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Preview Giant magnetoresistance and anomalous transport in phosphorene-based multilayers with noncollinear magnetization

Giant magnetoresistance and anomalous transport in phosphorene-based multilayers with noncollinear magnetization Moslem Zare,1 Leyla Majidi,2 and Reza Asgari1,2 1School of Physics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran 19395-5531, Iran 2School of Nano Science, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran 19395-5531, Iran (Dated: March 28, 2017) We theoretically investigate the unusual features of the magnetotransport in a monolayer phos- phorene ferromagnetic/normal/ferromagnetic (F/N/F) hybrid structure. We find that the charge 7 conductancecanfeatureaminimumatparallel(P)configurationandamaximumneartheantipar- 1 allel (AP) configuration of magnetization in the F/N/F structure with n-doped F and p-doped N 0 regions and also a finite conductance in the AP configuration with the N region of n-type doping. 2 Inparticular,theproposedstructureexhibitsgiantmagnetoresistance,whichcanbetunedtounity. This perfect switching is found to show strong robustness with respect to increasing the contact r a length and tuning the chemical potential of the N region with a gate voltage. We also explore the M oscillatory behavior of the charge conductance or magnetoresistance in terms of the size of the N region. We further demonstrate the penetration of the spin-transfer torque into the right F region 5 and show that, unlike graphene structure, the spin-transfer torque is very sensitive to the chemical 2 potential of the N region as well as the exchange field of the F region. ] PACSnumbers: 73.63.-b,75.70.Cn,85.75.-d,73.43.Qt l l a h I. INTRODUCTION Berger were the first to theorize about the existence of - this phenomenon [25, 26]. It is found to be important s e in all known magnetic materials and present in a variety Recently, a new type of material consisting of a black m of material structures and device geometries composed phosphorus monolayer (phosphorene) has emerged as a t. viablecandidateinthefieldoftwo-dimensional(2D)ma- of magnetic-nonmagnetic multilayers such as magnetic a tunneljunctions,spinvalves,pointcontacts,nanopillars, terials [1–3]. Unlike graphene which has a planar struc- m and nanowires [27]. The spin current flowing into the ture, phosphorene forms a puckered honeycomb struc- - ture, owing to an sp3 hybridization with a high in- magnetic region exerts a torque on the magnetization, if d the current polarization direction is non-collinear to the plane structure anisotropy which has been affected in n local magnetization in the magnetic material. This spin- o the optical and transport properties of phosphorene [4– transfer torque effect can cause magnetization switching c 9]. Charge-carrier mobilities are very high at room tem- [ perature ∼ 103 cm2 V−1 S−1 [1] and they exhibit a for sufficiently large currents without the need for an strongly anisotropic behavior in phosphorene-based field external field. The switching aspect provides a unique 2 v effect transistor with a high on/off ratio of 104 [2]. The opportunity to create fast-switching spin-transfer torque magnetic random access memories (STT-MRAM) [28], 7 band structure of few-layer black phosphorus has a di- 8 rect gap, spanning a wide range in the visible spectrum withtheadvantageoflowpowerconsumptionandbetter 8 from 0.8 to 2 eV [10–14]. The edge magnetism has been scalabilityoverconventionalMRAMswhichusemagnetic 3 fields to flip the magnetization. The spin-torque oscilla- exploredindifferentedgecuttingdirections[15–19]. The 0 tor is another prominent example that serves as a field introduction of 3d transition-metal atoms induces mag- . 