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Preview Global Business and Organizational Excellence 2011 - 2012: Vol 31 Index & Table of Contents

Index to Volume 31 No. 1 is November/December 2011 No. 2 is January/February 2012 No. 3 is March/April 2012 No. 4 is May/June 2012 No. 5 is July/August 2012 No. 6 is September/October 2012 Angles, Valérie. Multinationals’ Priorities May Collins, Hilary, Crespin-Mazet, Florence, and Distort ISO Standards in Chinese Sub- Goguo-Primard, Karine. Using Branding to sidiaries, No. 4, 48-58 Effect Internal Change at Spie Batignolles, Arain, Ghulam Ali, Hameed, Imran, and Fa- No. 1, 63-70 roog, Omer. Integrating Workplace Affect Collins, Hilary, Jusela, Gary, and Topper, With Psychological Contract Breach and Heath N. Corning Incorporated: Creating Employees’ Attitudes, No. 6, 50-62 the Next Generation of Innovation Lead- Bigo, Vinca, and Martin, Virginie. “Statisti- ers, No. 1, 71-89 cal Correctness”: Do Demographic- Based Collins, Hilary. Organizational Identity Via Strategies Bring About Corporate Diver- Recruitment and Communication: Lessons sity?, No. 3, 32-40 From the International Thermonuclear Ex- Bourdon, Isabelle, and Kimble, Chris. 1001 perimental Reactor Project, No. 5, 36-44 Listes: Strategic Breakthroughs by a Low- Coombs, W. Timothy, and Holladay, Sherry J. Tech Company in a High-Tech World, No. Conceptualizing Corporate Social Respon- 3, 58-68 sibility, No. 5, 78-97 Bryson, John M. Clarifying Organizational Crespin-Mazet, Florence, Goguo-Primard, Mandates and Mission, No. 4, 59-84 Karine, and Collins, Hilary. Using Brand- Calichman, Meghan, and Klemm, Richard. On ing to Effect Internal Change at Spie the Way to Great at Morristown Medi- Batignolles, No. 1, 63-70 cal Center’s Emergency Department, No. 3, Dasgupta, Tathagata. Home Video Unit Trans- 13-22 forms Itself to Adapt to the Shift to Digital Chiou, Andy Y., Lipani, Louis J., Zhu, Zhu, Consumption, No. 6, 16-33 and Koppelman, Richard E. Interpreting DeBarba, Herb, Smith, Jennifer Lewis, and My- the Success of Zappos.com, Four Seasons, ers, Michael. Amid the Nation’s Health- and Nordstrom: Customer Centricity Is But Care Crisis, Cancer Treatment Centers of One-Third of the Job, No. 5, 20-35 America Finds Its Own Cure, No. 1, 6-19 Chiou, Andy Y., Lipani, Louis J., Zhu, Zhu, Duncan, Phyllis A., Green, Mark T., Skaggs, and Koppelman, Richard E. Interpreting Sheryl L., and Herrera, Richard. The Effect the Success of Zappos.com, Four Seasons, of Gender on Leadership and Culture, No. and Nordstrom: Customer Centricity Is 2, 37-48 But One-Third of the Job, No. 6, 63- Farooq, Omer, Arain, Ghulam Ali, and 79 Hameed, Imran. Integrating Workplace © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Global Business and Organizational Excellence « September/October 2012 107 Affect With Psychological Contract Breach Gupta, Vikas, Sinha, Neena, and Kakkar, N.K. and Employees’ Attitudes, No. 6, 50-62 Uncovering the Secrets of the Twenty-First- Farooq, Omer. Why Are Some Firms More Century Organization, No. 2, 49-56 Innovative Than Others? Exploring the Hameed, Imran, Faroog, Omer, and Arain, Role of Learning Organization Compo- Ghulam Ali. Integrating Workplace Affect nents, No. 6, 42-49 With Psychological Contract Breach and Fusco, Mary Ann Castronovo. From the Editor, Employees’ Attitudes, No. 