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Preview Gibbs/equilibrium measures for functions of multidimensional shifts with countable alphabets

GIBBS/EQUILIBRIUM MEASURES FOR FUNCTIONS OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL SHIFTS WITH COUNTABLE ALPHABETS. Stephen R. Muir Dissertation Prepared for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS May 2011 APPROVED: Mariusz Urban´ski, Major Professor Robert Kallman, Committee Member John Quintanilla, Committee Member and James Meernik, Acting Dean of the Graduate School CONTENTS Acknowledgments v CHAPTER 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Math or Science? 1 1.2. Roadmap to this paper. 2 1.3. Relation to the Extant Literature. 5 CHAPTER 2. Conceptual Introduction to Lattice Models. 9 2.1. Entropy of A Finite Dimensional Probability Vector. 9 2.2. Elementary Gibbs Ensembles and Variational Principle. 13 2.2.1. Review of Lagrange Multipliers. 13 2.2.2. Free Energy Characterization of the Gibbs State on an Abstract Finite Configuration Space. 14 2.2.3. Maximum Entropy Question 16 2.3. Configuration Space and Interaction 17 2.4. Examples of Interactions. 19 2.5. Probability Measures i.e. States of the Configuration Space and their Entropy. 21 2.6. Hamiltonians and Gibbs States for an Interaction - The DLR Equations. 29 2.7. Relationship to Elementary Gibbs Ensembles. 30 2.8. Local Energy Formulation of Gibbs States 31 2.9. Physical Meaning of Equilibrium States, Characterization Theorems 33 2.10. Normalized versus Unnormalized Counting Measures 35 CHAPTER 3. The Space NZd 38 ii 3.1. The Topology of NZd; The Shift Action T 38 3.2. “Factoring” Finite Box Shaped Configurations 41 3.3. Relevant Spaces of Real Valued Functions on NZd 42 CHAPTER 4. The (Gibbs) Variational Principle 49 4.1. Defining the Shift Pressure. 49 4.2. Half the Variational Principle: Pressure is an Upper Bound on Negative Gibbs Free Energy. 55 4.3. Completing the Variational Principle: The Pressure is the Least Upper Bound on Negative Free Energy. 57 4.4. Variational Principle and Corollaries 60 CHAPTER 5. Gibbs States 63 5.1. Coordinate-wise Permutation within Λ and the associated Infinite Volume n Energy Loss. 63 5.2. Definition and DLR Characterization of Gibbs States. 67 5.3. The Precision with Which a Gibbs Measure of a Cylinder May be Approximated by Partition Functions. Translation Invariant Gibbs States are Equilibrium States. 75 5.4. Tight Sets of Measures, Existence of Gibbs States for exp-summable, regular functions f. 79 5.5. Equilibrium States ⊇ Translation Invariant Gibbs States of Finite Entropy. 85 5.6. Equilibrium States ⊆ Translation Invariant Gibbs States. 88 CHAPTER 6. Constructive Equilibrium States 90 6.1. Definition and Tightness 91 6.2. Constructive Equilibrium States are Translation Invariant Gibbs States 97 6.3. Equilibrium States are Contained in the Closed Convex Hull of Constructive Equilibrium States 107 iii 6.4. Extreme Equilibrium States. 113 CHAPTER 7. Conversion into Georgii’s setting for d-regular, exp-summable local energy: normalizing and constructing a compatible interaction 117 APPENDIX A. 134 A.1. TopologiesforDualSpacesofNormedLinearSpaces, CovergenceofFunctionals, Weak Convergence of Measures. 134 A.2. Alternate or More Elementary Proofs of Selected Facts. 135 A.3. Further Examples 144 BIBLIOGRAPHY 148 iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper is dedicated to all who take the time to read it. With sincere thanks to my PhD advisor Mariusz Urban´ski, who introduced me to this project and provided unwavering support during its course; to Robert Kallman and John Quintanilla, who served on my committee; to Gerhard Keller and Hans-Otto Georgii, whose books were a source of inspiration and whose responses to my early drafts led to significant corrections and improvements; to all my teachers at UNT and Whitman, who set the foun- dation on which this thesis was built; and to Mom, Dad, Eric, Mark, and Lauren, who need no explanation. v CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Math or Science? The Ising model is the simplest and most famous example of a classical lattice model. It makes sense in one, two, or three dimensions as a model of discrete pieces of matter arranged on the integer lattice Zd, d = 1,2, or 3; the individual components of which may assume one of two possible orientations. (E.g. tiny magnets, dipoles, which can only be oriented “up” or ”down”; or two distinct metallic elements arranged in an alloy; or cells of empty space which can be either “occupied” or “unoccupied” by a particle of gas.) In the Ising model adjacent components of matter “interact” in the sense that there is a decrease in energy of one unit (system becomes thermodynamically more stable) when two adjacent sites have the same orientation, and an increase in energy of one unit (system becomes less stable) when two adjacent sites have opposing orientations. It is intuitively clear that on any finite sub- lattice the two energetically most favorable configurations