Gigantic enhancement of spin Seebeck effect by phonon drag Hiroto Adachi1,2,1,a) Ken-ichi Uchida3,1 Eiji Saitoh3,1,2,4,1 Jun-ichiro Ohe1,2,1 Saburo Takahashi3,2,1 and Sadamichi Maekawa1,21 1 Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai 319-1195, Japan 2 CREST, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Sanbancho, Tokyo 102-0075, Japan 3 Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8755, Japan 4 PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Sanbancho, Tokyo 102-0075, 1 Japan 1 (Dated: 1 February 2011) 0 2 We investigate both theoretically and experimentally a gigantic enhancement of the spin Seebeck effect in a n prototypicalmagnetLaY2Fe5O12 at low temperatures. Our theoreticalanalysissheds lightonthe important a role of phonons; the spin Seebeck effect is enormously enhanced by nonequilibrium phonons that drag the J low-lying spin excitations. We further argue that this scenario gives a clue to understand the observation 1 of the spin Seebeck effect that is unaccompanied by a global spin current, and predict that the substrate 3 condition affects the observed signal. ] l l Whenatemperaturegradientisappliedtoaferromag- in the absence of global spin current flowing through a h net, a force is induced acting on electrons’ spin to drive GaMnAs. Obviously, the scenario of magnon-mediated - spincurrents. ThisphenomenontermedthespinSeebeck SSE10,11 fails to explain the experiment, showing that s e effect (SSE)1–3 has recently drawntremendous attention the full understanding of SSE has not yet been reached. m as a new source of spin currents needed for future spin- For a deep understanding of the physics behind SSE, based electronics.4,5 SSE is now established as an uni- we here explore the low-temperature behavior of SSE in . at versal aspect of ferromagnetic materials as it has been an insulating magnet LaY2Fe5O12. Figure 1 shows a m observed in a variety of materials ranging from a metal- schematic illustration of our device structure.12 An in- lic ferromagnet1 Ni Fe and a semiconducting ferro- plane externalmagnetic field H and auniform tempera- - 81 19 d magnet2GaMnAstoaninsulatingmagnet3LaY Fe O . ture gradient∇T were applied along the z direction [see 2 5 12 n Besides its impact on the technological application, SSE FIG. 1 (a)]. The ∇T generates a spin voltageacross the o offers a number of new topics on the interplay of heat LaY Fe O /Ptinterface,andinjects(ejects)aspincur- c 2 5 12 and spin currents,6,7 and it triggered the emergence of rent I into (from) the Pt wire. In the Pt wire, a part of [ s the new field named “spin caloritronics”8 in the rapidly- the injected/ejected I is convertedinto a chargevoltage s 2 growing spintronics community. through the so-called inverse spin-Hall effect (ISHE):13 v A mystery concerning SSE was how conduction elec- 0 V =Θ (eI )(ρ/w), (1) 0 trons can sustain the spin voltage over so long range of ISHE H | | s 6 several millimeters in spite of the short conduction elec- where e,Θ ,ρandw arethe absolutevalueofelectron H 4 trons’ spin-flip diffusion length λsf, which is typically of | | . severaltensnanometers. Thisproblemhasrecentlybeen 0 resolvedbyaseriesofexperimentsonspincurrentsusing (a) LaY2Fe5O12 (b) 01 magnetic insulators. A recent experiment on the elec- Pt w V 0.5 H = 100 Oe 1 tric signal transmission through a magnetic insulator9 H Higher T K) iv: hofiglholcigahlitzsedthsepirnosl,ei.oef.,tmheaglonwon-lsy,inbgymdeamgnoentsitcraetxicnigtatthioant T+T∆ T(K) ∇T T(V/∆µ 0 X magnons transmit the spin current over a long distance V/ Lower T r of several millimeters. A subsequent experiment on SSE T -0.5 a foramagneticinsulator3LaY Fe O