6, 50-62 No. 1, 5 Herrera, Richard, Duncan, Phyllis A., Green, Fusco, Mary Ann Castronovo. From the Editor, Mark T., and Skaggs, Sheryl L. The Effect No. 2, 5 of Gender on Leadership and Culture, No. Fusco, Mary Ann Castronovo. From the Editor, 2, 37-48 No. 3, 5 Holladay, Sherry J., and Coombs, W. Timothy. Fusco, Mary Ann Castronovo. From the Editor, Conceptualizing Corporate Social Respon- No. 4, 5 sibility, No. 5, 78-97 Fusco, Mary Ann Castronovo. From the Editor, Hunt-Earle, Keziah. Falling Over a Glass Cliff: No. 5, 5 A Study of the Recruitment of Women to Fusco, Mary Ann Castronovo. From the Editor, Leadership Roles in Troubled Enterprises, No. 6, 5 No. 5, 44-53 Gill, Ronald A. Quality-Oriented Teamwork Jameson, John H.F., and Sharrard, Aurora Resolves Aerospace Manufacturer’s Criti- L. Pittsburgh Climate Initiative: Advancing cal Path Tooling Crisis, No. 6, 34-41 Sustainability Through Organizational Col- Goguo-Primard, Karine, Collins, Hilary, and laboration, No. 4, 6-15 Crespin-Mazet, Florence. Using Branding Johnson, Louis A., and Steele, J. Cody. Five Key to Effect Internal Change at Spie Batig- Steps to Successful Design of Experiments, nolles, No. 1, 63-70 No. 4, 38-47 Gold, Robert S. The Strategy-Focused IT Orga- Jusela, Gary, Topper, Heath N., and Collins, nization: A Ten-Year Track Record of Suc- Hilary. Corning Incorporated: Creating the cess, No. 3,-41-57 Next Generation of Innovation Leaders, Goldenberg, Elissa, and Yeager, Racheal. HER- No. 1, 71-89 project Women’s Health Program Delivers Kakkar, N.K., Gupta, Vikas, and Sinha, Neena. Real Business Returns, No. 2, 24-36 Uncovering the Secrets of the Twenty- Green, Mark T., Skaggs, Sheryl L., Herrera, First-Century Organization, No. 2, 49- Richard, and Duncan, Phyllis A. The Ef- 56 fect of Gender on Leadership and Culture, Kantabutra, Sooksan. Putting Rhineland Prin- No. 2, 37-48 ciples Into Practice in Thailand: Sustainable Green, Rachael. Articles in Brief, No. 1, 96-98 Leadership at Bathroom Design Company, Green, Rachael. Articles in Brief, No. 2, 72-74 No. 5, 6-19 Green, Rachael. Articles in Brief, No. 3, 89-91 Kimble, Chris, and Bourdon, Isabelle. 1001 Green, Rachael. Articles in Brief, No. 4, 91-93 Listes: Strategic Breakthroughs by a Low- Green, Rachael. Articles in Brief, No. 5, 104—- Tech Company in a High-Tech World, No. 106 3, 58-68 Green, Rachael. Articles in Brief, No. 6, 104- Klemm, Richard, and Calichman, Meghan. On 106 the Way to Great at Morristown Medical 108 September/October 2012 Global Business and Organizational Excellence Center’s Emergency Department, No. 3, Memorial: Make Big Progress by Thinking 13-22 Small, No. 3, 23-31 Koppelman, Richard E., Chiou, Andy Y., Li- Martin, Virginie, and Bigo, Vinca. “Statisti- pani, Louis J., and Zhu, Zhu. Interpreting cal Correctness”: Do Demographic- Based the Success of Zappos.com, Four Seasons, Strategies Bring About Corporate Diver- and Nordstrom: Customer Centricity Is But sity?, No. 3, 32-40 One-Third of the Job, No. 5, 20-35 Montalvo, Francisco. Economic Growth and Koppelman, Richard E., Chiou, Andy Y., Li- Innovation: Lessons in Knowledge Shar- pani, Louis J., and Zhu, Zhu. Interpreting ing From Bioscience Clusters in Ohio and the Success of Zappos.com, Four Seasons, Puerto Rico, No. 1, 54-62 and Nordstrom: Customer Centricity Is But Myers, Michael, DeBarba, Herb, and