlyingstructurebundle. InSection4,byresortingto the Second Noether Theorem, we relate the generalized Bianchi identities with the kernel of the gauge-natural Jacobi morphism. We prove that the generalized Bianchiidentitiesholdtruegloballyifandonlyiftheverticalpartofjetprolon- gationsofgauge-naturallifts ofinfinitesimalprincipalbundle automorphismsis inthekernelofthesecondvariation,i.e.ofthegeneralizedgauge-naturalJacobi morphism. Here, manifolds and maps between manifolds are C∞. All morphisms of fibered manifolds (and hence bundles) will be morphisms over the identity of the base manifold, unless otherwise specified. 2 Variational sequences on gauge-natural bun- dles 2.1 Jets of fibered manifolds In this Section we recall some basic facts about jet spaces. We introduce jet spacesofafiberedmanifoldandthesheavesofformsonthes–thorderjetspace. Moreover,werecallthenotionofhorizontalandverticaldifferential[32,38,42]. Our framework is a fibered manifold π : Y → X, with dimX = n and dimY =n+m. For s ≥ q ≥ 0 integers we are concerned with the s–jet space J Y of s–jet s prolongationsof (local) sections of π; in particular,we set J Y ≡Y. We recall 0 the natural fiberings πs : J Y → J Y, s ≥ q, πs : J Y → X, and, among q s q s these, the affine fiberings πs . We denote with VY the vector subbundle of s−1 the tangent bundle TY of vectors on Y which are vertical with respect to the fibering π. Charts on Y adapted to π are denoted by (xσ,yi). Greek indices σ,µ,... runfrom1tonandtheylabelbasiscoordinates,whileLatinindicesi,j,... run from 1 to m and label fibre coordinates, unless otherwise specified. We denote by(∂ ,∂ )and(dσ,di)thelocalbasisofvectorfieldsand1–formsonY induced σ i 3 by an adapted chart, respectively. We denote multi–indices of dimension n by boldface Greek letters such as α=(α ,...,α ), with 0 ≤ α , µ= 1,...,n; by 1 n µ an abuse of notation, we denote with σ the multi–index such that α = 0, if µ µ6= σ, α = 1, if µ=σ. We also set |α|:=α +···+α and α!:=α !...α !. µ 1 n 1 n The charts induced on J Y are denoted by (xσ,yi ), with 0 ≤ |α| ≤ s; in s α particular,we set yi ≡yi. The local vector fields and forms of J Y induced by 0 s the above coordinates are denoted by (∂α) and (di ), respectively. i α In the theory of variational sequences a fundamental role is played by the contact maps onjet spaces(see [36,37, 38,46]). Namely,for s≥1, weconsider the natural complementary fibered morphisms over J Y →J Y s s−1 D:J Y ×TX →TJ Y , ϑ:J Y × TJ Y →VJ Y , s s−1 s s−1 s−1 X Js−1Y with coordinate expressions, for 0≤|α|≤s−1, given by D =dλ⊗D =dλ⊗(∂ +yj ∂α),ϑ =ϑj ⊗∂α =(dj −yj dλ)⊗∂α. λ λ α+λ j α j α α+λ j The morphisms above induce the following natural splitting (and its dual): J Y × T∗J Y = J Y × T∗X ⊕C∗ [Y], (1) s Js−1Y s−1 (cid:18) s Js−1Y (cid:19) s−1 where C∗ [Y]:=imϑ∗ and ϑ∗ : J Y × V∗J Y → J Y × T∗J Y . s−1 s s s s−1 s s−1 Js−1Y Js−1Y We have the isomorphism C∗ [Y] ≃ J Y × V∗J Y. The role of the s−1 s s−1 Js−1Y splitting above will be fundamental in the present paper. If f :J Y →IR is a function, then we set D f :=D f, D f :=D D f, s σ σ α+σ σ α where D is the standard formal derivative. Given a vector field Ξ : J Y → σ s TJ Y,the splitting (1) yields Ξ◦πs+1 =Ξ +Ξ where,ifΞ=Ξγ∂ +Ξi ∂α, s s H V γ α i then we have Ξ =ΞγD and Ξ =(Ξi −yi Ξγ)∂α. We shall call Ξ and H γ V α α+γ i H Ξ the horizontal and the vertical part of Ξ, respectively. V The splitting (1) induces also a decomposition ofthe exterior differentialon Y, (πs )∗◦d = d +d , where d and d are defined to be the horizontal s−1 H V H V and vertical differential. The action of d and d on functions and 1–formson H V J Y uniquely characterizes d and d (see, e.g., [42, 46] for more details). A s H V projectable vector field on Y is defined to be a pair (Ξ,ξ), where Ξ:Y →TY and ξ : X → TX are vector fields and Ξ is a fibered morphism over ξ. If thereis no dangerofconfusion, wewilldenote simply by Ξa projectablevector field (Ξ,ξ). A projectable vector field (Ξ,ξ), with coordinate expression Ξ = ξσ∂ +ξi∂ , ξ = ξσ∂ , can be conveniently prolonged to a projectable vector σ i σ field (j Ξ,ξ), whose coordinate expression turns out to be s α! j Ξ=ξσ∂ +(D ξi− D ξµyi )∂α, s σ α β!