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MEMOIRS of the American Mathematical Society Volume 229 • Number 1074 (first of 5 numbers) • May 2014 Global and Local Regularity of Fourier Integral Operators on Weighted and Unweighted Spaces David Dos Santos Ferreira Wolfgang Staubach ISSN 0065-9266 (print) ISSN 1947-6221 (online) American Mathematical Society MEMOIRS of the American Mathematical Society Volume 229 • Number 1074 (first of 5 numbers) • May 2014 Global and Local Regularity of Fourier Integral Operators on Weighted and Unweighted Spaces David Dos Santos Ferreira Wolfgang Staubach ISSN 0065-9266 (print) ISSN 1947-6221 (online) American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ferreira,DavidDosSantos,1975- GlobalandlocalregularityofFourierintegraloperatorsonweightedandunweightedspaces/ DavidDosSantosFerreira,WolfgangStaubach. pages cm. – (Memoirs of the AmericanMathematicalSociety, ISSN 0065-9266; volume 229, number1074) “May2014,volume229,number1074(firstof5numbers).” Includesbibliographicalreferences. ISBN978-0-8218-9119-3(alk. paper) 1. Fourier integral operators. 2. Mathematical analysis. I. Staubach, Wolfgang, 1970- II.AmericanMathematicalSociety. III.Title. QA403.5.F47 2014 515(cid:2).723–dc23 2013051215 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/memo/1074 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Thisjournalisdevotedentirelytoresearchinpureandappliedmathematics. Subscription information. Beginning with the January 2010 issue, Memoirs is accessible from www.ams.org/journals. The 2014 subscription begins with volume 227 and consists of six mailings,eachcontainingoneormorenumbers. Subscriptionpricesareasfollows: forpaperdeliv- ery,US$827list,US$661.60institutionalmember;forelectronicdelivery,US$728list,US$582.40 institutionalmember. Uponrequest,subscriberstopaperdeliveryofthisjournalarealsoentitled to receive electronic delivery. If ordering the paper version, add US$10 for delivery within the United States; US$69 for outside the United States. 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Requests for such permissionshouldbeaddressedtotheAcquisitionsDepartment,AmericanMathematicalSociety, 201 Charles Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904-2294 USA. Requests can also be made by [email protected]. MemoirsoftheAmericanMathematicalSociety (ISSN0065-9266(print);1947-6221(online)) ispublishedbimonthly(eachvolumeconsistingusuallyofmorethanonenumber)bytheAmerican MathematicalSocietyat201CharlesStreet,Providence,RI02904-2294USA.Periodicalspostage paid at Providence, RI.Postmaster: Send address changes to Memoirs, AmericanMathematical Society,201CharlesStreet,Providence,RI02904-2294USA. (cid:2)c 2013bytheAmericanMathematicalSociety. Allrightsreserved. Copyrightofindividualarticlesmayreverttothepublicdomain28years afterpublication. ContacttheAMSforcopyrightstatusofindividualarticles. (cid:2) ThispublicationisindexedinMathematicalReviewsR,Zentralblatt MATH,ScienceCitation Index(cid:2)R,ScienceCitation IndexTM-Expanded,ISI Alerting ServicesSM,SciSearch(cid:2)R,Research (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) AlertR,CompuMathCitation IndexR,Current ContentsR/Physical, Chemical& Earth Sciences. ThispublicationisarchivedinPortico andCLOCKSS. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. (cid:2)∞ Thepaperusedinthisbookisacid-freeandfallswithintheguidelines establishedtoensurepermanenceanddurability. VisittheAMShomepageathttp://www.ams.org/ 10987654321 191817161514 Contents Introduction vii Chapter 1. Prolegomena 1 1.1. Definitions, notations and preliminaries 1 1.2. Tools in proving Lp boundedness 3 1.3. Links between nonsmoothness and global boundedness 13 Chapter 2. Global Boundedness of Fourier Integral Operators 17 2.1. Global L1 boundedness of rough Fourier integral operators 17 2.2. Local and global L2 boundedness of Fourier integral operators 19 2.3. Global L∞ boundedness of rough Fourier integral operators 34 2.4. Global Lp-Lp and Lp-Lq boundedness of