Smith, One-Third of the Job, No. 6, 63-79 Jennifer Lewis. Amid the Nation’s Health- Lagoarde-Segot, Thomas. Corporate Social Re- Care Crisis, Cancer Treatment Centers of sponsibility as a Bolster for Economic America Finds Its Own Cure, No. 1, 6-19 Performance Evidence From Emerging Novicoff, Wendy M., and McMeans, Scott. Markets, No. 1, 38-53 Prescription for Innovation at Holy Family LaMarsh, Jeanenne, and Rothermel, Rick. Memorial: Make Big Progress by Thinking Managing Change Through Employee Em- Small, No. 3, 23-31 powerment, No. 2, 17-23 Price, Kathy M., and Wong, Peter K. Lean Levesque, Peter J. Building Resilience and Sus- Thinking: A Way of Life for the Sisters tainability Into the Chinese Supply Chain, of Charity of Leavenworth Health System, No. 3, 69-83 No. 4, 16-27 Liebesman, Sandford. The Benefits of Linking Recardo, Ronald J., and Toterhi, Tim. Manag- Management Systems, No. 2, 57-64 ing Change: Nine Common Blunders-and Lipani, Louis J., Zhu, Zhu, Koppelman, How to Avoid Them, No. 5, 54-69 Richard E., and Chiou, Andy Y. Interpret- Rice, Gillian. Focusing on Purpose to Assure ing the Success of Zappos.com, Four Sea- Success: Lessons From Millennial Leaders, sons, and Nordstrom: Customer Centricity No. 3, 84-88 Is But One-Third of the Job, No. 5, 20-35 Rice, Gillian. How Rooted Cosmopolitanism Lipani, Louis J., Zhu, Zhu, Koppelman, Can Help Save Business and the World, No. Richard E., and Chiou, Andy Y. Interpret- 1, 90-95 ing the Success of Zappos.com, Four Sea- Rice, Gillian. Powerful Habits Engender Win- sons, and Nordstrom: Customer Centricity ning Organizational Cultures, No. 5, 98- Is But One-Third of the Job, No. 6, 63-79 103 McCormick, Michael. Beyond the Shingo: Em- Rice, Gillian. To Ensure Successful Recruiting, ployee Development Plus Increased Eff- Understand Your Organization’s Culture, ciency Fosters Growth at AccuRounds, No. No. 4, 85-90 1, 27-37 Rice, Gillian. Transformation in China and Be- McCrorey, Dee. The Old World of business yond: Implications for Global Leaders, No. Versus the New World of Business in Four 6, 98-103 Major Industries, No. 6, 80-97 Rice, Gillian. Trust as the Essence of “Out- McMeans, Scott, and Novicoff, Wendy M. Pre- behaving” in Workplaces and Digital and scription for Innovation at Holy Family Public Spaces, No. 2, 65-71 Global Business and Organizational Excellence September/October 2012 109 Rieley, James B. Increasing the Bioavailability Toterhi, Tim, and Recardo, Ronald J. Manag- of Leadership in Organizations, No. 3, 6- ing Change: Nine Common Blunders-and 12 How to Avoid Them, No. 5, 54-69 Robitaille, Denise. Making the Financial Case White, Doug, and White, Polly. Weidmiiller, for Corrective Action to Management, No. Inc., Breaks Away From the Competition 1, 20-26 by Creatively Targeting Customers’ Needs, Rothermel, Rick, and LaMarsh, Jeanenne. No. 6, 6-16 Managing Change Through Employee Em- White, Polly, and White, Doug. Weidmiiller, powerment, No. 2, 17-23 Inc., Breaks Away From the Competition Rubin, Eileen Newman. A Partnered Approach by Creatively Targeting Customers’ Needs, to QA Increases Efficiency Through Early No. 6, 6-16 Problem Detection, No. 4, 28-37 Wong, Peter K., and Price, Kathy M. Lean Sharrard, Aurora L., and Jameson, John H.F. Thinking: A Way of Life for the Sisters Pittsburgh Climate Initiative: Advancing