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:: JUL 2008 $2.95 Alexi Illinois state treasurer Giannoulias the face of a new generation in politics The congressional races in Ohio: Jane Mitakides and Jim Trakas Greek Minister Kostas Kiltidis on new Greek products knocking on our door Alexandra Patsavas provides the sounds we hear in film and television Greek-Canadian folk musician Pavlo crosses the border Pops Goes Hellenic in Boston S From The Editor 6 The Sun also rises Shaping the Sounds of Television and Film: 10 Alexandra Patsavas T Jane Mitakides for 12 “an America of opportunity and optimism” 14 Dean Skelos NY Senate Majority Leader N 15 Meet congressional hopeful Jim Trakas 18 New Greek food products knocking at the US door E Alexi Giannoulias’ only promise: 20 “To make us all proud, all the time” T 22 Pops goes hellenic 26 Summer is here N 28 A Greek introduces EU to American students 30 Gus Bilirakis in Brooklyn O Greek-Canadian folk musician Pavlo crosses the 32 border for a PBS Special and USA - Canadian Tour 34 Heavy Metal under... heavy rain! C Growing Up With Loukoumi children’s book author 36 grants contest winners three dream days 38 A RARE View of Young Professionals! :: magazine Editor in Chief: Dimitri C. Michalakis [email protected] :: Features Editor THE SUN ALSO RISES Katerina Georgiou [email protected] :: The sun is rising on a new generation of political leaders in America and the list is growing in the Western Region Desk Greek American community in particular. Alexi Giannoulias of Illinois is a prime example of a young Irma Seferi-Goodenough man with a promising career in private life (banking) but who instead decided to “bank” his future in :: Baltimore Desk public service. Georgia Vavas “I think getting people in office who are not only Greek-Americans, but qualified, capable, intelligent, (410) 227-2560 passionate Greek leaders, is extremely important,” says Giannoulias, the Illinois state treasurer and [email protected] youngest elected in U.S. history. “I also think if they see someone who’s young, with energy and :: enthusiasm, really excited about public service, they might get excited too.” Photo/Fashion ETA Press Gus Bilirakis from Florida has his father Mike’s example. The elder Bilirakis was a mainstay of the Christos Kavvadas Florida congressional delegation and Gus honed his own political skills in his father’s campaigns—in Alexandros Giannakis fact, he was the one who convinced his father to run for public office. “I was 18 years old and in high :: school when I encouraged him to run for Congress; it was an open congressional seat,” says Gus. Graphic Design “We had these testing-the-waters meetings and he didn’t plan to run, it just happened.” NEOgraphics Inc. Florida is a hotbed of political activity lately, with Governor Charlie Crist being mentioned prominently Adrian Salescu as a John McCain running mate. “Charlie would give Elvis a run for his money,” said Ken Pruitt, the Republican leader in the Florida state Senate. “That’s how popular he is in Florida. If McCain wants to Publishing Committee Chairman: win this state in November, Charlie Crist is a no-brainer [as running mate].” Demetrios Rhompotis [email protected] Another political hotbed is Ohio, which has a sitting representative in Zach Space and two more :: making their bid: Jane Mitakides from Dayton and Jim Trakas from Cleveland. “I am running for Marketing and Advertising Director Congress because I believe it is a time for leadership focused on an America of opportunity and Kyprianos Bazenikas optimism,” says Mitakides, expressing the aspirations that in fact brought many immigrants to [email protected] America. And Jim Trakas has a compelling argument for a Greek American being elected: “As a Greek :: American, I have chosen to run for Congress with the wisdom that those who invented our Athens Liaison democracy can help perfect it.” Konstantinos Rhompotis (01130) 210 51 42 446 And out west in Nevada there is the eternally-feisty Dina Titus, the state senate minority leader and a political science professor, who lost her bid to become governor but is now running for a House seat (01130) 6937 02 39 94 on a typically independent platform: “I am running for Congress because I believe the people in CD3 [email protected] need and deserve a champion for their interests, not a pawn of the special interests. The first time I ran for office, I said, ‘I think for myself and nobody owns me.’ It was true then; it was true throughout Check our website my years in the State Senate; it is true now; and it will be true when I’m in Congress.” www.neomagazine.com Out west there is also Mike Angelides—Wait a second, is he running for something again?