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Giar: Guidelines for Green Feasibility Study Grant PDF

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Mi ^m. ^^ m GreenIndustrialAnalysesandRetrofits (GIAR) \\ci Ct Guidelines for Green Feasibiuty Study Grant Introduction 2. The Ministryreserves the right to determine Green IndustrialAnalysesand Retrofits (GIAR) which ofthegreen opportunities identified in isathree-year initiativeunder the jobsOntorio aGreenAnalysis areeligiblefor a Feasibility program. Ithe^Ontariocompanies to: Study Grant To qualify, green opportunities *!* useenergyandwatermoreefificiently, must requireexpert technicaland economic analyses beyondwhatan equipmentsupplier *!^ reduce,reuseand recyclesolidwaste, and or theapplicant's own staffcould usually *!* reduceordiminateliquideffluentsand provide. Common measuressuch as tempera- gaseousemissions. turecontrols, timers, insulation, infrared GIARplaysan importantrolein AeOntario heaters«c. arenoteligible. government'sGreen IndustryStrategybecausethe Electricaland cogeneration efficiencymeas- resultingretrofitsstimulatedemand for the goods uresandequipmenttestingare ineligible for and servicesproduced bytheprovince'sgrowing feasibility study. green industrysector Theimprovementsencour- 3. Aplant must be in compliancewith all aged byGIARalsohelpparticipatingcompaniesto existingenvironmental regulationsatthetime reducecostsandbecomemorecompetitive, ofapplication for afeasibilitystudy which helpstocreatenewjobsand preserve existingones. Andbyencouragingmeasures to 4. Thecompany must bewilling toallowpublic dissemination ofthe findings andNor improve- save energyandwaterandreducewaste, GIAR is helpingtobringaboutacleaner,greener, more ments madeat theplant. Thiswill likelytake the form ofacase studyabout two to four sustainableOntario. pages long. Thecompanywillhavethe ThisguidelineexplainstfieFeasibilityStudies portion oftheGIAR initiativeandsetsouteligibil- opportunityto reviewthecontent before publishing. All proprietary information uill ity requirements. bekeptconfidential. What is a Green Feasibility Study? 5. Consultingengineeringcompaniesareeligible Thepurposeofthe Green FeasibilityStudycompo- to conduct the feasibilitystudy. Consulting nentofGIARis topermitftirtherinvestigation of firms that are linked to a firm which manu- someoftheresourceconservation andwaste facaires orsupplies or leases anyproducts that couldbe used in the implementation of reduction of^rtunities previously identifiedbya thegreenopportunitiesare ineligible. Green Analysis. Through theFeasibilityStudy, detailed technicalandbudget-gradefinancial Funding Level informationaboutthese opportunitieswill be developed toprovideabasisforacompany The Minisu^' pays 50percent ofthe fixed-price decision onwhether toproceedtoimplementa- costs as quoted bythe consultantand approved by tion. the Ministryandapplicant The applicantpays the remainingcosts. More than onefeasibilitystudyof Eligibility Criteria theplantsite maybe conducted, with themaxi- mum 1. Plantsareeligible forFeasibilityStudies if allowable Ministry contribution per site theyhavehadaGreen Analysisconducted by being $100,000. the Ministryunder theGIAR. Itis reasonable to expect thatthe total cost to both parties ofstudyingan improvementmeasure Step 2: The Legal Grant Agreement and would notexceed theestimatedyearlycost Payment Terms savingswhich could be realized through imple- Once theapplication isapproved, the Minisuywill mentation ofthatmeasure. drawup a legal grant agreementwiththeappli- Somemeasures, such asthoseinvolvingair cant Theapplicantis responsible forcontract emission reductions,willnotyieldquantifiable arrangementswiththeconsultingengineering yearlycost savings upon implementation. In these companyorcompanieshired to do thefeasibility cases, thetotal allowablecostofthefeasibility studyor studies. Anyworkdone bythe studywould notexceed 30per cent ofthe esti- consultant(s) beforealegalgrantagreementis matedcapital costsofimplementingthemeasure. issued to the applicant by theMinisu^'will not be Note that theseestimates ofyearlycost