of Charity of Leavenworth Health System, Sustainability Through Organizational Col- No. 4, 16-27 laboration, No. 4, 6-15 Yeager, Racheal, and Goldenberg, Elissa. HER- Sinha, Neena, Kakkar, N.K., and Gupta, Vikas. project Women’s Health Program Delivers Uncovering the Secrets of the Twenty- Real Business Returns, No. 2, 24-36 First-Century Organization, No. 2, 49- Zhu, Zhu, Koppelman, Richard E., Chiou, 56 Andy Y., and Lipani, Louis J. Interpreting Sinha, Vinita, and Subramanian, K.S. Organi- the Success of Zappos.com, Four Seasons, zational Role Stress Across Three Manage- and Nordstrom: Customer Centricity Is But rial Levels: A Comparative Study, No. 5, One-Third of the Job, No. 5, 20-35 70-78 Zhu, Zhu, Koppelman, Richard E., Chiou, Skaggs, Sheryl L., Herrera, Richard, Duncan, Andy Y., and Lipani, Louis J. Interpreting Phyllis A., and Green, Mark T. The Effect the Success of Zappos.com, Four Seasons, of Gender on Leadership and Culture, No. and Nordstrom: Customer Centricity Is But 2, 37-48 One-Third of the Job, No. 6, 63-79 Smith, Jennifer Lewis, Myers, Michael, and De- Barba, Herb. Amid the Nation’s Health- Care Crisis, Cancer Treatment Centers Bioavailability of Leadership of America Finds Its Own Cure, No. 1, Increasing the Bioavailability of Leadership in 6-19 Organizations, James B. Rieley, No. 3, 6- Steele, J. Cody, and Johnson, Louis A. Five Key 12 Steps to Successful Design of Experiments, No. 4, 38-47 Subramanian, K.S., and Sinha, Vinita. Organi- Book Highlight zational Role Stress Across Three Manage- The Benefits of Linking Management Systems, rial Levels: A Comparative Study, No. 5, Sandford Liebesman, No. 2, 57-64 70-78 Building Resilience and Sustainability Into the Topper, Heath N., Collins, Hilary, and Jusela, Chinese Supply Chain, Peter J. Levesque, Gary. Corning Incorporated: Creating the No. 3, 69-83 Next Generation of Innovation Leaders, Clarifying Organizational Mandates and Mis- No. 1, 71-89 sion, John M. Bryson, No. 4, 59-84 110 September/October 2012 Global Business and Organizational Excellence Conceptualizing Corporate Social Responsibil- Clusters in Ohio and Puerto Rico, Francisco ity, W. Timothy Coombs and Sherry J. Hol- Montalvo, No. 1, 54-62 laday, No. 5, 78-97 HER project Women’s Health Program Delivers Corning Incorporated: Creating the Next Gen- Real Business Returns, Racheal Yeager and eration of Innovation Leaders, Hilary Elissa Goldenberg, No. 2, 24-36 Collins, Gary Jusela, and Heath N. Topper, Home Video Unit Transforms Itself to Adapt No. 1, 71-89 to the Shift to Digital Consumption, Tatha- The Old World of business Versus the New gata Dasgupta, No. 6, 16-33 World of Business in Four Major Industries, Interpreting the Success of Zappos.com, Four Dee McCrorey, No. 6, 80-97 Seasons, and Nordstrom: Customer Cen- tricity Is But One-Third of the Job, Richard Book Reviews E. Koppelman, Andy Y. Chiou, Louis J. Li- pani, and Zhu Zhu, No. 5, 20-35 To Ensure Successful Recruiting, Understand Interpreting the Success of Zappos.com, Four Your Organization’s Culture, Gillian Rice, Seasons, and Nordstrom: Customer Cen- No. 4, 85-90 tricity Is But One-Third of the Job, Richard Focusing on Purpose to Assure Success: Lessons E. Koppelman, Andy Y. Chiou, Louis J. Li- From Millennial Leaders, Gillian Rice, No. pani, and Zhu Zhu, No. 6, 63-79 3, 84-88 How Rooted Cosmopolitanism