1 netism,wherethemagnitudeofthemagneticmomentde- generator for microwave-assisted recording of hard-disk 0 drives [29]. Also, the spin-transfer torque leads to the pendsonthemetalspeciesandtheresultcanbetunedby 7 spin-torquediodeeffectinmagnetictunneljunctions[30]. the applied strain [20–22]. Also, it is found that a spin- 1 Therefore, this new discovery in condensed matter and polarized state appears in monolayer black phosphorus : v by nonmagnetic impurity doping [23]. These properties material physics has expanded the means available to i manipulatethemagnetizationofmagneticmaterialsand X make phosphorene a quite interesting 2D material for as a result has accelerated technological development next-generation electronic and spintronic devices based r of high-performance and high density magnetic storage a on the spin degree of freedom, which are almost dissipa- devices [24, 27, 31–33]. Another important quantity tionless unlike those based on the charge degree of free- in this field is the tunneling magnetoresistance which dom [24]. occurs at ferromagnetic/normal/ferromagnetic (F/N/F) The conservation of angular momenta between itin- hybrid structures. The resistance of the junction is dif- erant electrons and localized magnetization in magnetic ferentforparallel(P)andanti-parallel(AP)magnetioza- materialsleadstothefascinatingconceptofspin-transfer tion configurations and it can be experimentally mea- torque; the spin angular momentum of the electrons can sured [34, 35]. Spin-polarized resonant tunneling has be transferred to the magnetization via their mutual ex- beenintenselystudied[36–38]becauseofitspotentialfor change coupling which enables us to derive the dynam- applications in spin-transfer torque switching enhance- ics of magnetization by charge current. Sloncwezski and 2 ment [39], cavity polaritons using the resonant tunnel- F N F ing diode [40], and in the spin-dependent resonant tun- 1 L 2 neling devices for tuning the tunneling magnetoresis- 𝐦 𝐦 tance [41, 42]. 𝟏 𝛗𝟏 z 𝟐 𝛗𝟐 Inthepresentwork,weinvestigatethechargeandspin y x transport characteristics of the monolayer phosphorene F/N/F hybrid structure in which the two F regions with noncollinear magnetization are connected through the normalsegmentoflengthL. Wemodeloursystemwithin the scattering matrix formalism [43]. A similar study has been utilized in graphene [44, 45] and silicene [46]. Within the scattering formalism, we find that the trans- FIG.1. Schematicillustrationofthemonolayerphosphorene missionprobabilityofanincomingelectronfromthespin F/N/F junction: The two F regions with the magnetization σbandoftheleftFregionoftheF/N/FstructurewithP vectors m are coupled through the N region located at 0< i configurationofmagnetizationhasadecreasingbehavior x<L. with respect to an increase of the incidence angle, while a peak structure appears for an incoming σ¯-band elec- changeofthetorquecanberealizedbymeansofthegate tron in the proposed structure with small length L. We voltage in the N region and tuning the exchange field of demonstratetheappearanceofapeakstructurewithper- the F region, in addition to its magnitude changes. fect transmission for the σ-band electron together with Thispaperisorganizedasfollows. InSec. II,weintro- additionalpeaksinthetransmissionprobabilityoftheσ¯- duce the model and establish the theoretical framework band electron, by increasing the contact length L. How- which is used to calculate the transmission probabilities, ever,boththeincomingelectronsfromtheσandσ¯ bands charge conductance, spin-current density, and the spin- to the F/N/F structure with AP alignment of magneti- transfer torque. In Sec. III, we present and describe our zation vectors have decreased transmission probabilities numerical results for the proposed phosphorene-based with the increase of the angle of incidence for small con- F/N/F structure. Finally, our conclusions are summa- tactlengthsandpeakstructuresforlargecontactlengths. rized in Sec. IV. The application of a local gate voltage to the large- length N region of the F/N/F structure leads to the am- plification of transmission probability at defined angles II. MODEL AND BASIC EQUATIONS of incidence and the attenuation of the transmission at othertravelingmodesintheproposedstructurewiththe Let us consider a wide monolayer phosphorene F/N/F p-dopedNregion. Then-orp-typedopingistheprocess hybrid structure in the x − y plane, where the N re- of enhancing the magnitude of the Fermi energy in the gion of length L couples two F regions with the mag- conduction or valence band of the material, tuning the netization vectors m = m(cosφ ,sinφ ) and m = electron or hole charge carriers. Then, we evaluate how 1 1 1 2 m(cosφ ,sinφ ), as sketched in Fig. 1. The interface it is possible to control the magnitude of the charge con- 2 2 between the N and F regions are located at x = 0 and ductancebymeansofalocalgatevoltageintheNregion, x=L. It is assumed that the ferromagnetism can be in- and manipulating the magnetization directions of two F duced by means of the