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P1:SBT 0521833973pre CUNY871A/Lopes 0521833973 August31,2007 22:11 This page intentionally left blank ii P1:SBT 0521833973pre CUNY871A/Lopes 0521833973 August31,2007 22:11 Global Brands Brandshelpexplainwhy,inaworldfocusedonscienceandnewtechnology,sev- eraloftheworld’slargestmultinationalcorporationshavelittletodowitheither. Rathertheyareoldfirmswithlittlecriticalinvestmentinpatentsorcopyrights. Forthesefirms,thecriticalintellectualpropertyistrademarks.GlobalBrands explainshowtheworld’slargestmultinationalsinalcoholicbeveragesachieved global leadership; the predominant corporate governance structures for firms’ marketing-basedindustries;andwhythesefirmsformallianceswithdirectcom- petitors. Brands also determine the waves of mergers and acquisitions in the beverageindustry.Notonlydotheyhavepersonalitiesoftheirown,butbrands alsohavethecapacitytohaveindependentandeternallives. GlobalBrandscontrastswithexistingstudiesbyprovidinganewdimension to the literature on the growth of multinationals through the focus on brands, usinganinstitutionalandevolutionaryapproachbasedonoriginalandpublished sourcesabouttheindustryandthefirms. TeresadaSilvaLopesisaReaderintheSchoolofBusinessandManagementat QueenMary,UniversityofLondon.ShehaspreviouslytaughtattheUniversity ofOxfordandUniversidadeCato´licaPortuguesa.Sheistheauthorofnumerous publicationsoninternationalbusinessandbusinesshistoryandothertopicsin journalssuchasBusinessHistory,BusinessHistoryReview,andEnterpriseand Society. She is currently co-director of the Centre for Globalization Research at Queen Mary, University of London; reviews editor for the journal Business History;councilmemberoftheAssociationofBusinessHistorians;andtrustee oftheAmericanBusinessHistoryConference.Lopeshasheldvisitingresearch fellowships at the University of California, Berkeley, and E´cole Polytechnique in Paris. Currently she is a Fellow of Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in EuropeNetwork,aResearchFellowatUniversidadeCato´licaPortuguesa,and a Research Associate of the Centre for International Business History and the CentreforInstitutionalPerformance,bothattheUniversityofReading. i P1:SBT 0521833973pre CUNY871A/Lopes 0521833973 August31,2007 22:11 CAMBRIDGESTUDIESINTHEEMERGENCE OFGLOBALENTERPRISE Editors LouisGalambos,TheJohnsHopkinsUniversity GeoffreyJones,HarvardBusinessSchool Otherbooksintheseries NationalCulturesandInternationalCompetition:TheExperienceof ScheringAG,1851–1950,byChristopherKobrak,ESCP-EAP,European SchoolofManagement KnowledgeandCompetitiveAdvantage:TheCoevolutionofFirms, Technology,andNationalInstitutions,byJohannPeterMurmann, AustralianGraduateSchoolofManagement TheWorld’sNewestProfession:ManagementConsultinginthe Twentieth Century, byChristopher D. McKenna, Sa ¨ıd Business SchoolandBrasenoseCollege,UniversityofOxford iii P1:SBT 0521833973pre CUNY871A/Lopes 0521833973 August31,2007 22:11 iv P1:SBT 0521833973pre CUNY871A/Lopes 0521833973 August31,2007 22:11 Global Brands The Evolution of Multinationals in Alcoholic Beverages TERESA DA SILVA LOPES QueenMary,UniversityofLondon v CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521833974 © Teresa da Silva Lopes 2007 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published in print format 2007 ISBN-13 978-0-511-50804-2 eBook (NetLibrary) ISBN-13 978-0-521-83397-4 hardback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. P1:SBT 0521833973pre CUNY871A/Lopes 0521833973 August31,2007 22:11 To My Father, Jose´ daSilva Lopes vii P1:SBT 0521833973pre CUNY871A/Lopes 0521833973 August31,2007 22:11 viii P1:SBT 0521833973pre CUNY871A/Lopes 0521833973 August31,2007 22:11 Contents ListofIllustrations page xi ListofFigures xii ListofTables xiii SeriesEditors’Preface xv Preface xvii ListofAbbreviations xxi 1. Brands and the Evolution of Multinationals 1 2. LeadingFirms–TheHistoricalLegacy 23 3. GrowthandSurvival 43 4. FamilyOwnershipandManagerialControl 67 5. ChannelManagement 87 6. DiversificationStrategies 107 7. AcquiringBrands 129 8. TheLifeofBrands 148 9. Conclusion 180 Appendix1.Value-AddedChaininAlcoholicBeverages 191 Appendix2.BrandsOwnedbytheLeadingMultinationals in2005 198 Appendix3.AnnualSalesforEachFirminAlcoholicBeverages 202 Appendix4.SelectionoftheSample 216 Appendix5.BiographiesoftheWorld’sLargestMultinationals inAlcoholicBeverages 218 Appendix6.TypesofGovernanceStructuresinDistribution, 1900–2005 232 Appendix7.SchematicRepresentation:AlliancesasDynamic ProcessesforAcquiringMarketingKnowledge 238 ix

Brands help explain why, in a world focused on science and new technology, several of the world's multinational corporations have little to do with either. Rather they are old firms with little critical investment in patents or copyrights. For these firms, the critical intellectual property is trade
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