Can Help Save Business and the World, Gillian Rice, No. Lean Strategy 1, 90-95 Beyond the Shingo: Employee Development Powerful Habits Engender Winning Organiza- Plus Increased Efficiency Fosters Growth at tional Cultures, Gillian Rice, No. 5, 98-103 AccuRounds, Michael McCormick, No. 1, Transformation in China and Beyond: Implica- 27-37 tions for Global Leaders, Gillian Rice, No. Lean Thinking: A Way of Life for the Sisters 6, 98-103 of Charity of Leavenworth Health System, Trust as the Essence of “Outbehaving” in Peter K. Wong and Kathy M. Price, No. 4, Workplaces and Digital and Public Spaces, 16-27 Gillian Rice, No. 2, 65-71 1001 Listes: Strategic Breakthroughs by a Low- Tech Company in a High-Tech World, Branding Chris Kimble and Isabelle Bourdon, No. 3, Using Branding to Effect Internal Change 58-68 at Spie Batignolles, Hilary Collins, Flo- Organizational Identity Via Recruitment rence Crespin-Mazet, and Karine Goguo- and Communication: Lessons From the Primard, No. 1, 63-70 International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Project, Hilary Collins, No. 5, Case Studies 36-44 Amid the Nation’s Health-Care Crisis, Can- Pittsburgh Climate Initiative: Advancing Sus- cer Treatment Centers of America Finds Its tainability Through Organizational Collab- Own Cure, Herb DeBarba, Jennifer Lewis oration, Aurora L. Sharrard and John H.F. Smith, and Michael Myers, No. 1, 6-19 Jameson, No. 4, 6-15 Economic Growth and Innovation: Lessons Prescription for Innovation at Holy Family in Knowledge Sharing From Bioscience Memorial: Make Big Progress by Thinking Global Business and Organizational Excellence September/October 2012 111 Small, Wendy M. Novicoff and Scott Communication McMeans, No. 3, 23-31 Organizational Identity Via Recruitment and Putting Rhineland Principles Into Practice in Communication: Lessons From the Inter- Thailand: Sustainable Leadership at Bath- national Thermonuclear Experimental Re- room Design Company, Sooksan Kantabu- actor Project, Hilary Collins, No. 5, 36-44 tra, No. 5, 6-19 Quality-Oriented Teamwork Resolves Corporate Diversity Aerospace Manufacturer’s Critical Path “Statistical Siaeuictines Do Demographic- Tooling Crisis, Ronald A. Gill, No. 6, Based Strategies Bring About Corporate Di- 34-41 versity?, Vinca Bigo and Virginie Martin, Using Branding to Effect Internal Change No. 3, 32-40 at Spie Batignolles, Hilary Collins, Flo- rence Crespin-Mazet, and Karine Goguo- Corporate Social Responsibility Primard, No. 1, 63-70 Corporate Social Responsibility as a Bolster On the Way to Great at Morristown Medical for Economic Performance Evidence From Center’s Emergency Department, Meghan Emerging Markets, Thomas Lagoarde- Calichman and Richard Klemm, No. 3, 13- Segot, No. 1, 38-53 22 Weidmiiller, Inc., Breaks Away From the Com- Corrective A ction to Management petition by Creatively Targeting Customers’ Making the Financial Case for Corrective Ac- Needs, Doug White and Polly White, No. tion to Management, Denise Robitaille, No. 6, 6-16 1, 20-26 Design of Experiments Change Management Five Key Steps to Successful Design of Experi- Managing Chenae: Nine Common Blunders- ments, Louis A. Johnson and J. Cody Steele, and How to Avoid Them, Tim Toterhi and No. 4, 38-47 ManaRgoinnagld JC.h aRencgaer doT,h rNoou.g h5 , 5E4m-p6l9o yee Em- Early Prot jlem Det sctic n