γ! β γ+µ i β+Xγ=α where β 6= 0 and 0 ≤ |α| ≤ s (see e.g. [36, 38, 42, 46]); in particular, we have the following expressions (j Ξ) = ξσD , (j Ξ) = D (Ξ )i∂α, with s H σ s V α V i 4 (Ξ )i =ξi− yiξσ, for the horizontal and the vertical part of j Ξ, respectively. V σ s Fromnow on,by an abuse ofnotation,we willwrite simplyj Ξ andj Ξ . In s H s V particular, j Ξ :J Y × J Y →J Y × J VY. s V s+1 s s+1 s JsY JsY We are interested in the case in which physicalfields are assumedto be sec- tionsofafiberedbundleandthevariationsofsectionsaregeneratedbysuitable vector fields. More precisely, fibered bundles will be assumed to be gauge- natural bundles and variations of sections are (vertical) vector fields given by Lie derivatives of sections with respect to gauge-natural lifts of infinitesimal principal automorphisms. Such geometric structures have been widely recog- nized to suitably describe so-called gauge-natural field theories, i.e. physical theories in which right-invariant infinitesimal automorphisms of the structure bundle P uniquely define the transformation laws of the fields themselves (see e.g. [8, 32]). In the following, we shall develop a suitable geometrical setting whichenablesustodefineandinvestigatethefundamentalconceptofconserved quantity in gauge-naturalLagrangianfield theories. 2.2 Gauge-natural prolongations First we shall recall some basic definitions and properties concerning gauge- natural prolongations of (structure) principal bundles (for an extensive exposi- tionseee.g.[32]andreferencestherein;intheinterestingpaper[23]fundamental reductiontheoremsforgenerallinearconnectionsonvectorbundlesareprovided in the gauge-naturalframework). Let P → X be a principal bundle with structure group G. Let r ≤ k be integersandW(r,k)P :=J P×L (X),whereL (X)isthebundle ofk–frames r k k X inX [8,22,32],W(r,k)G:=J G⊙GL (n)thesemidirectproductwithrespect r k totheactionofGL (n)onJ GgivenbythejetcompositionandGL (n)isthe k r k group of k–frames in IRn. Here we denote by J G the space of (r,n)-velocities r on G. Elements of W(r,k)P are given by (jxγ,j0t), with γ : X → P a local r k section, t:IRn →X locally invertible at zero, with t(0)=x, x∈X. Elements of W(r,k)G are (j0g,j0α), where g :IRn →G, α :IRn →IRn locally invertible r k at zero, with α(0)=0. Remark 1 The bundle W(r,k)P is a principal bundle over X with structure groupW(r,k)G. TherightactionofW(r,k)GonthefibersofW(r,k)P isdefined by the composition of jets (see, e.g., [22, 32]). Definition 1 The principal bundle W(r,k)P (resp. the Lie group W(r,k)G) is saidto be the gauge-natural prolongation of order (r,k) of P (resp. of G). Remark 2 Let (Φ,φ) be a principal automorphism of P [32]. It can be pro- longed in a natural way to a principal automorphism of W(r,k)P, defined by: W(r,k)(Φ,φ):(jxγ,j0t)7→(jφ(x)(Φ◦γ◦φ−1),j0(φ◦t)). r k r k 5 The induced automorphismW(r,k)(Φ,φ) is anequivariantautomorphismof W(r,k)P with respect to the action of the structure group W(r,k)G. We shall simply denote it by the same symbol Φ, if there is no danger of confusion. Definition 2 We define the vector bundle over X of right–invariant infinitesi- mal automorphisms of P by setting A=TP/G. We also define the vector bundle over X of right invariant infinitesimal au- tomorphisms of W(r,k)P by setting A(r,k):=TW(r,k)P/W(r,k)G (r ≤k). Remark 3 We have the following projections A(r,k) →A(r′,k′), r ≤k, r′ ≤k′, with r ≥r′, s≥s′. 