--Not right NEO Magazine now, but with Schwarzenneger’s numbers tanking again can Angelides be quiet for very long? is published monthly by Neocorp Media Inc. P.O. Box 560105 College Point, NY 11356 Phone: (718) 554-0308 Dimitri C. Michalakis e-Fax: (718) 878-4448 [email protected] COVER PHOTO BY ETA PRESS Check (payable to NEOCORP MEDIA) 1 Year Subscription SUBSCRIPTION CARD Mail To: NEOCORP MEDIA 12 Issues for $29.95 P.O. Box 560105 College Point, NY 11356 :: magazine VISA MASTER CARD AMEX NAME ADDRESS NAME CARD# CITY STATE ZIP EXPIRATION DATE: TELEPHONE# E-MAIL SIGNATURE by Kaymaria Daskarolis PEOPLE & PLACES Owner of Chop Shop Music Supervision and Chop Shop Records, Alexandra Patsavas is one of the key players determining what we hear when we watch television or go to the movies. The granddaughter of Greek immigrants and the daughter of lifelong educators, Patsavas is pioneering new territory in the music industry while educating viewers and listeners worldwide. Along with her team of musical coordinators at Chop Shop Music Supervision, Patsavas delivers the signature sounds of many films and television shows. Through her new label, Chop Shop Records, Patsavas is expanding her reach. How did you decide to become a business television show to shape the signature sound more hours on top of those regular hours. owner yourself? of the music of the project. That can include I never set out to own my own business. I set the theme song, any song that’s sung on Like your participation in the Tribeca out to work in the music industry. I started at camera, the soundtrack that accompanies the Film Festival? the university and then actually had my own project, the songs that are used within the Right. Which was so fun. It’s always small business very early on booking shows body of the episodes or films, . . . it’s really something I look forward to doing. This year I and talent for the university. I went on to anything that has to do with music. announced one of my bands, The Republic work with a number of big companies: Triad Tigers, who released the first album on my Artists, which became part of William What do you like most about your job? new label. I also got to curate some music for Morris; Roger Corman’s company Concorde I enjoy the incredible intelligence and the Tribeca Film Festival. We tried to focus a Films; and then BMI. Finally I started my creativity of the people I get to interact with. bit on New York music with The Hold Steady own company about 10 years ago, in January That’s what makes this job so satisfying. And and The Virgins, which I’ve used quite a bit 1998. I started my own company because I I have always had such a strong affinity for on Gossip Girl. felt like it was one of the few ways I could music. This is a way I can not only focus on control what I worked on. But I interact with brand-new artists, unsigned artists, and little- The Bad Veins, the fourth band you featured, many big companies and now I have a joint known artists, but also classics from this won the Target Music Maker Award. Target venture with Atlantic Records. century and the last. generously gave a $10,000 unrestricted cash prize that the band can use in any way they Why did you choose Atlantic? What are some of the biggest challenges want. It’s really fantastic to be able to do I felt like they were very open to what I of your work? things like that. wanted to do. They are really fantastic at Timeframes can be very challenging, artist development, as well as working a band especially as we move on later into a television Listeners in Greece and other countries once they’re signed. season. The schedule from when the episodes where shows like The O.C. are syndicated are actually shot until when they air is more are being introduced to music they’ve Is Chop Shop Records focusing on a compressed. We definitely have to hustle in never heard before because of you and particular genre of music? order to get everything not only approved your team. How does that feel? We do focus on indie rock. Certainly you can creatively but cleared legally for air, and that’s It’s fantastic. How rewarding is that? That find me on my MySpace page for submissions challenging. The creative process is we’re making an impact. That is super (www.myspace.com/chopshoprecordlabel). I challenging in general. Sometimes it takes a rewarding. I would love very much to go to a don’t see branching out of my comfort zone little while to find the perfect music for conference in Greece sometime. I’m sure too much. something. there’s a music business conference that takes place in Athens. I get a lot of e-mail from When it comes to actual music How is the experience different when you Greece, actually. supervision as opposed to the record are supervising the music for a show like label, how do you feel about branching Without A Trace where the music is How did you feel when you learned you out of your comfort zone? setting the tone and the mood as opposed had been nominated for a Grammy? I enjoy that. I enjoy the music challenges of a to a show like Gossip Girl where it’s What better honor than to be honored by different musical era. Mad Men takes place in practically another character on the your peers? The Grammy committee is made 1961-1962 New York. Carnivále took place show? up of our peers so it was very exciting – in 1934. I’ve done period movies, I’ve done It’s really about the executive producers’ especially for a television soundtrack, which