powerment, Rick Rothermel and Jeanenne A Soanean Aisweoach to QA Increases Eff- LaMarsh, No. 2, 17-23 ciency Through Early Problem Detection, Eileen Newman Rubin, No. 4, 28-37 Chinese Subsidiaries Emerging Mark Multinationals’ Priorities May Distort ISO Corporate Social Responsibility as a Bolster Standards in Chinese Subsidiaries, Valérie for Economic Performance Evidence From Angles, No. 4, 48-58 Emerging Markets, Thomas Lagoarde- Segot, No. 1, 38-53 ae ee Coliabor ation Employee Attitudes Pittsburgh Climate Initiative: Advancing Sus- Integrating Workplace Affect With Psycholog- tainability Through Organizational Collab- ical Contract Breach and Employees’ Atti- oration, Aurora L. Sharrard and John H.F. tudes, Ghulam Ali Arain, Imran Hameed, Jameson, No. 4, 6-15 and Omer Farooq, No. 6, 50-62 112 September/October 2012 Global Business and Organizational Excellence Employee Empowerment On the Way to Great at Morristown Medical Managing Change Through Employee Em- Center’s Emergency Department, Meghan powerment, Rick Rothermel and Jeanenne Calichman and Richard Klemm, No. 3, 13- LaMarsh, No. 2, 17-23 22 Employee Satisfaction Innovation Interpreting the Success of Zappos.com, Four Why Are Some Firms More Innovative Than Seasons, and Nordstrom: Customer Cen- Others? Exploring the Role of Learning tricity Is But One-Third of the Job, Richard Organization Components, Omer Farooq, E. Koppelman, Andy Y. Chiou, Louis J. Li- No. 6, 42-49 pani, and Zhu Zhu, No. 5, 20-35 ISO Standards Interpreting the Success of Zappos.com, Four Seasons, and Nordstrom: Customer Cen- Multinationals’ Priorities May Distort ISO tricity Is But One-Third of the Job, Richard Standards in Chinese Subsidiaries, Valerie E. Koppelman, Andy Y. Chiou, Louis J. Li- Anglés, No. 4, 48-58 pani, and Zhu Zhu, No. 6, 63-79 Knowledge Sharing Future Organizations Economic Growth and Innovation: Lessons in Uncovering the Secrets of the Twenty-First- Knowledge Sharing From Bioscience Clus- Century Organization, Neena Sinha, N.K. ters in Ohio and Puerto Rico, Francisco Kakkar, and Vikas Gupta, No. 2, 49-56 Montalvo, No. 1, 54-62 Gender Leadership The Effect of Gender on Leadership and Cul- The Effect of Gender on Leadership and Cul- ture, Richard Herrera, Phyllis A. Duncan, ture, Richard Herrera, Phyllis A. Duncan, Mark T. Green, and Sheryl L. Skaggs, No. Mark T. Green, and Sheryl L. Skaggs, No. 2, 37-48 2, 37-48 Lean Six Sigma Gender Diversity Strategies Amid the Nation’s Health-Care Crisis, Can- “Statistical Correctness”: Do Demographic- cer Treatment Centers of America Finds Its Based Strategies Bring About Corporate Di- Own Cure, Herb DeBarba, Jennifer Lewis versity?, Vinca Bigo and Virginie Martin, Smith, and Michael Myers, No. 1, 6-19 No. 3, 32-40 Gender in Recruitment Lean Thinking Falling Over a Glass Cliff: A Study of the Re- Lean Thinking: A Way of Life for the Sisters cruitment of Women to Leadership Roles in of Charity of Leavenworth Health System, Troubled Enterprises, Keziah Hunt-Earle, Peter K. Wong and Kathy M. Price, No. 4, No. 5, 44-53 16-27 Health Care Industry Learning Organization Components Lean Thinking: A Way of Life for the Sisters Why Are Some Firms More Innovative Than of Charity of Leavenworth Health System, Others? Exploring the Role of Learning Peter K. Wong and Kathy M. Price, No. 4, Organization Components, Omer Farooq, 