proximity effect when it is placed regions. DependingonthechemicalpotentialoftheFre- with a magnetic insulator. Such an F region in graphene gionµ ,thechargeconductancecanbesuppressedaway F can be produced by using an insulating ferromagnetic fromtheAPalignmentofmagnetizationandfiniteatAP substrate, or by adding F metals or magnetic impurities alignment in the n-type doped F/N/F structure. In par- on top of the graphene sheet [47–53]. The direction of ticular,itdisplaysamaximumneartheAPconfiguration the magnetization vector can be controlled by externally andaminimumatthePconfigurationinthecorrespond- applied magnetic field. ingstructurewithp-dopedNregion. Wefurtherdemon- The system is translationally invariant along the y di- strate that the proposed spin valve structure exhibits a rection and thus the y-component of the wave vector k remarkablylargemagnetoresistanceinanalogytothegi- y does not change and is conserved. The effective low- ant magnetoresistance in magnetic materials [34], which energy Hamiltonian of a quasiparticle in a monolayer canbetunedtounityfordeterminedrangesofµ . More F phosphorene, in the presence of a magnetization vector importantly, we find that the perfect spin valve effect is m in the F region, has the form preserved for large lengths of the N region and shows strong robustness with respect to increasing the chemi- H=H ⊗σˆ +τˆ ⊗m·σˆ −µ (1) 0 0 0 F cal potential µ with the local gate voltage. In addition, N we compute the equilibrium magnetic torque exerted on which acts on a four-component spinor themagneticorderparameteroftherightFregionalong (Ψ ,Ψ ,Ψ ,Ψ ). The indices c,v respectively cσ cσ¯ vσ vσ¯ the z and y directions and demonstrate the penetration label the conduction and valence bands, and σ, σ¯ of the torque into the F region. We show that the sign (σ¯ = −σ) denote the two spin subbands. The two sets 3 0 .9 direction in the Brillouin zone, where the zero-point en- ( a ) ergyisshiftedtothemiddleofthebandgap. Theisofre- quencycontoursurfaceinthekspaceofthen-(p-)doped monolayer phosphorene demonstrates the elliptic shape 0 .6 (cid:1) ,(cid:2) of the Fermi surfaces especially at low charge densities, E ] B E ergy [eV-00 ..44 E B(cid:1)E,(cid:2) E B(cid:1)E,(cid:2) ascposrosrneedespntooinndthsFetigoNs.thpe2h(σobs)(pσ¯ha)onrdbean2ne(d,c)ow.fhtTihleheetFhbeplahrceokdspli(hnboelruseenc)eo.rlirnee- En E (cid:1) ,(cid:2) Since it is not easy to control the angle of incident B E -0 .6 charge carriers, we usually compute the conductance by integratingoverthepossibleanglesofincidence. Toeval- uatethechargeconductanceoftheproposedstructureat zero temperature, we use the Landauer formula [56] -0 .9 Y ‹ G fi X 5 1 3 G(E)= g0W (cid:88) (cid:90) kσ(cid:48)i(E)T (E,k ) dk , (3) ( b ) ( c ) 2π σiσj y y σi,σj=σ,σ¯ 0 k y 0 G • k y 0 G• wmhisesrieonTσpirσojb(Eab,ikliyt)y(oTfσiaσnj =inc|otσmiσinj|g2)edleecstcrroinbefsrotmhetthraenσs- i bandoftheleftFregionwithanenergyE totheσ band j of the right F region, g = e2/h is the quantum of the 0 -5 -3 k0 3 -1 3-3 k 0 3 conductance, and kσ(cid:48)i(E)=[(E−Ec−σim)/νc]1/2. x x Wecalculatethetransmissionamplitudesoftheincom- ing σ-band electron t and t , by matching the wave σσ¯ σσ functionsofthethreeregionsoftheleftF,Nregion, and FIG. 2. (a) The dispersion relation in momentum space of the right F region (signed by 1, 2, and 3 respectively) at the monolayer phosphorene along the Y-Γ-X direction in the the two interfaces. The total wave functions in the three Brillouin zone. The black lines correspond to the N phos- regions are as follows: phorene, while the red (blue) line corresponds to the σ (σ¯) band of the F phosphorene with the magnetization m=0.03 Ψ =ΨF1++r ΨF1−+r ΨF1−, (4) eV.(b),(c)Isofrequencycontoursurfacesinthek spaceofn- 1 σ,τ σσ σ,τ σσ¯ σ¯,τ type and p-type doped phosphorene layers, respectively, for Ψ =aΨN++bΨN−+cΨN++dΨN−, (5) 2 σ,τ σ,τ σ¯,τ σ¯,τ E = 0.4557 eV and E = −0.4557 eV, with the step of 0.1 Ψ =t ΨF2++t ΨF2+, (6) eV. Red (blue) isofrequency contour surface corresponds to 3 σσ σ,τ σσ¯ σ¯,τ the σ (σ¯) band of the F phosphorene at E = µ ±m, with F where, the chemical potential µ = 0.54 eV. The energies Eσ,τ(τ¯) F BE and EBσ¯,Eτ(τ¯) define the conduction (valance) band edges for ±σχFτie−iφi twhiethtwτo=s1pi(nτ¯s=ub−baτn).dsNoofteFthpahtotshpehozreernoe-p(oσint=en1e,rσ¯gy=in−thσe) ΨFi± =AFi e±iτkxFixeikyy ±χFτi , (7) σ,τ σ,τ  σe−iφi  band structure of N phosphorene