Global Environmentalism and Local Politics SUNY series in Global Environmental Policy Uday Desai,editor Global Environmentalism and Local Politics Transnational Advocacy Networks in Brazil, Ecuador, and India Maria Guadalupe Moog Rodrigues STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK PRESS Published by State UniversityP oufb Nlisehwed Y boyrk Press,Albany State University of New York Press,Albany © 2004 State University of New York © 2004 State University of New York All rights reserved All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Printed in the United States of America No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever withoNuot wparrittt oenf tpheirsm boisosiko nm.aNy ob ep aurste dof o trh rise pbrooodku cmeday i nb ea nstyo mredan inne ar wrehtraitesvoaelv seyrs tem witohro utrta wnsrmittiettne dp eirnm ainssyi ofonr.mN oo rp bayrt a onfy t mhies abnoso ikn cmluadyi nbge setloecretrdo ninic a, erleetcrtierovsatla styics,tem or tranmsmagintteetdic i nta pane,y mfoercmha onri cbayl, apnhyo mtoecaonpsy iinngc,lurdecinogrd einlegc,troorn oicth,eelrewcitsreo static, magnweittihco tuatp eth,em percihoarn picearml,pishsiootno cionp wyirnitgi,nrge coof rtdhien gp,uobrl ioshtheer.rwise without the prior permission in writing of the publisher. For information,address State University of New York Press, For info9r0m Sattiaotne ,Satdrdeeret,ssS uSittaet e7 0U0n,iAvelrbsaintyy ,oNf NY e1w2 2Y0o7rk Press, 90 State Street,Suite 700,Albany,NY 12207 Production by Kelli Williams MarPkreotdinugc tbioyn M biyc hKaeelll iC Wamillpiaomchsiaro Marketing by Michael Campochiaro Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data igues,Maria Guadalupe Moog. Global environmentalism and local politics :transnational advocacy networks in Brazil, Ecuador,and India / Maria Guadalupe Moog Rodrigues. p. cm.— (SUNY series in global environmental policy) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7914-5877-6 (hc :alk.paper) — ISBN 0-7914-5878-4 (pbk.:alk.paper) 1.Sustainable development—Developing countries—Citizen participation—Case studies. CIP INFOCOMING Green movement—Developing countries—Case studies.3.Non-governmental organizations—Developing countries—Case studies.4.Globalization—Case studies.I. itle.II.Series. HC59.72.E5R63 2004 333.72'098—dc22 2003061096 1100 99 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 11 C O N T E N T S Abbreviations and Acronyms vii Preface xi Acknowledgments xiii 1. Introduction 1 Transnational Advocacy Networks,Civil Society,and the Environment:Defining Concepts 5 Key Questions 12 Research Method and Organization ofthe Book 15 2. The Dilemma of Amazonian Development and Its Impact on Rondônia 19 Amazonian Development and Military Rule (1964–1984) 21 Environmental and Development Policies for Amazonia in Democratic Brazil 26 3. Urgent Action! Transnational Mobilization against Disaster in Rondônia 33 The Beginning 33 The Rondônia Network Gains Momentum 36 Transnational Activism and Domestic Constraints— The Rondônia Network within Brazil 40 Taking Stock ofthe Rondônia Network in the 1980s 43 4. “Localizing”Transnational Activism—Success and Failure 49 The Issue ofTransparency:Environmentally Sustainable Development to Whom? By Whom? 51 Building Capacity for Participation:Searching for the Right Recipe in Rondônia 55 v vi Contents The Rondônia Network’s Legitimacy Crisis of1994 60 Taking Stock ofthe Rondônia Network in the Early 1990s 64 5. Listening to The Grassroots— The Rondônia Network and Local Politics 67 The Rondônia Network Takes Planafloro to the Inspection Panel 68 Evaluating and Restructuring Planafloro:A New Meaning for Environmentally Sustainable Development? 