16-27 No. 6, 42-49 Global Business and Organizational Excellence September/October 2012 113 Multinational Businesses Recruitment Multinationals’ Priorities May Distort ISO Falling Over a Glass Cliff: A Study of the Re- Standards in Chinese Subsidiaries, Valerie cruitment of Women to Leadership Roles in Anglés, No. 4, 48-58 Troubled Enterprises, Keziah Hunt-Earle, No. 5, 44-53 Organizational Culture Organizational Identity Via Recruitment and The Effect of Gender on Leadership and Cul- Communication: Lessons From the _ In- ture, Richard Herrera, Phyllis A. Duncan, ternational Thermonuclear Experimental Mark T. Green, and Sheryl L. Skaggs, No. Reactor Project, Hilary Collins, No. 5, 2, 37-48 36-44 Organizational Identity Organizational Identity Via Recruitment and Communication: Lessons From the Inter- Home Video Unit Transforms Itself to Adapt national Thermonuclear Experimental Re- to the Shift to Digital Consumption, Tatha- actor Project, Hilary Collins, No. 5, 36-44 gata Dasgupta, No. 6, 16-33 Organizational Role Stress Organizational Role Stress Across Three Man- thineland Capitalism agerial Levels: A Comparative Study, Vinita Putting Rhineland Principles Into Practice Sinha and K.S. Subramanian, No. 5, 70-78 in Thailand: Sustainable Leadership at Bathroom Design Company, Sooksan Product Quality Assurance Programs Kantabutra, No. 5, 6-19 A Partnered Approach to QA Increases Effi- ciency Through Early Problem Detection, Eileen Newman Rubin, No. 4, 28-37 Small Organizations 1001 Listes: Strategic Breakthroughs by a Low- Productivity Tech Company in a High-Tech World, Interpreting the Success of Zappos.com, Four Chris Kimble and Isabelle Bourdon, No. 3, Seasons, and Nordstrom: Customer Cen- 58-68 tricity Is But One-Third of the Job, Richard E. Koppelman, Andy Y. Chiou, Louis J. Li- pani, and Zhu Zhu, No. 5, 20-35 Strategy-Focused Information Technology Interpreting the Success of Zappos.com, Four Organization Seasons, and Nordstrom: Customer Cen- The Strategy-Focused IT Organization: A Ten- tricity Is But One-Third of the Job, Richard Year Track Record of Success, Robert S. E. Koppelman, Andy Y. Chiou, Louis J. Li- Gold, No. 3, 41-57 pani, and Zhu Zhu, No. 6, 63-79 Psychological Contract Sustainability Integrating Workplace Affect With Psycholog- Pittsburgh Climate Initiative: Advancing Sus- ical Contract Breach and Employees’ Atti- tainability Through Organizational Collab- tudes, Ghulam Ali Arain, Imran Hameed, oration, Aurora L. Sharrard and John H.F. and Omer Farooq, No. 6, 50-62 Jameson, No. 4, 6-15 114 ; September/October 2012 Global Business and Organizational Excellence Targeting Customer Needs Toolbox Approach Weidmiiller, Inc., Breaks Away From the Com- Prescription for Innovation at Holy Family petition by Creatively Targeting Customers’ Memorial: Make Big Progress by Think- Needs, Doug White and Polly White, No. ing Small, Wendy M. Novicoff and Scott 6, 6-16 McMeans, No. 3, 23-31 Teamwork Women’s Healthplace Work Programs Quality-Oriented Teamwork Resolves HERproject Women’s Health Program De- Aerospace Manufacturer’s Critical Path livers Real Business Returns, Racheal Tooling Crisis, Ronald A. Gill, No. 6, Yeager and Elissa Goldenberg, No. 2, 34-41 24-36 Global Business and Organizational Excellence September/October 2012 +115

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