is shifted to the middle of 1 its energy band gap. and of Pauli matrices, σˆ and τˆ , act on the real spin and 0 ±χN tohfefrceoenddoumc,tiocnorraenspdonvdalienngclye, baannddµpFseuisdotshpeinchdeemgrieceasl ΨNσ,τ± =√2 ANσ,τe±iτkxNxeikyy 01τ , (8) potential of the F region. The two-dimensional k · p 0 modelHamiltonianH inthesubspaceoftheconduction 0 and valence bands can be described by (cid:18)E +η k2+ν k2 γk (cid:19)  0  H0 = c cγkxx c y Ev−ηvkx2x−νvky2 , (2) ΨNσ¯,±τ =√2 ANσ¯,τe±iτkxNxeikyy±χ0Nτ . (9) where the energies of the conduction and valence band 1 edges, E = −0.3797 eV and E = −1.2912 eV, and the c v coefficients η =0.008187, η =0.038068, ν =0.030726, c v c They are, respectively, the solutions of Eq. (1) for ν =0.004849inunitsofeVnm2,andγ =0.48inunitsof v incoming and outgoing electrons of the F region with eVnm,areobtainedfromthefirst-principlessimulations i m =m(cosφ ,sinφ ) and the N region (with m=0) at based on the density-functional theory (DFT) [54, 55]. i i i given energies εFi and εN , and transverse wave vector Figure 2(a) shows the anisotropic band energy disper- σ,τ σ,τ k , with the energy-momentum relation sion of the monolayer phosphorene along the Y −Γ−X y 4 (cid:113) εNσ,τ(Fi) = 21[HcN(Fi)+HvN(Fi)+τ 4(HcNv(Fi))2+(HcN(Fi)−HvN(Fi))2+2σm]−µN(Fi). (10) Here, µ is the chemical potential of the N(F ) region, HN(Fi) = E + η (kN(Fi))2 + ν k2, HN(Fi) = E − N(Fi) i c c c x c y v v η (kN(Fi))2−ν k2, HN(Fi) =γkN(Fi), τ =±1 denotes the conduction (valence) band, σ and σ¯ (σ¯ =−σ =−1) refer v x v y cv x to the two spin subbands, and θ = arctan(k /kN(Fi)) indicates the angle of propagation of the electron. Also, N(Fi) y x thetwopropagationdirectionsalongthexaxisaredenotedby±inΨN(Fi)±. Noteagainthatm=0intheNregion. σ,τ The propagating electron in the N(F ) region with the velocity i   2γ2+(HN(Fi)−HN(Fi))(η +η ) vxN,τ(Fi) =kxN(Fi)ηc−ηv+τ(cid:113) c v c v , (11) 4(HN(Fi))2+(HN(Fi)−HN(Fi))2 cv c v (cid:113) hasthelongitudinalwavevectorkN(Fi) =[( EN(Fi)−2γ2+η EN(Fi)−η E )/(η2 −η2)]1/2, withE =(E +k2ν ), x 3 − 2 + 1 + − 1 − y + EN(Fi) =(E +2σm−2µ +k2ν ),EN(Fi) =4γ4+4γ2(−η EN(Fi)+η E )+(η E −η EN(Fi))2,E =E ±E ,η = 2 + N(F) y − 3 − 2 + 1 − 1 + 2 ± c v ± η ±η , and ν =ν ±ν . The other parameters in Eqs. (7), (8), and (9) are defined by c v ± c v (cid:113) HN(Fi)−HN(Fi)+τ 4(HN(Fi))2+(HN(Fi)−HN(Fi))2 χN(Fi) = c v cv c v , τ 2HN(Fi) cv (cid:118) AN(Fi) =(cid:117)(cid:117)(cid:116) (cid:126)vxN(Fi) . σ,τ 4ηckxN(Fi)|χN(Fi)|2+4γ Re(χN(Fi))−4ηvkxN(Fi) τ τ (12) Finally,fromtheobtainedexpressionsofthetransmission the direction of the spin Pauli matrices. From now on, amplitudest andt (seetheAppendix),wedefinethe since we consider only incoming and outgoing quasipar- σσ¯ σσ spin-current density as [57] ticlesfromtheconductionbandsoftheFregion,wethus simplify χFτi,σ(σ¯) using χFi,σ(σ¯). The components of the (cid:126) Jlx(r)= Re(cid:88)[Ψ†(r)σˆ ⊗vˆ Ψ(r)], (13) spin-current density are obtained as follows: S 2 l x ky where vˆ =(cid:126)−1(∂H/∂k ), and the superscript l denotes x x JSxx =Re{Aσ∗F2t∗σσ(4AFσ2tσσRe[χF2,σ](η−kxF2,σ+γcosφ2)−2AFσ¯2tσσ¯eix(kxF2,σ¯−kxF2,σ)(χ∗F2,σ +χF2,σ¯)(kxF2,σ¯η+ −iγsinφ2)) −A∗σ¯F2t∗σσ¯(4AFσ¯2tσσ¯Re[χF2,σ¯](−η−kxF2,σ¯ +γcosφ2)+2AFσ2tσσe−ix(kxF2,σ¯−kxF2,σ)(χ∗F2,σ¯ +χF2,σ)(kxF2,ση+ +iγsinφ2))}, (14) JSyx =−Im{Aσ∗F2t∗σσ(4iAFσ2tσσIm[χF2,σ](η+kxF2,σ+γcosφ2)+2AFσ¯2tσσ¯eix(kxF2,σ¯−kxF2,σ)(χ∗F2,σ −χF2,σ¯)(kxF2,σ¯η+ −iγ ×sinφ2))+Aσ∗¯F2t∗σσ¯(4iAFσ¯2tσσ¯Im[χF2,σ¯](η−kxF2,σ¯ −γcosφ2)+2AFσ2tσσe−ix(kxF2,σ¯−kxF2,σ)(χ∗F2,σ¯ −χF2,σ)(kxF2,ση+ +iγsinφ ))}, (15) 2 JSzx =Re{Aσ∗F2t∗σσ(2AFσ2tσσ(|χF2,σ|2−1)(η−kxF2,σ+γcosφ2)−2AFσ¯2tσσ¯eix(kxF2,σ¯−kxF2,σ)(χ∗F2,σχF2,σ¯ −1)(kxF2,σ¯η+ −iγ ×sinφ2))+Aσ∗¯F2t∗σσ¯(−2AFσ¯2tσσ¯(|χF2,σ¯|2−1)(−η−kxF2,σ¯ +γcosφ2)−2AFσ2tσσe−ix(kxF2,σ¯−kxF2,σ)(χ∗F2,σ¯χF2,σ −1) ×(kF2,ση +iγsinφ ))}. (16) x + 2 It is worthwhile mentioning that the anisotropic fea- tureofthebandstructureappearsintheaforementioned 5 (a ) (cid:1) = 0.65 e V (b ) (cid:1) = 0.65 e V gatingwiththeenergyequaltothechemicalpotentialµF 1 .0 0 (cid:1) 1 .0 0 (cid:1) to the σ (σ¯) band of the right F region in the proposed F/N/Fstructurewithdifferentalignmentsofmagnetiza- 0 .7 5 0 .7 5 tion vectors. Due to the translational invariance along 0 .5 0 (cid:1)(cid:1)= (cid:1)(cid:2)= 0 0 .5 0 (cid:1)(cid:1)= 0 ,(cid:1)(cid:2)= (cid:1) they direction,they-componentofthewavevectorky is T00 ..02 05 TTTT (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) ((((LLLL ////aaaa xxxx ====1122000000)))) 00 ..02 05 TTTT (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) ((((LLLL ////aaaa xxxx ====1122000000)))) cccoiedrnFetsianegicrunevretefdyop.r3eTdspihfforeefersrteeerfnnaottnrsest,mrtathihnsesesimrboeneiswhssaiiaolvlrnieobrpfeorroocbrfciietdtsidhcseaeesln.taarnbagonlvseemswiosfhsiiiocnhn- 0 (cid:1) (cid:1) 0 (cid:1) (cid:1) 4 2 4 2 probabilities in terms of the angle of incidence θ for F1 (cid:1) = - 0.65 (cid:1) = - 0.65 the parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP) configuration of (c ) e V (d ) e V 01 ..70 50 TT TT (cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)((((LLLL ////aaaaxxxx====11220(cid:1)0000000))00)) 01 ..70 50 T TT T(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1)((((LLLL////aaaaxxxx====1122(cid:1)00000000))00)) mW)tyaepgsneeedttoitzphaeetdicoNhne,rmreegicsiaoplnecsptµoivtFeenl=yt,ia0inl.5o4tfheteVhleeafnntd-atyµnpNder=Figh±atn0dp.6a5nn-ee(Vlps-,. respectively, and the exchange field m = 0.03 eV. Since T0 .5 0 (cid:1)(cid:1)= (cid:1)(cid:2)= 0 0 .5 0 (cid:1)(cid:1)= 0 ,(cid:1)(cid:2)= (cid:1) theexchangefieldisfinite,thestrengthofthebarrierpo- tential is different for incoming electrons from different 0 .2 5 0 .2 5 spinsubbands[seeFig. 2(a)]. InthePconfiguration,the 0 .0 0 0 (cid:1) (cid:1) 0 .0 0 0 (cid:1) (cid:1) transmission probability Tσσ (Tσσ = |tσσ|2) is less than 4 2 4 2 theT andmonotonicallydecreaseswithθ forasmall (cid:1) (cid:1) σ¯σ¯ F1 length of the N region (L/a ), while a peak structure F F x 1 1 . with unit transmission appears for T [see Fig. 3(a)]. σ¯σ¯ Increasing the L/a value leads to the appearance of a FIG. 3. Top (bottom) panel: The transmission probabilities x peak structure for T together with additional peaks forincomingelectronsfromσandσ¯bandsoftheleftFregion σσ with unit amplitudes for T . The unity is attained in intheF/N/Fstructurewithn-(p-)dopedNregionversusthe σ¯σ¯ prerequisite condition when kNL = nπ, where n is an aanntgilpeaorafllienlc(idφen=ce0θ,Fφ1 f=orπt)hceonpfiargaulrlealti(oφn1of=mφa2gn=eti0za)taionnd, integer value [37]. In the APxconfiguration, the trans- 1 2 whenµ =0.54eVforbothFregionsandm=0.03eV.The mission probabilities of both the σ and σ¯ band electrons F energy of the propagating electrons is equal to µ . have decreasing behavior with θ , and peak structures F F1 with T <1 appear with the increase of the contact σσ¯(σ¯σ) length[seeFig. 3(b)]. Notethatthereisacriticalangleof equations. Finally,havingcalculatedtheabove-foundex- incidence defined as θσ¯σ = arcsin(k(cid:48)/k(cid:48)) for the incom- c σ σ¯ pressions of JSlx, we can compute the l component of the ingelectronfromtheσ¯bandabovewhichthecorrespond- spin-transfertorque,exertedonthemagnetizationvector ing wave becomes evanescent and does not contribute to of the right F region, using the following formula, any transport of charge. We find (not show) that de- creasing the value of the exchange field m leads to the τl =∂Jlx/∂x. (17) STT S enhancement of the transmission probabilities T and σ,σ¯ T , and appearance of the peak structure with perfect The resulting spin-transfer torque and also the charge σ¯,σ transmissions. We mention that the transmission prob- conductance of the F/N/F junction will be discussed in abilities between different spin subbands (T , T ) in the next section. σ,σ¯ σ¯,σ thePconfigurationandalsobetweenequalspinsubbands (T , T ) in the AP configuration are equal to zero. σ,σ σ¯,σ¯ III. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND Furthermore, the effect of a local gate voltage in the DISCUSSIONS N region of the proposed structure on the transmission probabilities is shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 3 for In this section, we present our numerical results ob- the P [Fig. 3(c)] and AP [Fig. 3(d)] configurations. It is tained usingthe numerical transmission amplitudes, and seen that increasing the L/ax value leads to the perfect Eqs. (3), (13), and (17). All of the energies µF, µN, and transmission, where kxNL = nπ is satisfied, at defined m are in units of eV. We scale the length of the N region angles of incidence and attenuation of the transmission L, in units of the lattice constant in the x (armchair) at other traveling modes, in the corresponding structure direction a = 4.63 ˚A. Note that the chemical potential with p-doped N region. x is considered the same for the both F