• PARENTING • girls The FOUR FACTORS : S •$26.00US/$31.00CAN • a sexual identity. x Girlsaretryingtolooksexyandattractattentionatamuchyoungerage.This M any girls today are engaging in hastheunintendedconsequenceofdisengagingthemfromtheirownemergingsexuality,oftenleading toaconfusedsexualidentity. self-destructive behavior: cutting on the themselves; obsessing over their the cyberbubble. Inthiseraoftexting,sexting,andFacebook,agirlcaneasilybecomestuck appearance, grades, sports, and social net- ina“cyberbubble”:hyper-connectedwithherpeers,shebecomesdisconnectedfromherself. working sites; acting sexy when they don’t obsessions. Some girls are anxious about grades or about sports.Others fixate on what they g feel sexy. Many have a brittle sense of self. eat. And at least one in five American girls are now deliberately harming themselves—cutting more themselveswithrazors,burning themselves with cigarettes.Without a strong sense of self,girls i A growing proportion of teen and tween girls k Blac become vulnerable to obsessions. r areconfusedabout their sexual identity, and y Cla l © environmental toxins. Endocrinedisruptorsareacceleratingtheonsetofpubertyingirls. s edge there is new evidence that environmental But girlswhobeginpubertytooearlywillbeatincreasedriskofdrug andalcoholabuse,anxiety,and toxins are accelerating theirphysicalmaturity Leonard Sax, M.D., Ph.D., depressionasteenagers. o fasterthantheiremotionalmaturity.Manygirls is a family physician, psychologist, and girls on the edge n today may look confident and strong on the PRAISEFOR acclaimedauthorofBoysAdriftandWhyGender outside,butinside,they’refragile. Matters.Heisfounderandexecutivedirectorof “Dr.Saxonceagaincombinesyearsofexperiencewithcompellingresearchandcommonsensetointelligently t InGirlsontheEdge,psychologistandphysician 6-5/16”x9.5 the National Association for Single Sex Public challengethestatusquoofwhatitmeanstoraiseahealthydaughter.GirlsontheEdgeoffersskillsparentscan h Bulk:3/4” Leonard Sax provides the tools we need to incorporatetofeelmorecompetentwithourgirlsandyoungwomen.” —FLORENCE HILLIARD, Spine:1” Education(NASSPE).Hehasbeenfeaturedon DirectoroftheGenderStudiesProject,UniversityofWisconsin–Madison e help girls become independent and confident CNN,PBS,TheTodayShow,FoxNews,NPR’s BasicBooks women. He offers parents practical tips on “Turnoffyourcellphonesandcomputers,andreadthisbook!Youwillconnectwithyourdaughterinnewways, Hardcover Talkof theNation,and more.He lives with his e andshewillthankyou.” —RABBI SANDYEISENBERG SASSO,authorofGod’sPaintbrushandInGod’sName FOUR FACTORS DRIVING everythingfromhelpingtheirdaughterschoose The wifeanddaughterinChesterCounty,Pennsylvania. d a sports team to deciding limits on social 4/colorprocess “Writtenthroughrealstoriesandsupportedbystrongevidenceinthefieldsofeducation,psychology,andthe sciences—aMUSTread.” —MARGARET M. FERRARA, Ph.D., g NEW CRISIS GIRLS networking sites.Sax also shows how and why www.leonardsax.com the for Finish:mattepoly editorofAdvancesinGenderandEducation(A.G.E.)andassociateprofessor,UniversityofNevada–Reno girls are more likely to reach their potential if e “LeonardSaxbringstogetherararecombinationofpsychoanalytictrainingwithadeepempathyforgirlsand they are involved in communities of women, • • • • • • • • theirstoriesinthisimportantbook.Hisargumentthatgirlsarestrugglingtofindtheircenterswillresonateand communitiesthatbridgethegenerations. hisrecommendationsforhowtolocatethemwillinspire.” —COURTNEY E. MARTIN, sexual identity • the cyberbubble Essential and inspiring, Girls on the Edge JacketdesignbyJenniferCarrow authorofPerfectGirls,StarvingDaughters obsessions • environmental toxins points the way to a new future for today’s girls JacketImage©KeithHern/Alamy $26.00US/$31.00CAN ISBN 978-0-465-01561-0 andyoungwomen. 52600 Leonard Sax, M.D., Ph.D. • • • • • • • • 04/10 AMemberofthePerseusBooksGroup www.basicbooks.com Author of Boys Adrift 9 780465 015610 9780465015611-text_sax 2/16/10 2:09 PM Page i girls on the edge 9780465015611-text_sax 2/16/10 2:09 PM Page ii Also by Leonard Sax Boys Adrift Why Gender Matters 9780465015611-text_sax 2/16/10 2:09 PM Page iii girls on the edge The FOUR FACTORS DRIVING the NEW CRISIS forGIRLS sexual identity, the cyberbubble, obsessions, environmental toxins Leonard Sax, M.D., Ph.D. A Member of the Perseus Books Group New York 9780465015611-text_sax 2/16/10 2:09 PM Page iv Copyright © 2010 by Leonard Sax Published by Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Books Group 387 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10016 All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address the Perseus Books Group, 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016-8810. Books published by Basic Books are available at special discounts for bulk purchases in the United States by corporations, institutions, and other organizations. For more in- formation, please contact the Special Markets Department at the Perseus Books Group, 2300 Chestnut Street, Suite 200, Philadelphia, PA 19103, or call (800) 255-1514, or e-mail [email protected]. Every effort has been made to secure required permissions to use all images, art, lyrics, and other original material included in this volume. Designed by Pauline Brown Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Sax, Leonard. Girls on the edge : the four factors driving the new crisis for girls : sexual identity, the cyberbubble, obsessions, environmental toxins / Leonard Sax. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-465-01561-0 (alk. paper) 1. Girls—Psychology. 2. Girls—Health and hygiene. 3. Gender identity. I. Title. HQ777.S29 2010 305.23082—dc22 2010003800 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9780465015611-text_sax 2/16/10 2:09 PM Page v For my wife, Katie, and my daughter, Sarah 9780465015611-text_sax 2/16/10 2:09 PM Page vi 9780465015611-text_sax 2/16/10 2:09 PM Page vii Dig into yourself . . . Go into yourself and find out how deep is the place from which your life springs; at its source you will find the answer to your question . . . RAINERMARIARILKE 9780465015611-text_sax 2/16/10 2:09 PM Page viii 9780465015611-text_sax 2/16/10 2:09 PM Page ix contents introduction: three girls 1 CHAPTER 1 first factor: sexual identity 11 CHAPTER 2 second factor: the cyberbubble 37 CHAPTER 3 third factor: obsessions 67 CHAPTER 4 fourth factor: environmental toxins 99 CHAPTER 5 mind 121 CHAPTER 6 body 155 CHAPTER 7 spirit 181 acknowledgments 215 notes 219 permission credits 247 index 249 ix