2.3 Gauge-natural bundles and lifts Let F be any manifold and ζ :W(r,k)G×F →F be a left action of W(r,k)G on F. There is a naturally defined right action of W(r,k)G on W(r,k)P ×F so that we can associate in a standard way to W(r,k)P the bundle, on the given basis X, Y :=W(r,k)P × F. ζ ζ Definition 3 Wesay(Y ,X,π ;F,G)tobethegauge-naturalbundleoforder ζ ζ (r,k) associated to the principal bundle W(r,k)P by means of the left action ζ of the group W(r,k)G on the manifold F [8, 32]. Remark 4 AprincipalautomorphismΦofW(r,k)P inducesanautomorphism of the gauge-naturalbundle by: Φ :Y →Y :[(jxγ,j0t),fˆ] 7→[Φ(jxγ,j0t),fˆ] , (2) ζ ζ ζ r k ζ r k ζ where fˆ∈F and [·,·] is the equivalence class induced by the action ζ. ζ Denote by T and A(r,k) the sheaf of vector fields on X and the sheaf of X rightinvariantvectorfieldsonW(r,k)P,respectively. AfunctorialmappingGis definedwhichliftsanyright–invariantlocalautomorphism(Φ,φ)oftheprincipal bundle W(r,k)P into a unique local automorphism (Φ ,φ) of the associated ζ bundle Y . Its infinitesimal version associates to any Ξ¯ ∈ A(r,k), projectable ζ over ξ ∈T , a unique projectable vector field Ξˆ:=G(Ξ¯) on Y in the following X ζ way: G:Y ×A(r,k) →TY :(y,Ξ¯)7→Ξˆ(y), (3) ζ ζ X where, for any y ∈ Y , one sets: Ξˆ(y)= d[(Φ )(y)] , and Φ denotes the ζ dt ζt t=0 ζt (local) flow corresponding to the gauge-naturallift of Φ . t This mapping fulfils the following properties: 1. G is linear over id ; Yζ 6 2. we have Tπ ◦G = id ◦π¯(r,k), where π¯(r,k) is the natural projection ζ TX Y ×A(r,k) →TX; ζ X 3. for any pair (Λ¯,Ξ¯) of vector fields in A(r,k), we have G([Λ¯,Ξ¯])=[G(Λ¯),G(Ξ¯)]; 4. we have the coordinate expression of G G=dµ⊗∂ +dA⊗(Ziν∂ )+dν⊗(Ziλ∂ ), (4) µ ν A i λ ν i with 0 < |ν| < k, 1 < |λ| < r and Ziν, Ziλ ∈ C∞(Y ) are suitable A ν ζ functions which depend on the bundle, precisely on the fibers (see [32]). Definition 4 The map G is called the gauge-natural lifting functor. The pro- jectablevectorfield(Ξˆ,ξ)≡G((Ξ¯,ξ))iscalledthe gauge-natural lift of(Ξ¯,ξ)to the bundle Y . ζ 2.4 Lie derivative of sections of gauge-natural bundles Let γ be a (local) section of Y , Ξ¯ ∈ A(r,k) and Ξˆ its gauge-natural lift. Fol- ζ lowing [32] we define a (local) section £Ξ¯γ : X → VYζ, by setting: £Ξ¯γ = Tγ◦ξ−Ξˆ ◦γ. Definition 5 The(local)section£Ξ¯γ iscalledthegeneralized Lie derivative of γ along the vector field Ξˆ. Remark 5 Thissectionisaverticalprolongationofγ,i.e.itsatisfiestheprop- erty: ν ◦ £ γ = γ, where ν is the projection ν : VY → Y . Its Yζ Ξ Yζ Yζ ζ ζ coordinate expression is given by (£Ξ¯γ)i =ξσ∂σγi−Ξˆi(γ). Remark 6 TheLiederivativeoperatoractingonsectionsofgauge-naturalbun- dles satisfies the following properties: 1. for any vector field Ξ¯ ∈ A(r,k), the mapping γ 7→ £Ξ¯γ is a first–order quasilinear differential operator; 2. foranylocalsectionγ ofYζ,themappingΞ¯ 7→£Ξ¯γ isalineardifferential operator; 3. byusingthecanonicalisomorphismVJsYζ ≃JsVYζ,wehave£Ξ¯[jrγ]= js[£Ξ¯γ], for any (local) section γ of Yζ and for any (local) vector field Ξ¯ ∈A(r,k). We can regard £Ξ¯ : J1Yζ → VYζ as a morphism over the basis X. In this case it is meaningful to consider the (standard) jet prolongation of £Ξ¯, denoted by js£Ξ¯ : Js+1Yζ → VJsYζ. Furthermore, we have jsΞˆV(γ)=−£jsΞ¯γ. 7 4. we can consider £ as a bundle morphism: £:J (Y ×A(r,k))→J Y × VJ Y . (5) s+1 ζ s+1 ζ s ζ X JsYζ 2.5 Variational sequences Forthesakeofsimplifyingnotation,sometimes,wewillomitthesubscriptζ,so thatallourconsiderationsshallreferto Y asagauge-naturalbundle asdefined above. We