movies that focus on country music, we’ve expectations for what the music is going to almost never gets nominated. done episodes based on classical music or mean. I think when music is a character we ballet music, . . . that’s what makes this job so certainly focus a lot on the music culture When did you first feel like you got to a interesting. It’s the constant challenge of a surrounding the character. On Gossip Girl I place where you could call your own hip-hop episode, of a historical episode. It’s a do a video blog, we have character playlists – shots? different scenario than a label. we create an interactive way for the fans to In the beginning, when I first started music become interested and part of the music supervising, bands were much less apt to feel Would you say this is your dream job right culture of the show. like it was a good idea to allow their music to now? be used in a film or television show. They were I couldn’t imagine a better job than the one Your job sounds really glamorous. Is it as not so into the idea of marrying their piece of that I have. glamorous as it sounds? art with a picture. It’s gotten much easier over No. (laughs) There are certainly very the years. Artists are into the opportunity What does your job as music supervisor glamorous things about it. But mostly I am in now, and that’s changed everything more actually entail? my office with my headphones on or on the than anything else. The music supervisor is hired by the director phone. I keep very regular hours and then of a film or the executive producers of a 10 NEO magazine :: July 2008 NEO magazine :: July 2008 11 GREEKS IN POLITICS Jane Mitakides for “an America of opportunity and optimism” A native Daytonian with a background in strategic communications and investor relations, Jane Mitakides understands the importance of a sound economic policy, fair trade agreements and policies that will bring encourage business growth and add jobs to our community. As founder of Ohio- based Helsley Advertising, she has worked with businesses all over America, gaining an in-depth knowledge of business and investor relations that will serve our region well. Awards for her work include prestigious ANDY, ADDY and CLIO. “I am running for Congress because I believe it is time for leadership focused on an America of opportunity and optimism, beginning with an economy that works for both families and business,” she stated for NEO. “We have it within our power to make health care affordable, accessible and reliable; and to increase investments in infrastructure, energy independence, and education.” Jane Mitakides has served on a diverse variety of boards and organizations including the Development Board of St. Elizabeth Hospital, Women in Leadership, the Political Action Committee of the NAACP, and the various arts. She also brings 20 years of political and campaign experience to her role as candidate for OH-3. She is a founding member of both the Women's Council of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and The Small Business Council of the Democratic National Committee. Jane is also active with organizations focused on issues of interest to Greek Americans, and was recently honored by PSEKA, the International Coordinating Committee for Justice for Cyprus. “In Ohio, we are staggering under the burden of jobs loss, housing foreclosures and failed leadership. But I believe this is a once-in-a-generation election, an election that can be a turning point for America. I believe we can make real change, and do it sooner, rather than later.” According to Jane Mitakides, “it is time to put the partisanship Jane with husband John Mitakides of the past few years behind us, and work toward long-term and children Katie and Andrew. solutions to the challenges facing America here and abroad. We must return America to its role as a world leader in education, innovation and international understanding.” “As a local businesswoman, Jane understands what it takes to bring good jobs to our community and strengthen the middle class. In Congress, she will bring people together to get the job done for our families on issues such as healthcare, the environment, and education,” said Ohio Governor Ted Strickland. Married for 26 years to John Mitakides, a dentist who has practiced in the Dayton area for over 30 years, Jane is also the very proud mother of two children: Katie, who is completing her PhD in International Relations, and Andrew, a recent graduate of Hampden-Sydney College. 