are the unanimously down and the unanimously up, respectively. With the probability measure that gives a weight of 1 to each 2 of these two unanimous configurations, the expected value of the orientation at each lattice site is 0 and the correlation between the orientations at adjacent sites is 1. This is the ground state. On the other hand, entropy attains a maximum on uniformly distributed measures. Although the uniform distribution also gives expected orientation 0 to each individual lattice site, it differs from the energetically most favorable state(ground state) in the correlation between orientations at adjacent sites, which is 0 under the uniform distribution and 1 under the ground state. The question arises: is there some intermediate probability measure which minimizes the Gibbs free energy, i.e. the quantity (taking temperature to be 1) “expected 1 value of local energy- specific entropy”? This question points to the competition between entropy and energy in determining the characteristics of thermodynamic equilibrium. In this paper there are no in depth studies of specific models. Rather, we abstract the model so much as to make it a purely mathematical project: the lattice has an unspecified dimension, the individual sites may assume an infinite number of orientations (which we make no attempt to describe), and the interaction/local energy is an arbitrary continuous function (of infinite range) subject only to the weakest normalization (exp-summability) and modulus of continuity (regularity) criteria we could get away with. Such abstraction may seem excessive from a physical point of view, but tracking the technical mathematical requirements in a physical model is one way a mathematician may attempt to collaborate with the physics community. So, although interpretations in statistical mechanics will be alluded to, this is truly a math paper - we aim to clarify the mathematical framework in which the physical theory can take place. 1.2. Roadmap to this paper. Section 2 begins by introducing the basic notion of entropy of a finite probability vector and its connection with the classical “Gibbs ensemble”. The characterization of the Gibbs ensemble as the measure of maximal negative free energy (i.e. the equilibrium measure), proved by Lagrange multipliers in chapter 2.2.2, is the basic idea motivating the rest of the paper. The remainder of Section 2 is devoted to a mostly non-rigorous exposition of some mathematical ideas (and their broad physical interpretations) that can be used to extend the idea of Gibbs and equilibrium measures to an “infinite volume” lattice model, i.e. a product of an “individual state space” (or simply “alphabet”) over an infinite integer lattice. Essentially this exposition summarizes the heuristics of three bibles ([12], [15], [4]) of thermodynamic formalism for lattice models. The idea for our original theorems is to reproduce the same ideas in the configuration space NZd. Section 1.3 below explains just how this extends the theory beyond what is 2 proved in the “bibles” just referenced. Section 3 introduces the basic machinery with which our NZd theorems will be stated and proved, including the idea of cylinder sets and shift map (Section 3.1), my original approach to adapt the “subadditivity” concept on the sequence of origin centered cubes in Zd (Section 3.2), and some fundamental estimates for relevant classes of functions (Section 3.3). The first real goal (Section 4) is to describe a class of functions which can be thought of as physically meaningful specific negative internal energies (we’ll call them local energies for short, following [6]) in the sense that for such f the set of all expected specific negative free energies (at temperature 1) (cid:90) fdµ+h(µ,T), where µ is a translation invariant Borel probability measure on NZd having (cid:82) fdµ > −∞, is bounded above. The sufficient conditions we present are exp-summability (Definition 4.3), uniform contiunity, and finite oscillation (Definition 3.1). We’ll see that for such f the well established “topological pressure” formula (Theorems 4.4, 4.13) for the supremum of expected negative specific free energies carries over from the compact cases (where it is well known to hold for all continuous functions) in essentially the same form. However, as Example 2.11 shows, these conditions (exp-summability, uniform continuity, and finite oscillation) do not suffice to guarantee the existence of an equilibrium state for f, i.e. a translation invariant probability measure which gives expected negative specific free energy equal to the supremum. The question of existence of equilibrium states can be answered by considering Gibbs measures, i.e. measures which are roughly exponentially distributed by local energy. In an uncountably infinite configuration space the distribution of measure cannot be expressed so simply as in the finite cardinality setting of Section 2.2.2. There are two typical approaches to expressing a “Gibbsian” distribution of measure on countably infinite