confirmedthatthe z (mm) 2 5 12 -4 0 4 0 100 200 300 magnon-based scenario can explain the SSE experiment T (K) at room temperature, since the length scale associated with magnons λ . However, a new issue on SSE was sf brought by a v≫ery recent experiment on a ferromagnetic FIG. 1. (Color online) Gigantic enhancement of SSE in semiconductor2GaMnAs,whereitwasdemonstrated,by LaY2Fe5O12 at low temperatures. (a) Schematic illustra- tionof theLaY Fe O /Ptsample andthetemperaturepro- cutting the magnetic coupling in GaMnAs while keep- 2 5 12 file along the z direction. Here H denotes an external ing the thermal contact, that SSE can be observed even magnetic field (with magnitude H). The sample comprises a LaY Fe O film with 8×4mm2 rectangular shape and 2 5 12 two separated Pt wires with the width w attached to the LaY Fe O surface at the interval of 5.6 mm. (b) T depen- 2 5 12 a)[email protected] denceof V/∆T at H =100Oe. 2 (a) N N N ) 1.8 1 2 3 K 4 Jsd Jex Jex Jsd 50 1.6 K)3 P ( 1.4 50 1 HE 1.2 κ(2 F1∆TT1 < TF22 < T3 F3 V/IS 0 .18 κ/(T)100 100 T [K] 200 300 ) T 0.6 (b) N1 P3 N2 P’3 N3 (HE 0.4 phonon drag + magnon S 0.2 magnon VI 0 P P 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 2 4 T [K] F1 F2 F3 (c) Ω Ω Is 0 0 Is(N3) z z z FIG.3. (Coloronline) Comparison ofexperimentalandthe- 1 2 3 z oretical SSE signal. Solid circles: experimental spin See- I(N ) Is(N1) s 2 beck data for LaY2Fe5O12 (Dotted line is a guide to the eye). The solid curve: calculated T-dependence of V ISHE duetothesum ofthephonon-draggedSSEand themagnon- FIG. 2. (Color online) Diagrammatic representation of the mediated SSE. The dashed curve: calculated T-dependence thermal spin injection process. (a) Magnon-mediated SSE. ofVISHE dueonlytothemagnon-mediatedSSE.Wehaveas- Here the system is composed of ferromagnet (F, in the ex- sumedT-independentΘH andα,andusedTD =565K23 and periment LaY2Fe5O12) and nonmagnetic metals (N, in the TM = 560K. The data are normalized by its value at 50 K experimentPt),whicharedividedintothreetemperaturedo- exceptthattheresultformagnon-mediatedSSEisplottedto mains of F /N , F /N , and F /N with their local temper- reproduce the room-temperature signal. Inset: experimental 1 1 2 2 3 3 atures of T1, T2, and T3. The thin solid lines with arrows thermalconductivityκforY3Fe5O12takenfromRef.23(solid (bold lines without arrows) are electron (magnon) propaga- circles) and theresult of thefit (solid curve)using Eq. (4). tors. Here, J (J ) is the strength of the s-d coupling at sd ex theF/N interface(theexchangecouplinginF). (b)Phonon- draggedSSEwherethedashedlinesarephononpropagators. ment of magnon lifetime is not conclusively excluded, The process P injects the spin current with the same mag- 4 judging from the ferromagnetic resonance linewidth in nitude as (but opposite sign to) the process P due to the relation T −T = −(T −T ), while no spin c2urrent is in- Y3Fe5O1215 asameasureofthe inversemagnonlifetime, 1 2 3 2 jected into N because of the cancellation between the two itdoesnotseemtobethecase. Therefore,weneedanew 2 relevant processes P3 and P3′. Here, Ω0 = pKph/Mion with mechanism to account for the observed low-T enhance- theionmassM andtheelasticconstantK inF. (c)Cal- ment of SSE. ion ph culated spatial dependence of the spin current injected into Here,thegiganticenhancementofSSEforLaY Fe O 2 5 12 Ni (i=1,2,3). below room temperature is analyzed in the light of phonon-drag mechanism.16–18 Back in 1946 in the con- text of thermoelectrics, Gurevich pointed out16 that the charge, spin-Hall angle, resistivity and width of the Pt thermopower can be generated by a stream of phonons wire, respectively. Therefore, the