12 NEO magazine :: July 2008 GREEKS IN POLITICS Senator Skelos also wrote the law eliminating the unfair New York City “Commuter Tax” and, during his tenure as the Senate Aging Committee Chairman, the law creating the Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage (“EPIC”) program. As the Chairman of the Senate’s NextGen Task Force, Skelos wrote a comprehensive plan that resulted in the enactment of various tax credits and other incentives designed to promote the creation of high-paying jobs in the fields of high-technology and biotechnology. Moreover, he developed the landmark HELP program and passed the Long Island Workforce Housing Act to make homeownership more affordable for Long Jim hammers home the idea that he will Jim Trakas takes a look at the big picture Islanders, the New York State Center for work to revitalize Greater Cleveland's With Jim on the campaign trail, - Greater Cleveland is in need Excellence and Innovation in Homeland economy, to empower families things are looking up for Greater Cleveland! of new leadership. Security and, in 2002, the $71.5 million Long and strengthen America. Island Biotech Investment and Job Creation Program. Meet congressional hopeful ”I am truly honored by my election as leader of the Senate Republican Conference and as Majority Leader of the New York State Senate. It is a privilege to be chosen for this Jim Trakas new challenge and opportunity to serve the people of this great State,” he said after the Dean Skelos NY Senate Majority Leader sworn-in-ceremony. “All of us owe a tremendous debt of gratitude for the leadership and service of Senate Majority Greek-American State Senator Dean Skelos chairman of the legislative task force on Leader Joe Bruno. He led our conference and Second generation Greek American Jim Church in North Royalton, Ohio, Jim was Ohioans on the role that the Greeks played in (R-Rockville Centre) was elected Senate Demographic Research and the State Senate for 14 years and Trakas (R-OH 10th District) is running for elevated as a Reader of The Holy Orthodox establishing the democratic-republican ideas. majority leader late last June, entrusted with Reapportionment. distinguished himself as one of the greatest Congress this coming November along with Church by His Grace Gerasimos, Bishop of preserving his party's slim hold on its only leaders in the history of the State.” Jane Mitakides (D-OH 3rd District) and Adydos at Pittsburgh. He was an altar boy for Trakas was married at The Annunciation power base in state government. He Building upon his record of combating fraud Dina Titus (D-NV 3rd District). The 10th nearly ten years and was captain of the altar Greek Orthodox Church in Columbus Ohio succeeded Joseph Bruno, 79, who announced and abuse in government, Senator Skelos He also expressed his commitment “to Congressional District is in northeast Ohio boys for five years at St. Paul. to Anne Kennedy Trakas. They live in he would not seek re-election this fall to the negotiated an agreement ensuring that school working with Governor David Paterson and and contains part of the city of Cleveland. It Independence, Ohio and carry on the seat he's held since 1976. Skelos, 60, was district lawyers who are ineligible for public we welcome his efforts to work with us on encompasses the western and southern A member of the John M. Manos Cleveland traditions of Greek American families. Jim is crucial to Bruno becoming majority leader in pensions cannot access the state’s public these and other priority issues. We also look portion of Cuyahoga County. In the March Chapter of the Order of AHEPA, Trakas has active in cultural and art organizations that 1994. Speaking after being sworn in he listed retirement system, making school districts’ forward to working in a bipartisan spirit with 4th primary election, he won the Republican won the Periclean of the Year Award as well as glorify Greek culture and has spoken out his top priorities as property tax relief and job administrative costs more transparent and Assembly Speaker Silver and leaders Malcolm primary by getting 79.31% of the vote! the Socratan of the Year Award at his local about the continued Turkish Occupation of creation. establishing new safeguards to end school Smith and Jim Tedisco, to achieve our chapter. He is also a member of The American Cyprus as a public figure. As a member of the superintendent ‘double-dipping’ practices common goals.” "As a Greek American, I have chosen to run Hellenic Institute and contributes to IOCC in American Nationalities Movement he has Dean Skelos has been in the Senate since 1985 that have cost property taxpayers millions of for Congress with the wisdom that those who the Cleveland Area. He has been recognized championed freedom’s causes around the and is steeped in the ways of power Albany, dollars. invented our democracy, can help perfect it,” for his leadership by American Hellenic world, and has won that organization’s Man including the authority of strong majority he stated for NEO. “It is my duty to go to Institute and United Hellenic Organizations. of The Year Award for his commitment to the leaders to determine what bills even get to the Washington for the betterment of my Greek community. floor for debate. Born and raised in Rockville constituents and to de-emphasize politics, As a legislator, he has twice been Grand NY Senater Majority Leader Centre, a member of South Side High School's and solve very real problems, many of them Marshall in the Cleveland Greek Contribution checks should be made to the Dean Skelos with New York class of 1966, he received a B.A. in History created by Washington. As an Orthodox Independence