regions. B. Charge conductance A. Transmission probability Now,weproceedtoinvestigatethechargeconductance First, we evaluate the transmission probability of the of the proposed F/N/F structure at zero temperature. electron from the σ (σ¯) band of the left F region propa- WeconsidertwocasesforthechemicalpotentialoftheF 6 1.5 (a)F.44 eV G0.7 1.5 (b)F.54 eV G1.6 1 (a) [eV]1.0 0.5 1.0 1.1 0.8 0.6 R 0.2 0.56 0.5 0 0.5 0.060 M0.4 µµµFF===000...44549eVeeVV µµFF==01..75 eeVV -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 F   0.2   -0.5 (c)F.44 eV G -0.5 (d)F.54 eV G 0 0.7 1.6 1.0 0.8 0.6µ [eV] 0.6 0.8 1 − − − V] 0.5 1.1 N  [e-1.0 -1.0 (b) 0.2 0.56 1 -1.5 0 -1.5 0.060 0.8 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0     . 0.6 R FthIeGF. /4N./FTosptru(bctoutrteomw)ithpann-e(lp:-)TdohpeedchNargreegcioonnd(uinctuannictes ooff M0.4 µµµFF===000...44549eVeeVV g W/2π) versus the magnetization direction of the left F re- µF=0.7 eV 0 0.2 µF=1.5 eV gionφ1 andthechemicalpotentialoftheNregionµN fortwo F valuesofthechemicalpotentialoftheFregionsµ =0.44eV F (left panel) and µ = 0.54 eV (right panel), when m = 0.03 0 F eV, φ2 =0, and L/ax =20. 0 25 50 75 100 L/a x . region: Eσ¯,τ ≤ µ < Eσ,τ and µ ≥ Eσ,τ (see Fig. 2). BE F BE F BE The energies Eσ¯,τ and Eσ,τ define the conduction-band FIG. 5. Magnetoresistance of the spin valve structure versus BE BE edges for the two spin-subbands of the F region. The the chemical potential µN for m=0.03 eV, when L/ax =20 (a)andthelengthoftheNregionL/a ,whenµ =0.65eV incoming quasiparticles from the left F region with the x N chemical potential in the range Eσ¯,τ ≤ µ < Eσ,τ are (b) for different values of µF. BE F BE completely dominated by the electrons from the (σ¯,τ) band with σ¯ =−1 and τ =1 while for the case of µ ≥ F Eσ,τ, the incoming electrons are from both (σ,τ) and eV, the charge conductance is finite for small ranges of BE (σ¯,τ) bands with σ =−σ¯ =1 and τ =1. µ . For these values of µ , interestingly it is seen that N N Thebehaviorofthechargeconductanceofthen-doped thechargeconductancecanbereducedatthePconfigu- F/N/F structure (in units of g W/2π) versus the chemi- ration and enhanced near the AP configuration. Impor- 0 cal potential of the N region, µ , and the magnetization tantly, we find that the charge conductance of the case N direction of the left F region, φ1, are demonstrated in µF = 0.54 eV is finite for small ranges of µN in con- Figs. 4(a) and 4(b) for µ = 0.44 eV (µ < Eσ,τ) and trast to the corresponding n-doped structure, where the F F BE µ = 0.54 eV (µ ≥ Eσ,τ), when the magnetization di- chargeconductancecannotbesuppressedforAPconfig- F F BE rection of the right F region, m , is fixed to φ =0, and uration. These results reflect the anisotropic behavior of 2 2 L/a = 20. As seen, the charge conductance is an even the quasiparticles in the conduction and valance bands x functionofφ andoscillatesbyvaryingµ withthegate of the monolayer phosphorene. 1 N voltage. The oscillations can be understood in the con- With the above-found behavior of the charge conduc- text of the Fabry-Pe´rot oscillations [58]. Interestingly, tance,weevaluatethemagnetoresistanceoftheproposed the charge conductance can be very small (∼ zero) away spin valve structure defined as the relative difference of from the AP configuration of magnetization (φ = ±π) the charge conductance in the two P and AP configura- 1 depending on the value of µ , when µ = 0.44 eV [see tions, MR = (G −G )/G . The behavior of the re- N F P AP P Fig. 4(a)], while in the case of µ = 0.54 eV, it is seen sultingMRintermsofµ andthelengthoftheNregion F N fromFig. 4(b)thatthechargeconductanceisfiniteeven are presented respectively in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b), for dif- at the AP configuration. The corresponding results for ferentvaluesofµ . Weobservethatthespinvalveeffect F the case of the p-doped N region are plotted in the bot- can be perfect (with MR=1) for the case of µ =0.44 F tom panel of Fig. 4 [Figs. 4(c) and 4(d)]. For µ =0.44 eV (µ < Eσ,τ). This perfect switching is robust with F F BE 7 respect to an increase of the chemical potential of the 9 N region. Increasing µ leads to the oscillatory behav- F φ =π/2 1 ior of the MR with respect to µ , such that the period N 6 φ1=π/6 and amplitude of the oscillations differ for the two cases φ =π/36 of n-type and p-type doped N regions. The amplitude 3− 1 0 3 of the