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Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and TheirApplications Volume 13 Editor HaimBrezis Universit~ PierreetMarieCurie Paris and Rutgers University NewBrunswick, N.J. EditorialBoard A. Bahri, Rutgers University, New Brunswick John Ball, Heriot-WattUniversity,Edinburgh LuisCafarelli, InstituteforAdvanced Study,Princeton MichaelCrandall, UniversityofCalifornia, SantaBarbara MarianoGiaquinta, UniversityofAorence DavidKinderlehrer, Carnegie-MellonUniversity,Pittsburgh Robert Kohn, New YorkUniversity P. L. Lions, UniversityofParisIX Louis Nirenberg, New YorkUniversity LambertusPeletier,UniversityofLeiden PaulRabinowitz, UniversityofWisconsin,Madison Fabrice Bethuel HrumBrezis Fr6d6ric H6lein Ginzburg-Landau Vortices Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Fabrice Bethuel Halm Brezis Laboratoire d'Analyse Num~rique Analyse Num~rique Universit~ Paris-Sud Universit6 Pierre et Marie Curie 91405 Orsay Cedex 4, place Jussieu France 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France and Fred~ric H~lein Department of Mathematics CMLA, ENS-Cachan Rutgers University 94235 Cachan Cedex New Brunswick, NJ 08903 France Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bethuel, Fabrice, 1%3- Ginzburg-Landau vortices I Fabrice Bethuel, Halm Brezis, Frederic Helein. p. cm. --(Progress in nonIinear differential equations and their applications ; v. 13) Included bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8176-3723-1 ISBN 978-1-4612-0287-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4612-0287-5 1. Singularities (Mathematics) 2. Mathematical physics. 3. Superconductors--Mathematics. 4. Superfluidity--Mathematics. 5. Differential equations, Nonlinear--Numberical solutions. I. Brezis, H. (Haim) n. Helein, Frederic, 1%3- m. Title. IV. Series. QC20.7.S54B48 1994 94-2026 530.1 '55353--dc20 CIP m® Printed on acid-free paper © Springer Science+Business Media New York 1994 a{Jl) Originally published by Birkhauser Boston in 1994 Copyright is not claimed for works ofU.S. Govemment employees. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted, in any fonn or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owner. Permission to photocopy for internal or personal use of specific clients is granted by Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, for Iibraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), provided that the base fee of$6.00 per copy, plus $0.20 per page is paid directly to CCC, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, U.S.A. Special requests should be addresseddirectlyto Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. ISBN 978-0-8176-3723-1 Typeset by the Authors in AMSTEX. 9876.5432 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ix I. Energy estimates for SI-valued maps 1. An auxiliary linear problem 1 2. Variants ofTheorem 1.1 6 3. 51-valued harmonic maps with prescribed isolated singularities. The canonical harmonic map 10 4. Shrinking holes. Renormalized energy 16 II. A lower bound for the energy of SI-valued maps on perforated domains 31 III. Some basic estimates for Ue = = 1. Estimates when G BR and g(x) x/lxl 42 2. An upper bound for Ee(ue) 44 3. An upper bound for fz fG(luel2 - 1)2 45 4. Iuel 2: 1/2 on "good discs" 46 IV. Towards locating the singularities: bad discs and good discs 1. A covering argument 48 2. Modifying the bad discs 49 V. An upper bound for the energy of away from Ue the singularities 1. A lower bound for the energy of near 53 Ue aj 2. ProofofTheorem V.1 54 CONTENTS VI. U converges: U* is born! En 1. ProofofTheorem VI.1 58 2. Further properties of u* : singularities have degree one and they are not on the boundary 60 VII. u* coincides with THE canonical harmonic map having singularities (aj) 65 VIII. The configuration (aj) minimizes the renormal- ized energy W 1. The general case 76 2. The vanishing gradient property and its various forms 82 3. Construction ofcritical points ofthe renormalized energy 93 4. The case G = B and g(O) =ei8 95 1 5. The case G = B and g(O) =edi8 with d ~ 2 97 1 IX. Some additional properties of UE 1. The zeroes of 100 UE 2. The limit of {EE(UE) -1rdllog en as e - 0 101 3. fG IVluEW remains bounded as c - 0 103 4. The bad discs revisited 104 X. Non minimizing