Day Parade, and has helped to order of Trakas for Congress and mailed to: Mayor Mike Bloomberg from Maryland's Washington College in Christian, I plan to govern in a moral and commemorate the holiday by sponsoring 1500 West 3rd Street, Suite 120, Cleveland, 1970. He earned a law degree in 1975 from effective manner that will bring pride to my resolutions in The Ohio House of OH 44113. For on-line contributions go to the Fordham University School of Law and is constituents and rich cultural heritage." Representatives, where he was a Member http://www.jimtrakas.org/contribute.php. from 1999-2006. Jim also passed resolutions counsel to the Mineola-based law firm Ruskin Former Ohio State Representative Jim Trakas through the Legislature encouraging the U.S. The maximum contribution for an individual Moscou Evans & Faltischek. has deep roots in Greater Cleveland’s Greek Department of State to include Greece in the is $2,300 for the primary election which was Serving in the state Assembly for two years, community. His maternal grandparents hail Visa Waiver Program, as well as encouraging held on March 4, 2008, and another $2,300 Skelos was elected to the state Senate in 1984. from Platanos, Samos, Greece. His paternal the U.S. Department of State to not recognize for the general election on November 4, He is the author of Megan's law, which grandparents come from Roino, Arcadia. His FYROM with a traditional Greek name as 2008. created the New York state Sex Offender grandparents all came to the USA from 1920- wrong diplomacy for the U.S. Trakas also has Registry, and serves as the senate 1921. Vasilios Trakas fought for seven years in co-sponsored legislation to recognize the representative on the Metropolitan the Balkan Wars and WWI in the Greek Armenian Holocaust and called on the Transportation Authority's four-member Army as an infantryman and won the Turkish Government to apologize to the Capital Program Review Board, and co- regimental dance contest in 1916 as a Armenian people. He was instrumental in machine gunner. working to install a bust of Clisthenes in The A member of St. Paul Greek Orthodox Ohio House Chamber and help educate 14 NEO magazine :: July 2008 NEO magazine :: July 2008 15 Horio Extra-Virgin $27.99 Venizelos Coffee, $4.99 Nescafe Classic $7.99 Misko Pasta, $1.29 Olive Oil, 3 Lt. 16 oz. Frappe, 200 gr. 500gr. PERSPECTIVE FROM GREECE New Greek food products knocking at the US door Deputy Minister Kostas Kiltidis with Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis. By Konstantinos Rhompotis Greek agricultural products are well During your recent visit to the US, you producers, processors and exporters comparative advantages our products have in of Attica and Halkidiki. During my meeting said that the American market is in representatives, to make our products the comparison to those of other countries. Also I with the US Director of the Forestry Service placed to conquer the European and demand of more high quality Greek best in the world. would like to mention the rapid increase of Tom Harbor, who is in charge of wildfires and international markets, according to products, including and besides the organic products’ demand as well as of aerial fire extinction, we exchanged views on staple olive oil, wine and cheese. Is production capable of proving a steady products of highly dietary value. The latter the structure and function of forest services as Deputy Minister of Rural supply to the US market without altering was pointed out during my visit by the US well as on the mechanisms for fire fighting. In Development and Food of Greece Besides these particularly Greek agricultural the quality? Deputy Minister of Agriculture Mark the course of our discussion the need for the products, we are promoting and Keenum. So, the products’ promotion is more re-establishment of the Forest Service came Kostas Kiltidis, who himself belongs simultaneously demonstrating a series of We believe, as I said before, that the Greek intensive in the U.S market and with joint up. In the US, man power is primarily utilized to a new breed of leadership, willing to other products in the U.S market, as agriculture is competitive, provides efforts and initiatives we will succeed. for fire prevention, since technology alone dis. make bold moves and take risks in derivatives by the processing of the organic significant comparative advantages and has a (cameras, detectors etc,) has been proven not alKilti order to open doors and ways.