MR decreases with increasing µF and tends to 1 × zero for the highly doped F region. Note that the exis- T tence of a band gap in the dispersion of the monolayer y ST 0 phosphorene causes a gap in MR for Eσ,τ¯ < µ < Eσ¯,τ τ BE N BE (Eσ,τ¯ defines the energy of the valance-band edge for 3 BE − the spin σ band). Moreover, it is shown in Fig. 5(b) that the perfect spin valve effect is preserved for large 6 − lengths of the N region, when µF = 0.44 eV. This is 0 250 500 750 1000 similar to the behavior of the pseudo-magnetoresistance 9 inthemonolayer-graphene-basedpseudospinvalvestruc- φ =π/2 ture [59, 60]. For µ > Eσ,τ, MR shows an oscillatory 1 F BE 6 φ =π/6 behavior with respect to the L/a value with the ampli- 1 x φ =π/36 3 1 tude which decreases with µ and goes to zero for high − F 0 3 values of µ . The oscillatory behavior of the MR with 1 F × respect to the chemical potential µN and the length L T T 0 can be explained in the context of the Fabry-Pe´rot oscil- z S τ lations [58], too. 3 − 6 C. Spin-transfer torque − 0 250 500 750 1000 Finally, we evaluate the behavior of the spin-transfer x´/a torque exerted on the magnetic order parameter of the x . right F region in the proposed F/N/F structure. Three- layer structures consisting of two magnetic layers sepa- FIG. 6. The spin-transfer torques (a) τy and (b) τz (in STT STT ratedbyaconductingnonmagneticspacerlayerarewell- units of W/4π) as a function of the distance from the N/F known systems that exploit spin-transfer torque effects. interface for three different values ofφ , when µ =0.44 eV, 1 F Whenapplyingachargecurrentperpendiculartothelay- µN =0.65 eV, m=0.03 eV, φ2 =0, and L/ax =20. ers, one of the magnetic layers, referred to as the pinned layer, acts as a spin polarizer. When the spin-polarized electrons reach the second layer, referred to as the free layer,theyaccumulateattheinterfaceandtherebyexert based [44]spinvalvestructures,wherethevastmajority a torque onto the free layer. of the torque is absorbed in the interface region. Figure 6 presents the dependence of the spin-transfer torques τy and τz (in units of W/4π) on the dis- The top panel of Fig. 7 shows the behavior of the STT STT tance x´ (x´=x−L) from the N/F interface for different torquecomponentsabsorbedattheN/Finterface(x´=0) values of φ1. We fix φ2 = 0, so that the component of in terms of µN and φ1, when the magnetization orienta- the torque parallel to the magnetization of the right F tion of the right F region is fixed to φ = 0. The spin- 2 region, τx , is zero. As seen, the total magnetic torque transfer torque is seen to be an odd function of φ and STT 1 is not absorbed at the N/F interface and penetrates into oscillates with µ . The sign and magnitude of τy can N STT the right F region. The torque components exhibit es- be modulated by tuning µ with the gate voltage, while N pecially damped oscillatory behavior and their ampli- the sign of τz can-not be changed. Also, the mag- STT tudes diminish with decreasing φ1. It is seen from Eqs. nitude of τy is two orders of magnitudes larger than STT (14), (15), (16), and (17) that the torque components τz . Interestingly, changing the exchange field m/µ STT F possess the terms proportional to ei(kxF2,σ¯−kxF2,σ)x which value leads to the sign change of the torque τSyTT in ad- causetheconventionalrapidoscillationsonalengthscale dition to its magnitude changes [see Fig. 7(c)]. How- 2π(kF2,σ¯ − kF2,σ) ∼ 1/m. These oscillations originate ever, the magnitude of the torque component τz in- x x STT from the interference between electrons with opposite creases with increasing the m/µ value, and can be two F spin-indices. Moreover, we find that the amplitudes of ordersofmagnitudelargerthanthatoftheτy . Alarge STT the torque components decay with x´−1. The penetra- discrepancy between τz and τy originates from the STT STT tion of the spin transfer torque into the right F region in anisotropic band structure of phosphorene. Note that thephosphorene-basedF/N/Fstructureissimilartothat in the graphene F/N/F structure, τz is qualitatively STT in the ferromagnetic superconductor- [61] and graphene- similar to τy [44]. STT 8 behavior with respect to the angle of incidence for small contact lengths and peak structures with the amplitudes T < 1 for larger lengths L. Also, applying a local σσ¯(σ¯σ) gate voltage to the N region with large length L am- plifies the transmission probability