77 Taking Stock ofthe Rondônia Network at the Turn ofthe Millennium 87 6. Environmental Activism beyond Brazil I— The Struggle against Oil Exploitation in Ecuador 93 Fighting Oil Exploitation in Ecuador’s Oriente:Background and Network Origins 94 The Anti-Oil Network and the Campaigns against Texaco and ARCO 102 Taking Stock ofEcuador’s Anti-Oil Network 110 7. Environmental Activism beyond Brazil II— The Struggle against Large Dams in India 115 The Struggle against the Sardar Sarovar Dam—Background and Network Origins 116 The Narmada Network Strategies and Their Local Impacts 121 Taking Stock ofthe Narmada Network 128 8. Conclusions 135 Local Empowerment and Local Results 136 Lessons and Recommendations 145 Final Thoughts 148 Notes 151 References 181 Index 191 A B B R E V I A T I O N S A N D A C R O N Y M S ASODIRA Association for Indigenous Development ASP Amerindian Special Project CD Conselho Deliberativo (Deliberative Council) CESR Center for Economic and Social Rights CIEL Center for International Environmental Law CIMI Conselho Indígena Missionário (Indigenous Peoples’ Missionary Council) CNS Conselho Nacional dos Seringueiros (National Council of Rubber Tappers) COICA Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin CONAIE National Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador CONFENIAE Confederation of Indian Nations of Ecuadorian Amazon CORDAVI Corporación de la Defensa de la Vida (Corporation for the Defense of Life) CPT Comissão Pastoral da Terra (Pastoral Commission on Land) CUT Central Única dos Trabalhadores (Central Labor Union) CUNPIR Coordenação da União das Nações e Póvos Indígenas de Rondônia (Coordination of the Union of Indigenous Peoples and Nations of Rondônia) DNPM Departamento Nacional de Prospecção Mineral (National Department of Mineral Research) vii viii Abbreviations and Acronyms ECOPORE Ação Ecológica Vale do Guaporé (Ecological Action for the Guaporé Valley) EDF Environmental Defense Fund,since 2000 Environmental Defense EIA Environmental Impact Assessments FCUNAE Quichua Federation of Indigenous Nations of Ecuador FETAGRO Federação dos Trabalhadores Agrícolas de Rondônia (Federation of Agricultural Workers of Rondônia) FIERO Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Rondônia (Federation of Rondonian Industries) FIPE Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas (Institute of Economic Research Foundation) FIPSE Independent Federation of the Shuar People of Ecuador FoE Friends of the Earth FUNAI Fundação Nacional do Indio (Brazilian Indian Agency) IAMA Instituto de Antropologia e Meio Ambiente (Institute of Anthropology and the Environment) IBAMA Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) IBDF Instituto Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento Florestal (Brazilian Institute for Forestry Development) IDA International Development Association IEA Instituto de Estudos Amazônicos e Ambientais (Institute for Amazonian and Environmental Studies) IGO International Governmental Organization IRN International Rivers Network INCRA Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform) INDIA Instituto de Pesquisa em Defesa da Identidade Amazônica (Institute for Research in Defense of Amazonia’s Identity) Abbreviations and Acronyms ix IPHAE Instituto de Pré-História,Antropologia e Ecologia (Institute for Pre-History,Anthropology,and Ecology) MDB Multilateral Development Bank MST Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (Landless Peoples’Movement) NBA Narmada Bachao Andolan NGO Non-Governmental Organization NOVIB Dutch Organization for International Development Cooperation NRDC Natural Resources Defense Council NWF National Wildlife Federation OINCE Organization of the Cofan Indigenous People of Ecuador OISE Organization of the Secoya Indigenous People of Ecuador ONISE Organization of the Siona Indigenous People of Ecuador OPIP Organization of Indigenous Peoples of Pastaza OSR Organização dos Seringueiros de Rondônia (Organization of Rondonian Rubber Tappers) PACA Proteção Ambiental Cacoalense (Environmental Protection of the Cacoal Region) PAIC Programa de Apoio a Iniciativas Comunitárias (Program for the Support of Community Initiatives) PIN Programa de Integração Nacional (National Integration Program) PLANAFLORO Plano Agropecuário e Florestal de Rondônia (Rondônia Agro-livestock and Forestry Plan).The project’s official name at The World Bank is the Rondônia Natural Resources Management Project. PNMA Programa Nacional de Meio Ambiente (National Program for the Environment) POLONOROESTE Programa de Desenvolvimento Integrado do Noroeste do Brazil (Northwest Brazil Integrated Development Program) RAN Rainforest Action Network