shall be here concerned with some distinguished sheaves of forms on jet spaces[36,37,42,46]. DuetothetopologicaltrivialityofthefibreofJ Y →Y, s wewillconsidersheavesonJ Y withrespecttothetopologygeneratedbyopen s sets of the kind (πs)−1(U), with U ⊂Y open in Y. 0 i. For s≥0, we consider the standard sheaves Λp of p–forms on J Y. s s ii. For0≤q ≤s,weconsiderthesheavesHp andHp ofhorizontal forms, (s,q) s i.e.oflocalfiberedmorphisms(followingthewellknowncorrespondencebetween forms and fibered morphisms over the basis manifold, see e.g. [32]) over πs and q p p πs of the type α:J Y →∧T∗J Y and β :J Y →∧T∗X, respectively. s q s iii. For 0 ≤ q < s, we consider the subsheaf Cp ⊂ Hp of contact (s,q) (s,q) p forms, i.e. of sections α ∈ Hp with values into ∧(C∗[Y]). We have the (s,q) q distinguished subsheaf Cp ⊂ Cp of local fibered morphisms α ∈ Cp s (s+1,s) (s+1,s) p p suchthatα=∧ϑ∗ ◦α˜,whereα˜isasectionofthefibrationJ Y × ∧V∗J Y s+1 s+1 s JsY →J Y which projects down onto J Y. s+1 s Remark 7 Noticethataccordingto [36,37,46],the fiberedsplitting (1)yields thesheaf splittingHp = p Cp−t ∧Ht ,whichrestrictstotheinclu- (s+1,s) t=0 (s+1,s) s+1 sion Λp ⊂ p Cp−t ∧Ht,hL, where Hp,h := h(Λp) for 0<p≤n and the s t=0 s s+1 s+1 s surjective mLap h is defined to be the restriction to Λps of the projection of the above splitting onto the non–trivial summand with the highest value of t. The induced sheaf splitting above plays here a fundamental role. We stress again that, for any jet order s, it is induced by the natural contact structure on the affine bundle πs+1. Since a variational problem (described by the corre- s sponding action integral) is insensitive to the addition of any piece containing contact factors, such an affine structure has been pointed out in [36] to be fundamental for the description of the geometric structure of the Calculus of Variations on finite order jets of fibered manifolds. This property reflects on the intrinsic structure of all objects defined and represented in the variational sequence of a given order which we are just going to introduce. In particular thisholdstrueforthegeneralizedJacobimorphismwewilldefineandrepresent in Section 3. 8 We shortly recall now the theory of variational sequences on finite order jet spaces, as it was developed by D. Krupka in [36]. By an abuse of notation, let us denote by dkerh the sheaf generated by the presheaf dkerh in the standard way. We set Θ∗ := kerh + dkerh. s In [36] it was proved that the following sequence is an exact resolution of the constant sheaf IR over Y: Y E E E E E d 0 - IR - Λ0 -0 Λ1/Θ1 -1 Λ2/Θ2 -2 ... I−-1 ΛI/ΘI -I ΛI+1 - 0 Y s s s s s s s s Definition 6 The above sequence, where the highest integer I depends on the dimension of the fibers of J Y →X (see, in particular, [36]), is said to be the s s–th order variational sequence associatedwith the fibered manifold Y →X. Forpracticalpurposes,specificallytodealwithmorphismswhichhaveawell knowninterpretationwithin the Calculus ofVariations,weshall limit ourselves to consider the truncated variational sequence: E E E E E 0 - IR - V0 -0 V1 -1 ... -n Vn+1 n+-1 E (Vn+1) n+-2 0, Y s s s n+1 s where, following [46], the sheaves Vp:=Cp−n∧Hn,h /h(dkerh) with 0≤p≤ s s s+1 n+2 are suitable representations of the corresponding quotient sheaves in the variationalsequencebymeansofsheavesofsectionsofvectorbundles. Wenotice that in the following, to avoid confusion, sometimes (when the interpretation could be dubious) we shall denote with a subscript the relevant fibered bundle on which the variational sequence is defined; e.g. in the case above, we would write (Vp) . s Y Letα∈C1∧Hn,h ⊂Vn+1. Thenthereisauniquepairofsheafmorphisms s s+1 s+1 ([29, 