at defined angles of incidence and attenuates it at other traveling modes in the corresponding F/N/F structure with the p-doped N region. Moreover,wehaveshownthatthechargeconductance of the proposed structure can be changed significantly bytuningthechemicalpotentialoftheNregionµ ,and N the relative orientation of the magnetization directions in the two F regions. Interestingly, the charge conduc- tanceofthen-typedopedF/N/Fstructurecanbealmost zero away from the AP configuration of magnetization, fordeterminingranges ofthechemical potential oftheF region µ . More importantly, it attains a minimum at F the P configuration and a maximum near the AP config- urationinthecorrespondingstructurewithp-typedoped . N region. We have further demonstrated that the pro- posed structure exhibits a relative difference of the elec- FIG. 7. Top panel: The spin-transfer torques (a) τy and STT trical resistance in the P and AP alignments of magneti- (b) τz (in units of W/4π) versus the orientation of the STT zation, which can be tuned to unity for defined values of magnetization vector m , φ , and the chemical potential of 1 1 µ . Thisperfectspinvalveeffectismorerobustwithre- theNregionµ ,whenm=0.03eV.Bottompanel: (c)τy F and (d) τz Nversus φ and the magnitude of the exchaSnTgTe specttoanincreaseofµN andispreservedevenforlarge STT 1 lengths of the N region. Furthermore, we have evaluated fieldm/µ (inunitsofthechemicalpotentialoftheFregion), F whenµ =0.65eV.Themagnetizationvectorm isfixedto the equilibrium spin-transfer torque, which can be used N 2 x axis (φ =0), µ =0.44 eV, and L/a =20. to derive domain-wall motion in ferromagnetic materi- 2 F x als, acting on the magnetization of the right F region. We have found that the total torque is not absorbed in the interface region, and both the magnitude and sign of the torque components can be controlled by tuning µ IV. CONCLUSION N and the exchange field of the F region. In conclusion, we have investigated the magnetotrans- port characteristics of a monolayer phosphorene ferro- V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT magnetic/normal/ferromagnetic (F/N/F) junction with noncollinear magnetization. We have found that the ThisworkispartiallysupportedbyIranScienceElites transmissionprobabilitiesoftheincomingelectronsfrom Federation. thespinσ andσ¯ bandsoftheFregionhavedifferentbe- haviorbyincreasingtheangleofincidencetotheF/N/F structure with parallel (P) alignment of magnetization VI. APPENDIX: SPIN-DEPENDENT vectors, when the length of the N region L is small. The TRANSMISSION AMPLITUDES transmission probability has a monotonically decreasing behaviorwiththeincidenceangleforanincomingσ-band As said before, we calculate the transmission ampli- electron, while a peak structure appears for an incident tudes t and t by matching the wave functions of the σσ σσ¯ σ¯-bandelectron. IncreasingthecontactlengthLleadsto three regions of the left F region, the N region, and the the appearance of a peak structure with unit transmis- right F region at the two interfaces, namely x = 0 and sion for the incoming σ-band electron and the enhance- x=L. Those amplitudes read as ment of the peak number in the transmission probabil- ity of the incoming σ¯-band electron, while the transmis- fσσ(σ¯) t = , (18) sion probabilities T and T , of both the incoming σ- σσ(σ¯) f(cid:48) σσ¯ σ¯σ σσ(σ¯) andσ¯-bandelectronstotheproposedstructurewithanti- parallel(AP)alignmentofmagnetizationhavedecreasing with fσσ =−2AFσ1χF1,σχNτ ei(kxNL+φ2)(eiφ1 +eiφ2)[−(χF1,σ¯ +χNτ )(χF2,σ¯ +χNτ )+(χNτ −χF1,σ¯)(χNτ −χF2,σ¯)e2ikxNL], (19) 9 fσ(cid:48)σ =AFσ2eikxF2,σL[2(χF1,σ¯χF1,σ −χNτ 2)(χNτ 2−χF2,σ¯χF2,σ)ei(2kxNL+φ1+φ2)−χNτ 2(χF1,σ¯ −χF1,σ)(χF2,σ¯ −χF2,σ) ×e2i(kxNL+φ1)−χNτ 2(χF1,σ¯ −χF1,σ)(χF2,σ¯ −χF2,σ)e2i(kxNL+φ2)+(χF1,σ¯ −χNτ )(χF1,σ −χNτ )(χF2,σ¯ −χNτ ) ×(χF2,σ −χNτ )ei(4kxNL+φ1+φ2)+(χF1,σ¯ +χNτ )(χF1,σ +χNτ )(χF2,σ¯ +χNτ )(χF2,σ +χNτ )ei(φ1+φ2)], (20) fσσ¯ =2AFσ1χF1,σχNτ ei(kxNL+φ2)(σeiφ1 −eiφ2)[−(χF1,σ¯ +χNτ )(χF2,σ¯ +χNτ )+(χNτ −χF1,σ¯)(χNτ −χF2,σ¯)e2ikxNL], (21) fσ(cid:48)σ¯ =AFσ2eikxF2,σL[2(χF1,σ¯χF1,σ −χNτ 2)(χNτ 2−χF2,σ¯χF2,σ)σei(2kxNL+φ1+φ2)−χNτ 2(χF1,σ¯ −χF1,σ)(χF2,σ¯ −χF2,σ) ×σe2i(kxNL+φ1)−χNτ 2(χF1,σ¯ −χF1,σ)(χF2,σ¯ −χF2,σ)e2i(kxNL+φ2)+(χF1,σ¯ −χNτ )(χF1,σ −χNτ )(χF2,σ¯ −χNτ ) ×(χF2,σ −χNτ )σei(4kxNL+φ1+φ2)+(χF1,σ¯ +χNτ )(χF1,σ +χNτ )(χF2,σ¯ +χNτ )(χF2,σ +χNτ )σei(φ1+φ2)]. 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