..••.-•^T-—!|f Glimpses OF OUR Sussex Ancestors SBCOJVD SERIES. ILLUSTRAI'1-JD "••^-•^-w^^ Ex Libris OGDEN C. K. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Glimpses of our Ancestors in Sussex AND Gleanings in East and West Sussex. Printed i;t Fakncombe & Co., Lewes. The Pelham Monument, in St. ]\Iichael's Church, Lewes. GLIMPSES OK OUR ANCESTORS SUSSEX; in AND GLEANINGS IN EAST & WEST SUSSEX. BY C H ARLE S FLEET, Author of ^'Tales and Sketches,^' "The City Merchant," 6^c. ILLUSTRATED. 'I have some rightsof memoryin this ' County,' Which now toclaim my vantage doth invite me." — Sliukipeare. SECOND SERIES. LEWES: FARNCOMBE & CO., PRINTERS, "EAST SUSSEX NEWS" OFFICES. 1883.