Fourier integral operators 37 Chapter 3. Global and Local Weighted Lp Boundedness of Fourier Integral Operators 39 3.1. Tools in proving weighted boundedness 39 3.2. Counterexamples in the context of weighted boundedness 42 3.3. Invariant formulation in the local boundedness 47 3.4. WeightedlocalandglobalLp boundednessofFourierintegraloperators 48 Chapter 4. Applications in Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations 55 4.1. Estimates in weighted Triebel-Lizorkin spaces 55 4.2. Commutators with BMO functions 56 4.3. Applications to hyperbolic partial differential equations 61 Bibliography 63 iii Abstract We investigate the global continuity on Lp spaces with p ∈ [1,∞] of Fourier integral operators with smooth and rough amplitudes and/or phase functions sub- ject to certain necessary non-degeneracy conditions. In this context we also prove the optimal global L2 boundedness result for Fourier integral operators with non- degenerate phase functions and the most general smooth H¨ormander class ampli- tudes i.e. those in Sm with (cid:2),δ ∈ [0,1]. We also prove the very first results con- (cid:2),δ cerning the continuity of smooth and rough Fourier integral operators on weighted Lp spaces, Lp with 1 < p < ∞ and w ∈ A , (i.e. the Muckenhoupt weights) w p for operators with rough and smooth amplitudes and phase functions satisfying a suitable rank condition. These results are shown to be optimal for operators with amplitudesinclassical Ho¨rmanderclassesandcanalsobegivenageometricallyin- variant formulation. The weighted results are in turn applied to prove, for the first time, weighted and unweighted estimates for the commutators of Fourier integral operatorswith functions of bounded mean oscillation BMO, estimates on weighted Triebel-Lizorkinspaces, andfinallyglobalunweightedandlocalweightedestimates for the solutions of the Cauchy problem for m-th and second order hyperbolic par- tial differential equations on Rn. The global estimates in this context, when the Sobolev spaces are L2 based, are the best possible. ReceivedbytheeditorNov172011,and,inrevisedform,May31,2012. ArticleelectronicallypublishedonSeptember24,2013. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/memo/1074 2010 MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary35S30,42B99. Keywordsandphrases. Fourierintegraloperators,Weightedestimates,BMOcommutators. During thepreparationofthismanuscriptthefirstauthorwaspartiallysupportedbyANR grantEqua-disp. Duringthepreparationofthismanuscriptthesecondauthorwaspartiallysupportedbythe EPSRCFirstGrantScheme,referencenumberEP/H051368/1. (cid:3)c2013 American Mathematical Society v Introduction A Fourier integral operator is an operator that can be written locally in the form (cid:2) (0.1) T u(x)=(2π)−n eiϕ(x,ξ)a(x,ξ)u(cid:3)(ξ)dξ, a,ϕ Rn where a(x,ξ)is the amplitudeand ϕ(x,ξ)is the phase function. Historically, asys- tematic study of smooth Fourier integral operators with amplitudes in C∞(Rn× Rn) with |∂α∂βa(x,ξ)| ≤ C (1+|ξ|)m−(cid:2)|α|+δ|β| (i.e. a(x,ξ) ∈ Sm ), and phase ξ ξ αβ (cid:2),δ functionsinC∞(Rn×Rn\0)homogenousofdegree1inthefrequencyvariableξand with non-vanishing determinant of the mixed Hessian matrix (i.e. non-degenerate phase functions), was initiated in the classical paper of L. Ho¨rmander [H3]. Fur- thermore, G. Eskin [Esk] (in the case a(x,ξ)∈ S0 ) and H¨ormander [H3] (in the 1,0 case a(x,ξ)∈S0 , 1 <(cid:2)≤1) showed the local L2 boundedness of Fourier inte- (cid:2),1−(cid:2) 2 gral operators with non-degenerate phase functions. Later on, H¨ormander’s local L2 resultwasextendedbyR.Beals[RBE]andA.GreenleafandG.Uhlmann[GU] to the case of amplitudes in S0 . 