T-driven spin injec- driven by the temperature gradient, which then drag ∇ tion, or SSE, is electrically detectable. In FIG. 1 (b), electrons and cause their convection. This idea, known we show the temperature (T) dependence of V /∆T nowadays as phonon-drag mechanism, has been estab- ISHE at H = 100Oe, measured when the Pt wires are at- lished17,18 as a principal mechanism causing the low-T tached to the lower- and higher-temperature ends of the enhancement19 of the thermopower. Because SSE is a LaY Fe O layer, respectively. The sign of V/∆T is spin counterpart of the Seebeck effect, it is natural to 2 5 12 reversed between these Pt wires, a situation consistent expect that a similar physics underlies SSE. It is this with SSE-induced ISHE. Notable is that, at T = 50K, approachthat we adopt in the present work. the magnitude of V/∆T is dramatically enhanced. Our theoretical analysis starts from considering the A simple scenario of the magnon-mediated SSE10,11 model shown in FIG. 2 (a). The key point in our model [FIG. 2 (a)] is unable to explain the observed low-T is that the temperature gradient T is applied over the ∇ enhancement. If such a scenario could explain the ex- ferromagnet, but there is locally no temperature differ- periment, the low-T enhancement of V would come encebetweentheferromagnet(F)andtheattachednon- ISHE fromeithertheenhancementofthespin-HallangleΘ or magneticmetals(N). We assumethateachtemperature H thatofthemagnonlifetime;otherwiseI duetomagnon- domain is initially in local thermal equilibrium, then we s mediatedSSE is a monotonicincreasingfunction ofT as switchontheinteractionsamongthedomainsandcalcu- discussedbelow. FromtheT-dependenceofthespin-Hall late the nonequilibrium dynamics of spin density in N. conductivity,14weconcludethatthereisnoenhancement ThecentralquantitythatcharacterizesSSEisthespin of Θ at low T. While the possibility of the enhance- current I injected into N (in experiment Pt), since it H s 3 block spin current nonmagnetic where v is the phonon velocity, and C (T) = ph ph substrate 9N k (T/T )3 TD/T dw w3 is the phonon spe- N1 N2 N3 D B D 0 4sinh2(w/2) cific heat with thRe number of phonon modes N . After D getting the information on τ (T), we calculate the T- ph dependence of V resulting from the phonon-dragged ISHE F1 F2 F3 SSE. The result, plotted in FIG. 3 (the solid curve), showsanexcellentdescriptionofthelow-T enhancement of SSE.25 Our analysis demonstrates that the phonon- T < T < T drag mechanism is of crucial importance to understand 1 2 3 SSE below the room temperature. Finally,weshowinFIG.4ourinterpretationontheob- FIG. 4. (Color online) Schematic illustration of SSE unac- servationof SSE that is unaccompanied by a globalspin companied by a global spin current. The phonon-drag pro- current,2 where the heat is carried by phonons through cess which explains the experiment2 is shown. The meaning the nonmagnetic substrate while the spin is injected lo- of each line (propagator) is thesame as in FIG. 2. cally at the F/N interface. This interpretation is rein- forcedwhenwerecallthatthemagnitudeofthespinSee- beck signal is enhanced with decreasing T even well be- is proportional to the experimentally-detectable electric low the Curie temperature, whose tendency is consistent voltage via ISHE [Eq. (1)]. Following Ref. 11, the spin with the phonon-drag mechanism as is seen in FIG. 3. current Imag(N ) injected into N due to the magnon- Furthermore, the fact that the experiment was done be- s 1 1 mediated SSE10,11 is calculated as lowtheroomtemperaturesupportsthethephonon-drag- based scenario, since the phonon-drag process becomes Imag(N )/∆T = P TM/T ds(T/TM)s2, (2) more