products such as our NZd. One is via conditional measures - the DLR equations (named for Dobrushin, Lanford and Ruelle). A slight complication arises because the DLR equations 3 are traditionally written in terms of interactions, whereas we want to present our therorems strictly in terms of the local energy function. The classical “interaction” statement of the DLR equations is Equation 1. Our local energy version of this (adapted from [6]) is Equation 4 in the statement of Theorem 5.9. The proof of the equivalence of the two formulations under suitable conditions is addressed in Propositions 7.3 and 7.4. The second common approach to describing an “infinite volume” Gibbs measure is to use weak limits of countable Gibbs ensembles supported on finer and finer meshes of con- figurations. We call these constructive equilibrium states (Definition 6.2); they are also commonly called limiting Gibbs states. These will turn out to be significant in the sense that all ergodic (w.r.t. the shift action) equilibrium measures must be constructive equilib- rium measures (Theorem 6.14). By some general ergodic theory (see [16], e.g.) the ergodic equilibrium states are exactly the extreme points of the convex set of all equilibrium states; in physical models they correspond to to pure thermodynamic phases, i.e. states without a phase transition. OneofthecontributionsofthispaperistointroduceathirdapproachtodescribingGibbs measures, and in fact we take this third one as our definition (Definition 5.7). It proscribes how the measure must transfer under local permutations of the configuration space. This idea is modeled after [6] and [3], but has never before been adapted to a noncompact space. Section 5.1 contains basic estimates showing the definition is well posed for regular, exp- summable functions. The definition has the advantage of admitting an easy proof of the existence of Gibbs measures (Theorem 5.14) by invoking Prohorov’s theorem that tight sets of probability measures are conditionally compact in the weak topology. Actually the situation is slightly more complicated - first we must show via Theorem 5.9 that Estimates 11 hold, then we can demonstrate the tightness of the sets of measures relevant for existence of Gibbs states, see Lemma 5.15 and Observations 5.16, 5.17. The major remaing aim is to show that for regular, exp-summable local energy functions thethreeapproachestoGibbsmeasuresareequivalentanddescribethefullsetofequilibrium 4 measures. The first step is to show that Definition 5.7 of a Gibbs measure is equivalent to the local energy version of the DLR equations (Theorem 5.9). Next the containment that shift invariant Gibbs measures of finite entropy are necessarily equilibrium measures (Theorem 5.18) follows via what will be a staple estimate on the Gibbs measure of a cylinder set, Equation 11. At this time we also describe another simple condition 12 on the local energy that guarantees all its Gibbs measures to have finite entropy and thus prevents pathological cases such as Example 2.11. The opposite inclusion, that equilibrium states are necessarily Gibbs states, uses con- structive equilibrium states as an intermediate step. Specifically, it is proved (Theorems 6.10, 6.11, via a long series of lemmas) that all constructive equilibria are necessarily Gibbs measures in the sense of Definition 5.7, and shift invariant. Then it is proved (Theorem 6.12) that all equilibrium states are in the weak closed convex hull of the constructive equilibrium states. Because the set of Gibbs states is known to be weak closed and convex set (Observa- tion 5.8), it follows that all equilibrium states are necessarily Gibbs states. For the sake of completeness we include a short and direct proof (Theorem 5.21) adapted from Georgii [4], attributed to C. Preston, that every equilibrium state is necessarily a Gibbs state. This summarizes the original content of the paper, besides a few little facts relating to the conversion between interaction and local energy formulations. Namely, in Section 7 I believethecalculationsrelatingthelocalenergyformoftheDLRequationstothetraditional interaction form and the partial results describing the set of all local energies arising from absolutely summable interactions in terms of regularity have never been published. (Based on some referee reports they may exist as “folklore” in very select circles.) 1.3. Relation to the Extant Literature. The theory of Gibbs and Equilibrium states in the setting of the thermodynamic formalism has been well developed since the 1960’s. Standard references for thermodynamic formal- ism of lattice models include Ruelle’s [12] and it’s more physically oriented precursor [11]; 5

Half the Variational Principle: Pressure is an Upper Bound on Negative Gibbs The question arises: is there some intermediate probability measure which be answered by considering Gibbs measures, i.e. measures which are . be well known to students of ergodic theory or statistical physics. 2.1.
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