34, 46]) E ∈C1 ∧Hn,h , F ∈C1 ∧Hn,h , (6) α (2s,0) 2s+1 α (2s,s) 2s+1 such that (π2s+1)∗α=E −F , and F is locally of the form F =d p , with s+1 α α α α H α p ∈C1 ∧Hn−1 . α (2s−1,s−1) 2s Definition 7 Letγ ∈Λn+1. ThemorphismE ∈Vn+1 iscalledthegeneral- s h(γ) s ized Euler–Lagrange morphism associated with γ and the operator E is called n the generalized Euler–Lagrange operator. Furthermore p is a generalized h(γ) momentum associated with E . h(γ) Let η ∈C1∧C1 ∧Hn,h ⊂Vn+2, then there is a unique morphism s (s,0) s+1 s+1 K ∈C1 ⊗C1 ∧Hn,h η (2s,s) (2s,0) 2s+1 such that, for all Ξ : Y → VY, E = C1(j Ξ⊗K ), where C1 stands for jsΞ⌋η 1 2s η 1 tensor contractiononthe firstfactor and ⌋ denotes inner product (see [34, 46]). Furthermore, there is a unique pair of sheaf morphisms H ∈C1 ∧C1 ∧Hn,h , G ∈C2 ∧Hn,h , (7) η (2s,s) (2s,0) 2s+1 η (2s,s) 2s+1 9 such that (π2s+1)∗η = H − G and H = 1A(K ), where A stands for s+1 η η η 2 η antisymmetrisation. Moreover, G is locally of the type G = d q , where η η H η q ∈C2 ∧Hn−1 , hence [η]=[H ] [34, 46]. η (2s−1,s−1) 2s η Definition 8 Let γ ∈ Λn+1. The morphism H ≡ H , where square s hdγ [En+1(γ)] bracketsdenote equivalence class, is called the generalized Helmholtz morphism andtheoperatorE iscalledthegeneralizedHelmholtz operator. Furthermore n+1 q ≡ q is a generalized momentum associated with the Helmholtz hdγ [En+1(γ)] morphism. Remark 8 Asectionλ∈VnisjustaLagrangianoforder(s+1)ofthestandard s literature. Furthermore,E (λ)∈Vn+1 coincideswiththestandardhigherorder n s Euler–Lagrangemorphism associated with λ. Remark 9 It is wellknownthat it is alwayspossible to find globalmorphisms p andq satisfyingdecompositionformulaeabove;however,thispossibility h(γ) hdγ depends in general on the choice of a linear symmetric connection on the basis manifold (see [1, 2, 31]). In the presentpaper, we shallavoidto perform sucha choicea priori, withthe explicitintentionofperforminganinvariantderivation of generalized Bianchi identities, which does not relay on an invariant decom- position involving (local) divergences; that is in fact possible when resorting to the representationof the Second Noether Theorem in the variational sequence, as shown by Theorem 3 below. This is due to the fact that in the quotient sheavesof the variationalsequence contact forms and horizontaldifferentials of contact forms of higher degree are factored out. It is also clear that this will give, at least, prescriptions on the meaningful (within a fully gauge-naturalin- variantvariationalproblem)possiblechoicesofconnectionstobeusedtoderive covariantly generalized Bianchi identities in the classical way. 2.6 Variational Lie derivative In this Subsection, following essentially [15], we give a representation in the variational sequence of the standard Lie derivative operator acting on fibered morphisms. We consider a projectable vector field (Ξ,ξ) on Y and take into account the Lie derivative operator L with respect to the jet prolongation jsΞ j Ξ of Ξ. In fact, as well known, such a prolonged vector field preserves the s fiberings πs, πs; hence it preserves the splitting (1). Thus we have q L :Vp →Vp :[α]7→L ([α])=[L α]. jsΞ s s jsΞ jsΞ Definition 9 Let (Ξ,ξ) be a projectable vector field. We call the map L jsΞ defined above the variational Lie derivative. Variational Lie derivatives allow us to calculate infinitesimal symmetries of formsinthevariationalsequence. Inparticular,weareinterestedinsymmetries of generalized Lagrangians and Euler–Lagrange morphisms which will enable us to represent in this framework Noether Theorems as well as known results stated in the framework of geometric bundles (see e.g. the fundamental papers by Trautman [43, 44, 45]). 10