effective at low T as emphasized in the previous s 1 (cid:18)α(cid:19)Z 4sinh2(s) paragraph. All these considerations strongly support 0 2 thattheSSEexperimentforGaMnAscanbeinterpreted where α is the Gilbert damping constant, T is the in terms of the phonon-drag mechanism, and results in M characteristictemperature correspondingto the magnon a prediction that the substrate condition affects the ob- high-energy cutoff, and P is a nearly-temperature- served signal. Our demonstration opens a new route to independent coefficient.20 Equation (2) means that the controlspincurrentsbymeansofphononsandstimulates magnon-mediated SSE cannot explain the low-T en- further progresses in spin caloritronics. hancement of the signal (the dashed curve in FIG. 3). This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scien- Now we proceed to a detailed analysis of the T- tific Research in Priority Area ’Creation and control of dependence of SSE in terms of the phonon-drag mech- spin current’ (19048009, 19048028), a Grant-in-Aid for anism. The Feynman diagram for the phonon-drag pro- Scientific Research A (21244058), the Global COE for cessinthepresentsituationisshowninFIG.2(b),where the ’Materials Integration International Centre of Edu- the phonons feel the temperature difference between F cationandResearch’,aGrant-in-AidforYoungScientists 1 and F , and drag magnons through the magnon-phonon (No. 22740210) all from MEXT, Japan, a Grant for In- 2 interaction. 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Here, C< (t,t′) = i a+(t′)s−(t) measures NewYork,1982). thecorrelationbetwke,qenthemag−nohnqoperaktoria+ andthe 19H.P.R.Frederikse,Phys.Rev.92,248(1953); C.Herring,ibid. q 96, 1163 (1954); T. H. Geballe and G. W. Hull, ibid. 94, 1134 spin-density operator s−k = (sxk −isyk)/2. Note that the (1954). time dependence of I (N ,t) vanishes in the steady state s i 20P = (kBτsf/8π5~3) × L with L = 0.1 × and it is hereafter discarded. Introducing the frequency Nint(Js2dS0)χN(a/λsf)3(aS/Λ), where Nint and Jsd are the representation C< (t t′) = ∞ dωC< (ω)e−iω(t−t′) number of localized spins and the strength of the s-d exchange k,q − −∞ 2π q,k coupling at the N1-F1 interface; χN, τsf, and λsf are the and adopting the representationR [S2] Cˇ = CR,CK as paramagnetic susceptibility, the spin relaxation time, and the (cid:16)0 ,CA(cid:17) spin diffusion length in N1; Λ and aS are the dimension and well as using the relation C< = 21[CK −CR +CA], we latticeconstantoftheeffective blockspinofF1. obtain 21N.W.AshcroftandN.D.Mermin,SolidStatePhysics(Saunders College,Philadelphia,1976). 2 k−q√S ∞ dω 22Pm′ag=non0-.p5h×ongeo2nkcBoTuDplLin/g(πc2oMnsitoannvtp2hge~a3n)dwtihtehiothnemdaismseMnsiioonn.less Is(N1)=Xq,k −√2JNsdFNN~0 Z−∞ 2πReCkK,q(ω) (S2) 23G.A.SlackandD.W.Oliver,Phys.Rev.B4,592(1971). 24For the T-dependence of τph, we introduce a model for the spin current Is(N1) in the steady state. τtwhpiheth(fiTrfi)s/ttτtppeharr(maTmr=eetper0re)sse=(nat0[s1,tb+h0e,ca1l00o)we−=-Tb0((e2TnDh×/aTn1)c0]e−−m41,e[1n0.t+55(r,ce100f..(0T211)/,)TDwτph)h]e−r∼1e iδsXˇgWqe(nhωee)rn,atwllhyeeieinxntptreroredfsauscecedecaaosrrerneloartmioanliCzˇedapmpaeganrionngpinroEpqa.g(aSt2o)r eb0TD/T originating from the steep suppression of the umklapp 25TsNcoabtteethetrahivnaitgotraht(erToerfe.