solutions ofthe Ginzburg-Landau equation 1. Preliminary estimates; bad discs and good discs 107 IVvEI 2. Splitting 109 3. Study ofthe associated linear problems 112 4. The basic estimates: fG IVv I2 ~ Cilog cl and E f /VvEIP ~ C for p < 2 119 G p 5. v converges to V* 125 En 6. Properties ofv* 132 CONTENTS XI. Open problems 137 Appendix I. Summary of the basic convergence re- = sults in the case where deg(g,8G) 0 142 Appendix II. Radial solutions 145 Appendix III. Quantization effects for the equation -.!lv = v(1 - Iv12) in ]R2 147 Appendix IV. The energy of maps on perforated d~ mains revisited 148 BmLIOGRAPHY 154 INDEX 159 Acknowledgements We are grateful to E. DeGiorgi, H. Matano, L. Nirenberg and L. Peletier for very stimulating discussions. During the preparation of this work we have received advice and encouragement from many people: A. Belavin, E. Brezin, N. Carl son, S. Chanillo, B. Coleman, L.C. Evans, J. M. Ghidaglia, R. Hardt, B. Helffer, M. Herve, R. M. Herve, D. Huse, R. Kohn, J. Lebowitz, Y. Li; F. Merle, J. Ock endon, Y. Pomeau, T. Riviere, J. Rubinstein, I. Shafrir, Y. Simon, J. Taylor and F. Treves. Part of this work was done while the first author (F.B.) and the third author (F.H.) were visiting Rutgers University. They thank the Mathematics Department for its support and hospitality; their work was also partially supported by a Grant ofthe French Ministry ofResearch and Technology (MRT Grant 9OS0315). Part of this work was done while thesecond author (H.B.) was visiting the Scuola Normale Superiore ofPisa; he is grateful to the Scuola for its invitation. Wealso thank Lisa Magretto and Barbara Miller for their enthusiastic and competent typing of the manuscript. INTRODUCTION The original motivation of this study comes from the following questions that were mentioned to one ofus by H. Matano. Let G =B ={x =(X1lX2) E22; x~ +x~ =Ixl2< 1}. 1 Consider the Ginzburg-Landau functional L L E~(u) ~ 2 4~2 2 (1) = IVul + (lu1 _1)2 which is defined for maps u E H1(G;C) also identified with Hl(G;R2). Fix the boundary condition 9(X) =X on 8G and set = H; = {u E H1(G;C); u 9 on 8G}. It is easy to see that (2) is achieved by some u~ that is smooth and satisfies the Euler equation -~u~ u~(1 _lu~12) = :2 in G, (3) { u~ =9 on aGo Themaximum principleeasily implies (seee.g., F. Bethuel, H. Brezisand F. Helein (2]) that any solution u~ of (3) satisfies lu~1 ~ 1in G. In particular, a subsequence (u~,.) converges in the w* - LOO(G) topology to a limit u*. Clearly, lu*(x)1 ~ 1 a.e. It is very easy to prove (see Chapter III) that L (lu~12 ~ 2 (4) - 1)2 Ce 1logel and thus lu~"(x)1 -. 1 a.e. This suggests that lu*(x)1 = 1 a.e. However, such a claim is not clear at all since we do not know, at this stage, that ue" -+ u* a.e. It turns out to be true that lu*(x)1 = 1 a.e. - but we have no simple proof. This fact is derived as a consequence ofa delicate analysis (see Chapter VI). x Introduction The original questions of H. Matano were: Question 1: Does limue(x) exist a.e.? e.....O Question 2: What is u*? Do we have u*(x) = x/lxl? Question 3: What can be said about the zeroesofue? Ifthey are isolated do they have degree ±1 (in the sense of Section D(1)? These questions have prompted us to consider a more general setting. Let G C ]R2 be a smooth, bounded and simply connected domain in R2. Fix a (smooth) boundary condition 9 :aG -+ 81 and consider a minimizer Ue of problem (2) as above. Our purpose is to study the behavior ofUe as c -+ O. The Brouwer degree = (5) d deg(g,aG) (i.e., the winding number of9 considered as a map from 8G into 81) plays a crucial role in the asymptotic analysis ofUe• Case d =o. This case is easy because H:(G; 81) =f: 0and thus the mini mization problem (6) makessense. In fact, problem (6) has a uniquesolutionUo that is a smooth harmonic map from G into 81, i.e., Moreover (see e.g., Lemma 1 in F. Bethuel, H. Brezis and F. Helein 12]) where !Po is a harmonic function (unique mod 21rZ) such that ei'Po = 9 on aGo WehaveprovedinF. Bethuel, H. BrezisandF. Helein 12) (seealso Appendix I at the end of the book) that Ue -+ Uo in C1,Q(G) and in Cfoc(G) Vk; in particular, L (7) IVuel2 remains bounded as c -+ O. We have also obtained rates ofconvergence for lIue - UoII in various norms.

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