savings eligible foragrant. or capitalcosts for implemented measures are Ministrypaymentofthe Green FeasibilityStudy identified in the Green Analysis. Grantto theapplicantwill bemadeaccordingto theworkmilestones identified in the legal grant A Three-Stq) Process agreement. Halfthe cost is usuallypaid upon Step 1: The Application Process and receiptand acceptance byboth partiesofthedraft Consultant's Proposal report, and receipt by the Ministryofthe consult- The applicant should invite oneormoreconsult- ant's paid invoice. Similarconditions pertain to ingengineeringcompanies to tenderfixed-price payment ofthe lasthalf. costproposalsfor theevaluation ofeach ofthe green oppormnities ormeasures contained in a Step 3: Consultant's Work and Report Green Analysis. Theapplicantshould select Theconsultant'sworkwill be specified in a grant consultants for their expertisein each ofthe agreement. The consultantshould issue the draft identified opportunities. Theselected proposal final reportsimultaneouslyto theapplicant and theconsultant'squalificationsmustbe companyand the Ministry forcommentata submitted to the Ministryalongwith application mutuallyarranged meetingtime. Thefinal report form No. 0323 for a feasibiltysoidygrant. must be issuedwithin thetimespecified bythe legalgrantagreement. APPLICATIONS ARE ACCEPTED TO JULY 1, 1996. Theconsultant's final reportto theapplicant Theapplicantcompanyshouldensure thatthe company must include : consultant'sproposal includesameetingbetween # Astand-alone ExecutiveSummaryofthe the Ministry, applicant and consultant to provide findingsand recommendations, and any comments on thedraftfinal report. The applicant issues still needing resolution for theproject company may also wish to consider having the to proceed to implementation. reportpresented to itsseniormanagement, and ^ The foUowing information must also be this has to becosted in thescopeofwork. Finally, present in the reponforeachgreen oppor- the FeasibilityStudy report mustmeet the Minis- tunity approved by the Ministryfor study: try's requirements listed in Step 3, and these should be included in theconsultant'sproposal • nameanddetaileddescription ofthegreen and costs. opportunitycontained in the Green The Ministryreserves the right to reject Analysis report consultants' proposals in which thescope of • detailed description oftheproposed workand tasks areinadequatelydetailed. installations andchanges (Guidelines on suggestedproposal content are • preliminary drawings availableft-om the Ministryupon request). Ontario e PIBS3065E Pnntedonrecycledpaper • preliminary^)ecificationsofall major ENQLIRIES AND APPUCATIONS equipment Direct Program Enquiries to: 3f^Ke • detailed budget-gradeestimateofthetotal Tel: (416) 327-1446 or Grebv/ndvsjwSmaiGY Installedcost, includingequipment Tel: (416) 327-1441 or SmatGiEEco-mmnoEUE Fax:(416)327-1261 suppliers' quotes • verification ofthegreen savings identified REQUEST APPLICATIONS FROM in theGreen Analysis report : Tel: (416) 327-1453 or • calculation ofbenefits otherthan green Tel: (416) 327-1455 savings Outside theToronto area, call toll fi-ee • return on investmentcalculations, taking 1-800-363-7491. intoconsideration all thesavings from the green opportunity MAIL APPUCATION TO : The Ministryassumesno liabilityfor any ofthe Manager, GIAR suggestionsorconsequencesarisingfrom the Ontario MinistryofEnvironment and Energy Green FeasibilitySoidy. Theapplicant company's 56WellesleySt. West, 14th Floor responsibilities under federal, provincial, or Toronto, Ontario municipallaws, eitherexistingorcoming into M7A2B7 effectafterthestudy, are in nowaydiminished or * varied. APPUCATIONS AREACCEPTED UPTO JUiy 1,1996. Freedom ofInformation All information contained in theapplication and the ensuingGreen FeasibilityStudyis provided by theownerinconfidence,subjectto the Freedom ofInformation Act, to the Ministry's guideline on access toself-initiated,voluntaryenvironmental evaluations,andto theconductcodeforprofes- sional engineers. Ontario © PIBS3065E Pnntedonrecycledpaper

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