“Our aim Dpreosdigunctast ioans owf eOll riagsi np (rPoDduOct)s anodf PPrrootteecctteedd hfuigtuhreer. Aqulla lwitey noefe dt hies tGo rdeeekm oangsrtircautlet utrhael cHoams petthitei vewneesask o f dthoell Garr eeakf fpercotdeduc tst hine eTfhfeec tAivme eerniocaung-hG.reek community is helping nister of RurFood Kostas aisd vtaon tbargiensg o f oouutr aaglrli cuthltousree irne loartdivere awGthltheiesoer grnnerea awtpiGv hseier ceccaetrlok oIr pn esdpm i(rcaoearrdtogiumoicnnatg st( PiicnG o pftI rh)o.e odS rUuog,c. aStwns m,ei c cta rarorkagcneuetdst, nFcporeinoiugadnhlultbycr,oti wesr she,io nmo educs.soptm eschpioaawrlil syoo fnf tthhtooe s et ohspnoeseecs i aoli fqn u oatolhiuteyrr eIth ctoehn Uion.mkS imct hacarotkn eijnut ?nscptuitree ,o of utrh ec oaudnvteryrs eh aws onroldt oeFfrxfoo aumtmnh dept ahletaei,f o fibsen ecl getPeailnddan ninaitngr egy tao hsiune. r e TnfRfuhoomero tte rsfreo osirnup r soeG nfwosrreaee yescost.efa ,tT tifohhoneer Mid for our products to gain the position of Kozani, truffles, chestnuts, pomegranate characteristics and point out the importance been affected that much. American Hellenes was immediate and n Deputy pment a othf etyh de emserinvei,s”tr hy e issa yfosr. “oTurh ec bouansitcr ya itmo Ientc .)w cahni ccher tawinalyys f inwdi tllh eiyro pula cseu.pport the itonhf tteeh ren UMat.ieSodn iatmel rmraarankrekeaetnt. s d isAeutcl, rhine a aosdr dCye,h ri tniona c, oJnlaaqpruagneer, GHroewe kc-aAnm theeri Acamne croicmanm, uanndit ye,s pheeclpia lilny tthhee utosu pcrhoiundg ,f orre coountf cirommimngo nan a nafcfeinstirtyy. that makes Greek Develo obtain a strong and competitive edge in production of these organic products? EAUus tcroaulina,t rCieasn, awdea , hRauvses isau cacnede daelmd oinst dino inalgl aruftrearl ladsetv yeelaorp’sm deinsats torfo uGsr weeilcdef,i reessp?ecially HDoemw ewtraiso sy?our meeting with Archbishop the agriculture-livestock sector, with Greece is following the common European that. We have established transparency in the orientation and within this framework there production stage (pesticides, fertilizers etc.) Before I answer your question, allow me to My meeting with Archbishop Demetrios was main advantage points the exceptional quality and the safety for the consumer is an incentive of subsidies for the production and traceability (control in every production say a few words about the catastrophic fires as a special experience for me. His presence can that our products are already famous for.” Important assurances as the outcry of the organic products aiming at the and processing stage). well as about the actions taken by the be compared to a beacon of light, not only for infrastructure enforcement for their long Ministry of Rural Development and Food. the Greek Orthodox people in America, but over damaged Chinese goods, and recently the salmonella-infected tomatoes are term produce and disposal in the market. After the meeting you held in the US, are The reconstruction of the areas hit by the for all Hellenes. We had the opportunity to yet to subside, leaving American consumers as preoccupied as ever. In the I would like to point that, during my recent you more optimistic about opening this catastrophic fires in 2007 is a huge challenge discuss in detail the initiatives taken by his visit to the U.S., as you previously mentioned, market to Greek products, a goal of many for us. We proceed based on plans and we are Office in order to alleviate the suffering of the meantime, the buzz over the so-called Mediterranean diet – different I had the opportunity to ascertain that the of your predecessors as well. attempting step by step the regeneration of people in the areas affected mostly by the Mediterranean versions of Greek cuisine basically – is constantly on the rise, respective subsidies’ strategy is compatible the burned areas of our country. We are wildfires. I would like to thank once again the with U.S practices. We take advantage of Certainly. The Greek agricultural products as implementing the reconstruction of the rural Americans of Greek descent, all the Greeks thanks not only to taste but to health benefits as well, leaving the space wide open every possibility, by participating to the the olive oil and the olives, the wine and the and forestry areas, taking specific actions. living abroad, all those who contributed in for high quality, naturally produced Greek goodies. Kostas Kiltidis’ interview international exhibitions, exchanging views cheeses (mainly feta) present a continuous Within this framework I would like to point the healing of wounds caused by this with colleagues, inviting to Greece penetration and un upward trend to the out that we activated the Special Forestry nightmare. with NEO was done in the wake of his recent visit to the US, where he had the representatives of other countries and always international markets and especially in the Agency financing the forestry interventions. opportunity to hold a series of meeting with key American officials, among them with the contribution of the competent inter- U.S, not because over three millions Greeks We also proceeded to the immediate drawing professional organizations as well as the live and work there, but due to the of the forest maps giving priority to the areas Deputy Minister of Agriculture Mark Keenum, and people from the industry. 18 NEO magazine :: July 2008 NEO magazine :: July 2008 19

great flamenco crossover artist, Pavlo started attracting the attention of simply take my guitar and let my fingers turn my emotion into songs like “The Iliad,” “The Odyssey” and “The Legend of Alexander,” during which the Greek
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