∼t2ibc10a)TllτDyph,thw∼ehs1iil/geTntah.ledsueecotnodthteerpmhocnaopntu-drerasgtgheedhSigShE- Cˇk,q(ω)= √JsNkd−qN√S~0χˇk(ω)δXˇq(ω), (S3) N F hasaclose-to-linearspatialdependence [seeFIG.2(c)]asisob- s(ber)v.eIdninadedxipteiorinm,etnhtes,ltehnegtrheasscoanleofawsshoiccihatisedobwviiothustfhreomphFoInGo.n2- where χˇk(ω)= χRk0(,ω),χχKkA((ωω)) is the spin-density propa- (cid:16) k (cid:17) dragged SSE is set by that related to the energy conservation, gator satisfying the local equilibrium condition: suchthatitcanbeaslongasseveralmillimeters. χA(ω)=[χR(ω)]∗; χK(ω)=2iImχR(ω)coth( ~ω ). k k k k 2kBT (S4) Here the retarded component of χˇ (ω) is given by k χR(ω)=χ /(1+λ2k2 iωτ ) [S3] where χ , λ , and k N sf − sf N sf τ arethe paramagneticsusceptibility, thespindiffusion sf SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL length, and spin relaxation time. We now consider the phonon-dragged SSE [the pro- cess P shown in FIG. 2 (b)]. The renormalizedmagnon 2 1. Experimental details propagator δXˇ (ω) in the present case is given by q δXˇ (ω)=Xˇ (ω)Σˇ (ω)Xˇ (ω), (S5) The single-crystal LaY Fe O (111) film with the q q q q 2 5 12 sthuibcsktnraestse obfy3li.q9uµimd pwhaassegreopwitnaxoyn. aThGed135G-na5mO-t1h2ic(k11P1t) whereXˇq(ω)= XqR0(,ω),XXqKA((ωω)) isthebaremagnonprop- (cid:16) q (cid:17) wires were then sputtered in an Ar atmosphere. The agator satisfying the equilibrium condition: length and width of each Pt wire are 4 mm and 0.1 mm, respectively. The temperatures of the lower- andhigher- XqA(ω)=[XqR(ω)]∗; XqK(ω)=2iImXqR(ω)coth(2k~BωT). temperature ends of the sample were respectively stabi- (S6) lized to T and T +∆T, where T was controlled in the Here, the retarded component is given by XqR(ω) = range of 300-50 K by means of a closed-cycle helium re- (ω ω +iαω)−1, where ω = γH +ω is the magnon q q 0 q − frigerator. frequency for uniform mode γH and exchange mode 0 e e 5 ω = D q2/~. In Eq. (S5), the selfenergy Σˇ due to the bare phonon propagator satisfying the equilibrium q ex phonons is given by condition: i Γ 2 DA(ν)=[DR(ν)]∗; DK(ν)=2iImDR(ν)coth( ~ν ), Σˇq(ω)= 2NF XK (cid:18) K~,q(cid:19) ZνnδDR(ν)Xˇq−(ω−)τˇ1 wiKth its retaKrded componKent and the pKhonon life(tS2i1km1Be)T +δDA(ν)τˇ1Xˇq−(ω−)+δDK(ν)Xˇq−(ω−) , (S7) givenbyDKR(ν)=(ν−νK+i/τph)−1−(ν+νK+i/τph)−1 o and τ . ph where ΓK,q = gωqq2M~iνonKvp2h is the magnon-phonon in- anNdouwsesuEbqs.ti(tSu2ti)n,gththeesspeinexcpurrersesniotnisnijnetcoteedquinattoioNn1(Sb5y) teractionvertexewithνK,vph andMionbeingthephonon the phonon-drag process is calculated as frequency, phonon velocity and the ion mass, τˇ is the Pauli matrix in the Keldysh space, and we have intro- Idrag(N )= R dν ν4 Γ 2A (ν) danudcedt=he s∞hortdhνa.nIdnnEoqta.t(iSo7n)s,ωth−e=fuωll−phνo,nqo−n=prqop−agKa-, s 1 NNNF kX,q,KZ K K(cid:0) K,q(cid:1) k,q tor δRDνK [Rt−he∞w2hπole of the phonon lines for P2 in FIG. 2 × coth(2~kνBKT2)−coth(2~kνBKT1) , (S12) (b)] isbwritten as [S4] where R = √2(cid:2)(Js2dS0)Ω20Nint(aS/Λ)τph/(4(cid:3)π3~4νD6) with ν =v /a , and D ph S δD (ν)=δDl-eq(ν)+δDn-eq(ν). (S8) K K K Here, δDl-eqb(ω) = bδDl-eq,R(ν),bδDl-eq,K(ν) is the Ak,q(ν)=ZωImχRk(ω)ImXqR−(ω−)|XqR(ω)|2 local-equilibrium propa(cid:16)gator0, satiδsDfyli-enqg,A(νt)h(cid:17)e local- [coth( ~ω− ) coth( ~ω )]. (S13) b × 2kBT1 − 2kBT1 equilibrium conditions δDl-eq,A(ν) = [δDl-eq,R(ν)]∗ and K K By setting T = T , ∆T = T T , Ω = ν and after δDl-eq,K(ν) = [δDl-eq,R(ν) δDl-eq,A(ν)]coth( ~ν ) 2 1 − 2 0 D K K − K 2kBT some algebra, we obtain Eq. (3) in the main text. with its retarded component given by δDKl-eq,R(ν)= N (ΩΛ20/a ) DKR(ν) 2DKR′(ν), (S9) References F S XK′ (cid:2) (cid:3) S1: H. Adachi, J. Ohe, S. Takahashi, and S. Maekawa, while δDn-eq = (0,δDn-eq,K) is the nonequilibrium prop- Phys. Rev. B (in press); arXiv:1010.2325. 0, 0 agator with its Keldysh component given by b S2: A. I. Larkin and Yu. N. Ovchinnikov, Zh. Eksp. Ω2 Teor. Fiz. 68, 1915 (1975) [Sov. Phys. JETP 41, δDKn-eq,K(ν)= N (Λ0/a ) [DKR′(ν)−DKA′(ν)]|DKR(ν)|2 960 (1975)]. 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