1,1 2 2 After the pioneering investigations by M. Beals [Be], the optimal results con- cerning local continuity properties of smooth Fourier integral operators (with non- degenerate and homogeneous phase functions) in Lp for 1≤p≤∞, were obtained in the seminal paper of A. Seeger, C. D. Sogge and E.M. Stein [SSS]. This also paved the way for further investigations by G. Mockenhaupt, Seeger and Sogge in [MSS1]and[MSS2], seealso[So]and[So1]. Intheseinvestigationsthebounded- ness,fromLp toLp andfromLp toLq ofsmoothFourierintegraloperators comp loc comp loc withnon-degeneratephasefunctionshavebeenestablished, andfurthermoreitwas shown that the maximal operators associated with certain Fourier integral opera- tors (and in particular constant and variable coefficient hypersurface averages) are Lp bounded. InthecontextofH¨ormandertypeamplitudesandnon-degeneratehomogeneous phasefunctionswhicharemostfrequentlyusedinapplicationsinpartialdifferential equations,ithasbeencomparativelysmallamountofactivityconcerningglobalLp boundedness of Fourier integral operators. Among these, we would like to men- tion the global L2 boundedness of Fourier integral operators with homogeneous phases in C∞(Rn ×Rn \0) and amplitudes in the Ho¨rmander class S0 , due to 0,0 D. Fujiwara [Fuji]; the global L2 boundedness of operators with inhomogeneous phases in C∞(Rn×Rn) and amplitudes in S0 , due to K. Asada and D. Fujiwara 0,0 [AF]; the global Lp boundedness of operators with smooth amplitudes in the so called SG classes, due to E. Cordero, F. Nicola and L. Rodino in [CNR1]; the vii viii INTRODUCTION boundedness of operators with amplitudes in Sm on the space of compactly sup- 1,0 ported distributions whose Fourier transform is in Lp(Rn) (i.e. the FLp spaces) due to Cordero, Nicola and Rodino in [CNR2] and Nicola’s refinement of this in- vestigation in [Nic] (where the roles of the smooth spatial factorizations and affine fibrations have been emphasised); and finally, S. Coriasco and M. Ruzhansky’s globalLp boundednessofFourierintegraloperators[CR],withsmoothamplitudes in a suitable subclass of the Ho¨rmander class S0 , where certain decay of the am- 1,0 plitudes in the spatial variables are assumed. We should also mention that before the appearance of the paper [CR], M. Ruzhansky and M. Sugimoto had already proved in [Ruz 2] certain weighted L2 boundedness (with some power weights) as well as the global unweighted L2 boundedness of Fourier integrals operators with phasesinC∞(Rn×Rn)thatarenotnecessarilyhomogeneousinthefrequencyvari- ables, and amplitudes that are in the class S0 . In all the aforementioned results, 0,0 one has assumed certain bounds on the derivatives of the phase functions and also astrongernon-degeneracyconditionthantheonerequiredinthelocalLpestimates. Inthispaper,weshalltakealltheseresultsasourpointofdepartureandmake a systematic study of the global Lp boundedness of Fourier integral operators with amplitudes in Sm with (cid:2) and δ in [0,1], which cover all the possible ranges of (cid:2),δ (cid:2)’s and δ’s. Furthermore we initiate the study of weighted norm inequalities for FourierintegraloperatorswithweightsintheA classofMuckenhouptanduseour p global unweighted Lp results to prove a sharp weighted Lp boundedness theorem forFourierintegraloperators. Theweightedresultsinturnwillbeusedtoestablish thevalidityofcertainvector-valuedinequalitiesandmoreimportantlytoprovethe weighted and unweighted boundedness of commutators of Fourier integral opera- tors with functions of bounded mean oscillation BMO. Thus, all the results of this paper are connected and each chapter uses the results of the previous ones. This has beenreflected in the structure of the paper and the presentation of the results. As mentioned earlier, in [SSS] the sharp local Lp boundedness of the Fourier integral operators was established under the assumption of the non-degeneracy of the phase function. Furthermore, in the same context, it was shown in [Nic] that if the rank of the spatial Hessian ∂2 ϕ(x,ξ) is bounded from above, then for an xx appropriateorderoftheamplitude whichdependsonthatupperbound(andturns out to be sharp), the corresponding Fourier integral operator is bounded on FLp. Concerningthespecificconditionsthatareputinthispaperonthephasefunctions, ithasbeenknownatleastsincetheappearanceofthepapers[Fuji],[AF],[Ruz 2] and [CR], that one has to assume stronger conditions, than mere non-degeneracy, onthephasefunctioninordertoobtainglobalLp boundednessresults. Itturnsout that the assumption on the phase function, referred to in this paper as the strong non-degeneracy condition, which requires a nonzero lower bound on the modulus of the determinant of the mixed Hessian of the phase, is actually necessary for the validityofglobalregularityofFourierintegraloperators,seesection1.2.5. Further- more, we also introduce the class Φk of homogeneous (of degree 1) phase functions with a specific control over the derivatives of orders greater than or equal to k, and assume our phases to be strongly non-degenerate and belong to Φk for some k. At first glance, these conditions might seem restrictive, but fortunately theyare INTRODUCTION ix general enough to accommodate the phase functions arising in the study of hyper- bolicpartial differential equationsandwill still apply tothe most genericphases in practical applications. Concerning our choice of amplitudes, there are some features that set our in- vestigations apart from those made previously, for example partly motivated by the investigation of C.E. Kenig and W. Staubach [KS], of the Lp boundedness of the so called pseudo-pseudodifferential operators, we consider the global and local Lp boundedness of Fourier integral operators when the amplitude a(x,ξ) belongs to the class L∞Sm, wherein a(x,ξ) behaves in the spatial variable x like an L∞ (cid:2) function, and in the frequency variable ξ, the behaviour is that of a symbol in the H¨ormander class Sm . (cid:2),0 It is worth mentioning that the conditions defining classes Φk, L∞Sm and the (cid:2) assumptionofstrongnon-degeneracymaketheglobalresultsobtainedherenatural extensions of the local boundedness results of Seeger, Sogge and Stein’s in [SSS]. Apartfromtheobviouslocaltoglobalgeneralizations, thisisbecauseononehand, ourmethodscanhandle thesingularity ofthephasefunctioninthefrequencyvari- ables at the origin and therefore the usual assumption that ξ (cid:6)=0 in the support of theamplitudebecomesobsolete. Ontheotherhand,wedonotrequireanyregular- ity(andthereforenodecayofderivatives)inthespatialvariablesoftheamplitudes. Therefore, our amplitudes are close to, and in fact are spatially non-smooth ver- sionsofthoseintheSeeger-Sogge-Stein’spaper[SSS].Indeed,in[SSS]theauthors although dealing with spatially smooth amplitudes, assume neither any decay in the spatial variables nor the vanishing of the amplitude in a neighbourhood of the singularity of the phase function. There are several steps involved in the proof of the results of the paper and there are discussions about various conditions that we impose on the operators as well as some motivations for the study of rough operators. Moreover, giving exam- ples and counterexamples when necessary, we have strived to give motivations for our assumptions in the statements of the theorems. Here we will not mention all theresults thathave beenproveninthis paper, insteadwe chose tohighlight those that are the main outcomes of our investigations. In Chapter 1, we set up the notations and give the definitions of the classes of amplitudes, phase functions and weights that will be used throughout the paper. Wealsoincludethetoolsthatweneedinprovingourglobalboundednessresults,in thischapter. Weclosethechapterwithadiscussionabouttheconnectionsbetween rough amplitudes and global boundedness of Fourier integral operators. Chapter 2 is devoted to the investigation of the global boundedness of Fourier integral operators with smooth or rough phases, and smooth or rough amplitudes. To achieve our global boundedness results, we split the operators in low and high frequency parts and show the boundedness of each and one of them separately. In proving the Lp boundedness of the low frequency portion, see Theorem 1.18, we utilise Lemma 1.17 which yields a favourable kernel estimate for the low frequency

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